HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5423 P 341 1JlBl$4231'A1l3U ...... "Y. u.1L... _ _.. _.................... ~ ...-~.... -..........c.....-.............. ~'lOftU~~_~_.u"". _~.......a~....nu~~. u. S. I. R. . ...~/.~.:..~..E... '!IllS .IftIIUt.lu..madetbe'1l'th clay of Sept..ber . niDMIen hundred ~ l!U'7-thr.., IErWEEII Ernest V. E. beanen and IU.i. Kabel aaeanell, hi. wif., 'bo~ residing at Eaat Marion, .ew York, .... . . o . . JlCDtY 01 the first p31, and Steve lIorai t18 and De.pina lIora! 't1., hi. _ife, ~ both residing at 660 We.t 180th street, 01ty, Oounty and Stat. o~ New York, ~ I' I i party of the second part. ! WITNESSETH. that the party 01 the first part, in conslderotion of Ten Dollars and other valuable 0JI1: Bideratl.on pcdd by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the beirs or successora and asslgnll 01 the party 01 the second part forever. AlL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and 1m~ta thereon erec:ted situate,lyinq and being iUIa at Eaat Jlar1QR.t.....:r2JD_iIlj Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,/d..Bfflldax tollow.: Beginning at a point on the northerly l1ne ot the Main Road marking the southwe8terly corner ot land ot Sohaeter and running thence along the northerly line of the MaiD Road South 79~ 041 10" West 76.46 teet to a poiDt and the south- easterly corne~ of land of Poole; thence along the easterly line ot sald land of Poole North 12~ 41' '0. We.t 159.45 feet to a post ; thence North 78~ 47' 20. Bast 77.0 f.et, thenoe South 12~ 29' 50. Bast 159.80 feet to the point or plaoe ot beginning. BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed made by Mary L. Udell, dated September 25, 1958, recorded in the Suffolk county clerk's oft ice in liber 4527 of conveyances, page 91, October 9, 1958. - .1 .