HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6206 P 60 / USIRS $2.20 .."...........- .~ ~ :/ j .. ~~ m m d _N.r. II,T.U. r_'OOI-..,I-...............o..J...c.-.....O'-..<\<OO-~.~ (.........., CONSLAT YOW LAWYIIt .DORI SIGNWG nos INSTRUMENT-THIS INITllUMINT SHOULD .. USID IIY I.A.WYIRI "'Y. l~E! 6206 PAGE 60 _ Tii .." JK .:1:-'.9- THIS INDENTIJRE, mad... the I~ day of October ,nineteen hundred and sixty-three, ~EEN Costas Stars, residinb at East Marion, New York, part)' of the first part, and Ana Mataxaa, residing at 201-27 - 26th Avenue, ~ayside. New York, party of the second part, .J WITNESSETH" that the JW11 of the lint part! in coasidentioca of Tal. DDIIan ud otbcr.......... ".6- paid by the J*t1 of the Keoad put. do. hereby ..... aDd .... ...... the JUt)' .. die ......... . ... or SUct:e$SOf1 and. uaicM of the J*1Y of the IeC:OOd. part forenr. ALL that certain plot, piece or pan:el. of land, 1tidl.9:~"" . . J1 -.......... lying and being__ at EJ.st fo.larion, Town of Southold, County of Suff'olk and State of New York, known and designated as and by lot number 3 on a certain map entitled, "Map ot stars Nanor", which said lIlap was filed in the offioe of the Clerk of Suffolk County September 19, 1963, 88 Rnd by file number 3864. TOGETW~R with a right of way over the extension northerly and then westerly of Stars Road from the northerly portion thereof 8S shown on said map to Cedar Drive. TOGETHER with a ri~bt of way over a 50 foot private road from the e88terly end of Aquaview Avenue, easterly about '34 feet to the easterly boundary of land now or formerlJ of stars. Also with a right of way 35 feet wide from sald 50 foot private road southerly, about 275 feet to Stars Road. Also with the right to use, in common with others, a strip of land 40 feet in width, the westerly line of which is the easterly boundary of land formerly of Lenz and which runs from the northerly line of said 50 foot private road northerly, about 275 feet to Long 18- land Sound. Also with the right to uee, in common with others, a parcel of beach about 40 feet by 90 feet lying easterly trom the above desoribed 40 foot right of way. SUBJECT to any state of facts an accurate survey might ahow, and to covenants, restriotions, easements, agreements, reservatioDS, and zoning regulations of record, if any. SUBJECT to the following restriction: no dwelling house erected on the premises herein conveyed shall coat lea8 than 110,000. TOGETHER with aU richt. title aad. ...... if aDJ, el tbe pulJ el tbe Int JIU't.t. '-.......,........ ram. ..... the ~ ....... to die ce*r ... .....,. '1'OGEI'IID ...... utd aD the alate ... ..... of the party of the &nt pat ia .... to .... ........ TO RAft' AJID '10 HOLD the preaa.. ba'e:ia panted _ the JlIft7 of 1M Il!IOllIIIlI .... .... ... . _ .. ...... ., the puty of the ..... put fGrnu. AND the put)' of the tint put covenants that the puty el tbe 6nt put ... .. .... . ....... ...... whereby the IUd pnmiIa "W beea eDCUIIIbend iIII .., wa)' ........ ... . ......... AND......... ..... fi... _ ............ _ _ 13 of tho Uio r-. _... tho _ " the tint put wiD receiw the ~ for tbia _..,,_" ... Wd.... __................. eration u. truIt f1lDll to be ...-s &nt far tbe puIpllR of .... tbe.. of till ~ ........ the same tint totbe~:rmmt ;,(Ibe tmt of the io.....v. "beI_.....,. ........., .....hiir any other pI:lIpl*. The word "jlUty" IbaU be COaItnted .. if it reIllI "'putieI.. .......... tile _ " ... ....... . ...... IN wrnlESS_. tho....,....... .............., -...........,.. _....- wri..... ~ ~~. ' Ilf nKDlfC&OP: ~ _ ..... . <- Co.tas are .. . ~SOll, ,," el _~"IL >' .iJ