HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6107 P 270 URA107 I'p't 271 the said beach, other than as above, and the party of the first part reserves the right to cut a canal or canals, ditch or ditches, thT"gh the said beach, and to erect brid:;es over the same, the use c; the said beach, of the waters adjoining, and of thc: beaches ant canals to be entirely at the risk of the party of the x•cond part, who is to hold the party of the first part harmless from any damage or damages which the aid party of the second part or her heirs or as:eigns may suffer while upon the said beach or in the -aid .raters, if default be made in the payment of said sum of five (u5) for the use of the beach, as provided above, and'hould such default continue :'or core J than sixty (60) days after notice and demand then the owns o:' these premises shall at the option of the party of the first Dart =orfeit all rights to the beach, and the pa_'ty of the first Dart, its successors or assigns shall have the right and power to bring all access ry actions against the owner of these premises or any part the_eof, for the collection of such sums as may be due, with interest, such sums to be and remain liens upon the above describedland until raid. The party of the second part for herself and her heirs and assigns does hereby covenant with the Party of the first cart, its successors and assigns that she will nut use or permit the said land to be used for any purposes whatever, other than dwelling or resider.- tial purposes. That no building of any kind other than one dwelling shall be erected on said premises which shall be constructed for use and occupancy by not more than one family, plans for such dwelling to be submitted to and approved by the party 01 the fil'e't part before construction is started; .hat no garage shall be erected upon said premises, unless it be erected as a part of the dwelling thereon, plan to be approved by the tarty of the first Dart as above; the loca- tion of the dwelling to be approved by the party of the first part before construction is started. .Ster complet_on no alteration or addition to such dwelling shall be made without the written consent of the party of the first Part. fhe completion of a dwelling shall, however, be su_ficient evidence of the approval of the clan thereof by the party of the first part; that no fence of any kind shall be erected or permitted on said premises (whether hedge or otherwise) imore than three feet high; that no ou:side toilet shall be erected or permitted thereon; that no poultry house of any kind, iig sty, or kennel :or more than two dogs shall be erected or permitted u:.on said premises; these covenants to be bindins as real covenants ruining j with the land, it being understood and made a condition thereof, how- ever, that they may be altered or annulled ac any time by .,hey written consent of the party of the first part, without obtaining the consent of any of the owners u1 the adjoining land. 'Pt:I', •^'LVEY„NCE is made in the regular course of business actually conducted by the party of the fist Dart. THIG D?ED is being re-recorded for tFe purpose o” ccrr,cting the spelling o` the name or the grantee fro- SARAH L. JARTH.