HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6087 P 338 ua� eK€� as1A��1_ sa1111 CT VM YNTIM aT10aa YMM1f�-41101 atMrirhr 1MMes eDRaMd� TM MonnK gy m, 2nd doyot December aielfltriYW sixty-e i;. finw� 3ARLALD RCI3I1TGTON, Jr., and BARSARA D. NOISINGTON, residing at 49 Randall Road, Princeton, Now Jersey. i �Tfu party the fine pep and M I IfkTM G64ROSA and VINCEMT GBROSA, both t d a rl ass idirk; at 1793 Riverside Drive, New York, New York, as Joint �- 'u r Pts, and not as Tenants in Common, G arty of tb aaooed FaM M1RNOfiNM that the party of the lint part is coidhd�ridaa of Too 0/an ad atter Tphadda tar. , .,, ddentae paid y� the parry of the armed pro don d r'dlra ads da ptfy of M reined part the tiara or tawason and ar 4w of the party d lie setl pall lotwr. ALL that cerWn plok. Pkm or paved of he4 ` dwand W 1fat Easst Marion, Town o on * nun g. 9,�.f,ff fol},, and Stateeof New York, bounded and desori #e:lolitnel.i,- � a 3�UIJT L:?G at a Point on the northwesterly ei80. of t private. > A read known as Circle Drive at the southwesterly Valuer 4 Ism of Schumann«r; rannI n; thence along said northeril;e aide-' lF6Ciro�.# z •No've, South 52 d .(;pees 32 minutes West, 57.5 feet''0o land§frttpyo r. of hitchrock' thence along said land and ale land n of Ketcha , North 8 degrees 8 minutes 20 aeeonda' et 1 8 '1 fc-t to land now or fora}orlyy of Schaumberg; thence It tria=d 1 land (1) 77orth 75 degrees 26 minutes 40 Beeonde $ae�i and (2) South 11 degroes 15 minutes 20 seconds v to the northwesterly side of Circle Drive end the pOifit er p'hNia-'.l ' of O a TO .=R with a right of way 50 feet in xidth, over held circle Drive along the southeasterly boundary of the pr as and air extsnd:n' th.mce northeazterly and then northerly about 350 feet ,o Aouaview Avanus also extondtng southwesterly from the premises n . ,.h'�nce northerly about 600 fest to said Aquaview Avenue. A'so a ri;;ht of wav over a eertain strip of land running frac Aruaview Av3nuc to Long Island Sound, more particularly desoribpd,,sa foIIows:- Beginnin;; at a stake on the northerly line of Aquaview.._ .: Avenue and distant 490 fest easterly from the easterly.line-of Roc'lcy ?oint Road eennured along said northerly line of"kgUaview Ave•; ,unnin„ thence TT. 70 101 10" 'd. 260 feet; more or lossp to Lbhig ' _.Mand :,ound; thence easterly alon said Long Island Sound 59 feet, ;lore or less; thence S. 40 10, 10e E. 280 feet.tmreor lees* to said northerly line of Aquaview Ave ;.thence glorgy said:northerly line of Aquaview Ave. T. 830 101 10" W. lis feet to..the point of O belinninC. 4 TOGETHER with aN 44,title and hmaeR,it any,of s tlq,p�y yf w q r and raade ahthe ahure &-&d.F-Am.10 th frpF�iit w4J,�s}..:..,..assti