HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5629 P 590 ies5629 Nus590 G.S.I.R.S............ii 5.......... i � THIS INDENTURE, made the q day of kn�IIJ, 1964 between D. SAMP01WO remlAing at South Street (no street number), 1eld, ramemehumetts j,party of the first part, and STUART C. DORMAN, residing at Walnut Tree Lane (no street number) Cold Spring Harbor, New York, ISABEL jD. MacNAY, residing at Orient (no street address), New York and 4ARE D. TOWNSEND, residing at 216 Main Street, Greenport, New York, jl !'as tenants in common as to an undivided interest in the premises to be conveyed hereby, parties of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in Ilconsideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release junto the party of the second part, the heirs and assigns of the liparties of the second part forever, the following described ?� jlpremises, consisting of seven (7) tracts of land, situate, lying j Band being in or near the Village of Orient, Town of Southold, , County of Suffolk and State of New York: 11 11 Tract 1 r it BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of site #10 with the Easterly aide line of South Lane, which point is also the most Northwesterly point of site #10 as shown on a map entitled Map of Bu slow Sites Mantaloking ii Hills, Orient, N.Y. surveyed June 19O9, W.H. Halsey, Civil. 1' Engineer and Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y. and filed in the Office 4 of the County Clerk of Suffolk County September 19, 1908, and marked as May #620 In said office; thence from said beginning Easterly and along the said Northerly line of site #10, 161 Peet more,or less to a point or stake in the most North- easterly corner of said site #10, which point is also the point of intersection of said Northerly line of site #10 with the Westerly side line of site #7, thence Southerly and along the division line between Sites #'s 10 and 7, 162 feet to a �. point or stake in the North line of the Circle, which point is the most Southeasterly point in site #10, thence South- westerly and Northerly along the North and East lines of the Circle and along the East line of South lane as shown on said Ma to Map the'. Pont or place of beginning,nning being Bungalow Site #10 as shown on said Map. Also BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Easterly line of Site #6 with the Southerly side line of North Lane which point is the most Northerly point of Site #6, as shown on said Map, thence from said beginning and along the said Easterly line of Site #6 which is also the division line between Sites #'s 6 and 7, 142 feet to a ooint or stake which is the most Southerly point In said Site #6, thence North- westerly and along the division line between Sites #'s 6 and 10, 161 feet to a point or stake in the Easterly side line of South Lane as shown on said Map, thence Northerly and along said Easterly line of South Lane and Easterly along the said Southerly line of North Lane to the point or place of beginning, being Bungalow Site #6 as shown on said Map. Also BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Westerly line of Site #7 with the Southerly side line of North Lane which point Is also the most Northwesterly corner of Site #7, thence Southeasterly and along the division line between Site #7 and Sites #'s 6 and 10, 304 feet to a stake or point which is also the point of intersection of said Westerly line of Site #7 with the Northerly side line of the Circle as shown on said Map, thence In an Easterly direction along said Northerly side line of the Circle to a stake or point which is the most Southeasterly corner of Site #7, thence Northeasterly and along the Easterly line of Site #7 which is also the division line between Site #7 and Sites #'s 9 and 8, 311.5 feet more or less to a stake or point which is the most Northeasterly corner of said Site #7, thence Westerly and along the Southerly side line of North Lane to the point or place of beginning, being Bungalow Site #7 as II shown on said Map. Together with rights and restrictions in former deeds of record. Being the same premises conveyed to Franklin A. Dorman i by Lilian Dwight Stern by deed dated the 10th day of July 1909 and recorded In Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 694 of Deeds, page 79, on July 12th 1909. Tract 2 BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the south- westerly line of the Circle with the northeasterly dividing line between Site #11 and the Park which point Is also the most easterly point of Site #11 as shown on a Map entitled "Map of Bungalow Sites Mantaloking Hills, Orient, N.Y." surveyed June 1908, W.H. Halsey, Civil Engineer and Surveyor of Greenport, N.Y., and filed In the office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County, September 19th, 1908 and marked as Map #620 ;in said office; thence from said beginning north- westerly or thereabouts along the southwesterly line of the Circle, and southwesterly along the easterly line of South Lane to a point which Is the intersection of the said east- erly line of South Lane with the easterly line of Sound Lane as laid down on said Map #620; thence and along the said easterly line of Sound Lane southerly to the lands of one Miller; thence easterly and along the division line between said Miller's land and Site #11, 150 feet, more or less, to a Ili point which Is the most southeasterly point in Site #11; thence !I northerly or thereabouts 93 feet to a point or stake, and thence northeasterly to the point or place of beginning, same being Bungalow Site #11 as laid down on said Map. it And also the following described property: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Southerly I� line of the Circle with the westerly line of Site #12, which iii II I, t Rl,-5629 P092 divides Site #12 from the Park, and which is the most north- westerly point in Site #12 as shown on a map entitled "Map of Bungalow Sites Mantaloking Hills, Orient, N.Y." surveyed June 1908, W.H. Halsey, Civil Engineer and Surveyor of I� Greenport, N.Y., and filed in the office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County, September 19th, 1908 and marked as Map #620 in said office; thence from said beginning southeasterly along the said division line between Site #12 and the Park it aforesaid 90 feet more or less to a point which is the most li southwesterly point of Site #12; thence easterly and along the southerly line of Site #12 which also borders on the land of one Miller 230 feet more or less to a point which is the most southeasterly point in said Site #12; thence northerly or thereabouts 103 feet more or less to a point on the south- erly shore of Munn Lake; thence northwesterly and along the said shore line of Munn Lake to a point which Is the most southeasterly point of Munn Lake Park; thence and along the division line between Site #12 and Munn Lake Park south- westerly 110 feet to a point or stake; and thence north- westerly 22 feet to a point which is a point of intersection with the Circle; thence southwesterly or thereabouts and along the southerly line of the Circle to the point or place of beginning, being Bungalow Site #12 as shown on said map. EXCEPTING therefrom "Garage Site 'A"' and "Garage Site 'B"' as shown on the 'Revised Map of Bungalow Sites Mantaloking Hills, Orient, N.Y., revised April 1913 by Halsey & Van Tuyl, Engineers and Surveyors, Greenport, L.I.' , and thereafter filed In the office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County. Together with rights and restrictions in former deeds of record. Being part of the same premises conveyed to Franklin A. Dorman by deed of Lilian Dwight Stern dated the 23rd day of September 1911 and recorded 1n Suffolk County Clerk's Office, in Liber 788 of Deeds, Page 165, on the 13th day of October 1911. Tract 3 1: South Lane. 2. The Park" bounded on the east by the westerly line of South lane, on the south by the point of Intersection of the westerly line of South Lane with a line paralleling the jeasterly line of Sound lane and located one foot easterly ,i thereof, the said easterly line of Sound Lane being marked by the most easterly poplar trees now growing on and along said line, title to said trees and to the strip of ground one foot to east of them remaining in the grantor, bounded on the west by said line which so parallels the line of poplars; on the north by the southerly line of North Lane. 3. That small triangular parcel of land bounded on the west by South Lane and on the Fast and South by the Circle, and marked "Shrubs" on the map. 4. The Park bounded on the north by the circle, on the east by the westerly line of site No. 12 and on the west by j the easterly line of site No. 11, I HF Sfi29 46,593 5. That portion of the circle from its intersection w761. the easterly line of Sound Lane easterly to a point about opposite and southerly from the westerly side line of site No. 9. lilt ALL of the foregoing (Tract 3) lanes, parks, lots, piece,- or parcels of land being shown on a map entitled "Map of Bungalow Sites, Mantaloking Hills, Orient, N.Y." surveyed June 1908, W.H. Halsey, Civil Engineer and Surveyor at Greenport, N.Y. and filed in the office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County, September 19th 1908 and marked as Map #620 In said office. Being the same premises conveyed to Franklin A. Dorman by i Lilian Dwight Stern by deed dated September 16th 1912 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office, 1n Liber 823 of Deeds, Page 297, September 17th 1912. Tract 4 BEGINNING at a granite monument which Is the point of the intersection of the westerly line of Munn Lane and the line between the Beach and upland as shown on a map, surveyed October 18th 1917 by Halsey & Van Tuyl, Engineers and Surveyors of Greenport, N.Y., of map entitled Map showing Division of Beachat Mantaloking Hills, Orient, N.Y.", thence from said beginning easterly S. 850 16' E. 170.1 feet to lands now or formerly of one Dyer; thence northerly 00 53' W. 42.3 feet to a granite monument and continuing northerly along the same course 25 feet more or leas to the high water mark on Long Island Sound; thence westerly along the high water mark on Long Island Sound 165 feet more or leas to a i point about northerly of the point of beginning; and thence southerly 560 44t W. 42 feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with rights and restrictions in former deeds of record. Being part of the same promisee conveyed to Franklin A. Dorman by Lilian Dwight Stern by deed dated February 25th 1916 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 923 of7Deeds, page 430, March 2nd 1916. Tract 5 Commencing at the Southerly or Southwesterly corner of the lands of Hetty A. Hackett on the Northerly side of the Kings Highway running Northerly along the lands of the said Hetty A. Hackett to the lands now or formerly of J. B. Adams and others, distant one hundred and Fifty-six and 90/100 feet, thence running easterly along the lands of the said Betty A. Hackett, to the lands of J. H. Darlington, distant One hundred and eight and 93/100 feet, thence running Northerly along the lands of the said J. H. Darlington to the lands of John Miller distant One hundred and twenty-six and 10/100 feet, thence running westerly along the lands of the said John Miller to a stake distant One hundred and twenty-two and 83/100 feet, thence running Southerly in a direct line to the Kings Highway, distant Two Hundred and i j'Ee5629 Mw594 Eighty-nine and 91/100 feet, thence running Easterly along the said Kings Highway to the point or place of beginning, distant Twenty and 43/100 feet, said parcel or tract of land j supposed to contain about One Half Acre, be the same more or lase; said parcel of land being or intended to be a portion of the property conveyed to J. B. Adams and others by Deed of H. Alex. Holmes, Marian Holmes and Lulah F. Vail dated December 5th 1910 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 752 of Deed$ Pg. 344 on the 9th day of January 1911. Being the same premises conveyed to Franklin A. Dorman by J. B. Adams and Clara A., his wife, and Harry Adams by deed dated the 7th day of May 1913 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 847 of Deeds, Page 173, on then 20th day of May 1913. i Tract 6 Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of the lands formerly of Eugenia V. Miller and John Miller, her husband on the boundary line of the lands of J. H. Darlington, running Northerly along the lands of the said J. H. Darlington, Two Hundred and thirty eight feet and three inches to the lands now or formerly of Franklin A. Dorman, j thence running Westerly partly along the lands now or formerly of Franklin A. Dorman and partly along the lands of Douglass Knox to a stake Thirty three feet distant, thence running in a direct line Southerly Two Hundred and thirty eight feet and three inches to the lands now or formerly of Franklin A. Dorman described in Tract 5 above, thence running Easterly along said lands now or formerly of Franklin A. Dorman described in Tract 5 above thirty- three feet to the point or place of beginning, and bounded as follows, viz:- Northerly partly by the lands now or formerly of Franklin A. Doman and partly by the lands of Douglass Knox, easterly by lands of J. H. Darlington, South- i erly by lands now or formerly of Franklin A. Dorman and Westerly by lands now or formerly of Eugenia V. Miller and John Millerj said tract or parcel of land supposed to contai Twenty eight and eighty five one hundredths rode be the same ! more or lees. � I Being the same promisee conveyed to Franklin A. Dorman by Eugenia V. Miller and John Miller, her husband, by deed dated the 28th day Of May 1913 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 885 of Deeds, page 517, on the 13th day of October 1914. Tract 7 ALL the undivided half part equal in quality and quantity of ALL that certain tract of land called the North side, the whole containing by estimation 22 acres, be 1t more or less, bounded and described as follows: - Northerly by Long Island Sound; Easterly by lands of Jasper Y. Tuthill; Southerly partly by lands of Christopher N. Tuthill and partly by lands of William Young, and Westerly by the lands of William S. Hobart. I 5 t,w5629 PAci595 Being a part of the same premises mentioned and described in the deed from Christopher M. Tuthill and Sibyl Tuthill, his wife, to Frederick H. Tuthill and recorded In the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County In Liber 294 of Deeds, page 258, on the 25th day of February 1886; and Being the same premises conveyed to Franklin A. Dorman by Frank H. Rackett by deed dated the 5th day of March 1919 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 977 of Deeds, Page 384, on the 9th day of May 1919. Together with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any land lying in II the bed of any street, road or avenue, opened or proposed in front of or adjoining said Tracts 1 to 7 inclusive, to the centre line thereof. ! EXCEPTING THEREFROM the premises conveyed from The Chase National Bank of the City of New York and Jane C. Dorman as Trustees under five (5) separate Deeds of Trust each dated June 10, 1927 to Elizabeth K. Dexter by Deed dated March 19, 1948 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 22, 1948 1n Liber 2809 of Conveyances at page 42. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the premises conveyed from Jane C. Dorman and The Chase Manhattan Bank as Trustees under Agreement of Trust dated June 10, 1927 to John J. MacKay and Isabel Dorman MacKay by Deed dated October 3, 1955 and recorded In the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on October 27, 1955 in Liber 4004 of Conveyances at page 241. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rixhta of the party of the first part in and to said premises;