HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorris Estates Water Supply Wastewater Treatment I I I I I .I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I ENGINEERING REPORT WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS NORRISESTATES/WANAT DEVELOPMENT MATT1TUCK, NEW YORK MAY 1988 REVISED 8-2-88 Id ,, GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON 8, MURRELL, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · ARCHITECTS · PLANNERS · SCIENTISTS · SURVEYORS MELVILLE. N.Y. RI~rERHEAD, N.Y. FAIRFIELD, N,J. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING REPORT WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS NORRISESTATES/WANAT DEVELOPMENT MATTITUCK, NEW YORK MAY 1988 R E V I S E D 8-2-88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. SUMMARY The water supply and wastewater collection and treatment system facilities are described in this report for two (2) plans of development. Neither plan will unduly stress the underlying aquifers by having the consumptive use exceed the permitted yield. Plan I is the original plan for 108 condominiums on a portion of the Norris Estate (Parcel A) in Mattituck, plus up to 24 single family dwelling units · on the balance (Parcel B) of the Norris property and plus 41 single family homes on a 107 acre Parcel C located about 2- 1/2 miles away in northwest Mattituck. This Plan I requires a central water and sewerage system at Norris but not at Parcel C. Plan II is an alternate and the recommended plan to construct 25 homes on Parcel A portion of the Norris Estate instead of the 108 condos, plus the same potential 24 units on Parcel B and plus 107 single family units on Parcel C. This plan does not require central water and sewers at Norris but will require central water at Parcel C (Wanat). Private individual lot sewage disposal is recommended at all parcels. 8-2-88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan I is justified and workable and, based on test wells for quality and quantity, a central water plant at Norris could supply the 132 dwelling units and still have spare capacity for some nearby existing homes who have problems. The consumptive use at Norris (Parcels A & B) is less than the calculated permissive yield and indicates that a properly designed and operated water system would not adversely impact groundwater quality and quantity beyond its capacity. The Plan I wastewater treatment system will provide centralized tertiary treatment prior to recharging the treated effluent to the groundwater. Included in the plan is the'construction of an above-grade building to house the proposed wastewater treatment facilities. The building would be equipped with an odor control system and designed to blend in with the overall aesthetics of the project site. Plan II obviously reduces the water use and consumptive use at Norris Parcels (A&B) and increases the water use at Parcel C where there is obviously much more water resource available. This is the recommended plan. Estimated costs for water and wastewater facilities have been included and are summarized in Table VII for both plans. The total capital cost for both plans are shown and totaled on Appendix D - $1,800,000 for Plan I and $1,800,000 for Plan II, the recommended Plan. II WATER RESOURCES AND SUPPLY WATER RESOURCES Various prepared Fork and listing provided The government agencies and consultants have reports covering the Town of Southold, the North the County water resources and information. A of references and other related documents can be upon request. predominant topographical features of the mainland portion of the Town of Southold are the Harbor Hill moraine which follows the shore of Long Island Sound and a glacial outwash plain extending from the moraine to the bays. The North Fork peninsula is divided into several components by salt water ponds and inlets, almost creating islands. The fresh groundwater is exposed to salt water interfaces on the sides, as closer to areas, the balance and principle. well as underneath, with the the surface as you extend salty groundwater and fresh salt water generally eastward. In some water are in dynamic appro×imate conformity with the Ghyben-Herzberg This principle approximates the location of the -3- salt water/fresh water interface at 40 times the elevation of the water table below sea level assuming a salt water specific gravity of 1.025. In some of the westerly portion of the Town, fresh water extends below an existing and confining clay, but any appreciable pumpage can disturb this equilibrium and cause salt water to extend upward or to lower static water levels to a point water may enter just above the clay. The long shoreline exposure in that a mat of salt the Southold Town peninsula in relation , to its total area causes low groundwater levels and a low amount of long-term available water storage. During the 1965 drought, the water levels were reduced even in the higher level areas to about 3 feet above mean sea level. In the CPU-24 water budget area used to calculate the amount of recharge or available water resources, the 2-foot contour was selected as it existed in July 1959 for the western portion of the Town. Hashamomuck Pond is the dividing line between the two portions. In the eastern portion of the Town, and the insular areas the 1- foot groundwater contour defines the water budget area. -4- As reported in the various data, there is a considerable range of rainfall within the Town of Southold, with the average precipitation at the Cutchogue rain gauge at 45 inches. The estimated average for the Town is between 43 and 44 inches. Previous estimates ranging from 1.4 percent to 10 percent of the rainfall has been calculated to be lost as surface runoff in the Town of Southold. CPWS-24 indicated a range of 5 to 7'percent loss by surface runoff. CPWS-24 shows a water budget area west of Hashamomuck Pond of 21 square miles, with a mean annual precipitation of 43 million gallons per day, a loss by evapotranspiration of 22 million gallons per day, and a direct runoff of 3 million gallons per day, providing a mean annual recharge of 18 million gallons per day. Approximately 25 percent of these and 75 percent east of the Town area east of amounts are west of Mattituck Creek Mattituck Creek. In the balance of Hashamomuck Pond, the water budget area is 6 square miles, with a mean precipitation of 12 million gallons per day, an evapotranspirtation of 6 million gallons per day, and a direct runoff of about 1 million gallons per day, providing -5- a mean estimations show a recharge rate budget area of almost nine-tenths of day over the 27 square miles. Based on of &7 square miles, the average recharge 0.5 million gallons per day. The County test wells installed CPWS-24 disclosed the location of the annual recharge of 5 million gallons per day. These in Aquebogue, Cutchogue and Southold. in the Southold well at depths below More recent data has shown some salty the clay northeast of the Hamlet of per square mile of water a million gallons per the total Town area per square mile is in conjunction with salt water interface Salty water was found the clay at 180 feet. water areas Just above Southold and in east Greenport. Between Cutchogue and Mattituck on Alvah's Lane, the salt water was encountered at 320 feet below grade, but pumping tests indicated that it is not feasible to withdraw any appreciable quantity of water from below the clay which extends from 120 to 220 feet below grade. In Aquebogue, on Tuthill Road, the well is drilled to a depth of 700 feet, with salt water encountered at a depth of 520 feet. A permanent observation well was placed at 460 feet so that future monitoring of the movement of salt water upward can be observed at this location. CPWS-24, The North Fork Study and the 1987 Suffolk County Management Plan all project that all future pumpage in the Town of Southold will be from the Glacial formation. -6- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I With regard to recharge basins, they should be encouraged for the accumulation of surface runoff and its return to the water table. This becomes increasingly important as the area develops, causing more widespread areas of impervious material subject to a higher percentage of runoff than now exists. Recharge basins are also more economical than major drainage systems and, with tributary impervious areas for runoff, can actually result in a greater percentage recharge than results from non developed pervious areas with water consuming vegetation. CONSUMPTIVE WATER USE The major consumptive water usage in the Southold area is that used for irrigation, although it is decreasing substantially on the average. Most agricultural irrigation is consumptive water use unless irrigation is practiced beyond what is needed. The consumptive water usage in Southold as a percentage of total water use was estimated in CPWS-24 (reference page 201) as ranging from 82.3 percent in 1967 and higher in earlier years to 79.6Z as shown in the 1987 Suffolk County Water Plan for 1980. The significance of agriculture in consumptive water use is also indicated in CPWS-2& (reference page 205) for the period of 1960-67, and the Suffolk County 1987 plan on page 10-19. The CPU 524 estimates of consumptive water -7- use of 71 to 473 gallons per capita per day included agricultural usage, but not private domestic well usage, of which probably 70 percent is returned to the groundwater. When water recharge exceeds consumptive water use, underflow takes place. The consumptive water use in the Town of Southold was estimated at 7 million gallons per day in 1980, 8 million gallons per day in the year 2000, and 10 million gallons per day in the year 2020, all without, a major future sanitary sewer system. WATER LEVELS AND SALT WATER INTRUSION As noted in the CPWS-24, the Southold area in the North Fork is one of the areas in Suffolk County most susceptible to salt water intrusion, since the peninsula is narrow, is indented with many salt water inlets, and has salt water underneath at var~ing depths. The thick clay layer which was found in the County test wells, S-32390 in Cutchogue and S-33775 in Southold, forms a restrictive barrier against vertical intrustion of salt water, but it also forms a barrier for recharge of the water bearing formation below the clay. It has been indicated that groundwater levels of 2 to 3 feet above sea level are sufficient to prevent the salt water contamination of the coarse Glacial deposits -8- which overlie the clay. This corresponds to a theoretical fresh water/salt water interface of 80 to 120 feet below mean sea level, or a fresh water lens of approximately 82 to 123 feet. During the drought of the 1960's, decreased recharge and increased consumptive use lowered the groundwater levels to a point near the minimum recommended. CPWS-24 indicates (Volume II, Table 3-37., Page 362) data related to permissive sustained yield and shows its comparison to the average net yield. Since water will not be needed and not be usable st average conditions in the Town of Southold because of the lack of sufficient underground storage, the most pertinent appraisal of the Town's water resources is permissive sustained yield compared with dry year consumptive use. Table II indicates permissive sustained and average net yields for the Town of Southold. -9- TABLE I PERMISSIVE SUSTAINED SOUTHOLD TOWN AREA PERMISSIVE SUSTAINED YIELD .(M.G.D.) Southold - Without Mattituck Creek 2.0 PERMISSIVE SUSTAINED YIELD PER SQ. MI. OF WATER BUDGET ~REA 0.40 Southold Between Mattituck Creek and Hashamomuck Pond 15.5 0.35 Southhold - Between Hashomomuck Pond and Orient Harbor 1.0 0.25 Southold - East of Orient Harbor 0.5 TOTAL 9.0 * Suffolk County 1987 Management Plan of above. 0.25 used values about 90% WATER QUALITY Most of the discussions heretofore have centered on water quantity. It is obvious that the quality of the available water supply ia equally as important as quantity. Water quality is generally segregated into three general areas; bacteriological, physical and chemical. The physical -10- and some of the chemical constituents generally relate more to the appearance or aesthetics of the water, whereas the bacteriological and the majority of the chemical constituents relate to safety of the water quality. Water quality is measured in terms of concentration of numerous constituents. Standards of quality may vary with the intended use of the water. The most widely known and accepted standards of water quality are those developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for drinking water, which been in effect for many years and are updated from time to time. New York State has also, more recently, adopted drinking water standards which closely relate to the USEPA standards as a minium but have gone even further in adopting other low limits. As the presence and knowledge of contaminants increases, there will be further revisions in water quality standards to reflect additional requirements. Adopted standards for volatile organic compounds and pesticides are more restrictive than existing guidelines. The bacteriological standards use the coliform bacteria group as indicators of bacteriological pollution. This is a -11- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and simple method, and provides a factor of be or is very convenient safety since, generally speaking, coliform bacteria would present in significant to large numbers whenever harmful pathogenic organisms were present. The exception to this that concentrations of viruses have not necessarily correlated well with the presence of coliforms. The physical characteristics of water include turbidity, color and odor. Obviously, some of these are further related to chemical constituents which may cause an undesirable appearance. The physical characteristics may not relate to contamination, but are usually related by most people to indices of pollution. The presence objectionable physical characteristics can, of indicate the presence of pollutants. Chemical constituents and their presence related to toxicity, pollution and safety of the drinking water supply must be reviewed with respect to the local surroundings, such as whether the constituents are naturally present in of the course, the supply or whether the source of the constituents is from a known or suspected local artificial source. For many years, the nitrogen group of constituents and chlorides have -12- served as a pollution indicator since they were related to human excretion. Generally speaking, the less advanced the oxidation of the nitrogen group, the more recent the indicated pollution (i.e., the higher the ammonia in relation to the nitrates, the more recent the pollution). This type of interpretation would not be valid for much of the Town of $outhold wherein both ammonia and nitrates and apparently nitrates in particular, have been introduced into the water supply by fertilization of the farmlands in the Town. Existing drinking water standards contain a limit of 10 mg/1 for nitrates as nitrogen. The toxic significance of nitrates is related to the "blue baby" condition in infants, if nitrate content is too high. Based on information and studies with livestock, it appears that nitrites are much more toxic than nitrates but, fortunately, are unstable and have not been found in any appreciable amounts in Long Island's drinking water supply. Much of the water in the Town of Southold has a nitrate content which approaches, and in many cases exceeds, the nitrate standard of 10 mg/1. Also related to agricultural land use, the presence of pesticides is widespread over many areas of the Town. The primary one is A!dicarb (Temik) but several others such as carbofuran, etc. are also present. The limits for Aldicarb and its derivations has been set at 7 mg/1 and carbonfuran at 15 mg/1. -13- I I I Although not related to toxicity or safety, the presence of iron or manganese in water supplies may impart an unpalatable taste and cause complaints due to stained plumbing fixtures, laundry, etc. In the Town of Southold, the most likely locations for iron and manganese to occur are in the shallow wells along and near the southerly shore. Iron and manganese are frequently associated with organic matter, decaying vegetation and sulfate reduction, yielding hydrogen sulfide. Some of the wells in the ara of the proposed development have reported high iron content. The major potential sources of groundwater pollution in the Town of Southold include ammonia and nitrogen from fertilizers, primarily on farms; the use of pesticides and fungicides, primarily from agricultural use; salt water intrusion in local areas from potential overpumpage; recharge of untreated sewage via cesspools; and other chemical pollution from rain water leaching through sanitary landfills. Based on our previous experience in shoreline areas, and one of the test wells, it is possible that iron may be a problem in portions of the Norris Estate area. The more recent northerly and southerly test wells and the previous -14- easterly test wells do not indicate iron to be a problem at the site for a community system. In the immediate area of the Norris Estates development nitrates will be acceptable at considerably less than the recommended limit of 10 mg/1 but they may be a problem in parcel C (Wanat). Private wells with a 40 foot submergence would not be available with acceptable nitrates in some areas of the site. A central source supply with less submergence and acceptable treatment is expected to have lower nitrates. Lastly, chlorides might be a problem at Norris and, therefore, was further investigated. Of the 6 test wells constructed only one had an elevated chloride which appareatly was due to the screen being right at the top of the clay. When pumped, the chloride was reduced substantially. At Norris Estates Condos project is it proposed to locate the water supply as close to the northeastern portion of the property as feasible and to recharge the groundwater reservoir with renovated wastewater and surface drainage in the southerly part of the property. Analysis of water samples from a fire well on side of Lake Marratooka and from test wells Suffolk Avenue on the property, are shown as this report. the north south of New Appendix A on -15- PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The development project consists of three (3) basic elements ia either of 2 Plans, I and II. Plan I - Condos Plus Single Family. A. A maximum of 108 condominium units to be built with accessory uses on approximately 28.15 acres (Parcel situated on the east side of Camp Mineola Avenue, south of New Suffolk Avenue. Of the 108 units, units will be three-bedroom units, and units will be two-bedroom units~ 75 percent or 81 25 percent or 27 B. In addition, up existing residences may be acres (Parcel B) east and to 20 new single family plus 4 placed on the remaining 45.33 southeast of the coadominium units. There currently exists on these 45.33 estate main house and three dwelling units. single family units in Parcel B is 24. The total C. As part of this plan, but listed separately, Parcel C could be developed as a yield based on current zoning with 41 single family plots on 107 acres. Individual private wells with possible waiver of the 40 foot depth of submergence would supply each of the homes. Each home or plot would also be served by a private septic and leaching sewage treatment and disposal facility. -16- 8-2-88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I For Norris (Parcels A & B) it is proposed to construct a central water supply and distribution system and a central wastewater collection and treatment system. The preliminary plans show that the wells would northeasterly section of the condo in the water shed easement permit, the proposed water plant would be located near be located in the property (Parcel A) and to the east. As final plans treatment storage and pumping the southeast corner of the condo site, adjacent to the waste water treatment plant. The wastewater treatment and recharge would be in the southeast corner of Parcel A. Plan II Single Family Only (a) A single family subdivision of 25 plots would be substituted for the 108 condominium nnits on the Norris Condo Parcel A (28.15 acres). At least 66 of the 83 decrease in Norris units would be transferred to Parcel C (Wanat) north of Bergen Avenue in northwest Mattituck. (b) Parcel B would not be part of this plan but presumably would remain as in Plan I with 24 ultimate single family units projected on the 45.33 acres (4 of which are existing). (c) Parcel C (Wanat) would be developed into 107 single family plots on 107 acres with private individual sewage treatment and disposal facilities on lots ranging in size from 20,000 square feet and up with a large open space resulting from a modified cluster arrangement. Water supply -17- 8-2-88 would be a central public system, supplied by at least two (2) wells with storage tank, treatment, distribution system and accessories. III POPULATION AND WATER REQUIREMENTS The 108 condominium units, as proposed, consist of 81 three-bedroom units and 27 two-bedroom units. We have estimatated the average population of these units at 3.5 and 2.5 respectively for a subtotal of 351 people. For the 24 single-family homes (including existing homes), we have estimated an average of 3.75 per home for a subtotal of 90. The total Norris project population is estimated for ultimate development at Water use estimates for Plan I and Plan II are described hereinafter and are based on the criteria stated. For the condominium areas, water use is segregated between domestic dwelling unit use and common ground irrigation. For the 351 people in the condos, the daily average use per person will be 70 gallons or 24,570 gallons per day. For irrigation on the grounds on 65% of the area, and using 8 inches of irrigation per year would require an average of 10,444 gallons per day. In the single family lot portion, we have assumed for each home, including normal irr'igation, a use of 140 gallons per person per day for the 90 persons or 12,600 gallons per day. Of this, 5,670 (45%) is estimated for private irrigation. In the event the single -18- family area is clustered and much of the pasture maintained, the estimated pasture irrigation will be accomplished using the existing well, and is estimated at an average of either (a) 2 inches on the 40 acres of pasture or (b) 8 inches on 10 acres of crops as an alternative. Either of these allowances would result in an average of 5,951 gpd consumptive water use, whereas much of the other uses are returned to the ground water system after treatment in the wastewater treatment plant. The treated wastewater will be recharged beyond the normal cone of influence of the public well field and will provide fresh water needed for underflow and for maintaining a fresh water piezometric head. The estimated water uses for Parcels A & B tabulated below: TABLE II WATER USE UNDER PLAN I - PARCELS A & B are Non Consumptive Consumptive Total Use Use Use Condos 24,570 gpd 10,444 gpd 35,014 gpd (70 gcpd) (28.8 gcpd) (99.8 gcpd) Single Family 6,930 gpd 5,670 12,600 (77 gcpd) (63 gcpd) (140 gcpd) Pasture or Crops --- 5,951 Total Average Water Use 5,951 (13.86 gcpd) 31,500 gpd 22,065 gpd 53,565 gpd (71.4 gcpd) (50.0 gcpd) (121.5 gcpd) (gcpd = gallons per capita per day) -19- For Plan I the total average water used at Parcels A & B is 53,565 gallons per day or 37 gallons per minute or 19,551,225 gallons per year. This calculated to an average of 121.5 gallons per capita per day on the development planned for the entire 74 acres. As noted, the total consumptive water use for Plan I at Parcels A & B is calculated at 22,065 which.is an average of about 15 gallons per minute. The consumptive use of 22,065 gallons per day is 5,285 gpd less than the permissive yield on the northerly 50 acres and 12,550 gpd less than permissive yield on the entire 74 acres of parcels A & B. Based on the above numbers and 63 gcpd consumptive use in single family occupancy, the planned water system could supply another 95 to 214 people. If those supplied' discharged their treated wastewater outside the recharge area these numbers would be reduced. The calculated safe yield is 24 to 57 percent greater than the consumptive use. As part of Plan I for Parcel C (Wanat) the estimated water pumpage for 41 single family plots (154 population) would be 21,560 gallons per day of which about 45% or 9,702 gallons per day would be consumptive use for irrigation. The balance would be returned or recharged via the septic/leaching systems as. partially treated wastewater. -20- 8-2-88 The total water pumpage for Parcels A, B & C in Plan I would be 7§,125 gallons per day with a total consumptive use of 31,767 sallons per day. WATER RESOURCES AVAILABLE Based on previous water reports, we have calculated for Parcels A & B, a permissive yield of 27,350 gallons per day, based on 0.35 million gallons per day per square mile, or 547 gallons per day per acre on 50 acres of the 74 acres. This equates to 9,983,000 gallons per year or 2& percent more than the consumptive use, thereby providing a factor of safety as it relates to permissive sustained yield. Of the 24 acres remaining, if 15 acres at 0.25 mgd/sq mile and 9 acres at O.1/mgd/ sq. mile were used, this would provide an added excess of 7,265 (5859 + 1406) gpd to provide a 57 percent excess with 34,615 gpd. Of particular concern at the site is the location of the aquifer. area near the the salt water/fresh water interface within Some of the forty to forty-five homes in the bay have had reported salinity problems with their well water. At a location on Camp Mineola Road, approximately 2,000 feet south of the proposed development, salt water was found at a depth of 40 feet. Most private wells in the area are 20 to 35 feet deep, and installed under a Suffolk County Department of Health Services waiver from 40 feet into groundwater. - 2 1- 8-2-88 Based upon the Ghyben-Herzberg relationship and observed or estimated groundwater elevations, the location of the salt water/fresh water interface can be estimated.The 1985 Suffolk County groundwater elevation map indicates groundwater levels at the site to be less than 3 feet above mean sea level. The same map for 1984 indicated groundwater levels to be approximately 4 feet at the northern property line with lower levels further south. These levels indicate that a fresh water lense from 100 to 160 feet in thickness may be found at the site. Water levels measured near the proposed well field during this study showed an elevation of 2.5 fee~ above sea level, an indication of a 100 ft depth of water to the interface. This falls within the underlying clay. Reduced water level has been indicated recently in other areas of Southold as well. In order to be able to minimize drawdown and provide flexibility for future segregation of screened inlet, a longer than standard screen length is planned for the dispersed bottom of the screen well will be approximately 40 feet below water surface and near the top of a combining clay layer. The calculated salt water interface with a fresh water elevation of +2.5 M.S.L. is at a depth of 100 ft below the water table or a total depth of about 120 feet. The final well depth is planned for about 70 feet. -22- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Test or monitoring wells northerly portion of Parcels A & south edge of Parcel A. a test and pumping well, the northwest portion of constructed in the northwest portion No 3 was constructed in the northeast No. 4 was a monitoring well during pumping tests on well 1. were drilled along the B and one (1) near the Test well No. 1 was constructed as both temporary and permanent, in Parcel B. Test well No. 2 was of Parcel A (Condo). corner of Parcel B. for observing water levels Test well#5 was constructed in the northeast section of Parcel A and test well#6 was constructed in the southeast section of Parcel A. A summary of the analyses of these wells is included as A-1 in the Appendix. The water quality in test well No. 3 was excellent and would be the primary location of a permanent central supply. Test well 1 was also good except the iron content at 0.9 to 1.0 mg/1 will require at least sequestering and perhaps removal. The limited testing done (Nitrates, iron etc) on wells 5 and 6 also show acceptable to good quality water in the vicinity. Water quality pumping tests were considered good. Upconing of saltwater in the immediate area is unlikely because of a thick formation of clay which extends from about 70 feet to about 120 feet below grade (-50 to -100 -23- MSL). This is confirmed by the use for the past 6 years or more of a 70 foot deep irrigation of about 375 gallons per minute pumpage from this well has not capacity in this area near salt impervious unless a relatively well. Static water levels irrigation well and taken at well No. 1 well which has a capacity (gpm). The total annual been great but a high water would be prohibitive barrier existed below the were obtained in 3 test wells, the in Lake Marratooka. Pumping levels were and the nearby monitoring well No. 4, 5 feet away. With a pumping hours, the drawdown in Well The central well supply dispensed along the area rate of 90 gpm for 10 consecutive No. 4 was only 0.14 feet. would consist of multiple wells from the northeast portion of Parcel A through Parcel B to the northeast portion of Parcel B. A deed restriction specifyin'g a 10 acre watershed and well development area in the northerly portion of Parcel B is included in the "Appendix B". The center of the proposed well field is about 2,000 feet from the nearest salt water creeks to east and southwest, 1600 feet to the west and about 300 feet to the bay. The hydrogeological evaluation of the Norris site is as follows: -24- Field Data While well loggings on site and within the area are not plentiful, we believe that the geology of the site in question consists of the glacial aquifer of approximately 50 feet of saturated depth, underlain by an impermeable clay lense of varying thickness but at least 50 feet in the eastern sector of the water plant area. Various types of analyses have been performed ow most of the test wells on site. Three of these wells, which are screened at depths of sixty (60) feet, 10 feet above the clay lense, have indicated levels of chloride which range from 14 ppm to 137 ppm. The easterly of these wells was pumped for eleven hours with the concentration of chlorides monitored hourly. The concentration of chloride in this well actually decreased from 137 ppm to 92 ppm over this eleven hour period. We have studied the possible causes of this occurrence and feel it is possible that a plug of dissolved pasture salt may have been present and was diluted on pumping. It is also possible that over many, chlorides at a slow rate through concentration just above the clay. many years, diffusion of the clay increased the In any event, we do not forsee this as a problem to well development in the areas. -25- In an attempt to determine the thickness of the clay, a test well was driven oa the north east portion of land. The clay lense was encountered at a depth of 70 feet and was continuous to a depth of 120 feet, where drilling stopped. This is believed to be very near the bottom of the thick clay. This well was later used to monitor the water in the clay at this depth in hopes to indicate the location of the fresh/salt water interface. This well was baled up to 50 times and samples were collected for analysis at various intervals. After approximately 2/3 of the casing was dewatered (half of the water) samples were collected at some 25 30 feet below the well water surface. Flow rate through the clay with a head difference of 40 to 40 feet was about 0.02 gpm. The laboratory data indicates that the water in the lower clay becomes more brackish with depth. The first samples taken had chloride concentrations of 76-ppm and a specific conductance reading of 310 micromhos. Once the aquifer was allowed to recover, the chlorides increased to 205 ppm with a final reading of 900 ppm of chlorides, which -26- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I is indicative of almost brackish water conditions. Through this analysis it is assumed that the water in the clay increases in salinity with depth because of diffusion from below, where the high saline water is located underneath the clay lense. Modes of Salt Water Intrusion After analyzing existing data it has been determined that the possibility of salt water intrusion, caused by the proposed supply welis is unlikely but might occur in two ways. If there exists already a fracture in the impermeable clay lense, then increased pumpage by any mode near this fracture may reverse the local gradient and draw upward the Salt water whic~ underlies the clay. Another means by which salt may be introduced is due to heavy increased pumpage, which could pull the naturally occurring fresh/salt water wedge, located above the clay layer, inland, resulting in brackish water being extracted from a well. The likelihood of a fracture is considered to be remote. If in fact a fracture does exist in the clay lense, undoubtedly there would already be reports of salt water -27- intrusion to private wells on or near the area at a considerable distance from shore. With the proposal for the wells to be placed as far north on the site as possible, and recharge to the aquifer via an on-site wastewater treatment plant, most of the water drawn from the aquifer will be replenished, minimizing the salt water wedge. Mathematical Analysis the likelihood of encroachment of Various types of analysis have been performed on the existing site, including a 2-D aquifer flow' model (Prickett and Longquist), and a 2-D vertical salt water interface conceptual model. Predictions as to the extent of the salt wedge can be made by utilizing the Ghyden - Herzberg - Dupuit approximation, as formulated by Jacob Besr. The worst case scenario was incorporated into the Prickett & Longquist 2-D aquifer model. Drought condition recharge along with 24-hour pumping of proposed supply wells and the irrigation well were run for a three month period. The flow rates obtained from this model were incorporated into the 2-D vertical model by Jacob Bear which resulted in the toe of the salt water wedge located 85 feet inland. Without the proposed wells, pumping the toe of the wedge was modeled at 75 feet inland. -28- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WATER SYSTEM - FOR PLAN I AT NORRIS (PARCELS A & B) The central water system may be organized as a private company, a water district, a satellite system of the Suffolk County Water Authority or the Village of Greenport, or a cooperatively managed water utility. The most likely system will probably be as a satellite plant of the Suffolk County Water Authority. The system should be developed with a water treatment plant and water mains sized to provide~ at least the minimum required protection. As the system grows or is integrated with others the fire flow may be readily increased. Plant at Norris In order to provide low rates of pumpsge at reasonable depths and provide a standby well, we recommend the construction of three (3) six inch diameter wells to a depth of about 60 feet with 6 inch diameter screen over with a length of 20 feet, and with the bottom set at approximately minus 40 foot elevation. Each well would be equipped with an electrically operated low head submersible well pump and a motor of about 2 H.P. and would pump through a new water PVC pipeline to the water plant in the southeast corner of Plan A. -29- The placement of the proposed water supply wells for the Norris Estates/Associates development has been carefully planned to minimize the possibility of any salt water encroachment. Ail existing information that we have available indicates 'that while salt water is located primary well, and to pump it extensively at 3 or 4 times production rate for a period of at least monitoring quality and drawdown in an nearby well. construction will include 6 inch casing to about 50 depth with 20 feet of screen between 50 and 70 feet. underneath the clay lense, movement of a salt wedge above the clay is most likely mechanism of intrusion. Proposed placement on the northeast corner of the property, along with small proposed flow, the proposed wells will avoid any significant movement of the salt water interface. In addition, the expected recharge via an on site wastewater treatment plant reduces the possibility of intrusion even further. When construction begins, it is planned to build the the easterly well, as a test/permanent well the planned 10 hours, Well feet This will have a very small drawdown at 66 to 70 gpm (permanent capacity). We expect to pump the well during development and testing at rates from 70 to 200 gpm and observe drawdown in the aquifer nearby. -30- NORRIS ESTATE OPTIONAL WATER SUPPLY & TREATMENT SYSTEM The Developer/Owner has committed to an optional water supply and treatment system using reverse osmosis (RO) under two (2) conditions. (a) If it is required by the Town as a condition of approval for the water supply for the 132 units at Norris, or (b) If it is determined at a future date that consumptive water use is Greater than calculated and a reduction in fresh water with drawn from the project site is necessary. The optional water system would consist of the following. Reverse osmosis has been a proven, even though expensive, technology for many years. Additional demands and research have resulted in improved membranes, including those better designed to convert saline water to fresh. The saline supply source is proposed to be two (2) 8" wells (WSA1 and WSA2 on site plan) approximately 250 feet deep with 8 inch casing and 6 inch diameter stainless steel screen 20 feet lonG. The proposed capacity, depending on 30 (1) final design of reverse osmosis components, will approximate 300 gallons per minute such that a 150 g-p-m product will be available at a 50 percent rejection rate. The other 150 gpm, as waste water, will be disposed of either by injection into the deeper aquifer at 300 feet or by piping to or near Peconic Bay. Piping to the Bay would be more economical but will be subject to the availability of easements for pumping and dispersion system. Either method of disposal would be subject to a discharge permit (SPDES) by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The proposed deep wells for reject water injection would consist of two (2) 300 feet deep wells, 8" in diameter each with 40 feet of 6 inch screen. Under normal operation one well will be used for recharge, with twice the screen length as the supply well and with only one half the flow. When the first well develops excessive back pressure due to clogging, the second will be placed in service. The first well would be then treated, restored to capacity and placed in a standby mode. The standby wells and the injection wells would be constructed by cable tool method or by rotary 30 (2) method with a cement grout seal between the drilled hole and the outside of the well casing to prevent any communication or hydraulic conductivity between the saline to brackish water below the clay and the reservoir of fresh water above the clay. A monitoring well will be installed just above.the ~lay in the vicinity of each supply well and near each injection well so that water levels and quality samples can be collected to show there is no negative effect on water level or quality in the fresh aquifer. If easements can be obtained to direct the reverse osmosis reject to Peconic Bay, the simplest method of disposal would be through a pipe submerged at a bulkhead. If this is not available, it may be necessary to construct a dispersion pipe just below bay bottom. The quality of the wastewater would be less saline than the bay water, only twice that pumped from the brackish well. Multistage units, probably'3 stage, with 6 module rated at 30 gpm product water each will provide 150 gpm normal plus one reserve 30 gpm unit. They will be designed for saline well water anticipating about 50% the concentration of sea water or some 10,000 mgl of sodium carbide and 14,000 mg®l total needs. 30(3) The brackish well water will provide pH adjustment and scale through a 5 micron mesh prefilter. be chemically treated to control and then pass High pressure pumps will deliver water to the membranes at about 800 - 900 psi. The schematic diagram of the treatment plant is attached. Should higher solinities be experienced in the future, higher pressures ~ould be required. A typical RO membrane is designed and constructed with a production rating measured by flux of water through it - i.e. gal/day ft2. The flux of a membrane depends on membrane physical characteristics and system condition (temperature, differential pressure across the membrane and salt concentration). The flux value will gradually decrease during the lifetime of a membrane due to a slow densification of the membrane structure, which results in a decrease in the membrane pore diameters. This gradual flux reduction occurs in all membranes and it is permanent, not reversible. The membrane must be replaced when the flux has reached a minimal acceptable value. The flux versus time duration will plot as a straight line on log-log paper. The life span of a membrane may range from two months to two years, depending on flow and water conditions. 30 (4) The most common membrane used is made of cellulose acetate. These membranes have low water permeability and can. reject over 99 percent of the salts. The water flux is very low. The main types of mounting hardware employed in reverse osmosis equipment modules are classified as 1) tubular, 2) hollow fiber and 3) spiral wound. The most common saltwater/brine membrane type are made in the spiral would fashion. In the spiral-would mounting, a porous hollow tube is spirally wrapped with a porous sheet for the feed flow, and a membrane sheet and a porous sheet for the product water flow to give a The spiral module is encased feed flow through the porous sheet to the porous tube. As the feed porous sheet, a portion of the spiral sandwich type wrapping. in a pressure vessel, and the is in an axial direction flow passes through the flow passes through the membrane into the porous sheet annular space for the product water. From there the product water flows spirally to the porous center tube and is discharged from the conduit in the tube. The brine is discharged from the down stream end of the porous sheet for the feed flow. 3O (5~ I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I The modular RO system will have a production capacity of 150 Gpm (reject 150 ~pm) for a daily maximum flow capacity of 216,000 Gallons (a sixth 30 Gpm unit will be in reserve). In this way the unit will be able to produce the required 171,000 Gpd of flow (0.9 Gpm per dwelling unit) in roughly 19 hours of operation with 5 of the 6 modules, in service. The units will be skid mounted for flexible installation. Thirty (30) Gpm from each module will permit one of these units to be held in reserve in order to facilitate routine maintenance on one of the five operational units and will act as a spare should one operational unit break down. The flow through the units is divided into stages. Each 30 Gpm unit has 8 permeators which are staged 5-2-1. In each module or unit the first stage has 60 Gpm of raw water flow to it and the membranes allow 45 Gpm to pass while rejecting 15 GPm. The second stage receives the 45 Gpm and allows 35 gpm to pass while rejecting 10 Gpm. The third stage allows 30 Gpm of the 35 Gpm to pass while rejecting 5 gpm. In each stage the product wate~ has less and less total solids and the reject water has Greater solids concentrations. Approximately 50 30 (6) percent of the flow will pass the series of membranes and 50 percent will be rejected. Both inlet and outlet water will be equipped with a conductivity meter to indicate raw water total solids but with an arrangement to alternately test the reject water for increase in conductivity. The product water will be pH adjusted then chlorinated, using automatic chemical solution pumps to deliver caustic or soda ash and sodium hypochlorite to the demineralized water. After final treatment the water will flow to the storage tanks. 30 (7) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is expected that three (3) wells, 6 inch diameter with 6" to 4" diameter screens will be constructed, each with a capacity of 66 to 70 gallons per minute. Peak or maximum day usage is estimated at 0.8 to 1.0 gpm per dwelling unit. At 1.0 gpm per unit the well capacity required is 132 gpm such that 2 wells (plus 1 reserve or spare) at 66 gallons per minute would be adequate. The above water system description would be to serve Parcels A & B. For Parcel C under Plan I, the 41 single family homes on minimum 40,000 square foot lots would each be supplied by individual wells. Based on test wells on the site a waiver for 40 foot maximum submergence to about 30 foot submergence could provide nitrate levels below the limit .of 10 rog/1 and Aldicarb levels below the limit of 7 rog/1. Forty one (4]) ~ homes requiring a consumptive use of 63 gdpc or 9,702 gallons per day is only a small percentage of the permitted yield of 86,000 gallons per day (100 acres at 860 gpd) or 0.55 mg/1 per square mile). It is obvious that the extensive agricultural use of land in the area has contributed many pounds of nitrates and other chemicals to the land surface and these have percolated with rainfall and irrigation to the ground water. ;31- 8-2-88 The change in agricultural uses the recent contamination and in some possible to develop more shallow contaminants present. At a specific glacial or shallow available from a well on this site influenced as follows: in many areas has reduced areas has made it wells with less well site, the water will generally be The water near ground water surface will be from recent recharge and will reflect generally improved quality because of less fertilizer and pesticides use at the surface. The deeper the well depth and the farther the well is from the greund water divide the older will be the quality effect. The vertical quality profile obtained at the plant with samples at 10 ft intervals beginning 15 to 20 feet below water surface shows a trend of better quality water near the surface reflecting less contamination in the more recent recharge. If Plan II is adopted as recommended, the water resource requirement at Parcels A & B (Norris) is substanti- ally reduced. The 25 single family units to be built on Parcel A and the additional future development of 24 homes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I on Parcel B (49 homes with population of 184) at Norris would require s pumpage of 25,760 gallons per day with a consumptive use of 45% or 11,592 gpd. Assuming some cluster and that pasture irrigation would use 5,951 gpd the consumptive use would increase to 17,543 gpd. This is 20 percent less that Plan I and therefore predicted permitted yield of 27,350. Parcel C under recommended Plan II obviously within the would be served by a central water based on 107 system. The estimated pumpage will be 56,140 single family homes with 3.75 persons per home or 401 population at a use of 140 gallons per person per day. Of this total, some 45% (63 gcpd) or 25,263 gallons per day would be consumptive use. This compares to a pumpage of 56,!40 gallons per day and a permissive yield of 86,000 gallons per day based on 0.55 mgd per square mile. The proposed water plant is situated adjacent to 3 of the 4 fresh water wetlands on the 107 acre project site at Parcel C. Even though the depth to ground water is 45 feet, there is one pond and 3 sink hole wetland areas on the site. These areas are caused by water which is perched by clay or hardpan under a portion of the site. Three of the test holes dug on site indicated water near the bottom of the test holes. -33- Three (3) test wells were performed on the parcel and these wells and an existing well were tested. The exact elevations of the three test wells have not been determined but based on the Suffolk County Department~ of Health Services monitoring wells and annual map of ground water contours, water table elevation should approximate 5 feet above mean sea level. This indicates a salt water/fresh water interface at a depth of about 250 feet (200 feet below water table). Two (2) test wells were constructed and pumped at depths of 40 to 60 feet into ground water (105 and 110 depth) in the northeast and south central portions of the site. These wells were pumped until clear and analyzed as follows. A vertical profile multi depth test well was drilled in the central part of the site at a predetermined central water plant location. Screens were set and pumped at 10 foot intervals starting at 65 - 70 foot (about 20 feet submergence). Good quality was found down to at least 80 feet but nitrates averaged about 11 mg/1 from 85 to 110 feet. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLAN II WATER SYSTEM - PARCELS A & B The recommended water supply for 25 proposed single family homes on the 28 acres of Parcel A and 24 potential homes (including 4 existing) is the construction of individual private wells with individual pumps and hydro- pneumatic tanks. Based on the test wells on site, each well would be drilled to a depth of about 70 feet on a resid- ential plot of 40,000 square feet. Reference is made to Appendix A showing test well results. PLAN II WATER SYSTEM - PARCEL C (WANAT) The single family lots between include three to 30 feet of will be proposed and recommended water system for the 107 dwelling units on about 20,000 square foot Bergen Avenue and Long Island Sound will (3) wells approximately 80 feet deep with 25 screen. Each well will be 8 inch diameter and developed and equipped with a 70 gallon per minute submersible 3 H.P. motor driven pump with Iow head characteristics. The design includes four (4) stage treatment system for a 70 gpm capacity for two (2) stage treatment system for 210 gpm. Treatment for potential Aldicarb (and other organics if present) adsorption will be by a pressure type granulated activated carbon (GAC) adsorber/filter with 3,000 pounds contained in a 5 foot diameter unit. Provision will be made to periodically -35- backwash the unit with final treated backwash water delivered to on site replacement would be anticipated at once per year. will be provided for a second unit after 50 development if mixing of water is not acceptable. system water with the leaching pools. GAC Space percent Treatment for potential nitrate levels above 10 mg/1 will be included at a design rate of 35 gallons per minute which will be adequate until at least 50 percent of development and perhaps for final development. Additional equipment may be easily added if needed but we think it remote. The propose4 unit will be a pressure type ion exchange unit, 4 feet in diameter to contain 50 cubic feet of ion exchange media. Assuming 7 kilograms per cubic foot of exchange capacity the unit could remove about 50 pounds of nitrates and sulfates and replace them with chlorides. At an expected maximum of 100 mg/1 to remove, this unit would treat 50 percent of the flow from 120,000 gallons per day or 40 percent of the flow from 150,000 gallons per day, the ultimate approximate maximum day use for 107 homes. Regeneration would be no more frequent than once daily and would be accomplished with a brine or supersaturated salt solution. The regeneration brine and rinse water would be discharged to a brine disposal system to consist of leaching pools near the Long Island Sound where it would flow subterranean into the Sound. With rinse water and brine in about 2 to 1 ratio, the disposal liquid would have a salt content of about 5 percent or about twice that of the Sound. A small plastic pipe will be installed in the same trench as the water main from the treatment plant toward the Sound and from the most northerly street through common property to the leaching pools. A meter will be installed on both ends of the line to verify that no leakage from the line has occurred. The final quantity of brine waste will be optimized based on less than complete exhaustion of the ion exchange media. It has been found that by regenerating prior to exhaustion of bed will require less salt and less cost. A saturated brine supply storage tank will be installed in the plant. When it is determined that the operation of the nitrate removal system is required, a continuous nitrate measuring probe and alarm/shutoff system will be installed on the treated water system. The above described GAC and Ion Exchange systems for pesticide and nitrate removal respectively will be operated when needed, based on water quality. The other system described below will be used or usable in all cases. Since the pH of t~e water is to expect approximate 6.5 based on test well data, it is planned to add an alkali to reduce the carbon dioxide and corrosiveness by increasing I I I the pR to about 7.5 by the addition of an alkali. Bench scale tests will be done on the water to confirm that sodium carbonate will be appropriate. It would be preferable to caustic soda since it is easier to handle and less dangerous to operators. Lime is more difficult to handle and may not be practical for small suppliers. Either soda ash or -37- caustic treatment would be accomplished by a positive displacement chemical feed pump and each well pumping from a storage tank containing predetermined strength of chemical solution. Similar equipment will be provided for use of sodium hypochloride to provide chlorination of each well - 3 pumps up to a dosage of 5 p.p.m. Following treatment the water will discharge to a steel ground storage tank about 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet high with a capacity of about 80,000 gallons. This tank would provide about 20,000 gallons for maximum day operating storage and about 60,000 for fire protection or emergency reserve. This would be equivalent to a 500 gallon per minute fire flow for two hours. From the storage tank, water would be pumped by one or more booster pumps to the system via a 5,000 gallon hydropneumatic tank which will be used to provide a pressure range controlled between 40 and 65 psi. The expected booster pump capacities will be two (2) at 100 gallons per minute and one at 500 gpm. -38- An engine generator set will be included with a capa- city of about 60 KW. It will be automatically started in the event of power failure and will be able to operate the largest booster pump, two (2) well pumps and the treatment equipment and controls. Ail of the treatment equipment booster pumps, engine generator, motor control center and instruments and miscellaneous equipment will be housed in a building about 25 x 35 feet. The wells will be equipped with pitless adapter type discharges or standard with a drain and will be remote from the pump house building. The wells and treatment will be controlled from storage tank level and the booster pumps will be controlled from pressure switches on the hydropneumatic storage tank (system pressure). Telemetering equipment will be dictated by the responsible operator. As a minimum, the status of critical items will be transmitted by telephone to a central point. These items will indicate power status, system pressure status, limits. system records plant temperature status, and storage tank level There will be local recorded data for tank level, pressure and system flow meter. Totallizer type will be provided for well pumps, booster pumps, brine flow, etc. -39- Distribution System The proposed transmission/distributer consist primarily of an 8 inch diameter pipe, system will either ductile iron cement lined or C900 PVC, with 6 inch pipe planned for short dead end cul de sacs and with 12 inch on Bergen Avenue for future transmission main capacity not required for this development. Hydrants and valves will be placed at appropriate locations with hydrant locations to be approved by the Mattituck Fire District. The distribution system may be installed in stages depending on the nature of development but at least one of the mains toward the Long Island Sound would be installed prior to the need to dispose of brine waste. The cost of the control water system as described is shown in Table IV and totals $1,100,000, which includes about $275,000 for distribution, $300,000 for treatment and $425,000 for ths wells and plant plus contingencies. -40- 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. TABLE IV WATER SYSTEM COSTS PARCEL C - 107 UNITS PLAN II Wells Three (3) 8" x 8" x 100' Pumps (3) - 6" Pumps - 70 gpm Engine Generator (60 W) Pump House Treatment (Chlorine & pH) Mechanical & Boosters Site Piping Site Drainage & Blowoff Electrical Service & Distribution Telemetering & Control Distribution System Nitrate Treatment Pesticide Treatment (GAC) Contingencies Sub Total Engineering & Mechanical $ The cost for individual wells in Parcels A & B included above. -41- $ 75,000. 15,O00. 20000. 50 000. 24 000. 59 000. 39 000. 17 OO0. 49 000. 32 O00. 240,000. 175,000. 75,000. 1OO~000. 970,000 130~OOO. $ 1,100,000. is not III. WATEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES INTRODUCTION Various options are available for the treatment and disposal of wastewater generated by residential developments. In Suffolk County the most common system is a conventional on-site system which utilizes a septic tank and leaching pool system for each dwelling unit. Where density, clustering, or deep recharge zones exist, community ccllection systems with community septic tank and leaching system, or community collection systems with centralized wastewater treatment are typically utilized for treatment of multiple residential wastewater The type of system utilized is subject to the approval of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCHDS), and is dependent upon the location, density, and subsoil a. nd groundwater conditions of the development. The SCDHS requires residential development with other than detached single-family residences (apartments and condominiums) to have an equivalent density of a minimum of one acre per unit (maximum sewage flow of 300 gallons per day per acre) in Groundwater Management Zones III and VI; and gallons density one-half acre per unit (maximum sewage flow of per day per acre) in all other areas. If requirements are exceeded, a which incorprates nitrogen removal development with a design flow less day. Developments exceeding the generating in excess a central collection ESTIMATED WASTEWATER PLAN I - CONDO & SINGLE FAMILY ffOMES DEVELOPMENT community septic can be utilized than 15,000 gallons density criteria, 60O the tank for per and of 15,000 gallons per day, must utilize system and sewage treatment plant. FLOWS In accordance with the most recent SCDHS "Standards of Subsurface Sewage Disposal Facilities for Other Than Single- Family Residences", the following criteria were utilized to determine the design waterwater flow for the proposed development. Type of BuildinK DesiEn Flow 2 bedroom Condominium (2 BR less than 1200 sq.ft) 225 gallons per day 2 bedroom Condominium (2 BR greater than 1200 sq.ft) 300 gallons per day 3 bedroom Condominium (3 BR greater than 1200 sq.ft) 300 gallons per day Single-family residence (SFR) 300 gallons per day 8-2-88 -43- I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I Based on the acre parcel and indicated below: 28.15 Acre 81 (3 BR/C) 27 (2 BR/C) above, the design flow from the 28.147 the remaining 45.33 acre parcel are Parcel x 300 gpd/unit = 24,300 x 300 gpd/unit = 87100 Total Estimated Flow B. 45.33 Acre = 32,400 2O 4 Parcel (SFR) X 300 gpd/unit = 6,100 (Estate + 3 existing dwelling units) x 300 gpd unit = 1,200 Contingency for estate 300 Total Estimated Flow 7,600 TOTAL DESIGN FLOW C. 107 Acre Wanat Parcel Under Plan I (as of right) based would be developed acco'rding to a 2-acre zoning imately 41 szngle family dwelling units. Each serviced by a standard single family septic private treatment and disposal system. The flow would be approximately 12,300 gallons per day on the 107 acres. 40,000 gpd on zoning, this parcel with approx- plot would be and leaching total wastewater (41 x 300 gpd) -44- 8-2-88 The wastewater flow rates indicated above are based on typical design values and are conservative for the proposed project. Actual wastewater flows are anticipated to be approximately 10 to 20 percent lower. ALTERNATE WASTEWATER SYSTEM FOR PLAN I Based on the SCDS standards previously outlined, the proposed Condo development could not utilize a community septic system, pince it exceeds the maximum flow requirement of 15,000 gallons per day, and the maximum density limit of 600 gallons per day per acre. Therefore, the only viable alternative for the proposed condo ~evelopment is a comm- system with a centralized wastewater unity collection treatment facility~ Under this option, all wastewater generated within the development would be collected and conveyed to a central location for treatment and disposal. Each condominium or cluster would be serviced by a 5-inch or 6-inch house connection to a wye connection, on an 8-inch gravity sewer. Preliminary plans indicate two (2) north-south collectors extending through the unpaced areas to service the condominiums. A single lift station will be needed at the treatment plant, depending on final detail plans and cost -45- estimates. Manholes will be installed at 250 to 350 foot spacing and at changes in sewer direction. either ABS truss pipe or polyvinyl chloride. system will be checked for exfiltration and acceptance and before placing of the system will be subject topography, as well as any proposed but it is anticipated that flow will the treatment plan in ornear A. Sewers will be The collection alignment before it into service. Final design to field verification existing changes in final grade, be north to south with the southeast corner of Parcel The sewage lift station, will be located at or near the sewage treatment plant, and will consist of two pumps, each capable of the peak load, estimated at 120 gallons per minute. Standby power will be provided for ~he lift station and sewage treatment plant. There are various types of package treatment plants available for treatment of wastewater. The majority of these plants incorporate biological wastewater, treatment methods. Since the proposed treatment facility would discharge the treated effluent to groundwater, it must be capable of meeting the NYSDEC standards for discharge to -46- Class GA groundwaters, which require BOD-5 and suspended solids effluent concentrations of less than or equal to 30 mgl, and total nitrogen (as N) less than or equal to 10 mg/1-N. This equates to requiring tertiary treatment for notrogen removal. In addition to the ability to meet discharge standards, the selectiom of a particular treatment process for the proposed development must consider the capital and operational costs, ease of operation and maintenance, and aesthetics. Based on these considerations, it is recommended that a rotating biological disc 9RBDO system be utilized. An acceptable option would be extended aeration which is an aerobic biological treatment process which employs an aerated tank containing a mixture of wastewater and micro- organisms. The process is a low rate modification of the activated sludge process, typically operating with a 24-hour detention time. Operation is based on a microbial population ingesting and metabolizing the soluble organic constituents of wastewater and converting them to more stable end products. -47- The recommended system is a Carbon Oxidation and Nitrification system utilizing Rotating Biological Discs followed by a Denitrification Filter. Nitrification is the conversion of ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen. The rotating biological disc (RBD) is a fixed film biological treatment system which consists of a series of closely-spaced, large-diameter plastic discs mounted on a horizontal shaft and placed in a tank. Approximately 40 percent of the disc surface area is submerged for contact with the wastewater flow and rotated slowly through it. As the discs rotate, a biological film develops on the disc media. The rotating biological disc system accomplishes treat- ment by movement of the media through wastewater, as opposed to movement of wastewater through the media as in a trickling filter. The rotating of the disc alternately contacts the biological film with the organic material in the wastewater and the atmosphere for adsorption of oxygen. The film metabolizes and stabilizes the organic matter present in the wastewater. Excess solids are removed from the discs by rotational' shear forces and the stripped solids are maintained in suspension by the mixing action of the rotating media. The excess biomass is eventually settled out and removed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Multiple staging of RBDs increases treatment effici- ency, eliminates short circuiting and dampens shock loadings. Each state of the media essentially operates as a completely mixed reactor, enabling the most efficient types of microorganisms to be present at each state of treatment. As wastewater flows from stage to stage, an increasing degree of treatment is achieved. As the concentration of organic matter decreases, nitrifying bacteria begin to appear in the final stages. Soluble organic matter is removed from the wastewater by diffusion into the biofilm, where it is oxidized by the microorganisms present. Baffling of the treatment tank creates a staging effect which enables a high degree The flow train for the a). of treatment to be obtained. RBD process would be as follows: Preliminary treatment consisting of a commin- utor and aerated equilization chamber; rotating biological discs in a multi-stage tank where carbonaceous BOD removal and nitrifi- cation take place; c) final clarifier for suspended solids removal d) denitification sand filter for removal of nit- rates by conversation of nitrate to nitrogen gas; -49- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e) discharge ef renovated wastewater to below-grade leaching or recharge pools. Sludge would be removed periodically from the final clarifier and stabilized in an aerobic digestion tank. Final disposal of sludge will be periodically trucking to an approved disposal site, usually a large treatment plant or a scavenger waste treatment plan such as the Town of Southold plant at Greenport. Leaching pools are recommemded for the final effluent disposal. Although the initial cost and maintenance are more expensive than open beds, the primary advantages are aesthetics and the elimination of disinfection requirements. The sewage treatment plant itself requires a small amount of land for placement of actual treatment units. It is estimated that approximately 1/3 acre of land would be sufficient for the plant, excluding recharge. NYSDEC and the Health Department require minimum buffer distances to be provided around sewage treatment plans. A minimum radial separation of 500 feet is required between an aeration tank and habitation of areas of signficant use by the public, unless special designs or considerations warrant reduction in distance. Considering the minimal land available within the proposed site layout, and the NYSDEC buffer requirements for various "out door" treatment units, the buffer distances can be relieved or eliminated by housing the treatment plan in a two-level building. In addition to minimizing land requirements, this will improve the overall aesthetics of the treatment plant area. An odor control system is also recommended as a necessity ~to eliminate offensive odors. The preliminary construction cost of the sewage collection system and treatment plan to serve the 28.15 acre parcel is estimated at $750,000, of which approximately $550,000 is for the treatment plan and $200,000 is for the collection system. The cost of the treatment plant is based on having the plant in a two-level building as previously discussed. If the plant could be located in an area with more buffer distance, and not housed, a cost savings of but we recommend approximately $120,O00 would an enclosed plant. We have also estimated be achieved, the capital costs associated with providing a collection system and additional capacity at the proposed sewage treatment plant to service the re- maining 46-acre parcel. If this parcel is ultimately developed, it would be developed at no more than 20 additional residences to complement the existing estate and three dwelling units. The capital costs, as a result, would increase from $750,000 to $980,000 for wastewater collection and treatment. The capital costs for wastewater collection and treatment facilities are summarized in Table V. Parcel C would have individual lot private sewage treatment and disposal systems under both places I or II. Parcel B could either be incorporated with the Parcel A central system or have private systems under Plan I but would be private systems under Plan II. Drainage for each parcel amd plan will contain local leaching pools at low points but at the condo site additional piping and below ground leaching pools will direct as much of the drainage runoff to a series of pools along the southeast edge of the 28 acre Parcel A. This will provide for return of the drainage water to the ground water reservoir just upstream of the renovated wastewater. No specific plans for drainage area included with this report but would be available when needed. -52- PLAN II SINGLE FAMILY HOME DEVELOPMENT (a). The alternate Plan II presented and recommended is to develop the Norris 28 acre site (Parcel A) with single family homesites each with a minimum lot area of 40,000 sq. ft. (unless clustered). This would provide 25 plots which would be served by a septic tank and leaching pool as a private sewage treatment and disposal system on each lot. The soils on the site are sandy and provide for good drainage of subsurface liquids. Depth to water will range from about 14 feet on the southern portion of parcel A to about 25 feet on the north. Each septic tank would have a minimum design capacity of 900 gallons and a leaching system of at least 300 gallons per day and would also conform to the current Suffolk County Department of Health Services rules and regulations for sewage disposal for single family homes. Test holes have been dug on the site and most of the area has sand and gravel. b). The 20 additional (total 24) single family units would be served by similar units to (a). -53- (revised 6/29/88) c). As part of the Plan II alternate plan for a single family 25 lot subdivision at Norris, instead of condos there would be included as part of the overall development plan II, a subdivision of 107 single family units on 107 acre known as the Wanat parcel C. north of Bergen Avenue in northwest Mattituck. This property is presently zoned for 2 acres. Use of the 2 parcels (Parcel A of Norris and 28 acres plus Parcel C) involves a recommended transfer of 60 (maximum of 83) dwelling units from Parcel A to the 107 Parcel C. The minimize lot size on the Wanat Parcel C would be 20,000 sq. ft. All dwelling units in Plan II will be serviced with private waste water disposal system as in (a) all in conformance with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services rules and regulations. -54- TABLE V ESTIMATED WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY CAPITAL COSTS STP Construction Collection System SUBTOTAL Additional Reserve Cost Additional Collection Cost SUBTOTAL (27.7-acre parcel) (27.7-acre parcel) Capacity (46.3-acre parcel) System (46.3-acre parcel) TOTAL CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE (WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT) - PARCELS A & B -55- $550,000 · 200,000 $750,0O0 $110,000 100,000. $210,000. $960,000. ~PPENDI% A TEST WELL ANALYSES ~ORRIS ESTATES AREA ,Well Numbers 1 2 3 Locations North North Nor:h Central West East Depth 61 60 70 Size 6 2 Nitrate N 2.7 0.1 Nitrite -- None None Iron 0.9-1.0 8.4 0.04 Manganese 0.04 5.6 0.02 Chloride 14. 24. '92-134 Sc 180 230 610 Aldicarb None __ None Ammonia 0.2 4.5 0.2 pH 6.5 6.6 6.4 Calcium -- 7.6 22.0 Magnesium --- 4.2 13.1 Hardness --- 36.2 I09. Sodium --- 18. 79. Pesticides __ --- None *lowest value after pumping. ~' a shallower setting had 1.32 iron and **North South 87 2 6.1 6.1 None -_ 0.07 None none none 23. 95. 250. 460. none none 0.2 0.2 6.1 5.7 13.1 38.4 none 0.09 Mn. -56- I I I I SITE SoC. I Lab # Depth 105 110 ICi .... IN03 13.7 6.4 Iron 0.04 0.08 I pH I Hardness I Mg ISOx Aldicarb lug/1 IAldicarb Lab # Results are ug/1 APPENDIX C TEST WELL DATA PARCEL C (WANAT) PLANT SITE 805515 516 718 719 720 70' 80' 90' 100' 110' 12. 16. 19. 20. 26. 7.2 3.6 11.2 10.4 11.5 0.09 0.17 0.17 0.24 0.16 188. 300. 330. 330. 360. 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.5 55. 118. 124. 117. 138. 13.6 34. 36. 35. 36. 5.2 8.1 8.3 7.5 11.7 32 58 59 61 68 122' 24. 9.2 0.16 404. 6.9 149 44. 9.5 95 EXISTING WANAT 805- 721 5 25 combined combined 855 737 855 852 855 962 except for Aldicarb which is mg/1. -57- 65' 17. 6.3 0.93 290. 6.4 109 29 8.3 74 none 855 854 II. APPENDIX D CAPITAL COST ESTIMATES - ALTERNATIVE PLANS CONDOS & SINGLE A. FAMILY NORRIS ESTATES Area (108 Condos Single Family 74 acres) 1. Water Supply & Distribution 2. Wastewater Collection & Treatment WANAT Parcel C 107 acres 47 1. Private Well Facilities 47 @ Approx $3,000 2. Wastewater Septic & Leaching Facilities 47 @ Approx $3,200 TOTAL PLAN I & 24 $550,000. 960,000. plots) 140,000. 150,000. $1,800,000. SINGLE FAMILY ALTERNATE PLAN A. NORRIS ESTATES Area (25 + 24 Family - 74 acres) 1. Private Well Facilities 49 @ Approx $2,600 2. Wastewater Septic Reading 49 @ Approx $3,200 (Parcel C 107 acres WANAT 1. 2. Single $129,000. Testing & Preliminary 157,000. 107 Plots) $ 72,000. Water Supply & Distribution Facilities Wastewater Sseptic Facilities 107 @ 3200 Approx. TOTAL $1,100,000. & Leaching 3~2,000. ALTERNATE PLAN II $i,800,000. -58- 0 "REEVE AVENUE olso known os "CAMP MINEOLA ROAD,, WS-/ /: ]1 NOTE: FOR ALTERNATE (PHASE II) 26 PLOT SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION, SEE YOUNG ~ YOUNG DW6. No. 66-tO69(9/i2fS?) 80M WATR 66-I~ ,'NORRIS GO, ~"'~"""': "":,,,=,oo, PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY SEP~ 1986 , ' ' ...... ' ' ~,~ ,.:,;,..o..: lAND SEWERAGE SYSTEMS FOR MAY 2 , 1988 - ' OC,~ 7, 1988 I ~ NORRIS ~ONDO AREA~ I , ' I I r &, ConsultingEngineers ~~. I r '~ ,, v, Environmental Scientists ,.:,.:,,,o F~{ I Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. SITE LOCATION MAP 0 J WETiLANDS' BRINE DISCF WEEL NO, 2- PL ~VIA EASEMENT SED · TREA1 PL ....... ~WELL ~o. 1 HOUSE' POND 'NON PO)LLUTION EAS~T / WIET~LANDS, NOTE: LEGEND I °r""~J' I°"''"' "°= PROPOSED 6,' WATER MAIN , ' AP iL 198 ;,' PROPOSED ,2iWATER MA,. ,'--~pO.SED WATER SYSTEM h Mcrendon & Murrell DATA FROM PLAN BY : ;...',~,~,. , < , ' AR~I~C~ · P~NERS · ~S~ · ~Y~, ROAD (~ EASEMENT LOCATION qUBJECT TO CH(ANGE. RIVERHEAD, N.Y. FAIRFiELD, N.J. :I , , Sheet ~h~IH~A,N II,PR~qPelED WA?ES L&YOU~r