HomeMy WebLinkAboutAngel Shores Water Supply Facilities ANGEL SHORES., INC. CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK SPECIFICATIONS WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES CONSULTING ENGINEERS 120 EXPRESS STREET PLAINVIEW, NEW YORK 11803 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION A SECTION B SECTION C SECTION D SECTION E SECTION F SECTION G SECTION H SPECIAL PROVISIONS GENERAL ................................... 1-1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLING & EQUIPPING WELLS .............. A-1 CONSTRUCTING STEEL RESERVOIR .............. B-1 PLANT BUILDING ............................ C-1 NECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ....... D-1 SITE WORK ................................. E-1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ....................... F-1 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS ............ G-1 OPERATING MANUAL .......................... H-1 GENERAL The project consists of the following divisions of work: Section A Section B Section C Section D Installing and equipping wells. Constructing steel reservoir. Constructing treatment plant building. Furnishing and installing mechanical and electrical equipment. Section E Site work at treatment plant site. Section F Distrubution System. Section G Laboratory Equipment and Tools. All materials used shall be new and of the highest quality, and all workmanship shall meet the highest standards applicable. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The plans and specifications are complementary to each other and shall be considered to be one document for the purpose of constructing this project. Should the work be awarded, in sections, to two or more bidders, they shall cooperate fully in futhering the project, expediting or delaying portions of work as necessary to accommodate the needs of the other or others. Note that certain items of mechanical equipment may have to be in place before the building is completely closed in. The Contractor shall secure all necessary permits for his work and pay all fees for such permits. DIVISION 1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK 1.02 a) The work to be done under this contract consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, materials and other facilities and things necessary and proper to construct complete a water supply and treatment facility. b) The plans and specifications are intended to cover a complete project, and it shall be thoroughly understood that failure to mention specifically any work which would naturally be required to complete the project shall not relieve the Contractor of this responsibility to perform such work. WORK BY OTHERS The work which will others and which is follows: be done either by the owner or by not a part of this contract is as a) Distribution system b) The owner reserves the right to enter the property or location on which the herein contracted for is to be constructed or installed, by such agency or agents (possibly including other contractors) as he may elect for the purpose of constructing or installing the above-listed items of work and such other collateral work as the Engineer may desire. Such work will be constructed or installed with as little as possible hindrance to or interference with the Contractor. The Contractor hereby agrees not to interfere with or prevent the performance of such work by the agency or agents of the Engineer, not to claim any extra compensation or damages for delays or hindrances which may be caused by the construction or installation of such work. 1.03 CONTRACT TIME FOR COMPLETION a) The completion date for all work under this contract shall be stated in the bid notice. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE a) These specifications and accompanying plans describe equipment deemed most suitable for service anticipated. the The contractor shall prepare his bid on the basis of the particular equipment specified for the purpose of determining the low bid. b) Alternate equipment will be given consideration only if the substitution is deemed by the Engineer to be equal to or superior to that specified. Ail requests for substitution consideration must be obtained at least two (2) weeks prior to bid opening. If the Engineer's approval is obtained for the use of alternate equipment, the contractor shall at his own expense, make any changes required and approved by the Engineer to structures, buildings, piping, electrical, etc. necessary to accomodate the approved substitutions. 1-2 SUBSTITUTION OF EQUIPMENT OTHER THAN THAT SPECIFIED WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNLESS THE AFORE MENTIONED APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. 1.05 EXTENSION OF TIME a) If the amount of work done under the contract is greater than indicated by the contract documents, or if the Contractor is materially obstructed or delayed in the prosectuion or work by delay on the part of the Owner in furnishing such materials or facilities as may be required to be furnished by it, the Contractor shall be entitled to such extension of the contract time for the completion of the work as the Engineer shall certify, in writing, to be just and proper; provided a claim for such extension shall be made by the Contractor by a written notice sent to the Engineer Within ten days after the date when such alleged cause for extension of time occurred. All such claims shall state specifically the amount of delay that the Contractor believes himself to have suffered. b) ¢) Any delay in notifying the Contractor of the award of the contract later than eight days after the receipt of bids will be added to the time allowed for completion of the contract. An extension of time may be granted for any delay caused by conditions which, in the opinion of the Engineer, are beyond the control of the Contractor. 1-3 1.06 STANDARD DETAILS AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Ail material to be furnished and all work to be performed under this contract shall be in accordance with the Special Provisions and the accompanying plans and with the General Specifications, and it shall be ~he duty of the bidder to familiarize himself therewith prior to submitting a proposal for the work. 1.07 GUARANTEE A) The Contractor shall guarantee for a period of one year from the date of acceptance all work as follows: 1. Against all faulty of imperfect materials and against all imperfect, careless, and/or unskilled workmanship. That all equipment and each and every part thereof shall operate (with proper care and attention) in a satisfactory and efficient manner and in accordance with the requirements of these contact documents. The Contractor agrees to replace with proper workmanship and materials and to re-execute, correct, or repair, without cost to the Owner, any work which may be found to be improper or imperfect and/or which does not operate in a satisfactory manner or fails to perform as specified. The guarantee obligations assumed by the Contractor under these contact documents shall not be held or taken to be in any way impaired because of the specifications, indications, or approval by or on behalf of the Owner of any articles, materials, means, combinations, or things used or to be used in the construction, performance, and completion or the work or any part thereof. No use or acceptance by the owner of the work or any part thereof, nor any failure to use the same, nor any repairs, adjustments, replacements, or corrections made by the Owner due to the Contractor's failure to comply with any of his obligations under the contract documents shall impair in any way the guarantee obligations assumed by the Contractor under these contract documents. ! I ! 1.08 DEFINITIONS A) Whereever in the specifications; proposal, contract, or bond, the following terms, pronouns, or abbreviations used in their stead occur, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as follows: owner m Conctract The written agreement executed by the Owne~ and the successful bidder, covering the performance of the work and the furnishing of the project. The contract shall include the instructions to bidders, proposal, specifications, drawings, performance bond, extra work 1-5 orders, and any other written instructions pertaining to the method manner of performing the work. and Contractor The person or persons, partnership, firm, corporation who enters into the contract awarded him by the Owner. Engineer Owner's Engineer, or their duly authorized agents, said agents acting severally within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. b] Whenever in the specification or upon the drawings the words DIRECTED, REQUIRED, PERNITTED, ORDERED, DESIGNATED, PRESCRIBED, or words like import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation, or prescription Of the Engineer is intended, and similarly the words APPROVED, SATISFACTORY, or worrds like import, shall mean approved by, or acceptable or satisfactory to, the Engineer, unless otherwise stated. 1.09 ELECTRICAL POWER a) The cost of electrical current used for the construction of this contract, including that current furnished for the Contractor's field office and testing equipment, shall be borne by the Contractor up to and including the date of the final payment. b) The Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary facilities to provide himself with temporary power during the course of his construction and testing operations. The Contractor shall pay all costs and charges in connection with the funishing of the temporary power for the purposes of testing the various items of equipment if required for the equipment furnshied. 1.10 WATER SUPPLY The contractor shall provide at his own expense such quantities of clean water as may be required for any and all purposes under the contract. He shall take particular care to furnish his employees with pure and wholesome drinking water. All sources of water supply to used by the Contractor in connection with the work shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be indicated to the Engineer by the Contractor five days before beginning work so that examination of said supplies can be made. 1.11 SANITARY.ARRANGEMENTS a) Approved sanitary convenience for the use of laborers and others employed on the work, properly secluded from public observations, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor, in such manner and at points as shall be approved or directed and their use shall be strictly enforced. The collection in the same shall be disinfected and/or removed when and as directed. 1-7 1.12 STAKE OUT Property stakes and bench macks will be the Owner. provided by b) The Contractor shall perform all other work required for accurate establishment of layouts and elevations and the cost thereof shall be included in and covered by the lump sum price bid. The datum of which all elevations mentioned herein or shown on the drawings are measured, is Mean Sea Level, U.S.C. and G.S. c) The Contractor shall project and preserve the traverses and bench marks and shall make no changes in their locations. If during the prosecution of the work the Contractor displaces or destroys any portion of the traverses or any bench mark, the cost of replacing them shall be charged agains the Contractor. d) The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the finished work. 1.13 FLOODING DURING CONSTRUCTION a) The Contractor shall adequately protect his wock during construction from damage by floods and high water and be responsible for any damages caused by flooding from any source. 1-8 b) The Contractor shall not impede the flow of any existing streams adjacent to the job site and shall take precautions during construction to prevent excavated material from falling into the stream beds. If the stream flows become impeded because of his construction activities, the Contractor shall correct the condition. c) If the Contractor fails to notify the Owner in writing within two (2) days of receipt of all notices, orders, requests to comply, or reports of violations made by any local, state, or federal agency with respect to terms, wages, hours, conditions of employment, safety appliances, or other requirements applicable to the work, or fails to comply with any requirements of such agency within five (5) days, the Owner may terminate this contract immediately. 1.14 PROTECTION OF WORK The Contractor shall place a sufficient number of red lights on or near any work accessible to the public and keep them burning sunset to sunrise; he shall also erect suitable railing or barriers as required. The Owner reserves the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor as regards to protection of the work which may come to its attention, after 24 hours in writing, except that in case of emergency, the owner shall have the right to remedy any neglect without notice and in either case to deduct the cost of such remedy from money due the Contractor. 1-9 1.15 APPROVAL BY ENGINEER The words "or approved equal' as hereinafter used shall refer to the use of an equal product that has received prior approval by the Engineer as is understood to apply to every product mentiond in the specifications. 1.16 SHOP DRAWINGS I ! I The Contractor shall furnish shop drawings, descriptive literature and other required information for all manufactured items. Six (6) copies shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to fabrication. Two additional drawings shall be submitted for review as detailed under Paragraph A Below. I I I I I I I I, Approval by the Engineer of shop drawings foc materials, equipment and layout shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility of furnishing same of proper dimensions, size, quantity and all performance characteristics to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the contract documents. Approval shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors of any sort on the shop drawings. If the shop drawings deviate from the contract documents, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer of the deviations in writing, including the reasons for the deviations. Prior to the submittal of the shop drawings of manufactured items, the Contractor shall check and approve the drawings. He shall indicate his approval by initials and date, and shall also indicate by reference the specifications and/or plans which cover the item. 1-10 The procudure for submitting approval drawings shall be as follows: Prior to submittal, the Contractor shall review the manufacturer's drawing. He shall indicate his approval by initials and date, and shall also indicate by reference the specification and/or plan which covers this tiem. The following submittals shall then be mad~ to the Engineer= a) Six (6) copies to= Henderson and Bodwell Consulting Engineers 120 Express Street Plainview, New York 11803 b) Two (2) copies of the Resident Engineer at the job after approval by the Engineer. Should the submittal be four (4) copies will be Submitted" and returned acceptable to the Engineer, stamped "Furnished as to the Contractor. 1.17 CLEANUP During keep the site in a generally neat condition. Lunch papers, bottles, lumber cutoffs, drinking cups, and like rubbish shall be removed from the site daily. work shall be cleaned up as the various portions of project are completed. the progress of the work, the Contractor shall The the 1-11 Upon completion of the work and before acceptance and final payment shall be made, the Contractor shall, except as otherwise expressly directed or permitted in writing, clean and remove from the site all surplus and discarded material, rubbish and temporary structures. Be shall restore in an acceptable manner all property which has been damaged during the prosectuion of the work and leave the whole in a neat and presentable conditions. 1.18 PERNITS AND REGULATIONS The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits necessary to conduct the work and complete the contract, including the Building Permit and Applications for water and electrical service. Ail work shall be performed in strict accordance with the. regulations and requirements of the various civil agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Upon completion of the work provided for in this contract, and before final payment shall be made, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with the necessary certificates of approval issued by these various agencies. 1-12 SECTION A INSTALLING AND EQUIPPING WELLS Work Included Three wells are to be installed, each 6 inch diameter and approximately 54 feet deep, and each equipped with a submersible motor driven well pump capable of delivering 30 gallons per minute against a total dynamic head of 60 feet. II. Materials of Construction aJ Six inch black steel pipe casings shall weigh at least 18.97 pounds per lineal foot. Joints shall be threaded and coupled. b. Four inch black steel pipe (used as extensions to the screens) shall be extra heavy. Four inch screens, 30 slot, shall be wit.wound, E.A. Johnson or egual, 5 foot in length and fitted with bail plug. III. Construction Methods Wells are to be constructed following steps: by rotary drilling in the Drilling of 10 inch open hole to a depth of 49 feet. During this stage of the work, clay mud may be added to the drilling fluid, but the quantity of mud used must be kept to the minimum necessary. Setting of 6 inch casing in the center of the open hole and placing of a temporary plug in its bottom. Placing of the Portland cement grout encasement. Grout must be installed from the bottom of casing upwards, until the annular space is filled to the surface. e Following placing of grout, no work is to be performed for at least 48 hours so that the grout may be allowed to set undisturbed. ® The temporary plug shall then be drilled out and the hole deepened to receive the 4 inch diameter well screen. No drilling mud shall be used during this stage of work. The 4 inch well screen, 3 foot pipe extension, centered in the well. with its bail plug and shall then be placed and The Contractor shall then develop the well by pumping to waste at a rate of 40 gallons per minute or more until the water pumped clears of sand in less than 5 minutes after start of pumping. The permanent well pumps must NOT be used for this purpose. The bidder's attention is directed to these facts: a. An existing 4 inch well is located on the site. This well can be used by the Contractor as his source of water supply if he so desires, but he must provide his own pumping equipment. c. No electrical power is available on the site. Se The well shall then be disinfected in accordance with the requirements of A.W.W.A. Standard Specifications A-100, Section A 1-10. Then the water shall be pumped from the well until all traces of chlorine are absent. Water samples shall be taken as follows~ a. One set for physical, chemical and bacterial analysis to an authorized testing laboratory. be One similar set (to be taken by a . representative of the Suffolk County Health Services) for said department. Should any of the bacterialogical samples analysed show any B. Coli present, the well shall be again disinfected with chlorine solution and procedures repeated until bacterial sampling and analysis shows the water pumped to be free from B. Coli. IV. Construction Methods - Alternate - The Contractor may elect, upon approval by the Engineer, to construct the wells by means of percussion {cable tool) drilling. The drilling operation shall consist of the following steps: Driving of casing - Six inch steel casing conforming to paragraph IIa, shall be equipped with drive shoe or drive' coupling on the bottom, and a drive collar or anvil at the top. As the casing is driven into the ground, the driller shall use the appropriate tools, washing and bailing as required, to remove material from inside the casing. When the casing has been driven to the required depth, the Contractorr shall place and center the four inch well screen with its three foot extension. The Contractor shall place between the screen and the casing a gravel pack, consisting'of washed rounded gravel of a size and uniformity selected by the driller to match the formation conditions. The gravel pack shall extend approximately six inches above the top of the screen. Add in two foot. lifts as casing is pulled back. The casing shall be pulled back to expose the entire length of the screen. Gravel shall be ' ' added as needed to compensate for any settlement that takes place when the casing is pulled back. A neoprene packer shall be expanded between the casing and the screen extension pipe. The Contractor shall then develop the well in accordance with Paragraph 111-7, preceeding. The Contractor shall then disinfect the well in accordance with Paragraph III-8, preceeding. ~ell Pumps The permanent well pumps are to be "Jacuzzi Golden Eagle" Figure 7S4D capable of delivering 30 gallons per minute against a total dynamic head of 60 feet, stainless steel case, driven by "Franklin" stainless steel submersible motors. Three pumps are required. Pump motors shall be 3 phase 3450 RPM, furnished complete with combination magnetic starters and all necessary appurtenances and enclosures. Pump riser pipe shall be 1-1/2 inch steel. The pump control panel shall be equipped with an alternating relay which shall insure that the three pumps alternate automatically. The pumps shall also be equipped with "H-O-A" switches. Well heads shall be similar to "Jacuzzi" sanitary well seal, figure 421S, complete with junction box for submersible cable, and two 3/4 inch screened, threaded vents which will also be used as access from time to time for taking water level measurements in the wells. One of the vents shall be sealed with a pipe plug. The other shall be equipped with a 1/4 or 3/8 inch copper tube and a sealing gland, or fitting with the tube extending sufficiently far below the water surface to allow level measurements by means of a bubbler. The tube shall be terminated above the well seal with an appropriate threaded pipe adapter and a cap or plug. All threads shall be sealed with a teflon based pipe dope. Submersible motor cables shall be strapped to the riser pipe with stainless steel straps at 5 foot intervals. A-5 4. Driller shall furnish the following records= a. Written log of each well; b. Two plastic bottled samples from each well of the stratum in which the screen is placed; c. Dimensioned sketches showing casing, screen and pump setting for each well; and d. Descriptive material for pumps, motors and accessories. Be Contractor shall place his portion of the work into operation and demonstrate satisfactory performance. Cleanliness. Contractor will be required to keep the site of work free from rubbish and debris at all times, on on completion of work, restore all work areas as nearly as is possible to their original condition. SECTION B CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL RESERVOIR General The Contractor shall furnish and install a circular steel reservoir with a minimum useable liquid volume of of 54,000 gallons. Tank may be bolted or welded. Minimum dimensions are as follows= 8 foot sidewall - 34 foot diameter The tank installation shall include all necessary excavation, foundation construction, painting, steelwork and backfill. The tank shall be buried so that approximately one foot of its sidewall is below existing grade. Final grading will require berming of earth against the walls of the tank, as shown on the plan. The tank shall be able to withstand this degree of soil pressure. The tank shall be cathodically protected. Backfill for Tank Foundation The tank shall not be be built on ground that is partly cut and partly filled. The area for the tank foundation shall either be completely cut or completely filled to the required elevation. Any backfill required for the foundation shall be of select granular material added in thin layers not to exceed 12 inches thickness. Each layer shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 per cent of maximum density as measured by AASHTO-180-C. E-1 Backfill Against Tank Backfill against the tank shall be select granular material added in thin layers not to exceed 12 inches. Each layer shall be compacted by mechanical tampers to a minimum of 92 per cent density as measured by AAS~ T-180-C. Compaction by rollers or heavy equipment is prohibited within the area where the horizontal distance from the structure is less than the vertical distance to the base of the structure. Backfilling shall be accomplished on all 4 sides or on 2 sides simultaneously. Bolted Tanks Acceptable manufacturers of bolted tanks are as follows~ 1) A.O. Smith 2) Peabody Tech Tank 3) Butler. Tanks may utilize steel or concrete bottoms. Tanks with concrete bottoms shall utilize a starter panel which is caS~ and anchored into the concrete foundation wall. Tanks with steel bottom shall be constructed on a bed of compacted sand within a ring foundation. The sand shall be topped with a layer of tarred felt or equivalent barrier. The Contractor shall submit full shop drawings of proposed tank and foundation design. Bolted Tank Coatings Bolted tank panels shall be factory coated with either a) fused 91ass b) baked epoxy c) baked fluorocarbon polymer (~FP) The manufacturer shall supply a touch-up kit to allow repair of any scratches in the factory coating. Bolted Tank Hardware The bolted tank components shall be furnished completely predrilled, with all necessary fasteners, stiffeners, washers, etc. The assembly system shall include an elastomeric sealing system for all bolt holes. Bolted Tank Erection The tank ~hall be erected by an installer who can demonstrate experience in the erection of unlined bolted water tanks on a minimum of two previous installations. Bolted Tank Design Specification Bolted tanks shall conform to AWWA specification D-103. Welded Tanks A welded tank, if used, shall be constructed on a ring footing with a six inch, compacted sand cushion within the footing and topped with a layer of tarred felt or equivalent barrier. Any fill within the footing shall be mechanically B-3 compacted in thin layers to a density of at least 95 percent , of maximum. As an alternate, a welded tank may also be constructed with a reinforced concrete bottom within a ring footing, and a starter angle cast into the concrete ring. The welded tank construction shall conform to AWWA specification D100, latest revision. Welded Tank Coating Steel for the tank shall receive sand blasting and coating with an approved coaltar-polymide epoxy as described in the following section. Painting of welded tanks Ail non-galvanized ferrous metal surfaces shall receive an approved coating of an epoxy-polyamide coating system. The Contractor shall submit the proposed painting system to the Engineer for approval. Surface Preparation Steel surfaces to be painted shall be grit blasted to SSPC-SP-10 near white metal. Where required by the coating manufacturer, the appropriate primer shall be applied before flash rusting can take place, generally the same day. Where primer is not required, the first coat of the selected painting system shall be used. If the work is to be partially shop fabricated with final welded assembly in the field, the work shall receive a rust preventative shop coat of comparable primer prior to delivery to the job site. Welded areas shall be cleaned to SSPC-SP-IO prior to painting. Acceptable Paint Systems Acceptable manufacturers include but are not limited to the following: Koppers Glidden Tnemec Sherwin-Williams Preco Appropriate systems by other manufacturers will be accepted after review by the Engineer. Notes Systems must ~ listed in technical reference PW S23 of the NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Water Supply Protection. B-5 SECTION C TREATMENT PLANT BUILDING AND CONCRETE WORK This section includes the construction of footings, foundation walls and slabs and the Treatment Building itself, and includes all building materials and related items of work indicated on the plans and/or specified herein. I. EXCAVATION Excavation shall carefully be done as to conform as needed for the proposed structure. Slopes of the excavations are not to exceed 151, and the Contractor shall take all steps necessary to fully protect all workmen, and the public from harm or injury. BACKFILL No backfill shall be deposited against concrete until th~ concrete has obtained sufficient strength to withstand the earth pressure placed upon it, and in no case in less than 7 days, nor before testing watertight structures, as applicable. Granular ' ' material meeting 'Select Backfill' classification shall be used to backfill where excavated material is not available meeting this classification. The fill shall be placed evenly in layers to avoid unequal soil pressures. Backfill around all structures shall be placed in loose layers not to exceed 12 inches in thickness. Each layer shall be compacted by mechanical tampers or light vibratory compactors to a minimum of 92 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHO T-180-C. Compaction by rollers or heavy equipment is prohibited within the area where II. the horizontal distance from the structure is less than the vertical distance to the base of the structure. Backfilling shall be accomplished on all sides or on the 2 opposite sides simultaneously. CONCRETE WORK Concrete work shall be 4000 psi, mixed on the site not more than 15 minutes prior to placement. Reinforcing bars shall be deformed bars bent and installed as indicated on the Plans. Two test cylinders from each truck are to be taken during the pour, one to be tested at 7 days and one at 28 days. A. Forms shall be smooth, clean and substantially braced. B. Steel sleeves through walls and floor shall be fixed in the forms prior to pouring concrete. REMOVAL OF.FORMS Forms shall be removed in such a manner as to insure the complete safety of the structure. Immediately upoh the removal of the forms, the surface of the concrete shall be carefully examined and any irregularities of the surface shall be treated as directed by the Engineer. Honeycombed portions of concrete shall be cut. out to the extent of such defects and the space refilled with concrete or mortar in such proporations and finished in such a manor as to give a surface texture similar to that of the surrounding concrete. Merely plastering over such defects will not be permitted. In general, forms shall not be removed until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to safely support its own load plus any superimposed loads that might be C-2 placed thereon. FormS shall not be removed without the permission of the Engineer. In any event, they shall be left in place the minimum length of time, specified below, from the date of placeing concrete. Bottom Forms of Slabs ................ 5 days Walls and Abutments .................. 4 days CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints shall be made where indicated or as directed or permitted by the Engineer. They shall be located with reference to the stability, strength and watertightness of the concrete. Ill. MASONRY Walls shall have a nominal thickness of 10 inches (6 inch hollow concrete block and 4 inch face brick). The hollow block units shall be 6' X 8' XI6~. Face brick shal~ be standard size 8" X 3-5/8" X 2-1/4' conforming to ASTM C-216, grade SW, Type FBX and made from clay, not shale. Color and texture shall be as selected by the Owner. Salmon or underburned brick not acceptable. Acoustical Block Walls, where indicated on the plans, shall be constructed of sound absorbing structural masonry units; 'Acousta-Wal' as manufactured by 'Trenwyth Acoustical Products', or approved equal. The masonry units are to be laid in a full bed or mortar and reinforced at alternate courses (16' o.c. vertically) with galvanized "Dur-o-wal' truss type masonry reinforcing. IV. CARPENTRY Lumber for structural framing shall be No. 1 grade, Douglas Fir pressure treated AWPI LP.2. Plywood sheathing shall be exterior type, exposed face shall be grade A, concealed face shall be grade D. Aluminum trim shall be 0.024 gauge, prefinished with white enamel. VINYL SIDING The gable ends of the Treatment Plant building shall be finished with double 4 inch vinyl horizonal siding. The vinyl siding shall be installed over 3/8" plywood sheeting. One half inch styrofoam insulation strips shall be as manufactured by 'Certainteed', 'Bird & Sons' or 'G.A.F.'. Color shall be selected by the owner. V. HOLLOW METAL DOORS a) The Contractor shall furnish and install exterior hollow metal steel doors, 1-3/4' thick, 16 gauge, zinc coated, as shown on the drawings. b) Doors shall be 'Fenestra Hollow Metal Swing Doors", as manufactured by the Division of Marmon Group, ' Inc. or equal. C-4 c) Construction - Stiles and rails shall be No. 16 gauge steel, formed and welded into tubes. Bottom rails shall be 8 inches by 1-3/4 inches. Jamb stiles and top rail shall be 7-3/4 inches by 1-3/4 inches. A threshold shall be supplied and installed and shall be saddle type extruded aluminum, insulated and shall be Catalog No. A30VP as manufactured by Southern Metal Products Corporation, or approved equal. e) Shop Finish - Doors and frame shall receive one shop coat of baked-on metallic primer before shipment. Frame shall be bonderized before painting. f) Erection - Doors and frame shall be erected plumb and true, with all hardware left in proper working order. g) Windows shall be intermediate projected, anodized aluminum, "BOCA" or equal, with insect screens. VI. GYPSUM BOARD CEILING One half inch thick gypsum board shall be applied to the ceiling joists. Joints shall be taped and covered with joint compound. Ceiling to receive one coat of primer and one coat of finish paint. C-5 VII ROOFING Roofing material shall be fibergalss "Seal-o-matic" shingles as manufactured by Johns Manville or approve4 equal. Shingles shall be applie4 over 1 ply No. 15 asphalt-saturated felt. Color of shingles to be selected by the Owner. VIII PAINTING Floor of equipment room and all exposed concrete within 3 feet of any sodium hydroxide storage or piping shall be painted two coats "Preco# "Liqui-Steel" applied in strict accordance with the manufactuers instructions. The floor shall be clean and dry, and free from all dirt, dust, grease and cleaning agents. The first coat shall be thinned 50 percent. Coatings shall not be applied at temperatures below 50" P. Interior walls and ceiling shall be painted with two coats of Preco "Pliotone". Colors for floor, walls and ceiling shall be selected by owner. Piping shall be painted with'one of the following coatings: ' ' 1) Polyamide-epoxy 2) Alkyd-enamel, High gloss Piping shall conform to the following colors: 1) Raw Water - Orange 2) Potable Water - Blue 3) Chlorine Solutions - Yellow All surfaces shall be clean and free of grease prior to painting. Any galvanized surfaces shall be primed with a zinc-oxide zinc dust primer, or other primer appropriate for galvainzed metal. Remove all debris and clean site work. Remove dust and throughly scrub walls, floor and ceiling or reservoir and sponge and remove all water used for scrubbing from reservoir floor and pump pit. (See Mechanical Specification Sections for sterilization of Reservoir). · C-? SECTION D MECHANICAL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ~ork Included This section includes the furnishing, installing and placing in operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment with the exception of well pumps and accessories, but including certain miscellaneous work described herein. II. Mechanical Equipment All 2 inch and 4 inch piping carrying treated water into and out of the hydropneumatic tank shall be of ductile iron, thickness Class 53, conforming to AW-WA Standard C150-74, cement lined in accordance with AWWA Standard C104-74, or schedule 40 galvanized steel, as shown on the plans. Pipe and fittings within building shall be 125 poun~ flanged, standard bolt circle and drilling. Dresser Coupling shall be Style 38. B$ All piping smaller in size than 2" shall be P.V.C. pressure pipe, (unless otherwise indicated) with coupling points and P.V.C. fittings, meeting the requirements of AW-WA Standard C901-78, pressure class 200, DR ratio not greater (thinner) than 14. Well pump risers shall be schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe, 1-1/2 inch. D-1 Piping in these sizes shall be run in straight horizontal and vertical lengths on walls and ceiling and adequately fastened and supported by clips, brackets and hangers. Gate valves, 2 inch and 4 inch, shall be double disc, non-rising stem with handwheel, AWWA Standard C500-61. D. Check valves shall be AWWA Standard C508-71. Valves, 2 inches and smaller, shall be gate or globe type, iron body, bronze fitted, with adaptors for P.V.C. connections. Small check valves shall be iron body, bronze fitted with adaptors P.V.C. connections. F. Service pumps shall be Byron-Jackson Series TXR in-line pumps, size 2 X 3 X 7.5, 3,600 RPM, equipped with 10 HP motor and 6-1/2 diameter inch impeller, capable of pumping 125 gallons per minute at 160 feet TDH. G. Hydropneumatic tank, nominal 3000 gallon capacity~ shall be an ASHE code tank with label for 125 pound per square inch pressure. Tank shall be fitted with access manhole, glass water level indicator tube with petcock connections at each end, 4 inch diameter pressure gauge, .graduated 0 to 100 p.s.i.g., and ~ASCO~ tripoint adjustable dead band switches, range 3 to 100 p.s.i.g, to start and stop service pumps. ~D-2 Tank shall be primed and coated inside and out usin9 epoxy primers and coatings selected from technical reference PWS23 of the N.Y.S. Department of Health, Bureau of Water Supply Protection. ! ! ! ! Adjust 'ASCO' tripoint pressure switch to start lead pump at 45 p.s.i.g, and stop pump No. i at 60 p.s.i.g. Adjust 'ASCO' tripoint to start second pump at 35 p.s.i.g, and stop pump No. 2 at 50 p.s.i.g. Provide alternator to change starting order of pumps following each operation. Chemical Feeders. 'Precision' Model 8 311-11 (0.17-0.83 gph) chemical feeders shelf-mounted over covered 30 gallon polyethylene barrels shall be provided to handle dilute solutions of Sodium Hypochlorite, Sodium Hydroxide, and Sodium Hexameta Phosphate or other proprietary phosphate stabilizing agent. Pumps shall include bases, strainer-foot valves, anti-siphon valves, etc. A total of eight (8) pumps shall be furnished and installed. Pumps shall be shelf mounted, above their respective chemical drums. Chlorine solutions will be prepared using sodium hypochlorite, and the chlorine feeders will be required to provide chlorine residuals in the 30 GPM flow of raw water entering the reservoir ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 mg/1. Sodium Hydroxide solutions will be prepared by diluting 40 per cent or 20 per cent caustic soda solutions, to 5~ per cent with anticipated dosages ranging from 5 to 20 mg/1. D-3 Sodium Bexameta phosphate solutions will be prepared by dissolvin9 phosphate crystals in water. The pumps shall be numbered and referred to as follows: Sodium Bydroxide - Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Sodium Bypochlorite _ Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Sodium Hexametaphosphate - Nos. 9, 10 and 11. The Sodium ~ydroxide pumps shall be the nearest to the deluge shower~ hypochlorite pumps shall be the next nearest. The chemical feed pump operation shall be keyed to the well pump operation as follows= Pumps 1, 6 and 9 to one well pump Pumps 2, 7 and .10 to the second well pump (42). Pumps 3, 8 and 11 to the third well pump (t3). Pump 4 to one service pump~ pump 5 to the other service pump. In other words, each well pump shall start one hydroxide pump, one chlorine pump, and one polyphosphate pump. Each service pump shall start one chlorine pump. The chemical feed pumps shall be triple interlocked with their respective well pump starter, a pressure sensor and a flow sensor. One flow and one pressure sensor required for each well pump and service pump. D-4 ii i i /I ! ! ! I i The pressure sensor shall be an ASCO tri-point pressure switch located upstream of the back pressure valve and pressure gauge shown in the chemical feed loop. Two required, set for approximately 3 psig. The'flow sensors shall be transmitters located in the well pump water meters. Flow sensors for the service pump discharge chlorine feeders shall be paddle wheel flow sensors similar to signet scientific model 315 flow sensor, a model 384 powered flow meter and a model 310 flow limit detector. The Contractor shall furnish and install any intermediate relays needed for voltage or current amplification. The contractor shall also furnish and install any demodulators and/or signal convertorss necessary. He shall alao furnish and install any auxilliary cable and/or conduit necessary to complete the installation. The power circuits to the feeders shall be opened and closed by three sets of contacts in series, actuated by the aforementioned interlocks. The contactors shall be wall mounted in a separate NEMA 3R or NEMA 12 enclosure. A deluge shower, with eyewash, shall be furnished' and installed~ Direct Saftey Co., Fig. 12-260, or equal. A steel locker, containing protective apron, gloves and face shield shall be furnished. Additional safeguards are to provided as follows: 1. Vacuum breakers or anti-siphon valves are to be installed to prevent siphoning. 2. Transparent plexiglass pr polycarbonate shield D-5 over hypochlorite and caustic pumps. A "Kill" switch for the caustic and hypochlorite pumps shall be installed at the building entrance. · D-6 Drums and Mixers - Contractor shall furnish and install three 30 gallon polyethylene drums, translucent and graduated, with covers. Also furnish two -1/4 hp mixers, by Eagle Control Corp., for the hydroxide (or bicarbonate) and polyphosphate drums. Also, provide spring scale with 10lb minimum capacity and bowl capable of holding 10 pounds of dry chemical. Bowl shall be stainless steel, PVC or polyethylene. The Contractor shall provide the following chemicals for plant startup= a) 30 gallons of 12 per cent sodium hypochlorite bleach. b) 30 gallons 20 per cent sodium hydroxide or 100 pounds of sodium bicarbonate. c) 1~0 pounds Calgon sodium hexameta - phosphate. Chemical Feed Points - The Contractor shall provide chemical feed points. These chemical feed points' shall consist of the following= A tap for chemical addition~ accomplished by either a) A tee in process piping bushed down to 1/4 ' inch tubing size. b) Stainless steel tapping saddle on process pipe equipped with stainless steel 'Swag,lock' or equal plug valve, 1/4 inch iron pipe size by 5/16 OD tubing (or equivalent combination of fittings) to fit .chemical feed tubing. · D-7 o A static 'bow tie' mixer, as manufactured by Kenics, Komex oc Koch, PV¢ or stainless steel; one required. The mixer shall contain minimum of thcee elements. A sampling valve downstream of static mixture, 1/4 inch size, brass or stainless steel, with 6 inches of copper tubing, 1/4 inch, on discharge side. L. Flow Meters. Meters are to be provided as follows= l / i 'Badger' 1-1/2 inch magnetic drive, bulletin MD-400, nutating disc meter installed in each well discharge line where shown, or approved equal.. me 'Badger' or Sparling 3 inch industrial turbine meter, magnetic drive meter in hydropneumatic tank discharge line where shown. Neters shall conform with Badger Bulletin MT-4?02, and shall be equipped with totalizing and indicating registers. Netere shall have the capability, of being fitted with a transmitter which will drive a totalizing recorder in the control room. 5 Registers - Registers for all meters shall be similar in function to Sparling mMaster-Flo' registers and shall indicate flowrate as well as totalize gallons. D-8 /1 ill iII Me Sampling Taps. Sampling taps must be provided, of 1/4 inch copper tubing with petcock, as shown on the drawings for the three well discharges and additionally similar sampling taps on the influent and effluent piping o£ the hydropneumatic tank. Disinfection. Before placing the plant in service, the Contractor shall scrub the walls, floor and ceiling of the storage reservoir with a 50 mg/1 chlorine solution, or alternately carefully spray, with a minimum of 50 psig pressure, all reservoir surfaces with a 50 mg/1 chlorine solution. During this disinfection, the Contractor will be required to provide adequate air circulation within the reservoir to protect his workmen, or provide those within the tank with 'Scott' air packs. Workmen within the tank shall wear harnesses and safety lines, tended by a safety man at the surface. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY OF WORKMEN AND THE PUBLIC IS ENTIRELY THE DUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR. All piping and appurtenances in the water treatment plant shall be disinfected in accordance with the provisions of Division F, Section III, Paragraph E, of this specification. All piping surfaces shall be in contact with 50 mg/1 of residual chlorine for a minimum of 24 hours. The hydropneumatic tank shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA specification B-100, and shall be filled with a solution of not less than 25 mg/1 'D-9 residual chlorine for a period of not leaa than 12 houra. Care ahall be taken to bleed all air from the tank during thia period ao that all internal surfacea come into contact with the solution. Automatic Blowoff Valve. The raw water manifold connecting the three wells shall be equipped (Contractor to furnish and install) with automatic blowoff systems, one for each well. This shall consist of the following components~ Blowoff Valve - Clayton 'Clay Valve' back pressure/pressure relief valve, series 50 1-1/4 inch size, three required - two as blow off valves, one as back pressure control valve adjacent to chemical feed loop. Isolating Valve - Clayton series DG-01ABJ, open when de-energized. 1-1/4 inch size. 93-01, model 93 Two required, Timing Relay - Eagle signal HP 5 series, model 9, on delay type, with timing interval adjustable from 30 second to 15 minutes. Timer shall begin to time when a reservoir float switch activates a well pump. During the timing period, the appropriate contacts on the timer shall open the blowoff valve and close the isolation valve described in pr.ce.ding paragraphs. At the end of the tlming period the timer shall stop, the blowoff valve shall close and the isolation valve shall open. When the pump motor stops, the timer shall automatically reset. Two timers required, one for each isolating valve. D-10 0 Operatinq Sequence a. Float activates pump motor starter. b. Auxilllary contact in starter activates timer. c. Timer energizes solenoid isolating valve. d. Pump pressure forces water out of pressure relief/blow off valve. e. Timer de-energizes solenoid valves. f. Pump shuts off and timer resets itself. Bulk Caustic Soda Storage. The Contractor shall furnish and install a buried tank for the bulk storage of 25 per cent by weight liquid caustic soda. 1. Capacity - 500 - 550 gallons. Construction - Glass fiber reinforced polyester, or other thermoplastic, using resins that are approved by National Sanitation Foundation for storage of caustic soda for potable water use. Tank shall be horizontal, cylindrical, Owens-Corning, Cardinal, Warner-Belding or approved equal, double walled in conformace with articles ? and 12 of Suffolk County Sanitary Code. The tank shall be of double wall construction. The tank shall be equipped with a chamber and gland that allows the placement of an electrical conductivity monitor into the bottom of the annular space between the two tanks. The Contractor shall furnish and install said monitor with the tank. The Contractor shall also furnish and install a wall mounted alarm panel in the building which will indicate any leakage into the annular space. D-11 Installation - Install tank on 12 inch bed of smooth pea gravel. Backfill with pea gravel to elevation 6 inches above crown of tank. Compact gravel in accordance with manufacturer's requirements. 'D-12 Electrical Testing - Tank shall be leak tested in conformance with Articles 7 and 12, Suffolk County Sanitary Code, by individual(s) certified to do such testing. Provide and install Tankometer calibrated for 25 per cent caustic soda solution. Mount on wall inside building. Transfer Pump - Furnish and install self priming transfer pump, Jabsco, Flor.c, or approved equal with flexible viton impeller, stainless steel shaft and polymeric pump head. Mount on wall below grating in service pump intake pit. Transfer pipe shall be double wall, as manufactured by A.O. Smtih, or equal, and shall discharge to day tank. Provide wall switch for starting and stopping pump. Pump shall deliver approximately 5 gallons per minute. Electrical Service. Contractor. shall make all necessary arrangement with the Long Island Lighting' Company, cooperate fully with them in the installation of electrical service and meter pan, and perform all work and pay all costs which this part of the project may entail. The electrical service to be installed is to be 208 or 240 volt 200 ampere, and wi1! consist of the following components= A direct burial cable conforming to the requirements of LILCO and the National Electrical Code. D-13 Steel conduit protection for the cable must be provided where it crosses roads or streets, and rises to the supply pole and to metering equipment. 3. Where direct burial in conduit changes direction, sweep bends shall be provided, and bushings furnished at the cable entrances to the conduit to prevent chafing. Meter pan is to be mounted on the outer wall of the building where shown on the plans and in accordance with LILCO requirements. ~lectrical Control Panel. All electrical controls, switches, starters, circuit breakers, etc. shall be neatly grouped and wall mounted where indicated. Each pump motor shall be controlled by a hand-off-automatic switch, and each pump motor starter shall contain required relays for auto-start and for control of chemical feeders and appurtenances. Enclosures shall be NEMA 3R or NEMA 12. Il i iI Electrical Conduits and Wiring. Ail conduit and wiring shall be installed in straight runs, horizontally and vertically on walls and horizontally on ceiling. Condulet or equal fitting shall be used at each change of direction but wire splicing shall be kept to a minimum. Drops to service pump motors and to chemical feeders shall come from ceiling, and service pump motor drops shall end at the motor with a least 2 feet of "Greenfield". D-14 r r Standby Generator. Standby generator shall be Kohler 32.5 Kw-AC-3 phases-120/208 volts, liquid cooled, L.P. gas generator set, Model 32.5RZ with automatic start and automatic transfer switch with flexible exhaust connector and residential exhaust silencer, 90 amper hour starting battery with trickle charger. Sufficient L.P. gas shall be furnished to operate generator for a minimum of 48 hours. The L.P. container Or containers shall be set on a 6 inch concrete slab set back 10 feet from' the building. Minimum aggregate storage volume shall be 250 gallons. The installation shall meet all requirements of the American Fire Protection Association, the Southold Town Building Department and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Transfer switch shall be Kohler circuit breaker type, 104 ampere capacity, compatible with electric service, with adjustable time delays for emergency start, emergency to normal, and engine stop. An exercising cycle timer shall also be included. When power is transferred to the generator, one of the space heaters shall be locked out of operat%on. the Contractor shall furnish and install the necessary devices, wiring and enclosures for this. Ail required piping, valves, strainers and appurtenances for the 1.P. gas supply shall be provided. Lights and Outlets. Lighting shall be fluorescent fixtures, mounted on ceiling. Outlets shall be 120 volt, duplex, mounted on walls 3'-6" above floor. D-15 Heating Units - Two Emerson-Chrolmalox electric unit heaters, 7 KW, 23891 btu, 208 or 240 volt as required, 3 phase with internal thermostat MT-1 and mounting bracket MMB-10, on walls 10'-6' above floor. Ge Circuit breakers for lights and outlets shall be enclosed in steel cabinet on wall. Circuit breakers for outlets shall be ground fault protected. Supervisory System and Automatic Operation. All automatic control functions shall be provided with manual override. The supervisory system shall include an automatic dialer over telephone wires to a point specified by the Village of Greenport. A minimum of four alarm relays shall be included, covering the following conditions: Power.failure Pump motor overload Low water pressure Low storage tank level High storage tank level Fire and smoke Alarm dialer shall be Adas II or equivalent Telephone - Contractor shall cooperate with the telephone company in the installation of underground telephone service, perform all work and pay all costs which this installation will require. Telephone cable shall be 6 pair for direct burial. 'D-16 Conform with Codes. All electrical work and installations must conform fully with the National Electrical Code, with the National Electrical Safety Code, with all requirements of the Long Island Lighting Company and with all local rules and regulations. D-l? SECTION E SITE WORK Work Included: II. The work to be performed under this section comprises of the grading of the site, the clearing and compacting of the access roadway, and of the area within the fencing, and the fencing as shown. .Materials of Construction III, Fencing shall be "Cyclone Chainlink" or equal, 6 foot high fabric, 9 gauge, line posts 1.90 O.D. Schedule 40, gate posts 2.875 O.D. Schedule 40, top rail 1.660 O.D. Schedule 40, 3 strand barbed wire at top on inside. Gates for 180° swing with offset hinges, pipe plunger rod, and locking device (with bar for two padlocks}. All materials galvanized ASTM-A120. Methods of Work~ Etc. Grading. The fenced area shall be graded to provide slopes to drain away from the treatment building, and ground level at the fence line shall be 6 inches lower than that at the treatment plant building. All necessary swales to conduct drainage from the fence line to lower ground shall be provided. Access Road. The area to be used as access road shall be cleared of vegetation and topsoil, and compacted by rolling with heavy equipment. Provide swales for drainage, as needed. Ce Fencing. Fence posts shall be installed in 8 inch diameter holes 30 inches deep, filled with concrete when post is installed. SECTION F II. DISTRUSUTION SYSTEM Work Included Work to be performed under this section comprises the installation of the water main distrubution system including breaking and replacement of pavements, excavation and backfilling of trenches, the installation of mains and appurtenances, and disinfection of the completed system. Also included herein is the construction of the waste drainage pipeline from the treatment plant tO the dredged canal and its discharge structure. Materials used in construction shall conform to the following specifications= A® C® Thickness class 52 ductile iron cement lined with pushon joints and gaskets. Class 250 Ductile Iron Fittings, mechanical joints and gaskets. pipe, AWWA C150-74 AWWA Cl11-71 Cement Lining for all Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings Gate Valves - Double Disc, non-rising stem, open clockwise, with operating nut. AWWA C-104-74 AWWA C500-?1 Valve Boxes - 3 Section .F-I CLOW FIG 2450 III. Yard Hydrants - 'Lock Lid# street washer type 1-1/2" hose connection, anti-freezing for 4-1/2 foot bury. Murdock M-6150 1-1/2" Construction Methods Excavations. Trenches shall provide minimum 4-1/2 foot cover for pipes. Trench shall not be wider than necessary to provide working space. Trench bottom must be shaped to accommodate pipe, free from stones, boulders and debris. Backfill shall first be placed and .tamped to the springline of the pipe, and then placed and consolidated to surface level. Ail applicable provisions of Standard AWWA C-600-77 shall be complied with, together with such modifications covering PVC pipe specified in Chapter VI of the 'Unibell' handbood of PVC pipe. Be Blocking. All dead ends, bends, tees and crosses requiring thrust blocking shall be restrained against movement by an approved mechanical joint restraint system. Joint restraint shall bet a) Gland Type - Clow fig F-1058 retainer gland. b) Anchoring Fitting - Clow Fig 1211 o4 1215. c) Locked mechanical joint - Clow fig F-127D. US Pipe Fig U-12C. d) Tie Rods - Star joint restraint system, Star National Products, Columbus Ohio, Catalog JR-4. Joint restraint shall be contained a minimum of 18 feet or two joints (whichever involves the greater distance) from any change in direction or dead end. This includes all legs of elbows, tees, CrOSSeS, etc. Cleanliness. Extreme care shall be taken to keep all pipe and appurtenances free from dirt, sand and all possible sources of contamination during storage handling and installation. Each pipe shall be swabbed with a 25 part per million of chlorine solution just prior to placement in the trench, Pipe ends in the trench left open and unattended for more than a few minutes shall be temporarily plu~ged. De As each section of piping between valves is completed, and concrete thrust blocking has had time to cure and set, Contractor shall demonstrate that each section is watertight under a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch with allowable leakage of less than 0.008 gallons per hour per joint of the section tested. Disinfection. All piping and appurtenances shall be disinfected prior to being placed in service, using calcium or sodium hypochlorite solutions so as to provide 50 ppm available chlorine in all parts of the pipeline. Ail provisions of AWWA Standard C-601-68 shall be complied with except that the flushing velocity may be maintained at not less than 1.0 feet per second. Contractor should particularly note the provision of Section 10 of the Standard which requires repetition of disinfection procedures unitl satisfactory bacteriological samples are obtained. IV Safety Contractor shall be fully responsible and do all things necessary to maintain safe working conditions and to protect his workmen and the public from harm or injury. Clean Sites of Work The Contractor shall maintain all of his worksites clean and free from debris at all times. F-4 SECTION G LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS The Contractor shall furnish and install the following items of laboratory equipment: A. FURNITURE Sink Unit. Provide Fisher Scientific model 97-49a Base, 47 inches wide, with Duratek top, cut out for Fisher Scientific 91-500 sink basin, 24 inches long X 16 inches wide X 12 inches deep. Counter Unit. Provide model 97-130 or equal, 18 5/16 inches wide X 22 inches deep X 35 inches high base unit, with type 1 style A top (overall depth of 31 inches). Top to be Fisher Duratek or equal. 3. Furnish adjustable laboratory stool, high type, Fisher Model 91-255 or equal. B. MISCELLANEOUS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall funish the following items: 6 - 125 ml erlenmeyer flasks - 10-040-8D (Fisher) 6 - 250 ml beakers - 2-539K (Fisher) 2 - 1000 ml graduated cylinders - nalgene - 8-570-20G 12 - 10 ml graduated Mohr pipetts - 13-665M 2 - 50 ml graduated cylinders - 8-549D 1 - Buret Support (Fisher 14-688) with enameled iron base and spring-loaded buret holder. 2 - Burets, 50 ml with teflonR stopcocks, Fisher 3-700-15B or 3-700-12B G-1 1/4 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2OO 2O0 2OO 2OO 1 - 1 - 4oz Cl18 INSTRUMENTS qt. 0.025 Normal Phenylarsine Oxide (PAO) HACH Cat ~ 1070-16 - pt. starch indicator solution, APHA - BACH 349-37 200 ml unstoppered volumetric flasks, Fisher 10-202C qt. 0.025 Normal Potassium Biniodate, APHA HACH 312-11 Lb. reagent (ACS) grade potassium iodide HACH 167-01 qt. 0.02 N Sulfuric acid, APMA HACH Cat # 203-16 qt. 0.02 N EDTA solution (HACH TITRI-VER) Cat # 205-16 -Hach Man-Vet II powder pillows, Cat # 928-99 - Hach Cal-Ver II powder pillows Cat # 947-99 - Brom Cresol Green-Methyl red powder pillows Cat ~ 943-99 - S-diphenylcarbazone powder pillows, Hach Cat # 967-99 qt. 0.0141 N. Mercuric Nitrate Solution Bach Cat # 285-16 Acetate buffer -Hach Cat # 14909-37 The Contra6tor shall furnish the Following: Chlorine Residual Test Kit - Dual Range - Model CN-70, Hach Cat # 14542-00 pH Meter - Hach Model 17200 - Cat # 17200-10 Buffer Pillows - 2 Pk pB 5 -Hach Cat # 14-97-97 Buffer Pillows - pH 7 - 2 Pk of 10 Hach Cat % 14098-97 Buffer Pillows - pH 9 - 2 Pk of 10 Hach Cat # 14107-97 Phosphate Test Kit - Model PO-24 Hach Cat % 2250-01 Conductivity Meter -Hach Cat % 17250-00 G-2 D. TOOLS The Contractor "Stanley" or equal, shall furnish the following tools, in an enameled steel carrying case: Carpenter's hammer set, 6", 8", 12", "Slotted" screwdrivers Set% 6", 8", 12", "Philips" screwdrivers Pair electricisn's pliers (insulated handles) hand drill with 3/8" chuck, and 2 set of bits (1/8", 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8") 12" Crescent wrenches 18" Stillson wrenches hacksaw with 6 blades 12" triangualr file G-3 SECTION B OPERATING MANUAL The Contractor shall prepare or have prepared, by a licensed engineer in the State of New York, a detailed operation and maintenance manual. The manual shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following items: 1. General theroy of operation of all portions of plant. 2. General instructions for day-to-day operation. 3. General instructions for day-to-day and week-to-week equipment maintenance. Discussion of laboratory testing, interpretation of results, general description of tests, instructions where appropriate, frequency chart. Control schematic showing all automatic motor controls, interlocks, etc. Elementary wiring diagram. Manufacturer's manuals on all equipment. These may be bound into a separate volume. Provide five (5) copies. Branch Offices: ORLANDO. FLORIDA ELMHURST. ILLINOIS SOIvlERSET. NEW JERSEY MASON. OHIO Main Ollice: 'i 20 EXPRESS STREET PLAINVIEW. NEW YORK 11803 CONSULTING ENGINEERS RUSSELL S BODWELL JOHN J PR!CE STEVEN L SAMET HALL CLAF<E JAMES OELAND ANGUS O ~ENDERSON CONSULT/- NT PAUL H ULATOWSKI ASSOCIATE HENDERSONAND BODWELL 120 EXPRESS STREET, PLAINVIEW, NEW, YORK 11803 0anuary 13, 1987 Mr. Warren P. Longacker, P.E. State of New York Department of Health Office of Public Health Govenor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza Albany, N.Y. 12237 WSA No. 7718 Angel Shores and The Cove Southold, Suffolk County Re · 516-935B87.0 FAX: 516-935-8760 Dear Mr. Longacker: Att'ached are two copies of a revised water supply report for the above project, dated September 26, 1986. The report basically indicates that the Angel Shores subdivision is to be expanded from 27 to 51 lots, resulting in a total of 80 units in Angel Shores and The Cove. As a result, the report indicates that the following changes should be made: l) A third 30 gpm well should be added (for a firm capacity of 60 gpm on peak days.) 2) 'Storage should be increased from 40,000 gallons to 54,000 gallons. We t~ust that the proposed changes will be acceptable to your office. Please advise if any amendments must be made to applications. Very truly yours, ~11~am $. Houck WSH/jw cc: R.S. Bodwell P. Ponturo J. Millekin CR T/ON MAP WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES SERVING ANGEL SHORE ESTATES'" AND THE COVE SITUATED IN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ', SUFFOLK CO., NEW YORK PREPARED BY HENDERSON AND BODWELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PLAINVlEW, NEW YORK SCALE: AS SHOWN FEBUARY XN, 198'6 DWG. N~. ~'/-.4-o1 SHEET /'OF ,? MA t~ ,~ IA L f~/~?,p,e~ ~-~ , WATER SUppLy FACILITIES,/,' ',,~ ~l~"p~o~ ~ ' "''' SERVING '" ' ,'' ','~':" " CHEMICAL FEED POMP SCHEDULE NOS. 1 and ~t Feed aodlOm hydrOXide , into manifold befor,e storage, ' ~ ~ Actdated by well pumps,'Ohe feed ?¢' pump pe~ well pump~ ~ N~s; A and,~: ~ee~ hypochlcrite i into'service pump diecharge before ~ hydropneumatic tank, Actuated by , service pumpsl one feed pump per Servicepump. ~ ~os.~;~and~:' Feeds hypochlorite ,into raw water manifold before storage., Actuated by,well pumps, one feed pump per'well pump~ Standby Service Only ~ . No~.9. iOandll~ Feed polyphosphste ili into raw wat%r maoifold before ,[. storage. Actuated by well pumps, One feed pump pez will pump. f ~ I o¢r~r ~=¢~ Z I /'MULIn, '1 ~/~ " d/~) ~ ~¢~om ~¢~ ~x~ - I I I I I I II I I / / (~ ~ ( l/FAT 6,~O,~'T TYPICAL WATER sUCPLY FACILITIES SERvIN~ ' ANGEL SHORE ESTATES ' ' AND , , ,, THE,,coVE r,.,., r.,.,: :.r./,,~L. rl~,~¥1:~ "4 ' ,:.:, .~.",Td~. :.bt SO uTHO LO ,'., . ::...' OLK;'.'CO. . ,.,,,NEW, YORK ., ,;,,.,,;pk£PaR[b i~v , '" · -CONS~.LTINO' ,ENGiNEERs Jp