HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoldsmith Inlet Jetty Shoreline ImpactGOLDSMITH INLET JETTY SHORELINE IMPACT STUDY SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW' YORK .~1~ Greenman-Pedersen, Associates, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS REPORT ON THE SHORELINE IMPACTS OF THE GOLDSMITH INLET JETTY TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Analysis of Shoreline Results Discussion of Results Impact of Storms References Figures Tables Dynamics 1 3 4 5 8 9 REPORT ON THE SHORELINE IMPACTS OF THE GOLDSMITH INLET JETTY Introduction Goldsmith Inlet is located along the north shore of Southold, on the Long Island Sound, which is about of the Town 13 miles wide at this point. This report presents the results and discus- sion of a shoreline analysis conducted to determine the possible relationship between the stone Jetty at Goldsmith Inlet and the erosion of Kenneys Road Beach (Figure 1). Specifically, the study area extends from approximately 2000 feet west of the Inlet to Morton Point, which is approximately 13,000 feet east of the Inlet. The study area is characterized by a quartz sand beach, backed in most areas by one or more rows of dunes. West of Goldsmith Inlet, however, and at Horton Point, the beach is backed by bluffs of 40 and 80 feet, respectively. Between these bluffs, the study area appears to have formed, in the geologic past, as a prograding shoreline resulting from the infilling of an embayment between two headlands. The Goldsmith Inlet Jetty was constructed in 1964 by New York State to alleviate the erosion problem at Peconic Sound Shores, west of the inlet, and to aid in maintaining a tidal channel through the inlet. At some time between 1962 and 1966, a private groin was constructed approximately 3400 feet east of the inlet. Within the past several years, numerous additional private groins were constructed along Kenneys Road Beach. Shoreline erosion on the north shore of Long Island has been classified as "critical" by the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers (1), which means that the area is "undergoing significant erosion where action to halt erosion may be Justified." -2- Other studies (e.g. 2) have confirmed this long term trend towards shoreline recession in the study area. As a result of this trend, numerous erosion control devices, including the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty, have been constructed. Jetties and groins function in a similar manner (Jetties being those structures located at inlets) in interrupting the longshore movement of sediment, which is predominantly from west to east in the study area. The result is a building up of the beach on the "updrift" side and erosion on the "downdrift" side. There is no estab- lished guideline for determining the extent of the downdrift "erosion shadow" associated with a littoral barrier. The rate and extent of erosion depend on many factors, including beach characteristics, offshore profiles, frequency of storms, and shoreline orientation. Previous studies (3 and 4) have deter- mined that groins on the North Shore of Long Island elicit shore- line responses similar to those on other sedimentary coasts. In addition to being the location at which the subject Jetty was constructed, Goldsmith Inlet is situated near a point of major shoreline orientation change, which can significantly affect the relevant coastal processes (5). The shoreline to the west of the study area trends more towards an east-west direc- tion, while the study area shoreline trends more northeast- southwest. -3- Analysis of Shoreline Dynamics Shoreline position and configuration are constantly changing in response to storms, normal wave activity, and engineering works. The analysis of these changes can best be done through the use of sequential data covering an appropriate time span to study the problem at hand. The best source for this data is vertical aerial photography (6). For the purpose of performing the quantitative analysis, selected aerial photographs were blown up to a scale of l" = 400', using shoreline cultural features as control. Data collection and analysis was then performed using a variation of the orthogonal grid-address system (6) developed by Dr. Robert Dolan et. al. A transparent topographic map was prepared which contained all of the cultural features used for control, at the scale of the photographs. A baseline was estab- lished on this transparent overlay and perpendicular transects then placed at 300' increments. Data gathering consisted of overlaying the topographic map on each aerial photograph and carefully measuring the distance along each transect to the high water shoreline. Nigh water shoreline is generally recognizable on black and white aerial photography as a discernable boundary between damp and dry sand (7)- The data was then input for computer analysis. Programs were prepared to calculate changes of shoreline position, rates of change and standard deviations. The change in the landward/seaward position of the shoreline at any one point (transect) can be expressed as the mean rate of erosion/accretion, and by the standard deviation of this mean rate. The standard deviation is a particularly useful parameter, as it indicates the variability of the mean, and, thus, the stability, or predictability, of the mean at any point. -4- Result__~____~s The results of the shoreline analysis are presented in Figures 2-11 and Tables 1-10. Figures 2-6 are illustrations of the rate of historical shoreline change for varioUS time periods, with an envelope of one standard deviation. The transect numbers refer to the baseline location of individual transects and are identified on Figure 1. Figures 7-11 are computer printouts of the data from Figures 2-6, and include tabulations of the statistics for the individual transects. Tables 1 through 9 are statistical summarieS, broken down into several ,,reacheS" based variously on geomorphology, proximity to erosion control devices, and developed areas. These displays provide the means to analyze the shoreline behavior both spatially and temporally- -5- Discussion of Results Between 1955 and 1962, erosion dominated in the study area, as seen on Figure 3 and Table 1. Severe erosion occured west of the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty, at a rate of nearly 18 feet per year between 1959 and 1962. It is quite likely that this severe erosion, measured on the March 24, 1962, photography, reflects the impact of the severe northeaster of March 6-8 of ~hat year, the most severe extratropical storm on record. This may have been the major impetus for construction of the Jetty. During this erosion dominated period, several limited areas of shoreline did experience accretion (Fig. 3). Most notable among these was the 1000 ft. section immediately east of the Goldsmith Inlet. However, the extreme variability of the shoreline movement on both sides of the inlet, as expressed by the high standard de- viations in this area, indicate that this shoreline, a condition, incidently, which shorelines near tidal inlets. From 1962 to 1978, erosion dominated was a very unstable is characteristic of in the study area (Fig. 4), with the exception of the Peconic Sound Shores area, which, being updrift of the Jetty, which was constructed in 1964, experienced dramatic accretion. During this period, a private groin was also constructed near transect 151. The extent of the erosion shadow from the Goldsmith Inlet jetty is obscured on Fig. 4 by this private groin. Fig. 5 shows the shoreline movement from 1962 to 1972. This is the period during which the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty was accreting sand on its updrift side and would have had its severest impact on the downdrift beaches. By the end of this period, 1972, the Goldsmith Inlet jetty had reached its impoundment capacity, and was effectively bypassing sand. -6- Discussion of Results (Continued) As shown on Fig. 5, the erosion downdrift of both the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty and the private groin extended only as far east as transect 184. From this point to the east, the shoreline under- went accretion. It is apparent from Fig. 5 that the maximum extent of the Goldsmith Inlet erosion shadow is transect 184. If the private groin were absent, it is likely that the impact would not reach even this far east. As stated above, by 1972, the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty was filled to capacity and bypassing sand. This bypassing has necessitated dredging of the inlet to allow for a tidal flow. Figure 6 shows the shoreline movement between 1972 and 1978. As indicated on this figure, and in all of the tables, extensive erosion occurred throughout the study area during this period. The shoreline west of the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty, which had experienced dramatic accretion between 1962 and 1972~ eroded at rates comparable to the remainder of the study area. This erosion of the Peconic Sound Shores beach accounts for the high variability for this area indicated on Fig. 4. When the 1972- 1978 data is removed from Fig. 4, the standard deviation envelope becomes much narrower, as displayed on Fig. 5- It is apparent that the dramatic erosion, shown on Fig. 6, dominates the 1962- 1978 data (Fig. 4). In other words, although the period from the construction of the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty up to 1978 was charac- terized by erosion throughout much of the study area, most of this erosion occurred after 1972, when the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty had already attained its impoundment capacity and was bypassing sand. It should be noted that, on Fig. 6, the standard deviation -7- Discussion of Results (Continued) values are zero because the rates are computed on the basis of two sets of photography, giving one rate, and, thus, no variability for this period. It is apparent from Fig. 5 that the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty and the private groin combined to produce downdrift erosion, which extended eastward to about transect 184. The erosion downdrift of the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty confirms a previous study (2, page ?4). The relative responsibility of each structure cannot be determined from the data, but it is apparent that the eastern limit of the erosion is determined by the private groin. The highest erosion rates within the period of study occurred between 1972 and 1978, after the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty had begun bypassing sand. The cause of the accelerated erosion during this period is not apparent from the data. -8- Impact of Storms Although normal, fair-weather, waves cause day-to-day changes in the position and configuration of beaches, storms are the major agent of shoreline changes. This is due both to the steepness of the storm waves and the elevated water levels, which allow wave attack above the normally active beach zone. There have been no major storms affecting the study area since 1962. Moderately sized northeasters have occured nearly every winter since, however, and are probably responsible for a large percentage of the observed shoreline change. Evidence collected for the Cape Hatteras area (8) indicates that the recent (1970-1974) trend towards increasing erosion may be related to secular cha~ges in the length of the storm season and the frequency and duration of high wave activity during this season. If, indeed, the winter storm wave season has lengthened in the northeast, it could relate to the observed increase in erosion in the study area from i972 to 1978. The erosion experienced on both sides of the Goldsmith Inlet Jetty during this period (Fig. 6) indicates that the sediment was moved offshore rather than alongshore, which points to the turbulent activity of storm waves. -9- REFERENCES U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers. "National Shoreline Study", Regional Inventory Report, North Atlantic Region. Volume I, 1971. Davies, D.S., et. al. "Erosion of the North Shore of Long Island". Technical Report Series #18, Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook, N.Y., 1973. Omholt, Thore. "Small Groins on the Shores of Long Island Sound". Shore and Beach, April 1974, pg. 11-13. Omholt, Thore. "Effects of Small Groins on Shoreline Changes on the North Shore of Suffolk County, New York". New York Ocean Science Laboratory Technical Report No. 0028, April 1974. Dolan, R., et. al. "Shoreline Forms and Shoreline Dynamics", Science. Volume 197, pg. 49-51, July 1, 1977. Dolan, R., et. al. "Atlas of Environmental Dynamics, Assateague Island National Seashore". National Park Service Natural Resource Report #11, Charlottesville, Va., October, 1977. Dolan, R., et. al. "The Reliability of Shoreline Change Measurements from Aerial Photographs", Shore and Beach, October, 1980, pg. 22-29. Hayden, Bruce. "Storm Wave Climates at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina: Recent Secular Variations", Science, December 5, 1975, pgs. 981-983. I I .... RTE 5 = 5TRhlDRR~DFVliiTIEi'; ~ .... HERN - - 5TRND. .... :-~-£-----.:.RCORET I aN ERB~ I 01 I ) ,J , · .. ,.. 1~ ~_ - ......... ~ ~,~ .... :: ::.:-: [ ,: :~ , H = IJERN RiiTE S = STRN)RRD, , DE'VIRTID," : leq .-.~,.~ ~.e ': :' ~ :: = : ...... '. ~ .~J ;tF1TE OF ~H[IREL lttE' IIIlyEM~NT (FE~,T/'i'EnR I ~ N = HE~N R~tTE '5 = T~ D~RD D VIB ---: ltEtN'-i .... ~T~ND: .... : ~ .... ~CCiRETION ~RDSIOb RRTE ~ DE~. , . ~ ~ ~~ ~F ~ I~. ~.7. ~ 3,H~ ..~.. .... ~ --~ S~ ............... : ......... !12 I:.~ ~.11 ~ ~ ::" 12~ -~.2 ~.~ ]-'-I~23~ : :;' ':' :~::~ n 5 '.. :-.123 · ' "~ ;" :'; ~ H ~ 1~ -g.B I I ' '" : .... 1~'~1~'3-j, H.e , ::: .... ~ H ~ ~ , i !NZ -I~.Z i ~.B IH3- ~ · ,; ,:,, .:_~ .-~ ' -B .Ni .... 1.__~___.: I..? ........ "~;' ~' .... 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DEC. t980 i FIGURE 88o STUDY AREA AND TRANSECT LOCATION.~ 187 Pone · ' $OUncl " Shores · :~-.:'...,.,.!.~----Goldsmith Inlet Jetty ''.,- 30 13c) 145 140 10,3 IO~ ShOres RATE OF WITH o I~ IS& ~.3c) 14.~ 1~5 I,~.5 ./-'/.?/... I$,~ 157 SHORELINE MOVEMENT (FT./YR.) 1955 -197F_. ENVELOPE OF ONE STANDARD DEVIATION (~ 0 Gr at po g Green,~ Ass CONSU 100 V Bat~ Greenman-Pedersen Associates, PC CONSULTING ENGINEERS SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK GOLDSMITHINLETJETTY SHORELINE IMPACTSTUDY DRAWING NO. SCALE: DATE: SHEET NO. 100 West Main ~treet, Babylon, NY 11702 80376 IIl I = 400 DEC. 1980 FIGURE 2 IO3 I0~1 Sh~ RATE OF WITH 1,15 iL , SHORELINE MOVEMENT (FT./YR '1--I ENVELOPE OF ONE STANDARD .) 1962 -197I DEVIATION mm 0 ~\ ~ Great Pond '8 Greenn 0 Ass( CONSU~ o0 Greenman-Pedersen Associates, PC CONSULTING ENGINEERS GOLDSM~EH ~ SHORELI SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK DRAWING NO. SCALE: 100 West Main Street. Babylon, NY 11702 INLET IMPACT JETTY STUDY DATE: SHEET NO. 80376 I" = 400' DEC. 1980 FIGURE 4 40 40, lO? I1~' RATE OF WIT' 130 ~ /~o · i T SHORELINE ENVELOPE MOVEMENT (FT./YR.) 1962 -1972 OF ONE STANDARD DEVIATION at Po d 72 i h Gree~ CONS .I. ...... ..... I iGOLDSMITH INLET ,JETTY : 80376 FIGURE 5 0 115 130 RATE OF WITH 157 ~o 0 '~ ,> SHORELINE MOVEMENT (FT./YR.)1972 -197~ ENVELOPE OF ONE STANDARD DEVIATION 0 Grea Pond · oreo Greel;ma~ As~oci, CON$:JLTIK 1 O0 v'.', DRAWIHG NO. 80576 SCALE: = 400' DATE: SHEET NO. DEC. 1980 FIGURE 6 G reenma n- Pedersen Associates, PC CONS'ULTING ENGINEERS GOLDSMITH SHORELINE INLET IMPACT JETTY STUDY SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ~0. ~0' ~0' /0' ~0~ tl~ Sh,..:.. $,. Golds~ith I~let' Jetty RATE OF WlTF; 130 133 ~ 14, g 145 157 0 SHORELINE MOVEMENT (FT./YR ENVELOPE OF ONE STANDARD .) 1955 -196; DEVIATION 0 ~\ ~ Great Pond h 220 Greenm~ Assoc CONSULTli . '~ Greenman Pedersen ~ ..i' ' I SUFFOLK ~COUNTY, NEW YORK ~ Associates, PC ~ i k/~°"'"L""'~'"i""""' I GOLDSMITH INLET JETTY ~: I i D.~W~.G .o. I sc^IL, I I DATE, I S.EET .O. .: "°,°,bw~,~,'/,~'~s",',~;" 80376 I" =', 400' DEC. 1980 FIGURE 3 GJLD~;IIITH IHLET JETTY EROSION STUDY- TOT;J5 STATISTICAL S~,~MARY - = L~i'~I~.'!ARD HIGRATION (F2t0SION) + = SEAUARD MIGRATION (ACCRETION) . MAX.~AC- = MAX~. ~I~_SEA~J^~I].I.LIGRATION (O = NO ACC~I~oTION) ~:AX.ER. MAXIMUM LAND:'~ARD MIGRATION (0 = NO EROSION) STATISTICS FOR TR~3~SECTS 103 THROUGH 244 FROM: 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 To : . 3/78 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 3/78 'fEARS: 22.83 4.08 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.83 TOTAL CHANGE IN StIORELINE (PEET) ~ : -69 5 -18 -2 7 -62 ST.DEV ........ 9~ 25 19 44 50 24 M~[.AC. 230 65 10 175 150 20 ~.~X.ER. -220 -65 -70 -65 -70 -1OO RATE OF CIL~NGE IN SHORELII~ (FEET/YR) IiE~N : -3.0 1.3 -6.6 -0.4 1.2 -10.6 [~'~ .D~V. 4.1 6.1 6.9 10.5 8.4 4.1 II;Z'.. AC. 10.1 15.9 3.6 42.0 25.0 3.4 I.[AX.ER. -9.6 -15.9 -25.5 -15.6 -11.7 -17.2 GOLDSHITH INLET JETTY L~oolON STUDY- iDTAL STATISTICAL SUI'$IARY - = L~,~DI'~A~ MIGRATION (EROSION) + = S~AW~m MIGRATION (tCOR~TIoN) ~.~2[.~0. = M~I~ SEAU~D MIGRATION (0 = NO ACCRETION) I.I~,~.~R. =_I,I~II,E.~ L~g~D,';~ 1,IIGRA~ION (0 = NO EIIOSION) ~'ATISTICS FOR ~ "~ '" FRJM : 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 To : 3/78 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 3/78 YEf~Ro . 22.83 4.08 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.85 TOTAL CHAHGE ii! CItORELINE (FEET) ~,E~AN : 86 -4 -49 99 99 -59 ST .DEV. 132 39 14 45 53 17 Ilf~[.AC. 230 25 0 175 150 O I~X.ER. -85 -65 -70 0 O -80 I,/~.1:, OF CIIAHGE IN SHORELI~.~, (F]~T/YR) I~AN : 3.2 -1.0 -17.8 23.7 16.5 -10.1 ST.DEV. 5.8 9.5 5.2 10.9 8.8 2.9 I.L~{.~C. 10.1 6.1 0.0 42.0 25.0 0.0 N.~(.ER. -3.7 -15.9 -25.5 0.0 0.0 -13.7 GuLDSMITH IIILET JETTY EROSION STUDY- 'A3TAL STATISTICAL SUMMARY - = I,AND'JARD IlIGRATION (F~0SION) + = SEAWARD MIGRATION HP2[.AC. - M~I~,~-SBAW~D--MIGRATION (0 = NO ACCRETION) M;J[.ER. = M~[I}.~4 L.~IDWA~ MIGRATION (0 = NO E~OSION) ;;YV~Y'ISTIOS FOR TRA/ISEOTS 118 THROUGH 148 / FRJM : 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 TO - : ..... 5/78 6/59 3/62 .... 5/66 5/72 3/78 YEARS: 22.83 4.08 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.83 fluiV~L CIt~q,IGE IH SHORELINE (FEET) RATE OF CIIANGE IN SHORELIIIE (FEET/YR) Ii,~AiI : -5.1 5.2 -7.9 -11.0 -3.0 -9.0 ST.DEV. 2.5 7.3 4.6 3.5 3.1 5.7 II;ZC,.AC. 0.0 15.9 0.0 0.0 1.7 3.4 II~.X.ER. -8.1 -2.5 -16.4 -15.6 -8.3 -15.4 (ACCRETION) G~i',DSMIWI! INL'.M JETTY E~oSION STUDY- TO~AL STATISTIOAL SU~.~.~Y = LANDUAI~ MIGRATION (F~OSION) + = SEAFOOD MIGRATION (ACCRETION) ~.UO[.,~._~= I.~_XII~.i SEAW~D MIGRATION (O = NO ACCRETION) MA.~.ER. = IIA,~I[~M L~i~D,f~RD MIGRATION (0 = NJ ERJSIOU) STATISTICS FOR TRanSECTS 118 TtIROUGH 196 FR0i! : 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 TJ ; ...... 3/78 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 3/78 Y ,~i~o. 22.83 4.08 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.83 'f3T;.L CHANGE IN SItJRE]',INE (F,,,,~) ~ ?'?.I! : -116 9 -16 -25 -20 -65 :;~..Dt]V ......... 70 27 13 ..... 22 34 28 ;;;._':.AC. 0 65 10 10 45 20 ; ~.;[. :,',R. -220 -30 -45 -65 -70 -100 CHANGE o HOR.,LlrYE (FEET/YR) ~;~'. DqV. 3.1 6.7 4.7 5.5 5.7 4.9 I.b_,,. AC. 0.0 15.9 3.6 2.4 7.5 3.4 I-L~.ER. -9.6 -7.4 -16.4 -15.6 -11.7 -17.2 GJLDSI.IITII Il]LET JETTY EROSIOII STUDY- TOT/U, STATISTICAL SU~.~AiIY ..... - .,,~,~A;~iON tEROSION) + - SEA%i~D MIGRATION (ACCRETION) ~.~.AC. = M~{I~M SEA¥[~ MIGRATION MAX~ER~ '~"M~XI~'~'i~ L~Wfl~ MIGRATION (0 = NO EROSION) ,';iL~TISTIO$ FOR TR~ISECTS 151 TImOUGH 196 Fll~f.l : 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 ' ZO : 3/78 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 3/78 Y"B,,,ARS~ ..... 22T83 4.08' 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.83 TJTAl] CHANGE 117 SHORELII'~ (FEET) ~AI! : -116 1 -12 -10 -21 -74 S2.DEV. ~D 23 12 13 4.2 22 ~£(.AC; 0 ~5 10 ' ' 10 45 0 !L~[.ER. -2 20 -30 -25 -40 -70 -100 RASJE OF OItANGE 117 SHORELINE (FEET/YR) IIE,,A!!" ..... Z5.1 O. 2 -4 · 2 -2.5 -3.4. -1 2.7 ST.DEV. 5.5 5.5 4.2 3.1 7.0 3.7 MAX.DC. 0.0 11 .0 3.6 2.4 7.5 0.0 It/IX.ER. -9.6 -7.4 -9.1 -9.6 -11.7 -17.2 FOR TII.il]SECTS 151 TIIROUGtI 244 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/7~ - 5/78 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 3/78 22.83 4.'08 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.83 To2'/I, CIIAIIGM III ,.,IIOR:,LII! ,, Ii']AU : -77 1 -12 -2 2 -66 ST. I)~;:V. 71 18 17 16 42 21 MJ£t. AC. 5 45 10 35 65 0 [L^C£. ER. -220 -30 -60 -40 -70 -100 RATE OF CIIAHGE IN SHORELINE (FEET/YR) MEAl: : -3.4 0.3 -4.4 -0.5 0.3 -11.3 ,~ .DPV. 3.1 4.5 6.0 3.8 6.9 3.6 ~L~[. AC. 0.2 11.0 3.6 8.4 10.8 0.0 I~b~.ER. -9.6 -7.~ -21.8 -9.6 -11.7 -17.2 GoLDSHITH IHLET JETTY EROSION S~I3DY- TOTAL STATISTICAl, SUMMARY - '= LA}~DWARD MIGRATION (F~ROSION) . + = SEAWA~ MIGRATION (ACCRETION) ~ MAX.A~ ..... MAXt~M-EEAW~D.-MIGRATION (O = NO ACCRETION) ~.~,X.ER. = M~[I~.~,I L~'{D%';~D MIGI~I~N (0 = NO EROSION) STATISTICS FOR TRanSECTS 178 ~ILROUGH 196 FROM : 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 TO : .... 3/78 6/59- 3/62 5/66 5/72 3/78 Y~,~%/S: 22.83 4.08. 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.83 CHANGE Iil SHoRELII~ (FEE, T) Ill,AU : -56 14 -10 -2 12 -70 ST.D~V.- .......48 19 15 8 21 16 H~{.AC. 0 45 10 10 45 .0 :~[.ER. -115 -15 -25 -15 -15 -95 RATE OF CHANGE Iii SHORELINE (FEET/YR) MIEAII : -2.5 3.3 -3.6 -0.5 2.0 -12.0 ST. DEV. 2.1 4.7 5.5 1.8 3.5 2.8 MAX. AC. 0.0 11.0 3.6 2.4 7.5 0.0 MAX.ER. -5.0 -3.7 -9.1 -3.6 -2 5 -16.3 ]~LD~3MI'i~{ INLET JETTY EROSION STUDY- ~OTAL STATISTIC;J~ SUGARY - = LANDWARD MIGRATION (EROSION) + = SEAWARD MIGRATION MAX.AC. = MAXIMUM SEAWARD MIGRATIOI~ (0 = NO ACCRETION) MAX.ER. M~XIMUM LANDWARD MIGRATION (0 -- NO EROSION) STATISTICS FOR TRANSECTS 178 THROUGH 226 FROM : 5/55 5/55 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 TO : 3/78 6/59 3/62 5/66 5/72 $/78 YEfd~o . 22.83 4.08 2.75 4.17 6.00 5.83 T~TAL CHANGE IN SHORELINE (FEET) ~'~A~! : -38 9 -6 6 11 -58 ST.DEV. 38 14 12 13 21 19 MAX.AC. 5 45 10 35 45 0 MAX.SR. -115 -15 -25 -15 -25 -95 (ACCRETION) R~TE OF CHANGE IN SHORELINE (FEET/IR) ;~E;. N : -1.6 2.2 -2.1 1.4 1.9 -9.9 ST.DEV. 1.7 3.4 4.2 3.2 3.5 3.3 M~_X. AC. 0.2 11.0 3.6 8.4 7.5 0.0 M3tX. ER. -5.0 -3.7 -9.1 -3.6 -4.2 -16.3