HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-10/24/2006 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Regular Meeting held Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Members Present: John Sepenoski Michelle Zaloom Chris Baiz Lillian Ball Eric Keil Members Absent: Ray Blum, Chairman Ray Huntington Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison Timothy Caufield, Peconic Land Trust Syma Joffe Gerard, Real Estate Broker Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:18 p.m. with five LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? Adoption of LPC meeting minutes from October 10, 2006 MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Chris Baiz, to accept the minutes of October 10, 2006. Motion carried 4/0 (Michelle Zaloom abstained) Inquiries: ?? GALLUCCIO PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-109-1-13 Zoned: A-C/R-40 Location: 24385 Route 25, Cutchogue FWet: 0 Total Acreage: 48.34 acres (GIS 49.21 acres) MWet: 0 CPF: Yes Subdividable: Yes Reviewed application. A presentation was made by Syma Gerard, Real Estate Broker, for a preservation project she is working on with landowner and potential buyers. Concept plans for a lot line change (Planning Board public hearing scheduled for Monday, November 13, 2006), reviewed by LPC. Preservation project is contingent on Town being able to close prior to end of year 2006, and Syma is working diligently towards this goal. The lot line change involves separating the existing winery (on 6 acres) from the subject parcel and incorporating it with already preserved land to the east. Project has changed many times, but potentially, the building used now as a secondary tasting room with bathrooms and the location for the existing handicapped parking for the primary winery may be located within the development rights easement area. If the secondary tasting room building is located within the development rights easement, the exiting uses (wine tasting, winery related bathrooms, winery related handicapped parking, etc.) must cease to exist; however, building may be used for agricultural purposes and/or for a farm office with farm office bathroom. Concerns raised regarding access to existing handicapped parking spaces, giving access as it now exists, over land offered for preservation. New access to handicapped parking spaces would have to be established on land not within development rights easement. Reviewed potential offer [executive session] MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Lillian Ball, to retroactively authorize an appraisal on the Galluccio Vineyard property for a development rights easement for the protection of agricultural farmland on approximately 42± acres with a lot line change that would result in releasing approximately 6± acres from the subject tax map parcel and adjoining said 6± acres to the adjacent winery property as reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. There will be no additional ag structure location restrictions placed upon the property other than those restrictions determined by Town Code. The structure that currently exists within the potential easement area would revert to use for agricultural purposes only, such as, but not limited, use as ag storage, ag office and bathroom facilities for ag workers. Motion carried 5/0. ?? SHINN VINEYARD SCTM #; 1000-100-4-3.2 PDR Acreage: 21.274 acres Location: 2000 Oregon Rd, Mattituck Zoned: A-C Follow-up from 10/10/06 LPC meeting. Melissa presented to LPC, correspondence from Architectural Review Committee and e-mail to Supervisor Russell from one of its members regarding the site plan review of Shinn Winery. Melissa relayed results of her meeting with Patricia Finnegan (Town Attorney), Kieran Corcoran (Asst Town Attorney), Lisa Kombrink (LPC Town Attorney), and Amy Ford (Sr. Planner) regarding the Shinn Winery and its driveway encroachment and request for parking spaces on PDR land. All attorneys were in agreement that no driveway for the use of the winery shall encroach upon PDR land and only two parking spaces are to be allowed within the easement area as such spaces relate to agriculture use. Melissa directed to notify landowner/attorney of LPC’s decision to landowners’ use review request based upon legal advice received from Town Attorneys. ?? DEERKOSKI PROPERTY [executive session] SCTM #: 1000-101-1-2.3 PDR Acreage: 18.9 acres Location: 4600 Elijah’s Lane, Mattituck Zoned: A-C Total Acreage: 20.9 acres CPF: Yes Reviewed application. Melissa presented requested list of desired uses for property, as related to horses, received from landowners’ daughter-in-law (along with her husband – to be future owners of the subject property) for discussion. Riding lessons and indoor riding area for special events, and parking for special events, would not be allowable uses on protected lands and landowner will need to review further their future concept plan for this property. Acreage closest to Route 48 is to be protected for its scenic value and any structures need to be located towards the northerly end of the property. Reviewed appraisal [executive session] MOTION made by Lillian Ball, seconded by Eric Keil, to direct Melissa Spiro to present a purchase offer to the landowners for a development rights easement on approximately 17.4 acres of the existing agricultural land. A 1.5 acre area would remain around the existing farmhouse and approximately 2 acres would be reserved from the easement for equestrian related uses not allowed within easement area. Additionally, an ag structure area will be designed within easement area located on the north side of the property (north of the house area) and ag structures (other than equestrian related fencing) will be prohibited on the south side of the property (south of the house area). Motion carried 5/0. ADDITION TO AGENDA: ?? ROWEHL PROPERTY [executive session] SCTM #: 1000-100-2-6.1 Zoned: A-C Location: 2755 Oregon Rd, Mattituck F/MWet: 0 acres Total Acreage: 27.25 acres (GIS 27.35 acres) CPF: Yes Subdividable: Yes SCTM #: 1000-100-94-4-2 Zoned: A-C Location: 2755 Oregon Rd, Mattituck F/MWet: 0 acres Total Acreage: 5.0 acres CPF: Yes Subdividable: No further subdivision (C&R’s) Update by Timothy Caufield, Peconic Land Trust. Offer letter has been presented for landowner for his consideration. State grant money has recently been awarded in the amount of $29,000/acre for the purchase of a development rights easement on this farm. Tim urged LPC members to continue with preservation efforts regarding this property. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Eric Keil, to direct Tim Caufield, of Peconic Land Trust, and Melissa Spiro to proceed with negotiations and increase offer, if necessary, with landowner for the purchase of this development rights easement. Motion carried 5/0. RETURN TO AGENDA: ?? MATTHEWS PROPERTY SCTM # 1000-100-2-1 Zoned: A-C Location: 690 Sound View Avenue FWet: 0.81 acre Total Acreage: 70.0 acres (GIS 70.72 acres) MWet: 0 acres Subdividable: Yes CPF: Yes Updated re: County’s appraisal and partnership offer [executive session] County would like Town to partner with them on acquisition of Matthews property. This project was part of the subject matter of meeting between Town and County key personnel. [see “General”] Town Board met and recently agreed to a 50/50 partnership with the County of Suffolk on the purchase of a development rights easement on approximately 55 acres of the Matthews farm. Appraisal prepared at the request of the County and received by Melissa was reviewed; however, since County has already presented a purchase offer letter to landowner and are awaiting a response and the Town Board has agreed to a partnership, there was no need for further LPC discussion. ?? FISHERS ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY (Silver Eel Cove) SCTM #: 1000-9-8-1 Zoned: R-80 Location: Reservoir Rd, Fishers Island CPF: Yes Total Acreage: ±1.99 acres PDR Acreage: ±acres Reviewed request from landowner for purchase offer [executive session] Fishers Island School District is having an updated appraisal prepared on this property. HOLD for further discussions at next LPC meeting due to time constraints. ?? LOMANGINO PROPERTY SCTM # 1000-122-7-8.8 Zoned: R-80 Location: 1150 Old Main Rd, Mattituck FWet: 0.37 acres Total Acreage: 53.80 acres (GIS 51.53 acres) MWet: 0 acres Subdividable: Yes CPF: Yes Reviewed revised application for PDR. Melissa briefly presented to LPC a conservation subdivision (80/60) sketch plan delivered by landowner’s attorney for committee’s response and interest. HOLD for further discussions at next LPC meeting due to time constraints and need for additional information. ADDITION TO AGENDA – New Application: ?? EAST COAST RESIDENTIAL LLC SCTM # 1000-69-3-9.3 Zoned: A-C Location: 2340 Ackerly Pond Lane, Southold FWet: 0 acres Total Acreage: 15.95 acres (GIS 16.08 acres) MWet: 0 acres Subdividable: Yes CPF: Yes Chris Baiz hand-delivered application for Committee’s review. Chris Baiz presented intent of landowner’s application for open space preservation and LPC’s opportunity to preserve entire parcel. There is interest from a previous owner of the property for his re-purchase of fee title if Town is agreeable to purchase of an easement. Property is currently on the market for sale and being shown to potential buyers. Landowner hopeful to close by early 2007 (end of January/beginning of February) and are favorable to potential preservation opportunities. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to direct Melissa Spiro to commission an appraisal on the subject property and to direct the appraiser to value the subject property for open space fee title and a development rights easement, both being on the entire parcel. Motion carried 4/0. (Chris Baiz abstained) General: ?? Report re: meeting with County re: County/Town Partnerships Melissa, Scott Russell (Supervisor), and John Sepenoski (Deputy Supervisor) met with key personnel from the Suffolk County Dept. of Environment and Energy and the Division of Real Property Acquisition and Management, to discuss partnering opportunities. County appears to be less inclined to proceed with preservation within a conservation subdivision. If conservation subdivision is involved, then County will only proceed in partnership with Town. ?? Report re: appointment with Town Board re: stewardship HOLD – due to time constraints ?? Comments on draft AFT Picking Up the Pace? th Hand-out distributed to LPC members for comments by October 27. ?? Discussed information received from Marian Sumner re: PLT’s involvement with Riverhead PDR program. Map shown showing Riverhead Town projects on waiting list for preservation opportunities. Informational: ?? Flower Hill Building Corp. – closing scheduled for November 2, 2006 @ 11:00 a.m. ?? Manor Grove – copy of County contract has been received and being reviewed by LPC attorney. The Nature Conservancy is to enter into a separate contract with Manor Grove Properties for purchase of fee title and will be contract vendee with County and Town. ?? Young – two soil mounds found on property have tested positive for mercury above the recommended safety limits. Clean-up will need to occur; however, a closing is being tentatively scheduled for last week in November. Part of the purchase price will be held in escrow if clean-up is not complete by time of closing. ?? Stackler – appraisals have been received but not reviewed. The Nature Conservancy has applied for a grant towards the purchase of the Stackler properties. The Nature Conservancy to attend next meeting to discuss. ?? Stewardship Program Report for October 2006 – report of Jim McMahon, Director of Public Works, handed out but not discussed. Next Regular Meeting: ?? Thursday, November 9, 20067:00 p.m. A special meeting will be held on at in the Town Hall Conference Room. ?? Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:00 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on at in the Town Hall Conference Room. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. by the five attending members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary