HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/03/2006 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800 southoldtown.northfork.net REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 3, 2006 7:30 PM A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held Tuesday, Meeting Hall, Southold, NY. Supervisor Russell opened of Allegiance to the Flag. Attendee Name Albert Krupski Jr. William P. Edwards Daniel C. Ross Thomas H. Wickham Louisa P. Evans Scott Russell Elizabeth A. Neville Patricia A. Finne an I. Reports .;~ Or anization Town of South old Town of South old.. . Town of South old Town ofSoutl:1old ",~~,"'C:;';,-j"J: Town of Southold. . Town q~~lluthold ';Town of~Outhold . Town of Southold Title Arrived Status Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present COUll .+.'i_;.~,ii;; . man 'Jii ..~lman ... Justice . Supervisor "."H"::';'" . Town Clerk Town Attorne 1. Recreation Departnienf"M'!!nthly August 2006 II. Public NotiCes 1. NYSDEC Notice of Complete Application NYS DOT to replace existing bridge for Route 25 over the Long Island Railroad in area of Sage and Kerwin Boulevards. 2. Board of Trustees Scaliop Season - 2006 3. Fall Leaf and Brush Cleanup Page I October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes Grace Period at Disposal Area begins November 18, 2006 Cleanup begins November 27,2006 in Orient III. Communications IV. Discussion 1. 9:00 A.M. Multi Modal Project Authorization and Bid Jamie Richter 2. Bucket Truck Purchase Highway Department 3. 9:30 A.M. Water Map John Sep 4. 10:00 A.M. East Marion Community Center Proposal Stephen Searl, Tim Caufield 5. Supervisor's 2007 Budget Set meeting Schedule 6. 12:00 P.M. - Lunch Lunch 7. Code Enforcement Fees & Penalties 8. Size, Height & Setback Standards Accessory Buildings 9. Resignation From Town Trustee John Holzapfel 10. L WRP - Update on L W R P / Trustees Meeting - Coordinating Council - Coordinator Discussion 11. Cleaves Point Condo Request 12. J. W. Guild Decision Page 2 Octl.'ber 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes Town Code! Ag Zoning & Code Requirements 13. Status Update - T DR's 14. Executive Session CSEA Contract - Equal Time off grievances 15. Executive Session Litigation - Pat Finnegan 16. Executive Session Cross Sound Ferry Litigation - Councilman Wickham 17. Executive Session CSEA - MOA for Maintenance Mechanic V. Minutes Approval 1. Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2. Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3. Tuesday, September 05, 2006 4. Tuesday, September 19, 2006 VI. Resolutions 1. Statement SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Welcome to the October 3, 2006 meeting of the Southold Town Board. Please rise and join with me in the Pledge of Allegiance. Would anybody like to address the Town Board on any of the items that appears on the agenda this evening? Mrs. Egan. Oh, Tom wants to go first? JOAN EGAN: Joan Egan, East Marion. Am I coming across? Good. Now, we have, I thought you said you might have Mr. Harris here tonight. I am talking about 771 on the Highway Department, you thought you might have Mr. Harris here tonight. Or maybe he was here earlier today. JUSTICE EVANS: He was here earlier today. MS. EGAN: Last meeting you said you might have Mr. Harris.... Page 3 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Mr. Harris was at the meeting today, yes. MS. EGAN: So he clarified things.... SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes. MS. EGAN: It is an awful lot of money, an awful lot of money going to the Highway Department and I guess it is really a shame, oh, sorry, item 776. Who is in charge of just public works? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That would be James McMahon. MS. EGAN: Yeah. That used to be when Ray Jacobs was here, under one department, correct? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It was two departments but they were both administered by him. MS. EGAN: Yeah. Yeah. He did a very good job. Well, I am not saying Mr. McMahon doesn't but he does need a wake-up, big wake-up calls quite frequently and I do do that. Can you explain more on 777? Is this in preparation for the union contract? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: No, this is just housekeeping from the Accounting Office. And this is just moving money from where it is not needed to where it is needed. MS. EGAN: Okay. And you checked that all out carefully? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes, I did. And talked to John Cushman about it. MS. EGAN: Good. On 778, I don't, again, think that these trips are necessary. These can all be done by computer or phone or mail. Any kind of a trip has to cost 3-4,500 dollars. The town needs an awful lot of things and I don't think this needs to be done. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Actually if I could answer that... MS. EGAN: Now, 77, pardon? COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: If I could just speak to that, some of these are really important and not just because this is at the University of Delaware, where I graduated from but just because when you go to some of these forums, you really get to talk to a lot of different people and you really.. . MS. EGAN: I understand that. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: There is a lot of good information. MS. EGAN: That too can be done by computer. You don't have to be face to face. I think the Page 4 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes town has to start pulling their haunches, spending money. People are getting very uptight. That is my opinion. On 780, that is something that will happen on October 17th. I hope you will get a good crowd for that one. Oh, on the recreation, 782, I mentioned I think at the last and 783, they are all on recreation that I hope the recreation center is in good shape, with a good roof and decent drinking water which they most often don't have. Oh, what is 784 about and is that a paid job? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: They get, I believe, $40 per meeting. The Conservation Advisory Council reviews waterfront, creek front, environmentally sensitive applications... MS. EGAN: Don't the Trustees do that? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is right. MS. EGAN: So why do we have to have... COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: This is a Board that was appointed, I think starting from the 80's or maybe even the 70's, that also reviewed all these applications and were advisory to the Trustees and they have to by law report to the Trustees on these applications. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is right. And they also make recommendations for long-term policy goals. They actually visit all the sites on their own, in their own vehicles involving their own gas. I mean, there pay per meeting is a nominal stipend. And when it comes to environmental issues, I am not sure that there is enough oversight. So you know, I don't want to leave all of the review to just one Board of five. I think the more eyes the better. MS. EGAN: You know, we have the Trustees, we pay them this and that. I don't know. It seems like it is double work. Mrs. Finnegan was kind enough to explain 785 and pretty much the same for 786. Now, okay, on 788, this is the Marian Council of the Knights of Columbus. A right to life march. Certainly I am for that but in light of things that have happened throughout the country, I certainly hope there will be a lot of police protection unless, in the event that there were people who would protest it. People who, abortion clinics who are for, against, you know, who are for abortion whereas we are for the right to life. So I think you couId have some problems and confrontation there. So please note and ask the police department to have good coverage there; with what is happening in this country and throughout the world, you don't know. Very important. Now, 789, now, I think there is another one also. This is on Halloween. In my opinion, Halloween has gone off the wall. With what happened over the weekend, what happened yesterday, I think it is a potentially dangerous situation. I don't think at this point you can probably stop these groups that are going to be running this parade but I think they should be warned. I think it should stop. Halloween is for little kids and they should be done in their small communities and in somebody's home. A mother and father's home. Like I did for my children. There is too much violence. Unfortunately, I, Sunday night, and happened to look at 60 Minutes. And what these young people have the availability and by young, I mean, it can, 7 year olds. 8, 10, 11, 12. any age can view. They had about the homeless. And there were three men, 18 years old, who had viewed these horrible tapes. This man hires the homeless and makes them do Page 5 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes things horribly and he doesn't pay them, and these three 18 year olds are now in prison for 35 years each because they beat a homeless man to death. They learned how to do it watching this video tape. Mark my words, everything I have been telling you all up here for two or three years, what is happening to our community. It can happen here. It is happening here. You have had religious desecration. You have had everything. You have had everything. And you are all letting it go on, thinking it is going to be a good time. I know, I know. Now on item 790, these new police officers. Now, when do they get, when do they start working? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: This resolution will basically our support for sponsoring them through the police academy. That would, I think, be effective as of today. That would be for, I guess, active duty sometime next May, June. MS. EGAN: Next year. They won't be in, will they be doing any kind of work for us? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: The police academy is work. MS. EGAN: Just police academy work. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: And this would give them the credentials they need to come on board with us when we need them seasonally next spring, early summer. MS. EGAN: Good. So 792, I think, I reviewed my feelings about these parades. You had better start thinking carefully. Now, 794, this is the Human Resource Center and again, you have another change. I think it was about somebody that was out on a disability or something, so I don't think these changes should be happening that often up there. So, Karen McLaughlin does a good job but there should be better management. Now, here we come with the dump and an awful lot of money spent there. An awful lot. And to the best of my knowledge, seniors are still being treated with very little respect. You might want to give Mr. Bunchuk a little wakeup call. Oh, number 796, now this Verizon network integration; they have been working on that up at the police station for quite some time. When is it going to ever be completed? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I don't think in this technological age anything is ever completed. It is constantly being updated. MS. EGAN: Good point. Yeah, okay. So we are moving along with it? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We are moving into the, we are blazing into the 1990's in technology around here. MS. EGAN: I thought we were still in the 80's. This compost, I don't think anybody is using it. It should be free at all times, all the time. That's 797. Oh, 7, oh, doesn't have a number. Category department, contracts, leases and agreements. Page 20. I guess it is number 798. I certainly hope that that will be wrapped up quickly. You don't want to have what happened the last time with these people. I don't say give into them but negotiations should get going and it should be done properly and quickly. And the 799, a seminar. I would imagine that is a one day Page 6 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes thing. Oh, two days, 23rd, 24th and 25th. Again, this is a big expense but I guess it has to be done. 800, homecoming parade. I don't know. I hope that will go out without incident. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It is at 9:00 in the morning. MS. EGAN: Mmm? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It is at 9:00 in the morning. Ne'er-do-wells like to sleep until noon. MS. EGAN: What time did the killing of the Amish happen? Don't tell me it is in the morning, it has nothing to do with the price of beans. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I am just saying as a ne'er-do-well, I like to sleep until about noon. MS. EGAN: Huh? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: As a ne'er-do-well myself, I like to sleep until about noon. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Try to keep Scott off the street in the morning. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yard sale-ing. MS. EGAN: Yeah. And I guess 801 is really, that is going to be, that is going to be a big meeting also. That doesn't need to be reviewed now although the information is all here. Oh, now where is this 802, where is this located? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: 802 is, oh, that is the community parking lot, this is the municipal parking lot owned by the Town right up here on the south side of 25 right before you get into the hamlet of Southold. Right next to the old Dickinson Real Estate building. Oh, it used to Leisurely Yours. Compliment the Chef is there now. The municipal building right next door to that municipal parking lot. MS. EGAN: No, I don't know. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It is pretty much the only one. UNIDENTIFIED: Right across from the pharmacy. MS. EGAN: Oh, in Southold. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It is the only one the Main Road. MS. EGAN: I know where you mean. Oh, yeah. SUFERVISOR RUSSELL: It is a municipal parking lot. And that is for the desperately needed Page 7 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes maintenance of upkeep and upgrade. MS. EGAN: Yeah. And what, and then the next one 803, where is this is East Marion? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Eighteen acres right in and around and north of the post office and fire house. Eighteen vacant acres. More or less vacant acres. MS. EGAN: Okay. And I guess the rest is really pretty much on the public hearing, correct? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes. MS. EGAN: So, that wraps it. Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Would anybody else like to comment on any agenda item? TOM SKABRY: Tom Skabry, President, CSEA Town of Southold. Good evening, Town Board. It is not usually usual that I come up to these meetings but I figured I would grace you with my presence today. A couple of items I would like to discuss. Item 779, which is Fishers Island. Is this by chance the same captain that we had a problem with, with raw sewage being dumped into the Long Island Sound? A couple of years back, costing the Town some litigation? JUSTICE EVANS: It is not the same. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I am sorry, 779? MR. SKABRY: I believe so, Fishers Island. 779. JUSTICE EVANS: It is not the same person. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: No, this is unrelated. This is basically, this is a straight forward contract issue and basically he has reached his fifth year of service and gets a 5 % salary increase. That is part of their policy. And he is unrelated to other issues. MR. SKABRY: Alright. Because I just find 5 % being a pretty steep increase smce administrative staff, politicians and CSEA workers and PBA members of the Town. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: This is after five years of service, though. It is not unlike steps, it is not unlike longevity, it is not unlike anything else that is in your CSEA contract. It is just a separate, it is a separate, I don't know if reward system is the right word but it just separate... JUSTICE EVANS: He had negotiated with the Fishers Island Ferry District, paid for taxes in the Fishers Island Ferry District which only the people who are residents and property owners on Fishers Island are taxed for that. Page 8 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It is part of their contract and it is no different than steps or longevity in our contracts. This isn't a 5 % increase because he just finished a year, it is 5 % because he just completed 5 years. And I don't know how it is set up over there in terms of how it compares to yours. I would be interested in knowing. I don't even know if they have step increases. MR. SKABRY: I would be interested in seeing their contract, if they have one. Do they, Louisa? JUSTICE EVANS: I am sure they have a contract. I am just not familiar with it. They negotiate it with the Ferry District commissioners. MR. SKABRY: And you are not a commissioner for the Ferry District? JUSTICE EVANS: No, I am not. MR. SKABRY: Anybody from the Town Board? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: No. They are a separate taxing entity, just like a fire district, just like a park district. They are a, what they do is they operate out of the full faith and credit of the Town but they are their own Board of Directors, their own Board of Commissioners making their own decisions. MR. SKABRY: Alright. Is there any way we can get a hand on that contract? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I will look into it. We are not necessarily entitled to it and I am not sure that that is something that we want to use as a template for our discussions on our contract. MR. SKABRY: I would just like to take a look at it because the way that the resolution is written up, you know, I read it as a longevity benefit. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: You get that in CSEA now. MR. SKABRY: At ten years. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Well, you get steps for the first five, right? MR. SKABRY: We are paid (inaudible) the final salary on the 5th year. The way this says, it is a longevity benefit, the completion of five years. Our contract says longevity is completion of 10 years, you get a 5 % increase. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Right. The only reason we have no role in the negotiation with the Fishers Island Ferry District. The only reason it is on our agenda for resolution for passage is we are the levying agent for the Fishers Island Ferry District. They are their own, just like we are the levying agent for many special districts here. And because that particular district operates under our full faith and credit, we have to ratify their decision making but in no way do we get to Page 9 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes take part in their decision making. In fact, I think a few times over the last several months we wish we did but we didn't have that option. JUSTICE EVANS: I don't know if you can get a copy or not. If you want the manager, you can call the Fishers Island manager and ask them for a copy. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: After this meeting... JUSTICE EVANS: You can call, I don't know whether you have a right to the contract, whether they will give them to you or not but that is who you should ask. MR. SKABRY: What was that number again? JUSTICE EVANS: 788-7463. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I am sure he appreciates that on public television. JUSTICE EVANS : Well, it is the office number. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is Tom Doherty. MR. SKABRY: Alright. Well, that is enough on that. Item 783, would I be correct in assuming that the Town is actually the employer of this employee or this individual? As they will be paying the individual from Town tax money? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: What was that number again? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: 783. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: This is actually one of those things that the Town more or less, it is a no money issue for the Town because although we contract what we are paying them, we get that money remunerated to us through the user fees, by the subscription fees of the people who take these particular courses. So that, it is always a break even situation. In fact, there are circumstances where we make a few dollars but not much. MR. SKABRY: Could we have this position placed into the collective bargaining unit? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: For a youth basketball instructor? MR. SKABRY: All employees of the Town. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: No. No. MR. SKABRY: No? Page 10 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: No, I don't think there is any obligation to... TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: I would request that at the time that you do negotiations that that is what your request is but. . . SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yeah, I mean, if you want to put that on the table when we are talking about contracts I will be happy to talk to you about it but if you want to come up to a Town Board meeting to ask me to ask a guy who comes, who is nice enough to teach youth basketball at a pittance to join the union, you know, that is subject to contractual negotiation not.. .. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: These people are basically private contractors, contracting out their services. They are not really employees of the Town. MR. SKABRY: That would be good. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Excuse me? MR. SKABRY: That would be good, as long as they come along with their own insurance and everything else. Alright. 793, which is the court reporter. We will be requesting to have this position placed into the collective bargaining unit as well. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is a 1099 position, so you know. MR. SKABRY: Okay. I am sorry, I couldn't hear you. JUSTICE EVANS: I am just saying that these are all contractual positions. The court reporters they work for the court, the interpreters. . .. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: They are subcontractors that we hire but then again, you can put that on the table for discussion. MR. SKABRY: Don't we have stenographers already working for the Town or are they two different positions? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Stenographers, yes, court reporters, no. I wish we did, they are very difficult to get. MR. SKABRY: Right. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: And I spend a lot oftime on the phone trying to line some of them up for these hearings that we have. MR. SKABRY: Alright. Then on a pleasant note. 794. Hopefully the Town will adopt this resolution. Amanda has proven to be a very good asset to the nutrition or Human Resource Page 11 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes Center and I hope the Town will go ahead and adopt this resolution. And 798, which is the agreement between the Town and the CSEA regarding the mechanics for the DPW. It is nice to work hand in hand with the Town on this issue to alleviate, to accommodate the needs of the Town and I appreciate it and hopefully the Town Board will be accepting this resolution as well. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Tom, you are not going to ask everybody who marches in this Halloween parade to join the union, are you? MR. SKABRY: No, because they are not paid. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Alright. Any other comments on the agenda iterns? COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: I have a couple. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay, go ahead. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: One is this reconstruction of the parking lot in the village here in Southold. I would like to add to that that drainage be added to contain the run-off from the parking lot. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: So we don't contribute that run-off to the neighboring properties. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That was a late entry on my part, that was my failure. I forgot to get it on the agenda. That is simply to reconstruct the municipal parking lot. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: I never saw the plans, that is why I am concerned. And another one that I, it concerns the Halloween parade and I didn't have any issue with them because I have always been a fan of Halloween parades having marched in them as a child and having my children marching in them but someone brought to my attention this evening that the Halloween parade in Southold actually closes down the Main Road during the midday and they wondered if there wasn't an alternate route that they could take to march the children on to prevent, you know, the Main Road being closed on a Saturday at noon time. And I don't know if that is possible, it is too late to consider for this year; at least it should be considered for next year. Because the Mattituck one is on the side road and it doesn't affect traffic. SUFERVISOR RUSSELL: Yeah. We can table because we will still have, it is the 28th I think, so we will still have plenty of time to pass the resolution. If you want to table it, I will gladly pick up the phone and see if they will consider other options. Even... COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: I never even thought of that. I assumed the parade was in the evening. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yeah, I didn't either. Page 12 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: But it is at... SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Twelve noon, which I can understand... COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: A business owner was concerned further to the east that you know, traffic is going to be shut down on the Main Road for a while. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is a fair point, I never even thought of that when we put it on the agenda. So I would gladly table it and talk to them and see if they want to create a different route. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Okay. A different route. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay? Anything else? (No response) Can we move forward with the agenda? Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville presented the Town Board members with their copies of the tentative budget as filed in her office by the Supervisor on September 29,2006. 2006-768 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Audit Town Clerk Approve Audit 10/3/06 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby approves the audit dated October 3. 2006. .; Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-768 Xesli\ye NOfI\lJay Abstain Absent 0 Adopted Albert Kr-upski Jr. Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder 0 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator 0 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter 0 0 0 0 2006-769 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Set Meeting Town Clerk Next Town Board Meeting 10/17/06 and Set Budget Review Session. Page 13 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes RESOLVED that the next Regular Town Board Meeting of the Southold Town Board be held, Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York at 4:30 P.M.. and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board shall hold budget review sessions at 1 :30 PM on the following dates: Tuesday, October 10; Thursday, October 12; Friday, October 13; Tuesday, October 17; Thursday, October 19; and Friday, October 20,2006. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-769 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent iii Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter iii 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder 0 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator 0 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter 0 0 0 0 2006-770 Tabl.,d 9/19/2006 4:30 PM CA TEGORY: Bid Acceptance DEPARTMENT: Highway Department Rescind Resolution # 2006-169, Adopted At January 31,2006 Regular Town Board Meeting, Aerial Boom Truck RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby rescinds Resolution # 2006- 169. adopted at January 31. 2006 reeular Town Board meetine that read as follows: RESOLVED that the Town Board ofthe Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Aerial Lift Inc., of Milford, Ct, for the purchase of one (1) 1998 60-Foot Rear Mount Aerial Lift Boom vehicle in the amount of $62,500.00, for use by the Southold Town Highway Department, all subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. ./ Vote Record - Resolution REs..2006-770 YesjAye NolNay Abstain Absent 0 Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. lnitiator 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder iii 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter iii 0 0 0 2006-771 Page 14 October 3,2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes Tabled 9/19/2006 4:30 PM CATEGORY: Authorize to Bid DEPARTMENT: Highway Department Authorize and Direct the Town Clerk to Advertisefor Bidsfor a 2006 or Newer 62 Ft Rear Mount Aerial Lift Boom Vehicle RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for a 2006 or newer 62 ft Rear Mount Aerial Lift Boom Vehicle for use at the Highway Department. ,/ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-771 Yes/Aye NofNay Abstain Absent Iil Adopted Albert Krupski, Jr. Seconder Iil 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William p, Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Iil 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Initiator Iil 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter Iil 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter Iil 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Iil 0 0 0 2006-772 Tabled 9/19/2006 4:30 PM CATEGORY: Budget Modification DEPARTMENT: Town Clerk ModifY the 2006 Highway Fund Part Town Budget RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby modifies the 2006 Hil!hwav Fund Part Town budl!et as follows: From: DB.511 0.4.1 00.975 General Repairs Contractual Expense Supplies & Materials Steel DB.511 0.4.1 00.900 General Repairs $ 3,000.00 Contractual Expense Supplies & Materials Resurfacing Projects $38,016.00 Page 15 October 3,2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes To: DB.51 General Repairs Contractual Expense Supplies & Materials Signs & Sign Posts DB.5130.2.300.200 Machinery Equipment & Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 3,000.00 Heavy Duty Vehicles $38,016.00 ., Vote Record. Resolution RES-2006-772 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent /;>! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter /;>! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 /;>! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder /;>! 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator 0 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter /;>! 0 0 0 2006-776 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Budget Modification Public Works ModifY the 2006 General Fund Whole Town Budget - Police Dept Roof Repair RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby modifies the 2006 General Fund Whole Town budl!:et as follows: From: A1620.2.500.700 A 1620.4.400.200 To: A 1620.4.400. 1 00 Yard Maintenance Equipment Property Maint/Repairs $2,220.12 $3,000.00 Building Maint/Repairs $5,220.12 .,/ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-776 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent /;>! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter /;>! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Initiator /;>! 0 0 0 0 Withdmwn Louisa P. Evans Seconder /;>! 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter /;>! 0 0 0 Page 16 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes 2006-777 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Budget Modification Accounting Budget Modification for Workers Compensation and Unemployment Insurance RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2006 budl!et as follows: General Fund Whole Town To: A9040.8.000.000 Workers Compensation $14,300 From: A901O.8.000.000 NYS Retirement $14,300 General Fund Part Town To: 89040.8.000.000 Workers Compensation $725 From: B9010.8.000.000 NYS Retirement $725 Hil!hwav Fund Part Town To: DB9040.8.000.000 Workers Compensation $9,520 From: DB9010.8.000.000 NYS Retirement $9,520 Solid Waste District To: SR9040.8.000.000 SR.9050.8.000.000 Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance $3,550 860 From: SR9010.8.000.000 NYS Retirement $4,410 ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-777 Y~sfJ\ye NolNay Abstain Absent 0 Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Seconder 0 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter 0 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter 0 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter 0 0 0 0 2006-778 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Attend Seminar Land Preservation Page 17 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes Grant Permission to Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator, to Attend American Farmland Trust's National Conference "Farming on the Edge - the Next Generation" At the University of Delaware RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby l!rants permission to MeHssa Spiro. Land Preservation Coordinator. to attend American Farmland Trust's National Conference "Farminl! on the Edl!e - The Next Generation" at the University of Delaware from November 13 to November 15,2006, All expenses for registration, travel and lodging to be a legal charge to the 2006 Land Preservation Department budget A.8710.4.600.200 (medings & seminars). ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-778 Yes! Aye NOlNay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Alb~J911pskiJr. Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross lnitiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-779 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Employment - FIFD Accounting Increase the Salary of Fishers Island Ferry Captain Michael Fiora by 5%for Having Completed 5 Years of Active Service RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby increases the salarv of Fishers Island Ferrv Captain Michael Fiora bv 5% for havinl! completed 5 vears of active service. This increase shall be retroactive to June 21, 2006. ./ Vote Record ~ Resolution RES-ZOO6-779 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted AI~~ I<rupskiJr. Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-780 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Misc. Public Hearing Community Development Set October 17, 2006 At 5:00 P.M., Southo/d Town Hal!, 53095 Main Road, Southo/d New York 11971, Page 18 October 3,2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes As the Time and Place for a Public Hearing to Hear Citizens Views on Local Housing and Community Development Needs RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old herebv sets October 17. 2006 at 5:00 p.m.. Southold Town RaIl. 53095 Main Road. Southold New York 11971. as the time and place for a Public Rearm!!: to hear citizens views on local housm!!: and community development needs to be met with approximately $136,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds the Town of Southold expects to receive in April 2007 and authorizes the Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville to publish an Announcement of Public Hearing Notice. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-780 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent 6'1 Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter 6'1 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 6'1 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 6'1 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H, Wickham Initiator 6'1 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder 6'1 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter 6'1 0 0 0 2006-781 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Bid Acceptance Public Works Reject the Bid of Atlantic Coast Dock Building Corp for the Westphalia Ave. Culvert Replacement & Drainage Project RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rejects the bid of Atlantic Coast Dock Buildin!!: Corp for the Westphalia Ave. Culvert Replacement & Draina!!:e Project. 7VOie Record - Resolution RES~2006-781 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent 6'1 Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator 6'1 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 6'1 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 6'1 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder 6'1 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter 6'1 0 0 0 -. Scott Russell Voter 6'1 0 0 0 2006-782 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Budget Modification Recreation ModifY the General Fund Whole Town 2006 Budget - Recreation Page 19 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes RESOLVED that the Town Board of the town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Whole Town 2006 budl!:et as follows: FROM: A7180. 1.300. 100 (Beaches-Personal Services) $8,000.00 TO: A7020.4.100.150 A 7020.4.400.650 A 7020.4.500.420 A 7020.4.600.300 (Youth Program Supplies) (Vehicle Repairs) (Youth Program Instructors) (Travel Reimbursement) $1,000.00 $ 200.00 $6,500.00 $ 300.00 ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-782 Yes/Aye NofNay Abstain Absent 1<1 Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Seconder 1<1 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 1<1 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross lnitiator 1<1 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter 1<1 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans VOler 1<1 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voler 1<1 0 0 0 2006-783 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Contracts, Lease & Agreements Recreation Authorize and Direct Supervisor Scott A. Russell to Execute an Agreement with Individuals for the Fall 2006 Recreation Program RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an al!:reement with the followinl!: individuals for the fall 2006 recreation prOl!:rams, all in accordance with the approval of the town attorney. Funding for the instructors listed below has been budgeted for in the recreation department's 2006 instructor line A 7020.4.500.420. James Crosser (Youth Basketball). .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. Rebecca Johnson (volleyball)................................. $ 12.50/hour $25.00/hour .; Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-783 Yes/A.ye No/Nay Abstain Absent 1<1 Adopted Albert Krupski Jr, Voter 1<1 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 1<1 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 1<1 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder 1<1 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator 1<1 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter 1<1 0 0 0 Page 20 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes 2006-784 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Committee Resignation Town Clerk Accept the Resignation of Jennifer Mannino From the Position of a Member of the Conservation Advisory Board RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby accepts the resil!:nation of Jennifer Mannino from the position of a member of the Conservation Advisorv Board, effective October 3, 2006. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-784 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent Ii'! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter Ii'! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii'! 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder Ii'! 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-785 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Legal Town Attorney Correction Deed of Development Rights for Anne A. Hubbard RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Town Attornev to have recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk a Correction Deed of Development Ril!:hts between Anne A. Hubbard and the Town of Southold on property known as SCTM #1000-59-4-9.1 located on CR 48 and Hortons Lane in the hamlet of Southold, to reflect the correct legal description of the property and further authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute this Correction Deed of Development Ril!:hts and anv and all convevance documents pertaininl!: thereto, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Page 21 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes ./ Vote Record ~ Resolution RES-2006-785 Xe.~/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent It! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter It! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 It! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Initiator It! 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas R Wickham Voter It! 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder It! 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter It! 0 0 0 2006-786 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Legal Town Attorney Correction Deedfor Thomas J. Hubbard RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends resolution 2006- 393. adopted at the April 25. 2006 reeular Town Board meetine to read as follows: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby authorizes and directs the Town Attornev to have recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk a Correction Deed of Development Riehts between Thomas J. Hubbard and the Town of Southold on property known as SCTM #1000-63-1-1.7. located on CR 48 and Hortons Lane in the hamlet of Southold, to reflect the existence of residential structures, reserving Grantor's rights to use, alter, maintain, etc. the residential structures, and to correct an error in the legal description, and further authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute this Correction Deed of Development Riehts and any and all convevance documents pertainine thereto, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-786 Xes/Aye. NOfN'ay Abstain Absent It! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter It! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 It! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter It! 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder It! 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans initiator It! 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter It! 0 0 0 2006-787 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Strawberry Fields Town Clerk AMENDS Resolution No. 2006-648 to Grant Permission to the Goya of Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church to Use Strawberry Fields on Friday, October 20, 2006 Through Sunday, October 22, Page 22 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes 2006 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby AMENDS Resolution No. 2006-648 to read as follows: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby grants permission to the Gova of Transfieuration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church to use Strawberry Fields on Friday, September I thru SUIlday, September 3, 2006 Fridav. October 20. 2006 throul!h Sundav. October 22. 2006 beginning at 8:00 t.M 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM for its Church Festival provided that approval is granted by the appropriate town agencies and they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley within ten (10) days of the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. ,/ Vo~e Record - Resolution RE8-2006-787 Yes/J\ye NolNay Abstain Absent Ii!I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter Ii!I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii!I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii!I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Initiator Ii!I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder Ii!I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii!I 0 0 0 2006-788 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Close/Use Town Roads Town Clerk Grant Permission to the Marian Council of the Knights of Columbus to Hold a Right to Life March In Cutchogue on Saturday, October 28, 2006. RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby l!rants permission to the Marian Council of the Knil!hts of Columbus to use the followinl! roads for a Ril!ht To Life March in Cutchol!ue on Saturdav. October 28. 2006 beginning at 10:30 AM: Main Road and Depot Lane, provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of South old as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley within ten (10) days of the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. Page 23 October 3,2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-788 V~s(;\ye NO/Nay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas R Wickham Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-789 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Close/Use Town Roads Town Clerk Mattituck Lions Halloween Parade RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby I!.rants permission to the Mattituck Lions Club to use the followinl!. roads for their Annual Halloween Parade in Mattituck on Tuesdav. October 31. 2006 beginning at 6:00 PM: Pike Street, Westphalia Road, Sound A venue, and Love Lane provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate ofInsurance naming the Town of South old as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley within ten (10) days of the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. ./ Vote Record - ResolutioD RES-2006-789 Yest Aye N"olNay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter li!I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter li!I 0 0 0 2006-790 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Employment - Town Police Dept Sponsor the Following Individuals As Seasonal Police Officers for the 2007 Season At the Suffolk County Police Academy RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sponsors the following candidates in the Suffolk County Police Academy, Brentwood, New York, as Seasonal Police Officers for the 2007 season, commencing on Tuesday, October 3, 2006: Rory Flatley Jason Luhrs Page 24 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes Gregory Simmons ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-790 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent 1<1 Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter 1<1 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 1<1 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 1<1 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder 1<1 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa p, Evans Initiator 1<1 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter 1<1 0 0 0 2006-791 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Employment - Town Accounting Accept the Resignation of Shannon Van-Etten Ya/cin From the Position of Assistant Cook In the Human Resource Center RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby accepts the resienation of Shannon Van-Etten Yalcin from the position of Assistant Cook in the Human Resource Center, effective 4/1/2005. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-791 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent 1<1 Adopted AllJc=rt~ps~i Jr. Voter 1<1 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 1<1 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter 1<1 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Initiator 1<1 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder 1<1 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter 1<1 0 0 0 2006-809 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Close/Use Town Roads Town Clerk Southold PTA Halloween Parade RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby erants permission to the Southold Town PT A to hold it Annual Halloween parade. to begin at the Southold Firehouse on the Main Road, proceed west to Oaklawn A venue and end at the elementary school, on Saturday. October 28. 2006 beginning at 12:00 noon, provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley within ten (10) days ofthe approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. Page 25 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes 0/ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-809 0 Adopted Yes/Aye N()/NIIY Abstain Absent Albert Krupski Jr. Voter It! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 It! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter It! 0 0 0 It! Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder It! 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Next: Oct 17, 2006 4:30 PM Louisa P. Evans Initiator It! 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter It! 0 0 0 2006-793 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Contracts, Lease & Agreements Town Attorney Authorizes and Directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to Execute an Agreement Between the Town of Southold and Wayne I. Galante, Certified Court ReporterJor Court Reporting Services for the Southold Town Board of Trustees RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Aereement between the Town of Southold and Wavne I. Galante. Certified Court Reporter. for court reportine services for the Southold Town Board of Trustees, at a rate not to exceed $600 per month, commencing on October I, 2006, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-793 Ye<lAye NolNay Abstain Absent It! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator It! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 It! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter iii 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder It! 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter iii 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter iii 0 0 0 2006-794 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Employment - Town Accounting Appoint Amanda Susan Fink to the Position of a Permanent Assistant Cook WHEREAS a temporary vacancy was created by an extended leave of absence granted to the Permanent Assistant Cook in 2005, and WHEREAS Amanda Fink was appointed as a Temporary Assistant Cook effective November 14,2005 to fill said vacancy and has essentially work full-time since then, and Page 26 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has today accepted the resignation of the incumbent Permanent Assistant Cook effective April I, 2005, and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of South old wishes to grant permanent status to Amanda Fink retroactive to her Temporary appointment date of November 15,2005, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby amends resolution no. 2005- 696 of 2005 to read: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Amanda Susan Fink to the position of a Permanent Assistant Cook for the Southold Town Senior Nutrition Center, effective November 14, 2005, at a rate of $12.15 per hour for 40 hours per week, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby amends the rate ofpav for Amanda Susan Fink. Assistant Cook for the Southold Town Senior Nutrition Center, from an hourly rate to an annual salary rate of$27,148.32 per annum effective October 4,2006. ./ Vote Record - Resolution REs..2006-794 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ii:I Adopted Albert. Krupski Jr. Seconder ii:I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 ii:I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Initiator ii:I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter ii:I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter ii:I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter ii:I 0 0 0 2006-795 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Budget Modification Solid Waste Management District SWMD Budget Mods RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby modifies the 2006 Solid Waste Manal!ement District budl!et as follows: Page 27 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes From: SR 8160.4.100.350 (Pest Control) SR 8160.4.100.640 (Maint/Supply Trailer Fleet) SR 8160.4.400.675 (Repairs 816B Compactor) SR 8160.4.400.820 (Plastic Recycling) SR 8160.4.400.850 (Refrigerant Removal) To: SR 8160.2.100.300 (Chairs) SR 8160.2.500.200 (Garage & Shop Equipment) SR 8160.2.500.300 (Traffic Control Devices) SR 8160.4.100.550 (Maint - Komatsu Payloader) SR 8160.4.100.573 (Maint/Supply Trommel Screen) SR 8160.4.100.590 (Maint - Mack Tractor) SR 8160.4.100.600 (Misc. Equip. Maint/Supplies) SR 8160.4.100.800 (Maint - Facilities/Grounds) SR 8160.4.400.900 (Security/Alarm Systems) $ 1,420 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ 805 $ 3,000 $ 125 $ 1,500 $ 200 $ 750 $ 750 $ 200 $ 400 $ 1,200 $ 3,100 -/ Vote Record ~ Resolution RES-2006-79S Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent It! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter It! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 It! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter It! 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder It! 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator It! 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter It! 0 0 0 2006-796 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Contracts, Lease & Agreements Town Attorney Authorizes and Directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to Execute an Agreement Entitled "Statement oj Work" Between the Town oJSouthold and Verizon Network Integration RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. RusseD to execute an al!:reement entitled "Statement of Work" between the Town of Southold and Verizon Network Intel!:ration regarding the wireless project for the Police Department, subject to the approval ofthe Town Attorney. Page 28 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes ./ Vote Record. Resolution REs..2006.796 I, Albert Krupski Jr. Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-797 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Public Service Town Clerk Fall Clean-Up 2006 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the acceptance of residentialleayes and brush at the South old Town Compost facility. free of chan!:e. for four (4) weeks in connection with the Fall Cleanup for the year 2006 startine Saturday. Noyember 18. throueh Sunday. December 17; and be it FURTHER RESOL VED that the Town Board hereby extends the waiver of such fees to commercial entities carrying leaves and brush from residential properties (within the Town only) during that period; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Highway Department Fall Cleanup will commence on Monday. Noyember 27. at Orient Point and end in Laurel. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Fishers Island FalI Cleanup wiII also commence on Monday, November 27. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-797 yesfi\ye N()/Nay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-798 Page 29 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Contracts, Lease & Agreements Town Attorney Approves the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Town of South old and the CSEA Dated October 3, 2006 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the Memorandum of Aereement between the Town of Southold and the CSEA dated October 3.2006, relating to hours of work for Maintenance Mechanics assigned to the Department of Public Works. ./' Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-798 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-799 CA TEGOR Y: DEPARTMENT: Attend Seminar Police Dept Eme.-gency Medical Dispatch Trainingfor Public Safety Dispatchers - Police Department RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby erants permission to the followine Public Safety Dispatchers to attend Emereency Medical Dispatch course commencine of Monday. October 23. 2006 throu2h Wednesday. October 25. 2006 at Suffolk County Fire Rescue & Emereency Services. Yaphank Avenue. Yaphank. NY: PSD Dania Atkinson PSD Charles Tyler PSD Colleen VanHoy PSD Christopher Macdowell PSD Donna Klug All expenses for registration and travel to be a legal charge to the 2006 Public Safety Communication budget line - A.3020.4.600.400. Page 30 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes <I' Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-799 X_~~_^ye N()'NllY Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-800 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: CloselUse Town Roads Town Clerk Grallt Permission to the Mattituck High School to Use Mary's Road, Pike Street, Westphalia Avenue, Sound Avenue, and Love Lane, Mattituck for Its 13Th Annual Homecoming Parade on Saturday, October 7, 2005 At 9:00 AM RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby l!:rants permission to the Mattituck Hil!:h School to use Mary's Road. Pike Street. Westphalia Avenue. Sound Avenue. and Love Lane. Mattituck for its 13th Annual Homecominl!: Parade on Saturdav. October 7. 2005 at 9:00 AM provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley immediately after the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. '" Vote Record. ResolutioD RES-20Q6..800 YesiAye No/Nay Abstain Absent Ii'I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii'I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder Ii'I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator Ii'I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'I 0 0 0 2006-801 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Local Law Public Hearing Town Clerk Set November 21, 2006At 5:00 P.M., Southold Town Hal!, Southold As the Time and Place for a Public Hearing on a Local Law In Relation to Size, Height & Setbacks for Accessory Buildings WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 3rd day of October 2006 a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Size. Heil!:ht and Setbacks for Accessorv Buildinl!:s" now, therefore, be it Page 31 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 2151 dav of November 2006 at 5:00 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. The proposed local law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Size. Heil!:ht and Setbacks for Accessory Buildinl!:s" reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2006 A Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Size, Height and Setbacks for Accessory Buildings" BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, as follows: 1. Purpose- The purpose of this Local Law is to establish clear standards governing the maximum building height, size and setbacks for accessory structures, in order to further preserve the character of single-family neighborhoods and reduce confusion among applicants and town officials. These changes will reduce the impact of accessory buildings on adjoining residences. These changes shall apply to the Low- Density Residential (R-40) zoning district, as well as the R-80, R-120, R-200, R-400 and Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) zoning districts. II.Chapter 280 of the Zoning Code of the Town of South old is hereby amended as follows: S 280-4. Definitions. FLAT ROOF-Anv roof that has a pitch ofless than 4:12. HEIGHT OF BUILDING, ACCESSORY STRUCTURES -- The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the existing natural grade adjacent to the building, before any alteration or fill, te the highest paiDt af the reef fer flat aHa mlHlOllf6 raafo aDa te the meaD height between elP/es ElBa Rage fer ether tYfle roefo. to the lowest point of the eaves for flat and low- pitched roofs. and to the highest point of the ridge for sloping and other type roofs. SLOPING ROOF-Anv roof that has a pitch equal to or greater than 4:12. S 280-15. Accessory buildings. In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard, subject to the following requirements: A. Such buildings shall not exceed eighteen (18) sixteen (16) feet in height for flat/shallow roof and shall be setback at the minimum required for a sloping roof. Page 32 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes B. Buildings with a sloping roof shall be subiect to the following height and setback limitations: Lot size (square feet) Less than 10.000 Less than 10.000 Less than 10.000 10.000- 19.999 10.000- 19.999 10.000- 19.999 20.000- 39.999 20.000- 39.999 20.000- 39.999 40.000 -59.999 60.000-79.999 80.000 and over Maximum Height (feet) Minimum Setback (feet) 18 20 22 18 20 22 18 20 22 22 22 22 3 5 10 5 15 20 10 15 20 15 20 25 Se(aaeks. [J'JRended 7 17 1990 ay L.L. No. 11 1999; 2 5 1991 ay L.L. Ne. 2 1991] (1) Oa lets eemaiaiag tIfl to (weaty thousand (20,000) s~are feet, suoo auildiags shall ae set aaek ao less (haR three (3) feet frem afty let liae. (2) Oa lets eemaiaiag more (han (\Yemy thousaRd (20,000) sltuare feet llfl te thirty aifle thousand aiae huaEired Biaety aiae (39,999) s~are feet, suell llllildiBgs shall ae set aaek ae less thaR five (5) feet frem aft)' let liae. (3) Oa lots eomaiaiag ia exeess of thirty aiae theusaftd aiae huHElfed aiRety aiae (39,999) s(Juare feet llfl to slweRty aifle thousand aiae hUfldred RiRety aifle (79,999) s(Juare feet, sueh auildiRgs shall ae set aaek ao less than ten (10) feet from any lot liRe. (4) OR lots eomaiaiag iR exeess of seve my aiae theusand aiae hlHldnJd aiaet)' aiae (79,999) s(Juare feet, suell auildiags shall ae set aaslc BO less than (weRty (20) feet from afty let liRe. C. Such buildings shall not exceed 660 square feet on lots containing UP to 20.000 square feet. and shall not exceed 750 square feet on lots 20.000 square feet to 60.000 square feet. On lots over 60.000 square feet. no accessory building shall exceed five percent (5%) of the totallot size. III. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not effect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. Effective date Page 33 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided bylaw. Strike-through represents deletion. Underline represents insertion. <I' Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-801 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent G!l Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator G!l 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 G!l 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Seconder G!l 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Yoter G!l 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter G!l 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter G!l 0 0 0 2006-802 CATEGORY, DEPARTMENT, Authorize to Bid Town Clerk Advertise for Bids for the Repair & Reconstruction of the Municipal Parking Lot on Property Known As SCTM # 1000-61-4 and 1000-61-4-5 Located on State Route 25 In the Hamlet of Southold RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for Bids for the Repair & Reconstruction of the Municipal Parkin!!: lot on property known as SCTM # 1000-61-4 and 1000-61-4-5 located on State Route 25 in the Hamlet of Southold all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the Southold Town Engineering Department and subject to the approval of the Town Attorney's Office. -/ Vote Record. Resolution RES.2006.802 Yes/Aye N"olNay Abstain Absent G!l Adopted t\lbt:rt~pskiJr. Voter G!l 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 G!l 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Initiator G!l 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Voter G!l 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder G!l 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter G!l 0 0 0 2006-803 CATEGORY, DEPARTMENT, Contracts, Lease & Agreements Town Clerk Retain the Peconic Land Trust to Assist the Town In Assessment of a Mixed Use Center In East Marion RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby retains the Peconic Land Trust to assist the Town in assessment of a mixed use center in East Marion, pursuant to their proposal dated September 28, 2006 at a cost not to exceed $7,000.00, subject to the Page 34 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes approval of the Town Attorney. This expenditure shall be a charge to the Planning Board's consulting budget. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-803 YeslAye NOlNay Abstain Absent iii Adopted t\lll~l<.rl1p~~iJr. Voter iii 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 iii 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter iii 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder iii 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Initiator iii 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter iii 0 0 0 2006-804 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Employment - Town Town Clerk Increase the Stipend of the LWRP Coordinator, Mark Terry, to $7,000.00 Per Annum RE~OL VED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby increases the stipend of the L WRP Coordinator. Mark Terry. to $7.000.00 per annum. effective October I, 2006. ./' Vote Record - Resolution RES~2006-804 Yes/Aye NolNay Abstain Absent iii Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter iii 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 iii 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter iii 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder iii 0 0 0 0 Withdrnwn Louisa P. Evans Initiator iii 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter iii 0 0 0 2006-805 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: Seqra Town Attorney Finds that the Excavation and Construction of an Irrigation Pond by the North Fork Country Club, and the Issuance of a Soil Removal Permit Pursuant Thereto, is an Unlisted Action Under SEQRA RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds that the Excavation and Construction of an Irrieation Pond bv the North Fork Country Club. and the issuance of a soil removal permit pursuant thereto. is an unlisted action under SEORA and will not have any significant adverse environmental impacts, as reflected on the completed Short Form Environmental Assessment Form. Page 35 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2006-80S Xe:~Aye Nol~!lY Abstain Absent Ii'! Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator Ii'! 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards ,Y()ter 0 0 0 Ii'! 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii'! 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder Ii'! 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Voter Ii'! 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii'! 0 0 0 2006-806 CATEGORY: DEPARTMENT: LWRP Town Attorney Grant the North Fork Country Club a Soil Removal Permit Pursuant to Chapter 228, to the Extent Applied For, As Modified Pursuant to the Comment of the Town Engineering Inspector WHEREAS, the North Fork Country Club has submitted an application for a permit for the excavation and removal of soil, for the purposes of creating an irrigation pond to act as a new water source for its golf course irrigation system; and WHEREAS, the Town's LWRP Consistency Coordinator on September 26,2006, reco.nmended that the proposed action be found CONSISTENT with the Town's LWRP Policy Standards; and WHEREAS, the Town Engineering Inspector on August 30, 2006, issued a recommendation that the application meets the "Permit Standards" requirements of Chapter 228 of the Town Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has held a duly noticed public hearing on this application; and it is hereby RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold herebv l!rants the North Fork Country Club a soil removal permit pursuant to Chapter 228. to the extent applied for. as modified pursuant to the comment of the Town Enl!ineerinl! Inspector; and Page 36 October 3,2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old finds that the application, as modified pursuant to the comment ofthe Town Engineering Inspector, meets the permit requirements of Section 228-5 ofthe Town Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board finds the issuance of such permit to be CONSISTANT with the Town's LWRP policy standards BE n FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board finds no performance bond is necessary due to the location of the project wholly within the applicant's property; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the issuance of the permit shall be conditioned upon the payment of fees pursuant to Chapter 228 and the adherence to the regulations set forth in Section 228-7, and such permit shall be issued for a period of one year. ./ Vote Record - Resolution RES.2006-806 Yes(Aye ~()l.Nay Abstain Absent Ii1I Adopted Albert Krupski Jr. Voter Ii1I 0 0 0 0 Adopted as Amended William P. Edwards Voter 0 0 0 Ii1I 0 Defeated Daniel C. Ross Voter Ii1I 0 0 0 0 Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Initiator Ii1I 0 0 0 0 Withdrawn Louisa P. Evans Seconder Ii1I 0 0 0 Scott Russell Voter Ii1I 0 0 0 38. Statement SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: At this point I would like to invite anybody that would like to come up and comment on any issue of mutual interest, by all means, feel free. DONALD WILCENSKI: I would just like to take this time, Donald Wilcenski again of Cutchogue. Thank you very much for your consideration and again, I assure you that we will do a good representation of the soils permit and the job is supposed to be started just as soon as we get the fees in. Probably early next week and commence immediately, it will be finished probably by late October. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I realize the process was longer than you anticipated but I do appreciate that you went to every environmental revealing agency out there to make sure that you are doing everything right and certainly I appreciate that and I am sure that the Town Board does as well. MR. WILCENSKI: Well, thank you. Thanks, Scott. LILLIAN BALL: Hello, I am Lillian Ball from the Kenney's Beach Civic Association, I am the Page 37 October 3,2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes chairman of the Great Pond Wetlands Preservation Committee and I want to just speak briefly about the Mazzanobile appeal issue in our area. The Kenney's Beach Civic Association is pleased to have the support of the North Fork Environmental Council in the preservation of the Great Pond Wetland area. They have spoken eloquently about the need for consistency regarding the unfortunate Tsai permit decision by the Trustees in this very sensitive area. However, it is important to consider the entire 12 acre area as a whole. Therefore, we need to remember that there is an opportunity to appeal this Mazzanobile decision. I am going to read a letter. 'We support the appeal (this is written to both the Trustees and the Town Board, you may not have had a chance to read it yet but) Dear Trustees and Town Board, We support your appeal of the New York State Supreme court decision which mistakenly reinstates Mazzanobile's permit to build in the Great Pond wetlands. The Trustees in April of 2005, when they made the decision, it was an appropriate and correct decision while the one tried in the Supreme court is deeply flawed. There are many inaccuracies, as well as several points that can rightfully be supported by the facts. The decision states that the Trustees originally knew of the sensitive nature of the area but in actuality, they had never seen any botanical reports such as the one we commissioned by Eric Lamont, PhD, which certainly included the subject parcel, another point that they said it was not even clear that it was included. It was definitely included. Mr. Lamont was suggested to the Kenney's Beach Civic Association by the New York State Natural Heritage foundation and they subsequently validated his findings in a letter dated October 8, 2004. Contrary to statement number 5 on page 5, there was definitely a recommendation in a November 18, 2003 Mark Terry memo to the Trustees that unless it maintained the maximum 100 foot setback, permit number 5631 the permit in question, should be denied. Heather Cusack, the Environmental Technician for the Trustees attended a meeting with the Suffolk County Health Department (this was another one of the points that they were concerned about) she came with the approval of the Trustees, she did not come at the request of the Civic Association. She has always been circumspect and professional in her dealings with the Kenney's Beach Civic Association. She came to scientific conclusions based on her own research and the January 27 2005 environmental assessment reflects the serious attitude. The accusations and the decisions are unfounded. After the Trustees initial permit, the New York Department of State designated our area as part of a significant habitat called Goldsmiths Inlet and Beach. There is no way for the Trustees to have known all of that in 2002 or that the Southold Town Board would include all of the properties in our area, this delicate inter-dunal swale on their targeted community preservation list. Also, the Mazzanobile's had plenty of time to hire their own experts to report on the environmental issues regarding the property but did not choose to do so. These are several points that I think contribute to the possibility of their winning this appeal. As you may know, Suffolk county is in the process of acquiring several of the lots in the inter-dunal swale area, we have two that are about to close and another two that are in very heavy duty negutiations. This is in addition to the Harper preserve which we have already preserved with the Land Trust. Two more, the double lots 21.6 and 21.7, we refer to as the Mazzanobile lots, though in fact they are owned by Mr. Georgopoulos, are in serious negotiation. These two lots have the native cranberry bogs on them and are essential to preservation, since they are at the heart of this 12 acre environmentally sensitive area. Now, it would be ideal if we could get Mr. Georgopoulos to sell us the properties, you know to sell the county the properties, that would be the best solution to the situation, however there is no guarantee that that will happen and therefore I think it is very important for the Trustees to follow through with the appeal. We Page 38 October 3,2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes believe that they can win the appeal and hope that you will endeavor to protect the only such eco-systern on the North Fork. Now, we certainly hope that the LWRP issues can be resolved, sooner than innnediately but we can't afford to overlook this Mazzanobile appeal. And it is my understanding that the Town Board will ultimately be responsible for deciding whether or not the appeal gets made. Since I sent this letter to both the Trustees and the Town Board, I wondered if there was any possibility if you could connnent on this and give me an indication as to what your feeling is. I have spoken to the Trustees about it as well. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Do you want to poll the Board members? MS. BALL: A poll? Sure. TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: I can say that we are still, we are talking with the Trustees about it and then we will talk to the Town Board about it after the... MS. BALL: The Trustees make the original reconnnendation I know. TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: Right. And we are still working with the Trustees on that. I don't really have... MS. BALL: Do you find any of the points that I brought up new? TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: I think most of them are things that we thought of or that we wer!' considering but you know, I can't really speak to what... MS. BALL: I think that those things are pretty strong and pretty defending, you know, really would be a reason for doing that. TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: Sure. MS. BALL: And I know that this is the most environmentally sensitive area, right smack dab in the middle of our wetlands and it is crucial for preservation. So, I will perhaps be speaking to you again. General feelings of support? COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: I don't think you need to hear from me. TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: I think you should hear from the Trustees first. MS. BALL: I know Mr. Krupski is definitely, since he was the very brave and important president of the Trustees at the time this decision was made I would think that he still supports it and 1 also think that there are other people on the Board who do support it so, I would hope that you give it very serious consideration and also you have how many months left? TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: I know that we have a few months left, I don't know exactly where we are at. Page 39 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes MS. BALL: You have three months, right? TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: Yeah. MS. BALL: You have, I think, three or four months yet. But I did not get a feeling from the Trustees that they were 100 % behind it and that is why I am appealing to the Town Board. Thank you. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody else like to put the Town Board on the spot? No, I was just joking. Would anybody else like to address the Town Board on any issue? FRANK WILLS: Good evening, Frank Wills, Mattituck. Since the word LWRP was mentioned, I thought I would ask. After the meeting recently between the Trustees and the L WRP council, whether anything has been resolved or whether we can expect an answer on the inconsistency question that the commissioner raised about the decision by the Trustees? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Which decision? All decisions? Are you talking about Tsai? MR. WILLS: The Tsai... SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: The meeting was about a larger issue and that was a lack of compliance with Town Boards and the standing law, so, that is what we kept the focus. You know, I don't know. I am perhaps biased because I chaired the meeting. I thought the meeting was productive. It is clearly the first of what should be many meetings as to develop more of a relationship between the Trustees and the L WRP coordinating council. I think we are starting to head in the right direction in certain respects, probably a little bit slower than people would like but at least we are going in the right direction at this point. But like I said, I will have to defer to others for an opinion. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: May I add, if he is going to defer to others, I attended the meeting and I thought it was a very constructive meeting and I think that I sensed, at least, a willingness on the parts of all participants to basically abide in one way or another, with the LWRP. And up until recently, I am not sure if I have sensed that. There were two things that came out of that meeting that I thought were important and it think there was general consensus about. One of them is, it really is difficult for the Trustees to comply with all of this. If they are going to comply properly with it and interact effectively with our L WRP coordinator, they really need some additional staff. I think the supervisor will be talking with the Trustees office and the Trustees as to exactly the nature of that and how much and what level and all of that but I expect something will come out of that that will be very positive and useful. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Don't worry, Tom, they are going to be in the union. Page 40 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Second, the second comment is if there were a standard package of best management practices, which applicants understood at the outset, that they could follow and that they could tick off in their application form, that their application follows those best management practices, all of this stuff would just be a slam dunk. There would be really no problem in having an application go through the process and be approved. So I think part of the responsibility is on the Town's side to make clear what those policies are and simplified straightforward ways of how to comply with it. And I am hopeful that that will come out of subsequent meetings of the LWRP coordinating council. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Don't forget, this is a, sort of a state project and the state gave the Town zero guidance on how to work these, the practical application of this. And so, the Town has been working through this and it has been over a year and the kinks are still tying people up in knots. But I think, like Tom said, there is awareness now that there are problems and there is a willingness to work through these problems and the meeting last week was very productive I felt. MR. WILLS: Good. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I sensed a willingness. It is a learning process for everybody involved, not just the administrators, such as the Trustees. Mark Terry, we are all learning. And the public, I think. Our next charge is to get the public to understand what the L WRP concept means and as all of this, it should become part of the process down the road so that it is not going to be too cumbersome, but we are in the initial stages of adoption. MR. WILLS: Good, thank you. UNIDENTIFIED: When is the next meeting? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We will probably set one up for probably about another week or two, I would think. Mark was out and we will wait for Mark to come back. UNIDENTIFIED: And it will be open to the public? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Absolutely. Anybody else like to comment on any issue? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Scott, I would like to very briefly draw attention to a letter that cam~ to us today from John Holzapfel, indicating his wish to resign from the Board of Trustees, you may know that John was appointed by this Board back at the end of last year to replace the position that Albert left when he joined the Town Board. He was appointed to that position for several reasons. First of all, he served as an exceptional Trustee some years ago on that Board; secondly, he has the qualifications that I think all of us feel are important. He is intimately connected with the marine environment, he is a science educator, a science teacher who has projected his knowledge to many, many people over the years and thirdly, his first foray as a Trustee came with those of us at that time, this is some 10 or 12 years ago, who came in under the platform of people not politics. And I think that is one of the reasons why this Board Page 41 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes unanimously appointed him because he was an apolitical appointment at that time, a year ago. He is stepping down now, because he and his wife who have retired as schoolteachers are going off to Europe for a vacation; they know they are going to miss a meeting in October and he has proposed in his letter that he not only miss this meeting but that he retire from the Trustees and make the position open and available to the person who wins the election this year. It is again, a very non-partisan and I think a position that is very much in keeping with John's traditions over the years. I just hope that the election results in a person who can carry on John Holzapfel's approach and what he has brought to the Board of Trustees. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I want to echo Tom's comments on John. I can't say enough about his non-partisan, straightforward approach. He has been open to discussion on every issue. He didn't need the job, that is for sure. He didn't do it for the money, he did because the Town was in need last year because we lost someone with a significant amount of experience. John had the experience. He stepped forward. He was a unanimous choice by this Board and he gave us a year of, one heck of a year of service and I want to thank him on behalf of everybody in Southold Town. MS. BALL: I just wanted to say, John Holzapfel stood up and voted against the Tsai permit with a very eloquent speech, saying if this is not an area to protect, what is? And I think we wiJI miss him and I do want to reinforce this idea; the Trustees should be non-partisan. The environment and the citizens of Southold Town should be served by people who have open minds and not political agendas. So, I hope that in fact in November we wiJI get the right person on the Board. Thanks. ANNE MURRAY: Anne Murray from East Marion. I just wanted to know, you were saying about the need for more staff, to have consistency with the LWRP. WiJI you be hiring more staff for Mark Terry's office? Is that in the works or... SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It would actually, well, Mark certainly needs staff. We had actually hired someone to assist him earlier this year; January I believe. An assistant environmental review coordinator. Because of the lack of staff there, she ended up working on so many other projects, site plan review etc. It would be my hope that a reallocation of the existing staff wiJI meet his needs. I think the focus right now is to make sure that the Trustees have the staff, since that is where my real fundamental problem is, with implementation. The Planning Board hasn't had a problem following the L WRP or adhering to it; the Trustees have. The meeting I had that night was designed to find out one thing. I don't want to discuss whether you need to adhere to it or whether you don't. I don't want to talk about sovereign jurisdiction. I don't want to talk about the Andros patent, I want to talk about how do I help you adhere to it? Because it is the law, you have to. MS. MURRAY: Okay. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: And they tell me what some of their staffing needs are and I budgeted for it this year. MS. MURRAY: So when wiJI there be people there to help them? Page 42 October 3,2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: January, fiscal year, January I. MS. MURRAY: Okay. And I also wanted to mention, we got a call from a member at the NFEC who actually volunteered to work in Mark Terry's office. Ifit was that overburdened, she is willing to come in and work a few days a week. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: It is a new process and it is overburdened right now. Mark wears four or five different hats. So there is no question about that. MS. MURRAY: Sure. But I mean, that indicates the interest out there... SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: But I don't think the with the Trustees was really about, I don't think it was a Mark Terry issue, I think it was a Trustee issue that we moved to resolve the other night. We have some work to do, there is no question about it. MS. MURRAY: Right. Then we look forward to January. Thank you. COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Well, the offer was made by the last Town Board for additional help in the Trustee office and the reason that we didn't take it up at the time was because there is a certain dynamic in the office, the way we process the applications and the way we conducted the business there and unless you know, there was no mechanics to the LWRP. It wasn't like, this is what we are going to do, it was all sort of making it up as we went along. We were working with Mark as the coordinator and trying to, we were trying to train him and he was trying to train us. So, we just didn't want to take on additional staff without really knowing what that staff was going to perform, what tasks. That is why there was a reluctance to take somebody on initially. It was very unclear how all this was going to work out and now, that was the whole point of the meeting the other night, was to try to designate certain tasks for certain people so that this all works smoothly. Not just take on extra help and say that will solve it. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yeah, it is not just new staff, it is how you are allocating your existing staff and I find that is a problem in just about every office here and that is something we are focusing on addressing. I have talked to the staff members, I have talked to the Trustees, I have talked to, the only person I haven't since that meeting have talked to ironically is Mark because he has been on vacation. But certainly he has been, I mean, we talk about this every day when he is here. MS. MURRAY: Okay, great. Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody else like to comment on any issue? (No response) Hearing none, can I have a motion to adjourn? VII. Public Hearines 1. Motion To: Motion to recess to Public Hearing Page 43 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes COMMENTS - Current Meeting: RESOLVED that this meeting ofthe Southold Town Board be and herebv is declared Rec(~ssed in order to hold a public hearinl!. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Russell, Krupski Jr. ABSENT: William P. Edwards 2. Set 3Rd Day of October, 2006 At 8:00 P.M. At the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold As the Time and Place for a Public Hearing Regarding the Excavation Permit of North Fork Country Club COMMENTS - Current Meeting: COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN as there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, on the 5th day of September, 2006 an application for a permit for soil removal, sand and gravel pit or other excavation purposes from the North Fork Country Club located at Route 25, Cutchogue, New York, AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of South old will hold a public hearinl! on the aforesaid application at the Southold Town Hall. 53095 Main Road. Southold. New York. on the 3rd dav of October. 2006 at 8:00 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. The purpose of the permit is to excavate for an irrigation pond for the purpose of a new water source for the golf course irrigation system. The proposed pond is approximately 82,000 square feet of surface. It is estimated that approximately 17,400 cubic yards of soil will need to be excavated, with 6,301 cubic yards to be retained on site in connection with covering the PVC pond liner, and 11,099 cubic yards to be disposed off site. The complete application and site plan is available for viewing at the Southold Town Clerk's office during normal business hours. This notice of public hearing appeared on the Town Clerk's bulletin board outside the meeting hall here and I also have a confirmation that it was also printed in the local newspaper. We have a lot of plans that show exactly what this is supposed to be and we have dated September 26th a statement from the LWRP coordinator regarding the soil removal permit for the North Fork COU'lty Club. "The proposed action involves the creation of the irrigation pond by removing all this soil from the site and installing the liner. The proposed action is located 233 feet from the edge of a jurisdictional wetland system. The proposed action has been reviewed according to Chapter 268, waterfront consistency review of the Town code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program policy standards. Based upon the information provided as well as to the records available to me, it is my determination that this proposed action is consistent with the policy standards; therefore is consistent with the L WRP.n I also have a letter from the Office of the Town Engineer, dated August 30th. "Dear Town Board members, As per the request of the Town Attorney's office, I have reviewed the site plan and a detailed description of the proposed operation as well as the applicants justification for this project. The enclosed site plan drawings Page 44 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes also include excavation grading details related to the construction of that pond. Town code indic:ates that this proposed action will require a permit issued by the Town Board for the excavation etc. Please note that the site plan in this application has been recently revised to meet A. 150 foot setback from private property, as required by the code. The size and scope of this irrigation pond is not considered excessive. This pond will be located entirely within the heart of an existing golf course. In addition ,because of its size, it does not appear that the excavation of this pond will not adversely affect the visual aspects of the adjacent landscapes or properties. The project is located 233 feet from adjacent wetlands at its closest point and it is above the elevation 10 foot contour. The State DEC has indicated that this project is outside of their jurisdiction. At this time, it would appear this application meets the minimum construction requirements and permit standards for soil removal found in Town code Chapter 228. This determination should not be considered an approval of any other Town agency having jurisdiction. If and when the Town Attorney deems this application complete, I would recommend that the Board set a hearing to review it with the public in an effort to establish all necessary conditions and safeguards that may be deemed appropriate by the Board, further questions, don't hesitate to contact my office. James Richter" And I believe that those are all the substantive comments that I have on this. There is quite a bit of additional material in the file; we do have a letter here from a David T. Case of Leawood, Kansas. 'Subject the North Fork Country Club proposed irrigation pond. The notice of public hearing regarding the Country Club application was recently sent to me by the Club. I am a property owner in the woodlands south of the golf course in an area potentially impacted by the proposed irrigation pond. I spend summers in Cutchogue, however, my permanent residence is in Kansas and I will be unable to attend the hearing. The notice contains very little detail. The numbers quoted regarding size, soil, soil amounts to be excavated, the soil remaining etc., are difficult to comprehend without a visual representation. There is no map to show where the pond will be located; its size and proximity to adjacent properties. Further, there is no information regarding how the pond will be filled. The source of the water and the potential impact on the water table and availability of well water to the homeowners south of the golf course. There is no environmental impact information. Recently, I have had a conversation with my sister Katherine, another property own,er in the affected area. She visited Town Hall last week and found that the available materials there do not give much detail either. She was unable to determine where the pond would be located relative to our and similarly located properties. Because it is impossible for me to come to Town Hall to view the application and site plan and considering the lack of detail, I can only object to the approval of this application. Very truly yours, David T. Case.' What else do we have? I think that is it. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody like to come up and address the Town Board on this specific public hearing? Donald? DONALD WILCENSKI: Good evening, Donald Wilcenski from Cutchogue. I am the greens chairman at North Fork Country Club, representing the membership for North Fork Country Club. I am here tonight with the president of the club, Charles Zumbach, just to make sure if there were any unanswered questions, that we are here to address them. This project should be known to all the neighbors and everyone around that it is not something that was done overnight. We have been looking into this for the past two or three years. I have spent numerous hours Page 45 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes dealing with government agencies such as the tidal wetlands for the DEC, the freshwater manager with DEC, Southold Town Trustees, the New York State DEC mining division and lastly, this is our last hurdle with the Board. And I spoke with Scott earlier in the process and my understanding this is the first time someone has applied for a soil removal permit since this was put into effect. So, we want to make sure that we are not backhanding anybody or trying to do something that is not up front and we have, I apologize to Mr. Case, I did receive a letter, a cc from Betty Neville's office or directed from Mr. Case. I had sent him, David Case out in Kansas, I had sent him a map that we had produced after the fact and we do have copies here if anybody needs to see them, I would be glad to go over them with them. After speaking and going over this, the irrigation at North Fork Country Club was installed in 1966. Everyone is obviously very concerned about our ground water, as well as all the members at North Fork. We have researched and hired professionals in both the irrigation industry, as well as water source industry and researched many different aspects of trying to get enough water to irrigate our golf course and everywhere we turned and whoever we spoke to, it came down to a reservoir system. So, we have a 600 gallon a minute well that is on site right now that we currently use, it takes 10 hours to water the entire golf course. We were going to use that well to fill the pond. We are not going to add any additional wells, there is not going to be any more additional impact in the ground water for salt intrusion or any other problems. I have spoken with several neighbors in the neighborhood; we feel this is the best way to handle this project. I have spoken with Mary Holland, one of the neighbors on the back of the golf course, who had said that many of the neighbors had concerns about salt intrusion; they couldn't afford to hook up to public water. We took all of this into consideration and as I spoke with Bill Spitz, the regional water manager with the DEC, he told me that the chances of us even getting a permit for another 600 gallon a minute well would be far-fetched and he whole-heartedly agreed that the reservoir, lined pond system would be the best to go for, to do. So, we have gone through this process of the application and with the great help of the Town Clerk's office and also, I must say Jamie Richter really helped out. This was a new process for everyone, for us. I was more concerned about the DEC, the Trustees and all the other agencies out there and not realizing that this soil permit process was just put into effect. But I would like to thank the Board and the Town Clerk and the Attorney's off ice and also Jamie Richter for helping us get through this process and I assure you that we will do the best job possible. We have hired two very reputable contractors and they have multiple experience in these lined ponds and we hope to proceed as soon as we get approval. Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thanks, Don. Would anybody else like to come up and address the Town Board on this issue? UNIDENTIFIED: I live next to Mary Holland, by the way. And you are going to be pumping at the same rate, you just said, and you are not going to be using any more water than you are currently you are saying. But the object is to get water quicker than 10 hours because if you pump it from the pump, is this what your idea is? MR. WILCENSKI: Yes. Initially we are going to be using more water to fill the pond, once the pond is filled, we will be at the same level and we will have, and the DEC has instructed us how to fill the pond and over a period of time, so we are not going to be pumping the well for 26 Page 46 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes days, 24 hours a day. Okay? So we have looked at every option we had and we cannot use town water, it is not feasible, you know, good for the water system, with the plant material and fish life that we plan on putting into the pond to help with mosquito control. So we have exhausted all our means and I am working closely with Bill Spitz, with the NYS DEC water manager and he is going to help us to build the pond. And by the way, we do have a water meter that we report to the DEC on a monthly basis (inaudible) the month of April and August and we (inaudible). UNIDENTIFIED: That is maximum? MR. WILCENSKI: That is maximum, I am sorry. UNIDENTIFIED: Maximum. The next question I have has to do with when we have had the local paper, not this previous paper, the front page article was about run-off. Now, we have had heavy rain. You have these pipes going out to Moore's Lane and the water (inaudible) that I don't think is a very sound environmental, the way you are proceeding. Is there any chance that if you are going to have heavy rain, in the forecast, you will be able to pump some of that into the pond instead of going down the street? MR. WILCENSKI: Absolutely. UNIDENTIFIED: Is that what you are planning? MR. WILCENSKI: We have already spoken to that. We have one pond that is on the course (inaudible) we will pump that back into the (inaudible).... SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: As a point of the clarification, the Town Board is, I think, on the threshold of passing a drainage code that would require that they do something like that anyway, in the near future. We are no longer going to allow for the pumping of water from any source into public rights of way. So, in the near future they would have to be addressing that run-off Issue anyway. UNIDENTIFIED: Inaudible SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes, it does. It includes everything. UNIDENTIFIED: Oh, wow. That is going to be hard on some people. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Well, you know, it is not draconian. There is certainly exemptions to every law and we are certainly going to consider all the circumstances. But there are circumstances that are so clearly blatant, such as someone who decides at the end of the season to pump out their pool into the street in front of them and I think that is what the law is really intended to address. Not the person who that is facing a hardship because of flooding in a basement. UNIDENTIFIED: Okay. So in other words, you are going to try to alleve that problem at the Page 47 October 3, 2006 Town of South old Board Meeting Minutes same time on Moore's Lane (inaudible)... MR. WILCENSKI: Absolutely. UNIDENTIFIED: And Mrs. Holland has said that you are planning to dredge or something one of the two small ponds because last year we had a terrific mosquito infestation and it turns out it was a blocked drain or something. MR. WILCENSKI: Well, I would .... UNIDENTIFIED: How are you going to, are you, is the water going to be moving enough now that you have three ponds instead of two, so that we won't get, you know, mosquito (inaudible).. . MR. WILCENSKI: The new pond will have two areas and two bubblers (inaudible) 8-12 inches a day... UNIDENTIFIED: Okay, so it will be moving all the time. MR. WILCENSKI: Absolutely. Also, the fish eat the larvae and as far as the other pond on the (inaudible) I spoke with Al Krupski when he was Trustee a few years ago and he called it pond maintenance and I tried to get out Board to approve that, that was three years ago and (inaudible). It is basically just leaf matter (inaudible) it no longer... UNIDENTIFIED: And it is a problem for the residents. MR. WILCENSKI: I appreciate everything (inaudible) UNIDENTIFIED: Yeah. I think we can all work together but the most encouraging thing is solving this Moore's Lane problem because this road run-off cannot be good. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Can I just have your name for the public record? TRINA WALDRON: Trina Waldron, 300 Short Road, Cutchogue. MR. WILCENSKI: And I will make sure, just for the record, I will make sure that our superintendent knows that (inaudible). MS. WALDRON: It is just not a good (inaudible) MR. WILCENSKI: No, I understand. MS. WALDRON: And it isn't good. MR. WILCENSKI: Well, nine and a halfinches ofrain in 12 hours... Page 48 October 3, 2006 Town of Southold Board Meeting Minutes SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yeah, there is no drainage system in the world that was built to handle that. MS. WALDRON: Maybe it is just better to percolate through the soil (inaudible) that will be pumped out on Moore's Lane from an environmental point of view, I think it probably is, I am sorry, but (inaudible) have to go around a puddle for two or three days, so, that is life. (Inaudible). SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay. Would anybody else like to come up and comment on this particular public hearing? (No response) Hearing none, can I get a motion to close the hearing? RESULT: CLOSED [UNANIMOUS) MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Russell, Krupski Jr. ABSENT: William P. Edwards 3. Motion To: Adjourn Town Board Meeting COMMENTS - Current Meeting: RESOLVED that this meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby is declared adjourned at 8:52 P.M. * * * * * ~.~ Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS) MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman A YES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Russell, Krupski Jr. ABSENT: William P. Edwards Page 49