HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-6403James F. King, President ~~OF SOUTy~, Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President ,`O "~~ Peggy A. Dickerson l~ l~ Dave Bergen G C Bob Ghosio, Jr. ~ ~ i~ ~y~DUM'1 N~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631)765-6641 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE # 0324C Date: June 23, 2008 THIS CERTIFIES that the re-grade the existing bluff crest, re-fill washed out portion of bluff face stabilize fill with erosion control matting and planted 10' non-turf buffer landward of newly established bluff crest At 130 Llovd's Lane, Mattituck, New York Suffolk County Tax Map # 99-3-4.6 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated 01/25/06 pursuant to which Trustees Permit # 6403 & 6403C Dated 07/19/06. Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for the re-erade the existing bluff crest, re-fill washed out portion of bluff face, stabilize fill with erosion control matting and planted, 10' non-turf buffer landward of newly established bluff crest The certificate is issued to KEVIN & SUSAN FERRELL owner of the aforesaid property. ~k- ae~ Authorized Signature James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel ~o~~pf SOUryo~ • ~~ ~~'~CODUrv ~~ Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR APRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line 1s1 day of construction '/s constructed ,~j Project complete, compliance inspection. (,la~f7g' ~~ . (~C)~'^R^' . . ,JaLleS F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peg,b.,'Y A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel Town Hall 53095 Roule 25 PO. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631! 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION, FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT, INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line 1 st day of construction IS constructed / Project complete, compliance inspection. . . TERMS and CONOmQNS 'I1je Pecmit.ttt Kevin & Susan Ferrell ~diJJg.t 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck '., N. y~ IS f'Ut, of dIe consideratioo len the isSuaoI:e of che Permit does 1II1d=~ and I'~ to the fol- lowing: I. TIuu the JAid .J3oud of TrusteeS and <<he Town of Southold ate rel~from any and all damages, or daims focdamages, of suits ati$iag. dltcdly Ol todice<:dy as a ~ of any opec- .tloapecfocmedpumlant'(l),icbh.~f, .~. .~~ ~~~...m. at his or bet OW!' upeose. delend _y and all su<:b sWts'lnltl.teilby th1cd <fatties, and <<he said ~ ..-. fulllJabl1lty with rcipect dleteto, f(HI~e~eteexdusioo of the Iloard of T<UStte$ of the TQWD of Southpld :(. 'l.'Mt chis l'etmic 1$ -:and for. ptdod of 24.snos. wbkh. is ~ to be the estimated time retu1ced CO complete the _tk in yol>'C<l, but ibould ciccul:iistao= 'I'I'&CWlt, request lor Ilfl extwsionnuy be made to <<he J30ud at a btu 4te. . l. That chis peqnit ohou1d be rdaIned indefU1lldy. or as long as the .aid Pecnilitee .,..!sbU (0 ..,.In,.ln the structUCe or project involved, to provide evidence (0 anyone roneecned that aucb- prlqdon WAS originilly obWned. (. That <<he ..otk involved ..w be 5Ubject to <<he la$(>edioo and approval of dIe JJoard Ol Its agents, and ooa-o:xnpUm<:e with <<he provisions of the orlgin.fl.,g application, may be cause foe: revocation of this Pennit by resol\ltion of dle said Boac<L S. That there will be no UClCfiSOOlble interference with navigation .. a result of tbe wad< bereln authorized. . : ' 6. TIuu there chill be no intecleren<e wicb the eight of dIe publlc to pa5$ and repass aloog tbe beadI bec..een bigb and low water marlcs. ' 7. TIuu if future opecatioos of dIe Town of South91d ~ eM removal and/or alteradoas In the Jocatioo of the "fI'Otk berein_ebod'~ ~. or U, in the opInloo alcbc Board al T<UStte$, the , wad<shaI1 cause unceasooabIe obslIlU1100 to free naviguion, the said Permlttee will be ttqWted. apoo.due nod~ to remove or aleer chis _tk or project herdn stated without ~ to the TowD' of $outhold. . . 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Pennittee ot the <OtIIpledoo of dIe "fI'Otk aucb- orbed. 9. That tbePeqniuee will dJtaln all odter permits and _Ii 'Chat IJJJ.1 be requ1red ~ [>Iemeotal (0 cbls pem>It ~ may'be subject to leV. upoo U1lure to obtain woe. .' . . John Holzapfel Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 James F. King, President ,Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Telephone (6311 765-1892 Fax {631 { 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 1 B, 2006 Ms. Catherine Mesiano Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 RE: KEVIN & SUSAN FERRELL 130 LLOYD'S LANE, MATTITUCK SCTM#99-3-4.6 Dear Ms. Mesiano: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wed., July 19, 2006 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Catherine Mesiano on behalf of KEVIN & SUSAN FERRELL applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated ,January 25, 2006, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the South old Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on July 19,2006, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, 2 . . WHEHEAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, WHEHEAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of KEVIN & SUSAN FERRELL to re-grade the existing bluff crest landward by approx. 5' to remove vertical lip, and use approx. 50 cy. resultant material in conjunction with approx. 285 cy. clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source to re-fill washed out portion of bluff face. Stabilize fill with erosion control malting (straw, coir, jute) and plant with Ammophila brevili,;]ulata (12" O.C.) and with Myrica pensylvanica and Rosa rugosa (2 gal., 3' O.C.). Establish 10' non-turf buffer landward of newly established bluff crest to be similarly planted, and all as depicted on the plan prepared by En-Consultants, Inc. dated July 5, 2006. Permic to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 Very truly yours, ~074- Jarrfes~. King ... President, Board of Trustees JFK/lms . . .James F. King, President ,Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box] 179 Southold, New York 1197]~0959 Telephone 16311 765~1892 Fax 1631l765~664] BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT Permit #6403C Date: .July 19. 2006 SCTM#99-3-4.6 Name of Applicant/Agent: Catherine Mesiano Name of Permittee: Kevin & Susan Ferrell Address of Permittee: 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck Property Located: 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Coastal Erosion Permit to re-grade the existing bluff crest landward by approx. 5' to remove vertical lip, and use approx. 50 cy. resultant material in conjunction with approx. 285 cy. clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source to re-fill washed out portion of bluff face. Stabilize fill with erosion control matting (straw, coir, jute) and plant with Ammophila breviligulata (12" O.C.) and with Myrica pensylvanica and Rosa rugosa (2 gal., 3' O.C.). Establish 10' non-turf buffer landward of newly established bluff crest to be similarly planted. The Coastal Erosion Management Permit allows for the operations as indicated on the plans prepared by En~Consultants, Inc. dated July 5, 2006. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. SPECiAL CONDITIONS: (apply if marked) __ Bluff restoration through a re-vegetation pian is a necessary special condition of this permit. __ A rElocation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. __ A maintenance agreement is attached with application and is a necessary special condition of thilsS permit. c;r 6 Jame . King, Presideny Boar of Trustees . . ,James F. King, President ,Jill M Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen c:ohn Holzapfel Town Hall fi3095 Route 25 PO. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 TelepholW (631) 765-1892 Fax ,.6:11) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: y; 0 ^ II ;:, 'i.s.... I ~(\ <'\ '-4-AAfU ( J Please be advised that your application dated-LJJ-~()'(' has been reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of ~_ and the followng action was taken: I C V) Application Approved (see below) C_) Application Denied (see below) C_) Application Tabled (see below) If yoU!' application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: - <4-c noJ Lr~(lQ ctlin ~ sn 00 Q 2) )s} 0(, V TOTAL FEES DUE: $ 0'0.00 BY: James F. King, President Board of Trustees Telephone (631) 765-1892 .. . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., February 8, 2006, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Don Wilder, seconded by Tom Schlichter, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the South old Town Board of Trustees APPROVOAL of the Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit applications of KEVIN & SUSAN FERREL to restore the damaged bluff by placing 1600 cy. of bank run sand on the face of the bluff. Stabilization of the restored areas will be implemented by terracing and planting with (approved) beach grasses. Located: 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#99-3-4.6 The CAC highly recommends the proposed plan. Vote of Council: Ayes: Don Wilder, Tom Schlichter, Jacob Smith. Motion Carried Recused: Jack McGreevy . - .J<1_mes F_ King, President .Jill 1\1. Doherty, Vice-President. Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen .John Holzapfel Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SouthoJd Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/W orksession Report Dlte!Time: 7-1 f)-it-? y,t'vl;{) t\Vv\ ~ \\&11 \, Name of Applicant: Name of Agent: (" \,\q~ _l ;/i..r\ f) Property Location: SCTM# & Street 1<1 _.7) .1/, j, Brief Description of proposed action: Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland ~Freshwater Wetland ~Sound Front ~Bay Front Distance of proposed work to edge of above: Part 91 To~n C9;le propos~~lvJtrk falls un. der: <,-LE"hapt9! -'~Chapt 37 ~lher Tvpe of Application: ~\Vetland ~oastal Erosion _Amendment _Administrative _Emergency Info needed: T ~. \. /' Modifications: Conditions: / - Present Wel/eo:6.King L/r.Doherty "'P',Dickerson \..AS. Bergen~ .Holzapfel Other: L/fJ l\ Mailed/Faxed to: Date: r , -- ,James F. King, President ,JiIlM:. Doherty, Vic€-Presid,.;nt Pegg~l A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel To\vn Hall 5:3095 Route 2G P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone t6::: 1) 765-1892 Fax (631 ') 765-664] BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Board of Trustees Field InspectionlW orksession Report / . / . Date/Time: ..;)/ -t C G Name of Applicant: tz-uUlf(j Name of Agent:--,Ln..Y2-f d.--.le Property Location: SCTM# & Street /Io'-(L Ln, ,{(.ctLztt.<.c( Brief Description of proposed action: f (Jex (c."~; ~ ,."....k"" "/-'j Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland / c.' Sound Front Bay Front Distance of proposed work to edge of above: Part of Town code proposed work falls under: c_Chapt,97 ~Chapt, 37 _other Type of Application:~Wetland ,/ Coastal Erosion _Amendment _Administrative _Emergency Info needed: \\~:,,:,\ "'i,' Cd: ':") '....1. _-v' ,,_,-.- ~'~t.... ( <.:/c)L -\\ \.,?,...., C),.....~ 4:'~ Modifications: ,7 ,'> ".1 (,/\..._,.<- Conditions: r ,1 i , , ! ,1 , "IV" t'~\ Present Werd-../'1.King _L.:rboherty '--P.Dickerson _D. Bergen '-1~Holzapfel Other: '.. ',,"-, -+--!-"-' >) -("JL<..0"\ Mailed/Faxed to: Date: - feb 8, 2006 Field InS_ion . F.e-11~ II -- FEB--aB-l36 134: 41 . . P.02 :, : Jim King, President Southold Board of Town Trwrtees Box 1179 Southold, New Yark 11971 Feb. 7,2006 Dear Mr. King, At the present time my husband and I are in Florida, and will not return until the first week of April. Weare aware of the erosion that has ~Ul'l'ed on the bluff, affecting us and our neighbors.....this will be the fourth time for us.. There is a proposal by the Ferrells being submitted to the Board requesting an emergency project be initialed. I understand the concerns of the Ferrells, however because a large payloader and tons of sand have to pass through the area between our homes, we want to be there at that time. I also know that there i~an intent to cut trees and brush... what trees and who's trees? We also have a concern about tn.e vionmons these machines will cause especially to our home as well as the fragile winter ground. We are asking for a postponement of any work, so that we have our legal rights honored, and respected for the protection of our property. Sincerely yours Charles and FED - FEB~0B-06 04:41 AM. . P..01 -' ~.. .::::J/ I'?I ;B''l f _ cyD .(."1'2..€/1 . /LJ ~ ~~ .~ .~.'~ ~ ~r ~/.J~~ t{...~ . ..... . . . ~ #"-. ~~~~ ~ .lff'6 jJ~-fD #~If!Jtee/1 A J<fJ<<"d4;,.el~. -../z:/~ ~~ ~a.. ~c ~~ /U{ ~q:.~.;, _, . FEB-10-1216 01 :52 A. . P.01 ;Ji~/((n r;./~.s- f/~11 r Sovl1:,-~"'""f'wn /hl/Ie'/ tI,..hl/rf,~ S r: StJ~DI<<. ?J., .. . r~ ' :r ~dW YI,.-I- K:';'''''~f S"e(11'} ;4r.'i/J/Pkqytf- /(j !~I.e.$A-rr~~ '1( f' ~cf)ht>we V'~ r.t.: ~ /P'~ ~~I.f';lultll ~~ '17 ,,=h(J~A~I/, we.... .6g/t-.,,'-. -flJ IJe.. /", ~C C t.I It.p:li:!.. .. WlJe~ ./;>;e.. N()M'!/ .Iv/II- ~s J/l.It:1, ~4.~ kt. ' (Ra'l14) #A,.S"hI r/els" ~ wA- ~ ~1'1 (iA..,ft~ 4/~~ ~ tke".sPJfV~#R.. ()~ ~..,h~,.>:k. ~MIJI~ 1:;,L )II/~$ e..e.r<'()~ ~1lS' ~ f~. . ,,6d-~f/l ~e t;v/,kh~tj~. .. . .... .' .2)~. ~~~/) R 4;~~wl?e~f?(!n~,'1:i5 . ,Ne .su.&V~"I'Utd bl't"//PQ"""PrJ .f/;?i.:sh i I '1:;j;,~;/:i;;/~j~s~~~~~~:~~~ I Jl'b-;,l ~.J dlV/J.5 ~ e~'k"'..$/t:),., ~i)~"MfI~~h:.; ~e.tuf)/l,t::I'.tAliltnfpd );~tlf-tlft!P:'Llaa. . . (( ~e:;i;? If/ (! 411' e AJ e' If~ e.s ..tx;",-3.. . rb.1I-I- A Q(jru ()FfIt:; P'l;" v/! 1611 Q tI./f-n. .ilee.-fy ~N~_ ~nfd:~~i.V~tf::l ~B;: .~:{:'j;t~h~._ no . . <SeacJn~ %. .$t:'~VIC~S n()fl t:i./~~~.. II t/I~{f.e~qSkl~". -t7"~.~/,-t7. n .... ~4:~ttfj 6 () _ '/h/i-r-CiiJ7i!.. t/ () I<:e.s Ae,{e48-..L/ _~,,~ -1/< 4.R~'fl(~eAr. :lltlh"< !,dt!?.l~"", ~~~__~_._n:..n::.:. C:3}$-~ Sd(fa;;;~41 ~ 1f~1'VC.7V 0. f //9fl- FEB--15-la6 01 :23 . . P.01 :::r;;~ )-: /I 'l-~$e.slkrrf ~~~ ~ -S~~~" ffPtV/1 ~d,"/~-U~~ . ~: h~~t" 1/ / #~$h:U? n d/J/V;:f' :1:-1 /.s- nd tI/1;ed'tlS'(Jl'1a6/~ ~ d..s~ -1-/19---1- A/1~ del'is/417-.S p,!) m/J ,ee./t/,~/ Je ~..r-l/'tf/1t!'t:rZ (,JArl! We. A'/!!.-rv'l'<.n/ And. tt,*f~ ~~f.?.st9af-. - t;L a,e~ A.S5' (/M",?~ ~#"" 7'- q /1 /SLAlf"I.s hl'flt!'.. b4t1Y1 .s().6",,/~ / /11~/t/t:I/Ar()/'1e... +d -I'11e J?~C-. ;C : We-Akre j> t't>-I't/fe-~~ ~ -r ~ ..J/-v ~ q I? / -S 6' ~ te 0 II r}' /;,11:. Q I€ te q 5 ~ ~ /?1 ~ ,6~4C. J, . ill1A' /4-'14'. (-r-.+Kc:';I o/;r-) #'Jr 7~ ilJfll7//#1/~ e ~/.s oS' /-h/~ hdrl/ 4i/r-ri/s .dpe5 /l~";- (()/he.. e I'r/~ ~t:J ~ .:J (} 'Ii e"--. S/;~t"5 we hA-d. IV~ IP'/fr /r.ft; /;~ K/7t)W,? -7-t:; He~IV,R-1 ;ee..Jlee./6 jfn~ At--. #~.ss.lt1t no ;Ih#-t- \ ef.cJ 'f f:A A..r.IJ.j!8VR.. l~(Jpe~ ofr -ne.~ -'n L.~ ;1 Z ~ I ,bt"d c/t ~v5t!!...4' 4f..s. ;tCtJ(!:.SJ n Will O-r ~ ~/e./2~1/5. /(Ie wdv/~ (!04S/tllf'~ ~/.s ~~!?4S;s d/ld ~ Vlol.-6tJl1 .t!JI-I/l()/ete7~ /f ljJl,7':s , We.. ttls~ d.AIJI//) SfJef tt: -Ih~y ~ or/~ e.e ""c...al1.5/ ~~ 4./2 fI-- ;fJ 1/ "fJe.I/. 7 d" /h 49 ~ / /1 (! (/ M ~ .1{ pf' (/!.... 1# f/Jeli/lfj rnCcc!J14I"ft:;. .~c:t::;,~r:~ ~ ~ &. S ~u.t?:; . . Telephcne (631) 765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.o. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting af the Sauthald Tawn Canservatian Advisary Cauncil held Wed., February 8, 2006, the fallawing recammendatian was made: Maved by Dan Wilder, secanded by Tam Schlichter, it was RESOLVED to. recammend to. the Sauthald Tawn Baard af Trustees APPROVOAL af the Wetland Permit and Caastal Erasian Permit applicatians af KEVIN & SUSAN FERREL to. restare the damaged bluff by placing 1600 cy. af bank run sand an the face af the bluff. Stabilizatian af the restored areas will be implemented by terracing and planting with (approved) beach grasses. Lacated: 130 L1ayd's Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#99-3-4.6 The CAC highly recammends the propased plan. Vate af Cauncil: Ayes: Dan Wilder, Tam Schlichter, Jacab Smith. Matian Carried Recused: Jack McGreevy , Ir . ~~ --- - "..~~~;" .-.,.. - --.-..- ..-.-... . ,.., - ~~ \. , ). c !t-]I r\~\"""" ~ . . . - - --.... ..... - r ,.. "';::';lfF~ ~.......... .-.;:". -, " .' > ,;'~:.' . _~' -~,.:;....iIf''<'"''I1f'''' .-,. ,.~.~ .......... ~.t': .,-.,..... -.- '.. to ~ ,.l'-r..'.........: (.f..:r6:.,_....".i:i..:Jl.~ "'" e'"'t.~. "'~ '~." ::~1 V;:;;.-., , .~:., ~:""~ .~. ... ,:'~ .:..,,"'" .:. . '~~~~.:;;... . J'.~r..,..... ".10'.... '_..)",;..~'~ l.~, ~rJ""..__~- .',-. ..,-~ !tll!!fL"'" 'o!'#"-<~.J "1' ;a. ..:3 \f,"_- ..:_."'.... .,........ ! ...~,. ''''''-~''''~'''1.!''I t'''' .,' . ..~.' ~ 't '- ;, A:.,r.. ,..;' I . . . ;,. ..' .. . t" .,." .- '. " .... ...' ....... '. p y "" . ~ ' ~ ~ , I , .. - , ,. , . r ~ 1.0 .f" , ~ ,) , I . . '\ ~ ~~ .. '-, '-r- '\ ---- o~ , \' . r ( . --/ + + I <>Z I d ',~'.l',', ,11'.. " I:.,:ri ., "I i.":,: ~~ ,"I' L'~ ~, 'I , "-.. ~ " ! '\ II ~, ~ ~ I 1.1 ..." I, II: I ~ t '::1] I, "~ i , ! 'i r. ,i 1~ "'" , ~ :1 ~ I f ~ + + IT IT C ~ ~ ; i i -:~ ei! a1J~ ~~l' 15!! I:~! ;3"" u1l1 ~ ,d h. l:I ~i! ....Ji: i '.i II! ,I _ ii~ I " ilthl ~; jj{ ..I,l! dl II, II' ~: II !I, ~ )1 III Nov.9, 2005 Field Inspection . . '.:C'~""\ ;1., -- Nov.9, 2005 Field Inspection . . Nov.9, 2005 Field Inspection . . P.lAf! FROM C I1ESIRI'm INC FRX NO. 631-878-8951 DEC. 13 2005 11: 34RM Pi , I CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NY 11940 PHONE/FAX: 631-878-8951 e~rrtail: cmosiano@optonllne-net ('( 'C ))} .' Q'1 ').. ) December 13, 2005 AI Krupski, President Southold Board of Town Trustees Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 BY FA>(." (631)765-1366 Re: Kevin & Susan Ferrell 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck, NY SCTM # 1000-99-3-4.6 Dear Mr. Krupski: I am the agent for the above referenced applicant. By letter dated November 7, 2005, a copy of which is enclosed, Mr. Ferrell advised the Board of damage sustained to the bluff on his property at 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck. We have been advised by his contractor that approximately 1600 cubic yards of bank run sand will be required to stabilize the bluff. The material will be brought onto the site by payloader. We request an Emergency Permit for restoration of their bluff by amendment to Permit # 4647 issued in 1996 to Morrell. I would like to meet the Trustees at the site if you are able to fit it into your schedule on December 14, 2005. Thank you for your attention to this matter. atherine Mesiano President FRO~1 : C ~1ESlm~O INC -- ')) 7'. ;~8a:i FAX NO. : 631-878-8951 Dec. 13 2005 11:35AM P2 3:01Ptl Bl.JLKGiE\'1 \ Ncvcrnb~ ., 12.005 To; The So"thotd Board of Trustees Main ROod, SOl.:.tl101d, NY, 11971 R,; F=elJ, 130 Lloyd's Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 De>.!" Board Of Trustees; We r="luest the Board to l..'lspect da.'llll,go sustained to our bluff overlaokinglhe L.L So~nd and g;ant "!,pron! for US to inunedlat"ly stan work to stabilize it. Our aim is to restore a proper angle o( reposo to avoid the loss of additional property and to create an environment which wi!! aHaw the growth of vegetation to help ~ustain the bluff. D'Je to the extensive rains we experienced recently, the top half or OUT bluff colJapsoo creating a un' table oliff with the loss o( ad<.lition.a.l property expected, The extent of the damage to our bluff is not nearly as severe as rew other properties, some ofwl1ieh ha.ve had praolems far a Ions time and may now be beyond rspsir. But, if",e do not attend to oUl' property right away, we will expenenc. sirnila: cO:Jcitions and We wili certainly lose <<dditianal property value. We have discussed various ideas with a number oflooal contractors with e},:pcnence in this type of restoration. Tno consensllS appears to be that sand be poured dOWll the bluff, install some sort of te:Tactng and plant aeceptable Y.grlation, probably Ileagras., to maintain the angle- PIa..'lO will be finalized aftel. MW survey with bpographical InC21lurem.ents (expected next week) and .,ftel any recommendations from the Trustees and any oth",. authontiesl..g.:ncies ne<:essary. Please find attached; -Survey of the pro~ with topographical measurements (October 2004). .l..ette~ from the County Soil and Waler Di.triet ragardlng our bluff eonditibo issoed in Jl.lne 2004. -l>ho~'s of the bJutrtal:.en in the spring .fthis year. -Photo's onh. bluff since the damage occurred. (Included l\!e some showing the extent of dlll'!lage to other properties.) Kindly canlaet us to confirm receipt al~d to advise when you have scheduled an k.pconan. In addition, please also advise what other action is l1ecessaryta proceed with the repairs. r may be contacted at the below numbers. Thlll,x you in advance for your consideration encl time. Sincerely, Ke~i!l ;. Susan Ferrell work; 631-467-6655 ho~e; 631- 98-5560 ~# '2 -ut' A Of?/ :? /Ct ~/f /.~: v5~.:,.:_.. cw- ># Y / K&;/..J Nt?- -~'1:,~~_\( ):,s~~~\> . tl\"'-':?""',c\J. ~~ ~ - }V~ ./ ~I \\".) -- -- - -- I f\ U ;:;:--- ~ 1'21'. >"'~- Is~ -- ~ ~ /--- ~ v.' ,. ."f !,,€f- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '.-:::: "'.;' />-\..... /'. ~ ." ~If;.-{', .,.l~\..\..- .... ~ -o.f'"T- ,Ab'? ,....\~ 1Q'lZ.E " " A Area otiOn fJ'e ere IT1~ :, ! I~I "I N uJ ~l ~ o! I ~ 21 !i: s~ ~ o. =~ H ~vS> A'J ~, ",'t' Art' ;f~ ""-v....... w"' ':g.. , "S.~:' /' .co"'t& O.....f ,J:p~~~~~ ! "V' @J _nF .../'f)_!tT '3 ~,,'W ~~t' '" o~ . '" %.Q ",', '" .... ... \t4.'-.----,. . . J/.~ iQo""(..... "- 1....0 Cl .pE.G. wOO ..".-c.(... -t.~;.1....... ~ , I I J J , I I~ ID I t% I '" I t.l OJ '" '" <l> I I I 1 I J I I I I J ~ ~ ~ 1: ~ ~ o ~ < . ~ ~ L-l.--iJ '{b /..-.--4 N E ~ , . 72. c 10 ?V OREGON j ,r i ~\ , ! ;:t 9 " 3 SUFPOL-fL Cf). HAb,5T}2(W1 h.,..I,? zs- I" =- 3CXXi / 84 ,( "> t.l '" , "l t.l NOTES : r, DATu n:A l-lAl ; 2. ?r.t~i'asE'EiLoS,.'" C4r-1.TR6L 3. ALL- TIMBER Tl:> Be 'A,A'. T"iZe-ATE::t, I 4, A'<.gSJ v'..A 8--!rLf f2" BEAC.H ~6 5. "';:S'~..t)":i:(':;C.T L..OC....TID1J: I LL...!Jy.'bS L~ NE I n...4TT1TU.CIC, r-J'j I/qiz. SeTH#- fooo ... '1'q -.3 _ Li.{.p !;" AbJ:"AC.GNT OIAJNE7<S:l ! I. CA""P7>EL-L..INO 2. I-ttJNfi'lSLllK.Lfi" HI/..!....:; 0..0<1 Ca"R.p. INbIC.-4TE'S />i2.o?".tt, 1<E"r,A.I fl.JG, W.ALL I. AJ;>?1<.Cb( 50 ,.'{ . CLeAN FILL r [310 _ TJ?uUe-l> IN F1Z.Ot1.. N WPU N1 SouTU.b- I ! "PKOPOSE"D T-2ET..AIN IIN (7 ~LL E;cre NS /O/'-' FO!:2... I 'bi<. '1E1-v1I'-1 !'-Wf2."i2!. LL ON LONG [SL/.>.Nb S UNt, I AT H,ATTITiA{( ,-"ljtFDU( COUNT,! J New ,!O'kK SHEET I of Z --+.1'1/'111' NovenDer 7, 2005 T,,: The Southold Board of Trustees \1ain Road, Southold, NY, 11971 .,'J Rc: Ferrell, 130 Lloyd's Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Board Of Trustees: We request the Board to inspect damage sustained to our bluff overlooking the L.I. Sound and gra:lt approval for us to immediately start work to stabilize it. Our aim is to restore a proper angle oT repose to avoid the loss of additional property and to create an environment which will allow the growth oCvegetation to help sustain the bluff. Due to the extensive rains we experienced recently, the top half of our bluff collapsed creating a unstable chffwith the loss of additional property expected. The extent of the damage to our bluff is notncarly as severe as few other properties, some of which have had problems for a long time and may now be beyond repair. But, if we do not attend to our property right away, we will experience sillilar conditions and we will certainly lose additional property value. We have discussed various ideas with a number oflocal contractors with experience in this type of restoration. The consensus appears to be that sand be poured down the bluff, install some sort of terracing and plant acceptable vegetation, probably seagrass, to maintain the angle. Plans will be tinalized after a new survey with topographical measurements (expected next week) and after any recommendations (rom the Trustees and any other authorities/agencies necessary. Please tind attached: -Sur..ey of the property with topographical measurements (October 2004). -l.etter trom the County Soil and Water District regarding our bluff condition issu~d in June 2004. -Photo's of the bluff taken in the spring ofthis year. -Photo's of the bluff since the damage occurred. (Included arc some showing the cxtent of damage to other properties.) K:.ndly contact us to continll receipt and to advise when you have scheduled an inspectIon. In addition, please also advise what other action is necessary to proceed with the repairs. I may be contacted at the below numbers. Thank you in advance fix your consideration and time. Sincerely. Kevin I Susan FelTell work: (13 1-407 -0055 hUI1l;/()j 1-29.8-55(.,0 /r. .......-JV. "11/ L,-' /" ~Ut m a~t?~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ..')">~'~-r <I'~>SO')'J;~ ~~~~-- -". ~{~ ",'" : . ~ ~--." ,~;,~-",:,;", ~')";~l;'~i':[~'{.? Steve Levy Suffolk County Executive SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT FAX: (631) 727~3160 Thomas J. McMahon DISTRICT MANAGER (631) 727-2315 June 24, 2004 Town of Southold Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Jess Boger, RE: Inventory & Evaluation A site inventory and evaluation was completed on the privately owned property located at 130 Lloyd's Land, Mattituck, as per the Town of Southold's request. The property is located on Long Island Sound, the adjacent to the property on the east is a residential lot and on the west is an access path for community residents, The approximate 50' bluff and beach are owned and maintained by the Honeysuckle Property Owne,-s Association, The natural vegetation on the bluff in front of the Ferrell property is in good condition with the exceptions of a small area where lawn debris has been discarded. Some species noted were; Rugosa rose, bayberry, wild cherry, beach grass, poison ivy, honeysuckle, bittersweet, and sweet pea. The community access path is currently direct straight down the slope and has large several large holes, It is recommended to change the direction path to create a serpentine affect, which will slow the runoff preventing erosion on the bluff. It is, also, recommended to fill in the holes on the steps along the path. In addition, it was noted that the bluff on the residential property to the east has existing erosion with several large gullies and collapsed access stairs, It is recommended to re-vegetate with native species and install a berm along the top of the bluff to prevent the runoff from going directly down the slope, Concerns ' Observation Application for a The property appears to slope up slightly variance for the before the bluff. The bluff is in good llnstal13tion of an above condition with no erosion problems. ground sWimming pool J EXisting vegetation IS profuse and at a setback of less vigorous. than 100' from the bluff Su estions No suggestions are recommended. The installation of an above ground pool would not have an adverse affec::Jon the bluff, __"___...__n___.____________ Enclosed for the property owner's convenience are the following documents: The Creen Lawn Care Card List of recommended native species for North Shore bluff plantings. If there is any further, assistance needed please contact my office, Sinc e,r,L IY", ~\'J'11 r " n ~\. ----- .,/ ,- \,- ) 1'(5/ ~-Sll~t District Technician " VltJ~' i i ." .' -, _ ,-.' _,'-,.> . J' ! . ,1 ~..........I,' l" "'"~ . y' ~ .I i,_'lr j! {'/ / /~-{ '-- .' r___/ ",~", :,- f/ _ "7" 'r,:':" Cc: ~:evin i~ Susan Ferrell Cooperative Extension Building 423 Griffing Avenue RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 ~ _ Cd cl, -,')-7 ,....).." '- , "\ ~ :_.) ,J;r 'f"l ''Y' ~. ';:o,.,?: 1:(.~<',.)'~~~ :\'~'-r '-'~. >'!\, :~' , t , .ii;'~~, >"_'i," '~'4i~~,' "rt-" ~.~:- ~ I . >~ ",~' ,,-~:t' '.~, " . .~> r- 'i! 'i:flt-f~ l!H.. , ~ II - -.-....-......1' . I . _':'~t@t-;4- 'i~~i" '.\;;f0j: , ,.1)"\' 'l.\.'I,:.':'; ,~, " i1~;: ~;,~~, " ~ - , , . ... ,,- , . :r.-~l '> :--~ ~- -oot- .. _-;- ~,. ~?:: -etctltrr a~- ~ '" ~,;em'~~J~~ - - --- .- .'- ---- ,i'I' .~'li ' "".~~, iJt-".. m~ ~O ~...fN~--=-~ = \ (" . - - h ~L3 _. .. -~ - -- -- --- -- -- . r - r-- ..J , .~~"f . l;"i/t"'.. . '. "..,.,." ..~, I ~ ,. , . .J*~ .... i .. I j r<wL..:- r I~ I< ,. . ... - 1._ .. I t ~ ... ~ f.- r .- 1'"" . r- r.. r' f I r I ... ",L - ~,..:~' 0'. ... , .-. --- - ~ -.......-- if. - '--'- ..., -... ~ ~ ~h~ ............. .. <~~""-v-.. ~/' ~. '"., ~~ ""-:C-. .../-- <"'",. ..~ ----IIl.'..- .- ";.;- oI!l tooi.,"" .., . . ..~ ~' - .'~ --- 6prl nj ~OD5 I ":.'~.- . ~. . ...11: ~~~..~ ~. . : ,;,.. '!! t.... / . , ......:.\ - . t. . Yf~.~ -. .,II> 5prinj d..DD5 cl .. . I - - - - t- -- ~ , .. " 'Perf"cll -:Bluff. ~ r--- I ~ -- -- - - ,.~. . -JL... 'f': !II. .PU--ll ., r~ ,," -'1!lt.. 5pri n~ ~oo5 F"erf"cl\ 1>1 utf 1 '. . - ~.:<- ~?~- ~~l~'~ ~.,.-;; -~ ~:~"- ..- -~- \. ~;':~:~ ~~:;~~.;:~ ...... ..~ -- """"':"J ~ - .<.;-~~ ~- ~..'~~-- .. - .~~:;~ :-=-~':~ ..-..~~:_~. .. ..""", ...........;:;. -_ .... -~:.J' :<~- ..-.. .... __"": _ ~ ~~_.. . ...... A... -" ......:.. _:~ -_~"..: .. -...-:.. .::- -~ f~:: fJ\~~~i~:~~ .;~ ~ ..,..!tlo'''' ~. _...._~ _,...~'. '... ...:..:.... -,!......... -.- .-,-~....~~: .....~~~- ~~ -... . .,. C.,"~.~_.=-"____.;;' ..~.~ ..... -". ..-_.-........... ... -.... -.~ - . - - ..- .aoD5- ~~('~~~_'''''~~~~:'-~lf. -_'-::~ . ..~~ 1'....-:'- J __~.... .", h ... -' - -..,Jt ~ ... ~. - '~,~;i';f!:~~ -" ~.:A:-: .. ~~-.-:~. _ ~ ~ ."'.6-r ~ -. ~f-........ '~', ,ci;~~j ~~- ," .. <::- --...~, ~.-. -, ...... ~-.,._. - -~.:..... c ~~. t- ~.;~~~Vo;~~:;":,~t----'~-"'''. ~ ......-~. ..._~ -~--:::~..-..-~_. ~~ =..,..~ C1 I ..-- ;1':..-:>~:: f ~. . ~..~.'~ ~...~~ ____, -............-W.;~ ~___.. '":#...-... ..... ". ~~. '--, --.~"" --.. ..~ ... .... 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T.M.: 1000-099.00-03.00-004.006 \ ,-..Ie' \ \ -'0 \0 _,\ ~ /.), ~ 0) cD 1';2':0 1 -"' _-:) L, \ i 0) \, ('V 0-- \0 \ -;y 10-"' o \~. 0 \0 \"::) \ Y, Y - 1-", \0) \ 0 ,,?'" '!; ~, c(.'" \U '2' 1~~~~-d~~7:~==~_-:=-j_,~;;.,_:_-,-,==,~:-! SCALE: 1 "~40' t\t', DATE: OCT. 02, 2004 JOB NO: 2004-594 90 \ I , , ',~. I hbL CERTIFIED TO: KEVIN FERRELL \ .,,'~ \'. .". I ~.- ./ . /' 1 1 r;n ........--~ :'--.SB.9':~'OO"W ~ -~ [C<:;[~';-Iji\,l'.',f,\l ~ ~ ~ n 5 o ~ 0) (j', ___7' > (1 o '0 :) '0 0 CD ...::~ ~"""-- :~I '>, D3.30' 7'-'--'-~-----~"-'-'- ---'T ::r-- LLOYD'S LANE DA \-10 H. FOX N. YSl.S. #50234 FOX LAND SURVEYING 64 SUNSET A VENUE" WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 (631) 288-0022 j",.'\,,'"'' '''",oJ, ~LTC'A-"'.'t'J _,'f.' -"'I'" ," .' ~n< ",-'f ~'F ";"d ; ',." , ''''','T-, ,,-:' r",.'1 " " NO:[S; / 'S 0 o ..., ';2':0' -"' \-- "3 o 0) L- -::.- '.}i __(_ ,\) '7 (J o '0 '0 ~ S o KJ Lot Su S.C.T. "'S ',JJ ''0\ / ""b~:; / \/ ;~ (j) NV: 0 <DV C. '~-~ ~ Z- 0, f'\ CJ r" z- c.L::. f'\rn ~ [) -~ JO CI o 1. f\~U, .~ 46,164 SF 2. . ~ MONUMENT FOUND 3. SUBDIVISION M.AP "HONEYSUCKLE HillS" l'IlED II, IHl OFFICE OF THE ClmK OF SUFFOLK COC Iny ON OCT. 16, 1981 AS 1'1 lE NO. ;019. 4. ElEVA liONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO I,GY OATUM (MSl 1929). __Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~ _ Wetland Permit Application _ Administrative Permit Amendment/T rans fer/Extension _ Received Application Received Fee:$_______ _ __Completed Application _ __Incomplete_ SEQRA Classification: Type ,_ Type "_Unlisted_ Coordination:(date sent) CAC Referral Sent:_ ____ _.,^_ Date of Inspcction:,_",__ __Receipt ofCAC Report: __Lead Agency Detennination: ~_ Technical Revicw:__ ___ __Public Hearing Held:_._ Resolution: Office Use Only Name of Applicant KEVIN & SUSAN FERREL Address 130 LLOYD'S LANE. MATTITUCK. NY 11952 Phone Number:(631) 467-6655 {WI or 298-5560 {HI Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 99-3-4.6 Property Location: 130 LLOYD'S LANE. MATTITUCK (provide LlLCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) CATHERINE MESIANO.INC. Address: 12 MILL POND LANE. EAST MORICHES. NY 11940 Phone: 631-878-8951 Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Lmd Area (in square feet): 46.164 Area Zoning: R-40 Previous use of property: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Intended use of property: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: 2004 - DECK EXTENSION, INGROUND POOL 1996 - PERMIT #4647 TO MORRELL - BULKHEAD REPAIRlEPLACE Agency Date NYSDEC - NJ 2004 SOUTHOLD TRUSTEES 2004 1996 - PERMIT #4647 " ZBA 2004 BLDG DEPT 2004 No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? ~ No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): RESTORATION OF DAMAGE TO SOUNDFRONT BLUFF THAT OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF LANDSLIDE DURING THE OCTOBER 2005 STORMS. APPROXIMATELY 1600 CU.YD. OF BANK RUN SAND WILL BE PLACED ON THE FACE OF THE BLUFF WITH A LARGE PAYLOADER WHICH WILL ACCESS THE SITE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF THE EXISTING DWELLING. STABILIZATION OF THE RESTORED AREAS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY TERRACING AND PLANTING (APPROVED) BEACH GRASSES. SOME OF THE EXISTING TREES, PLANTINGS. ETC. WILL NEED TO BE CUT BACK IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SAFE ACCESS BY THE MACHINERY TO THE WORKSITE Board of Trustees Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: BLUFF RESTORATION Are wetlands present within 100 feet ofthe proposed activity? No X Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No X Yes If Yes. how much material will be excavated? 0 (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? 1600 (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: MATERIAL WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE SITE BY DUMPTRUCK AND DISPERSED ONTO THE AREAS REQUIRING RESTORATION BY PAYLOADER Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) NO ADVERSE IMPACT TO THE ENVIRONMENT IS ANTICIPATED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY. THE ACTIVITY IS BEING UNDERTAKE TO RESTORE AND THEREBY PRESERVE THE SOUNDFRONT BLUFF TO THE EXTENT PACTICAL. Board of Trustees Application Board of Trustees Application WETLANDffRUSTEE LANDS APPLlCA nON DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: RESTORATION OF DAMAGE TO SOUNDFRONT BLUFF THAT OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF LANDSLIDE DURING THE OCTOBER 2005 STORMS Area of wetlands on lot: 0 square feet Percent coverage oflot: 0 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 81' FROM EXISTING DECK TO EDGE OF BLUFF Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: N/A feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No X Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 0 cubic yards How much material will be filled? 1600 cubic yards D{~pth of which material will be removed or deposited: VARIES: MAXIMUM 6'-8' Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 45 deQrees Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: BANK RUN SAND WILL BE PLACED ON THE FACE OF THE BLUFF WITH A LARGE PAYLOADER WHICH WILL ACCESS THE SITE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF THE EXISTING DWELLING. Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): NO ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE WETLANDS AND TIDAL WATERS OF THE TOWN IS ANTICIPATED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY. THE ACTIVITY IS BEING UNDERTAKE TO RESTORE AND THEREBY PRESERVE THE SOUNDFRONT BLUFF TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL. ULTIMATELY, BLUFF RESTORATION IS INTENDED TO PREVENT SILTATION AND THE FLOW OF EARTHEN MATERIAL INTO THE WATERWAYS. ".. , --:- ~,~, ~.:, <:'2:. 72f-'5~,SC; PLANTI.....GS3Y..,.H~SEM PAG::: ~l '1;;PIt:../:n .(l,eLl-U: Sr=e."'-'QN 0"'1 B.Lu.p.(l 7E'J?RAC./~~.__ - Au- f(J6Hrs ,.:/r;SISIl't/ED pu,Nrl"Jit... BY nf~ ..I!A I 'Nt.- Fl;1I~ /:) ti:S_'iAN, liS E .A-N &> CAPy' 7f;p 01=' SLI.J""'-: P/."Q#"N~ " I " .1 Ii 'I I, II I: . " 'I t, I ~ 'I I, :, .1 ~-"n...i.s : $41f&E.t.<<Y -30" c:l.~, Ron-A ROo:.o.t'-'I -.30" Q,e-_ t'lo!!A-C.h ...1tAS-S- J:1C {),~, IVo-rt;- : - /1/".,.- ~ .reA'-GO D,s7'"Jo.W c.,s , DN "'1'""0.1. AAJt..tc j)ROd;./Z /FU a.s: _____ 1'/"'" &.4<.,"'. PIPE'. - A"~Cl'( fI'(J,c:,. .:t..../~" AG-at PL.4NA:"'.r 104 131tc.K' ~'L L. ,/',EN/Ale. P~k""S ,i " 'I " I, \I " ------ Bcuw;, '" ~l?l.ArAE-..v. /' l"bt5 c:l/' Anr.tr:' 8Er".vEEtV 7'"&4'nAG.ol!.r .. ~t:: !tIlP.1'1r ?O St: rU"ri!'Il'MINI!'D JI..r t.,k1l2~ ,<tAG lJt!'~&JD€",r . ~Q y~ ,0 '?- ~Q 00 o EXISTING ~ WOOD BULKHEAD\ El=13,5 J SHORELlNE\ E -50 EL=2.0 L- . ~G 'v0 // / / / J> u",:,. 'fl'- 0'0. .~ Q; O?' 6>1S' 1,.- o % ">0 ::06> ?o- :,%. 0 1;> ,.., o /'" q? 0" "-' (0 6>" V' j.. ~ 6> ->: (' % A .. / ~ 1-~.... . ,/ "/~~- /, Y'O. ",'- ~ / ,\. If- 'V 'V'v~e:, . ".{!'"," / 0'T';""/ / .. / . sP ",;'0,....-/ <v~O~O".o'c,./. ~~O"'O~~/ C..."qY''If / G,,"',(,? q"", / , , "" , , ~ , '~ ~/ ,,:>"" / / . ~ TlM8ER WALL 0' O 40 ~" G , , ~ Ii' Ii' Survey for: KEVIN FERRELL Lot 6 "Honeysuckle Hills" At Mattituck Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York S.C.T.M.: 1000-099.00-03.00-004.006 , -0 'O~(') ~.... ri> IS'(')" ,"t'" t:. , 1>. (')0-. Y'(') ... '\ C'"-1,, \PO 6>0 1> \~. ~ ~f '\ /0 / '\" -1 // , '1" '~o Ii! c0' v '0 <!i' NOV. 18. 2005 NOV. 10. 2005 DArE: OCT. 02. 2004 JOB NO: 2004-594 IND. CROSS SECllON UPDATED SURVEY CERTIFIED TO: KEVIN FERRELL , , ~ , , ~" ~ '0 L~"lC o I " I 0---< \,..\,; OAVlD H. FOX N. Y.S.L.S. #5D234 FOX LAND SURVEYINC 64 SUNSET AVENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH. N. Y. 11978 (631) 288-0022 SCALE: 1"=40' CERTIFlCATlON INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THIO PERSON FOR "",",OM THE SURVEY IS PRE~'ARED AND ON HIS BEHAL' TO THE TITLE COMPANY. GO\fEj,NMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTlT1JTION USTED HEREON "'NC TO Il-lE ASSIGNEES or THE LENDING INSTlTlJTlC'N_ CERTlF-ICATlONS ARE NOT mANSFIO:RA8LE TO ADDITlONAL INST1TlJTlONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS NOTES; 1. AREA = 46,164 S.F. 2. . = MONUMENT FOUND 3. SUBDIVISION MAP "HONEYSUCKLE HILLS" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON OCT. 16. 1981 AS FILE NO. 7019. 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V. DATUM (MSL 1929). UNAunWRIZED ALTERATlON OR ADDITlOI~ TO rnl~ SURVEY 1S A VlOLATlON OFSIO:C1l0N 7:;>09 OF Tl-lE NEW YQf,K STAn: EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF 1]-.<6 SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING n-iE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKf:O SEAL O~ EMBOS~;ED S(AL SHALL NOT BE CONSIO[RED TO BE A '-IALlD mUE COPY DWG: 2004-594 SOUND \ SLP- NO ---------r ~~ ,//"-~- \if//// / \ t\'t-t>-'0''''~'''- \ ~~~Q1 1~~, \ .-.~j'::_',_,.,-,," ~~):)Q JC~6 \ /-:f' -Y' /- -0\ 0< ~"--. " , i'-reO ,," \leG \100 'eser 'creO , &-'fZe (If- ' /' '1- '2, --------- J. . \ <p. 'b, \ .z. \ ,/ I \ I \ o ~ \ " , I \ \ \ \ \ \ \-D \~ \'f';' \ \~ -; \(\l )7 \ 0 ........, ,,(\l \~O \ )7)7, \-; \ (\l \ 0 \ \ i'-reO \1 /J.." I\.U I\D "0 ':J/J.. "Jb / // ,~ / / / / ,/ / I I I ~\f!\O.\J '" "', I ~\ ~" \\ ~-.lA-"~j ,~ 2:] ;---- '),,-c/ ~ 'rOO\) ~,s-';'\~ ~ \ ~ \ ~ "OR' \ \ '1" cuse \ '\ WIt.. \-I ~L \ U \:?-~' r.i'.f:."'c..; . .",,,,'1 " O'\~" c' o fc-<b' . of \ t1D~~~ ~~ \ .f/bcA, ~' \ ------I. \ \~," ,/ ">,11 /~ \1100'0 -------"-, " ~/------ '~y_/-\.---- 1 \ '<",. \ (Vli''l ~,_ \ "OfZl'f If'~'o \. i's,?'rIi''' "&q"::_~I" '~ '.i~.,.. . -'~~ o rpO;)\.- \,'t.-'>~ I ~ " ,\'0 /,'0 'hI>. ~D "f) \ 90 \ I \ \ \ I ! . 3'OO"W Wet- or "~"-':' ~:-JT~ LLOYD'S / ,/' / ,/ ,/ / o :5' o -:c- (\l IJl \ \ -;;:. o o -Q ? -Q 0 ~z -::;; 0 o -; 'f';'o -; ,3 o (\l C -; tn' ~ (1) " \", " m ~ - yo o o -Q -0 ~ ::; o " " "'t- 'cFJ .<::,\ '0-0\ , , c):, ,/ \, 85 3~\ 133.30' c:::,.' ~:~:'~ L/l...NE If) ~ ~:z:. rtiCJ Z-L. C_ fTIj11 ~ NOTES: 1. AREA ~ 46,164 SF 2, II ~ ~~ONUMENT FOUND 3, SUBDIVISION MAP "HONEYSUCKLE HILLS" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF 11-IE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON OCT, 16, 1981 AS FILE NO. 7019. 4, ELEVA nONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO N,C, V. DATUM (MSL 1929). I' '\; Su rvey for: KEVIN FERRELL Lot 6 "Honeysuckle Hill< At Mattituck Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York s.c. T.M.: 1000-099.00-03,00-004,006 <0 , - u I _.,. I SCALE: 1"~40' DATE: OCT, 02, 2004 JOB NO: 2004-594 CERllFIED TO: KEVIN FERRELL r"" , ' ( /\~ ' I , \ I 'vV L--/ DAVID H. FOX N. Y,S.LS 1/50L FOX LAND SURVEYING 64 SUNSET AVENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N, y, 11978 (631) 288-0022 U~NAUT1-fORIZ[O ALITRATION OR ADOln!)l" TO 1"1"'5 SURVEY 'e. '~_ VIOLATION or-seCTION 7~09 0'- 11'[ '.ICW YO'"'''. 'orAl Eou"",nON LAW, COPIES OF n-"5 SUPVE;Y '"'NJ NOT "'~AR T1-<E LAND SUR\lF.YOR S 'NKED SEA,. OR EMOOSSO:O C;(AL SHALL NOT BE CON:')IDER[D TO I3E A VALID TPU[ C"OP\ CERTlnCA r,,?N ~N(}ICA neD HO'E:ON ~HALL '"'UN ONL ',' TO 11- P~RSON >0" "'",OM, THl ,>URIlEY IS PREPAf,EO ,\NO ON H !l( HALF TO 11-<<: TI1U. COMPANY. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LF:NO'N(. INSnTlJTlON L1sno:o HERr:ON .. ~,ND TO THE ASSIGNEES CF nil LEND,"G INSTlTlJ1l0N CEH, T1FICATION'tO"", ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDlllQNAL 'NSTtTUll0NS h OR SUElSEOU/-NT OWNI':RS , ." /.....~ FERRELL BLt'FF RESTORATION 1311 LLOY]YS LANE. MATTI1TCK PROPOSED PLAN SOO SAND FILL -Approximately , 00 cubic yards. Will use least amoul11 needed to build base and establish more stable angle for terracing and planting. (See below.:> -Minimal volume required on western half ofpropeny. witil L,reater need Oil eastern portion to build up base and create more suitable Ingle of repose. TERRACING:. -1.25 ineh galvanized pipe of] O' lengths driven to depth uL,hout 8/8S. -ACQ planking - 2" x 12" X 10". across pipes. -Approximately 40()/600 lineal feet IOtal. intend 3-6 tiers approximately 4-6' apart. length of each tier varies between 70/90' across bluff. -It/when possible; instead of terracing. will lay jute matting ",Istaplcs of 3' widths vertically down bluff. (See below.) PL'\NTINGS: Wherc new scmd base and terracing; -American Beachgrass Bareroot: as required. -Bayberry: about I OO/] 50 planls. 3 gallons. - Rosa Rugosa: about 160/200 plants, 3 gallons -Additional plants. where/will'n needed, and as recolJlmcmkd by USDA If jute matting is laid; wdl substitute some beachgrass with a Reclamatiol1 Seed Mix including rye, fescue, etc. MAIC'lTENANCE: Aggressive and continual plaming both Spring and Fall to increase variety of plants. Water and fertilize as recommended. *AIl estimates. including volume of sand. distances/lengths of terracing and number of plants are ,ubject to adjustment as work progresses and depending on settlement of sand and angle created. L, \; \ V '" <.: ~ " -( , ~~ - :~ "":;;, ." \. ~~,::; '" J~~;,;' "', ~ "'\ ,} \..\~ 1- \'1-' ~" ~~ ~ -..... - " ~ \.f\, ~ - 'I.l-.. " ~ i ,,",-: ....:'!-.-::: -:,2:. 72c'5C::,~~ PLANT :~,GS3'lTf--1ES(::A.~ '::l,0,G::: 01 -rvRtLAL ,/1J2(l~ ...t:r;e-"'ruuJ at &Lu.j1f!. n:~RAc../N.::t:..~_. 84,.r.4EA!A:1'" ..30" Cl.G.. Rou.... Ai'tl$.o.t'A ..3C>~ Q.e.... 1!3E..A<:.h &.;1t.A,s: oS J ~ lJ. ~, \ ., "\'"'~..'L. I.- ....,_.....~ ~:.:s. ~"'".../N..s : - Au.. f<J6N-rS J'tffSEIft/6.D PLAN'rJNS.. 1!y '?>I~ o~A J /'Nt.-. Fp~ I:JES.liAlo.I, (,J.!JE. .A-lVt:> ~py' 71> P 0/= 8L(,1I":I= , " " I, " " I, II " ~N'~w d\ I' ~ I' . ,I " Ii 'I 'I, 'I I, I: 'I " I. " :, .1 /' 7'b e: Co< &or-,," ~Nr'/N~ _____J'/~.;~v. P/PE:-A...M"o( f/'".t!.-. ~",j.;V Ao:.Q I"L,4,.,,,,.r 10' B.IK.K' !"'L I.. L'lEHIA/6 P~k-'; ~~-( ,j.., "~~J:./, : l "'11,.,_ 'I' 1!1 'I I, II .' ---v--- 5ou1..L:J.. .e <Pur AE!'<.t &0""':: : - ""'",r ~ ..c'c:AL.." DI.r'7"Jo./V c..s 8Er"wEAv rli#JPlMc..I!!!r .. ~/= "';""4'1/' ~ €IE ,IJ~Lr: /j1!"P~Dbrr , t:>N ~fZ A"J(..~c: j)~o~IZ'.u~ ot:ri!'It"'U""'<!'D ","s W""V~' r:n/ 2::' "7T"C f"<". -.~ <:,?' ;-.-;:~("'" i:,t=r: -.. . ..-. P~ANT:~GS3YTH~SEAA PAGE En iVJ?ia.AL .(l,eD..s:..s: -Sr:c..-rIDN of SL.u..Jlll 7E~I?~C.INL'l:__ &4....A:E.c....""..30" eJ.~. R",rA ,('tldloD.t'''' JO'" Q.ct..... fl34~ t:ahUS. J ~ /).~. ,li,"J,"-,.-J., I" .....-.-....- ~~~ t=I:.,..,..; r? IV'&. : --- - .4u.. 1<16Hrs ~ESISIfVS.D PU,N'rtNS.o /!y 1'iY~ ..~"II J /.vG-. Fl:11i /:)I!:J'UAAI USE. .4Nj";) C-DPy' . , ~.o of 81."'~,e: , I' " I, " " I, II II '.----/ ,v'1t..v ~.I\ ..~)-, Ii ~ :1 ,,' i, 'I I" " ~ i I : I: 'I I, :, .1 ; I, I, I, " I, '; !I ~AI"N~ 1'/'1'" ~..... PIPii: - A1,-,.:wc,( fi'ftJ,,;:.. ol.../~, AGa:. "'L""N~.r 10' 8~ I"'L L L'JEHIWG. ;>L4.V/I'""," ~~-, ,I.., -~ ~i ,I; :: 'i11i ,." .. 'I " I, II " ,/ 7'bt!! C.-< Ao"'1IZ LJ,~ ~- l3cuL.J:J. . J:!lf.?V<-AB~ IVO"1-e.' : - NOr ...-v .('c.-oc...4i> Cu..rr."""'c..i&: $ErwEEtV ~A~", IIi~L~ LJt!"pFY./DEvr . . ..........r; AA.Jt..L~ I'F /?';P.IIl' ro tilE t:U"'r.i!'lC;ffIN<!'1) .JI.S Wot2K ON f)flOdOl2,U ~ . \S,-Ps~O souNO ------------r-- 5r10\<'(U1'1(--""" \ I " \ 10 \'0 '1,'1 'lP. 1" ,0 y, .,/ . __l,l,~' ")::-,feO ~f eO .", ,eO' ..... ',0" ./.' ef~ .// eO C ZeS~ec;f rV>I'J- ')'0 ,1 '" ,0 " i,1) ~ ~ I \ ,::>1. <;6 'J'O_'"I.)O c', 6' 1. O. :i 0'" \~J' _o~ .....__- ..._____--1'i l' ~-1 - - 10 1'0__ ---;\0~'/ __ ----,cP 0' - ----- .-.- .~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -z- '2, --------<Y <p. 0' o , .z. .~ , \ . S '0'. I I ~""" \ I I I \ "'-, . _____~!g;.i ('~ e.1 'Z. Q.- '1100'0 'f< \'I \- 'f \ \ 't ~\~~~Sl \ \\ n~~N1 ;::p"p.P-G[ __<>">_1. \ \~~I\..~""" '.' = \ ~ ~OOQ \ \ Qt-cJ' \~ ~-'I \\_--.~.'I'lr-.\..""\_-----\' ) \'tiOO\_____-----~'- ~ ~ \I, \/~ ~\----'----- II, v " \ ,oro.\'i('i1!'i ~,,__ \ f',S,?H~1.. SeA"" ' *"~, \ ~",~ ;c~ cs_c>S?'-'~- \ . I . m ~ o ~ ~" \ .~ ( i" \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ ./~ \~1~ \ 'F'<:0 \ \ " \..~~ \ () \ \\%.i '~\ o 1;:,\ :=< ~ .1 \ Y \~~\ Y Co {\ \ --<, \ \ \<6 \.\\ \. \ I' I \' \ \ \ \\ 90 \ \ \ \ \ \,,, <<>II /\f:~U\C' '\\~\\ ce9:~OOW ~ - EDGE OF ;O~-::'.'~!H.--/ f\~ ,\,<, ,{l- e,' '0\) DB I \ , 'I \ '.10 \ ~; ../ ./ ../ ~. (I 5 o :'- (IJ IJl ;;:. (I o -o:=< -0 0 ~z -So 0 o " 'F'o --. 1"3 o (IJ c: " -' - \Il~ (IJ y (I o -0 -0 ~ ~ -SO o Survey for: KEVIN FERRELL Lot 6 "Honeysuckle HilU At Mattituck Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York S,C.T,M,: 1000-099.00-03.00-004.006 <0 I SCALE: 1"~40' "x-- '00 .'J\ '0:0\ //\.0 85 , / I B? \ 133.30' ~.C::..' ~' LLOYD'S L/\NE NOTES: 1. AREA ~ 46,164 SF 2. II ~ MONUMENT FOUNO 3. SUBDIVISION MAP "HONEYSUCKLE HILLS" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TI-lE CLERI\ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON OCT. 16, 1981 AS FILE NO. 7019. 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO N.C. V. DATUM (MSL 1929). ::~ TS" 3"''0,'', DATE: OCT. 02, 2004 JOB NO: 2004-594 (j) <e. ~~ r'lCJ Z-L.. C-_ fT" fT"\ ..,;. ..<:.. CERllFIED TO: KEVIN FERRELL ("', 1\1 /\~ ~V !--- OAVIO H. FOX N. Y.S.L.S. #50L FOX LAND SURVEYING 64 SUNSET AVENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 (631) 288-0022 ~_NAUTHORIZED ALTERAnON OR ADDITION TO THIS SURV[Y ~ ,\ VlOLAnON ors~cnON 7~09 or TlI[ N[W YQrY <;T^l EDuCATION LAW COPI~S OF THIs ~URV'[Y MAP NOT 8EAR 11-<E LANe SURvEYOR"S 'NK~O SEAL OR EM80SseD SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO 8~ A VAl.ID n~U-l C-OPY CERn"'CA,:.CN 'NOICATED HC:ROO:ON SHALL. RUN ONLY 10 11- ~~RSO~J ,ClR 'AhOM THE: SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON H !.> .-jALr Te THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENC'ING INST1l1.JT1QN LlS'rEO HEREON, ANO'TO THE ASSIGNEES OF Tl1E lENDIN.G INsnll.JllON. CERn.'"iCA1IQNA~' ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDlllONAL IN5~lnJT10NS ~ OF? SUIOSEQUENT OWNERS ,I,F---- SOU NO "NO \ s\.-r ______--~ ~ '- // ~------ __b/r~n_'--:'-^_\o-//r _ -r ~/ \ \ ,,0 \ 1" 'i'D '2~) ,0 \ \ --c,^ ")b "S':> 110 ::..'i_ ,^ "~ " '" // . '/AfeO /',eO., .' ",00 /e'~/> eO' <-.e5..., .... .0.,' eO..' &0/ " (V> . p'seO "JA oC 0\) bD ~1' /7 ~ "lD l'O.....__----\\Jn:/ , ___ _ 01 G ___ ,c'r' _/ / / ./ / ./ ( / / / ./ \ , , '" '0'. , , ~'tk-\..\... '6" \ , o , ~' \ :\or:1 'L S ,'[\,00,:t- ~,~~\'<\~p.,p.j:>.GL \ \ "'0.1- '. C",._.. ,-,'. ___ ~\ :-~\/ ~ 'tIOOI) \ ----- \ \ occ'Y~d ) \\ \/-.:--.,r>,'.'(i/.'''. J . \iJOoo -------', '\ ~ \-// ",--:-~~~---------- ':::,~ '\ 'fli''' ,,, \ ,Of\I"A M.,./~-,>". '\ p,srr\/>-\. &Ci;:~ . "'~/. " ~~~ 9r:.s9'oo\.. ~ .' \ \ /' \ \ \ -, \~%~ \ \2',' (\l , \ "' \ LC \ \:N (\l \ (\l 0- \ 0.,\ \(1) Y \ \ \ 0 -..... ,\ \ SO' ~ ~}\ \"', ::> ~ ,\ \ Y '\;\ y '::. ,l\ \ -, \ \ \~ \\ \ ' \ \, " ~ \'<) q~ I '0' q}-' 35 \ \ S)Q \ 'I ,'1, \ . , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,fZi'.\\.- , \ (/sP;\,.\.\(;"( . \. '0 J+J...90 , . \ \ I" l~~~J\ ~--- \ \ \ \ "',,~ ;;.i, SRg'23'OO"W Cl!C( or "~\O:'.'~:"T/ LLOYD'S (I :5 o :'- (\l U1 ~ (I o -0 ::> -0 0 ~z S' 0 o "' \2','0' "' ,3 o (\l c "' /' / U1""'- C') Ii: Y (I o -0 -0 ~ S- O ~ Survey for: KEVIN FERRELL Lot 6 "Honeysuckle Hill< At Mattituck Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York s,c, T,M.; 1000-099.00-03.00-004.006 <0 L. o I o. - ..~ SCALE: 1"~40' ,''t- '\J\J '<::,\ \,-'0\ / , \J / ,. NOTES: 1. AREA ~ 46,164 SF 2. Ii ~ MONUMENT FOUNO 3. SUBOIVISION MAP "HONEYSUCI<LE HILLS" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON OCT. 16, 1981 AS FILE NO. 7019. 4. ELEVA TlONS SHOWN HEREON .~RE REFERENCED TO N.G. V, DATUM (MSL 1929). .t :;6 \ I , \ 5' ~33,30' ~ -::~ TC~ 3",,,,\ L,t\NE DA TE; OCT. 02, 2004 JOB NO: 2004-594 (j) ~ ~-Z rnCJ Z-.c.. c._ rn01 z CERTlFIEO TO: KEVIN FERRELL f' \ /\ ' i\~ \)J ~/ DAVID H, FOX N.Y.S.LS #50~ FOX LAND SURVEYING 64 SUNSET AVENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 (631) 288-0022 UNAUThORrZED AlITRATlON OR ADDll10l'< TO 1H:S SURVEY I~ r\ VlOLATlON orSCCTION 7209 or Tlll t'.[\^I YO"!>' ST^l EDUC,"TlON LAW. <;a~'ES OF THJS SURV!::y MAP ","T 8lAR THE l"N[) SURV'E;YOR 5 INKED SEAL OR D~BOSSO:D SEAL SHALL NOl BE CONSIDeREO TO B~ A V^~ID TF'Ul COPY GERTWlc"..rc.,N '.NDICAT'ED HEREON S'~^LL RUN ON'_Y -'0 n PERSOo< >0,", I'.riO'" THE SURVEY IS PREPM,[c AND ON H U HALF TC THE TITL[ COMPANY. GOVF.:RNMiNTAI. AG[NCY AND LENOING INSTlTDTlON L1ST'E:O HEREON. AND ro THE: ASSIGNEES QF THE LENDING INSTlT1.JTlON U':RTlFlCATlON~'. .. ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADOlllQNAL INSTln.'llUNS OR SUI3SEe'UI';NT UWNf:RS "- iJ -- ~ souNO \ S \-p- NO ------------r---- ~ " / ~ . -- /~~-~\~_// ,<~ ~r---<<"/ 10 'Lt, cr'::. ":J '0 '2.1- 1" ,0 " JT' , I I " ," " .'_ ", __'l,~ _- . .~teO ~leO .-"eO '\00 .-el' .// eO' ,-yS_~e91 " . 8J; . Ci"-../.' \ \ 'j'\ 'JD ':J'O 60 0' 6' \4,:>.6:) ~ --- 66 11 l' _- ;r l(' -1'0_--- ---- / -,01' 0" ~ ~ ~ ~ ," -z,. ,J ~ ------- .} \ ~ 0, Z- --- ~ ~ ~ --- ~ ~ --- ~ \ \ \ , ~",o:, , '" ~, '(;1- \ \ \ I \ 1< \ ---------- --::'~~7 r' ~---Q\C\ "'Z \'10(1) 1c\ S\'n' " " \ \ L S\~~~0Sl \ \\ \-hP.""~",Vp.Gt _",>_1- \t~':~ le>'~ \ '\\.._--0'0'-- "$1~ \ \, I ,1 1'''\. /'F'\ ) \, \ ,;; I~~~~U~\\<~\-/ " .---0 . .~.~ -? ---/";;';~(-R--/_ \ ,S?",,1 WI'\~'" \ ~~,\ ',~ ',,((--,,~ I)) \ \ 0 ?O~\ \00('J \ ClSS h --"\ ~ ,\ \ \~~\,' 6' ' \ (\J Y \ \ \ 0 .-., \\ \, <;:;C \6 ~ "~\ -:) '\ \'\ \ Y ~~~\ Y _ c, \ '" -- \ \\ ' (\J \ \ 0 " \ \ \ I, \ I, \ JC \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ., '." '-'i'U' (t~\,- \ le',el" ,-,IA- '"" \ \\ \ \ \ \ -~\\\ ~ _r C;R9'23'OO"W _________ __ I __ _ ------- -- o c ~' \ " I. I \ 3B \ I \ \ I \ ')0 i';.C / El)(;[ OF ;;l~"::"';:'H---/ LLOYD'S /' --- . --- , --- ,--- ,--- (I -:5 o :'- (\J I)) s:. (I o '0:5 '0 0 ~Z -=;; 0 o '" 'f'?o '" ,3 o (\J c '" liJ' ::z (\J , \ Y (I o '0 '0 ~ -S o ~ .' Su rvey for: KEVIN FERRELL Lot 6 "Honeysuckle Hillo At Mattituck Town of Sou tho ld Suffolk County, New York S.C.T,M,: 1000-099,00-03.00-004,006 <0 I \J SCALE: 1"~40' "S '00 .'j\ '0-'0\ , ~ 0:' \, NOTES: 1. AREA ~ 46,164 S,F, 2, II ~ I~ONUMENT FOUND 3. SUBDIVISION MAP "HONEYSUCKLE HILLS" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON OCT, 16, 1981 AS FILE NO, 7019, 4, ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO N,C, V, DATUM (MSL 1929), " .' 3'3 I \ I \ 57\ 133,30' ~ C':'TC" 3~5 ", L/\NE DATE: OCT, 02. 2004 JOB NO: 2004-594 ~ ~<i t1'\CJ ~~ - rI fIl, ~ CERTIFIED TO: KEVIN FERRELL r" , ' (\(\;L " " \ \J ~ \../ DAVID H, FOX N.YSLS #50L FOX LAND SURVEYINC 64 SUNSET AVENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N, y, 11978 (631) 288-0022 U;,AUTHORiZED ALTER AnON OR AODITlON TO T1-<IS SURVEY '" ,\ V10L^TLON orSCCTrON "!~09 0'- n I[ Nr;w yurl<: ST^, ~UCAT10N LAW, CO":'ES QF THIS "liRV!:~ MAP NOT 8EAR E ~ANO SURvEYOR 5 I,NKED SEAL OR f.MBOSS!CQ SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDEReD TO OlE A 'vALID rRI)[ COPY C;ERTW'CAT'.o:'N INDICATED HE:Rt:ON SHALl_ RCJN OMl.Y n~ 1, P~RSON F,)fi "'riOM "fl-He: SURVlO:Y IS PREPAI,lCJ A,'JD (J~ H In HALF TC. T\-<E T'TLc COMPANY, GOvERNM~NTAL AGENCY "NO LENDING IN511T\JrlON ~tSTED HER ICON , AND TO THE ASSIGNEES CF THE L[NDING INSTlrunON. CERTlFICATlONItO. ~ ARE NOT TRANSFERA8Lr. TO ADOlllONAL IN5TIT1.JllC,,"'" / OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS IL~ " - ~G \,,0 /' ~Q 00 q ~Q y~ ,q \>- EXISTING - WOOD BULKHEAD \ EL=1J.5 f SHORELINE . EL=2.0 '\ EL=5.0 ! / / / J> u'.) 'it'- <SO. .(' c;, o?: ~<5> ~ /" / 'V\ . ~ ~o <7 // , /~~- / '"" .sO. . <?-,~ / \ ". v~'" . , 'Y 1"..j?-'V9:.>""J v / " ~'?-~k"': / "- ,/'" ,,'If ~/ . "- <v<f.O "P4>" .. , c ~ ./ , .<..~o'" '1,,~ o.."q'<' 'If / Gfv'l-~'" '"," c Sb '>0 ;0(<;) ~ ~. 0 1;> ,... o /' <:f. 0" "'.> (0 ~" ". ~ 1s> (<;) "1 00 ;0 A , , . "'" If! 0" o 40 (lye., If! Survey for: KEVIN FERRELL Lot 6 "Honeysuckle Hills" At Mattituck Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York S.C.T.M.: 1000-099.00-03.00-004.006 " .-:0 t:6' v 0: .... \ ,.tv ~ ;<5>(<;)" ~ ,'t"" .t. , 1>. (<;)0" \t<>C'"-1,, '(<;)0 (<;)0 '" ',,00 .... '1f ,,') "1'. , "1" '~o v '" dl' tL... ,~ b~.w N.n__ -:-~- NOV. 10. 2005 UPDATI:D SURV10Y DATE: OCT. 02, 2004 JOB NO: 2004-594 CERTIFIED TO: KEVIN FERRELL ~:'\'. :. ',\ /. ' I.. \ () (Ii'.; i . OL 1,1 /1 \ II 1, \ \ , , "'" , , ,," "'" DAVID H. FOX N.Y.S.LS. #50234 FOX LAND SURVEYINC 64 SUNSET AVlENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 (631) 288-0022 40 0 40 I~~ ~ ..-J I SCALE: 1": 40' :-< \;.\;.0 CERTIFICATlON INDICATED HERFO~I o;HALL RUN ONLY ro nlE PERSON ,'OR WHOM THE SURVl:Y IS PREP!,REO AND ON HIS BEHALF TO Tl-<E TlTLE COMPANY. GOVER'.IMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTlTUTION USTEO HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSllTUTlO~~. CERllFlCAllONS ARE NOT TRANSF"ERAElLE TO AOOITlOI,AL INSllTUnONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWN(RS NOTES: 1. AREA: 46,164 S.F. 2. . - MONUMENT FOUND 3. SUBDIVISION MAP "HONEYSUCKLE HILLS" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON OCT. 16, 1981 AS FILE NO. 7019. 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V. DATUM (MSL 1929). UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATlON OR ADDITlDN TO THIS SURVEY lS A VlOLATlON OFSECTlON 7209 OF THE NEW YOR'.( STAn: EDuCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY ,jAp NOT BEARING THE LAND SUR\lE:YDR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRU" COPY DWG: 2DD4-594 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: KEVIN AND SUSAN FERRELL Regrade existing bluff crest landward by approximately 5 feet to remove vertical lip, and use approximately 50 cubic yards resultant material in conjunction with approximately 285 cubic yards clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source to re-fill washed out pOliion of bluff face. Stabilize Jill with erosion control matting (e.g., straw, coir,jute) and plant with Ammophila breviligulata (l2"O.C.) and with Myrica pensvlvanica and Rosa rugosa (2 gal., 3'O.C.). Establish 10-foot non-turf buffer landward of newly established bluff crest to be similarly planted, all as depicted on the project plan prepared by En-Consultants, Inc., dated July 5,2006. r" L0ARD Ofl kU;)1 i::tS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : 7/!c;/{)b r~6 Itl. vi)!... At'I'l f..\N JiONE:rSIICb'U: HILlS 1,{ '/1l,',j!--!ED 00:- POitT1Gf-,:; T: \LLFD; STA8iL'lCD WiTH V/,i-~:UC; )~r~[) \>LlJ'JTED wnN ,\';' ~'/iT" ;~)Y::C'3A r;'OSF AND BAY8eRRY ec ~ ~ !'<<j c-:) ~ ~'1 ~ v; "" c ,. I ' ~ , ii' ... .. .. .. .. ~. ~ to' o PJ[) 1,1+0\ ,w1~, ;'.y"dI;Y,'. :'\1: ... .... '" ~ -.----'.' l1:r o B:.lJ' sUFFER BLurr CFif."::',1 t..F'Cf':; RCMLl\/F D H1 f,- L.j CPC::;- .?: -,; i.: :~ hi t: "" " ,:::, r,., ';''''.nfd /t'\', """,'. t.,,:, '.:,~d.'t~;.; :~.Pl'1)""ltdj icr"t-K,.xd fKltN v-:~tjU~ .i(:V," cf'tt1.tt"\i*?"j~l!!t& t1 "-""0,":14,1'. """\/' ~t:<;-"':.\ '.4''-' ;';".t..1 ./ <tCg; .TlJ h", V""j.fU 11 i"r, Jr' 'I'X"; ,~),t{/ tc (-' "4,hd ,.\? ;~Jtl.~,':ltLi\ \':"iL-J f,,,.;' L. .I."" j<I,J:t'>)*<Y,;rT~_r\^, ;"'it;--l n;'-:",iwi",i..,f}. )','J ",r,o:i~ ,'As .,,) ,~:i ,..-y.. . . I I , j ", -~'y .~1 .ilv J ~/ ",;,.' / ,.c' , / """~<~ '~><.' \ ~~'"<"..l' \ '~'j/ \<~(}...,::'"-r ~_,h ! -'11~. - "': ,":.;of " ",' I~ -:..j "., I / " /~ " ./ " // f , , . i / / . . . March 16, 2006 Southold Board of Trustees Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Att; Heather 1/ ., hi: Re; Ferrell, 130 Lloyd's Lane Mattituck, NY SCTM# 1000-99-3-4,6 Dear Heather: Pkase find enclosed additional documents we would like submitted to the Board of Trustees for their review prior to the next meeting March 22, 2006. I) Updated survey and topographical report dtd 2/17/06. 2) Southold CA.C Letter highly recommending our proposed plan. 3) Summary of correspondence/exchanges with Mr. Allan Connell, N.R.C.S. 4) Summary of correspondence/exchanges with Mr. + Mrs. Cappellino, neighbor. 5) Soil + Water District Letter dtd. 6/24/04 regarding the condition of our bluff and neighbor's bluff. 6) Condon Engineering Report dtd.11/8/05 regarding bluff inspection performed 4/27/05 (prior to the collapse). 7) My photo dtd. 1/2/06 showing property line with our property on the right side showing the encroachment of the collapse since 4/27/05. Our Homeowner's Association has voted on our request. To my knowledge, 14 of the 18 members approved the work, the remaining 4 had not yet replied. We have obtained the simple majority required. The Association is preparing the letter of approval, which we will provide to you separately. We hope the Trustees will now vote to grant the Wetlands Permit so that we can do the work needed to replenish/restore the bluff this spring and well before the hwTicane/winter seasons are upon us. ~ Kind Regards Kevin M. Ferrell work; 631-467-6655 home; 631-298-5560 cc Catherine Mesiano MAR! " . . Office Use Only / _ f --- / hiGV ',<-oastal Erosion Permit Application ( .g ~_.[\ -l>.! . =.ow;,t1and Permit Application,__ Administrative Permit f"j ~L // AmendmenUTransfer/Extension & ~ ___ '-~__---...- ...ReceIved Applicalion: I IJ')tbb '. -,1:.. k'" ~ ,"", 'Idv...-, c;t, \ ---==ftecelved Fee:$~__ - ~ l~ _-:::Completed Application I \iV~ \11._ Incomplete, SEQRA Classification. Type 1__Type II , Unlisted Coordination:( date sent) -:-~CAC Referral Sent: I I'd- }]~ ______Date of Inspection:_ _ _Receipt ofCAC Report:______ __Lead Agency Detennination:__ Technical Review: --~:P-ublic Hearing Held: I \.t): )~y' Resolution: ---TCJ(l.1' v Name of Applicant KEVIN & SUSAN FERREL Address 130 LLOYD'S LANE, MATTITUCK. NY 11952 Phone Number:(63I ) 467-6655 (WI or 298-5560 (HI Suffolk County Tax Map Nwnber: 1000 - 99-3-4.6 Property Location:_ 130 LLOYD'S LANE, MATTITUCK (provide L1LCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) CATHERINE MESIANO,INC. Address: 12 MILL POND LANE, EAST MORICHES. NY 11940 Phone: 631-878-8951 ..0 ,-t)> 'Ut' ,S l U<~ Sf' \\(}' 'j . . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 46.164 Area Zoning: R-40 Previous use of property: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Intended use of property: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: 2004 - DECK EXTENSION, INGROUND POOL 1996 - PERMIT #4647 TO MORRELL - BULKHEAD REPAIRlEPLACE Agency Date NYSDEC - NJ 2004 SOUTHOLD TRUSTEES 2004 1996 - PERMIT #4647 ZBA 2004 " BLDG DEPT 2004 __ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? -LNo Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): RESTORATION OF DAMAGE TO SOUNDFRONT BLUFF THAT OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF LANDSLIDE DURING THE OCTOBER 2005 STORMS. APPROXIMATELY 1600 CU.YD. OF BANK RUN SAND WILL BE PLACED ON THE FACE OF THE BLUFF WITH A LARGE PAYLOADER WHICH WILL ACCESS THE SITE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF THE EXISTING DWELLING. STABILIZATION OF THE RESTORED AREAS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY TERRACING AND PLANTING (APPROVED) BEACH GRASSES. SOME OF THE EXISTING TREES. PLANTINGS. ETC. WILL NEED TO BE CUT BACK IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SAFE ACCESS BY THE MACHINERY TO THE WORKSITE . . Board of Trustees Application Board of Trustees Application WETLANDrrRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: RESTORATION OF DAMAGE TO SOUNDFRONT BLUFF THAT OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF LANDSLIDE DURING THE OCTOBER 2005 STORMS Area of wetlands on lot: 0 square feet Percent coverage onol: 0 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 81' FROM EXISTING DECK TO EDGE OF BLUFF Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: N/A feet Does the project involve excavation or tilling? No X Yes I f yes, how much material will be excavated? 0 cubic yards How much material will be filled? 1600 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: VARIES; MAXIMUM 6'-8' Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 45 deQrees Manner in which materia] will be removed or deposited: BANK RUN SAND WILL BE PLACED ON THE FACE OF THE BLUFF WITH A LARGE PAYLOADER WHICH WILL ACCESS THE SITE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF THE EXISTING DWELLING. Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the to"m that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): NO ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE WETLANDS AND TIDAL WATERS OF THE TOWN IS ANTICIPATED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY. THE ACTIVITY IS BEING UNDERTAKE TO RESTORE AND THEREBY PRESERVE THE SOUNDFRONT BLUFF TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL. ULTIMATELY, BLUFF RESTORATION IS INTENDED TO PREVENT SILTATION AND THE FLOW OF EARTHEN MATERIAL INTO THE WATERWAYS. · Board of Trustees Application · COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: BLUFF RESTORATION Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? No X Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No X Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? 0 (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? 1600 (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: MATERIAL WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE SITE BY DUMPTRUCK AND DISPERSED ONTO THE AREAS REQUIRING RESTORATION BY PA YLOADER Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) NO ADVERSE IMPACT TO THE ENVIRONMENT IS ANTICIPATED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY. THE ACTIVITY IS BEING UNDERTAKE TO RESTORE AND THEREBY PRESERVE THE SOUNDFRONT BLUFF TO THE EXTENT PACTICAL. . . Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York KEVIN FERRELL BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESE1\TATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE'ME THIS ~h ~ l''' I ,Z~"'-<+ , / " .) ~ DAY OF (v',,,,,,c..c,' " ,20 i G I Notary Public MARGARET Pl!ACOCK Notary Public. SI8Ie aI New York No. 497111122 Qualified In SuIoIk County Term Explree Uaroh 30,.:?' , '7 . . Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) I, KEVIN FERRELL residing at 130 LLOYD'S LANE. MA TTITUCK, NY 11940 do hereby authorize CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ~ /~ .~ , Kevin Ferrell . James F. King, President ,.Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel . Town Han 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971.0959 Telephone (6311 765.1892 Fax (631) 761).6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of fA " ::1- _._1.L~{~_~_~J._:t_==~hh~a~.l___::LI2L1U_________ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, m iCl1e\e. C-.\A'fof d , residing at lblR CrCu'l&-d -.6l vd.. ~os-h<2. N~ UQ50 being duly sworn, deposc and say: That on the 2\ day of -r. ' 20o(p, I personally posted thc prope~y known as J JW\\A.fJ.."j 120 bJo~ds La. llid!iJvcIL, IU~ l ~'52. by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily bc seen, and that I have checked to be sure the postcr has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Datc of hearing noted thereon to bc held '1 UCW. cfr;(I,/ $; /Jo.'1, . C/, ('lo6Clt'f 1 1ft' 3C pm Dated:':>- I G l> WCkL~ ({ignature) Sworn to before me this ~ r-f"day of~lo 200 ~ \ ,'-4 \ \1 '----~, 1. ~ \ ~j"" >s~. Notary Public CAROL V. !IOWIN8ICI Notary Public, State of Now YOIlI No. 01S04641192 . SIdolk ~ ~ Q.~' . .___....~C>\ . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS NAME: ADDRESS: (~ho-f1es + LOQi~e. QcqJ ellino (q5 Sounovfew t!-v.e. \J..c<~~ A.:>'t l\'152. jCk+tw- PH\-. :rc..ne Bmi-e~d:.-Pi* PoBor. (P31 MC(~~"~~ t0L~li~~2 C.hcA(I-e~ j?,ord~:rr..3 Kell" Borrlsen POilq<.. nlfl IV\lAII-' ~I.' H(j()-e,/Soc.~le t\~IIs. po €lex IOl.\.l ~.ACi"\\,~tua !J'l l\'152 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Michele Clifford, residing at 136 Cranford Blvd., Mastic, NY being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 31 day of "J"ctnlA.Gl..<'k-, 2006, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the Unites States Post Office at Ell It ()10rlc I'k'), that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by certified mail. !vu~le CJ:t&7r-cJ +-, \ Sworn to before me this I So- day of "T,,- .:.>~",,(.200~. ~ ,'-".\ / C-'.. \ . . "-.'":) .>J~ c' Notary Public CAROl v. SOWlNSIO Notary Public. Stata of Now VCIk Ho.01S04641192.SutIoIk~ <> CG.........E'4*Ia_., ~ <:)<:..:) \ . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: Kevin & Susan Ferrell SCTM # 1000-99-3-4.6 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees for: RESTORATION OF DAMAGE TO SOUNDFRONT BLUFF WITH APPROXIMA TEL Y 1600 CU. YD. OF BANK RUN SAND. STABILIZATION OF THE RESTORED AREAS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY TERRACING AND PLANTING BEACH GRASSES. 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 130 LLOYD'S LANE, MATTITUCK, NY 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37,01' 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on February 15,2006. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNER'S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: Kevin & Susan Ferrell 130 Lloyd's Lane Mattituck, NY, 11952 OWNER'S AGENT: Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 631-878-8951 Enc:.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. el/23!200S [17::t9 S3:.7.S, PLANT::-"GS3VTHESEM . PI:"GE Dl -r;;J?Ie.~L ,:1.eO~ -CC;l!.':"rIIM) 0"1 SLu-/lll. 7'E"J?I?Ac:../.:v":____ &'-&EA!A.''''' ....:'/'0.. 0.,:". R.......... ~clOC.r'" ..30" O.e.... l!'JJ!!.~ ~.." J ~ D.e.-. \ . \ ~-,;'.!:~?~,~~ ;CI:...,...I7? to.!' <S .: - .4u.. ~i6HrS ,q,r;SEIff/E.D PLAN'rIN/SU' BY ?'>IE oS"t!,J/1} /N'G-. F='r;JR lHU-'iAl'J, /.J.sE AN'.o CAPt" ~'" 0;: SLurI<' , I' " I, " I, , ., II II JoJ'EW --\ d .) -- ..z.K/2..~f A~GI, PL~N"I;.r IO~ Pt..9NnN.s..r __ i'/.;/' ~V. PiPE. - A",..:w,,~ Ji 'O,e,. 'I I I :r I' 'I " I, il I. . " 'I I, I; " II :, .1 8<k;.K' ~'L. '- -""-.16 PL........I~- . c:-.. c:;-, d... - '\'.<..- ~i ,/~ li'!iili'''_ II I 'I ~I " I, 'I " ~-- &:.uw.:. . ,g <?t.J<:-~8-.v. ____ :'"be ~ &n~"" I 'I I, I, I' i, " !' Yo"',,: : - N~T' ,;:) .rCA'-6' - 6,...rJo,,,, c..&: , 6N...,...",,, AtoJl.l.C' Pfh;,rS;.I'21?.u 6U: .AEr..;eEVv r&/o'~~r .. ,,~ I't S 1:)..4' I;' J'O Stff AtJe G tJ I!'PN../ LJ 6v r ,cu''ri!'lt,..,'.....t!'J:) ~s W"'~,... _._~~------------------- -- . . <0 ~Q ~ ~ -<1 "1~ <:> \S'o v~ <:> / > \ \ ...............~q;ri9~~;. ....... .~.......f.., .................... .<?&;~1t<9\ ..... "Ii.> 0,<..,.0...... '..x...... \ . ~> ". </. / \\ <l1'3';, o)/xr;"'< ,,~ <90 i'''''' .... ,..'~~~/;;............ . '~'l..~...q,(""" ' , ..''''''~ , '. ; 7',r~i:p~,-->o, i v..CJj,6>}-~" ' /.! ..i ,1-0:-~ ,'>9"'., . ',"o(-</:' '"'2 ...... 'Va .> . '<"0 ),6- ,,"Os //"Z.. --X/ '-.,. , // '" , .~... "'- '\.. 80. /' "- , "'_:?~- J'.?:....-~6' ..J"6'--'.)'0. ....6' .... VO,.,'J'.J"v '.1 .........._0' '0_ <1& '9"2-',. 0"2---' 0'& / 00 ~"1S'l' t ..o-s.:--1( o t9:0):('~ " 0 Os. '-'-" 1<0/0 , '" "'. ~",..y.. , )'o:<",e . '1f7 "1tP. " '6'<) . \1' (/. " (4~ . "'> , '"" , , ( / DC "" / / ~. / /1 / /'. 8 "",< / ". '0'. "- 8" C.:,,0 '" r:.,. , ~ <:)c,- " "?' V> ~I ,0 ." ~~ ., Oz ~ //~ o~ v..f) Q 0'f '" ,'~ C,Qf) '7JC> S~ 0" o ' '" ~ ,,.0 ,p^' )0\ r_'. ~$> ~ o fT\O~ r;~Ui .....,:::;! P 0.~~ ~ ~J ~ '& "" '(.- D;;.t-, 0'-, "c.. // / . . Honeysuckle Hills Property Owners Association, Ine. Mattituck, NY March 21, 2006 Southold Town Board of Trustees Main Road Southold, NY 11971 T) the Southold Town Board of Trustees: The Honeysuckle Hills Property Owners Association hereby grants a temporary easement to Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ferrell, 130 Lloyd's Lane, Lot #6, for the purposes of bluff restoration, terracing, and planting, on those portions of the bluff immediately adjacent to said lot, with the following caveats: 1- The owners of said lot assume full responsibility for the restoration, terracing and planting, and maintaining its integrity after construction; 2- The Honeysuckle Hills Property Owners Association bears no liability for damage to, or resulting from, the restoration, terracing and planting. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the undersigned at 631-298- 1227. Ve~Y.:trulyyours, L el!; U)l" !---i ',/ ; ) {U2,..- J U~ // ~ Charles Bordsen, Jr. President ce: NY State Department of Environmental Conservation MAR ~ . . . Town of South old L WRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM eA. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits' including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of South old Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. · Except minor exempt actions includin[; Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its signifIcant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If tmy question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the L WRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer mllst be explained in detail, listin!!: both supportin!!: and non- supportin!!: facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the L WRP policy standards and conditions. it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the L WRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold 's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's oftlee. eB. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOS~:D ACTION SCTM# 99- .3 +.?- KeVIn ~ SUSAN FGLLtE"'~ PROJECT NAME The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Boardl 0 Planning Board 0 Building Dep!. 0 Board of Trustees 0 1. Category of Town of South old agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, plarming activity, agency regulation, land transaction) o o (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: ~ e Nature and extent of action: 'f3LU,&1= nUt'h2~ 0 I' ~b fI I'" T.. I( G.5TO I2I9"e /1./ ~ /1400 c..y bL11k ~ '! rl.&4) C.A _ ..I) ~ ... fiL-I"'rT.~...: . . Location 0 faction: 1.3 0 L I (J Y d '-5 Site acreage: I. tJ S' ,4 Present land use: 5. ~ /0( ~. j'1 Present zoning classification: t? ~ 40 . . L. /J7~ l--t~ ~'- . '/h..J~L'J 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the TO\\TI of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: A-J en~ ,.4,.. hr/c:-/ (b) Mailing address: E. MORICHES, NY 11940-1222 1R3I' f7i- f 95/ (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( ) (d) Application numher, if any: Will the actil1n be directly undeJ1aken, require funding, or ~pproval hy a state or federal agency? Yes EJ Nl1D If yes, which state or federal agency?XY.5 /)EC___ . C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy I. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of South old that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. DYes [] No ~NotApplicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Sectiion III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria . DYes [J No ~ Not Applicable WO~ING COAST POIttIES . Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable IOI~ations. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. . 0 Yes [J No ~Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources III Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. DYes [J No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary ---------- Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in thc Town of Southold. See L WRP Section III _ Policies; Pages . 62 through ,liS for evaluation criteria. DYes [] No ~ Not Applicable Attach addition}I sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. DYes [j No rp Not Applicable . PREPAREDBY~./AJA_:' ~ / TITLE 12.. DATEk~ Yes No NApplicable . . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 32 thl'Ough 34 for evaluation criteria. o Yes [J No ~ Not Applicable I Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See L \VRP Section 111- Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. .0 Yes [~~ot_~p~licable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. o Ye[J NO~ Not Applicable . Attach additional sheets if necessary . . . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhancc visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See L WRP Secltion III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria DYes D No Q(] Not Applicable Attach additional sheets ifnecessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resourccs from flooding and erosion. See L WRP Scction II I -- Policics Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria itJ Yes D No D Not Applicable ~~--- f!11;A.~l:'.t v>r~~~ ~ C--~4 r::,; d'.. -1 ~L. .... _, J,.-. .~._------ /'1 o~-I-.:J.. , Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section 111 - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria DYes [J No Ci4Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. F'rotect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 . through 32 Ifor evaluation criteria. o [J ~ - . . January 25, 2006 Southold Board of Trustees Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Att; Lauren Standish Re; Ferrell, 130 Lloyd's Lane Mattituck, NY SCTM# 1000-99-3-4.6 Dear Lauren: In accordance with your email exchange with Cathy Mesiano regarding our application, please find attached my check # 1304 in the amount of $250,00 for the C.E.RA. permit. Kindly confirm receipt of this letter and check to Cathy's emai1 address (cmesiano@optonline.net) . Thank you in advance. Kind Regards Kevin M, Ferrell work; 631-467-6655 h~e~31-298-5560 ~-~, -; ~ZutH , , cc Catherine Mcsiano . . . ........... ............ CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NY 11940 PHONE/FAX: 631-878-8951 e-mail: cmesiano@optonline.net Jalnuary 25, 2006 Jim King, President South old Board of Town Trustees Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Kevin & Susan Ferrell 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck, NY SCTM # 1000-99-3-4.6 Dear Mr. King: I am the agent for the above referenced applicant. By letter dated November 7, 2005, Mr. Ferrell advised the Board of damage sustained to the bluff on his property at 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mallituck. At the recommendation of Heather Cusak of your office, we requested an Emergency Permit for restoration of their bluff by amendment to Permit # 4647 issued in 1996 to Morrell. We were sUbsequently advised that a new application would be necessary. Therefore, we request a permit for restoration of damage to soundfront bluff that occurred as a result of landslide during the October 2005 storms. Approximately 1600 cu.yd. of bank run sand will be placed on the face of the bluff with a large pay loader which will access the site along the east side of the existing dwelling. Stabilization of the restored areas will be implemented by terracing and planting beach gralsses. Some of the existing trees, plantings, etc. will need to be cut back in order to pmvide safe access by the machinery to the worksite. Attached please find the following: 1. Wetlands Permit Application 2. Coastal erosion Permit Application 3. LWRP Consistency Assessment Form 4. Consent 5. Release 6 Topographic surveys of the site dated 10/2/04 (pre-damage) and 11/10/05 (current condition) 7. Bluff terracing/re-vegetation plan 8. Site photographs dated 10/19/05 #24-26, 30-33; 11/12/05, 43 & 44; 1/2/06, #65 and 66. 9. Mr Ferrell's check #1300 in the amount of $250 for the application fee Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ver,'ity yours . ~ ./ , / j., ,/ L.--I/. >L~-~ . 1enne 'f,;,eslano President '\) ~-.. c!4~ MAR-09-...Et6 10: 52 PM P.01 /III. ,f;"l//Ji",,/,. t"n r s;. (/ 'J,~dl/ 1'Am Id~ 1'2" , ~~ B~ /e.:&~ t(/~If' .se/l.f- -ft W~~ /t~.r. h~t<~11 pv!,.. 7- ~ d7 a/~ /'141/ c:I~//v~r2 l- I ~r:-A.r-F~ t.ht~fk, ~ t:d/,n~ - r~J .10 ~ ~ . ~/1'P C . ,,(1: MAR .- CI 0 1,~.' '-' iJ);";] i....AR-~'9-06 10: 53 PM P.02 " .'-_U__m. ,., ,. __ _.__u_ _~_#'U~b._~_~e_~___m ______u___._..~~~.r. ,_C~__.. ,._______m.__.__._____ ____, .ii;::;::;" ~/~d ~ f~0~~~:"i , ,_u_.___ -. n n ",.7': ....r. " ~, th,#~ .t?P~ /Ie If A JldAt..rC:~If.A'If?Z~!'!~"'C:'~ ,. .. b_IjL.I:~je s '~1ft!4 ~f>'4 .. -I.i_e. P.t:c/,.,., ,.., +, ,~tJ..S'-I~~/ 7, w/ II dt;t:(e., saPle.., " t47-h,t~,_,~a'f1 W.L w~,f'e /10-1 r~~.oacA_e'd.. tltIC_ (!~~mIlNlcQ.~ W/fI,/~rd/Z.. I-~ r)v~ j~v//7j #~Mtert:l.", ~' hvS'btJ/ld ~nd :r A~ye ~ vall/efi----;,!' -.i~_aJ..fh .-~~<<I!e'l~5 / tlnd fd -rd1%/(/dq ..f" .!lV" 1tt..71e Will I~,e HtU"#' s . t?s }foe) ... ~J1~~ O(/If!. scAedvle,{, I<ffl!en #20-"1 )%;R1dq /~.tle //;u";- week' "./J /F/vL.. /en///lj-. -4ftJ-J.-vn.,c,,~Si!!~/J /.e.dJ;/e.-*7G . ,. ..... _:- .:rt:;~__g/-t6.~(/ Ii" .~mtf~(}4-1- ~"t!~~::.: . . --t/I'!l~_.st;hea't!I..?/-t2;?dA /ttfd/'M"ne;t /" ~--. ----w~f/ltll?~._f?&o/?~/2.. . ~CI~ 4l'bt::'~A?N;s, ... :-. -..--.---+og-a.c!A..-/~~f?e,.g* ./..':L. re.~~-i/1I1:;..'- ~-. "- Ad_/~.5.5n__'..;II;,&,y_ cf ot!(2.S}.. If( .L.:_..I!~~ /7~_r ~.. m--/J':1~~-/:_.-&4.1L~._gA.e'i(td"~m _ t:[-S ,/v/c/c-~ tls_._ gd_c/ a,e e. Jt'e-/t1eST~7!-' 11AR-0..S1-06 10: 53 PM P.03 ...... h__-_-_-~-_"' Ulp_ hH~_~______A/~~~=~~~~IL!'_tL ~-~-~::-:---~~ --, ___~a /'If U2.:J!!. __~_({__~~ ..t?Y'/,I!~~-h~.t1,:,. ___ 'Nl_~ __ -f-~iPd!!.(~~~s, (/1 - /I?/It'l/"'I-' ~7 a nL ____4 (JfI ~ ~:!.ltf?r}_~. n __n_ _ ',__It/~-hl1!fPRwoA_~_ef -~ _ t!~,rll?d~~~~_,!~/L L~<!_r.!._-!.~(_d n..s IVh~~ eVe /?~_!)_ _ /;OM e ~-~:~k~~ n~",~L~V*1 S .:::l/pt 6-/AjJ- ~~t"a1-" r-- -- ,...._,..._...__.._.__._~-_......^....- . ---_._~---_.--.__.... -- ...- - .._...._.-..____......__w .._ _.~~.."...__._.__ _ __..._~~~.... .'. ......____.. _._.u__ MAR-0~-06 10:54 PM P.04 61/61/1935 06:01 63129B45222 CHAS CAPPELLHV PAIX 61 February 20. 2006 To: Mr. and Mrs. Cappelllno lalll rupondil'l& 10 your letters dtd Feb 7th and Feb 9th to the Trustees. Please be assured. that we, want to find 3 workable aolution to the bluff problem that will resl'Cct both our righta to our privacy as well as our property/investment. In this respe~t, I have called your Matlituck phone nllmber to discuss this with you. II is the only nlUl1ber 1 have aIld hope )'ou reeeh'ed the messap:. Please note the Collow!ni; I) We wcore originally told by th. Trustees to apply for an emergency permil ammdilli the Morrell 1996 permit. The Trustees then told us to apply for a new pennit, which is what we are doing now. This has nothing to do with the 1996 permit. 2) We understand your fCqU..t to postpone the hCllrinlil' However, there is B small window for planting the beach gfass/etc., to allow (or root ifowth prior to the next hulTicane and winter season. In addilion. WIliling any longer. will ""bJeet the blulfto addition.l collapse. Since extobtr. there has been additional damage to both properties. The work cannol be ilChedulcd IU\til all permlts/approvala are in order and then coordinated with the VarIO\IS companies. So. we have no choice b\lt to proee~ and el(peditc 1M process and get the work completed as soon as possible, J) We have explorea avenues to llvoid using a pay loader and will ~ontinue to ao so, Any viable altematlve thllt adcln!&ses your concern as well as ours, will be considered. 4) Your letter stated this was the 4'" collapse ofyollr property. Given Ihe steep anllle and severe drop at your cliff now, your next collapse will likely be drastic with the loss oh good portion of yollr yard that will aaain cause Olll' blutl'to ~ollapsc. When pouring sand down our blulfto build a hase. some will fall OnlO your bluff. Not only will this provide YOll with a bese shOUld you deoid. to do any restorallon, il will also help to limit tho damage when your bluff again ~ollap8U. I also wonder ifany a~tlon had been taken to restore your bluffprevlously, these common oollapses m1iht n<'tt have happened. ~) Some branches wi II be trimmed back and a few scrub bllShes may need 10 be removed from OUI' property. On conlpl.tioll, we will replanl with more suitable bushes. 6) Rupect for legal righls muM be nUltual. The ~ave condilion of your bluff, the effect your yard slope/tar path may have on IllIY damaae already callsed and what a!fect anything we may do mlllhl have on your propeny are Iten,s thoroughly an4 thoughlfully discussed. ^ protracted legal dispute benefits nobody and ills ollr desire to avoid this. We have the right tn reJlB.ir aUf (lmpertl' and to limit exposure to addltlonallolS and damalle. It Is likely that work may not slart U1ttil YOll n!lurn. But, your request for a delay will affl.'01 O\lr ability to protect OUl' property. We have only the oppol'lUnity tn plant in the early sprinl!. 7) I anl very Interested in working together 10 restore b<lth OUf bluffs .,td protw our invcs\ltlent.. ^ mutual restoration plan that is mindful of. and addresses the needs of both properties, would also inc~_ the chiUlces for success as well as reduce the overall co:rts. J hope YOll will join U5 in this endeavor. Please feel free to call me at anytime at the following nLlmbers; Work; 631-467-66~~. Home: 631-298.SS60. I look forward to hearlug t'rOlU you. .. .. ce; South Id Trustees, J 1m King. Presidel11 cc: Catherine Mesiano March 14,2006 Dcm Mr.r Mrs. Cappellina: Thank you for your lettcr received yesterday via U.P.S. I feel compelled to remind you tbat: .Our "neighborl y correspondence" stmied when you sent your original letter to the Trustees without sending a copy to me. Due to your actions, I had no chaice but ta copy my lettcr to the Trustees, and will continue to do so. . Neither of your letters gave your Florida mailing address or a phone number where you could be reached. Therefore, my only option was to mail to your Mattituck address and hope it gets f()rwarded to you. Whereas: -In my letter dtd Feb 20th, I said I tried to call you. I only had your Mattituck phone number and left a message on your voice recorder. I hoped you could retrieve the message and call me back. -My letter also provided you with my work and home phone numbers and cncouraged you to contact me at allY time. I still have not heard hom you. Wl~ had no idea you went to Florida. So, we could not have known when you went, either. The filet remains that you wcre contacted as soon as possible. Th" work will not likely begin until sometime April/May. But, we cannot postpone getting the necessary approvals and scheduling the work to suit your scheduled return Ii''';]) Florida. As previously adviscd, stabilizing and replenishing our bluff will also hel J yours We simply cannot allow another collapse of your clitfto drag more of Our bluff witll it. If your consultant revicwing the application has any qucstions, he/she can cali me anytime. My objective is to find a mutually acceptable solution for both parties but not at the expense of losing any 11l0re of our property. I do hope you bave a safe trip back up north and are in better health. I also wish you would reccnsider my previous offer and call me to discuss this before any more time has passed. Stalling benefits nobody 1 l(wk tinward to hearing hom you at your earliest convenience. Kind Regards KeVin + SusanJ7G'hcll .r>,{i~,it;A'/ ,._/~,:>~. Worl' #; 631-467-6655 flome !!: 63] -298-5560 cc: SJutllOld rrnstccs, ,'vIr. Jim King, President cc: Catherine Mesiano ~ yo ;?nA s: ~~/ 4ech ~ 200 (; iltJCI!C /el/t.'/Z tla7€?d z-ft 0~ UJt15 d+;'xwtvut'eL -/,,,, vs -To dor. T ""d'/'er- il/l-l tJtlR /1t3 /~h ,6d~ Y t::-iJ/C.RG'S' ~~7?;z;.k1C <... h~/ 10 .Ie sk,q~eq' w/Y4 -I-,{ e; --hwrJ -f/(t1s-lees/ y 1.<// II do 7:4e Sap? e.. . to;;,eIC//!a~1y w-€- cVl2/fe /76+ ~/~OVfcl)eL or.?. (!~)##7L/NICa-M.{ w/fh /~/d/C- -fa d(/~ /6:?V//7j ~/t- /'loR/dC/. /j hvSbtJ/Jd ~/7d f ,;jat/~ t:L L/af2 /err rl lea/../A _ fht?lle'lC'5 / t2/ld td -f-c1 f%/C;dq ~I-o avo/#'- -lie W/r;!c'!Z MtJ.Y7rh 5 . tls jfoJ "kJ1()cJ ou/<? :scJJc::dvlevL .Rdv~17 -#2o~ Jf1;R/dq /5 de //fi?S-/- wee~ o-fJ /):;;e/L ren///7j- ,~nJ r/nh,.esee/J /"eo.6k/Yl.5:_ :11 /5 d/-f'hcu/r -h AJeacr ~ C dc/a.... 7L/r)?(~ S chedc/le /' a~d a /c:rif~d/?/ne.r{./ (,JtJu// '/;e //2o/p/2.. . {/t//C C!~/7ce/€/IJ.5 7~ /2 out< //€ 6J ~ e/2-1J!-- ;-5 {> e I'<.- --12( ;/11 :t: /7 or /e.s..s '-;II;/9.tV cf 0 u rz s . A/ .L e a /7 /? l:l r-- p1 f"e -I- !! d V /Z 5F/; e;{ vi ~ a --5 f C/ / C Ictjl- qs fj cJJ a"ee. KC'-fC/PST/7' W€- If,qye. A//YeL .5o/neo"tiL -/- CJ e)!aJ'J1 /n-e; a/I 0ic a-~/)~t1I-f-ICJ/1.s -/-6 adt//~€'- c/S //) ~M//Jr an;' al/ t7f<!!(!/3/t7~S . t1/l~ anL We /oolc' PPwt?JF< c:I -h d/.sC'vSS/ons wJ?en we t!t:J/l-h/;J'V/ 'l d(/~ .l'2e-/-c/J1i2 /) ~ O.h1 e C- C -- ~~(I'f ~/ ~/1 ~c/sft""~ s -:J/P1 fr//7j- ~>/~n;r- Fchru;Jry 2IJ, 2IJIJ6 To; MI. and Iv]rs. Cappe!lino [ Imr responding to your letters dtd Feh 7th and Fcb 9th to the Trustees. Please be assured, that we. want te, tind a workable solution to the bluff problem that will respect both our rights to our privacy as well as our property/investment. In this respect, I have called your Mattituck phone number to discuss thi:; with you. It is the only number I have and bope you received the message. Please lJote the 1()llowing; I) We '.vere uriginally told by the Trustees to apply for an emergency permit ;Jme:lding tbe Morrell 19% permit. The Trustees then told us to apply for a new pennit, which is what we arc doing now. This has n(Jthing to do with tbe 1996 permit. 2) We understand your request to postpone the hearing. However, there is a small window for plantinc' the beach grass/etc., to allow for root growth prior to the next hun-ieane and winter seas:)!]. In addition, waiting any longer, will subject the blutl to additional collapse. Since October, there bas been additional damage to both properties. The work cannot be scheduled until all JJtTIl1its/approva]s are in order and then coordinated \vith the various CClIllJXl11ics. So, we have no choice but to proceed and expedite the process and get the work completed ,IS soon as possible. 3) We have explored avenues to avoid using a pay loader and will continue to do so. Any viable allematll'c thelt 'Iddresses your eoncelll as well as ours, will be considered. 4) Your letter slaled tIris was the 4th collapse of your property. Cliven the Slecp angle and severe drop:It )'our clill now, your next collapse will likely be drastic with the loss of a good portion of your yard that will again cause our blullto collapse. \Vhen pouring sand down our blullto build a bare, some will filii onto your bluff Not only will this provide you with a base should you decide to do any restoration, it will also help to limit the damage wIren your blutl again collapse:;. I also wondcr if any actiou had been taken to restore your bluff previously, these common colbpscs might not have happened. S) Some br<1nches will be trimmed back and a few scrub bushes may need to be removed tl~om our proJwrty. On completion, we will replrmt with more suitable bushes. 6) Rcsp,:cl j'l1 b,:I: rights must be mutual. The grave condition of your bluff, the effect your yard slope/tar path m~lY Jwvc on any damage already caused and \vhat affect al1)1hing \\'C 111a)' do miglrtlravc Oil your property are items thoroughly and thoughtfldly discussed. A protr"ctedlegal di:;;pll_C benefits nobody and it is our desire to avoid H:is. \Ve have the right to repair Ollr property "nd to limil exposore to additional loss and damage. It is likely that work may not SLut until you return. Bu!' yuur request for a delay will aflect our ability to protect our property. We have only the Ot'portunity to phnt in the early spring. 7) I am '/er' interested in working together to restore both om bloffs and protect oar investments. ;\ mutuClI restoration plr1n that is mindful of, and addresses tbe needs of both properties, would also incrcilsc: tire Chlulees )(1r success as well as reduce the overall costs. I hope you will join us in tllis cndC;l'v'()[". Please kcl tree lel ceill Ille at anytime at the following numbers: Work; 631-467-6655, l1ome; ()31-2')S-)56Ci. 1 look forward to hearing from YOl!o Kind Kl' !C\rds Kc\'j 11 h:rrl::! I -18-~ ft;; ~p to (!ArPP CC~ SuutlluJd Trllskc:.';, Jim King, President cc; (';ltJl,:rillc \lCSldllU F-f:'Cir'i : C ,-,/~ C) -." ,- . --'.H,jrJ ;)'~C FE;B~;2::'~-lJf-' n4:.1 1. AI"'! FH>< rlO. : b-71 C7 ~1 -0 f 8-:3951 Fpb r-' "00- -. r ,----' b 09: 15Ar'1 P3 - " P.01 /d. ~~'H-- ~~.. ~ ... ~. ~~....{' ~r . ~./J"" .C(r~-' /'-f" #~ .~/f~~~ ~ r~~;; #&.e~1 ~~~~~z/~ /---- ~ ~~ . :::'~'O"1 : C:. 1'I~S I Pi'-IO : I'ie ~'~.0--iO-'0b 0i ::52 A/'l F,q>< ~'IO, : 6.31-878-8951 Feb, 17 2005 09: 14AI'! Pi P.@l J/I?lkl/? <p/~s (~I) r Soll'/!t~1d -rwn fdtfle' I1r-hI/.rf..e 1 , FEB - 9 2C06 ->;, oIfI,,/ d. ?J 'f . . . 7-} , r h d "" '71...,1-'11::;'""", I' $"e~m ;"1-'1' kq nI- /(J r!~~"i!.s,if""'r~Ae " ":If (? /kef) /?()we v~ ~"" ~ /P P,6 '":'Alf-"1/I.rSI ~~ t/'l ,:::;tIJ "~{t~ //, f(./<..og(,CII, ' ,~, /;~ /'!1 ~C"'("I~pl~". ..wA.., ~. h,M"~ '/,,/11- h", "<!It:;f~~.(,~ (R "...~ # ~cJ;;.",.".I. ,)S(..... w..,~ ..,~'" ''''' _ J;t.. ~/~. . b",. .' ~e.sp~vllqh., o~ . ,.'ftr'1I;{;l t, .)>.k .., t:1(t!U~/~ If =" '.>14~:,. e..e.~" ~~.::?S" __ 4rf4f', '. 6d'~e" >.1" ~"/,1-"".<4.. '. ... ...... '. ., , .,2)1:\ .-+'~e/) <PI" 4;.J.~wl?e 'l-f?(;::n'L/;;: .... ", ff e.su.& v.~ett' ", ,iWttl /;""/l1'tl~ 4" .f./-" i.slt t '. i 1:~:.;;- ~;~;;-/;'<tf~::" :~~~ i Jr;/;J7~,J /..-$' /{./4.s ,PHt g~MI'/..$/~n ~ d"MfldC) T5~ Wf) 11;1:: j?tAIi It ntpr/ );~t1f.'l,Ih.ko. '.. <? ,g",/" <IV,,,,,, ~ A';tOf . """',H if.1:!1~ /) ~ (/(,(,1 ,,~ /?'l ; /J (.J P ,71 Q ~l;e_ ." ,';e<2.fylRtI~_ ' ::;z:: ,6.~/;@I,Ir::.... ~e "'Bv~ L:<edt:?/ /;'iflds " AJ7<<4~.~Q/:Wr/int- ~, .ri~ 'wl..,s:."f1____732. :...... .,s '0';,. · YJ...ti' ."'~ "'" . of!. ~ /",w !" />,. ..~ . tf;e",Cl~..e.t?$A:_:/"?~ #?e~/-~~/I,ql't $0 '#Urr-iiI.TR... ()()/~~s he>: ,f6'Q,&.r;L/~'1d. .j AI < 4,RR ftl... 'fA/'. 1Ira..t j/" '?f"l/'>~--'i .,~~._'~-"..'....~'..... ~Ji;~~~;~/f:;~,:,F"=" ~~~;:c"-, ? :S-St1~air:;~ iJ ~.. ~:::.c_':, .-,- -,~::"' YkJi71'v'c.if,- ;17. f /l'9.fl.- F;;':(;ii li;"'l --11" ;~q- i).;.v ~,.' - ---~~-----i---.~_~___.._ f.--F;[;!'] C r':~:; I f=:"~O I he: FE;~--'J3-C6 1c;l4: '.1 AM FI=1>< ~,jO. 631-878-)3951 Feb. 17 2006 09: 15RI'1 P2 P.B2 Jim Xing, President Southold Board ofToWn Trustees Box 1179 Soulliold, New York 11971 Feb. 7,2006 Dear Mr. King, At the present time my h1.:sband and I are in Plorida, and will not return until the first week of April. We are aware of the erosion that has OCCW'red On lhe bJu..'f, affMing us and our Mighbors" ..,thls will be the fourth time for us.. Tl:t~ is a Proposal by the Ferrella being submitted to the Board requesting an emergency project be initiated. r understand the c<mcerns of the Ferrells, however ~use a larg. payloader a.nd tOIlB of SIUld have to pass through the area between our hOmes, we want to be th~re at that time. r also know that there is an intent to cut trees fIIld brush,.. what trees and who's trees? We also have a coneemabout the Yibl1ltious these machines will cause especially to our hOOl.e as well as the fragile winter ground. Weare asking for a postponement of any work, so that we have ow legal rights honored, and respec~p1 for the protectiOIl of our property, I FE8 ~ 7 2006 Condon Engineering, P.C. New York State Licensed Professional Engineer 1755 Sigsbee Road Mattituck, New York 11952 631-298-1986 Fax 631-298-2651 November 8, 2005 Mr. Kevin Ferrell 130 L10yds Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Ferrell : As requested, a visit was made to your property at130 L10yds Lane in Mattituck on April 27, 2005. The purpose of the visit was to inspect the bluff along the northern edge of your property which borders on Long Island Sound. The following is a report of the findings of that inspection. Observations Inspection found most of the bluff along the northern perimeter of the lotto be densely vegetated with trees, shrubs, and grasses as can be seen in the photos below. While some surface erosion was noted, for the most part there were no evidence of any significant washout along most of the bluff. However, inspection of the upper areas along the northern edge of the adjacent property to the east found it to be devoid of vegetation and surface erosion as well as areas of collapse were noted. The collapsed areas were found to have encroached into the northeastern comer of the 130 L10yds Lane lot as can be seen in the photos below, which was taken at the northeastern corner looking east. The red arrow in the photos is a fence post at the edge of the property. The photo below was taken from the base of the bluff and again shows how the bluff erosion has encroached into the 130 L10yds Lane property. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on observations at the site, the collapsed area of the slope at the northeastern corner occurred as a result of erosion of the bare soil areas of the slope on the adjacent property to the east. Surface erosion of these bare areas resulted in the development of very steep areas along the edge of the bluff which eventually failed and collapsed. Without corrective action on the part of the neighbor to the east to stabilize and reduce erosion, continued erosion and slope failure can be expected as well as further encroachment into the northeastern area of the 130 L10yds Lane lot. The addition of fill to reduce the steepness of the upper areas of the slope and planting of vegetation to reduce surface erosion is recommended along all of the bare areas of the slope including the areas on the neighbors lot. If you have any questions please call me on 298-1986. Yours truly, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK l ~_-1___ ~'------- ---- Steve Levy Suffolk County Executive SO:IL &1 WATER CONSERVATION DXSTRICT FAX, (631) 727-3160 Thomas J. McMahon DISTRICT MANAGER (631) 727-2315 June 24, 2004 Town of Southold Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road South old, New York 11971 Attention: J,~ss Boger, RE: Inventory & Evaluation A site inventory and evaluation was completed on the privately owned property located at 130 Lloyd's Land, Mattituck, as per the Town of Southold's request. The property is located on Long Island Sound, the adjacent to the property on the east is a residential lot and on the west is an access path for community residents. The approximate 50' bluff and beach are owned and maintained by the Honeysuckle Property Owners Ass:ociation. The natural vegetation on the bluff in front of the Ferrell property is in 900d condition with the exc:eptions of a small area where lawn debris has been discarded. Some species noted were; Rugosa rose, bayberry, wild cherry, beach grass, poison ivy, honeysuckle, bittersweet, and sweet pea. The community access path is currently direct straight down the slope and has large several large holes. It is mcommended to change the direction path to create a serpentine affect, which will slow the runoff preventing E:rosion on the bluff. It is, also, recommended to fill In the holes on the steps along the path. In addition, it was noted that the bluff on the residential property to the east has existing erosion with severallargl~ gullies and collapsed access stairs. It is recommended to re-vegetate with native species and install a benn along the top of the bluff to prevent the runoff from going directly down the slope. Concerns Observation Suooestions Application tor a The property appears to slope up slightly No suggestions are variance for the before the bluff. The bluff is in good recommended. The installation of installation of an above condition with no erosion problems. an above ground pool would not ground swimming pool Existing vegetation is profuse and have an adverse affect on the at a setback of less vigorous. bluff. than 100' frem the bluff. Enclosed for the property owner's convenience are the following documents: The Green l.awn Care Card List of recommended native species for North Shore bluff plantings. If there is any further, assistance needed please contact my office. -~---- a I: District Technician Cc: Kevin & Susan Ferrell Cooperative Extension Building 4~3 Griffing Avenue 02!13!20J5 4:25 7555EA1 BDARD DF TF:USTEEE, PAr;E 1]1 Te.!cphone (6: 1) 765,1892 Town Hall 53095 ROllte 25 P.O. Box 1179 SOlltl'o:d, New York 11971-0159 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., FeJruary 8, 2006, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Don Wilder, seconded by Tom Schlichter, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVOAL of the Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit applications of KEVIN & SUSAN FE RREL to restore the damaged bluff by placing 1600 cy. of bank run sand on the face of the bluff. Stabilization of the restored areas will be implemented by terracing and planting with (approved) beach grasses. Located: 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#9g.3-4.6 The CAC highly recommends the proposed plan. Vote of Council: Ayes: Don Wilder, Tom Schlichter, Jacob Smith. Meltion Carried Recused: Jack McGreevy ., From: "Connell, Allan - Eiverhead, NY" <Allan.Cor.nell@ny.usda.gov> Tel: <charterLng@bulkchemny.com> Hi Kevi::1 Sorry for no: responding to you sooner I did'nl recognize your cmall and deleted it. ?lease see my attachment for my respcnses. Allan }(csponse to Kevin FerTell's email 1. As long as you are planting into virgin material and not bringing in fill there is n'\. need to install anything to help stabilize the area after it is planted. Placing jute / netting or other erosion control materials will just hinder the establishment process. As I indicated in my original letter tenaces create problems in the future. Since they too will eventually fail and cause the same shearing of the blul1 face. rollowing the planting plan is the best approach. ) I believe you need to cut the slope back to facilitate any chance of stabilizing this bluff. Planting beachgrass into a near vertical slope will be very difficult to establish. .'. I believe that filling the bluff with sand is going to create a very unstable condition and will be very di11icult to stabilize. I think the best solution is to cut the slope back and create a slope you can plant into and try to stabilize this. This is your best chance at stabilization since you will bc planting into a morc stabile situation. Sand fill will add excessive weight to the blutTtace and may cause it to shear 011 even further down the blutTface. I cannot comment on legal issues regarding your neighbor. Obviously it would be in their best interest to try and stabilize their slope also. UNITED STATES DEPT OF AGRICULTURE O r~ Res Natural Resources \~l COil~ervation ~ Service 423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 110 Riverhead, New York 11901 Telephone: (631) 727-231<; FAX: (631) 727-3160 Emai1: allan_connell@nv.usda_qo\~ Mr. Kevin Ferrell 130 Lloyd:; Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 February 10,2006 Dear Mr. Ferrell I have inspected your bluff site and reviewed the proposed plans for stabilization and have the following comments and concerns. First the proposal calls for the installation of terraces after sand fill is dumped onto the eroded portion of the bluff in an attempt to replace the soil material that was lost. Not only is this an expensive proposition I am concerned that the terraces will fail over time. The 2 x 12 planks eventually will rot causing similar instability and sloughing ofthe bluff face. Fill material will provide more land mass over the short term however, it is very unstable since there is no bond to the existing slope even after it is revegetated. The property to the east is also experiencing the same erosion problems and unless this area is stabilized it puts any work that you do in jeopardy of failure. I would recommend taking a more conservative approach. Regrade the eroded portion of the slope to create a I: 1 slope or angle that can be planted. This will require you to cut the top edge of the bluff back 5 to 7 feet. Once a suitable slope is created vegetate the slope following the guidelines in the enclosed technical note entitled: Stabilization of Eroding Bluffs. Diversity of the planting is the key to success. I would highly recommend that you hydroseed as described in item 3B of the technical note as well as planting the Beachgrass. Sincerely, ~-j~ Allan S. Connell District Conservationist The u. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis afmee, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because aU or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alterna1i..e means for communication ofprogram information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, IX: 20250..9410 or call (800) 795.3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TOO). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. \ 2/16/06 TO; Mr. Alla:l Connell, From; Kevin ~errell, District Conservationist 130 Lloyd's Lane, Matticuck Allan/Kevin Ttank you ag,~in for the time you have taken with me and for issuing your report. Since the Trustees had requested that I contact you and they wanted ,3 copy of your comments, please note that I gave them a copy of your cover letter at last evenj.ng's monthly meeting. Although you are not in favor of my proposal, I do appreciate and have taken very sl~riously your suggestions. I'm sure the Trustees will also. As a result, I am not very encouraged that I will obtain the permit for my proposal. As explained to you the other day on the phone, I am still exploring all options i3nd am encouraging input from othe~s. I hope you would not mind giving :(our opinions/comments to the following questions. 1) You are nCJt in favor of pipe/wood terracing as rot/decay. Is there anything else that can be the bluff while the plants get established and to help hold the bluff? 2) I understi~nd your comment about a 1:1 ratio from the ledge down to where the collapse landed and your feeling that cutting back 5-7 feet of my pro]Jerty will attain this slope. I agree with you on the western half. H01~ever, the current slope on the east portion is so severe, I have a J1umber of others telling me that cutting back 5-7 feet will not obtai11 the 1:1 ratio nor will it allow workers to plant. Sorneoni~ who also feels the terracing is of no benefit has even stated that Lf Wi? can plant beachgrass without filling and without cutting back the prope-ty. He claims we can plant into the side of the collapse at sligh~ ancJles, and the plants will grow out then up. Based on YOU1- evaluatioJ1 of the bluff slope, do you think this person is correct? is the slcJpe too steep to successfully vegetate with any reasonable chance of success? Is the angle so steep that we would be wasting our time/re:3ources without cutting back the lawn to achieve a more suitable slope? 3) We, also i~re very concerned that anything we may do is doomed to fail if our neighlJor does nothing. If we left our bluff alone, how long will it take ~o ICJok like our neighbor1s does? If we filled with sand, it might help buillj a base for both properties. Maybe they would then consider taking saIne action of their own. Or, if we cut back my property 5-71 I will it e:<pose my neighbor1s property to further erosion/collapse? Am I ~hen liable to them? Could I be sued? It seems that no matter what I do, I ll)se my property and could also be subject to a lawsuit Do you ha'lc any experience in such matters? it will done to develop eventually help stabilize a root system Or, Again, I thal1k you in advance for your tj.me and assistance and Jook forward ~o YI)Ur reply. You carl to this email address (my company's address). Thank you Kevln Ferrell ~ , ~'rom: "Connell, A~lan - Riverhead, NY" <Allan.Connell@ny.usda.gov~ To: <charterin~@b~llkchemny.com> Hi Kevi [1 Sorry [or not lespondiI1g to you sooner I did!n~ recognize your omail clod deleted it. rlease see my attachment for my responses. AJJan Response to Kevin Ferrell's email I. As long as you are planting into virgin material and not bringing in fill there is n'\. need to install anything to help stabilize the area afler it is planted. Placing jute ) netting or other erosion eontrolmaterials will just hinder the establishment : process. As I indicated in my original letter terraces create problems in the future. Since they too will eventually fail and cause the same shearing of the bluff face. following the planting plan is the best approach. " I believe you need to cut the slope back to facilitate any chance of stabilizing this bluiT. Planting beachgrass into a near vertical slope will be very difficult to establish. .. I believe that filling the blutTwith sand is going to create a very unstable condition and will be very difficult to stabilize. I think the best solution is to cut the slope back and create a slope you can plant into and try to stabilize this. This is your best chance at stabilization since you will be planting into a more stabile situation. Sand fill will add excessive weight to the bluff face and may cause it to shear ofT even further down the bluff face. I cannot comment on legal issues regarding your neighbor. Obviously it would be in their best interest to try and stabilize their slope also. I' UNITED STATES DEPT OF AGRICULTURE , O r~ Res Natural Resources \~l Con~ervation ~ Service 423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 110 Riverhead, New York 11901 Telephone: (631) 727-231:, FAX: (631) 727-3160 Email: allan.connell@nv.usda.ao\. Mr. Kevin Ferrell 130 Lloyd:; Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Febmary 10, 2006 Dear Mr. Ferrell I have inspected your bluff site and reviewed the proposed plans for stabilization and have the following comments and concerns. First the proposal calls for the installation of terraces after sand fill is dumped onto the eroded portion ofthe bluff in an attempt to replace the soil material that was lost. Not only is thi!1 an expensive proposition I am concerned that the terraces will fail over time. The 2 x 12 planks eventually will rot causing similar instability and sloughing of the bluff face. Fill material will provide more land mass over the short term however, it is very unstable since there is no bond to the existing slope even after it is revegetated. The property to the east is also experiencing the same erosion problems and unless this area is stabilized it puts any work that you do in jeopardy offailure. I would recommend taking a more conservative approach. Regrade the eroded portion of the slope to create a I: I slope or angle that can be planted. This will require you to cut the top edge of the bluff back 5 to 7 feet. Once a suitable slope is created vegetate the slope following the guidelines in the enclosed technical note entitled: Stabilization of Eroding Bluffs. Diversity of the planting is the key to success. I would highly recommend that you hydroseed as described in item 3B ofthe technical note as well as planting the Beachgrass. Sincerely, (fi~~j~ Allan S. Connell District Ccnservationist Ibe U. S. DcparLment of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its pTOgrams and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin. age, disability, and ,",here applicable, sex, marital status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs., reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with diBabilmes who require alternati'/c means for commWlica1ion of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, IX' 2025Q..941O or call (800) 795.3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TOD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. . 2/16/06 TO; Mr. Allarl Connell, From; Kev_~n ]"81re11, District Conservationist 130 Lloyd's Lane, Matticuck Allan/Kev~n Thank YOll aqilin for the ti;ne you have taken with me and for issuing your repc)rt. Si~:ce the Trustees had requested that I contact YOL and they wanted i~ copy of your comments, please note that I gave them a copy of your cover l.etter at last evening's monthJ_y meeting. Although you are Ilot ii1 favor of my proposal, I do appreciate anc have taken very sl~riously your suggestions. I'm sure the Trustees will also. As a result, I am not very encouraged that I will obtain the permi.t for my proposal. As explained to you the other day on the phone, I am still exploring all options i1nd am encouraging input from others. I hope you wOt:Jd not mind giving :10tlr opinions/comments to the following questions. 1) You a~e nCJt in favor of pipe/wood terracing as rot/decay. Is there anything else that can be tile bluff while the plarlts get established and Lo help h(Jld t_he bluff? 2) I understiind your comment about a 1:1 ratio from the ledge down to where the collapse landed and your feeling that cutting back ~-7 feet of my pro]Jerty will attain this slope. I agree with you on the western half. Ho'~ever, the current slope on the east portion is so severe, I have a 11umber of others telling me that cutting back 5-7 feet will not obtaill the ]:] ratio nor will it allow workers to plant. SOIneonl~ whc) also feels the terracing is of no benefit has everl stated that if WI~ can plant beachgrass without filling and without cutting back the property. He claims we can plant into the side of the collapse at sligh~ anlJles, and the plants will grow out then up. Based on your evaluatioil of the bluff slope, do you think this person is correct? is the sllJpe too steep to successfully vegetate with any reasonable chance of success? Is the angle so steep that we would be wasting our time/re,3ources without cutting back the lawn to achieve a more Sllitable slope? 3) We, also .~re very concerned that anything we may do is doomed to fail if our neigh:Jor does nothing. If we left our bluff alone, how ICIng will it take to I'Jok like our neighbor's does? If we filled with sand, it might help buil,j a base for both properties. Maybe they would then consider taking BOlTIe aetiorl of their own. Or, if we cut back my property 5-71, will it e:~pcse my neighbor1s property to further erosion/coll~pse? Am I then liable to them? Could I be sued? It seems that no matter what I do, I I'Jse my property and could also be subject to a lawsult Do yo~ ha-Je any experience in such matters? it will done to develop eventually help stabillze a root system Or, Again, I thalk you in advance for your tj.me and assistance and lClok forward to Y-JUl reply. YOtl can to this email address (my company1s oddress). Thank you Kevin Ferrell ...----~.-n. lJ. 2~XV)- 3: .::1GHi1--DULVCHD1 1',0. 19'J P.l UN1'J'ED STATES DEPT OF AGRICULTURE () N Res ~atural Rosour[es \ \..J J Con>ervation ~ Service 423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 110 Riverhead, New York 11901 Telephone: (631) 727-2315 FAX (631) 727-3180 Email: allan.connellilllnV.usda.oov !vir. Ke\'i:l FelTell 13 0 Lloyds Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 FEB February 10, 2006 Dear Mr. Ferrell , I have iru;pected your bluff site and reviewed the proposed plill\s for stabilization and have the following comments and concerns. First the proposal calls for the installation of terraces after sand fill is dumped onto the eroded portion of the bluff in an attempNo replace the. soil material that was lost. Not only is this an expemive proposition I am concerned that thelterraces wl1l fail over time. The 2 x 12 planks eventually will rot causing similar instability and' sloughing of the bluff face. Fill material will provide more land mass over the short tem1 however, it is very unstable since there is no bond to the existing slope even after it is revegetated. The property to the east is also experiencing the same erosion problems and unle~:s this area is stabilized it puts any work that you do in jeopardy offailure. I would recommend taking a more conservative approach. Regrade the eroded portion of the slope to create a 1: 1 slope or angle that can be planted. This will require you to cut the top edge of the bluff back 5 to 7 feet. Once a suitable slope is created vegetate the slope following the guidelines in the enclosed technical note entitled: Stabilization of Eroding Bluffs. Diversity of the planting is the key to success. I would highly recommend that you hydro seed as described in item 3B of the technical note as well as planting ':he Beachgrass. Sincerely, (]~)J~ Allan S. Connell District Conservationist 1hc 'U. s. D'1l3ltment of Agrirul~ (USDA) prohibit'll dismmination in aU itB proc;t:llI1S and activitielio Qn:l:bc ba!lls ofrn.oe, cofor, lJ::rt:ion:1l origi..o, It.gC. dis.nbility, .'1m: where applicablej :sex,. D:1lI..ritrtl l;t.W,.'t, pareJIb1 ebdl.i!l, religion, sexu.a.t Qrienbtioil,. genclie informAtion. ,polltical belief:;, ~3at,. or btcmae llIl ()f" p-""t of all indi viduarll income is. derived from any pnblie ~ee: program. (Not all prohibited bases ~ply to ail ~:!:.) Pet'30D!I wi1b: disabilities whQ r!;q1LlN /lltern;\tive mcan.o:for I::Otnmi1I1ie:u.ion ofprQgratn .infarm.:mon(Bnillle. ~ print, sudi"otap4;. -etc.) should contact USDA's TAR.G-ET~a1(2OZ) 720-2600 (vo"ce iU'\d IDD). To nle a oomplairtl of diserimin:s.tt1)f]., write to USDA, Dlrector. 0ftice of Civil Right~, 1400 Jtld'~ence Avenue. SW, WilSh.inl:-<tQ1l, :::c '20:1.:50.9410 (It Cl\ll (800) 795..3272 (voice) or (202) 720..Q3~2 (rOD). USD:A..ia M ~q1J.l'\l opponupity pn:rvidcrnoc1f)f1"JpJoya. -__~-L__ ~ ~ ------------- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~'-W~t;,~.J ~~1j;.. fj \~S; ~!Y\);9' "rX,C;'-- / Steve Levy Suffolk County Executive SOIL & WATER CONSERVATIO:~ DISTRICT PAX, (631) 727-3160 Thomas J. McMahon DISTRICT MANAGER (631) 727-2315 June 24, 2004 Town of Southold Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Jess Boger, RE: Inventory & Evaluation A site inventory and evaluation was completed on the privately owned property located at 130 Uoyd's Land, MattitLck, as per the Town of Southold's request. The property is located on Long Island Sound, the adjacent to the property on the east is a residential lot and on the west is an access path for community residents. The approximate 50' bluff and beach are owned and maintained by the Honeysuckle Property Owners Association. The natural vegetation on the bluff in front of the Ferrell property is in good condition with the exceptions of a small area where lawn debris has been discarded. Some species noted were; Rugosa rose, bayberry, wild cherry, beach grass, poison ivy, honeysuckle, bittersweet, and sweet pea. The community access path is currently direct straight down the slope and has large several large holes. It is recommended to change the direction path to create a serpentine affect, which will slow the runoff preventing erosion on the bluff. It is, also, recommended to fill in the holes on the steps along the path. In addition, it was noted that the bluff on the residential property to the east has existing erosion with several large gullies and collapsed access stairs. It is recommended to re-vegetate with native species and install a bernl along the top of the bluff to prevent the runoff from going directly down the Slope. Concerns Observation Suonestions Application for a The property appears to slope up slightly No suggestions are variance for the before the bluff. The bluff is in good recommended. The installation of installation of an above condition with no erosion problems. an above ground pool would not ground swimming pool Existing vegetation is profuse and have an adverse affect on the at a setback I)f less vigorous. bluff. than 100' from the bluff. Enclosed for the property owner's convenience are the following documents: The Green Lawn Care Card List of recommended native species for North Shore bluff plantings. If there is any further, assistance needed please contact my office. --------- F-" cu a I District Technician Cc: Kevin & Susan Ferrell Cooperative Extension Building 423 Griffing Avenue SECTION A-A: SCALE: 1"==4::1' TOP OF BLUFF \ EL-.=.79,O \ ~G ",0 ~<:) y~ {? ~<:) 00 q o EXISTING :-:-:\~ WOOD BULKHEAD \ EL=13.5 SHORELINE ~ EL=2.0 \ El=5.0J , , 7\, ~//' \if 'l',,~~~~ // ",Of::' ." ~~/~ \. / . / ,?-':00 ,,0 ::,,'o,,~ i K O. /. ryO " .,,0.. . V ' / ~6 . .. /~ ~. , e:<" _~e.s _ .,~Qk/" -<'''9t. " 0-",0 ~ ^y~~f~~~'" "'&0 n d-'+ ~'$,:::o~ '/ 'x"\ 00 '<. /- ,._+:v~:"/ ".... _." " /. <,0/'''-- ,_, "',- S2 . ,~'~~0' " / /' / Ii /3" i;j 1/1 / .,. ,0 I ' ,.-J} / / U' /o..i' j. 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Y.S.L.S. #50234 FOX LAND SURVEYING 64 SUNSET AVENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 (631) 288-0022 C, (J 0 ,~ u l~c:~~~~c-J-- .,~ .~ SCALE: 1" = 40' ,oe O...J..O \,...V I He; ,C" TED HER E Coo" ~ 'VI-H)~' THe: Sl,i<v'Ct nw Tl1LF COI,1PA"JY INSTlrur',c,N L"C;TEO '" It-I\- L'-H'.-"Nc.; """ IUI,,,,,; CcY"'ICAI\U~lo; NO] TRAN',,;,-ER.Al3L[ ;u AC!:J,Tl0Nf_L INST'T-J':',ON"i OR '~, 'R':,[QU[N~ OWN[RS NOTES: 1. AREA = 46,164 S.F. 2. . = MONUMENT FOUND 3. SUBDiViSION MAP "HONEYSUCKLE HILLS" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON OCT. 16, 1981 AS FILE NO. 7019. 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V. DATUM (MSL 1929). uNf-.UFIURliLLJ ALlo.I<ATiUN Oh' f,DDli:CII-j TC 1111<', SliP'lL, L', " V'''~I Al "" (lCSt-CTll)N r"U '" TI-H' NH'" YORK STAll- 1.'JUCArle,r, ~jAP Nor BEI>.RII-Jr; 1h'- Ef..'80SSf:D SEAL ""ALL " V.~I.ILJ TRU[ CUI') OWG: 2004-594 - ----- -------- ----- ----- SECTION A-A: SCALE: 1~;40' lOP OF BLUFF" EL= 79.0 LINE OF EXISTING \ GRADE \ EXISTING -~ WOOD BULKHEAD \ EL=13.5 SHORELINE, I El..2.0 \ EL=5.0 / / a,,:> ~<..:''r-~", ~~" f' ~, ,,-I.. ~<(". 0'" 0~. s.<.;'(-.O,y '1-~<V~~<o~) ~'?' C:>-:,.co <<. ll-,,'<- c;, O'/' <91.1' ~ o Sb Qo ::0 ~ <9-:%. 0 '0 '" o /c. 'f!. 0___,.", (0 <9->: c::-. :J.- ~ <9 -r c; ~ eo-:%. '0 o ~~ /"// -.;,,\-"'" "",</ 0 C+-'>- "'.....0 ",' -.._ -.i-~_- .~ .j<''? .'--dJ. D~" '",t.<'< '-J'i ,'v . --------0'" "'=-=-~--=,,-=--~~= c; n/.'Bt:,,< \VALL O'v"'S~ G {J a '" <b' " ~ ~ eo '.0 o '? 'Y", \ 'Y'", '\:0 , , "'" , , "'" <i3' . v.'<.-'(-\"" ?,'^' ".,QG'i-rJ ,s 0--<0 \,...\,..: ~~ \,...J>-: LINE OF~ BRICK PATIO \. EL=85.0 U'Q ~ ~~~ 1--~ ~ (<'~