HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-09/09/1971 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert ',,~'. Gillispi¢, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grisonis, Jr. Ser~¢ Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Southold Town Board of Appeals -~OUTI--IOLD, L. Ii, N.Y. 11.9"71 Telephone 765-2(~50 A regular meeting of the Seuthotd Tows Bo~rd o£ ApDeals was held at ?:~O P.E., T~sday~ ~ptember ~, 1971, at ~he Te~ 9ffice~ Main Mead, S~th~ld, New Ye~k. ~e~e were p~eaent: Messes: Eebe~ ~.-Gillispte, J~., Ghai~; Ae~e~t Be~gea; F~e~ Hmlse, J~.; G~les G~igeAis~ J~. Also ~ese~t: H~war~ Te~y, Buil~i~ ~$~ecte~. t~OB.T~IO NEAR~N~:--"Appeal Ne. 1~%7 --'7:30P.M. (E.S.T.-), upon app!ieatiem ef Oharles T. amd Jmne L. McDonough, 1776 Pembroke Road, Birmimgham, Miehigam, for a variance in a~eerdance with the Zoning ~di~mee, ~tiele I~, Section 303 and~ticl~ X, Section 1000A, for ~e~ssien ~e~set off tot with less Sha~ 100 f~. ~oad frontage and imsuffielent-~ea. ~ecatiem ef property: west side ef Baymhere Road, let me. ~% am~ sem~her-!y en&-ha~ ef let mo. 9~ em Amem~e~ Nap "A" ef Pecemic Bay Estates, ~p Ne. ll2~, ~eemDert, New York. The ChairmaA opened the hearimg ~y readi~ the applioation for a variance, legal' Aeries of heari~, affidavit attestimg to its pmblieatien i~ the efflcial newspapers, an~ metiee to the applicant. TEE GN~_T~O~A~: Is t~e a~y~me ~rese~$ w~e wishes ~e spe~ fe~ ~Ais apptiea~ien? i~R. ~E~RGEWETN~E: The Bmildi~ Inspector has ~e~ied permiSsiom. The whole ~evelepment was %0 feet lets. The applicants ~emght the ~roperty in 1~58. S~thold Tow~ Board ~_~ Appeals St _ ~ember9, 1971 Tm ~HAIRNAN: The applieatiom is aceempanied by a list of hemses, em Bay More Road, all em undersized lets. ~. WETM~E:'-~ They were all 50 foot lots to start with. are now 40 footers. TEE G~: The aDplieation is also accompanied by corres- pondenee. - The chairma~ read-the fellowimg letter dated April 15, 1768, from ~. Oh~ies N~Denem~: ~I am ~he presen~ i~yem~ te~ship ef property i~ ~he Pecemiz Bay Estates, ame~ed ~p A l12~,~a~ ef lot 95 amd hag of let ?~. Nomld yea be se kind as ~ite me at y~mr e~liest eemvenienee~ am~ advise me ef any restrictions p~=e~ em t~t ~$a as I am censi~eri~ bmildimg a eno family dwellimg, ~ ~ee~ is-da~e~ Febrm~y, with restrictions at $~t T~ G~~: T~re is al~e a letter from the Bmildi~ s~e~te~ te~. ~. ~les NcDem~gh dated April 19~ 1965: "In ~eply ~e year letter ef April 1~ re. ~e~ No.~ 95 a~ ~a~ ~f~le$~.Ne. a~ Bay ~e~e Rea~, amen~ed~ Map *f Pe~enie Bay Estates, i~~ appears '~e be 75 fee~ by 125 feet am~, as yea indicate, ~e~ is date~ ~ebrma~y 19~6. ~ ~e~ fim~ a copy ef ~he Deed im e~ re~er~s, tn what ~a~e ~id yom sig~ a cemtract te pmrchase this "T~ Eemi~ ~dimamee beene effective en-A~rll 23, 19%7, this ~e~mi~ed 199 ft. fren~ am~ ~5 f~. depth for a ~mf~m let, am~ se~ mini~m si~ey~ds, e?m. ~ ~he~ fae~s I ~ve at ha~, appears ~t yea have a~ mm~ersize let which does net mee~ the re~mirememts-ef the ~i~mce. ~n~Iy fe~wa~d all ef the i~e~- tie~ yea ~ve em the p~ehase el. this land se ~ha~ I ~y check eat thereuEhiy. I will advise yom after this if the les is useable l~E. GEORGE ~ETM~E: I have a oepy of the Deed here. (Mr. Metmere presented a copy ef ~he Deed te She Ohair~). T~ O~~: ~t 'a~e the circm~tanees im oo~o~fen wi~h this application?. ~ E. ETNa: ~ ~Denom~ was a te~tcian im a hospital, he~ a bet~e~ job and wen~ out te ~ichigam. T~y new wa~t ~e sell the let. TNE GN~IENAN: How ol~ are the houses en ~he adjoining pr oper~ies?~. ~.~TNtRE: tome are 355o 38 years Old. Eomses have beem built sin~e he bo~ht this one. Re has a lot and~ a hal~ there. T~ ~~: He ~t this from George W. So,eerier. How ~ch ef ~he.~preperty~ was mmseld Eouthold Town Beard of Appeals -3- September 9, 1971 TNE OEAIRNAN: sized in 19~87 T~E O~T~NAN: Ab~at six er seven loss. I am trying to get aS why Shis was sold under- Zoning jusS went in at that time. At thaS time a lot of people Sransferred preperty'to.their wives, and tried te pull all sorts of tricks, so they could keep the lots small. 2~R. ~T~.~E: It seems to me that Nr. Schroeder pmS some in his semis mame, some are Theoderels a~d some are his. I~R.~ETNORE: This iS 5G foot zoning all SD~voaghhere, and 75 fee~ we~l~mplif$ ~ ze~i~. T~ C~: Back then ~e were 20 feete~s ~d ~0 f~ote~s. ~em me~i~ wen~ in, loss at is ~he eirem~anees ef ~. Se~de~ retaini~ 7% fee~ lots. ~. ~: It was way back-i~ i~ Nichigam ~ow bu~.bo~ht with t~ idea ef bmi~i~ on it and ~ he went wes~ and ~he lot laythere. He ~ote ~ saying he weml~ like ~o sell i$. ~e ~ve ~mi~e a few ha~- 7% foot, amd a let of 50 foo~ loss. I cam give you the ma~s on se~of them. I would say at least one ha~ ~e bmil~ on ~0 foot le~s. T~ ~~N:- We'cam~t corse'ct errors of the past. It is pessi~-le t~t the ~n who ~ed all She l~d sheml~ met have ~. ~: ~. ~c~ede~ e~ed Shat strip. T~ O~~: P~t ef ~he ~di~nce sSates tha~ you can ~ot divide prepe~ty~tn such a wmy that She pioce ye~ leave is less th~ ~he miriam ~e~irememt. I ~hi~ ~. ~De~e~gh ts the innocent victim. ~. ~~: A let ef ~eeple built en 5~ feeS, an~ a let ef peeple~bail~ e~ 75 feet. T~ ~~: If yea e~ed a let prier te ~he passi~ ~he ~di~mce, ye~ could ~se it. She ~dinance. The Deed was dated 1958. It was eight months a~ter She enactment of' Semthel~ Town Board ef Appeals - 4- September9, 1971 ~R. ~E~d~IE: Framk N~Nmhon was ~heir lawyer and he advised ~hem that-_they could bmild. I am store they would mo~ have bemght the let if they could not build. TNE CNA'~: Im there anyeme presemt who wishes to speak against this-application? ~R. JOSEPH ~I~: I ew~ the land amd a house immediately adjacemt te the southerly.side of applicant's property. ~e- existimg cenditle~s ef let sizes ge back ~my yea~s. Tha~ see~ te ~ to ~ve ne be~img em ~hts application. ~t has happe~e~ here ts that less than a legal ~esi~ue ef ~nd was sel~ contrary te the ~i~mee. ~. ~Demeugh~s quarrel rests wi~h ~. ~c~eede~. Ne ~e net ~ve te ~eemtinue te perpetuate an e~er. ~en the e~igimal fili~s were ~e they certainly were met ~ i~ cemsi~eratiem ef ~he way ~himgs are today. We 'have sewerage problems. This is ~et an mDzeming. This is ~a de, zoning because it is waivi~ the re~l~e~t ef t~ fe~t ~rentage ~e 75 Feet frontage. The houses which are across the s~reet are rather substantial. 'I~R. ~ET~I~E: I sold these lots im 1~26 a~ all were 5~ feet lets. They are recorded in the ~mffelk ge~nty ~lerk~s office as ~ feet. T~re are more Houses en %0 feet an~ 75 feet lets than anything else. N~. Reimer happens te have omc ef the few places with two or t~ee lets. If he gees dow~ the line he will that every ether one will.be mnder 7~ feet. The area is primarily %G feet lets, if yea fellow it all the way down. THE CEAIRNAN: irate effect. It was ~eveleped ~efere ~he ~dinance went ~R. R~TN~: If something is net ~ene, me erie ca~ use it. N~ybe Nr. Reimer cam pick it ~R. REIMER: I have jmst called the Nest Greempert ~ater Dimtrict,' amd it has bee~ created. That d~esn~t ~ear mpom sewerage. That wemld eemtimme te be a problem. The sewerage ·rains t~ward the water. The let sizes which are immediately a~jaeent te this piece ef property have ne bearing em this hearing. ~. ~ETM~RE: tome people bay two lets instead ef omc. There is eno house across the street that has 36 feet ef shore front. It is pie shaped. What is the size en the read,* it is less than 10G feet. Seutheld Town Beard eft Appeals - ~ - September 9, 1971 '~R. 1gETablE: Two er ~ee families ~d me~ey ~ ~eu~h~ ~w~ le~s, The he, se ~. Refer bou~$ was en ~ee ~ a ~ bu~ ~he reS~ ef ~ people buil~ e~ small le~s. There are pre~emimam~ly 5~ am~ 75 fees le~m all ~e~h ~he area. T~ C~AN: The Gems~it~ie~ of She U. ~' ~ecrees ~ you can sell ~n~ ~ anybody ~mt the ques~ten whether you c~ use er-~et ~m' ~ete~i~e~ ~y l~cal e~i~a~ce se i~ ts umlike~ im ce~$. E~ver, im ~me respee~ ~e ~, Rei~r, I will ~iscmss Shis with our T~ Attorney who weald ha~e te ~effemd this, ~peale~. ~. ~~: This proper~y is em high la~d. This is met peer lamd~ There is gee~ sewerage Om motlen by Nr. Gillispie, seconded by N~. Bergen, it was EES(~LVED that ~he Se~thold Te~ B~d ef Appeals reserve deeisie~ m~til She mext ~e$iag ef the Bear~ i$ held e~ ~p~ember 3~, 1971. Ve~e ef ~he Be~: ~es:- ~ssrs: Gillispie, Bergem, ~lse, G~ ige~is. applica~ien ,el BayvieW' DeVelopment ~orp. -d/b/sf Vic~eria. Notel & Cottages, Bayview Road, .~o~old, New York, ~e~ a special exceptiem i~ accordamce wi~h the ZO~i~ ~di~nce, ~icle III, ~ctio~ 300, ~ubsectie~ 10, for ~erm!ssio~ te erect oversize (4.f~. x I0 f~.) third eff-p~miseS dtrec~iemal sigm. Locat~ie~ eft p~eperty: 1~ ef Am~eme ~ezenski, semth side'ef ~i~ Read, Sea~hel~, New York, bemmded north bY ~im Read, east by ~er &~, south Dy Lilliam E~ell, west ~y ~. NeheJl. Fee. paid $~.GG. The O~ir~m epeme~ the he~img by readi~ the a~plicatiom for a special exceptiom, legal notice ef he~i~, afffi~avit attesti~ to its pmblica~ie~ im the official mewspape~s, ~d motiee te the a~pli~amt. T~ G~~: Is there ~yeme ~resem$ who wishes te spe~ fe~ t~s applicatiem? ~. ~RT ~ fm~e~uced hi~elff as Vice ~esi~ent a~ Nanager ef Ba~iew Develepmemt ~. RIG~ ~, ~esidemt ef Ba~iew Development Corp.: ~mr erigimal sign was there. The Gemeral Wa~e sign was ad,ed this year. Seathold Town Bea~ ef Appeals - 6 - September9, 1971 T~ OEAIRI/AN: The measv~ements of the new sign are 4 ft. x l0 t/R. TERRY: Victoria ~otel had a permit for a sign ~here. NE. CAP-~AN: EsSentially, em~ pPeblem ts that we were net aware ef She._~i~m~e, m~e~mnately, mn~ we were par~ly misled because ef one of ~ signs for which we ~ve a ~e~it, se we had no idea size restrietiom was a signiffcan$ factor. We have had ~reblems ~ecamse we are se far off t~ main road. Efa~erically, Vic2eria~$ been hamperedbecamse of its leeati~n~se we thought we had to let people ~ew we are ~here. Just saying it is a nice place te ge wasn~ e~ough se we hired a p~inter to paint a picture ef what it loe~ like. We though~ he ~ew a~ou~ signs. He designed t~ sig~, painted it, and ~m~ it mp a~d, fr~m ~ point cf view, it is esthe~ically ~e ~f the nicest signs areumd. ~ ~ealize you ~nt te elimi~e visual pollution. There was ~ additie~l problem. General Wa~e was grated permission $0 place their si~ adjacent t~ emus. This ~ght dis~m~ing ~o people who ~d difficdl~y findi~ our sign before. It is a ve~ attrac2fve e~amge ~d white si~. Ne~el$ we had to do semethlng. ~e. feel that the size is l~ ge~d taste ~d t~t the locale is net detri~n~al to amybedy~s visual experience. The ~n who breu~t it 2e ye~ at~en$ien cemplaimed unjustiffia~olY as i~s not on his property and i$.~s ce~letely screemed from him. ~We feel we in~e~d to be gee~c~rPorate members of ~he cc~ni~y. We want te expand and lmvelve ~urselves in this region. Ne feel we want people ~o come te us. Se, this is ratiomale~te seek a variance. ~ O~~: i ~hi~you have expresse~ yeurse~ very well. Ne ~ve ~ried to eliminate, as ~ch as possible, vlsmal pollution. Yen ~ve all seen some of the ce~rcial areas other p~ts ef the island. Visual pel~tien wa~ recognized way back by the ~deral goverumem$. People de~ wamt signs As far as ~his TeE is eeaeerned, the erigimal ~rdimance specified "erie sigm om his ~uildimg for his place ~f business" bmr after ~eh so~l sea~chi~ ~d study, and im view ef the Te~s policy te e~ceurage tourist trade, which is the life- bleed ef the Te~, it was reee~ized t~t we would ~ve to have so~ elF-premises signs.., for. a place ~o eat, a place ef a~se~nt, and a place to sleep for the ~raveler. Then the problem ef size e~e up. ~o~ of She e~lier were ~ermftted to be large~ t~n is allowed new. Final~, we decided ~e bring the size do~ ~o ~ ft. x 6 ft. (~ sq. ft.), large enemgh te direct people to their destinations. This has Town Board of Appeals -7- Zeptemberg, 1971 all been foug~at out. It has gone to the ~upreme Gemrt, Appellate Division, so that is'What you are up against here. We mndersta~d that yom df~ net know we had a limit on the size of directional signs. In ether wo~ds, you are permitted to have a [~ ft. x 6 ft. sign directing people te your place of business. There are other businesses that resent the fact that restamrants and motels get this privilege. Yom are permitted 2~ sq. ft. and it has to be a certain distance f~em the ~oad. I am sorry you did not see the Building Inspector before yom had the sfg~ painted. I~ is very hard te get people te cooperate en signs. '6e have tried to get people te eombine a half dozen signs en one billboa~d but everyone is an individual and believes he can create a sign that would be mot® attractive. The sign will have to be 4 f~. x 6 ft. I am merry we wfllhave t:o deny your application. However, I would like to compliment you on your presentation. t~R. ~A~IAN: Your decision would not be swayed if we were to ~eltnguish one of ou~ signs? THE GHAIRNAN: No~ ~t would not. It, s taken fourteen to ~ixteen yea~s to ge~ where we are. We have a minimum of visual pollu$iom. That's why people come o~t here. After investigation a~l inspectlcn the Board finds that a~plfcant requests permission to erect eve~ize (4 ft. x l0 ft.) ~hird off-premises directional Sign en proper~y~lecated south _ side of ~ain goad, $outhold, New York. The findings of the Board are that inasmuch as there is a limit on the size of directional signs, no larger than 2~. sq. ft., the Board must deny the applicatlen. The Beard ffn~s ~hat the public convenience a~d welfare a~d justice wtllnot be serve~ and the legally established or permitted use ef neighborhood property and a~jcinfng use districts will be permanently er substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will not be obserTed. On motfonl~y~. Gillispie, seconded by Nr. Bergen, it was EE~OLVED, Bayview'Development Corp, d/b/a Victoria~Mot~l & Oot~ages,_Bayview Road,.~outhold, New York, be DENIED permission to erect oversize (4 ft. x 15 ft.) third off-p~emises directional sign for the reasons state~. Applicant is permitted te continue use ef ~ ft. x 6 ft. sign at ssme location. Vote ef the Board: Ayes:- ~essrs: Gitlispie, Bergen, Hulse, Grigenis. Seutheld Town Bea~ of Appeals 8 - September 9, ANN~A~ ESTINATE S~BEITTED BY For fiscal year beginning Ja~a~Y 1~ 1772: ~eeretarial Assistamce at pmblic hea~ings ...................... Li~y a~fl S~scr~tie~ ~o Zoning Bulletin.................... 1~0.00 A~vertisi~ e2'~gal Notices,.......................... ...... .. Telephone, ............... ...................... .... ...... ...... Travel expense, d~vi~e~ as ~ellews: 1. Estlma~ed e~pemse fe~ ~ee.members ef $~ Bo~ te a~em~ Asseeiatiem ef Tewms ~etimg im New Ye~k in Feb~u~y; .......... ..... ...... ............... ... .00 2. Esti~te~ expense ef ~. Deyem, Beard frem~ishe~s Isia~ fe~ at,enhance a~ Bo~d ~eti~s im~ Semibold........... .................... 5~. $~ 3. Esti~te~ Sravel ~pense ef the Be~d Fishers Islam~ ...... ............................... T~ ~ ~N~ 1,125.~0 Re~ne~atiem ef ~ Be~ ef APpeals: sa~ as 1971 salary; P~S raises as ~eed upon by ~he G~; ~ ~I~ ~ OF $2~.~0 as a fmrther diffe~en$1al ~e ~he, C~ir~n ? T~TAL EZ~TED EXPENSE ef the Boa~d ef Appeal~ T~TAL ESTINATED ING(~E from appeal appliea~io~ DATED: September 10, l?71 ? oo. oo On metlenby Nr. Bergem, seconded by Mr. Gi!lfspie, it was RE~gLVED that Badger for the fiscal year begimuimg Jamaary l, 1772, be adopted and smbmitted to the Tew~ Beard for approval. Veto ef the Board: Grigenis. Ayes:- ~essrs: Gillispie, Bergem, Eulse, On motiemby Nr. Grigemis, seconded by ~. N~lse, it was ~VE~ that the mi~mtes ef Amgmst l~, 1971, be approved as smbmi~te~.-s~bjeet ~o mimer cerree~ion. Vote e~ ~he Boar~: Ayes:- ~essrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hmlse, Grigenis. Eeutheld Town Beard ef Appeals - 9 - September 9, 1971 Sn metle~ by Nr._ Hu!se, sec?nded by ~..~rigenis, it was RE~OLVE~ 'tha$ t~e ~ex~ ~egmlar meeti~ ef the ~$h~l~ T~ 3~, 1~71, at the Tew~ ~ffiee, ~in.Rea~, Sea,held, New york. Ve~e ef She Beard~ Ayes:' ~ssrs: Giltis~ie, Bergem, ~lse, Grigenis. 0~ motion By Nr. Bergen, seconded ~y~Nr. N~lse, ~i~ was . 1~~ t~a~ Nattit~k Gan Glm~, P. e.~Bex 12e6, ~i~m~k, L. I., N. Y'~ ~e ~D ~rmis~em Se '~isptay pesters 26 adver~isimg i~m ~al Tm~key Sheet ~m ~p~e~er 26~h, with ~he stipmla~iem ~ pesters ~e ~akem de~ i~ediately afte~ the 26th ef ~ptember, l~71. Ve~e ef ~he Be~: Ayes:- Neszrs: GiHispie, Bergen, Hulse, Origomis. Om motion by ~. Grigenis,~_secended by ~Ir.~ Bergen,_ it was RESOL~hat Nat~uek Velmn~eer F~re~ s Association, Im~, P,~.O. Box~ I19'6' ~ituck~ N, Y,~,~e ~~ permission to ~isPlay peS~erS for ~heir A~al Peach Fes$iVal, wit~ s~ipmla~ien ~ha~ pos~erm be ~emove~ as seen as p~ssi~le ~ter the fe s~ival. VeSe ef ~he Be~: Ayes:- ~ssrs: Gillispie, BesEem, ~e, Grige~is On m.o~ion '~y ~. _,Ox~go~is.~ seconded ~y ~. Eerier, ~t was ~~ ~t~ ~he ~o~I~-To~Boa~ o~ ~peats se~ 7:30 p.~. (E'S.T.)~'~T~s~y' ~temb~r '3~, I~71,~at the Te~ 0~flce, ~im ROa~, $~t~el~, New Yo~k, as ~he ~imo ~ ~la~e~ of ~i~ upon appli~atie~ ef AliCe N. Bmr~e~, O~io~, New Ye~k, for a v~iamoe im a~eer~me wi~h She Z6~i~ 0r~imance, ~cte Iii, ~e~iom 303, a~i~le X, Bead!om lO00A, ~ivi~e prePer~y a~ create less wish less ~d~e let with less $~ 12'%00 s~. f~ ef ~ea. Leoati0m of preper~y: mer~h side of private rza~ off wes~ si~e~ ef Village ~e, EepSem~zer 9, 1971 Orient, New York, boanded east by Spe~ce~ Te~, D. Do~ & ~s, semSh ~y ~ient ~e~, west by A. Vote of the Board: Grigenis. Ayes:- Nessrs: Gilltspie, Bergem, Hulse, RESOLVED that th~~ ~emthe.ld'T.eWmBoa~d ef Appeals set 7:45 P.~. Hea~,.~outhoI~, New Yo~k; as ~he ~i~ ~ ~lace~ h~i~ apptieatie~ ~fPaUl Ea~rY ~r~ewski, Grove Hoa~, $ou~el~, New missi~m Se-~iv'l~e prePerSy am~set elf les wi~h less '~ha~ Greek D~ive a~ G~eve Road,~eu~hel~, New Ye~k, & J. ~. Eave~s, seaSh ~y F. $fmoms, & A.~*~r~emr~m~h, west Grove Road. ~ Veto sf the Beard: Grigemis. Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergem, Hmtse, O~ motlonby ~._Bergem, sesomde~by ~. Grigemis, it was REEO~VED that the EomthOld~ Tewm'BOar~ ef Appeals set 8:00 P.N. (E-S.T.), T~rs~ay, ~ptember~ 3~, 1971,~ aS the Tewm 0~iee, Nafm Rea~, S~mthol~, New Y~k, as the time an~ pla~e~ of m~e~ applf~atiem of ~. Ja~s P. TiermeY~ 35 ~prmee ~en gi~y, New York~ fe~ approval ef accesseve~ private ri~t-ef-w~ in accordance wish ~he state ef NeW YOrk Te~ Law, ~e~tien 25~A. Leea~ie~ ef ~roperty:Prlvateri~-ef-w~ east en~ of~No~th Parish Drive, SoUt~l~, N~Yerk, ~oun~e'd-no~h ~ pecomie Bay, east byH, & F; Reese, semth by E~ry Gmnliffe, wes~ by E. ~a~e & Neath P~ish Drive. . Veto of the Bo~d: Ayes:- ~ssrs: Gillizpie, Bergen, ~lse, ~igemis. On m~tie~by ~. .... Gillispie,. .... secemded bye. ~lse, it .was ~OL~ ~t ~he $om~hel~~ TO~Boar~ ef ApPeals set ~:3~ P.N' (E~S.T.~, ~rsday, sepSemb~r 30, 1971,~'a$ t~e To~ Offie~, Mai~ Road,.$ou~hold, New York, as the ~ime an~ plaee~of he~i~ m~em ap~lication of Philip ~rri~er, Deep Eels Drive, ~attitm~k, New York, for a vari~ce im a~eordance with She.~Zomimg~Or~ina~ce, Seatheld Tewn Beard cf Appeals - 11 - September 9, 1971 Article Il'I, ~ection 300, Bubseet~em 6, a~dA~ticle iii, Sectiem 309, £or-~ermissiem te cemstract accessory building (garage) in front yard area. Location of property: south~side e£~eep Eele D~ive, ~attituck, New York, beanded north by Deep Hole Drive, east by J. Bas.v, seathby Deep Hole Creek, west By Thcs. GIF~efe. Veto e£ the Board: Grigenis. Ayes:- Nessrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Nmlse, O~ motion'by N r. Grigenis, seconded by Nr. Nmlse, it was ~.E~O~VED that ~he Soathold Town Board e~ Appeals set P.~. (E.S.T.) Thursday, ~ep~ember 30, 1971, at~ the Town Office, l~aln Road, teathol~, New York, as the time an~ place of hearing apem applicatlem of Theodore Ch~istiansen, 9Dudley Avenue, Staten Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Eenimg ~dinanco, Articlo III, Section 303, and A~ticle X, ~ectien 1000A, fer~permissien to ~ivide preperty~and create lots with less tha~ I0O ft. frontage. ~ocatien of west si$~e o£~eep Role E,~ive, Nattitmck, New York, bo~n~ed north by Yolamda R'e~bins, east by Deep Hole Drive, seathby Nathaias Brewi, west by Deep Eele Creek. Vote of the Boar~: Ayes:- Messrs: Gilltsple, Bergen, Ifmlse, Grigemis. · n motion by F~. ~alse, seconded by Mr. Grigenis, it was ~VED that the Seatheld"Tewn Board ef Appeals set 9:00 P~N. (E.E.T.),'T~rsday, September 30, 1971, aS aden appliea$i.~ ef Daniel Gra~ta~, ~n~ymi~ Rea~, ~mthel~, New York, f~r a variance-im aooerd~ce wi~h ~he ~mimg 0~i~a~oe, ~tlcle III, tee$fen 3~3, ~d~ticleX, pe~mfssiem.te ~ivide property a~ set off le~ wish less than 12,%0~ sq. ~. ef arez ~d~ss ~ham 1G0 ft. f~emtage em Te~ Read. ~ecatien ef ~eperty: north si~e ef Smnmyside Rea~, teUtheld, Now York, ~eum~ed.~erthby ether ~ of the a~licant, east by ether land ef ~he applicant, se~thby~m~si~e Read, Vote ef the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Eulse, Grlgo~fs. ~outheld Town Beard Of Appeals - 12 - ~eptember 9, 1971 On motion by N~. Gillispie, seconded bye. Bergen, it was Resolved fha% the ~ea%h~l~TewnBe~rd of Appeals set 9:15 P.~. (E.~.T,), T~s~ay, ~ptemb~r 3~ 1971, at ~he Te~ ~ffi~e, ~in Rea~, ~euthel~, New'Ye~k, as the ~ime am~ place ef he~i~ upe~ appliez~ie~ ef A~thanasies Head, East ~riem, New Teak fe~ a ~a~ia~ce im acne,dance wi~h the ~en~ng ~ina~oe, ArtieIe III, Se~t'~en 3~7, an~tiule IIi A, ~ectiens 357 & 3~8, for pe~missiem te~imtaim mctel mnits an~_ bmildi~s wish insufficient sideyards. semth side ~f ~in Read, East' M~ien, New York, bemnde~ north by ~im Road, east by A. G. D~le am~ ether lam~s~ef the appli~ant, sen~hbyG. ~no~ & Others, west by R. ~te~sen an~ Others. Vote ef the Boar~: Ayes:- Grigenis. tn motiem by N~. Bergen, seconded by N~. Gillispie, it was RE~OLVED that the ~eutheld TewnBoa~d ef Appeals set P.N. (E.~.T.), T~sday, Septe~e~ 3G, 1971, at the Towm Office, ~im Rea~, ~euthel~, New Ye~k, as ~he time am~ place ef hearimg apom applicatiem of Ba~view Develop~mt Corp. ~/~/~ Vic~o~ial ~otel ~d Cottages,~ Ba~view Read, $ou~hold, New York, for a special exception im aooo~oeI wish t~ ~tiole III A, Beetien 3~0, ~bsectie~ 5, e~amd exis$img ~ima. ~ooa~om of proper~y: se~$h side of Ba~iew Read, Bomthold, New Ye~k, bounded nerth by Ba~vlew Road, east ~ James Bitses, somth by Oerey Greek, west by A. & F. Koke. Ve~e of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, ~lse, Grigomis. On motion byNr. Grigonis, seconded by N~. Bergen, it was RE~OLVED that ~he Southeld Tow~']~ea~ of Appeals set 9:45 P.~. (E.S,T.), T~s~ay, September 3~, 1971, at ~he Tewm Office, N~in Roa~,iSomthold, New york, as the time and place~ of hea~ing upem-appiteatiom of Ber$~a Davis, Basin Road, ~omtheld, New York, for a variamee in accordance with She Eoning Ordinance, Article III, ~ectien 300, ~ubsec$iom 6, and Artiele-III, Section 309, fer.permissiem to locate accessory building (garage) in -front yard area. Location o~ property: north si~e of Basin Read, westerly 1/2 e£ lot no~ 2 and all of lot no. 3 om subdivision map of "Paradise Point", Sec. I, N~D 3761. Vote of the Beard: Grigenis. Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Emlse, Eouthold Town Beard of Appeals - 13 - ~eDtem~er 9, 19?l On mo~ie~ by '~.~lse, seoonded by K~. Bergen,. it was. RI~aOLVED ~ha~ ~'he ~om~hol~ To~_~Boa~ of~ Ap~als se~ 10:O0 P.N. (~.B-T.~, T~m~aY, ~pte~r 30, 1971~a~ She Te~ Off!ce, Nain Roa~,. SomShol~, New yo~k, as ~e time amd P~ce. of he~fng mPe~ applica~iom ef Arth~ E, & RaSh Wingate, peeomi~ Bay Blvd., ~el, New Yo~k, for a variance in acceptance wi~h the Eomimg Or~i~m~e, ~iele Iii,~ Sec$1em 3~, ~mbsee~iom I, ~ti~le ~I, permission $o co~ver~ ae~esse~ ~mi~di~g i~te ~welli~ wish ins~ffielemt iivi~ area,% Leeatiom of property: somth si~e of Pe~O~ic Bay Blvd,, ~rel, NeW York, ~n~ed north ~y Peeo~ic Bay Blvd., east by N. F. 0slot, Jr., south by Polemic Bay, ~ VeSe ef She Bear~: Ayes:- ~ssrs: Gillispie, Bergem, ~lse, Grigemis. The Eeetimg ROVED Respectfully submitted, ~arjo~i~ McDermott, Seoretary Semibold Town Board of Appeals