HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Harbor Terrace I . TOWN HARBOR TERRACE JUDITH T. TERRY Tmlfr\: CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST,\TfSTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .;z~ April ~ 1985 Mr. Joseph P. Hoey 1505 Kellum Place Mineola, New York 11501 Dear Mr. Hoey: Returned herewith is your passbook which has been held as a performance bond in the amount of $16,000.00 for roads and improve- ments within. the subdivision of "Town Harbor Terrace," all in accord- ance with a resolution of the Southold Town Board, and recommendations of the Superintendent of Highways, Southold Town Planning Board and Planning Board Field Inspector Davis. Very truly yours, ~/~ ~cr- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure April "fi 1985 RECEIVED THIS DATE: Passbook 51223 - Mrs. Kathryn D. Hoeyor Genevieve T. Daly {k.orMe.~ () Josep . oe'y , ~_~___..u ___. .....____ . . -A.ccou NT NUMBER ~- :1 <).... '.' .- ...:w rwl.) I. ~C;;';'H HI's. Kil:thr~:' D. Hoey or Genevieve ~. Daly DATE WITHDRAWAL DEPOSIT INTEREST BALANCE TRANS. A "AIl1Z-64 *5.563.00 I IlAYlZ-64 *55.63 *5.618.63 !it =It 2 IlAY1z-64 1j.()Z1.oo *1591.63 A =II 3 IlOVZ5-6ll .t5.9Z **1.601.55 4 1IIVZ5~" INTEREST T SEP. 3 "' *t1.08 **1.6ZIt63 5 HllVZ5-61t .1.160.00 ***11611.63 6 DE 16-64 * 52.50 ** 12.13 A 7 JAN 11-65 *4.38 **416.51 =tl 8 JANl1-65 **25.00 ** 391.51 B =It 9 MAR11.65 *211.00 **180.51 =tl MAY28-65 INTEREST M"'R~ 311.... **1.92 .*.182.43 ~ - 10 z 11 H~(28 -65 .**8750 .***94.93 ~lD .. PLE SE NOTIFY U OF ANY .' 12 ~a-~ 13 .~.. !,.'.." -..., ~, [l) 14 aCT':' $ .6$ 15 Oel25 :6~ k* 1 00.00 16 , .,'\ -..... '.....1,. 17 .j,," .., 18 19 20 21 APR10-61 22 APR10-61 23 MAY19-61 HANGi: OF AD RESS rr.& ..i(l11 Iii .~ t; *100,00 '. ;?-'H:,';~ "-It ",1"- -I",. 1';_ 0- .*l.08**1~7;O2 ~=tI .**~9102 .. - , -1..03 ';>"ii4~~.'~ ~.. B' **J..OIl "'HJ~S;~ ~ B **1.11 ~ B **1.15 ~ B **1.21 ~ B **1.28 **103.90 ~ B **503.90 A B *11. I ~".f'; l:l *400.00 l:l 3.600.00 ALWAYS VERIFY ENTRY BEFORE LEAVING WINDOW SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OJ: VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 April30,1985 Mrs. Sandra Berry Southold Savings Bank Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sandy: This is to confirm that the Southold Town Board, by resolution dated April 9, 1985, authorized the release of Passbook 51223 in the name of Mrs. Kathryn D. Hoey or Genevieve T. Daly, which had been held as a performance bond for roads and improvements within the subdivision of "Town Harbor Terrace." This Passbook was released by my office on April 26,1985. Very truly yours, /.ftj-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk , '"<>I JUDITH T TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01' VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 11, 1985 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: This is to advise that the Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on April 9, 1985 adopted a resolution authorizing the release of the performance bond (passbook) in the amount of $1-6,000.00 for roads and improvements within the subdivision of IITown Harbor Terrace, II Southold, New York, as recommended by your Board, Superintendent of Highways Dean and Field Inspector John W. Davis. Very truly yours, ~r--- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Joseph P. Hoey Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801. . " Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 3, 1985 Mr. Joseph P. Hoey 1505 Kellum Place Minoela, NY 11501 Re: Town Harbor Terrace Dear Mr. Hoey: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, April 1, 1985. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the release of the performance bond for the road improvements within the subdivision of Town Harbor Terrace located at Southold as approved by Inspector John W. Davis and Highway Superintendent Ray Dean. Enclosed are copies of the reports for your review. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ Qr~) ~oL-tt.<I BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. SChultze, Secretary enc. cc: Town Clerk . ", ~. " 'uhlir Ilnrks ilIrpartmrut wnwn nf &nut4nl11 Jlrrnnir. N.I. 11958 FEB 2 j f''\t>r: "0:; RAYMOND C. DEAN COMMISSIONER TEL 765-<1140 734-5211 February 20, 1985 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Final inspection for release of the road bond Town Harbor Terrace - Major Subdivision at Southold Dear Mr. Orlowski: I have discussed the final inspection report no. 426 Town Harbor Terrace with Mr. John Davis. I concur with his findings and recommend the project work be accepted. Respe"cffUlly yours, / ." /..!__/o /_;.;~ D! ~ ~-.-.J~ Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways RCD/plm ~~,,\!'0 ~ , " ... )' .- - #v\~'7 FEB 21<~- J~t.t:J To: From: Raymond C. Dean John W. Davis Report No. 426 Date: February 18, 1985 Re: Final Inspection for release of the road bond. Town Harbor Terrace - Major Subdivision at Southold Comments: The following items of uncompleted work as sho\<!l in Report No. 332 dated October 27, 1983 have been completed. The items involved were as follows: I. Clearing and grubbing the recharge basin surface. 2. Pavem~pt repairs at outfall line to catch basin at recharge basin (Daly Lane - left side at entrance). 3. Trim or cut small trees and brush overhang at curbs. 4. Remove brush and heavy weed growth at curbs. I recommend that the project work be accepted. =<J-un:U John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. ~---.,~__" __ ~~7"_"'~~'iIIIF~"''''''''''-'''~''''"''-'. '....- ,~,....,=~>-".". ,j __~-"':'~'~~""""'~_~:-~1::'~::'-n;:">if__~-~;;:?f'iJt-;~ - \. July 12, 1976 South01d SaviDgs Bank South01d, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Town of South01d ~1ds pusbook on account #'1223, in the names of Kathryn D. Hoey or Genevieve T. Daly, as collateral for roads in a subdivision. I am forwardJJlg the passbook herewith tohaYe tM interest added to elate. The Pri=al 8JIlOWl.t of 116,000.00 18 not to be tou - bUt the interest thereon may be releued to the owners of the pasSbook. Please return the passbook to this office when the transactions are completed. Yours very truly Albert M. Martooch1a Supervisor Encl: H' _ ~~<<~."''''''/~'''' "- --."~-"- "' . ~ ~ ~.."'" ., ~ October 1S, 1968 SOIIthold Savin,s Ballll: Southo1d, New York GenU_en: This is to advi.e you tbat the Town of Southold is holding, .. . pled,. for cOIIpleUon of rosda, pea.book #512413, ianed bJ you ia the_ea of Mr.. tathrJl' D. Hoey 011' Gelled." T. Daly. Will you kindly ..rk your recorda accordin,ly7 Whea the book is re1...ed, I will noUfy you to that effect. Your. very tru1 y Lester M. Albertson Supervisor - ~ ;;01. 1lI'",.. 1.......~ , .. -~,,_. 1J,..._~-,_~ ." ,....,..- ~.' . ----.,..-~.-~."-.'"-,-.-"'F"-......,,..,.~.,- - " October 15, 1968 Thb .1.11 acltnowled,e receipt of puabook #5.1223, on the Southold Savinga Bank, in tbe _a of Mr.. Kathryn D. Hoe" or Genevieve T. Daly, with withdrawal dip in tbe uount of $16,000.00 execllted alld encloaed. Thia book is pledged to the Town of Soutbold for tbe coapletion of roada in lieu of bond. Lester M. Albertaon Supervlaor .' , '. - ". B SoutboiTd SAVINGS BANK MAIN OFFICE' 54375 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971,(516) 765-2800 July 14, 1976 Town of Southold Office of the Supervisor Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Sir: We are returning herewith Southold Savings Bank Passbook #51223 in the name of Kathryn D. Hoey or Genevieve T. Daly. We have made the withdrawal auth- orized by your office. very truly yours, a:-c, Ir~- Anthony J. Abate Assistant Vice President AJA/jw Enc. Other convenient offices located in Southampton, Port Jefferson Station, ~nd Bohemia. '. . . TOWN HARBOR TERRACE D Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. OEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765.1938 October 23, 1980 SU'Jervisor ,'lilliam R. Pell III To\-m Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The Planning Board reviewed bonds for subdivisions on which the time has expired according to 'I'o',vn Law to complete the improvements. The co;~sensus of the Board \-/as that these bonds should not be extended and the matter be referred to the ~O\vn Board for action. ,'lork has not commenced on the following: Blue Horizons, Section I - expires 11/1/80 Blue Horizons, Section II - expires 11/1/80 Greenbriar Acres ~ expired 5/18/80 Peconic Knolls - e:cpired 6/10/80 The following subdivisions are in various stages of completion: Greton Estates ~ expired 7/1/79 Lands End - expired 1/10/79 Sleepy Hollow Estates - expired 10/6/78 To\m Harbor Terrace - expired 10/15/71 Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIR1'lAN SOUTHOLD Tmm PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Tovm Councilmen " ... " ft JfJ1T ~\<;:cillr,' <4J'~. C u' I ....I.J\ /". lj,~ ) H":-"'~~, OJ~_If.E.O.,.,"",.R ...I'.T.... '.~.~.J...~"" '~".' q 1:~ERK ~ ;:; .... '"':-.r",,:~,',~~~;;'~.-. .~ _ w~w~g}\, S()yr g.L SVP~QLK!~liN.~.TVY ~,Wl ,;;1 {\.::;v..; '. -~ Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 v-fb JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 March 12, 1980 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Raynor: Your letter of March 3, 1980 transmitting a list of subdivisions for which the time has expired under Town Law to complete the improvements was discussed at the March 11, 1980 meeting of the Southold Town Board. This matter has been referred to Highway Superintendent Dean who was instructed to meet with you to discuss the status of the roads in each of the subdivisions. Very truly yours, jZu~~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk cc: Highway Superintendent Dean INSPECTION REPORT # TL/.-J ../'/. ..." ./ TO: Raymqnd C. Dean, Superintendent Town Highway Department. . Southold, New York 11971 . . . . . FROM: John W. Davis .. ... ......... \ 'Nb. DATE: November 17. 1979 RE: HARBOR TERRACE at,SOU'l'HOLD COMMENTS: !he seal coat and sand cover was placed today. on all roads by Corrazzini and Sons.. The' pulvermixed base course was in good condition. Tbtal ar~a' covered from prior field measurements is 6001: S;Y. Exxon ~c-250 (Bit. cutback) delivered from Corrazzini plant: 1 load at 1 load at Returned Vsed Yield 2900 :: 6001=0.h85 gaL/S.Y. . . Sand cover was rolled with an 8 ton roller. 1650 gal. 1500 gal., 3150 gal2 240 gal. . 2910 . . . The s~rface area for AYPe B recharge basin on .Hoey Lane has been Cleared. No clearing has peen done in the R.O.W. behind' curbs. c.e. South~id Town. Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee e.e. L~ M. TUthill, P.E. \ c::.... ~ "'. ~. 51 t... ..i-',-,- . '. (I / _ ,/ '" r - . .. / '), '-.. <> /- ./,.J J'j . '---: J < ; "'j /, . / - teL} . . l?//:Xf~ . ~; ..... IT?: ((; ~ n~~ .-- o. n fl. NOV I 9 1979 U SOUTHOLD TOWN HWY. p . - I .0', , , ---.'" .. .JOSEPH A. SUOZZI .JOHN F". ENGLISH EMIL V. CIANCIULLI SEYMOUR ..... REISMAN OAVIO H. PEIREZ ROBERT M. CALlCA ,.JOSEPH P. HOEY .JEFTREY G. STARK SUOZZI. ENGLISH, CIANCIULU 8:. PEIREZ, P. C. COUNSELORS AT LAW 1505 KELLUM PLACE MINEOLA. N. Y. 11501 516-741-6565 212-895-3129 Su,..,..OL.... COUNTY OF"I"ICtt 4250 VET~~"'NS MI!.,,",OAlAL HIGHWAY HOI..BROOK...N. Y. 11741 516-568-6100 M. KATHRYN MENG JAMES T. ROCHF"ORD HAROLD M. ICKES DANIEL C. MOONEY WILLIAM V. ALESI MARTIN B. ASHARE CHARLES ..... McEVtLY THOMAS A, BRENNAN COUNS!:L STEPHEN P. SCARING ARTHUR E. TARLOW October 3, 1979 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Town Harbor Terrace at Southold Dear Mr. Raynor: Pursuant to your suggestion at the meeting on Friday, September 28, 1979 of the Planning Commission I contacted Paul Corazzini of Paul Corazzini & Sons Inc. in an effort to determine when the work will be completed at the Town Harbor Terrace at Southold. Mr. Corazzini advised me that it is anticipated that the work should be completed within the next 60 days. Based upon this, I now make the commitment to you that the work will be completed satisfactory to your engineer John W. Davis within the next 60 days. I thereupon request an extension before any action is taken by the Board until that date. cc: Mr. Paul Corazzini Mrs. Thomas F. Daley David M. Daley, Esq. Mrs. Kathryn D. Hoey yours, ~, J0SEPH P. HOEY cr-- JPH:ls ..3&tL'-TJ ,r:({p~ gl'-uJ -"",4/ur'-e-/?--" RECEIVED ENGLISH, CIANCIULLI a PEIREZ, P. C. COUNSELORS AT LAW , 160 MINEOLA BOULEVARD 4 MINEOLA,N.Y. 11501 Ali[; 1 1~179 Town Clerk Southold ..JOHN r. ENGLISH EMIL V CIANCIULL! SEYMOUR ..1. REISMAN DAVID H. PEIREZ DANIEL PALMIERI ROBERT M. CALICA 516-741-6565 N f:W YORK CITY OFFICE 551 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK N. Y. 10017 21~:-e97-0303 M. KATHRYN MENG ..JAMES F.OLIYIERD JEFFREY G. STARK ,JAMES T. ROCHFORD HAROLD M. ICKES DANIEL C. MOONEY SUFFOL"; COUNTY OFFICE AIR=>ORT CENTER 4250 VETERANS MEMORIAL. HIGHWAY HOLB~OOK.N_Y. 11740 516-588-6100 ,JOSEPH P HOEY COUNSEL STEPHEN P. SCARING COUNSEL. July 31, 1979 Ms. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold, Suffolk County Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: I am in receipt of a letter addressed to my wife, Kathryn D. Hoey and my sister-in-law Genevieve T. Daly concerning the construction of the roads at the property on Town Harbor Lane. As you are undoubtedly aware difficulties existed for many years concerning the construction of the road by Irving Latham which was finally completed last year. At my request the firm of Paul Corazzini & Sons, Inc. started the work of blacktopping the road but was un- able to complete the work last year. This year I entered into a formal contract with him on behalf of Mrs. Daly and Mrs. Hoey to complete the work. I spoke to Paul Corazzini on Sunday when he advised me that he will start the final phase of the work on Thursday or Friday of this week. I trust this answers your inquiry. Very truly yours, JPH/rbt :) s T Southold. N. Y. 11971 ~ ~ HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. , ChIn. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Bennett Orlowski, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 July 5, 1979 K. D. Hoey & G. T. Daly 915 Wynnewood Road Witherbee, Connecticut 3H Dear Ms. Hoey and Ms. Daly: Section 277 of Town Law states in part. "Such performance bond shall run for a term to be fixed by the planning board, but in no case for a longer term than three years, provided, however, that the term of such performance bond may be extended by the planning board with consent of the parties thereto." The time has expired with regard to your subdivision and as a result your passbook is in jeopardy of default with the Town of Southold. Please advise the Town Clerk and the Planning Board of your disposition of this problem. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HER/mb Copies to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk~ Robert Tasker, Town Attorney James F. Homan, Deputy Supervisor ~-",--,,--l~v--# / v/ COO fi~~<:,-I ~ / (, C7:7!1~ , " " r;-' /}-:, It 'J. (~<-'PjL?.)4udwvj u</c:'~ D SouthoiTi II1SAVINGS BANK MAIN OFFICE .54375 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971,(516) 765-2800 July 14, 1976 TOwn of Southold Office of the Supervisor Greenport, New york 11944 Dear Sir: We are returning herewith Southold Savings Bank passbook #51223 in the name of Kathryn D. Hoey or Genevieve T. Daly. We have made the withdrawal auth- orized by your office. " Very truly yours, ();:-L, ~~- Anthony J. Abate Assistant Vice President AJA/jw Ene. Other convenient offices located in Southampton, Port Jefferson Station, ~nd Bohemia. ,_.J.,. ,..." , , -.CCOUNT NUMBER ~'1 ')')0 ~ .---~:> IN,C;;"';'H Hrs. Kathr~' or Genevieve ',L'. D. Hoey Daly 51223 DEPOSITOR'S NAME ON PAGE ONE DATE WITHDRAWAL DEPOSIT INTEREST BALANCE TRANS .. 1 13JUL76 $ 50~1I9 $19002.'23 INT 1 13JUL76 l~l-rE;;;::'S ~ ,0 UNE SO, 1976 $ 53.811 $19256.07 INT 1 ? , ", ~ 14JUL76-' $3250.00 $16006.07 C~I < J :m.-2; 1 ~1a-'~ z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Z 3 - ",,1e'~SI~, -. . ..t~. M - ~ ~".1;; ~...i~;i);': -. . ALWAYS VERIFY ENTRY BEFORE LEAVING WINDOW SOrTHOLD SA VI~GS BANK r , L_ ' -, I , - - ! WITHDRA W AL - TO THE SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK SOUTHOLD, N. Y. " .... ""'/'0 ,0"-: DATE j :','.':J;',- - ACCOUNT NO. ~, (~"l.. 3 , CHARGE MY ACCOUNT WITH THE FOLLOWING CASH CH1I:Q1I:# CHECKS I , &00 .tl.. TOTAL lG.~ It-O t:~:~~~~ , , S1GNATORB 7 STREET CITY " , I_ ..i 1..'. July 12, 1976 ..... :~. ::...~ .',,*"~ ~ Southold Savings Bank Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Town or Southold holds passbook on account #51223, in the names 01' Kathr,yn D. Hoey or Genevieve T. Daly, as collateral for roads in a subdivision. \ ., I am forwarding the pasSbook herewith to have the interest added to date. The principal amount 01' $16,000.00 is not to be touched - but the interest thereon may be released to the owners of the passbook. Please return the passbook to this office when the transactions are completed. Yours very truly Albert M. Martocchia Supervisor Encl: - .: ~ ': October IS, 1968 ,>....-!;. This will acknowledge receipt of passbook #51223, on the Soutbo1d Savings Bank, in the names of Mrs. Kathryn D. Hoey or Genevieve T. Daly, with withdrawal slip in the amount of $16,000.00 executed and enclosed. This book is pledged to the Town of Southold for the completion of roads in Heu of bond. .f~t' ~':'- ~{? 'i~~:- : ':I!: -f Lester M. Albertson Supervisor I ...." ~.. . . , October IS, 1968 .~'. Southold Savings Bank Southold, New York t ,"" ~~ ~ ."'-, ::~,- Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the Town of SouthOld is holding, as a pledge for completion of roads, passbook #51223, issued by you in the names of Mrs. Kathryn D. Hoey or Genevieve T. Daly. \ Will you kindly mark your records accordingly? When the book is released, I will notify you to that effect. Yours very truly " Lester M. Albertson Supervisor