HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-01/09/2006
MARTIN H. SIDOR 54375 State Route 25
GEORGE D. SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
Monday, January 9, 2006 OCT 1 9 2006
6:00 p.m. ';'.IOp.r'I1 ,
Southold Town Clerk
Present were: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson
Kenneth L. Edwards, Member
Martin H. Sidor, Member
George D. Solomon, Member
Joseph L. Townsend, Member
Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner
Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner
Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer
Linda Randolph, Secretary
Chairperson Woodhouse: Good evening and welcome to the January 9th meeting of the
Southold Town Planning Board. We have a new member I'd like to welcome publicly,
Joe Townsend. He doesn't have a nameplate yet, but by next time he will. Our first
order of business, I'll entertain a motion to set Monday, February 13, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.
at the South old Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, as the time and the place for the next
regular Planning Board Meeting.
Mr. Edwards: So moved.
Mr. Townsend: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse:. All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Southold Town Plannina Board Paae Two January 9, 2006
6:00 c.m. - RMB Realtv. LLC (Medical Arts Buildina): This proposed site plan is for
two new one-story buildings of 7,000 sq. ft. each with 10 separate offices for a total of
14,000 sq. ft. on a 2.437-acre parcel in the LB Zone Located at the intersection on the
s/s/o County Road 48 and the e/s/o Horton Lane, known as 43960 County Road 48, in
South old . SCTM# 1000-63-1-15
Chairoerson Woodhouse: Is there anyone here who would like to address the Board on
this application?
James DeLucca: I am the architect for the job. I'm just here to answer any questions
or any comments that you may have on the project.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone on the Board who has a question? Thank
you, Mr. DeLucca. Is there anyone else who would like to address the Board? Hearing
none, I will entertain a motion to close this hearing.
Mr. Solomon: So moved.
Chairoerson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairoerson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries. I will ask Mr. Edwards, will
you please read the resolution?
Ken Edwards: I would like to entertain the following motion: WHEREAS, the applicant,
RMB Realty LLC, proposes a site plan for two new one-story buildings of 7,000 sq. ft.
each with 10 separate offices for a total of 14,000 sq. ft. on a 2.437 -acre parcel in the
LB Zone; and
WHEREAS, RMB Realty LLC, is the owner of the property located at the intersection on
the s/s/o County Road 48 and the e/s/o Horton Lane, known as 43960 County Road 48,
in Southold. SCTM# 1000-63-1-15; and
WHEREAS, the agent, James V. DeLucca, Registered Architect, on January 27,2004,
submitted a formal site plan application for approval; and
WHEREAS, on May 11, 2004, the South old Town Planning Board, acting under the
State Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR), Part 617.6, performed a review
of this unlisted action and, as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance
and granted a Negative Declaration on June 15, 2004; and
WHEREAS, on May 27,2004, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the
architectural drawings and associated site plan materials and approved the application
with a final condition that the proposed signage be submitted for review; and
Southold Town Planning Board Agenda Page Three January 9, 2006
WHEREAS, on June 6, 2005, the Southold Town Transportation Commission reviewed
the revised application and approved it as proposed; and
WHEREAS, on June 23, 2005, the Southold Fire District responded with the
recommendation that a firewell be installed on the southwest corner of the driveway
located on Horton's Lane remains the same as indicated in the letter dated March 25,
2004 and June 24, 2004 and the Planning Board has accepted the Fire District's
recommendation; and
WHEREAS, on July 1, 2005, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services issued
approval under reference number c-10-04-0002; and
WHEREAS, on July 21, 2005, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed and
certified the site plan for "Professional Offices"; and
WHEREAS, on November 7,2005, attorney Daniel C. Mooney, PC. filed a cross
easement at the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk, and the Planning Board has
accepted this; and
WHEREAS, on November 29, 2005, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed and
approved the proposed drainage and the Planning Board has accepted his
recommendation; and
WHEREAS, On January 4, 2006, the Suffolk County Department of Public Works
reviewed the proposed site plan and issued approval under number 48-206; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of
Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the
notification provisions; and
WHEREAS, the following five items shall be required:
1. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded so that the light source is not visible from
adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the
light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property
boundaries. The lighting must meet the Town Code requirements.
2. The agent, applicant and owner must agree to the installation of proposed traffic
crossover to the easterly property line as shown on the site plan.
3. The applicant must obtain a SPDES General Permit (NYR-10H057) for Storm
Water Discharges (General Permit Number GP-02-01) from the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation for the construction
4. All signs shall meet Southold Town Zoning Codes and shall be subject to
approval of the Southold Town Building Inspector.
Southold Town Plannina Board Paae Four January 9,2006
5. landscape survivability guarantee, the applicant, agent, owner agrees to replace
any of the landscape which dies with three years of planting; be it therefore
RESOLVED, Pursuant to Southold Town Code 100-254 part I, the agent, applicant and
owner agrees to incorporate all the requirements, comments and recommendations of
each reviewing agency as referenced above and as indicated on the site plan and
corresponding attachments;
Georae Solomon: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? Carried. Please continue.
Ken Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
has reviewed the proposed action under the policies of the Town of Southold local
Waterfront Revitalization Program and has determined that the action is consistent
provided that the best management practices outlined in the January 9, 2006 memo
prepared by the lWRP Coordinator are implemented;
Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Ken Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
grant approval on the site plan prepared by Joseph Ingegno, land Surveyor and
certified by James Delucca, Registered Architect, dated March 12,2003 and last
revised December 20, 2005, and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the final site
plans with the following conditions:
1) The site plan approval requires that all work proposed on the plan shall be
completed within three (3) years from the date of this resolution.
2) Prior to the request of the certificate of occupancy, the owner or authorized agent
must request the said Building Inspector and the Planning Board to perform an
on-site inspection to find the site improvements are in conformity with the
approved site plan.
3) If the as built site improvements vary from the approved site plan, the Planning
Board reserves the right to request a certified as built site plan detailing all
approved changes.
Southold Town Plannina Board Paae Five January 9. 2006
4) Any changes from the approved site plan shall require Planning Board approval
and any such changes without Planning Board will be subject to referral to the
Town Attorneys office for possible legal action.
5) Prior to installation and manufacturing of signage a scaled detail must be
submitted to the Planning Department for review by the Architectural Review
Committee and must receive Planning Board approval.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries. Thank you.
Hearings Held Over From Previous Meetings:
Charnews. Daniel & Steohanie: This proposal is to subdivide a 23.4004-acre parcel
into two lots where Lot 1 equals 3 acres and Lot 2 equals 20.4004 acres. The property
is located on the w/s/o Youngs Avenue and the e/s/o Horton Lane, approximately 375'
south of CR 48 in Southold. SCTM#1000-63-1-25
Martin Sidor: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby holds
open the public hearing for the Charnews Subdivision.
Georae Solomon: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Caselnova. Raloh & Catherine: Proposal is to subdivide a 15.68-acre parcel into
three lots where Lot 1 equals 2.0034 acres, Lot 2 equals 2.3518 acres and Lot 3 equals
11.3226 acres upon which the development rights have been sold to Suffolk County.
The property is located on the n/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 1,740 feet w/o
Browns Hill Road in Orient. SCTM#'s 1000-18-3-9.8 & 9.9
George Solomon: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby
holds open the public hearing for the Caselnova Subdivision.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Southold Town Plannina Board Paae Six January 9. 2006
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Lead Agency Coordination:
James Creek Landina: Proposal is to subdivide a split-zoned parcel into five lots
where Lot 1 equals 40,686 s.f.; Lot 2 equals 33,007 s.f.; Lot 3 equals 44,986 s.f; and
Lot 4 equals 43,520 s.f. in the R-80 Zoning District. Lot 5 equals 77,747 s.f. and is
located in the B Zoning District. The clustered open space is equal to 5.59 acres or
60% of the upland area. The property is located on the west side of Main Road,
approximately 280' south of New Suffolk Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4
Joe Townsend: WHEREAS, the proposal is to subdivide a split-zoned parcel into five
lots where Lot 1 equals 40,686 s.f.; Lot 2 equals 33,007 s.f.; Lot 3 equals 44,986 s.f;
and Lot 4 equals 43,520 s.f. in the R-80 Zoning District. Lot 5 equals 77,747 s.f. and is
located in the B Zoning District. The clustered open space is equal to 5.59 acres or
60% of the upland area; and
WHEREAS, on February 14, 2005, the previously submitted application was
reclassified as a Standard Subdivision and was required to be resubmitted in
conformance with Chapter A 106: "Subdivision of Land of the Code of the Town of
Southold"; and
WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was re-submitted on August 25, 2005;
be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board start the SEQR lead agency
coordination process for this unlisted action;
Georae Solomon: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries. Continue, please.
South old Town Plannina Board Paae Seven January 9,2006
Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that the South old Town Planning Board
credits the $3,750 in previously paid fees towards the new application.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries. Well done. Thank you.
Final Extensions:
Corazzini, Paul: This site plan is for the construction of a 3,200 square foot storage
building located on the northwest corner of Main Road & Albertson Lane, Greenport.
SCTM# 1000-52-5-58.2
Ken Edwards: I wish to offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, the applicant
proposes a site plan to construct a 3,200 sq. ft. storage building; and
WHEREAS, on September 30, 2002, the Planning Board granted final approval which
expires in three years on September 30, 2005; and
WHEREAS, on September 12, 2005, the Planning Board granted an extension of the
final approval for three months to December 12, 2005; and
WHEREAS, on December 8, 2005, the applicant requested a three-month extension to
complete the site plan requirements; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the South old Town Planning Board grant an additional three-month
extension from January 9,2006 to April 12, 2006 to the final approval on the site plans
prepared and certified by John T. Metzger, Surveyor, dated June 8, 2000 and last
revised January 18, 2002, subject to fulfillment of the following requirements:
1. Owner complete all approved site plan work as approved on September 30,
2002 and correct the excessive clearing to the satisfaction of the Planning
2. Owner must submit an as-built site plan detailing all changes to the Planning
Department for approval by the Planning Board prior to site work completion.
Georae Solomon: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
South old Town Plannina Board Paae Eiaht January 9.2006
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Type II Actions:
Eastern Lona Island Kamoaround: This amended site plan is for an 80-space over
flow parking lot with a controlled access/egress and new landscaping on a 24-acre
parcel in the RR Zone located on the s/s/o of County Road 48 at the s/w intersection of
CR 48 and Queen Lane in Greenport. SCTM# 1000-40-3-5
Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, this amended site plan is for an 80-space over flow parking
lot with a controlled access/egress and new landscaping on a 24-acre parcel in the RR
Zone located on the s/s/o of County Road 48 at the s/w intersection of CR 48 and
Queen Lane in Greenport, SCTM# 1000-40-3-5; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR), Part 617.5 -C-5, makes a determination
that the proposed action is a Type II and not subject to review.
Ken Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? And that motion carries.
Steve Atkins: That's the one we'd like to talk about.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Did you understand what we just did in that action?
Steve Atkins: Not quite.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Bruno, would you explain what that means under SEQRA?
But first would you please come up here first and give us your name for the record?
Steve Atkins: I live on Queen Street in Greenport.
Bruno Semon: Basically what was done on SEQRA, we are trying to review it and
determine whether or not any actions need to be taken. There is no construction on
this site, it falls into the Type II SEQRA review which exempts it from any review. So
South old Town Plannina Board Paae Nine January 9. 2006
we basically issue a determination that it's exempt from SEQRA as a Type II under the
regulations of New York State.
Steve Atkins: Now, when this hearing is over are we able to give our (inaudible)
Bruno Semon: Well, it's really not a public hearing on the site plan; it's actually one
small aspect of it. The best thing would be to submit it in writing; I think we've spoken
at the Work Session. Is there a question, maybe?
Chairperson Woodhouse: I know you have some concerns about this site and we are
not at the point where we are reviewing the whole application as part of a hearing.
Steve Atkins: OK, I just want to make sure it's not approved to go forward until we have
had a......
Chairperson Woodhouse: No, it will not be. These are just some of the procedural
steps that we have to take to get the information and get it ready for a public hearing.
Steve Atkins: So, my next step would be to give you another letter?
Chairperson Woodhouse: You could, If there is additional information that you want to
submit, yes, you may submit a letter to us at any time.
Steve Atkins: In other words I can't discuss it before this group now.
Ken Edwards: When there's a public hearing you can. There will be a public hearing.
Chairperson Woodhouse: There will be a public hearing on it. You can come in...
Steve Atkins: Will we be notified prior to the meeting?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Yes, absolutely.
Steve Atkins: Because we weren't notified prior to this one, that's why I'm...
Chairperson Woodhouse: Because while this is our public hearing night, we are not
holding a public hearing; we did the hearings already, we have a very light hearing
schedule tonight. What we are doing now are decisions on some of the procedural
things. We will accept reports and extend deadlines so that people have more time to
do things because sometimes they need them. And in this case just making a
determination that helps the staff go forward and continue to review it. OK?
Steve Atkins: OK.
Bruno Semon: Mr. Atkins, if you'd like, you can come by and we can discuss the issues
and maybe we can get some research done on it, find out what exactly it is. So just
make an appointment, call me, and I'd be glad to meet with you in the office.
South old Town Plannina Board Paae Ten January 9. 2006
Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you.
Review Extensions:
BCB Realtv Holdina Core.: This site plan is for the demolition of an existing
restaurant building, proposed new construction of two buildings that includes a building
on the e/s with 3,964 sq. ft. of first floor office space and a 3,706 sq. ft. second floor
apartment space with three apartments, and a building on the w/s with 4,424 sq. ft. of
commercial bank space with drive up teller service on a 1.41 acre parcel in the B Zone
located on the n/s/o NYS Road 25 approximately 259' w/o Moore's Lane also known as
74825 Main Road in Greenport. SCTM# 1000-45-4-8.3
Georae Solomon: WHEREAS, the proposed action involves the demolition of an
existing restaurant building, proposed new construction of two buildings that includes a
building on the e/s with 3,964 sq. ft. of first floor office space and a 3,706 sq. ft. second
floor apartment space with three apartments, and a building on the w/s with 4,424 sq. ft.
of commercial bank space with drive up teller service on a 1.41 acre parcel in the B
Zone located on the n/s/o NYS Road 25 approximately 259' w/o Moore's Lane known
as 74825 Main Road in Greenport. SCTM# 1000-45-4-8.3; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board retained Nelson, Pope and Voorhis,
LLC to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form for further completeness and
potential adverse impacts as a result of the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 617.13 ofthe State Environmental Quality Review Act
the applicant will be financially responsible for costs of preparing the Environmental
Impact Statement; and
WHEREAS, on September 27,2005, Nelson Pope and Voorhis, LLC submitted the
report titled: "Environmental Assessment Review Environmental and Plannina
Considerations 74825 Main Road @. Greenport" and recommended a request for
additional information to determine significance; and
WHEREAS, as of January 09, 2006, the applicant's agent has not submitted any new
supplemental information for review and the Planning Board agreed to allow additional
time for the submission of supplemental information prior to the Southold Town
Planning Board issuing a determination of significance; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has established itself as lead agency
pursuant to SEQRA; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617 of the
Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review
Act, leaves the significance determination open pending submission of supplemental
South old Town Plannina Board Paae Eleven January 9. 2006
Ken Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Matt-a-Mar Marina Exoansion: This amended site plan is for new boat storage
building of 28,480 sq. ft. and new 2 story office of 6,778 sq. ft. on an 8.5-acre parcel in
the M-II Zone located on the w/s/o Wickham Avenue approximately 210' n/o Freeman
Avenue, known as 2255 Wickham Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-114-3-1
Joe Townsend: WHEREAS, the proposed action involves an amended site plan for a
new boat storage building of 28,480 sq. ft. and new 2-story office of 6,778 sq. ft. on an
8.5-acre parcel in the M-II Zone located approximately 210' n/o Freeman Avenue on the
w/s/o Wickham Avenue, known as 2255 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-
114-3-1; and
WHEREAS, on March 14,2005 the Southold Town Planning Board started the lead
agency coordination process on this Unlisted Action; and
WHEREAS, on August 8, 2005, the South old Town Planning Board has established
itself as lead agency pursuant to SEQRA; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board retained Nelson, Pope and Voorhis,
LLC (NPV) to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form for further
completeness and potential adverse impacts to Mattituck as a result of the proposed
action; and
WHEREAS, on September 23, 2005, the applicant's agent Patricia Moore submitted a
letter in response to the NPV report; and
WHEREAS, on October 20, 2005, the Planning Departments Staff sent the agents
letter dated September 23, 2005 to NPV for review and comments; and
WHEREAS, on October 31,2005, NPV reviewed the letter submitted and indicated
items are still not addressed and will require additional review with a new site plan; and
WHEREAS, on November 8, 2005, the Planning Board held off issuing a determination
of significance pending receipt of supplemental information; and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2005, the applicant's agent submitted a letter from James
J. Deerkoski, P.E. in response to the supplemental information; and
----- --
Southold Town Plannina Board Paae Twelve January 9. 2006
WHEREAS, on December 5, 2005, the Planning Board held a work session and agreed
to send this information to NPV for review and comments; and
WHEREAS, on January 09, 2006, the Planning Board has not received the final review
comments from NPV and the Southold Town Planning Board holds off issuing a
determination of significance; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617 of the
Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review
Act, leaves the significance determination open pending comments on the
Environmental Review of the supplemental information.
Georae Solomon: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Matt-a-Mar Bv the Bav: This site plan proposes 17 boat racks storing 9 boats per rack
for a total of a 153-boat capacity, 10 wet boat slips, use of an existing restaurant and
storage building on a 3.25-acre parcel in the M-II Zone, located on the e/s/o First Street
approximately 32' s/o King Street known as 650 First Street in New Suffolk. SCTM#
Ken Edwards: I will offer the following resolutions: WHEREAS, the proposed action
involves a site plan that proposes 17 boat racks storing 9 boats per rack for a total of
153-boat capacity, 10 wet boat slips, use of an existing restaurant and storage building
on a 3.25-acre parcel in the Mil Zone located on the e/s/o First Street approximately 32'
s/o King Street known as 650 First Street in New Suffolk. SCTM# 1000-117-8-18; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to NYSCRR Regulations Part 617 (SEQR), on May 11, 2005, the
Town of Southold Planning Board informed the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation that the Town of Southold Planning Board requested to
establish itself as Lead Agency for the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, as of January 09, 2006, the applicant's agent has not submitted any new
supplemental information for review and the Planning Board agreed to allow additional
time for the submission of supplemental information prior to the Southold Town
Planning Board issuing a determination of significance; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 617.13 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act
the applicant will be financially responsible for costs of preparing the Environmental
Impact Statement; and
Southold Town Plannina Board Paae Thirteen January 9, 2006
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has established itself as lead agency
pursuant to SEQRA; be it therefore
RESOLVED, thatthe Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617 of the
Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review
Act, leaves the significance determination open pending submission of supplemental
Georae Solomon: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Bruno? We have no further business. If they wanted to
share their comments now, I would not mind it while they are here. We have nothing
else on the agenda. I presume there are no objections from the rest of the Board?
Steve Atkins: I've got a few issues. When the approval was finally given for the
Kampground in 1978, there were some stipulations built into it: one of them being that
there was a 600' area from Route 48 back south that was supposed to remain open as
a playground area, no structures and obviously not a parking lot. That's being changed.
They were originally given 125 sites; they now have 182 campsites. I don't see
anything here that's changed to allow them to do that. There are safety issues in the
campground with fires, noises, horns, alarms going off, right across from our houses.
Lights shining in the window from the cars coming and going from the campsite,
garbage blowing in our yards and, you know. Part of the parking problem is that they've
increased campsites tremendously. They have almost added 1/3 more on. That's why
they need more camp parking. And that's our concern. Do you want to add to that?
Antone Malinauskas: I reside just to the north of the campgrounds on Queen Street:
specifically, the third house from Route 48. Mr. Atkins voiced the problem quite
thoroughly. I would add that it certainly will become an eyesore to have a parking lot in
the middle of virtually no place, right in the middle of nice landscaped area, yet
detached from the business that it serves. I have never heard of such a situation where
the parking lot is many feet away from the business. So, just that one thing alone
makes it an eyesore. Now besides being an eyesore, there are many inconveniences
that will come about: the added traffic and the smog created by these very huge mobile
trailers; actually then it would become quite citified there with a big parking lot like that.
Yet, this area is all for rural use only to my knowledge, so it seems that a parking lot
would be out of place there. So, like I said, Mr. Atkins voiced the opinion quite nicely. I
surely sympathize with him to have the major portion of the parking lot directly across
South old Town Plannina Board Paae Fourteen January 9. 2006
the street from him. Now, I am in the same position but I'm a little further to the north of
Mr. Atkins and I'm somewhat buffered by a tree in my yard and shrubs. Otherwise, I
feel very sorry for him to have to put up with conditions as that. It just seems out of
place and shouldn't be there. So, thank you.
Steve Atkins: There is a parking lot that was authorized for 20,000 square feet right in
front of their office. If they cut back the number of parking (inaudible) campsites, I'm
sure they'd have enough room with the parking lot right there, without having to go into
the neighbors' area. For years, that has been an open field, people flew kites, guests
flew kites, they played football there, baseball, and that was fine. How would you like to
wake up one morning and find a parking lot right in front of your house for 80 or 90
cars, which is what we found out.
Antone Malinauskas: We live there because it's an area where we chose to live.
Steve Atkins: This is an unauthorized parking lot that's been in existence for two years,
we've been fighting it for two years since it was established. now, you're basically
saying you're looking to approve it although they've been doing it without any approval.
Mr. Townsend: One thing, your points are all well-taken and well-framed. But following
up what Mark said, I think what you should do is to actually talk to the Planner or
somebody in the Planning Office and get a list, get the progress of this application so
you know when the best time is to come and make comments, to get the information
and to have your remarks put on a record where they would have some impact.
Steve Atkins: I didn't realize they had a plan already, I thought it was just as they
developed it, it gets added onto the agenda.
Mr. Townsend: Well, this is the first step, but as part of the State Environmental Quality
Review Act, we have to designate a Lead Agency. That's what I would recommend
because then it would keep you from repeating yourself and keeping your focus on it.
Bruno Semon: Mr. Atkins, I don't necessarily disagree or agree with you about the
approval, but do you have anything that substantiates the 125 approval going to 182?
Just submit it to me. In addition, do you have anything about that 600' buffer, because I
know you've spoken to Ed Forrester.
Steve Atkins: For the record, November 6, 1976.
Bruno Semon: So maybe you could just copy us on that, because I know you've
spoken to the Director of Code Enforcement like you said over a number of years, and
he's been unable to do anything about those Covenants and Restrictions.
Steve Atkins: Right, because they claimed they were in the process of getting
something done. That was what I was told. I'll send you the copies.
Bruno Semon: Please do. And I'll get it out to everybody.
South old Town Plannina Board Paae Fifteen January 9, 2006
Chairperson Woodhouse: OK. Well, we've concluded our business for the evening
and I will entertain a motion.
Ken Edwards: Before we adjourn, I would like to publicly thank Bill Cremers for his
years of service as a Planning Board Member. He's been on the Board for 20-
something years and I think Bill is one of the most dedicated members that I've ever
had the pleasure of serving with, and I welcome my friend Joe Townsend as a Board
Member. He has some pretty big shoes to fill, but I am sure he's capable of doing it.
I know how the system works, I'm next. I'm on my last year, and I'm sure I'll be the next
one to go.
Martin Sidor: I think it's me.
Ken Edwards: No, it's not.
Chairperson Woodhouse: I think it's Marty.
Ken Edwards: But again, I would like to thank Mr. Cremers for his work and service the
Town. I think he's been a very good member of the Board.
Georae Solomon: I couldn't agree more.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you so much for stating something that I think we all
heartily concur. I'll entertain a motion to adjourn.
Ken Edwards: So moved.
Georae Solomon: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The meeting is adjourned.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned
at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Randolph, Secretary