HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-02/11/1971 APPEAL BOARD MLr~BER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairmen Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serse Doyen, Jr. Fred~ Hulse, Jr. $outhold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 119'71 Telephone 765-26~0 - .&'~e~l~ meeting ef the 8e~held T~wm B~a~a ef ~ppe~swas Roa~, Sev~held,. New ~rk. app~e~em Of Ja~s'Wassom, . New Sec~ion 393, amd ~2i~le X,' si~ ef Riley Average, ~a~ek, NeW YeaR,. ~e~ded .ne~ e'as$ ~ ~, 2eB~es~, ~u~h Dy Z. Wass~, wes~ Dy Riley Aven~e. ~ee a v~i~oe, Ie~ no~oe ef ~imgs ~fidavl~ a~es~img ~ i~s ~ C~~ Ys ~e ~me presen2 w~ ~s~s ~ speak f~ (There was ~.o ~espense.) ~p ~h s~i1 oo~a~s ~e~s a~, I~'~ p~"ef ~e old Riley ~ey ~i~ s~iok ~ lo~ ~nes, ~d assessors aem~ use ef ~he ~p now. MR,. BE~(~: He has madm one let a lit~tle wtde~ tt~a~ the other. TERRY, Building ~nspeetor: It was fo~ lets originally. T~E OE$~: ~hioh is the let ~nder dis¢'mssien? ~R. TERRY, Building Inspector; The center one. ~ C~IR~.- It is' Shown on' the' s.~ey dated'December 29, 1970 (Young & Yo~, _Rive~head, New York).. As shews.eh the map it is~.aPp~eximately 13,1~ sq. ft. THE'~H~X~f' IS there anyone present who wishes to speak against this. applicatiom? (There w~s nc response.) ~fter investigation an~ inspectiom the Board finds iha~ ap~lie~t ~eqmes:~s p~s~en ~e set elf ~t~ ~h insuffielem$ ~en~ge ~ ~ea. ~ Bo~d finds ~at app~ea~om ~ld ~ c~ t~ e~s$img conditions w~ch were e~eated~io~ ~ ~ O~im~ce. ~e ~esem~ p~eels w~e chased, by pe~i~emer ~ sep~a~e p~els ~d ~ve Bees ~n~ained as such, ~ere ~ld Be no physical ch~ge to ~ prop~y ne~ ~y increase in populatiem. The B~a~d finds that st~tet application of the 0rdinaao.e world, p~od~ce practioal, difficult~es er ~ecessa~y ha~dshlP; t~ h~dshtp c~ea~ is ~que ~ ~d no2 be s~ed by ~1 p~e~ies a~ ~ ~e 'i~e~ia~e vici~ty of ~s ~ope~y ~d in ~he sa~ use ~s~ic~; ~d ~e ~i~ee ~I1 not e~ge ~ oh~acte~ of the networked ~u~ ~11 ebse~e ~e spirit ef t~ ~din~ee, ~n m~ti~n By ~. Bergen, seoonded by ~. ~i~mis, it was P~$O~'VE~ $.am~s WasSon, Peeonie Bay Blvd., ~at$i~ek, New Ye?k, -~e ~ ~ ef~ le~ ~h imsuff~elen~ ~on ~as~ s~e of Riley ~v~e, ~f~mek, New Yo~k, s~bJoot'~e That mo side yard variances te the ne~th and g~anted te future owners ef the ~epe~ty, Vote of the Beard: Ayes;-- Messes: ~illfsple, Bergen, ~tgents. application o~ Ri~a Yevng, 3~ Ba~villc Road, ~ele III, ~e~om 307, fo~ p~.ssiom to a~t~h'e~$~ng ~wel~mg. ~d ~ees~y ~l~ng ~-~e~meed-~ si~e ~ ~ea. ~ca~ of p~pe~ty: ~th ~.de of ~iva~ ~ad located elf wes~ side e~ ~a~ ~meela Read, ~$t~ck, New Ye~k, ~. E. Allen, ea~$~ by~ P.~ ~phy, ~m~h by ~i~f~y, wes~ by Paml Kelly. Fee paid The Chairman opened the h~Xng, By ~eadtng She ago~oa$fon v~i~ee, le~t no~i~e e~ ~g, ~fida~ a~eati~g ~ its pu~atiem im ~e effiei~l m~wspape~s, ~ metiee ~e t~ applte~t. ~ ~~: Is ~h~e ~yeme p~emem~ w~ ~s ~ speak ~pliea~iem? (There was mo ~espemSe,) THE CESJ2U/~N= (Refe~=i~g to ~a~mg) ~m~si~ ~ememe side ef the hemse ~s ~$t ~e imeemveniem~. ge$ im~'~.hemse~ ~s.s~'~A ~' ~ C~~ ~e e~eo~ o~ ~s ~uld be ~o ~s~ey '~e open spaee.f~r a mei~o~, w~n, as ~di~ he ge~s ~e~e. p~ese~e epem space. (~e ~hai~ rea~ ~e de~imitiem cf side ~s~ ) ~R. TERRY, Building Inspector: They only have a fou~ foot side TEE 0]/~: __I think we should deny the appl~oat'ton. ~ter Road, ~attituek, New York. The Boa~d dlsa~vees with. the ~eas~mimg feet from the side yard on the westerly boundary. h~d~ e~eate~ is net ~tq~e ~ ~ld be sh~ed ~y all alike tn t~ l~e~ate vtct~ of t~s ~ope~ty ~d t~ ~e same dts~-~et; ~d ~e ~ee ~Id ch~e ~e ch~acte~ e~ t~ BoYhood ~d ~euld net eb~e ~e s~t~ o~ ~B~ ~dtn~ce. On ~tfe~ by ~. ~gen~s~ sec. on~d by ~. Be~n, ~t R~~Ef2a Yegg, 35 B~flle Eem~, ~eust Valley, New Ye~k, ~e of' ~$va~e ~bad lecated ~s~ s~me e~ ua~ ~neo~ ~ Nattt~ck, N~ Ye~k. Vote of the Bo~d: ~es:- Hess~s~ ~l~spfe, Be~n, a~plfca~n e~. Ca~e K. P~l~ps: ~d~ K~e~ a.~ ~ke~t, ~enue, Eattitmck, New ~k,.~e~ a ~ec~al e~eP~vn fn~o~e ~ the ~mi~g ~~ee,' ~ele III, ~ectte~ 300,' ~c~ as a no~-eon~e~g rose. ~oattom e~ ~~: .w~st ~e o~ Bay ~ve~ue, MattOck, New Yo~k, ~ded no~t~ bY ~est ~llSe~ east by B~Y ~v~ve, ~mth by J. ~. Halleck, wes~ by F. & J. ~ ~s p~bl$oatio~ Sn the o~f~e~al, newspape~s~ ~ no~e ~o ~ ~~: Is ~e ~ne p~e~nt whe ~s~s ~ speak f~ t~s ~p~cation$ ...... ~. JO'~ ~T~ -I ~m h~e to s~ ~ t~s applieatien. B ....... ~ ~- m~I~s~t~ a~e it is i~os~ble ~ get a We have '~ ~ t~ou$ ~ocess. &~ ~ ~t~ ~f .t~ initial ~_ u. ~swe~ed~he a~9~ ~t~'~t!velY- ~weve~.~l~ s', c~ see w~y ~u ke~t. a ~est~tcti~ on t~_ fo~ ~ust ~s. ~ P . ~ C~~: ~e e~t~ ~elate it t~ ~ fn~vtdual... ~ust fo~ use ef p~e~ty, ~. ~T: I was not p~ep~ed ~at even$~g ~that yeu ~ted the t~ttal a~eal, ~ud I ~elt ~at it was se~ng that c~!d be ch~ged at a lat~ ~ate on a sece~._~eal. .. ~ C~~: ~e considered it ~d theuSt te make tt legal as ~_ as ~e B~k is cenc~ned. ~e ~elt ~at~ ~e ~eul~ ~e~ ~c ~Ing Becau~, tn efEect, we were ~ng ~- ~e c~ld three ~e ethe~ ~eelsfo~ ~t tha~ ~umm e~ ~ THE O]F~$.~11~]KSjK: ~ rental ef t~e studio apartment shall be oe~taed t~ the ~esent cwaer. The~e is mo harm in including that agatno MR. E~E~T: The Only thing about ~ce~Ined to the ewaere is that t~e would be a ~'an~e~ e~ ~e~e~ty ~ ~ d~e~. ~e basic t~ng la to keep ~s.. ~llips in h.~ ~. ~s~ P~llfps Is n~ ~e~e~ the ebJe~t, at the ~men~, fs t~ ats~se ef t t a~ that ~te~tfeally ~1~ tea~ ~ 9~t t~=~s o~de~ ag~n so ~t tt ~ul~ ~eve~t back to s~agle oceu~ey. We have ~ be ~otecte~ l~ t~ souse ofou~ ~tttng a ~t~ge. I~ ~e tl$1e Is ~e~g ~~e~ ~at ~1~ ~ that ~ ~6, ~mld ~ the ~e~. It woml~ ~e stmte~ that P~i~s ~o~I~ hav~ a ~ t~e as lo~ as ~ dest~es~. ~e In ~ aw~d ~ositfen. ~s~ ~tlt~s eeml~t a ~tgage ~at f~ we tie om~selves m~ ~th a ~tga~, it s~mld ~e cle~ all the ~y T~~ ~~: ~e eO~I~ ~t to ~athe~fne K. ~ll~s he~ ~t~' ~e~ ~ ~ke~t, when, as ~d i~ ~e bece~ the ~bseqment o~e~. ~. ~T: ~e ~t need a ~easo~a~le ~e~t~ o~ ti~ ~ts~ o~ the ~o~ty~ ~ What w~uld_be a reasonable period ef time. yea~o., a one yea~ lease. Se it would be within that yea~, I would say, assmmtmg that ~h!~s person weald not w~t to relinqulah the lease. T~e lease WOuld be in the name ef Eekert. ~he t~amsfer ef the prepe~tyweuld have taken place before ~he apa~tmemtwemld be leased. · EE~E$~M~N: The p~ivilege of remttng this apartment ceml~ ceme up ~er review every ~ yea~s~ ~ C~:' Is ~ere amyeme p~esent who wishes t~ speak a~ns~ ~s. appliea~em? (~e~e ~s me ~espem~.) ~te~ imvestlgatie~ ~ imspec~ the ~ ffm~s~at app~c~ ~mes~s P~missiem ~ ?e instate ms~ ef ~ (2) fa~ly dwelling as a-non-~mf~mg vse. ~s.. ', s~.~ ~sfe~ ~tle of he~ p~op~ty ~ d~t~, K~en as '~s. ~ke~ is asking t~ ~esponsib~lity ~mt ~ ~img mee~e~ ~epai~a. ~m view ef ~s, ~e .~mal appeal, Ne. 135~, was im ~ ma~ ~llips, ale~e,~ was ~ted~e ~elmsta~e mse ef ~-fa~ly ~welllmg fe~ pm~peses ef ~em~ imeeme. The Beard finds that the ~uBlic c*nven~ence and welfare and Ov~n~e ~1 be eb~ved. On motion by ~. Bergen, seoomded by ~. ~tllispie, it was ~e~miss~em to ~e instateuse of two (2)-fa~Iydwelling as a non- ee~fo~ming .use; when, as-amd .if Ka~eu C.-~e~e~t Becomes t~e subsequent o~mer ef the p~epe~ty. ~mde~_ap~ltcmttem, s~bJeCt te t~e fOlle~i~g oen~i.tions: 1. ~e ~ivilege of ~ental of the st~a~io aga~tme~ shall Be comfine~ te the ~esent o~me~' ~t~e?tne Ko P~ilti~s an~/e~ s~Bsequent owme~, ~a~en C. Eckerto 2.- The~e shall Be~mo enlargement of the ou~si~e dimensions of the p~esen~ st-~io apartment. 3. The ~ivilege of renting this s~udio apa~tment for two family ~se ~all be li~ ~o a ~ ye~ 9e~io~, W~ch ~y De ~enew~ by ~e ~-~d o~ ~9pe~s.~ fo~ ~bn~ p~iods of not ~e ~ ~ ye~s e~h, ~t~ut f~l application By t~ ~esent Vote of the Bomrd: ~yes;- Hess~s: ~illispte, Bergen, ~igenis. N~. _w__~wa~d' Te~y, Building Imspeete~: We have rcceive~ an I~i ~en Real~y Co~De -~o~sa!. . . Om ~tiem ~y ~. ~lltspie, seecm~e~ ~y ~. BesEem, it ~s ~$~ ~at~ ~mg ~f ~ppe~ Ne. I3~4, ~t-~m Realty Co~p., ~m~.O~ood Road, ~el, N~ ~rk, fo~ a v~i~ce im aeee~d~ee ~ t~ ~ntmg ~dfn~e, ~.ttCle-X, Sec~em 1008, ~esi~emce ~wel~mgs~ Imc~ease~ ~emsity, ~e Vote of the Beard: Ayes:- Nesa~s: Gillispie, Bergen, ~igenis. On motion By ~. G~tg~nis, seconded by ~. Bergen, it was RESOLVED t~at the nex~ reg~la~ meeting of the ~euthold Town Board of~ Appeals will Be-held at~'7:30 P.M., ThursdaY,~ Na~ch 1~, 1971, at the Towm Office, Nain Road, ~outhel~,_New York. Veto ef the Beard: ~yes:- Ness~: '~tllispte, Bergen, ~ig~nis. -7- Sign Renewals for tJme month of Ja~ua~7, 1971 were reviewed, apP~ov~ed and signed. Om met-ten by M~. ~lllispie, seconded by Mr. ~igomis, it was R~0E~ED ~at ~he minutes "of the Seu~ld Town Beard ef Appeals dated J_anua~y 14, 1971, Be approved as~smbmitted, subject te minor Vote of the Beard: ~yes:- ~essrs; Gillispie, Bergen, ~fgenis, On motion by Mr. G~igomis, seeonded by Mr. Bergen, iS was RE~$~VED that-'the ~thetd ~T~ Bea~ of Appealm set 7:30 temtheld, New C~k, as ~he $i~ ~d plaee of ~i~ upe~ app!i~a$ien ~f ~i~m~ Verity, 1130 Paeifio ~$ree~, Baldwin, New Ye~k, for a variance ~. accordance wish $~ Z~ning~dinam~e, ~icle. III, Section 3~6, fe~ pe~ssien ~o e~ee~ ene/.family~dwelling w$~h i~ufffielent f~enty~d so,back. Location ef p~$pe~ty: ~as~ c~0~er- ef ~eda~ ~ and ~ R~, Let Ne. 8 ~ map ef Bayside Tek, ace, New Yo~k. Ve~e ef the Board: A~'$s:- ~AtSS~S: Gillispie, Bergen, Grfgonis. tn motion by NA-.: Bergen, seoonded by Mr. G~iger~..s, it was I~LVED' that the Sou~hold 'Te~ B~ of ippeals-'se~ 7:~5 ~P'.~. (E.S,T.) ,~.~sday, ~Ch 18, ~1971, At ~ To~ .~ft~e, ~in R~ad,~ ~h~ld, 'New Ye~k, ~' ~. ~i~ ~ ef Rosemary ~e ~e~i~, ~7 State 3~ee~, Ne~ York, ~welli~. ~catiem of property.: ~i~-~-way off eas~-- si~ ef Camp' ~eela- R~ad, ~t$~uek, Ntw York, beard 'no~h by p~iva~e ~ea~, east by E. L;.Daneri, s~$h by Great ~cemle Bay, west by L. D. Howell Estate. _ Vote of She Be~d: Ayes:- ~ssrs: Gi~ispie, Bergen, G~igemis. APF }OVED' -. . * . . . Sa me~iem by F~. Glllispi~, se~e~de~.~y~m. G~igenis, i~ was ~S~ ~ha~ She ~m~held 'Te~ (E.S.T.),~s~ay, ~ch 1~, 1971, ~thold, New Yo~k, as $~ $~ a~ pl~oe ~f ~i~ mpo~ appt~oa~ten of .~ter E. ~n, P~k Ave~e, ~iSuck, New Y~k, fe~ a v~iamce~ in- aeOo~$mee ~h ~ Zon~ ~di~m~e,_.~$~i~Ie III, ~e~i~ 396, for ~ssie~ ~o e~eo~, e~ fa~!y d~ll~wi~h _ i~fficient from~d setback; ~ca$ien~of property, somth e~ Berretta, s Pc~ ~, ~t Ne. 5, ~P New Yerk. Ve~e ef ~he Beard: Ayes:- Nessrs: Gilltspie, Be~gem, Grigemis. ~n me$ion by N~. Gillispie, seeended ~by Mm. Bergem, i~ ~s $~the~ NeW Y~k, as ~h~ ~i~ and N~. ~7; ~pen apPlieatiem ef Ja~s. W~ner, . ~daie, 173 ~eg~ Rea~, C~~e, ~ew~Yerk, fo~..a Dijon i~-aee~dam~e wi~h ~he Ze~g ~t~amee~ ~lcle.~, se~tio~ 300, SaBsee~iem ~ (~), fo~ ~sst~m ~e es~ab!ish a~ ~ntatn s~ables fer Bonding ~ ridi~ ~es. ~ca~ion.of~ prep~2y: Domtniek~vell~, ne~h side ef¥~egem Rea~, Gm$ch~e;~ New Yo~k, ~eumded me~th~by L. I. ~, eas$ by Graphic ~s s~ ~ O~eg:e~ R~d, wes~ By V~eem$ Zi~eski.. Ve~e'ef the Beard: ~es:S ~ssrs~ Gi~ispie, Be~n, G~igenis. was aaJ a ?:ce