HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Villas (2) , A:,J7fkt:/'(t?1U// ~~ T ~vn . .;hz)!'r;.! Tc7'1l1 Clt I!5A It: l!cYID rt u1" g~~df-a-: 7~~~ ?L -:-t- j <m ~t j (flJ-t-4v> /"'''L~ //0j;?Jtr. (/ ~ III; c'."/-::? frX-. .iJ / tp / .7--J ..~. .. 0- .... . .:, . .' EllllMlhed 1878 May 26, 1992 ~ 201 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747-2724 516/547-2276 ROBERT G. TURNER SENIOR VICE PRESlDEPlT Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re. Southold Villas Project Letter of Credit No. 771037 Beneficiarv. The Town of Southold Gentlemen. By order of Peconic Properties Management Corporation, a New York corporation having its principal place of business at P.O. Box 1143, CUtchogue, New York 11935 ("Customer") and for account of same, we, The Long Island Savings Bank; FSB ("Bank"), hereby establish this irrevocable letter of credit ("Letter of Credit") in your favor in amounts not to exceed an aggregate of Three Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand and no/l00 United States Dollars ($358,000.00) ("Credit Amount"), available by your drafts at sight. Any draft on this Letter of Credit shall be made by presentation to us of a drawing certificate ("Drawing Certificate") in the form of Exhibit A annexed hereto. 1. Any draft hereunder must be presented before the close of the Bank's business (3.00 p.m.) on the date which is eighteen months from the date hereof ("Expiration Date"). This Letter of Credit shall expire at 3.00 p.m. on the Expiration Date. 2. The Drawing Certificate submitted to the Bank with each draft must. (1) state that it is, "drawn under Letter of Credit No. 771037 of the Bank dated May 26, 1992," and (2) set forth the amount endorsed on this Letter of Credit pursuant to said draft. @, \\ ~ \\ i 'II \\ ~ \\l'J Mfl,'i 2 9 1992 . ,'" ~ . " Town Board Town of Southold Letter of Credit No.: 771037 May 26, 1992 Page 2 3. A draft duly drawn hereunder shall be paid by (a) wire transfer of immediately available funds to such account as may be specified by you at the time the draft is presented to us for payment, or (b) such other method of payment as may be acceptable to you. 4. Presentation of a draft may be made to the Bank at its offices at 201 Old Country Road, Melville, New York 11747-2724, Attention. Commercial Lending Department, or at any other office of the Bank in the City of New York or the Counties of Nassau or Suffolk, State of New York, which may be designated by us in written notice delivered to you prior to presentation of such draft. If a draft is dUly presented to us as of 11.00 a.m. New York City time, payment thereof shall be made on the same business day as the date of presentation in the amount set forth in the Drawing Certificate submitted to the Bank for such draft. If a draft is duly presented to us after 11.00 a.m. on a business day, then payment thereon shall be made in the amount set forth in the Drawing Certificate for such draft by no later than the succeeding business day. 5. Multiple drafts may be made hereunder, provided that each draft shall pro tanto reduce the Credit Amount. 6. If, on the Expiration Date, the Bank's office designated for presentation of drafts hereunder is closed or inaccessible by reason of an act of God, riot, civil unrest, insurrection, war or any other reason, then timely presentation of drafts may be dUly made to us on the day on which such disruption ends if such day is a business day or on either of the next two succeeding business days. 7. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers, and bona fide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon presentation to the Bank as provided herein. 8. This Letter of Credit shall inure your benefit and to the benefit of your successors and assigns. 9. Except so far as otherwise expressly stated, this Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), International Chamber of Commerce Publication #400, and any amendments or subsequent revisions thereof. MMH/194/6 .' . Town Board Town of Southold Letter of Credit No.. 771037 May 26, 1992 Page 3 10. Upon the earliest of. la) the payment by us of a draft hereunder which reduces to zero dollars ($0.00) and thereby extinguishes the Credit Amount; (b) the surrender to us by you of this Letter of Credit; or lc) 3.00 p.m. on the Expiration Date, this Letter of Credit shall be terminated; except that any draft duly presented prior to 3.00 p.m. on the Expiration Date will be paid as otherwise provided herein. 11. Except as provided in a writing executed by you, this Letter of Credit and our undertaking set forth fully herein shall not be modified or amended except only by the sight draft(s) referred to herein; and such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein or reference any document, instrument or agreement except for such dUly presented sight draftls). Very truly yours, THE LON~ SAVINGS BANK, FSB ~~--= Name. ::;R,.J.'=A r &;. "7iJ4JJEU.- Title. ~n.I/tJ.A:. 1h/'tS' 7?9es,.1c/ttiW r- By. /jnJnt-~L Name. /I,<.Ilryq C-. Bep-vC-if Title. V'c.e' PI?E::5 'DeNT MMH/19417 - .. Drawing Certificue To Letter of Credit '771037 Datecl. The ].on9 Island Savings Bank. rillB 201 Old Country Road Melville, Ne" York 11747-2724 Attention. Commercial Lending Depart.lllent Rei Letter of Credit .771037 Dated. Gentlemen, ~he undersiQn8d is the beneficiary ("Beneficiary") of the above captioned letter of credit ("Letter of Credit"), issued by you for the account of the Peconic properties Management Corporation, a New York corporation having an office al: P.O. Box 1143, Cutohogue. New York 1193~ ("Customer"), in an aggregate amount of draftll not. to exceed three hundred tifty eight thousand, one hundred thirty and no/l00 United States Dollars ($358,130) ("Credit Amount"). and in connection with a transaotion :l.nvolving the ZleneUciary and the Custolller to which the Letter of Credit relates, the Benefioiary i. entitled to receive payment from the Customer. BenefiCiary hereby ent1tled to receive payment from the Customer. Benefioiary hereby certifies to you that:: (1) it is the Zlenefioiary of the Lett.er of Creditl (2) the Beneficiary hereby demands that you make payment to il: of S in United States dollars ("Demand AIIlount") on presentation hereof pUrBuant to the Letter of Credit, (3) the Demand Amount 1s drawn under Letter of Credit #771037 of the Bank dated May 26, 19921 (4) the CUstomer is Obligated to pay to Beneficiary the Demand Amount due to its failure to C01IIplete all or part. of the lite improvements in connection with the illouthold Villas project to l3e cOl1lpleted pursuant to a oertain Grant Agreement between the Town of Southold and t.he New York State A!fordal:lle flou.1ng Corporaticm, and a "ertain B\lUdin; Loan A;reement between CUstomer and The Long Island Savings Bank. FSElI (S) the eqgregat.e of (a) the Demand Amount endorsed on the Letter of Credit purlBUQIlt to thia draft IU1Q (b) th'" total amount of monie. paid to Beneficiary by the Bank to date purBUant to any other dratta under the Letter o~ Credit <loes nO~ exceed the Credit. Amountl (6) the amount dr~wn hereunder is for tbe soU ~u~Olle ot eOlllplllL.Lut,l Cl10se site improvcmcnUl whiClh nli"W 't;ll ht."-. J:I,!,..n oompleted by Peconic Properties Manaqement Corporadon. l:l1l\eerllly. 'r!l!l '1'OWN or SOUTHOLO By. Title: JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VlT AL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold. New Yark 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-180 I OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ATA REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 2. 1992: .' RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends their resolution no. 29. adopted. on December 10, 1991, approving the amount of $358,130.00 as the bond amount for Southold Villas, Phase I, to read: "$358,000.00" for the bond amount for Southold Villas, Phase I; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby accepts the $358,000.00 Letter of Credit submitted by Peconic Properties Management Corporation as a bond for roads and improvements in the Southold Villas, Phase I, Affordable Housing Project, all in accordance with the approval of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering I nspector Richter. ,;;'.~;/~~ ~;~ Southold Town Clerk June 3. 1992 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards VI (23J y@ SCOTI L HARRIS Supervisor Telephonc (' 16) 765.1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 1197 I Fax (516) 765.1823 TO: Judith T. Terry Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman 6o)t~~ Major Subdivision Southold Villas Letter of Credit for Phase 1 SCTM# 1000-70-1-6 .~~-& FROM: RE: DATE: June 2, 1992 JUN 2 _ '-a... - II On May 29, 1992, the Planning Board received the Letter of Credit in the amount of $358,000.00 for Phase 1 of the above mentioned subdivision. On December 10, 1991, the Town Board adopted a performance bond amount for Southold Villas, Phase 1 in the amount of $358,130.00. The above mentioned Letter of Credit is for $130.00 less than the required amount. This discrepancy has been discussed among the Planning Boa:.d members and with James Richter. Neither the Planning Board members nor Mr. Richter feel that the discrepancy is significant. OUESTlONS?JIIIII 10':\ :1', t,"oo ~r., 42b1581590 ; f ~ , -Jnc"h .l \) l T:> Date ij. " !17' Your Phone Number (Very Important) To (Recipienl's Name) Please P'wt RECIPIENT'S COPY ;, .~ .r, .~ AIRBilL PACKAGE TRACKING NUMBER )5+'1-:'163 Departmen 1~loorNo CR.. Heli~8a ompany f. ,~( ~ r:' State ZIP ReqUlrsd E~~l;!\'J),~ ("I't~m/l+ ~'{vbM1"c"",,) ..outh"'o'la 'Town .1;.',!. 53095 Main Ro:,;; City State i':L 1\f 1 i ~ 7 L BILLING REFERENCE INFORMATION (optional) (Fitst 24 chiracters will ap(J6af on invoice.) 65;) 'NG 51 0 ~rg~GING fTTfR' S6 o FfDEXLmfR' 4/(' 52 o FfDEXPAK' ox 53 0 FHJEX BOX ~E 54 o FfDEXTUBf -t-y Govemmant CNemight """l\'yt! '"","~''''''''_lIS''''''''.' 46Dr~~R 41 O~'lkGE FuliahlP$<<vicf' '''oe~a;w'F'''''''o'''' r;o~,! H' . 0 TWO.DAY .. ~ f~flGHT" '''1.<<01 ' ) 'Docl'rntt Vahle Llrn~ 1100 ,"Calllor-joll"'SCrleOUt 1 o HOLD FOR PICK-UP ,:f,"'0 Bo,Hj ''Q.OfLlVERWEfKDAY 3 ~~~~~t>~~~~I~~~:"a chOrye) 0 4 0 OANGEROUSGOOOS'b~"ha!lI"i 50 eDoRYlCf Lb, 7DOTHfRSPfCIALSfRVICf aD 9 0 :~~'~~~~~iPICK'UP wO "0 12 0 (~~~?~~lfLIVfRYlllotl.r.<lI Southold w: IF HOLD FOR PICK-UP, Print FEDEX A~ HIJffI Street Address Slate Emp. No o CashRece,vOO o Return Shipment o Third Party Street Address 0.10 DChg,ToDeI Diy "'10 TOll' TOlai Total Received By X Date/Time Received Fed&. Employee Number I ~ SHIP'''N' !C"""., w,",,, ",,' X Ii Ib" 2DOn-CatlStop ~;::,,"" ,..... - ,-;,~. :a.I.lll.l. 'lecip'''nfsP!m,,,,Numb€rIVery 1C; &",. ,'(: :1t'lpartme"t/i -d(,-llhpr,'" 'f'fH-JClarqps o ChgToHold DE< a;(jv"I"If'C Zip r? l'rOla/ChargeS' REVtSIQNOATEsJ91 ~~Uil(~~t NCkf Date/Time IO"l9~ '='1990.91 FEe PRIN1EOlf\I USA .:' , JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 10. 1991: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends their resolution no. 19, adopted on July 17, 1991 approving the performance bond amount for Southold Villas, Phase 1 in the amount of $426.455.00. to read: "Phase 1 - $358.130.00". all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering Inspector James Richter; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event Southold Villas provides the Town Board with a guarantee from the Long Island Savings Bank to the effect that the bank will fund 100% of the cost of the site improvements and that it will undertake to complete and will complete all site work and site improvements. naming the Town of Southold third party beneficiary of the agreement, all in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney, then. and in that even, the Bond and/or Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall be fixed at $195,000.00; all related fees shall be computed based upon $195.000.00 and shall be in addition thereto. /~d/~ ~____ ~di';hi-. Te;ry r Southold Town Clerk December 11. 1991 . HARVEY A. ARNOFF Town Attorney SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor MATTHEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 December 12, 1991 Issac Saidmehr 1760 Veterans Memorial Highway Islandia, New York 11722 Re: Southold ViI/as SCTM# 1000-70-1-6 Dear Mr. Saidmehr: Enclosed herewith, please find a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Southold Town Board at its regular meeting of December 10, 1991 with regard to the performance bond for Southold Villas, Phase 1. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. MGK:mls Enclosure cc: George Wieser Peconic Development Corp. " . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. If. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOIT L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 76"1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 December 10, 1991 RECEIVED DEC'101991 Issac Saidmehr 107 Firestone Circle North Hills, New York 11576 Southold T ~~n ("Iprk RE: Southold Villas Southold, New York SCTM# 1000-70-1-6 Dear Mr. Saidmehr: The fOllowing resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, December 9, 1991: BE IT RESOLVED to adopt the revised bond estimate for Phase 1, dated December 9, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. The revised bond estimate for Phase 1 is in the amount of $358,130.00, with an administration fee of $21,488.00. This bond estimate is to replace the bond estimate for Phase 1 that was adopted by the Planning Board on June 24, 1991. Very truly yours, ~t/~~'I Bennett Orlowski, Jr. I,/>>(> Chairman enc. cc: Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk/ Harvey A. Arnoff, Town Attorney Matthew Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney James McMahon, Community Development Director Raymond Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways James Richter, Engineering Inspector George Wiser 765-3140 JAMES A. RICHTER ENGINEERING INSPECTOR ~', t . " RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DECEMBER 9, 1991 Mr Ben.nett Chairman - Town. Hall, Southold, Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board 53095 Main Road New York 11971 Re: Southold Villas SCTM # 1000-70-1-6 Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per your request, I have revised the Bond Estimate for the above referenced subdivision as per the 1992 MEANS COST DATA. If you have any questions concerning this Estimate or if you need any additional information, please contact my office. Enc': R.A. ", t.., RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 765-3140 "PHASE I" ITEM QUANTITY I. 2 ACRE . 2. 6,250 C.Y. 3. 3,500 L.F. 4. 700 L.F. 5. 6,580 S.Y. 6. 10 EA. 7. 30 EA. 8. 420 L.F. 9. 1,190 TONS 10. 878 TONS 11. 548 TONS 12. 850 L.F. 13. 65 EA. 14. 80 EA. 15. 30 EA. 16. 36 EA. 17. 12 EA. 18. 4,050 S.Y. 19 10 EA. 20. 3 EA. 21. 500 L.F. 22. 12 EA. 23. JOB OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD "REVISED" BOND ESTIMATE FOR SOUTHOLD VILLAS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM # 1000-70-1-6 DECEMBER 9, 1991 DESCRIPTION CLEARING & GRUBBING ROUGH GRADING - UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CONCRETE CURBING - STRAIGHT CONCRETE CURBING - RADIUS FINE GRADING DRAINAGE: CATCH BASINS LEACHING BASINS (10' 0 x 12' d.) 18" 0 CMP SUFRACING: BASE COURSE (4" STONE BLEND) BINDER COURSE (2;"" ASPHALT) WEARING COURSE (1;"" ASPHALT) CONCRETE SIDEWALK STREET TREES SCREEN PLANTING: JUNIPER NORWAY SPRUCE SAND CHERRY PINE TREES TOPSOIL & SEED STREET SIGNS STREET LIGHTS DIRECT BURIAL CABLE CONCRETE MONUMENTS MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC JAMES A. RICHTER ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3070 "PHASE I" UNIT PRICE $ 2,650.00 $ 6.00 6.50 12.00 0.50 3,000.00 3,000.00 30.00 25.00 40.00 40.00 11.00 200.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 200.00 2,000.00 2.00 100.00 SUB-TOTAL + 6% ADMINISTRATION FEE TOTAL AMOUNT 5,300.00 37,500.00 22,750.00 8,400.00 3,290.00 30,000.00 90,000.00 12,600.00 29,750.00 35,120.00 21 ,920. 00 9,350.00 13,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 1,800.00 600.00 20,250.00 2,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 800.00 $ 358,130.00 $ 21,488.00 $ 379,618.00 '. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouIhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 17, 1991: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the following amounts for performance bonds for roads and improvements in the Southold Villas subdivision, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering Inspector Richter: Phase 1 - $426,455.00; Phase 2 - $50,550.00. A4i4~ Judith T--:;'~rr~ Southold Town Clerk July 18, 1991 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards -y@ JlI(j) '1/11 . . ., " SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (5116) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 July 2, 1991 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 REaMD JUL 2 1991 SouthoId TOW" Clf'Il4i RE: Southold Villas Southold, New York SCTM# 1000-70-1-6 Dear Mrs. Terry: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, June 24, 1991: Be it RESOLVED to adopt the bond estimates for Phase 1 and Phase 2, dated as revised June 24, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. The bond estimate for Phase 1 is in the amount of $426,455.00, with an inspection fee in the amount of $25,587.00. The bond estimate for Phase 2 is in the amount of $50,550.00, with an inspection fee in the amount of $3,033.00. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, ~~/7/t't Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Enc!. R~,{NOND L. JACOBS SJPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 765--3140 ":?HASE I" ITE~l QUANTITY 1. 2 ACRE 2. 6,250 C.Y. 3. 4,280 L.F. 4. 6,580 S.Y. 5. 10 EA. 6. 30 EA. 7. 420 L.F. 8. 1,190 TONS 9. 878 TONS 10. 548 TONS 1r. 4,250 S.F. 12. 68 EA. 13. 85 EA. 14. 30 EA. 15" 40 EA. 16. 12 EA. 17. 4,050 S.Y. 18. 10 EA. 19. 1 EA. 20. 500 L.F. 21. JOB .", ( .... " nJ JAMES A. RICHTEK' ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3070 OFFiCE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ESTIMATE FOR SOUTHOLD VILLAS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM # 1000-70-1-6 REVISED: June 24, 19 JUNE 12,1991 "PHASE I" UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 6.00 37,500.00 10.00 42,800.00 1.50 9,870.00 3,500.00 35,000.00 3,600.00 108,000.00 20.00 8,400.00 25,00 29,750.00 60.00 52,680.00 60.00 32,880.00 3.50 14,875.00 200.00 13,600.00 50.00 4,250.00 50.00 1,500.00 50.00 2,000.00 50.00 600.00 5.00 20,250.00 250.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.00 1,000.00 L.S. 2,000.00 DESCRIPTION CLEARING & GRUBBING ROUGH GRADING - UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CONCRETE CURBING FINE GRADING DRAINAGE: CATCH BASINS LEACHING BASINS (10'0x12'd.) 15" 0 CMP SURFACING: BASE COURSE (4"STONE BLEND) BINDER COURSE (2l," ASPHALT) WEARING COURSE (ll," ASPHALT) CONCRETE SIDEWALK STREET TREES SCREEN PLANTING: JUNIPER NORWAY SPRUCE SAND CHERRY PINE TREES TOPSOIL & SEED STREET SIGNS STREET LIGHT DIRECT BURIAL CABLE MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC SUB-TOTAL = $426,455.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = $ 25,587.00 TOTAL = $452,042.00 NOTE:J..STREET TREES TO BE OF SPECIES SPECIFIED IN SECTION A108-41(K) OF THE HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS. ;:. SCREEN PLANTING TO BE AS SPECIFIED ON LANDSCAPE PLAN. PAGE 1 of 2 :;. STREET LIGHT TO BE LOCATED AT INTERSECTION OF JASHINE LANE AND APPLE COURT. RAYHOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 765--3140 "PHASE II" ITnl QUANTITY 1. 1 ACRE 2. 3,400 S.F. 3. 39 EA. 4. 192 EA. 5. 100 EA. 6. 75 EA. 7. 35 EA. 8. 2,150 S.Y. 9. 4 EA. 10. JOB ,-;II ( . " ..... 11)/.'1 JANES A. RICHTER. ENGINEERING INSPECTOR REVISED: June 24, 1991 JUNE 12,1991 "PHASE II" ANOUNT $ 2,500.00 11 , 900.00 7,800.00 9,600.00 5,000.00 3,750.00 1,750.00 10,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 50,550.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE $ 3, 033 . 00 TOTAL = $ 53, 58 3 . 00 NOTE: 1. STREET TREES TO BE OF SPECIES SPECIFIED IN SECTION A108-41(K) OF THE HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS. 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ESTII1ATE FOR SOUTHOLD VILLAS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM # 1000-70-1-6 DESCRIPTION CLEARING & GRUBBING CONCRETE SIDEWALK STREET TREES LANDSCAPING: JUNIPER. SAND CHERRY @ 4' SAND CHERRY @ 5' NORWAY SPRUCE TOPSOIL & SEED STREET SIGNS UNIT PRICE $ 2,500.00 3. SO 200.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 250.00 2. SCREEN PLANTING TO BE AS SPECIFIED ON SITE PLAN AND LANDSCAPE PLAN. I1AINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. PAGE 2 of 2 "" "r.,' ( ,."",'f. ~, ; '~'1"~ . "-"'( . / _{,:)\ I ;:~",~;;.: ',~ ." )\.-.};.. .:.~ .,_<:t,~~.,,,, ~ _ .... if L. '.'.". -'- . ._ ;Jl.. '..,.....,'.: . '~ JJ\"'o,::;,.' ~ '~~ :.. ........~. , ..~~ (~:. . J:?'" .'-.... ,'. "V;, .~,;" . '. '/n " ~~ ,"..ut ' ,\VA '~IT ( PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennell Orlowski, Jr" Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards ,J scon L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 June 25, 1991 Issac Saidrnehr 107 Firestone Circle North Hills, New York 11576 RE: Southold Villas Southo1d, New York SCTM# 1000-70-1-6 Dear Mr. Saidrnehr: The following took place at the meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on.Monday, June 24, 1991: It was RESOLVED to adopt comments Number 1 and 2 of the June 12, 1991, Road Inspector's report. It was RESOLVED to adopt the bond estimates for Phase 1 and Phase 2, dated as revised June 24, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. The bond estimate for Phase 1 is in the amount of $426,455.00, with an inspection fee in the amount of $25,587.00. The bond estimate for Phase 2 is in the amount of $50,550.00, with an inspection fee in the amount of $3,033.00. The final public hearing on the subdivision maps dated February 21, 1991, and received by the Planning Board on June 20, 1991, and the site plan maps dated, January 1991, revised on May 14, 1991, and received by the Planning Board on May 31, 1991, was closed. The following resolution was adopted in reference to the SUBDIVISION of seventeen (17) affordable lots: WHEREAS, Southold Villas, Inc. is the owner of the property known and designated as SCTM# 1000-70-1-6, located on the west side N.Y.S. Rte. 25 (Main Road); approximately 917 feet south of Tucker Lane in Southold; and .'t, ',', ( ( Page 2 Southold Villas WHEREAS, the Town Board granted a Change of Zone from "A-C" Agricultural-Conservation District to "ARD" Affordable Housing District sUbject to 4 terms and conditions on May 22, 1990, for this 18.025 acre parcel, and all terms and conditions have been fulfilled; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was issued on February 27, 1990, by the Town Board for the Change of Zone and for the construction of the affordable homes and the townhouse units; and WHEREAS, this major subdivision, to be known as SOUTHOLD VILLAS, is for 17 affordable lots on 9.0107 acres; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said subdivision application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on June 24, 1991; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional final approval on the surveys dated February 21, 1991, received by the Planning Board on June 20, 1991, and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys sUbject to fulfillment of the following conditions. All conditions must be met within six (6) months of the date of this resolution. 1. The road and drainage plans must be revised in accordance with comments numbered 1 and 2 of the Road Inspector's report, dated June 12, 1991. Six (6) copies of the revised final road and drainage plan must be submitted. 2. A bond, Letter of Credit, or the equivalent, in the amount of the bond estimate adopted by the Town Board for Phase 1 must be submitted and must be accepted by the Town Board. 3. The inspection fee for Phase 1 must be submitted. 4. Six (6) copies of the final Landscape plan must be submitted and accepted by the Planning Board. " .; ( ( Page 3 Southold Villas 5. The curb cut permit from the New York State Department of Transportation must be submitted. 6. A letter stating that the subdivider shall install all utilities must be submitted. 7. A notarized letter stating that the sale of the affordable lots and homes will be in compliance with the provisions of the Town's Affordable Housing District; including the fact that the cost of installing water service lines to each lot will not be charged to prospective affordable lot owners, must be submitted. 8. A draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions containing the following must be submitted for review, or these items must be added to the previous Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions: A. No plantings shown on the approved Landscape Plan shall be destroyed, cut, or removed, except as required for disease control. B. There shall be no construction of any kind within the areas designated as conservation easements on the subdivision map. C. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. D. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the.Town of Southold after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. Upon acceptance of the draft Declaration by the Town Attorney and Planning Board, it must be filed in the office of the County Clerk. A copy of the filed Declaration must be submitted to the Planning Board. 9. The filed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (Liber 11232, Page 374) must be revised as follows: .. . ., ,'., ( ( Page 4 southold Villas A. Number 2 of the Declaration shall be omitted as the layout has been designed with conservation easements contained within the lots, rather than a general open space area. B. Number 5 of the Declaration shall read "... after a public hearing." rather than "... after a preliminary hearing." The revised Declaration must be filed in the office of the County Clerk. A copy of the filed Declaration must be submitted to the Planning Board. 10. A copy of the filed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (Liber 11139, Page 30) must be submitted. 11. A copy of any covenants and restrictions required by the Health Department must be submitted. 12. If there are to be any other Covenants and Restrictions placed on the lots, these shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Board. No covenants and restrictions shall be imposed on the lot owners without prior approval from the Planning Board. 13. Six (6) paper copies and two (2) mylars of the final subdivision maps must be submitted. All maps must contain: A. A current stamp of Health Department approval; B. A notation that Declarations of Covenants and Restrictions have been filed, and the Liber and Page number of all documents. The following resolution was adopted in reference to the sixteen (16) condominium unit SITE PLAN: WHEREAS, Southold Villas, Inc. is the owner of the property known and designated as SCTM# 1000-70-1-6, located on the west side N.Y.S. Rte. 25 (Main Road); approximately 917 feet south of Tucker Lane in Southold; and " ( ( ,"', Page 5 Southold Villas WHEREAS, the Town Board granted a Ch~nge of Zone from "A-C" Agricultural.,.Conservation District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District sUbject to four terms and conditions on May 22, 1990, for this 18.025 acre parcel, and all terms and conditions have been fulfilled; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was issued on February 27, 1990, by the Town Board for the Change of Zone and for the construction of the affordable homes and the townhouse units; and WHEREAS, this site plan, to be known as SOUTHOLD VILLAS, is for sixteen (16) condominium units on 9.0103 acr~s; and WHEREAS, this site plan was certified by Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector on June 24, 1991; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said site plan application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on June 24, 1991; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional final approval with modifications to the surveys dated January 1991, revised on May 14, 1991, and received by the Planning Board on May 31, 1991; RESOLVED, that the modifications to the final approval are as follows: 1. An ornamental flowering tree shall be planted in the front yard of each unit in such a location as to block the view of the garage from the street. 2. Each unit will be subject to a one-year review from the date of its Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Two copies of the October 1990 lighting plan and specifications are to be submitted with the Building Permi t. '. " ( ( " , ' Page 6 Southold Villas RESOLVED, to authorize the.' Chairman to endorse the final surveys upon completion of the fOllowing conditions: 1. Receipt of six paper prints and 2 mylars with the Health Department's stamp of approval. 2. Proof of Filing of Bylaws for the Condominium Association with the State Attorney General. 3. Submission of six copies of the road and drainage plans, which must be revised in accordance with comments numbered 1 and 2 of the Road Inspector's report, dated June 12, 1991. 4. A bond, Letter of Credit, or the equivalent, in the amount of the bond estimate adopted by the Town Board for Phase 2 is submitted and accepted by the Town Board. 5. Payment of the Inspection fee for Phase 2. 6. A draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions containing Conditions 1. and 4. of the Suffolk County Planning Department's conditional approval (December 6,1990). Upon acceptance of the draft Declaration by the Town Attorney and Planning Board, it must be filed in the office of the County Clerk. A copy of the filed Declaration must be submitted to the Planning Board. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, ~{J~/}' Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~ Chairman Encl. cc: James McMahon, Community Development Director Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Town Board Members ';,YNOND L. JACOBS . 1 PERINTENDENT OF .:1 GHWAYS " 5-3140 "PlL~SE I" ~:TEt1 QUANTITY 1. 2 AGRE 2. 6,250 C.Y. 3. 4,280 L.F. 4. 6,580 S.Y. 5. 10 EA. 6. 30 EA. 7. 420 L.F. 8. 1,190 TONS 9. 878 TONS :.0. 548 TONS :.1. 4,250 S.F. :2. 68 EA. :.3. 85 EA. :.4. 30 EA. J.5. 40 EA. J 6. 12 EA. I 7. 4,050 S.Y. 18. 10 EA. 19. 1 EA. LO. 500 L.F. 21. JOB - -::'\ ( ( ",'" )'11 , JAMES A. RICHTEK' ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ESTIMATE FOR SOUTHOLD VILLAS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM # 1000-70-1-6 REVISED: June 24, 19' JUNE 12,1991 "PHASE I" UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 6.00 37,500.00 10.00 42,800.00 1.50 9,870.00 3,500.00 35,000.00 3,600.00 108,000.00 20.00 8,400.00 25.00 29,750.00 60.00 52,680.00 60.00 32,880.00 3.50 14,875.00 200.00 13,600.00 50.00 4,250.00 50.00 1,500.00 50.00 2,000.00 50.00 600.00 5.00 20,250.00 250.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.00 1,000.00 L.S. 2,000.00 DESCRIPTION CLEARING & GRUBBING ROUGH GRADING - UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CONCRETE CURBING FINE GRADING DRAINAGE: CATCH BASINS LEACHING BASINS (IO'0xI2'd.) IS" 0 CMP SURFACING: BASE COURSE (4"STONE BLEND) BINDER COURSE (2l," ASPHALT) WEARING COURSE (ll," ASPHALT) CONCRETE SIDEWALK STREET TREES SCREEN PLANTING: JUNIPER NORWAY SPRUCE SAND CHERRY PINE TREES TOPSOIL & SEED STREET SIGNS STREET LIGHT DIRECT BURIAL CABLE MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC SUB-TOTAL = $4 2 6 , 4 5 5 . 0 0 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = $ 25,587.00 TOTAL $452,042.00 NClT:':: 1. STREET TREES TO BE OF SPECIES SPECIFIED IN SECTION AI08-41(K) OF THE HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS. 2. SCREEN PLANTING TO BE AS SPECIFIED ON LANDSCAPE PLAN. PAGE I of 2 3.STREET LIGHT TO BE LOCATED AT INTERSECTION OF JASMINE LANE AND APPLE COURT. RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 765-3140 "PHASE II" ITEM QUANTITY 1. 1 ACRE 2. 3,400 S.F. 3. 39 EA. 4. 192 EA. 5. 100 EA. 6. 75 EA. 7. 35 EA. 8. 2,150 S.Y. 9. 4 EA. 10. JOB NOTE: ,---- I ( d"-=' .r ( " , JAMES A. RICHTER ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3070 REVISED: June 24, 1991 JUNE 12,1991 "PHASE II" AMOUNT ~~ 2,500.00 11,900.00 7,800.00 9,600.00 5,000.00 3,750.00 1,750.00 10,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 SUB-TOTAL $:;0,550.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE = $ 3, 033 . 00 TOTAL = $ :; 3 , 58 3 . 00 1. STREET TREES TO BE OF SPECIES SPECIFIED IN SECTION A108-41(K) OF THE HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS. 2. SCREEN PLANTING TO BE AS SPECIFIED ON SITE PLAN AND LANDSCAPE PLAN. , If OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ESTIMATE FOR SOUTHOLD VILLAS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM # 1000-70-1-6 DESCRIPTION CLEARING & GRUBBING CONCRETE SIDEWALK STREET TREES LANDSCAPING: JUNIPER SAND CHERRY @ 4' SAND CHERRY @ 5' NORWAY SPRUCE TOPSOIL & SEED STREET SIGNS UNIT PRICE $ 2,500.00 3.50 200.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 250.00 MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC L.S. PAGE 2 of 2