HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Gardens (2) "SOUTHOLD GARDENS" - SUBDIVISION BOND - ,1~~~iJ(~ <f~<'~:'\'.~",> 4~ Ol~~t~~,9.{T.~1~\ <a:E&K N S; h;~ "~_'i~:' .. ~~ p ~Hy.rN.:g~I\ ~p.,tyr."",HW-,~ ~~. 'i';~_'~__:<~.,..,,- lv 'SJJ~IW.E[(l.l€()~i~]\.Y '~.1 '//</11 . .iCiCit;.it;. Ii';';? ..~w Southold, L 1., N. Y. 11971 3/25/80 " ; '. JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 April 1, 1980 Abigail Wickham, Attorney Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. Wickham: The Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on March 25, 1980 released the passbook of Richard J. Babcock, (Savings I,nvestment Certificate passbook No. 1-7-15568) placed as security for the roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Southold Gardens". Please sign the duplicate of this letter acknowledging receipt of Mr. Babcock's passbook. Very truly yours, kd?d...:/. J-eMr Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Enclosure Received Savings No. 1-7-15568. 'nv~;;;4fd~ Ab1. 1.1 W1.ckham r~g----gZ) Date ------"'----- ,- , RICHARD J. BABCOCK 112 Wilderness Drive Naples, Florida 33940 March 27, 1980 Judith Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southo1d Gardens - Performance Bond Dear Miss Terry: You are authorized to release the Southo1d Savings Bank passbook to Abigail A. Wickham. I understand that you are holding the passbook as a result of the release by the Town Board of the Performance Bond. Sincerely yours, ;/ '. i /,_ / ,"",." /7 /(:A.'./~.. /L ~-e_~.t!/ L_" /,' ::.r,_ C Richard J. Babcock COUNCILMEN Henry W. Drum John J. Nickl"s Lawrence Murdock If. George R. Sullivan TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 . Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 March 25, 1980 Southold Town Board Town Hall Sout:hold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the Highway Committee of the Southold Town Board has inspected the roads and improvements in the subdivision "Southold Gardens" and hereby recommends release of i:he performance bond. Respectfully submitted, JO~2: ~ . J~aS~ George R. Sullivan . .. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Rr:GISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~;r~. ,~~~o.~ C~~ O'btf;. o=Ji~~~.; \:> K -,,' , ;-~:"~:,' -pd' oJ ~,q~ SOtrgi$E Uff.-J-. -~ "-~;~;;*I ~L _ ~I ,~BP~.~~O...~~JJ ~..v.<~t/).-" -c..~zrr:::;-::;-- Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 October 25, 1978 Southold Savings Bank Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the Town Board of the Town of Southold by resolution adopted October 24, 1978, accepted the Savings Investment Certificate passbook No. 1-7-15568 as security for the roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Southold Gardens". Withdrawals from this account may not be made without prior approval of the Southold Town Board who now hold the Savings Investment Certificate. Very truly yours, /. :-/,-" ~ ~-y. ../7 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk cc: Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. ~ . JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~-rr;:::' e\~E~ t'~" Oft~j; OF(TO~~.. " . K t""'...."'........"....,.. 'Fi - . ~..~ .'" .. ..... .."... t) V' . OJS..SO~~., UFFOL~~t:mt/ ~.....;.!. 'o.v.,V '-",,1'/;./ y' y' 'Af;/, ~"~"-:-".':::~ ':'<~'.~ Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 October 25. 1978 Gary Flanner Olsen. Esq. P. O. Box 38. Main Road Mattituck. New York 11952 Dear Mr. Olsen: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on October 24, 1978. a resolution was adopted accepting the Savings Investment Certificate passbook of Mr. Richard J. Babcock in the amount of $27.000.00 as security for the roads and improvements in the sub- division known as "Southold Gardens". However. Mr. withdrawal slip. as possible. Babcock failed to include a signed Please forward to this office as soon Very truly yours. ~~~~~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk . -"-"-"---'_'_.'-'-~-,- -- ',- -_._,~-_..'. ....-.... .-"-,,........--......--....... ,------.-..-..-...... .--.---- JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK Rt:GISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 October 25, 1978 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on October 24, 1978 a resolution was adopted accepting the Savings Investment Certificate of Richard Babcock in the amount of $27,000.00 which was posted in lieu of a Road Performance Bond for "Southold Gardens". Very truly yours, ~&d ~~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk GARY FLANNER OLSEN RECCiViJ) COUNSELLOR AT LAW '.1,; P. o. 80)< 38 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516 298-4844 October 18, 1978 Re: Southold Gardens File # 1519 Dear Judy: Enclosed please find a Savings Certificate from Southo1d Savings Bank in the name of Richard J. Babcock in the amount of $27,000.00 bearing a Certificate No. 1-7-15568, which is being posted in lieu of a Road Performance Bond in re the above captioned matter. Mr. Babcock has discussed this with Robert Tasker. I request that you submit same to the Southold TO~ning Board with the usual letter being issued to the Plann~oard tor its records. /' Very trUly}&ou , GFol clr Enc. Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 cc: Richard Babcock cc: Frederick Rimmler i{!t!~l;;/t a;m t, nr.-.. '1/6/7 j GARY FLANNER OLSEN RECEIVED NOV l'1978 COUNSELLOR AT LAW T own Cler~ SOllthold P. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD, MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516 298-4844 November 6, 1978 Re: Southold Gardens File # 1519 Dear Judy: Enclosed please find a signed itemized slip executed by Mr. Babcock as per your letter of October 25, 1978, which you should keep in a safe place with the Passbook. Very truly yours, / ~iR'tf~~~RL~E~( 1/ , ..1. <. GFO/clr Ene. Southold Town Clerk's Office Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Att: Judith T. Terry ~d antt. ern ?/.:>j1f a" ~ z ~ ~ - .'. ~ u 1\' ,::-. w U Z < ~ < m a . ~ ,.... N * l ~ ) ", 1"0 I . . I'~ .'. II. I- n \. ,0 .....:.. i z . 0 . . . . " CX) lO LO l.l') rl I 1"-:. rl " ... .- 'l;~:"';k~;..';T d ,l' ,r. -1 ~ ,.__._-~- III ~ ~ w ~ w ~ ~ ~ w o . 8i' a ,.... ,,',N * I~ I~ 6 z ~ ~ w ~ o co ,.... ti ~ - II H..( """ N Ii i ,.----.------., I .., ... ~ \0 ,.. co '" J ! .: . >F >i z. . " ~ ~ 0 . .'( 0 0 :J . >. ;: 0, w Z W z '" . at' Z . 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C6 >- , " ~ '" 0.E ~ OX> >- "" " p " - 00 \j , U <0 .= :I:/1 6 UJ > c.: OJ '- ,,~ a: '" '" ~ 0 "' M ~ Z > .S!> ,..; N '" ::> :ii '" u.. .~ ci z ~ u UJ :l: U SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK CERTIFI~ATE_<; DEPW DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Cert. No. 7/5 -hL Rate 11 h 7 Int. Paid Qtiy._ AmountJ,'1W. - Term /Rr) --h._MGulll> - Int. Paid at Mat. k I fully understand the following penalty provisions, in the event that a withdrawal is allowed before maturity on the above numbered Time Deposit Certificate: If this term deposit or any ponion thereof is paid before maturity, the bank shall pay interest on the amount withdrawn at a rate not to exceed that currently prescribed for regular savings accounts, in addition to which, the depositor shall forfeit three months' interest at the regular savings deposit rate of interest. If the amount withdrawn has remained on deposit for three months or Jess. all interest shan be forfeited. Where necessary to comply with the requirements of this par::lgraph, any interest already paid for the account shall be deducted. from the amonnt requested to be withdrawn. A maturity notice will he sent at least 30 days prior to maturity. T('n days after maturity, if we have not heard from the cllstomer, Ihis deposit will be cnnvcrll'd to a Day ot Deposit, Day of Withdrawal Savings Account with interest hcinr, earned from the matur~ ity date of the Certificate of Deposit and subject to all the rules and regl1lations governinl:! said ccount. ~ B.ml Slglltlf.rt ,".u A......, T --v: - / '-f .>- '" .. D Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765.193S March 14, 1980 Supervisor William R. Pell III Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held March 10, 1980. RESOLVED to accept Report #125 of John W. David, Planning Board Inspector, in regard to the subdivision "Southold Gardens at Southold" and recommend to the Southold Town Board release of the performance bond for said subdivision. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOvm PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Henry Drum Councilman Lawrence Murdock Councilman George Sullivqp Town Clerk Judith Terryv Deputy Supervisor Marie Johnson . T TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 COUNCILMEN Henry W. Drum John J. Nickles Lawrence Murdock Jr. George R. Sullivan Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 March 25, 1980 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the Highway Committee of the Southold Town Board has inspected the roads and improvements in the subdivision "Southold Gardens" and hereby recommends release of tche performance bond. Respectfully submitted, Jo;;j:;~ :::::~' . J~ t?S~ George R. Sullivan