HomeMy WebLinkAboutSimmons, Charles JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK . . REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main IIoad P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 24, 1995: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to release the $111,450.00 bond ($55,725.00 passbook in the name of Charles Simmons, and $55,725.00 Letter of Credit in the name of A. E. Nicholas), which represents the guarantee for completion of roads and improvements (including the submersible fire well) which have been installed and accepted, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering I nspector James A. Richter. d_R'A~~~ ~~.;-. Terry Southold Town Clerk January 25, 1995 r Richard G. Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Melissa Spiro, Planner,flj5 RECEIVED JAN 1 8 1995 Minor Subdivision Charles Simmons SCTM# 1000-112-1-8.2 Southold T 0_ ClerIc DATE: January 18, 1995 Please schedule the release of the Passbook in the amount of $55,725.00, and the Letter of Credit in the amount of $55,725.00 for the above mentioned minor subdivision. All improvements have been completed in a satisfactory manner as documented in the November 18, 1994, report from James Richter. In addition, the Planning Board has received notification that the Submersible Fire Well has been tested and accepted by the Mattituck Fire District. Due to the timing of the Town Board and Planning Board meetings, the Planning Board has decided to request release of the bond by letter rather than by formal resolution. Please let me know if you require any additional information. enc. MllrrnUCK FIRF.: I>lSl1UCr PO nox 666 MATT/rUCK, NEW YORK 119$2-0666 fJlJlce (516)298-8837 ft." (516)298-8841 January 17, 1995 To Whom It May Concern: ReI Sub Division. charles Simmons DEC 1D#1_4736-01029/00001-O , Please be advised that the Submersible Well as stated above ..~.;;:.;;i'~"",,;.., -"...."'~.,.,,''''',. ,._.""._....~..,............. . . ~ut> '(b (IllS RAYMOND L. JACOBS JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERINTENDE~T.. SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPART~E~T E~GINEERING INSPECTOR Fax (516)-765-1750 (516)-765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OP SOUTHOLD NOVEMBER 18, 1994 Richard G. Chairman - Town Hall, Southo1d, Ward Planning Board 53095 Main Road New York 11971 Re: CHARLES P. SIMMONS Minor Subdivision - Laurel, N,Y. SCTM # 1000 - 112 - 01 - 8.2 ! i UJ ~__~~~~~L; iU'r"I'Ll1'j! :,'ji U ,I': , !'J id .'-' SOUTHOLO TOWN PLANNING BOARD Dear Mr. Ward: The contractor for the above referenced project has requested a final inspection of the road improvements for the above referenced subdivision. A 11 of t he proposed road const ruct i on and d ra i nage syst ems have been installed in a satisfactory manner. The shoulder areas will require some minor clean up and one additional branch should be removed from the tree in front of the main house. Kreiger Well is currently that should be completed soon. completed at this time. on site installing the fire well and All other required items have been If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact my office. ..loo\~. Y;"c">l>~ ",;t\,. (1\.., S;",m...", ""'~ ;0....... ~k.\.,te~. A.. ".... "'R;ct..,c, '0"", ;"'l"~ a.... t""'p\...\-e. t":r, wQ l\ ;. \'.'''0 ;""""\\'&. S;",mOfOl> woll k+ u' l;:""", ",h.,,, ~:".....,-l\ ""~ 1,.,,, "'rI't'Ov.l \'1 F:',~ '1:>;"..":0..... i\\S cc: Raymond L. Jacobs (Superintendent of Highways) ~ ~' cere1y, . 41{~ {t~ ~ames A. Richter, R.A. .. ~~ JPMorgan ,,":rpn Guaranty TeWll Company of New York August 18, 1994 Our Credit No. PB-283735 Private Banking Letter of Credit Town Board Town of Southhold Main Road Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 In accordance with instructions received, we hereby amend our above referenced Letter of Credit established in your favor for the account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E.Nicholas as follows: The amount of the credit is decreased by $126,216.00(ONE HON- DRED TWENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTEEN AND 00/100 to a new total of $55,725.00 (FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HONDRED TWENTY FIVE AND 00/100 U.S. DOLLARS). The name of the account party now to read A.E. Nicholas in- stead .of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas. The expiration date has been extended to August 31; 1995. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Y(tfw'Z iYl?h ../1 A~thorized Signatt1~ Private Banking 7e Letter of Credit (212)837-1218 ~~ /a~9S: j7.~.. A subsidiary of J.P. M('rgan & Co. Incorporated 70047 ... ,-----.- ,/ ~ ! f . z ~ ~ .t. ~ I ~ , . ~ u . e DATE M EM 0 ....J._...~IIl'...... D E P 0 SIT I '. '. ,i ,---( I)-V,),UI yJ,.--uiJ.JU << l/.",..J..uJ . fJ. jl!G,,--,,"""'L-J 'OATE__ ~ /;~ DiPOSlTEP IN " 2701 005 08-19-94 OC012 l' -~- --11-------- () (+) AMOUNT Of AMOUNT Of _I W"""AWAl "'0'" , =r-j-- -J-,-, + II- I !! , II l-\~I i , II: Li Cl .19 1 J - " "i rOT,\l ,,' INTEREST CREDITED I J It -~ I~ ___~_,~~l_~J ~ I ""-",-,-",,, i1 ... ' - - -~- ' ..$,5' / J.f , 11 H.t. ~ l~ --1- , . 1'~Hll I s 'I~ - SUREEACtllTE 15' ____ -=r.:iO,,"L Y 'NOO,'o, .Ji I i::.o. 72:;.0'=' D ~o~~~O~~~?~ 0005qOO~2~5g. 50 "ll HE'o1S AilE ",CC(Plll) ~UUJl(! 1<1 uUK KUII' _'NO ," L,L'L.\II"~' ~""\" "UU Willi' >\LLl>Ut<r -_...,.,.->.........-:.~.. ------ ---------- ~ ,.~, .' JUDITHT. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765.1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 23, 19911: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the reduction of the performance bond amount for the Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons, Mattituck, from $181,941.00 to $111,450.00, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering Inspector James Richter. ~~~ Judith T. Terry' (/ Southold Town Clerk August 24, 1994 , Richard G. Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 23, 1994 Judy Terry Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Re: Minor subdivision of Charles Simmons SCTM# 1000-112-1-8.2 Dear Ms. Terry: The following resolution was adopted by the South old Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, August 22, 1994: BE IT RESOLVED to adopt the nlvlsed bond estimate dated July 19, 1994, and to nlcommend same to the Town Board. The nlvised bond estimate Is in the amount of $111,450.00. The road specification for the subdivision has been amended as outlined in the Planning Board's March 9, 1994 letter and as shown on the plan dated May 6, 1994 by Roderick Van Tuyl. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, 1f~ 11 v'evtI Richard G. Ward 111) Chaimnan enc: July 19, 1994 bond estimate ~ AIR81i..L PACKAGE TRACKING NUMBER .. "'''If '". -"J- ~~!"'= .. .... USE rillS AlfiB/LL FOR SHIPMENTS WITHIN THE COlirtNENTAL U.s.A., AUSKA AND HAWAII USE THE INTERNATIONAL AIR WAYBiLl FOR SHIPMENTS TO PUERTO RICO AND ALL NON U,S. LOCArtONS QUESTIONS? CALL 800-238-5355 TOLL FREE. ],814645405 RECIPIENT'S COpy ,-.~ -"~ ";.0 - .t'JA.;.;. ..~:- "''''''ol-;.!" 1"'") T. ~'. _ ," .... -' '. "......,..'>>>'"'t'. l~.-.\.\ ~ -'l/).n~ -l.~ '~,""". _ ,),....." l'l, Date / -i / '/ ,'_ Your Phol'le Number (Very Importanl} "e)Plea~'int . , I. ~'I,!)'l' I 'Rc'::ir"enfsPhoneNumber(Verylm: ::... '7.~ ~;. t~. )l '.;) I. . 1\ DepartmentiFiQ; To (Recipient's Name) Please Pri[1\ .) .__~.::.-rj.LdJf./' comp~ ":Ii'-'" n., I,) : 'Y'c-JV1 j _ '"._..},'__U,"".,......-.u.....".,. ..._"_...__ -'-~"---'-" - Exact StreelAddress (WII Cannot Deliver 10 PO, BoxasorPO, Zip Codes,) r'. 0- ,>,\, I '\.;, 07 \ II i!.t^~, . ,,'-D cr~:,:-:'--'-"---------"--- --.. -- ----'' -- --,', - IJPRequired :x,~/(. 1/. iJ ( ,;/ II /7 / IF HOLD AT FEDEX LOCATIO, Prim FEDEX AddffJSS Here Street Address i. ) .'1. ~:_ ' ,~?-:'}. DepartmenvFioorN~' \, I " T , I; Slate ZIP Required \f i_ ~LI BILLING REFfRE~CE~NFORMATlON (optional) (First 24 arscters will apfJ68f on Invoice.) ,/~'~ State ZIP Required Date SERVICES -;ck only one box) ight StBndardOvem/ght ",omilll/t> (O<I""ry~yl1ll"'/)usil1<S,.N''''''''" ND5.llor<l;!y",llve~-') ING 51 D ~A~~GING FTTERoS6DFfDEXLETTER' AK' 52 0 FEDfX PAK' ox 53 D FfDEX BOX U8E _54DFEDEXTUBE Day GovemmentOvemJght ""d3yt,! m"mcIBdIaI'u//I<lraBdu"""only'! 'Ar 46 DfF{;fR ',1",,1001. y",'e 41D~~~Gf ,f,~s~,! IGHT 80 0 TWO-DAY !T'. FREIGHT" 000" ,,'q.."d) ntrMY 'OeclaredValuoLimil$500 ;;es hCaIl\or<leli..,1lodule Cash Received o RetumShipment o ThirdP"rty 0 Chg. To Del Street Address o Chg,ToHok:l ,. Saturday $Brvica 31 D HOLD AT FEOEX LOCA~/~I~;~~~~fnA~ 3 D fe~t~V~~~~~~ot.~atH. 9 D ~Tr~'!!!a~:';ICK-UP 10 all ;""'lions) City State RaceivadBy: X Date!Time Received , , FedEx Employee Number DIM SHIPMENT(Chargeable Weight) Special Handling 4 o DANGEROUS GOOOSIE<lraollarg.1 6 0 g~:.;fu~ GoodS sn,pp'" D<lcl,,'lion nol ro.uirM o L Ib, \)yk:<,9,1Il11l45. kg, \104 III x o 12 D~~~~~f.~L1VERYllfoll.red) 2DOn-Ca11Slop FederaiExpres: Zip De aredVal eel Olher~~ /' _I ther2 Toffi REVISIONOA 12/9 PART#137204 WI FORMAT#158 11581 @1982-93FElJEX PRINTED IN U,SA - :<_.....:. <~~.. ..~~,.: '-. . ,. 'CtfAF!l.ESP;SIMMONS " Z(-Z;~'~G~_~L-W 2918 I I , ~~" 19~ ~16 , ff'-3-:;:"'j::::'1 },. -""-" , <t-DTY/lh9 DO (L'AllS " '~... . "~" -"" .., "ftO . il :.:0..... ..,-, '.TheChMeIlM......ank,N.A. . ,'- '-" ~'" J- Br,"_, "llI73ra Street ." ',''',' NnYM,NY10D23 , .",~l.1:trfO-e~T ~ () ~/L,-"~;..,,...,,: ~,"'" ,rJC/ f&<.n1 , t../ J;j4~(.I-a ft..f~ H:qi!U:U:lOOj,':03i! '0 0331,0011" 2" ~a AU~-18-1994 09:06 FROM JP MORGAN sues - ITSS TO Judith Terry Date: August 18, 1994 FAX NO: (516) 7155-1823 FROM : CAROLE PHILLIPS SUBJECT : amendment REGARDS . CAROLE TO 915167651823 P.01 ..,. AUy-18-1994 09:06 FROM lP MORGAN sues - ITSS TO 915157651823 P.02 " .,,"':...... p' 'Mcnpn 'Y ,TruSt ~_ of :.;tY,~'it ...,' ,616 nAYenuo N....... NY 10022 .,.... ..:.':'.'::...=.:,p..... ...' &o!c.. ,.' "... ~... " I '"".,'JPMorgan , AUqu$t U,1994 OUrcredit,No.PB-283735 Town Board Town of southbold Main Road Southbold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: In acco~ with instructiontl r4iloeived., we hereby amend our above referenced. Letter of Credit established. in your favor for the ac:c:ount ot Charl.. P. Si_ons and A.E.Nicholas as follows: The amount of the credit is d.ecrea..d.,~ $126,Z16.00(ONB HDl'f- DRED TWENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HONDREDSb,:.L'.O AND 00/100 to a n_ total of $55,725.00 (FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE AND 00/100 U.S. DOT~~). The name of the account party now to read. A.E. Nichola. in- stead of Charles P. simonll and. A.B. Nicholas. The expiration date bas been on~d.d.to August 31, 1995. All other teJ:mS and conditions romain:unchanqed.. y~ .' ..""~.' ....'rI... t,~.r ly "/'/ '~' A i~'i9nat U~ p 1't'!vate Banking ,. Letteror cred.it (UZ)837-i218 '''''<1 ... TOTAL P.02 Richard G. Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Mark S, McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 18, 1994 Judith Terry, Town Clerk. Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Re: Minor subdivision of Charles Simmons SCTM# 1000-112-1-8.2 Dear Ms. Terry: The following resolution is proposed to be adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting on Monday, August 22, 1994: Be it resolved to adopt the revised bond estimate dated July 19, 1994, and to recommend same to the Town Board. The revised bond estimate is in the amount of $111,450.00. The road specification for the subdivision has been amended as outlined in the Planning Boards's March 9,1994 letter, and as shown on the plan dated May 6,1994 by Roderick Van Tuyl. The Letter of Credit for the subdivision improvements is due to expire on August 31, 1994. With this letter, we are requesting that the guarantee be extended for another year. The guarantee must be in the amount of the revised bond estimate, $111,450.00. The extension must be received prior to the expiration of the current Letter of Credit. Page 2 Minor subdivision for Charles Simmons August 18, 1994 Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, I~ (}, Melissa Spiro ~ Planner enc: July 19, 1994 bond estimate fax (516)-765-1750 ~ f4,:S SUPERINTENDENT. SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPART~ENT JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. ENGINEERING INSPECTOR RAYMOND L. JACOBS (516)-765-J070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1fD) rn @ ~ ~ If} rn ml ! .r . I REVISED lUll I JUL20~~ BOND ESTIMATE for I CHARLES P. SIMMONS SIlUTHOLD TOWN LOCATED at MATTITUCK PLANNING 80ARD SCTM #1000-112-01-08 JULY 19, 1994 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 1. 25 ACRE CLEARING & GRUBBING $ 3,000.00 $ 3,750.00 2. 3,500 S.Y. PREPARATION OF EXISTING SUB-BASE MATERIAL 1. 50 5,250.00 3. 7,944 S.Y. FINE GRADING 1. 50 11,916.00 4. 488 C.Y. DENSE GRADE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 30.00 14,640.00 5. 200 C.Y. 3/4" STONE BLEND WEARING COURSE 40.00 8,000.00 6. 566 TONS 2-1/2" ASPHALT BINDER WEARING COURSE 40.00 22,640.00 7. 80 V.F. 10' Dia. LEACHING / DRAINAGE BASINS 300.00 24,000.00 8. 7 EA. CAST IRON INLET GRATE & FRAME 300.00 2,100.00 9. 20 EA. CONCRETE SURVEY MONUMENTS 100.00 2,000.00 10. 1 EA. FIRE WELL 10,000.00 10,000.00 11. 7,154 S.Y. TOPSOIL & SEED 1. 00 7,154.00 SUB-TOTAL = $ 111,450.00 + 6% ADMINISTRATION FEE = $ 6,687.00 TOTAL = $ 118,137.00 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMEm' OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 17, 1994 Ann Hillard Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York Re: Letter of Credit No. PB283735 Dear Ms. Hillard: The bond amount for Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons is being reduced to $111,450.00. Mr. Simmons is providing this office with one half of the bond amount - $55,725.00. Therefore, as we discussed, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York will provide this office with a Letter of Credit in the amount of $55,725.00, representing the other half of the performance bond. Please be advised that the Letter of Credit must be extended for a term of one year from the expiration date. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~~--- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk ..................."......................................................... TRRNSMISSION RESULT REPORT .................... (AUG 17 ' 94 01: 02PM )............... , . SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL 516 765 1823 ......~....................................................................................................................................................................... (AUTO) ................... OK TOTAL PERSONAL LABEL PAGES 01 FILE NO. 008 START TIME AUG 17 01:02PM REMOTE TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION 212 980 6850 00'28" TIME RE- MODE SULTS DATE ES a;~ '/IJ!f!~ ~/2-S)~&-lJoZJ .:9j~ _ 07/2~i52J -~f?-67J ,................................................................................................................................................................................................................. DECM >lREDUCTION SlSTANDARD DlDETAIL FlFINE MlMEMORY ClCONFIDENTIAL ilBATCH $lTRANSFER PlPOLLING Richard G. Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Bu.u",u OrtowskL Jr. Mall< S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards ';>ri~J ' '- ';' _.:,:JI q..f' ') .:''''f;.... .\ :~". It~';':\ ;1: ~. ',;; ~ ~ .". - -~, ....J ',";,." 'fJ:..";;_ ,.>;-' . ,?, '. .~J '. I- PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 SouIImII:l, New York 11971 Fax (S16)765m311 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 11, 1994 CERTIFIED MAIL /1 oP/e1l- 3tb':< -j? C:Z;Z 7 Charles Simmons 221 West 82 Street New York, NY 10024 REC~lvED JUL 1 : 19~).6 Southold Town Clprk Re: Pe,("'"l1ance Guarantee for Minor subdivision - Charles Simmons SCTM# 1000-112-1-8.2 Dear Mr. Simmons: The perfomnance guarantee for the minor subdivision of Charles Simmons (Irrevocable Letter of Credit PB-283735 with the Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York) is due to expire Oft AtJgust 31, 1994. Since the improv"".,,,.tS have not been completed, you must extend the guarantee for at least another year. An extension of this guarantee must be submitted to this office befaFe the expiralian date. . Due to the 1iming -of the TOlIIIl1.Board's meetings, if 1he extension is not received by noon on August 22, 1994, 1tlere will be a resolution before the Town Board at its AuguiIl23>.1 til'lf:tD ....ltIu.iLe the. town to draw on the Letter -of Credit if the extension is not received by noon of August 29, 1993. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, ., ~ /~ .e Melissa Spiro Planner cc: Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York Judy Teny, Town Clerk Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated JPMorgan August 11, 1993 Our Credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of Southhold Main Road Southhold, New York 11971 RECEIVED AUG 1 6 1993 Scultdd t...... n..I. Dear Sirs: In accordance with instructions from our client, we hereby amend our above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for the account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1994. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. youP:::d1~ Authorized Signatu~~ Private Banking 11 Letter of Credit (212) 837-1218 700475.89 JPMorgan :5~(bFIU Pt;WD FIL IOvJrJ W M5 Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York August 20, 1992 Our CreDit No. PB-283735 Private Banking Letter of Cn'dit Town Board 616 Mad"on Aven"" To~n Ofd Southhold New Y",k NY 10022 Ma1n Roa Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: In accordance with instructions received from our client, we hereby amend 'C'lJr above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for the account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1993. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Yours very truly, ~ 7~&7:~ Authoriz Signature Private Banking Letter of Credit (212) 837-1218 ill ~;:;~~rn SOUTHOl r .\fN I PlANN!:"., cARD .' A subsidiary of l.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated 700475.89 . ; Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. lncorporated -, -J. /6 /i:'j v JPMorgan /0.' ~, S'U l3,-c, t.L ?~. e.c;,1,-, ~/( (. "--I July 29, 1991 Our Credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of Southhold Main Road Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: In accordance with instructions received from our client, we hereby amend our above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The amount of the credit is decreased by $37,566.00 (THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX AND 00/100 U.S. DOLLARS) to a new total of $181,941.00 (ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE AND 00/100 U.S. DOLLARS). The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1992. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Yours very truly, ~~' Authori:~~ignat,;re Private Banking Letter of Credit (212) 837-1200 JUl3 I : 700475.89 ~::\fTj~;----"- II1II". ex.PfiIliiil. - QUESTIONS? CALL 800-238.5355 TOLL FREE . D3~b523870 Date 07 /:.~91~'1 AIRBIL!. PACKAGE TRACJl.1N(;: NOMBfR 0346523B70 llECIPIEIIf"s COpy From (Your Name) PlEase P'inl Your Phor\e Number (Very Importanl) To (Recipient's Name) Please Print Recipienl's Phone NumbE" (Very Important) Theres'l '"., "llrphy ~12 )837,.1200 '-com~ity Department/Floor No Horgan 'lj.i! "nty Trust Co. of NelJ ';ork Sir8eiAd"dress 616 Mndjs,-,,' i.venue City Stale ZIP Required llew Yor'} , Ii'f 10022-1697 YOUR fNTERNAL BILL/Nt. REFERENCE INFORMATION (F/fS124 chalat;ters will tWe8f 01/ invoice.) PB-28373S RCN 689 ~ ~ail'SeMt!r 20 BJII F!edpjenl'sFedEx Acct No. 3D Bill 3rd Party FedEx ACCI. No ~01eck . .. .,'" '. PrIority Overnight Standard Overnight .~Ill'-llu!onos>""""""'IIII;~"y",,,_.Ilemorn+' 11 0 =GING 51 0 ~~GlNG lQFEDEXLfTTER-560FEDfXLETTER' lZ0FElJEXPAK- 520FEOEXPAK' :130 FfDEX80X 530 fEDEXBOX 14 FfDfXTUBE 54DFEDEXTUBE G:>vemmenlOvernight -"'-"",,~I i~..l!:%~%t! 300_ 46DW1k 41 DWl~Gf 1:;...t::igP"l,~~c:.. ''''J~J O OVERNIGHT 70 FREIGHT*" 60 0 J::f:!.. t~~;--I "o,IdlreilVaO.eLml'IOO .lUliIIIo:~,--------_"Co!b:~~, 1 OHOLOFORPIC~pr'~'ns."'HI 2 ~OfLlVERWEEKOAY 3 re!~~~!~~rJ,;r.-'tl<1 0 4 0 DANGEROUS GOODS IExtra """9"1 50 600RrICE Lbs 7DOTHERSPEtlALSERVICE '0 TOlal c !j 0 r~t~~~~:: PICK-UP "0 "0 1201:;"~D[LNERY["_<>:l1 700nCallSlop FedEK Emp_No Bennett Or::_IH..;~;~j_. Jr. Company Department/Floor No Planning Bond :fUce fi>m of Southhold Exact Street Address (We Camof DeI/IIfr 10 P 0 tIawts or P. O. Zip Codes.) Town Hall, 5:'(9.' ~a1n Strh't City Stale ZIP Required Southhold, N1 11971 IF NOLO FOR PICK-UP, Print FEDEX Addass Here Street Address ZIP Required Federal E:(pres~ USP Base Charges OChgToDel o Chg.ToHoId DedaredVallleChilrge Oihe, i Total Slate Zip Other 2 Total Charges FedEx Employee Number FlfVISION DATE 1/91 PART #'37204 FXEM 2/91 FORMAT 11066 ,1068' ) Release 'lrJSlat,on Signature Date'i:.~(1 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 2, 1991: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the reduction of the bond estimate for the Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons from $219,507.00 to $181,941.00, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering Inspector Richter; said reduction is warranted because the road specification has been reduced from a twenty (20) foot width to sixteen (16) foot width in accordance with the current road standards. /II/I/d ~~ ~T. Terr~ Southold Town Clerk July 3, 1991 Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 1002:';: A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated Town Board Town of Southhold Main Road Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: JAtorgan .:::u e:, P ICE ~.&fDi 1\.1::) August 17, 1990 Our Credit No. PB-283735 In accordance with instructions received from our client, we hereby amend our above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1991. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Yours very truly, Au::r:'::~r. Private Banking Letter of Credit (212) 837-1200 ;.;. LI !~ AUG 2 0 1990 I."".., 70047589 ~.. "'.' Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY lO02~~ A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated JPMorgan August 31, 1989 OUr Credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of SOuthold Main Road SOuthold, NY 11971 Gentl_: In acoordance with iDstructicms ~ved frail our client, we bueby establish our rrrevocable LIItter of Credit No. PB-283735 in your favor at the request of and for the acoount of Charles P. S~""""'18 and A.B. Nicholas for up to an ~""":lAte amount of U.S. $219,507.00 ('l'liO Ht.INDRED IlINB'l'BI!lN 'l1&Ni:lAND FIVE HllNDRED SEVEN J\H) 00/100 U.S. DOLLlIRS) available by your draft(s) at sight on us ~ed by the follaw:l.nq: (i) A oert:ified ocpy of the resolution of the Town Board oert:ified by the Town Clerk which states " Charles P. simons and A.B. Nicholas have failed to OCII;llete all the ~ to !:Ie ClCIIllleted by t-~ves regard to the sul:ldivision map entitled, "Minor SUbdivision of Charles P. 8~--.nS", b8J:et0fore which prel~...h"".y app1'OYal was ClJ:d-"~NO(l by the Pl......~nq Board of the Town of SOuthold on september 7, 1988, that as a result of said failure, there is due and aw:I.nq an amount equal to the f_ amount of our att-.."'had draft. We further oert:ify the amount drawn bereunder is for the sole pw:pose of ClCIIllletinq those items of illpJ:'OVlllllent, which were to have J:leen OCII;lleted by Charles P. 8;""""'18 and A.B. Nicholas." (ii) This original letter of Credit. All drafts must !:Ie marked ''DraWn under Morgan Guaranty Trust ~ of New York letter of Credit No. P8-283735 dated August 31, 1989." This credit is subject to the UJUfom CUstaDs and Practice for nrv.._tary Credits (1983 RsYision), International C1um>her of ~ Publication No.COO. -<XlNl'INlJED- 700475.89 J!' . .'. " Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 1 002:~ A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated JPMorgan August 31, 1989 our credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town ot southold Main Road southold, NY U971 -PJlGB 2- we bereby agree tbat drafts drawn :in aocordlmce with the tenus stipulated bmein will be duly boDored upon presEmtation and delivery ot .........-ts as specitied it presented to our Private BaJIJdnq Letter ot credit DllparbDent, 616 ,....i Rt>J1 Avenue, New YOm, New Yom 10022 (or to any other New Yom City address as shall be designated by us UDder written DOtioe to you) on or betore August 31, 1990 on wbicb date this credit expires. KnmH GlllUWll'Y 'l'BDBT CDIPANY ot _ 1tORB: ?~Md2 Authorized Signature '-t/'7 Private Banlri""J (j Letter ot Credit (212) 837-1200 700475.89 , . ' " JUDITH 1'. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Ot: VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the $219,507.00 letter of Credit of Charles P. Simmons and A. E. Nicholas as a bond for roads and improvements in the "Minor Subdivision of Charles P. Simmons", all in accordance with the Town Board resolution of January 1 0, 1989 approving the amount as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting Engineers. ~~~ - .---?: Judith T. Te~ Southold Town Clerk September 14, 1989 "",' .. J .1 " . ~ .. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated JPMorgan August 31, 1989 Our Credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: rn accordance with instruct:ians received fran our client, we hereby establish our Irrevocable Letter of credit No. PB-283735 in your favor at the request of and for the account of Cbarles P. S~nntw\s and A.B. H1.t!h()J.as for up to lIJ1 lI':j':lLeqate 2lI\IOIlJ1t of u.s. $219,507.00 (TIIO HtINDRE:D NINETEEN TII:lul:lAND FIVE HtINDRE:D SEVEN 1lND 00/100 U.S. OOLIARS) available by your draft(s) at sight on us lI"""'"'1J?'U1ed by the followi.nq: (i) A certified oopy of the resolution of the Town Board certified by the Town Clerk wbich states " Charles P. Sill'lllnnS and A.E. Nicholas have failed to cc:qllete all the improvements to be cc:qlleted by theIIIse1ves regard to the subdivision 1IIlIp entitled, ''Minor SulJdivision of Cbarles P. SilllllonS", heretofore wbich preliminary approval was ol*",i~ by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold on September 7, 1988, that as a result of said failure, there is due and owi.nq lIJ1 2lI\IOIlJ1t equal to the face 2lI\IOIlJ1t of our attached draft. We further certify the 2lI\IOIlJ1t drawn hereunder is for the sole purpose of cc:qlletinq tbose items of improvement, wbich were to have lleen cc:qlleted by Charles P. Sinmons and A.E. H1.cholas." (H) This oriqi.nal. Letter of Credit. All drafts must be marked "Drawn under Morgan Guaranty Trust CaIpany of New York letter of Credit No. PB-283735 dated August 31, 1989." This credit is subject to the Unifozm CUstaDs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), rnternational Chamber of CamIerce Publication No.400. -<XlNl'DmED- 700475.89 . , , . .' , . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765.1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10. 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $219.507.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the minor subdivision of Charles P. Simmons. all in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & ' Son. Consulting Engineers. - ~~ ~G~~ Southold Town Clerk January 11. 1989 .'. " , . TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 RECEIVED Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JAN 1 0 1989 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Sc1UlhoId Town CW: January 10, 1989 Judith Terry Town Clerk Southold, NY 11971 RE: Charles Simmons SCTM *1000-112-1-8 Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, January 9, 1989. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board to accept the bond estimate for this minor subdivision in the amount of $219,507. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, /? '0{,;l/}/(fl t(V ~).-'t.Y\,(:~1.v'" '/ U/ ..--v' ',I'~~'-" . BENN~TT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: Charles Simmons enc. jt .' ......... . ( SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON 'lf~ <ff~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 ( Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., L.$. ( 1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., LS. Alexandre W. Mercil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, L.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E., LS. Roland Anders Roger L. Cocchi FrancisJ. lynch Philip Schlotzhauer Joseph F. Siegman Paul F. Stevens William T. Styne Richard B. Weber George A. Style. P.E. Jerry D. Almon!, PE GEtOfge L Fagan. Jr., Ph.D., P.E Frank Capobianco. C.E. Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S. December 7, 1988 'm ~@~D\I7~ Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pl anning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 DEe - 9 lIB @i SOUTHOlD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Re: Bond Estimate for Subdivision of Charles P. Simmons Located at Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York S.C.T.M.: 1000-112-01-08 (SBB NO. 87404) Gentlemen: '" In accordance with your request, we Estimate for the above referenced subdivision. is attached for your use. have prepared the Bond The itemized breakdown Please note that the pl an submitted to us does not show the materials of construction on the typical section for the roadway. This information should be added to the plan as well as leaching basins at the low pOints in the proposed road. If you need further information, please let us know. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS t?~~ A. BARTON CASS, P.E. ABC:clg Encl. ec: Ray Dean (SBB) Ray Jacobs, Supt. of Hwys. 0/110 . ..... MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Employer M/FIH ~ . . .' '.' . ( ( December 7, 1988 . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON Bond Estimate for Subdivision of Charles P. Simmons Located at Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York S.C.T.M.: 1000-112-01-08 (SBB NO. 87404) UNIT ITEM NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT 1. 2,161 tons 4" Asphalt Pavement $60.00 $129,660.00 2. 1,115 c.y. 4" Dense Graded Aggregate Base 40.00 44,600.00 3. 62 v. f. 10' Dia. Leaching Bas ins 300.00 18,600.00 4. 10,267 s.y. Fine Grading 1.50 15,047.00 5. 20 each Monuments 80.00 1.600.00. 6. Fire Wells 10,000.00 ." SUBTOTAL 219,507.00 = Inspection Fee @5% = 10,475.35 TOTAL = 229,982.35 SBB NO. 87404 0/110 Sheet 1 of 1 . .,. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenu<<:: New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated ~m~ <if- -/k,t:~~4~. / . JPMorgan .. August 11, 1993 Our Credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of Southhold Main Road Southhold, New York 11971 RECEIVED . AUG 1 6 1993 SoutIlaId r,,- o-.l. ,. Dear Sirs: - In accordance with instructions from our client, we hereby amend our above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for the account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1994. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Youp::ti~ Authorized Signatu~~ Private Banking if Letter of Credit (212) 837-1218 700475,89 "'-',/'-" ,',\",','{",;".;" ,,>:,;,~', . RIchard G. Ward. Chalnnan George RUehle Latham. Jr. Bennett Orlowski. Jr. Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCO'ITL.HARRIS Supervisor PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Town Hall. 53095 MaIn Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Telepho"" (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD Fax (516) 765 - 1823 July 7, 1993 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED JUL 8 1993 Charles Simmons 221 West 82 Street New York, NY 10024 Solltl",lri T n"m rlor~ Re: Performance Guarantee for Minor Subdivision Charles Simmons SCTM#: 1000-112-1-8.2 Dear Mr. Simmons: The performance guarantee for the minor subdivision of Charles Simmons (Irrevocable Letter of Credit PB-283735 with The Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York) is due to expire on August 31, 1993. Since the improvements have not been completed, you must extend the guarantee for a least another year. An extension of this guarantee must be submitted to this office before the expiration date. Due to the timing of the Town Board's meetings, if the extension is not received by noon on August 23, 1993, there will be a resolution before the Town Board at its August 24th meeting to authorize the town to draw on the Letter of Credit if the extension is not received by noon of August 31, 1993. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Spiro, Planner, at 765-1938. Sincerely, 'Rl'~ U. 1tI~ Richard G. Ward '"IS Chairman cc: Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York Judy Terry, Town Clerk ',' , /", '- \..:::../>J?1~"(--J.'- ~/f' "Ie ('/ /'-IO..L JPMorgan ""'c ~ , S VI.{J.. ,(U BOI'h> PI L' 10vJrJ W MS Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York August 20, 1992 Our CreDit No. PB-283735 Private Banking Letter of Credit Town Board 616 Mad"on Avenue To~n of dSouthhOld New Yo,k NY 10022 MaJ.n Roa Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: In accordance with instructions received from our client, we hereby amend OlJr above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for the account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1993. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Yours very truly, ~~~~ Authoriz~Signature Private Banking Letter of Credit (212) 837-1218 A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated ill m m m D WI m ill AUG 2 4 1O~) SOUlHOL~ NN . , PLANNi:,'; 3DARD .. 70047 5.89 " . . .~. , .f ~ " ,.. , Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated .,' , ~/--r7<-7?t'~' 9i- , /(-<:e 4""/~d/ .../. 16-""1( 'j v JP Morgan70M/"~ ct.''- SUI8Fil.6 /?'s.ft'. 60/110 Fi~ I " "'15 July 29, 1991 Our Credit No. PB-283735 I' Town Board Town of Southhold Main Road Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: In accordance with instructions received from our client, we hereby amend our above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The amount of the credit is decreased by $37,566.00 (THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX AND 00/100 U.S. DOLLARS) to a new total of $181,941.00 (ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE AND 00/100 U.S. DOLLARS). The expiration date is extended to August jl, 1992. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Yours very truly, ~~. Authori;~~igna{,;re Private Banking Letter of Credit (212) 837-1200 ,.0L 3 I 700475.89 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 13. 1991: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the reduced Letter of Credit in the amount of $181.941.00. posted by Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as a bond for roads and improvements in the minor subdivision of Charles Simmons. located at Mattituck. all in accordance with the Town Board's resolution of July 2. 1991 accepting this reduction as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering Inspector Richter. /2_...?,~~_ ~T. Te;;;~rJ- Southold Town Clerk August 111. 1991 '. \ \ \ '. ,,- ~ ~-- QUESTIONS? cllr~J}!!1;!ctf!,6. 0346523870 A/RB/LL PACKAGE TRACKING NUMBER 0346523870 i'~~f,i~".;fj);;"-'.-,:~., fJJ:'~Z- ?J;;-" 1 .........---".~r;. '1"'='......~__...'J."I', :-.n ~~.; ...(t'7.T~~ C;,:., (f,i'i.,....-..... From (Your Name) Please Print ~ere8a M. llurphy Company :{organ Guaranty T::-ust Street Address 616 Madison avenue City New York, NY Date 07/29t<Jl- '';;iiECIPIENT'S COpy .._-~ " Your Phone Number (very ImpOflanl) To (Recipient's Name) Please Print RecipienI'sPhoneNlnGeI'(Vl!iYimponanl ?!12 )337-1200 Departmen1/Aoor No. CO. of New York Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Company Department/Floor Nc Planning Board Office TIlvn of Southhold Exact Streel Address (""CoimotDllMlltoPO. Bt>>caHrPO.lipCodrs.) Stale Town Hall, 53095 11ain Stre$t City Stale ZIP Required - Southhold, NY 11971 IF HOLD FOR PICK-UP, Print FEOEX Aliiass Htn ..... ........ YOUR INTERNAL BILLING REFEROCE INFORMAnON (First 24 chinclfJts wi/llIfJpIWoninvoice.) PB-283735 R~; 689 ZIP Required 10022-1697 j. 1,0=GING l~rnFEDEXlE17fR 12DFEDEXA4/(o 13DFfDEX80X 14DFEDEXruBE 51 0 ~~GlNG 56DFElJEXLETTER. 52DFEDEX~K. 53DFEDEXBOX 54 DFEDtxTUBE ,'Ci'''''''',',''_"", I~Ol'''''''__<IIl'tl 300ECtINfIMY .. ,.....;' "." '_._"'''''1'' 46D~R 41D~GE """d'alA?'"..,'lII<UiIt_'SO"., OVERNIGHT 70 0 FREIGHT" 80 0 J:K:(.. ---- t"",-~_ .......--......_.,,., Slale ZIP Required Dale ,:",,,It:>."',,, 1 0 HOLDFORPlCI(+UPIF."Bo'H) 2 DDB.IVERWEEKDAY 3 ~~~~IO'2~~;".<JIOf;ol 0 4 0 DANGERDUS GOODS (un cNlgel 50 60 DRYICE Lao 7 0 OTHER SIfDAL SERVICE '0 ~l .t);"DAYPfCkl/P 100 ,,0 ..,r!HOLIDAYOEI../VERYI"_, ,:':he C. ;]r(1,~S OChg.ToDel OChg.ToHOld "!'!":'.,';l:iH,I':i'c,02 ',"".,, S1ale z~ Total Total i.'H" ,~ , 'Iii'.:;,!!,} ':';I-,Jt--'.'Af.v;".. FedEx Employee Numbef AEVIStONDATEll9l , , ;'-:~~~~i":~,7---'~- iD6T~ '''''' ,""(,II """ JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER J >"" >. ..~ ? .Y.; ,'.';-} ). ...-'. .. '" __"~ : -."..._........... .J '....'tl'tl ~ ,.),:/ ~ '.! ' '.~ .'/ ~: .,1 .:./ <.._~:..-- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New Yark 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF ~HE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 2. 1991: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the reduction of the bond estimate for the Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons from $219.507.00 to $181.941.00. all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering I nspector Richter; said reduction is warranted because the road specification has been reduced from a twenty (20) foot width to sixteen (16) foot width in accordance with the current road standards. Ju~~;;/ ~~ ~T. Terr~ Southold Town Clerk July 3. 1991 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chainnan George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards >.~ ' , ':..-----.... ..P' '--1 -'. .Y,;'" '( " ".;i~~"\\ r .::~., t.;;, . 'I,:.:::;" ",1\""[" .~~~ if' ....... .'/ ......",. ,\;::: ,'L ':"',.i~.,<..... _. ~ = :1t.,.:.\..~ ...=::;: ", ',-'~' ~~j ,'" . . """,' :,~ : ~ ',.:~?" ".;r/" '- ~ ,L" '" '~', ?o.,...,..... .':'-\ A --":-. ',,,.; .>o"',{)I -:::,.,{ , j 1\ -f? . ~:~ SCOlT L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765.1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765.1823 June 25, 1991 Charles Simmons 221 West 82 Street New York, New York 10024 RE: Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons SCTM# 1000-112-1-8.2 Dear Mr. Simmons: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, June 24, 1991: Be it RESOLVED to adopt the revised bond estimate dated June 21, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. The revised bond estimate is in the amount of $181,941.00. The road specification has been reduced from a twenty (20) foot width to a sixteen (16) foot width in accordance with the current road standards. At your request, the bond amount has been reduced from the previous amount of $219,507.00, to reflect the current standards. The Letter of Credit for the subdivision improvements is due to expire on August 31,1991. With this letter, we are requesting that the guarantee be extended for another two years. The guarantee must be in the amount of the revised bond estimate, $181,941.00. The extension must be received by July 31, 1991. If an extension is not received by this date, a draft resolution to draw on this bond will be sent to the Town Board for action at their August 27th meeting. Your request for a reimbursement of the difference in the inspection fee due to the reduced bond estimate has been sent to the Town Board for their consideration and action. "'., ," Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, B~f!w{:d"I'~r Chairman enc. June 21, 1991 bond estimate cc: Matthew Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Carole Phillips, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York ~. () . :Y.ionc..e- r'.6 f1.1S .' ,.. .......".. -, . RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS JAMES A. RICHTER' ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3140 765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JUNE 21, 1991 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Charles Simmons (Minor Subdivision) SCTM # 1000-112-1-8 Dear Mr. Orlowski, As per your request, I have reviewed the drawings and the revised Bond Estimate for the above referenced Subdivision. Since this Subdivision was all ready approved I have only reviewed the Bond Revision concerning the reduction in road width from 20' to 16'. The marked up estimate dated 6/6/91 that you sent me was relitavely accurate. I have retyped this estimate and have enclosed a copy for your use. If you have any questions concerning this matter please call my office. ENC: cc: Raymond L. Jacobs file ,~cerel/:f! a/J . ~, {(PAd/;; / A. Richter, R.A. ...~...."lt,.. , . RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 765-3140 ITEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. QUANTITY 1,729 TONS 892 C.Y. 62 V.F. 8,214 S.Y. 20 EA. 1 EA. ; OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REVISED BOND ESTIMATE FOR CHARLES P. SIMMONS LOCATED at MATTI TUCK SCTM #1000-112-01-08 JUNE 21, 1991 DESCRIPTION 4" ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4" DENSE GRADED AGGREGATE BASE 10' DIA. LEACHING BASINS FINE GRADING CONCRETE MONUMENTS FIRE WELL \, I JAMES A. RICHTER' ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3070 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $ 60.00 $ 103,740.00 40.00 35,680.00 300.00 18,600.00 1.50 12,321.00 80.00 1,600.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 SUBTOTAL =$ 181,941.00 + 6% INSPECTION FEE =$ 10,916.00 TOTAL =$ 192,857.00 PAGE 1 of 1 , :.--,. " Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of 1. P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated /.. , .~Y' ~ ~' I ,-,i ~ , .li.u(.. .[<J.., .it'--r7t_-r,-z-~l-..>oJ-/ J J~/ fi~'j ~ JPMorgan TO..",/<.- '<' S-u13Fi LL-' ;q~",. bo/V'D FtcC' "'15 July 29, 1991 Our Credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of Southhold Main Road Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: In accordance with instructions received from our client, we hereby amend our above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The amount of the credit is decreased by $37,566.00 (THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX AND 00/100 U.S. DOLLARS) to a new total of $181,941.00 (ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE AND 00/100 U.S. DOLLARS). The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1992. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Yours very truly, ~g>~----' Authori:~~igna~re Private Banking Letter of Credit (212) 837-1200 ~.,i.. 3 I 70047589 , . .' . . ." JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER j;'. .{.i tj........ ::~ ".j .'-' -' ," ,:,. ".0":\ '\' _ .:,.;.":: .. .~~ ~r:-.,-,~'j/ '._~ OFFICE OF lrHE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouIhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 2, 1991: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the reduction of the bond estimate for the Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons from $219,507.00 to $181,941.00, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering I nspector Richter; said reduction is warranted because the road specification has been reduced from a twenty (20) foot width to sixteen (16) foot width in accordance with the current road standards. J.,~/;:/ ~~ ~T. Terr~ Southold Town Clerk July 3, 1991 ,; , " " , . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennell Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards ,',-c~ "~"-"'I"-'- -"'-". ,Y . r" '( '. ,.'Y ('..\\\ ~'''''. /""..., . <.J'.<:,< - ;;'" "'7_ t....,...t' vi fj'!~ ilL' '. '~ i'.... .. '__.'. .J', :',~ ~'" :':\ ~'. '-.,'j ..'- ---l .., _~~..' '..' .,.,._ ~ 'cV" ','" .';' .....:. ., '/'" .",.,. ......., A .... 1-~"''7' ""'. 1/1 ''-Y.... .~-' :S 1\" ._~_- :...~.'f!-:vJ. , -,-f:,.,~ SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNIN(j; BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 June 25, 1991 Charles simmons 221 West 82 Street New York, New York 10024 RE: Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons SCTM# 1000-112-1-8.2 Dear Mr. Simmons: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, June 24, 1991: Be it RESOLVED to adopt the revised bond estimate dated June 21, 1991, and to recommend same to the Town Board. The revised bond estimate is in the amount of $181,941.00. The road specification has been reduced from a twenty (20) foot width to a sixteen (16) foot width in accordance with the current road standards. At your request, the bond amount has been reduced from the previous amount of $219,507.00, to reflect the current standards. The Letter of Credit for the subdivision improvements is due to expire on August 31,1991. With this letter, we are requesting that the guarantee be extended for another two years. The guarantee must be in the amount of the revised bond estimate, $181,941.00. The extension must be received by July 31, 1991. If an extension is not received by this date, a draft resolution to draw on this bond will be sent to the Town Board for action at their August 27th meeting. Your request for a reimbursement of the difference in the inspection fee due to the reduced bond estimate has been sent to the Town Board for their consideration and action. . . ", ... , Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, B~f!w1~"I.~! Chairman enc. June 21, 1991 bond estimate cc: Matthew Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Carole Phillips, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York . . .~,;~, ." , ~' () . , $qbncf ;:'.6 tI1S RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS JAMES A. RICHTER' ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3140 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I 765-3070 JUNE 21, 1991 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road So~thold, New York 11971 Re: Charles Simmons (Minor Subdivision) SCTM # 1000-112-1-8 Dear Mr. Orlowski, As per your request, I have reviewed the drawings and the revised Bond Estimate for the above referenced Subdivision. Since this Subdivision was allready approved I have only reviewed the Bond Revision concerning the reduction in road width from 20' to 16'. The marked up estimate dated 6/6/91 that you sent me was relitavely accurate. I have retyped this estimate and have enclosed a copy for your use. If you' have any questions concerning this matter please call my office. /~cerel);7 /7//. ~., ~~~ / ENC: cc: Raymond L. Jacobs file James A. Richter, R.A. . "'....\,' ~ .' . "" ' RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 765-3140 ITEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. QUANTITY 1,729 TONS 892 C.Y. 62 V.F. 8,214 S.Y. 20 EA. 1 EA. . OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I REVISED BOND ESTIMATE FOR CHARLES P. SIMMONS LOCATED at MATTITUCK SCTM #1000-112-01-08 JUNE 21, 1991 DESCRIPTION 4" ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4" DENSE GRADED AGGREGATE BASE 10' DIA. LEACHING BASINS FINE GRADING CONCRETE MONUMENTS FIRE WELL , JAMES A. RICHTER" ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 765-3070 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $ 60.00 $ 103,740.00 40.00 35,680.00 300.00 18,600.00 1.50 12,321.00 80.00 1,600.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 SUBTOTAL =$ + 6% INSPECTION FEE =$ TOTAL =$ 181,941. 00 10,916.00 192,857.00 PAGE 1. of 1. I> SIMMONS, CHARLEJfiij~;~:~' F.>' :so (6 F= 1t..E ~.&.iDF, 14S Morgan Guaranly Trust Company of New York August 17, 1990 Our Credit No. PB-283735 Private Banking Leuer of Credit Town Board Town of Southhold 616 \Iadison Avenue Main Road ~.... York NY 10022 Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: In accordance with instructions received from our client, we hereby amend our above captioned Letter of Credit established in your favor for account of Charles P. Simmons and A.E. Nicholas as follows: The expiration date is extended to August 31, 1991. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Yours very truly, Au~r:.:::i:re Private Banking Letter of Credit (212) 837-1200 . , i ;: , n! r~~~lf~'~i!rT"'''-~'~ ': 1 u ~ .-.:::;......,..:,;~~.<~;;;..,.,...,:,;'_.~..::L.-.,'.;J , . , ,;.';', "d. l,r' ? 0 ,......: L. ~-_.r_. ~"~ '.,._,- A subsidiary of J. P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated 70047 5.89 , '. ~ ".. , : ~ . .', " , . , Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of l.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated SIMMONS, CHARLES P. & NICHOLAS A.E. . JPMorgan August 31, 1989 our Credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of soutlIold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: rn ~ with instructions received fran our client, we hereby _tablish our :Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. PB-283735 in your favor at the request of and for the account of Charles P. S;1mV'm9 and A.E. Nicholas for up to an ~Legate amount of U.S. $219,507.00 (TliO HllNDRED N:Dlm'EEN '1'IK)USANI) FIVE HllNDRED SEVEN AND 00/100 U.S. OOLIARS) available by your draft (s) at sight on us al'Y'Y'WllJ?"'''; ed by the followinq: (i) A certified copy of the resolution of the Town Board certified by the Town Clerk which states .. Charl_ P. sinIDons and A.E. Nicholas have failed to caJillete all the iDproveme:nts to be caJilleted by thElDselves regard to the subdivision map entitled, ''Minor SUbdivision of Cbarl_ P. 8;""""IIS", heretofore which prel;mil",,'Y 8J;:prOVal was obtained by the Planninq Board of the Town of Southold on September 7, 1988, that as a result of said failure, there is due and owinq an amount equal to the face amount of our attached draft. We further certify the llIIIOUJ1t drawn hereunder is for the sole purpose of caJilletinq those itElllS of inprovement, which were to have been caJilleted by Charles P. sinIDons and A.E. Nicholas." (11) This original Letter of Credit. All drafts must be marked ''Drawn under Morgan Guaranty Trust CaIpany of New York Letter of Credit No. PB-283735 dated August 31, 1989." This credit is subject to the Unifo:cn CUstaus and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), rnternational Chamber of t"Nmu>rce Publication No.400. -<XlNl'DlllED- 700475.89 ~ . ~.~ .' Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of J.p. ~Iorgan & Co. Incorporated JPMorgan August 31, 1989 our credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of SOuthold Main Road SOuthold, NY 11971 -PJIGB 2- We hereby agree that drafts drawn in ~ with the tems stipulated berein will be duly bonored upon presentation and delivery of .................ts as specified if presented to our Private IIanId.JIq Letter of credit DeparbDent, 616 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (or to any other New York City address as shall be designated by us under written notice to you) on or before August 31, 1990 on which date this credit expires. ~ GtmRANl'Y TRUST CDIPANY of NEW 'ltORlt ~iM~ Authorized Signature '.t-jTl Private I3ankinq (j Letter of credit (212) 837-1200 700475.89 .~ ~ . JUDITH T. TERRY ~..' -;~'" ~. ~ \, '_. l ". ,f.l:t)..:~ ~;, C-i:';'.", " .7;: i '.:... .)~.l ", '...,:' ";~',' " '..1 ~ \.r' ,,~V """~,'/ :>;?-:,.J'J! -""1 ;- -" ;>i >:''l.::::;:::::::-j~'::'J..'" Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the $219,507.00 Letter of Credit of Charles P. Simmons and A. E. Nicholas as a bond for roads and improvements in the "Minor Subdivision of Charles P. Simmons", all in accordance with the Town Board resolution of January 1 0, 1989 approving the amount as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting Engineers. A .'/______~ ~-~_'-7~ ~Judith T. Terry if" Southold Town Clerk September 14, 1989 > . .~' )> ~ 'J:. .l Morgan Guaranly Trust Company of New York Private Banking Letter of Credit 616 Madison Ayenue New York NY 10022 A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co., Incorporated JPMorgan August 31, 1989 OUr credit No. PB-283735 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road SOUthold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: In accordance with instructicms received fJ:all our client, we hereby establish our:trrevocab1e Letter of credit No. PB-283735 in your favor at the request of and for the account of Charles P. siDIDons and A.E. Nicholas for up to an lll:l\lLegate amount of u.s. $219,507.00 (TIiO HtlNDRED NINm'EEN 'lBJUS1IND F:IVE HtlNDRED SEVEN AND 00/100 U.S. OOLUlRS) available by your draft(s) at sight on us a"'''''"''{'''mied by the following: (i) A certified copy of the resolution of the Town Board certified by the Town Clerk which states" Charles P. simnons and A.E. Nicholas have failed to canplete all the improvements to be calpleted by thBnsel.ves regard to the subdivision map entitled, "Minor SUbdivision of Charles P. Simmons", heretofore which preliminary approval was obf-,.;T1ed by the Planning Board of the Town of SOUthold on September 7, 1988, that as a result of said failure, there is due and owing an amount equal to the face amount of our attached draft. We further certify the amount drawn hereunder is for the sole pw:pose of canpleting those items of improvement, which were to have J;leen canpleted by Charles P. simnons and A.E. Nicholas." (ii) This original. Letter of Credit. All drafts must be marked "Drawn under Morgan Guaranty Trust canpany of New York Letter of credit No. PB-283735 dated August 31, 1989." This credit is subject to the UnifoIm CUStans and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), International Chamber of Canmerce Publication No.400. -<nNl'INUED- 700475 ~ih JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of; VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10. 1989: RESO LVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $219.507.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the minor subdivision of Charles P. Simmons. all in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Son. Consulting Engineers. - ,.---' ~ ~-/~~ PJ;;di.t-h~T. Ter7u. () . Southold Town Clerk January 11, 1989 . . . : . .: :.. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ;),~CEj V cD < . ", .. ," '~"\""J "Ji:-,rl ,.I.'..: :...0- PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S:l'Lltho~d T.T""!"'~ C!/!f~ January 10, 1989 Judith Terry Town Clerk Southo1d, NY 11971 RE: Charles Simmons SCTM #1000-112-1-8 Dear f1rs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on f1onday, January 9, 1989. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board to accept the bond estimate for this minor subdivision in the amount of $219,507. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, e ..~~.<.;/~<:/ l(Jl/ / . . " -.' ...., -' " /~ / VI '..... )"-~,,,, /." ',/' ,;-' U...../ V" 'v"'::r-~:"'-i:'" ---' _-v-...t.."..., _ " BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. ;1<"" CHAIRMAN cc: Charles Simmons enc. jt .' .'. ,...... .;.:', ..~.: Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., L.S. ( 1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Alexandre W. Mereil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, L.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman. P.E., L.S. ( SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON '6'~ <ff~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown. N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 ( Roland Anders Roger L Cocchi FranclsJ. Lynch Philip Schlotzhauer Joseph F. Stegman Paul F. Steyens WilliamT. Styne Richard B. Weber George A. Style, P.E. Jerry D. Almonl, PE George L Fagan. Jr.. Ph.D.. PE Frank Capobianco, C.E. Thomas R. Pynchon. loS. December 7, 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pl anning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Bond Estimate for Subdivision of Charles P. Simmons Located at Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York S.C.T.M.: 1000-112-01-08 (SBB NO. 87404) lroJ rn @ rn ~ w rn rnJl UlJ DEe - 9 _ ~ SOUTHOLO TOWN PLANNING BOARO Gentlemen: ,r, In accordance with your request, we have prepared the Bond Estimate for the above referenced subdivision. The itemized breakdown is attached for your use. Please note that the pl an submitted to us does not show the materials of construction on the typical section for the roadway. This information should be added to the pl an as well as leaching basins at the low points in the proposed road. . If you need further information, please let us know. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS t?:t3tt~~.v A. BARTON CASS, P.E. ABC:clg Encl. cc: Ray Dean (SBB) Ray Jacobs, Supt. of Hwys. 0/110 . ,"'"' MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER ....n Equal Opportunity Employer M/FIH . ,"'"' . THE BRIDGEHAMPTDN NATIONAL 8ANK P.O. BOX 3005 MAIN STREET 8RIDGEHAHPTON NY 11932 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CHARLES P SIMMONS JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK 53095 MAIN RD SOUTHOLO NY 11971 SUMMARY FOR TIME DEPOSIT ACCOUNT TAXPAYER 10 GATE 6/16 8/19 8/26 8/27 AMOUNT DESCFlIPTION BEGINNING 8ALANCE DEPOSIT INTEREST PAID ENDING 8ALANCE 55725.00 35.05 000430000410 STATEMENT DATE 8/26/94 PAGE 1 590012159..... ..... 11-6001939.......... BALANCE .00 55725.00 55760.05 55760.05 THE INTEREST EARNED ON YOUR ACCQUNT DURING THE PERIOD 6/19/94 THI'lOU~ 6/27/94 WAS 35.05. THE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELO EARNED WAS 2 . 58'. SEE REVERSE SIDE FORIMF>ORTANT INFORMATION. . , ~~ I. .' ~ MAIN OFFICE Main Str..t ar1dl.n.mp~on. MY (&16) 537-1000 PLAZA EAST Snake Hollow Rd. 8ridgehempton. NY (516) 537-12tlO EAST HAMPTON 26 Park Place Ealt Hampton. NV (516) 324-1410 SOUTHAMPTON 4ze Coun'ty Road 5out"h.unp'ton. HV (516) 213-1216 SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold, MY (616) 766-1600 MATTITUCK Kain Road ...tt1tueJe.. MY (616) 2"-0100 I'4amber FDIC . ,':..: <..~ .'....,' . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK v';' ',;;\lHGLot ""'" Iii "'.~ . "a "\" (~ ~'~ ::0 ::2 \ ~;.. ~,~ ,,+. ~\f 0, <<'" ,~"<) i, ""\ ~,,(.,; "-lV i'j ,,> ~ -+ " " Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Bo" 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRiAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 8, 1994 Charles Simmons 221 West 82nd Street New York, New York , 10024 Re: Minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons SCTMjI 1000-1112-1-8.2 Dear Mr. Simmons: This is to confirm that upon receipt of your $55,725.00 check on August 19, 1994, which represents your half of the performance bond for the minor Subdivision of Charles Simmons, Mattituck, I opened a Savings Account at Bridgehampton National Bank. I also have in my possession a Letter of Credit in the amount of $55,725.00 on behalf of A.E. Nicholas, representing the second half of the performance bond. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T~ Southold Town Clerk ~--- -- -- THE BRIDSEHAt1PTONNA lIONAL BANK P. 0 . BOX 3005 filAINSTREET BRIOGEHAMPTON NY 11932 TOWN OF SOUTHQLD CHARLES P SIfiIfiIONS JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK 53095 MAINRD SOUTHOLO NY 11971 SUMMARY FOR TIME OEPOSIT ACCOUNT TAXPAYER 10 OATE 8/27 9/27 9/27 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION BEGINNING BALANCE INTEREST PAID ENDING BALANCE 120.89 , 000430000407 STATEHENTDATE 9/27/94 PAGE 590012159...... .... 11-6001939. . . . . . . . . . BALANCE 55760.05 55880.94 55860.94 THE INTEREST EARNED ON YOUR ACCOUNT DURING THE PERIOO 8/28/94THRDUGH 9/27/94 WAS 120.89. THE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED WAS 2.58%. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. . , ~, I ' '. .....j ~ 1 REaM[) OCTI 4 1994 SUA'*! Town ""'" MAIN OFFICE Main Stre.t 8ridgeh~ton. NY (516) 557-1000 PLAZA EAST Snake Hollow Rd. 8ridgehampton. NY (516) 537-1200 EAST HAMPTON 26 Park Place East Hampton. NY (516) 524-8480 SOUTHAMPTON 425 County Road Southampton. NY (516) 283-1286 SOUTHOLD Ml1n Road Southold. NY (516) 765-1$00 MATTITUCK Main Road Matt1tuek. NY (516) 208-0100 Member FDIC . THE BRIOGEflAfl>TON NATIONAL BANK P . O. SOX BOOS /'lAIN STREET BR106EliAI'IPTON NY 11'32 TOWN OF SOUtHOLD CKARI.ES P S1l'll'lONS JIJOITH TEfty, TOWN CLERK 53091) /'lAIN RD SOUTHotD NY 11'71 Sutt'lARYFOR TIME DEPOSIT 1.00000 tAXPAYER 10 DATE AI'IOUNT 9/27 10/27 10/27 117.24 !JEsctUPTlON BEGINNING BALANCE INTEREST PAlO ENDING BALANCE . 000430000410 STAtEI'IENT DATE 10/27/94 PAGE 1 590012159.......... 11..6001939. . . . . . . . . . BALANCE 55680.94 55996.18 559'8.18 THE INTEREST EARNED ON YOUR ACCOUNT OURING THE PERIOD 9/2a/,4 THROUGH 10/27/94 WAS 117.24. tHE AlIiINtIAl PElCENTAGE YIELD EA_O WAS 2.58'. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. . . . ~~ I .l .~ MAIN ()FFICE ".1n;$tr..t Irfd..hampton. NY (515) 537-1000 ~UZA EAST $1\a'. ttollow Rd. "'1_.."_ton, NV (1111) 537-1200 IAST.BAMPTON 2! ...rk Place last; ItIlJlPt.on. . NY (516) 324-6460 $OIl1'HliMPTON 425 Co~"t~ Road to"tn...,tun) NV (616) 213-1266 SOUTHOLD II.ln'Hood SO~thold, NV (518) 781-1500 MATTttuCK Ilal" !lOad ....tt1t'Uck.NV (516) >2".0190 ......r FDIC . ~s . THE 8RIIl6EM~TDI4~UONA\.. BANK P . O. 8l))( 3006 ItUN STREET BRIDGEMAItPTDN NY 11932 TOWN OF SOUTHQLO CttARLES P SI~ JUDITM TERRY. TOWNtLERK S3096 MAIIt.RO SOUTHOlONY 11971 00043000040~ STATEMENT DATE 11/25/94 PAGE 1 121. 40 DESCRIPTION BE61NNING .BALANCE INTfREST PAID ENDING BALANCE 590012159.......... 11-6001939.......... B.li-ANCf 5&998.18 5$119.58 S6119.58 SUttlARV FOR TIME DEPOSIT ACCOUNT TAXPAYER 10 fl.l'fE AHlWNT 1G/27 11/25 11/27 THE INTEREST IE_D ON YOlJR.AtCOUNT DURING THE PERIOD 10/20194 TtlRQlIGK 11/27/94 WAS 121.40. THE ANNUAl PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED WAS 2.&8'. SE!E REVERSE SIDE FORIMPORTANT INFORMATION. . ;.~'.. ~~ I I .~ MAU orFICI . llel" Straot 8.ld..,,-to". NV (1118) 537-1000 PLAZA 1tAS7 $"0110 11011... Rd. ....1dP.._t~. NV (818) eS1.uoe 1Wl'.r~ 26 Po.le Place Eoot "-to". NV (111.) 3114.-0 SOUTJ:WIP'rON <<S CO.lilltY. Road SOuat_t..n.fiV (118) 2$1.126ll SO\l'l1IGUl llel" Rood Soq_l4. NV (lU.) 781\..1500 MATTnvClC ::;1:::. NV ] (818) __180 .......r Pille . . THE BRI06EHAMPTON NAT!OtlAL BANK P.O. BOX 30(15 MAIN STREET BRIDGEHAMP"fON NY 11932 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CHARLE.S P StMMONS JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK 53095 MAIN RO SOUTHOLD NY 11971 SUMMARY "'OR TIME lliPOSIT ACC00t4T TAXPAYER 10 DATE AMOUNT 11/21 12/27 12/27 117.74 DESCRIPTION BEGINMING BALANCE INTEREST PAID ENDING BALANCE 000430000397 STATEMENT DATE 12/27/94 PAGE 1 590012159. . . . . . . . . . 11-6001939.......... BALANCE 56119.56 56237.32 56231.32 THE 11'+TEREST. EARNEO.ON.YOI.l~<ACqO.UNT DURING THE PERIOD 11/26/94 .THROU6H12/2"94 WAS 117.74. THE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED WAS 2.56%. seIE REVERSE SIDlE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. . . ~~ . ...( I~ MAIN OFFICE ",in Str.et Br1dgehampton. NV ($16) 637-1000 PLAZA EAST Snake Ho"OW Rd. 8r1Q..h~pton. NY (616) 637-1200 EAST HAMPTON 26 Park Place Ea.t Kampton. NV (U6) 324-8480 SOllTHAMPTON 426 County Road So'uthampton ,NY (516) lllI3-1Z86 SOUTliOLD "ain Road Southold. NY (616) 766-1600 MATTITUCK Hatn R.oad Mattituck. NY (515) 298-0190 -.... FDIC