HomeMy WebLinkAboutSebastians Cove, Sec II -.-- . .. ~~~X ~ /o//7'ff/, JUDITH T. TERRY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo1d, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 TOW~~ CI.ERK Rl:.GISIRAH. 01- \H.\L STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 17, 1987 Richard F. Lark, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Dick: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on December 15, 1987, released $125,000 performance bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision of Sebastians Cove, Section II. Enclosed herewith is a certified copy of the Town Board's resolution, as well as the original Bond Number B 1 03889. Very truly yours, Judith . Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: G.&J. Toumanoff S. J. Perricone . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T TERRY roWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01- VITAL Sf A T1STICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 15, 1987: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases the $125,000.00 performance bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision of Sebastians Cove, Section II, all in accordance with the recommendations of the Southold Town Planning Board, Superintendent of Highways Jacobs, Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting Engineers, and the Town Board Highway Committee. ~---::. ./ Judith r~~ Southold Town Clerk December 16, 1987 \ . < Bl)Nff. NUt-'BEP B103889 OCT i 2 1984 '" BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, Georqe I. Toumanoff and Jane A. Toumanoff of 14 Lloyd Haven Drive, Huntington, New York as principals and the UNION INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, a New York Corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York, having an office and place of business at 260 ~adison Avenue, New York, New York as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southo 1 d, Suffolk County, New York AS OBLIGEE in the sum of One hundred twenty five thousand and 00/100 ($125,000.00) , DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America to be raid to the said Ob- ligee for which payment well and truly to be made the Principals and Surety bind themselves, their successors and assigns, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS: 2nd day of October, 1984. \~HEREAS , ments as 4 th da.lbf the Principal is more fully June is required by the Obligee to construct roads and improve- described in the Resolution of the Planninq Board made the 1984. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, THAT, if the Principal shall well and truly at its own cost and expense within two (2) years from the date hereof, construct roads and improvements in subdivision known as Sebastians Cove Section II more fully described. in resolution of the Planning Board dated June 4, 1984 in accordance with the specifications and reg- ulations of the Town of Southold then this obli~ation to be void' otherwise to remain in full force and effect. NO party other than the Obliqee shall have any riqhts hereunder as aqainst the Surety. The agqreqate liability of the Surety on the bond obliqation shall not exceed the sum thereof for any cause or reason whatsoever. fi~ ou~an ., rlnClra NLON INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF NE" YORK . /J /1 SURETY yt1 O,H_O- ~ 01 tJ~Y-.. / ATTORNEY-IN-FACT BY ,".-. ~ -------------.----------- -\. By, IS. (Full Name & Address of indemnitor) By, ISe (Full Nlme & Address of Indemnitor) By, (Sr.. ----- -- (Full Name&Address OII-ndem-;jifor) By, (Sea (futl Name & AddTtss 01 Indemnitor) ~--------------,._-------- By, (Sea TO BE SIGNED BY COMPANY OFFICER ONLY INSIJRANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA ISurely) By: (Sea / FOR NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL'S SIGNATURE INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Slate of New Yo k } County of Suffolk ss. On lhis ,?/ rJd.__ day 01 October , In lhe year 19~, before me personally comels) __ _''''_ _______ _ GEORGE I. TOUMANOFF Slate of County of On this to me known and known to me to be t~e. p-ersonlsl who tis) (arel described in and who executed the fo/.-J!going instrument and acknowledge{sllo me that _ ~_. he ___ meuted lhe same. ;,.: &....ElTt CO~NINE ..;:: . , ,-t'"""T". /l' : NOTARY l'IJIiUC, St.to 01 New Yo,k ~~ C~ : Suffolk County N:a. 52~S7q'2BO~ / (Signature of Not~~~----- ~mm!,tion Expi.::.s Meltm ~~,_~~~ _ ______ ~,..._.....~I,~'__ _.._,____ ___ ~'FOR NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL'S SIGNATURE INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWlEDGMEN"':" New Yor } Suffolk ss., ...::r /7cl day 01 Gctober , in Ihe year 19.Ji.!., before me personally comel'I________.____.._ JANE A. TOUMANOFF ---- --- - - --- - --- to me known and known to me to be the person(s) who~~lfyrtB1ff;li~~ in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledgelsl to me that _.___.. he ___ executed the same. BA f New York ~.""'.J /. .. -rr: //.JtJ.A NOTARY PUBLIC, Slate 0 92800 CI ~~ C"'-r.../J<-.L2-_"'-__. _", Suffolk County No. 5'2.S7 J2V j . . (SIgnature of Notary PUblic) . . n Exp.res Ma.eh 30. 19 . . Cernml'UtO PARTNEIlSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT My CommisSion expl", --.------.- -.--.-----.-- -._- ..-----... -..-- --.--- 51..t! or County of On this _. } ss., day of in th! year 19_. before me personally comes a member of the co-partnership 01 to me kno'4n and known to me to be the person who is described in and who executed the - foregoing instrument, and acknowledges to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed 01 lhe said c~parlnefShip. (Signature of Notary PUblic) "" "~_~'H'~_ "''''''rn. 4' '. ' ,. - .. Union ,Indemnity Insurance . Company of New York Executive Offices 260 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 , FINANCIAL STATEMENT as of DECEMBER 31, 1982 ~ Bonds & StlOrt Term Investments Cash and Bank Deposits Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums Funds Held by Reinsured Companies Reinsurable Recoverable on Loss Payments Reinsurabll! Balances Receivable Interest. Dividends and Real Estate Income Due and Accrued Other Admitted Assets $29.755.849 2.759.115 5,264.787 264,416 4.631.287 3.907.436 336,976 421.423 TOTAL ASSETS $47.341,289 Liabilities Reserve for Losses and Loss Expenses Reserve for Unearned Premiums Reserve for Expenses, Taxes Licenses and Fees Federal and Foreign Income Taxes Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance Excess Statutory Reserves Funds Held Under Reinsurance Treaties Other Liabilities Capital Stock Surplus TOTAL POLICYHOLDERS' SURPLUS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND POLICYHOLDERS' SURPLUS $16,629,688 8,191,751 870,360 1,260,000 783,911 1.266,813 8,920,306 90,534 2,500,000 6,827,926 $9.327,926 $47,341,289 Bonds are valued in accordance with Amortized Value CERTIFICATE Richard L. Boyle, Assistant Secretary, and Joseph J. Jaworski. Comptroller of the Union Indemnity Insurance Company of New York being duly sworn, each for himself disposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 31 st day of December, 1982, the Companywasactualiy possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said company on the 31st day of December, 1982 according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief,.respectively. 1k{"f.~ I ~7~ Asaistsnt Secretery STATE OF NEW YORK } IS' COUNTY OF NEW YORK .. On this de" of ''--before 1M CMM the abow n.",ed officers of Union IndemnitY 'nlUr.nee Compen" of New York to mil ~rlO".lI" known to be the indiYidual. .net officers drIIcribld h....in. and aCknowledged that they ...cuted thl foregoing iMtrument and and .ffix~ the .al of said co'1JOf'etion ther.to bv euthoritV of their oHice. 6-2 Comptroller ) IA-~ ~~.ri:~ MARIE T. BAUER Notary Public. State of New York No. 0192500 Qualified in New York County Commission expires 3/30/85 .. - . 4nlon mQumnltv InsurantCQ · ' Company of New York ... ".. EX"CUli~. QUieti. 260 Mod'",n A..nu. li'w York, N.Y. 10016 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: All authority harabV confarrad, unlass ravokad aarliar, shall axpi,a ~nd tarminat.. l(IIit~cwt nY~'8'4 un/ass u~ad b.tora mldnaOht ot Marcn . POWER OF ATTORNEY That Union Indemnity In5Urance Company of New York does hereby appoint: Joel Abrams. Robert E. Cummins I Sam Rubin, and Roberta. Wood i~s true an~ lawfu! Attorn~v/5l-in-Fact, each individuallv if there be more thin one named, to malta, execute, silln, acknowledge, affix the Company Seal to, and deliver any and all 5Urety bonds, undertakings, recognizances, and o.ther contracu of indemnity and writings obligatory in the nature of I bond, for and on behalf of :oaid Cqmpanv and as act and deed of :oaid Company, not to exceed Eight Hundred and Pive Thousand Dollars ($805.000,00) any sinole innrument. I~ WITNE~S v.'flf:flEOF, Urion Indamnitv Insurance Company of Naw York hwa l/XllCutlld th_ pr.....nts ~.~~:::~:;\ ~i.. /; 19th Augus t lQJ!~ ! alAL"!: . . ; lilt ..~ .', '.. ',."., .,', GeofliP:e .pa.;>ler Assistant '{ice .. ......, I iF . 'I · f -', 'rres~dent 6T A Tf: elF NFW VORl( 't"'" P9u~ry pFl~EW ,(9"K , , ' 8 IQn thi, '19tn dIy 01 A p;us t. 18J!.3..'or'.......... II"! ..... - pIf~ of'UnIon ...........i.., ......r..... Compo_v of ..... YO,k, 10.... ptrMInIIly ""-10 bo 1/MI inOi......1 and olliCllr do!Cribocf /ltrt"'~ and -.0 11 "J"Illhtlllt .._.... lilt IOteeoing ~"'_l and offi.... lilt ..... 01 ..... GOIJlIlr.1iQnI _.10 ~_ ...JlIClrj~ 0I1lit /ilia .... , LUCILLE SCHUlTZ ..., f\lllllc, Sltl. of ...... Yoril , No. 03-4121611 . ~ In IlRlno ~c1' , 'fill ~ ...,. .. I.,..,. CERTIfiCATE ExcerPJS of RfiOlutions- adoPJed by the'lloanjs of Directors of Union Indemnity 1000rlI)Ca Company of New Yprlc: Mard117.1P~: - . , RESOLVED, that solei V 'j~ furtherance of the Company's 5Urely business, the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, an Assistant Vice President or Secretary of this Company hereby is authorized to appoint Attorneys-in-FaCt to reprfl5ent and act for and on behalf of the Company to execute bonds, under- takings, recollnizaQces and other contracts of indemnity and writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to attac/! the Fo'porate seal of the Company to such documents; RESOLVED, that the signaturas and atteStations of such officers and the seal' oftha Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attornev Qr to any certificate rel~tjllg to thel'owar uf Attornev bV facsimila, and any suct) Power qf Auornev or cartificate bearing such facsimile signatures-or facsimile seal shall be valid and binljillO upon the Company with respuctto any bond, undartakino, rllCognizance or other contract of indll'l1nity or IfJritinq obli9atory in thl! nature thereof; and . . Rf:SOLVED, that Inv IUch Attornev-In-Fact may dalivar a cartificatlon thlt the foragolng resolutlQnl ant still in effect and may insert in 5Uch certification the date of the certification but that data may be not later than th~ date of delivery of the certificate bV tha Attornev-in'Fact. I. Thomas G. O'Brian Ill, SllCretary of Union Indemnity Insurance Company of Naw York, do hereby certify that tha foreuoing ex~erplS of tha RllSOlulion adopl..... by the Boerd of Ol'llCtor of th. corporalion and th. Powi.rs of Anomey ;$SUed punuantthareto, a,a trua and corlllC:t and that both the Rasolulion .nd Powers of A9or.nay ar. in full fOR:. and effllCt. .- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hwe hereunto set my hand and affixed the fllClimile seal of each corpQration <e"''''., thi. .~/Jr;1 davot ()ef&J'6~e. _198''1. ~tJI""",,~ , . , , .u, to A 11 Ai ' '~':::"./ V~A. (/~~ 1ii.. . . Thoma G. O'Brien Ill, SlIc:nIIAry - .-" ..~ -~ c~Ti~~~. _.~':;~~~. ~..~ . J'.!.~ .. !-:;'.t., , :;~,'r-_~_ ',Ji.._ \. \ \ JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 16, 1987 Ray: Frank suggested that based on the additional information from Sidney B.owne concerning Sebastian's Cove Road being up to Highway Standards, you would like to place a new letter on file recommending the release of the bond without reference to the additional 1" asphalt overlay to meet Town specifications if dedicated to the Town, since your letter of S.eptember 14, 1987 might cause a problem in later years. ~/ T LD fct\.tl yfO SEP 1 6 S87 Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 ,..""" T..... a.l September 14, 1987 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Sebastian's Cove SCTM# 1000-100-3-p/o 11 Dear Mrs. Terry: Pleaselet.this confirm the following action taken by the Southo1d Town Planning Board, Monday, September 14, 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the bond held for the major subdivision of Sebastian's Cove be released, based upon the correspondence of Raymond L. Jacobs, Highway Superintendent, and the inspection of the Engineering Consultant, Sidney B. Bowne. Very truly yours, ~~~-Kf BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD cc: Stephen Perrizone Richard Lark, Esq. RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel. 765-3140 .734-5211 September 14, 1987 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sebastian's Cove Road (SBB No. 87107) Dear Mr. Orlowski: After reviewing Sidney Bowne's report of July 17, 1987, I recommend release of the bond with the exception that if the roads are ever dedicated to the town, the additional I" asphalt overlay must be placed to meet town specifications. ~:~~~. Raymond L. Jacobs Superintendent of Highways . , , , . JU'L ~ 119B7 SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CG'~ Iff~ 45 Manor Road Smith town, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., LS. (1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey. P.E.. LS. Alexandre W. Mercil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, LS. Zabdiel A. Blackman. P.E., L.S. George A. Style. P.E. Jerry Q. Almont, P.E. George L. Fagan, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. July 17, 1987 Roland Anders Frank Capobianco Roger L. Cocchi FrancisJ. Lynch Philip Schlotzhauer Joseph F. Stegman Paul F. Stevens WiIliamT. Slyne RichardB,'Webl1f Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S Ray Jacobs Superintendnt of Hi9hways TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Re: Pavement Investigation - Sebastian's Cove Road (SBB No. 87107) Dear Sir: As requested, we have performed the above investigation, our findings are: MA TER IAL PLANNED ROAD X SECTION ACTUAL FIELD Asphalt Wearing Course Stone Blend Base 1-1/2" 1.19 "* 2-1/2" 2.31"* Sub Base 6" 6"-12" *Does not meet planned road cross section minimum requirement. Since the asphalt and stone blend do not meet minimum, it is recommended that the entire road be given a 1" asphalt overlay to meet specifications. Very truly yours, RWB:cr cc: Bennett Orlowski Jr. R. Dean N. Heffernan y.. '.,:",1\ ~~" MINEOLA . SMITHTQWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER "" EQu.1 OppOrtunity Employer M/F/H JlL- (i) FOR DISCUSSION - POSSIBLE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION - SEPTEMBER 22, 1987 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases the $125,000.00 performance bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision of Sebastians Cove, Section II, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board, Superintendent of Highways Jacobs, and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting Engineers. ...'.. 1. -$EBA5Tl/+N..s COVE, Sec71 - -.---- .-.--~ t.\ " , - / ,.",'. " JUDITH T_ TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR or: VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 25, 1984 George I. and Jane A, Toumanoff 14 Lloyd Haven Drive Huntington, New York 11743 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Toumanoff: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on October 23, 1984 accepted your Performance Bond in the amount of $125,000.00 for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Sebastians Cove, Section II," Very truly yours, ~ /7.:.../ ------- ~.::/.~r Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Southold Town Planning Board ~.~.J'~. .' /, I' '.... I, tl " ,~/J}f~;'?:i rJi""",:\-oL'" "'~ J~ ~~,,~. I" ; /''').v, ~;" '" ~ ..t<"t ~,,", " ";;:"<, ,'"'' ~p..a ~.-~..\"i1 . ~~. ~ ~ ,2,1;" ~~;- '2 ~ v' \:<:11l:l ~ \, ~'<.;g~",~, "'\ V;\"'C, . "iJ," . '~'!f{J.l ;~::s '.)\r.~::> ' ~~ MAY 25 '984 JUDITH 1. TERRY TO\\o'N CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL SlAnSTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 25, 1984 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Bennie: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on May 22, 1984 approved the bond estimate in the amount of $125,000.00 for roads and improvements in the subdivision entitled, "Sebastian's covet" located at Mattituck, as recommended by your Board and Enginee Lawrence M. Tuthill. JJ: Very truly yours, tf5-zdr Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk ~ ,,17""~ '~: 4l ,'b" ' fBOND 'NUMBER B103889 OCT 12 1984 .' BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, Georoe I. Toumanoff and Jane A. Toumanoff of 14 Lloyd Haven Drive, Huntington, New York as principals and the UNION INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, a New York Corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York, having an office and place of business at 260 ~adison Avenue, New York, New York as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York AS OBLIGEE in the sum of One hundred twenty five thousand and 00/100 ($125,000.00) , DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America to be Daid to the said Ob- ligee for which payment well and truly to be made the Principals and Surety bind themselves, their successors and assigns, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS: 2nd day of October, 1984. 14HEREA.5 , ments as 4th da.lbf the Principal is required by the Obligee to construct roads and improve- is more fully described in the Resolution of the Planning Board made the June 1984. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, THAT, if the Princinal shall well and truly at its own cost and expense within two (2) years from the date hereof, construct roads and improvements in subdivision known as Sebastians Cove Section II more fully described. in resolution of the Planning Board dated June 4, 1984 in accordance with the specifications and reg- ulations of the Town of Southold then this obli~ation to be void' otherwise to remain in full force and effect. NO party other than the Obliqee shall have any riohts hereunder as a~ainst the Surety. The agoreoate liability of the Surety on the bond obliqation shall not exceed the sum thereof for any cause or reason whatsoever. BY BY ouman rlnClra I INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF N .1 YORK ~SURETY yt' , ,":~"-:- Of tcJ~ ' , , / ATTORNEY-IN-FACT -;~: ,', ;(\ . 1) 1'1 ) I ,'\ -'. " ,,' ....:....F.. , . By, ___ ISeall (full Name & Address of Indemnitor) By, ISe,1I (Full Name & Addrus 01 Indemnitor) By, (Sr.all (Full Name & Address of Indemnitor) By, ISeall (Full Name & Address of Indemnitor) By, ISe,1I TO BE SIGNED BY COMPANY OFFICER ONLY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA ISurety) By, - j( FOR NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL'S SIGNATURE INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of New Yo } Counlyo' Suffolk. ss., On this ~ day 0' Octob~, in Ihe year 19~, before me personally comels) _ GEORGE I. TOUMANOFF ISeall to me known and known to me to be the, p'erson(s) who (is) (arel described in and who executed the fo e,ecuted Ihe same. ;',: aAIElTt CORNINE : NOTARY l'IJit.IC, St.,. of New Y.,k Suffolk County N:II~ S'2~S7q2BO~ (Signature of Notary PUblic) l".amminion E)C.pi,~s Mench ~~'. !~~ _ _ __<. ___ _. __ _ _--u...._ ................1.....__ ___'N~___ ;/'FOR NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT OF PRINCIPAL'S SIGNATURE INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT St,le 01 New Yor } Counlyo' Suffolk . ss., . On Ihis d /Jd day 01 GJctober , in Ihe year 19~, be'ore me personally comels) JANE A. TOU~NOFF ...___...._.___.__ going instrument and acknowledge(sl to me-that ___ he_ ~ to me known and known 10 me 10 be the personls) who~~HtrrclWRi~1'I! in and who e,ecuted the 'ore going instrument and acknow dgels) to me Ihat ___ he __ executed the same, I" f N w York ~ NOTARY PU&~IC. Slate 0 0 UOO' _ _ . .. . Suffolk County N;I. 52.579 ~ (Signature of Notary Public) I. bp..e' March 30.19 . /,' Cemm "10n PARTNEhsHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT My Comm'n'on oxo'''' Sl~t! of County of On this ---} ss., day 0' in the year 19_. before me personally comes a member of the co-partnership or to me known and known to me to be the person who is described in and who executed the foregoing instrum!nt, and acknowledges to me that he executed the same,s ,nd for the let and d!ed of the said co-partnership. (Signature of Notary Public) Mv """,,"1,,...1.." ~wnln'" ''"''. , 4f\1on IOqamOlty InsuranCQ , Company of New York . ;.. ... I. ~ - Exu~ulilit. Otliul 260 Mid,,,,,, A.tnuo Ntw Vork, N,Y, 10016 All authority hareby conferred, unle" revoked earlier, shall expire ~nd termif,Vlte, ~it~l n~~'if4 unle" u...d before midnight of arc . POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Union Indemnity In5Uranee Company of New York qoe$ hereby appoint: Joel Abrams, Robert E. Cummins, Sam ,Rubin I and Roberta. Wood i!$ true an~ lawful Atlorn~yhHn-Fact, each individually if there be more than one named, to make, execute, siQn, acknpwledge, affix thll Company Seal to, and deliver any and all 5Urety bonds, undenakings, rflCognizances, and other contracts of indemnity and writings pbligatory in the nature of a bond, for and o~, benalf of said Company and as act and deed of said Company, not to exceed Eight Hundred and F lye Thousand Dollars '~805,OOO,.OO) any single instrument. If'l W'T~E1S V'~l' ~EOF, Ufllon Indllfllnlly Insurance Company 01 New York hw. ..~utlld th_ pr_nlS '.-P":;:""" thi /. 19th av Augus t lQJ!~ "....'..,,~ 'I"; ! .tAL If' ~ .. ; '" .fI" .'-of. ."11I: ".. '!r. i G.eofl1.e .. .'" '.' V Vice LUCILU SCHUI.n NlIlw I'\oWIc, 8tt't 01 .... Yortt , No. 03-4121611 , "=-:=~L/ Assistant freslQellt &T ATE (IF N~W ya~~ L ~'. U~rr! \,~'K, 'I' Jfc:in th., ef~t~ ""y 01 A gus t , 18~'or, me...... ,.., ~.. namtcI pIf!co\' 91'UIl.... 1ncIomn.1V........_ Co/ppanv 01 ..... york, \Q ~ """"""Y "- \Q .. 1/It lndiviclutl and olfi..r dlFibod ....'lIil'1IIII ~ g'r "\pIllllttllt tllOCllltd lilt lor.n8 inttt_tlllll i1fi~ tIlo ..... .. .. \lOIfIllt'1iIlnf lIltralO II, "'J/lofity Illllil iIll- " " , CERTIfiCATE ExcerplS of R.,lutionS'iidop,ed by the'Boards of Pirecton of Union Indemnity 'NUral)C' Company of New Ypr/c: Ma'Fh 17, 1P~: - ".1- RESOLVED, thilt solely 'In furtheranee of the Company's 5Urety business, the Chairman of the Board, the President, Vice President, an Assistant Vice President or Secretary of this Company hereby is autnorized to appoint Attorneys-in-Fact to repr\l$\lnt and act for and on behalf of the Company to execute bonds, under- ta,kings, recognizallces and other contracts of indemnity and writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to atlacjl thll j:orporate seal of the Company to IUch documents; Rj:SOLVED, that the signatures and attestations of such officers and the SIlar of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate rel~tjn9 to the Fowar of Attorney by facsimile, and any suclj Power qf Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures,or fllCsimile SIlal shall be valid and binljing upon the Company with respect to any bond, undertaking, r~ognjzanee or other contract of indll'11nity or IfiriJinq obliyatory in thCl n,ture thereol; and RESOLVED, that any ...ch Attorney-In-Fact may deliver a certification that th. fortgOlng rasolutlons ant still in effect and may insert in such certification the date of the certificatiOll but' that date may be not later than th~ date of delivery of the certificate by the Attorney-in.Fact. - I, Thomas G. O'Brien III, S~retary of Union Indemnity Insurance Company of New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing exserpts of the Resolution adopted bv the Board of Director of the corporation and the Powen of Attornay issued pursuant thereto, ar. true and corRlet.nd th.t both th. Resolution and Powers of Attorntly ar. in full fon:. .nd .HecL . .. " , ., , ~~~E.. Thom. G. O'8riM 1/1, SKntary ,"~ ", '{ , , . 1,l", . . (.. .. Union ,Indemnity Insurance Company of New York Executive Offices 260 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 FINANCIAL STATEMENT al of DECEMBER 31, 1982 AsHII Bonds & Short Term Investments Cash and Bank Deposits Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums Funds Held by Reinsured Companies Reinsurable Recoverable on Loss Payments Reinsurable Balances Receivable Interest, Dividends and Real Estate I ncome Due and Accrued Other Admitted Assets $29,755,849 2,759,115 5,264,787 264,416 4,631,287 3,907,436 336,976 421,423 TOTAL ASSETS $47,341,289 Uabllltlel Reserve for Losses and Loss Expenses Reserve for Unearned Premiums Reserve for Expenses, Taxes Licenses and Fees Federal and Foreign Income Taxes Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance Excess Statutory Reserves Funds Held Under Reinsurance Treaties Other Liabilities Capital Stock Surplus TOTAL POLICYHOLDERS' SURPLUS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND POLICYHOLDERS' SURPLUS $16,629,688 8,191,751 870,360 1,260,000 783,911 1,266,813 8,920,306 90,534 2,500,000 6,827,926 $9,327,926 $47,341,289 Bonds are valued in accordance with Amortized Value CERTIFICATE Richard L. Boyle, Assistant Secretary, and Joseph J. Jaworski, Comptroller of the Union Indemnity Insurance Company of New York being duly sworn, each for himself disposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 31 st day of December, 1982, the Company was actually possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said company on the 31st day of December, 1982 according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, respectively. 1k{",~ /- ~ AsslslInt Secretary STATE OF NEW YORK } . COUNTY OF NEW YORK u.. On thi, daY 01 lL-boI_ me _ the 8bow NIMd offiQrs of Union IndemnitY InlUr8ftCe Compeny of New York to me INrlGnaJlV known to be the individuals and office,. ~.JbId herein, end Kknowledged th't they .xecuted the foregoi"l instrument and ..-d affixlld the.... of uid CCHDOtation thereto by ..thority of their oHiCII. .2 P/~ Comptroller ~~ ~.'/:~. . ./ MARIE T. BAUER Notary Public. State of New York No. 0192500 Qualified in New York County Commission expires 3/30/85