HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic Knolls __"_""-~'" ;H~"",___"".~n"""'-"'''_''',~~,,-~--_,~ ~ . -~_.~.,_._".~--_._---_.>-- _. ~'---:--------'-'-'-~--~ ~'. .' 1, &~ /{)/6fl6.~ t:9~~ REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY r ... 129 FULTON STREET flEW YORI<, NEW YORK 10038 BON D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, ADELPHI LAND CORP. of Box 791 Mattituck, New York as principal and STEPHEN G. TSONTAKIS AND MIKE TSONTAKIS and JOAN L. SULLIVAN AS co-principals and the REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Texas corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York,having an office and place of business at 129 Fulton Street, New York, New York as surety are held and firmly bound unto the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK AS OBLIGEE in the sum of TWENTY SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY AND 00/100 ($26,760.00) DOLLARS lawful money of the United states for the payment whereof to the Obligee, the principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 10th day of June 1977 WHEREAS, the above named principal has agreed to comply with the terms regulations and conditions of the Town of southold in connection with the completion of roads and other improvements in " Peconic Knolls" situated in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York prepared by Howard W.Ycung, L.S. New York and in connection therewith the Obligee desires this bond to be_given: WHEREAS, THE co-principals have a beneficial interest in said project: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, lliAT, if the principal shall, in connection with the installation of roads and improvements in peconic Knolls within one (1) year from the date hereof, complete said improvements to be in accordance with the construction specifications of the Town of Southo1d, all in conformance with the plot plan approved by the Southold, Town Planning Board and to the satisfaction of the Townof Southo1d, then this obligation to be null and void: otherwise to remain in full force a nd effect. No party other than the Obligee shall have any rights hereunder as against the Surety. The aggregate liabi1itycr the surety on the bond obligation shall not exceed the penal sum thereof for any cause or reason whatsoever. This is the basis on which the surety executed this bond and any party claiming to ~ave any right against the surety is bound by this limitation. CO-PR~!l'CIPALS r-...c..Jl by: ~. \ "- ' st~en G. TeO~i' by: lL../.(.,.-{_ (kh-C( ~ Mike Tsontakis . ADELPHI LAND CORP. By:~3\~ BOND #919630 SU~ COMPANY by: L'C'~-t'//' g~.~ JO~L. Sullivan .~ iCL1 .k :!'~ . ~ ,.--' l{' ,{,. ; .. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS COPARTNERSHIP STATE OF } SS: COUNTY OF On this 19 ,"I. , before me per.. sonally appeared to me known and known to me to p. described in and who executed t~e loregoing instrument and he thereupon acknowledged to me that he executed the same as and lor the act and deed 01 said lirm. CORPORATE STATE OF On this t& doy 01 CSTF~~""" }SS: J<..lL'1 19 7) ,beloremeper- (:- ~ '\'""ll".,......,.~ L U' to me known,. who, being by me that he resides in ~~~\'"r"'c:..1t- J I"'-'~. ; that 01 Ao l'U"'t\ .. L~D c:..d.4..id COUNTY OF sona lIy appeared fint duly sworn, did depose and say he is the 9~\1t:>~ the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he- knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the corporate seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority 01 the Board 01 Directors 01 said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order and authority. ROBERT J. B. SHAW NOTARY PUBLIC, Sr;:l", of New York No. 52.8949000 QU3Jified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30. 19..:zr INDIVIDUAL'> STATE OF }ss: COUNTY OF On this ~~ day 01 jv,-'1 19 "").'1 ,belore me per- t' ,. ~ J:::.~ .c..,,-W ~ sonally appeared ~n::v~ 'TI~,,~S t ""\1<;;: \So~I<:.IS , ,to me ~nown and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the lo",going instrument and of.4 F)' acknowledged to me that t- t ty executed the same. . BeRT J. B. SHAW NOTARY PU8L1C, Slatl-! of New York No. 52.Wf4~llOa Q~.1lifjsd in Suffolk Count,' c:/ Commission ExpIres Marcil 30. 19_Z 0 '"0..... E_as .. ...~~ '" ~ ~... . , REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY . " ~ , . . FINANCIAL STATEMENT Ee.tern Depertment: 129 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 DECEMBER 31. 1976 1976 Authorized 2.000.000 shares. issued 1.000.000 shares. ... ..." ............... ..... Paid-in surplus..................... .......... Retained earnings .. ....... ..,.......... ......... Excess (deficiency) of market value of stocks over cost. other than stocks 7,042,680 ofamli't.. ....................... ........... <3,471,434> Excess of underlying book value of stocks 416,230 ofaffiliatesovercost .......................... 12,708,801 Total capital shares and surplus............... 61,220,142 $232,566,891 $232,566,891 All securities are carried in accordance with the requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as follows: eligible bonds at amortized values; stocks of associated insurance companies at pro rata share ofcapita1 and surplus; all other securities at quotations prescribed by the Association. Cash... . ASSETS . .... .. . . ....... ...........$ 3,016,274 Bonds. at mortized cost (Schedule 1): United States Government.............. .... ... .... Other bonds.. . .............. .................... Commercial notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,007,833 67,113,322 7.247.388 79,368,543 Investments in stocks other than stocks of affiliates (Schedule II):: Preferred stocks. at market. ...................... 17,883,450 Common stocks, at market. ................... ... 28,658,741 Savings and loan association shares, at cost. .................................. ". 265.500 Total stocks ............................... 46,807,691 Investments in stocks of affiliates at under- 86 0 lying book value (S<:hedule In. ... ........... ........45, 3,54 Agents' balances and re1nsurance balances - net. . . . . . .. 42,520,718 Premium notes. less unearned interest ................. 6,155,069 Real estate, at cost less accumulated depreciation of 576.172 ..................................... 1,376,146 Other assets ........ ........... .... .... ,........... Receivable from affiliates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Note: LIABILITIES. RESERVES AND CAPITAL FUNDS Liabilities: 1976 Reserve for losses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 42,082,424 Reserve for loss adjustment expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 4,609,000 Unearned premium reserve (Schedule VII)........... 101,702,701 Taxes. other than Federal income taxes. . . _ . . . . . . . . . 810,600 Dividends payable topolicyholders.. ............ 1,000 Other liabilities.... .................. ......... 5,961,300 Payable to affiliates............................. _ 1,307,871 Federalincometax .......... .............. ...... ~- Funds held by company under... . . . . . . . . . .. ... 14,798,17] Reinsurance Treaties Statutory reserves: Excess of statutory reserves over loss and loss expense reserves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reinsurance in companies not licensed in Texa$ ... ............... ................... 73,029 653 Totalliabitities.... ........ .......... ........171,346,749 Capital shares and surplus; Capital shares: Preferred stock. 5100 par value per share. Authorized 200.000 shares, issued lSO.000shares .............................. Common stock. 5S par value per share. Authorized 200.000 shares. Issued 12,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,518 22,039,389 BE IT REMEMBERED, that at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Republic Insurance Company, duly called and held at the office of the Company in the City ofD.I1_. Tex.". on the 28"th day of-February. 1967. a quorum being present. the following By-Laws was duly adopted to become effective February 28, 1967: ARTICLE Xl- APPOINTMENT OF A TTORNEYS.IN.F ACT Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact. The President. or any executive Vice President. may from time to time. appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-fact to act in behalf of the Compeny in the execution of policies of insurance. bonds. undertakings. and othel' obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorney-in. fact. subject to tbe limitations set forth in their .!espective certificates of authority shalt have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments aDd to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President. or any Executive Vice President, or the Board of Directors, may at any time revoke all I?ower and authority"greviously given to any attorney-in.fact. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK } ss. James N. Heiskell ,bein~dulysworn,d.posesandsaY':]'m Attorney-in-Fact of the Republic Insurance Company. I have compared the foregoing By.Law with the original thereof, as recorded in the Minute Book of the said Company. and do hereby certify that the same is a correct and true transcript therefrom and .of the whole Article XI, of said original By-Law arid thai the same is now in fun force and effect. Pursuant to said By-Law, John J. Zahn, Thomas J. Keenan. James N. Heiskell. Ralph L. Price, and Marlin F. Po;:rry were duly appointed Attorneys-in-Fact of this Company without limitation as to amount of bond executed and that said appointment is now in effect. The above is a true statement of .the,assels and liabilities of"said Company at the close of business December 31,1976 taken from the books and records of said Company and is prepared in accordance with the statements on file with the Insurance Department of the State of New York. The Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Section 327 of the New York Insurance Law (Chapter 882 of the Laws of t939 of the State of New York. C9nstituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New Yor as amended) Issued to the Republic Insurance Company his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted s suret to rantor on an bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees. as provided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York, II aws menda ory thereof and supplementary thereto; and ~ ch certificate has not been revoked. lOth Thomas J. Keenan Massapequa Park, New York and "ay that he resides in that he is an aHo ey-in-f t of the Re Company, the corporation described in, and which execuled, the foregoing instrument; that he kno that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is such corporate seal; tbat it was affixed thereto by corporation and Ihat he signed his name thereto, as attorney-in-fact, by like order and authority. June day of Onthi) day of June RS.l09 .19 77 PATRICIA A. JAMES NotfH}' Putrlk, Sir.lte of New Yor~ 0. 2 if-2'2.:22-250 Qualtfied in Kii1C~ County CommiS5wn er..plic:i. MtlfCh30,1971 . t 9 7 7 . before me personally otary Pub c JA A. JAMES tllic,St,lIte cf NewYorll .2 ~-~)28260 ~ Qualified in f\ings <..ounty om.mls~on .~Plrt:. Mtlrch 30,19"1 . .. c.,. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of; VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 12, 1983 William Wickham, Esq. Main Road, P. O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New Yrok 11952 Re: Henry's Lane Extension, Peconic Dear Mr. Wickham: The performance bond in the amount of $26,700.00, and name of Adelphi Lane Corp., et ai, was released by the Southold Town Board on October 4, 1983. Henry's Lane Extension has not been dedicated to the Town, as of this date, and therefore is considered private. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLER K REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~-~,. "'. .' "",:df' "".~ " ',... '. ,.... '". ~h\ r) 1/ "."~ 'V "'~\>> lo.J1 'a"i'l ( ~.(\?!j .' C~ . ~ ~>> '= "". " b Ft=. , i~"> ='f " :'..~~-"'4 ", "'~, , .' t\l c- :.: ..,..,'......%;. AI ,~~IJ.! . Sl i\V ~y .'i,~~',;~~~.0;>-/ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York] ]97] TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 10, 1983 Mr. Steve Tsontakis P. O. Box 791 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Steve: The Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on October 4, 1983 released your performance bond in the amount of $26,760.00 for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as Peconic Knolls at Peconic. The performance bond is enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, Pr Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure , JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR or VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 10, 1983 ~. Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Henry: The Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on October 4, 1983 released. the performance bond in the amount of $26,760.00 of Steve Txontakis for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as Peconic Knolls at Peconic. Very truly yours, ~~Ly-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk r , JUDITH 1. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 21, 1983 To: Superintendent of Highways Raymond C. Dean Southold Town Board Highway Committee Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Chairman Councilman John J. Nickles From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Attached hereto is letter from the Southold Town Planning Board and report of Inspector John W. Davis relative to the release of the bond on Peconic Knolls. I would like to put this on the October 4th Town Board agenda and request that you submit a letter to me on your findings in this matter. /~ .,' T D REe;..: , ~;j SEP 2:l 913 Town Clerk Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, ir. , Chai,man iAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, ir. GEORGE R1TCIllIE LATHAM, k WILUAM F. MULLEN, ir. TELEPHONE 765. 1938 September 21, 1983 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall SouthOld, New York 11971 Re: Peconic Knolls Dear Mrs. Terry: The fOllowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, September 19, 1983, after review of Inspector John W. Davis' report #317 and correspondence from the Superintendent of Highways, dated July 29, 1983. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept Inspector John W. Davis' report #317 with regard to the subdivision known as Peconic Knolls at Peconic and recom- mend a release of the bond presently held by the Town of Southold. Report #317 and correspondence from the Superintendent of Highways has been attached for your records. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD ~~ (,~~-~.~ By Susan E. Long, Secretary Attch. cc: Town Board Town ~ttorney t . .". ". ~ .> AUG 29 REC'il INsr'EC<l'ION REPJRT To: Raymond C. Dean, Superilltendent Town Highway Depart:mE>nt Southold, New York 11';)7] No. 311 Date: ilUqust 2~L..lS83 F'ram: John \,]. Davis Re: Peconic Knolls at peconi,; Required work for release (,[ [JCrfonr.3w'C' LXl!1d Ccmnents : A 1Tk-"'eting was held on July 29, 1983 (5"'" dttachment) to agree on rc'-".ai"ing work at the above sulxlivision. 'This work was rn:xlified at the request of tl-;.e Mosquito Ccmn.i.ssion as follcIdS: 1. In lieu of concrete headwalls Rt. and Lt. at tJ18 pipe crossing Sta 6 + 60:!:, two 10 ft. lengths of 12" C.H.P. ~Icre installed at both sides of ble crossing. Note: The pipe crossing as plact.'Cl by the ori.ginal cor-tractor consisted of two 12" piiX' lines, not one 18" pipe line as shown on the plans. The shoulder areas at the piFe ext.ensi(x,s have been graded. 2. I,1stead of installing 18" C.M.P. as noted i1, (2. ,July 29th ITl'-'Cting) the ditch was backfilLed and 1'0 pipe wa." lc:id. This ditch rex] been excav"ted to drain a ponding area at lots tJo. 1 and No.2. The pond area now has been partially filled ir.. A short length of 12" C.!~.P., 10 fl-..:l: has Deen extended iran the C.r. Sta 4 + 00 Lt. to LLe a)squito ditch sh<r..m on the pl3ns. The Onal work as sh.:.Mn in this report was approved by Mr. O<"m and myself and I would recunm:"nd that release of t.he perfom'c'.:1::e bond be considered. __L~+7~J/ dJU7.~ ',~ ,John W. Davis c.c. Southald To..n PlanninCj Ikurd Highway Camlittee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. ~ . \ I' i i AUG 2 9 1983 I :11 ',I UL1.. '-'___'1_-. ;..:=." I S~jJi';;JLD1C;L', L,\<~.', 1 J '-~-_.._---_._--~- -...._- ~..."''''\\ L ~ Z'l18~ ,r.. ;'. -. '- 'uhlir Ifnrks 1lJtpartnttnt mawn af jout~alb 'reonie, N.I. 11958 " RAYMOND C. DEAN COMMISSIONER TEL. 7llS-314!l 734~11 July 29, 1983 Re: Peconic Knolls Subdivision at Peconic A meeting was held on the above sulx1ivision site today to go over renaining work to be required before release of the perfonnance bond loJQuld be considered. Present at the n-eeting: R. C. Dean, J. J. Nickles, J. J. Townsend, J. W. Davis, J. DriSCOll and S. WaiIrey It was agreed that the fOllowing work should be done before the bond release is reccmnended. 1. Install concrete headwalls Rt. and Lt. on the pipe crossing at Sta 6 + 60:!:. 1'he existing pipe shOUld be extended about 6 ft. on both sides as the present ends are at the pavanent edges. 2. Place 18" C.M.P. in the present ditch along the pavanent from the catch basin at Sta 4 + 00 Lt. to the existing drainage ditch, approximately 60 L.P. 'uhlir Burks IJrpartmrtlt mown of &out401b JJtronir. N.I. 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN COMMISSIONER TEL. 785-<3140 734-5211 RECi:i,cu SEP23 m3 September 23, 1983 Tew"' C",;, S"utiloJd Mrs. Judith Teny Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: peconic Knolls - Bond Release Dear Mrs. Terry: After reviewing Inspection Report #317 of Mr. Jack Davis, I approve of the final work which has been CCil1pleted at the above narned subdivision. I recamnend release of the bond at this time. V~.;r;y--trlI1:T)'ours , /'~~ U R<iyrro~. Dean Superintendent of Highways RCD/plm ( y;~ ~~~ p D Southold, N, Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 October 23, 1980 Supervisor 1iilliam R. Pell III Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The Planning Board reviewed bonds for subdivisions on which the time has expired according to TO\vn Law to complete the improvements. The consensus of the Board was that these bonds should not be extended and the matter be referred to the Town Board for action. Work has not commenced on the following: Blue Horizons, Section I - expires 11/1/80 Blue Horizons, Section II - expires 11/1/80 Greenbriar Acres - expired 5/18/80 Peconic Knolls - expired 6/10/80 The following subdivisions are in various stages of completion: Greton Estates ~ expired 7/1/79 Lands End - expired 1/10/79 Sleepy Hollow Estates - expired 10/6/78 To,vn Harbor Terrace - expired 10/15/71 Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRHAN SOUTHOLD TOllli PLA}lliING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Tovm Councilmen -..-..............v,,' J.\..J.,;,LVL~J. DATE: March 4. 1981 ~0. ~ \~~ TO: Ravmond C. Dean, Superintendent Town Highway Department Southo1d, New York 11971 FROM: John W. Davis NO. 163 CONMENTS: RE: P.EX:ONIC KNOLLS at PECONIC I met Mr. Steve 'll3ontakis on this subdivision site today. Mr. wamiey also present. 1. Grading on roadway was started t~day by Grefe Contracting, Inc. Grade elevations Will he furnished by the owner so that plan profiles will be met. 2. Excavation for a house foundation has been started on Lot No.6. 3. Material in present rough graded roadway is not, sui table for pulvermixing. Advised Ol.'I1er that 6" of compacted bank run will have to be placed on the 36 ft. width. Also that unstable areas are to be excavated and backfilled with suitable material. 4. No curbing is shown on the plan roadway section. According to the aHner. he received a waiver on the C'lrb req11irernent. Erosion will OCC\lr on the sides at the steep grades ShOlOl1 for the beginning and end of the road. 5. Mr. 'll3ontakis intends to continue work on .he road. weather permitting. Pulver- mixing.. however. cannot be done in the winter season. C.C. SO'lthold Town Planning Board C.C. Highwa:r. Commi ttee C.C. L. M. TUthill, P.E. ~ @: (6 ~. n \#ffi: IT ~ MAR - 51981 U SOUTHOLD TOWN HWY. ~ :JI-dJ~ . ........"..... , . .' JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ";":::;'~;2-":->, /:::~<" \',,- -~,::~~~ . . ,,' ".'...~.~:.. OFFICE O~,To\\'~~c;i.:E~K .'",~I.. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ::. :~,{i ,I ,-.:.~-l/ SUFFQLK COUNTY 'J '4i ,~: j/ --_:':~~~~1-:'i:;jJ>' TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southo1d, L. I., N. Y. 11971 RECEIVED June 24, 1980 JUL 7 1980 Republic Insurance Company 129 Fulton Street New York, New York 10038 TOWlI Clerk Southold Gentlemen: The Town of Southold is presently holdirtgthe bonds for roads and improvements in subdivisions. if these bonds are still in force and effect. below listed Please advise C.P.F. Land Corp., Bond ~lQl4, $90,000, Blue Horizons Section I C.P.F. Land Corp., Bond #921015, $110,000, Blue Horizons Section II ~- Greenbriar Homes Inc., Bond #~19456,_$142,000, Greenbriar Acres at Mattituck. Peconic Homes Corporation, Bond #917092, $50,000, Greton Estates 75 Highland Rd. Corp., Bond ~~1724~, $200,000, Highland Estates Adelphi Land Corp., Bond #919n~0, $26,760, Peconic Knolls R.E.C. Realty Co., Bond #9...2.BJ..O.4., $125,000, Richmond Shores at Peconic Theodore Dowd, Bond Col. Ted Dowd ~Kwasneski and An~ Kwasneski, Bond #915530, $53,000, Sleepy HOllo~ Lorraine Hochman and Julius Hochman, Bond #916263, $20,000, Syloret Estates. Very truly yours, P' JJ. J ..-----' ~ ~--/ -...;;/-<!,/~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk ~~. . - ADELPHI LAND CORP. P. O. BOX 791 MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 July 11, 1977 Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Ref: Peconic Knolls (Extension of Henry's Lane, Peconic, New York) Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a sub-division Performance Bond for the referenced sub-division. I pray that you will find everything in order and approve the enclosed. Yours truly, ~L~ SGT:dm Ene. CC: Planning Board Steve G. T sontakis'