HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic Homes,Sec II PECONIC HOMES, SEC. II - SUBDIVISION BOND -Waived 10/10/67 Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANI\lING BOARD MEMBERS ~" John Wic:kham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach October 5, 1967 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on October 3, 196'7 : "Ii: was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommEmd to the Southold Town Board that the performance bond for the roads in the subdivision to be known as Peconic Homes, Section II, Peconic, New York, owned and developed by Henry J. Smith, be waivedo" At:tached hereto are the letters of approval of these roads from Raymond C. Dean, Superintmcent of Highways; and Lawrence M. Tuthill, Construction Engineer for the PlanIiing Boardo Respectfully submitted, 1-::';'a:C~~~::: ~ South old Town Planning Board /bd . LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROF"ItDDIDNAL ItNOINEER INLItT LANa; ItXT. GREENPCRT. N. Y. DREIENPOftT7"1652 OctobGr 3, 1967 Sout)lOlcl Tb"n Planning Boarn [louthold, N.Y. ~lG: Peconic Hljmes 30c. II Gent10men: :r havo :insDcc1~ed tho roads of ?econic Homes S'Jc. II and haV0 found them to meet the s02cif:icat:ions of the :llanning Board. i183poctifu11y submitted, /J /"" /'!"J/ ,::AY-,,^- / /~ /""./4'f/f,: l,am:'eDce 11. Tuthill -. ..-~ .,.' ~ig~fult!J ~l'pttdml'nt 'Ql'ofnn of ~out~olll Itrcronir, ~. ~. 11958 RAYMOND Co, DEAN SUPERINTENDENT TEL. 765~3140 October If. 1967 The Planning Board TOlm of Southold Southold, No/it York Gentlemen: I have inspect,ed the roads at Section 2. Pecon1c H01l103, Peconic. NElli York, and find the construction 01' these, in compliance with the Highway Specifications of the Town of Southold. RCD:a ///~ truly YO\~By'. /) ./' /'A ,/ ~ cz /">~'/"" ,,(/- .,,,. .,," ,. "/ /// r /' . (./ / L"<'- It ,I../' /. ./ i.-/ / RAYlIOND C. DEAN. Sup't. of Highways ~:-.. .. ....ting of the Southold Town Board October 10, 1967 .aSOIoUTIOB Moved by Ju.tic. ClIL-k, ..cond.d by Councilman val.ntin., aasOI.VBI '!'h.t the Southold Town Board r.l.... the Jkmd on P.conic Bome., Section II, P.conic, Mew York, owned .nd developed by Henry J. Smith, a. recoaun4ed by the 8outhold Town Planning Board, RaY1lOnd Dean, Highway Superintllndent, and Ioawrence M. Tuthill, Con.truction anqin.er for the Planning Board. Vote of 'l'own Board I Ay..-Iuperviaor Albert.on Councilman val.ntine Councilman Demare.t Ju.tice Clark Ju.tice Tuthill