HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoli Enterprises , JOLl ENTERPRIS ~/ ~-rn ~~~ ~ '7{~--t-c-A 6; /7?.$ - JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST:\TISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southo1d, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 9, 1983 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Lin Jacinto 87-41 118 Street Richmond Hill, New York 11418 Dear Lin: Returned herewith is your $10,000 Super-Saver Certified with was filed with the Town of Southold as a completion bond with regard to the installation of Tripolymer foam insulation in the entire wall cavities and "I" beam cavities (Bid #1001- 01 R) at the Southold Town Senior/Youth Center, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York. Very truly yours, ~p~- +> co ~" .... .... i . ~ * : 00 c:r) en LD c:::t (Y') o """" o 0.... ...J C( :Ii,), C ~....l LLI >Ci: - 0,", La.. IE..... i= IJ.I<- a: ~~ 3:l w ffi~ W Q ~~5; a: c."ffi 0: w.... w o (.)ZQ:) La.. ~;~ I- ~f2 ll. ~.... - ~~ Wo (,)z W a: '" .... .. ! 11 1 J i "{ - t- - . 'i:, : ~1O /) s. .'0 ll: i If' ; ~ ~ ..~ 1~1~1>1 m ~f h~f..fl $ d :lll.l'lllf ~ , I il_"1 L. -'21' ;.f t.. ~ ;jili if ~ !OOl8 0 8 Enclosure +-' 0)1 I I Q) i H, ~ iffi 01 ~!~. 1\ 'Iffil~ +-'.0 ~ )>10 dl0010 ! ~,f.iJ .r-! : l'-q~ ; ttl I ~ 10 O;oT""'iICl u... ~ ,0: cd z Z 0 f.iJ (.) It- "'0 ~!~MI~ I~ ~,1fl~ ;<l:'ld1Ii;;( ..c: ~ I lI: (/) Ia: i 3:J1~' 8 d I~ I!~ 0;::; ~ s3:Ji 'Z'r-1,'ii!~iO 'Mif! ~~lfjooc.:P=42 S33:lHO:lHU i . ~ . l>\I . j a'a. ill . I'"i<....jr.' .. _.I.Qf ......e-...,. ..oil..: '" . " " .~~ ~i:fff ff:t' ." ...~ ," .... ~":.~', .-;~~ i;;;' ;;;i: j'......... ~;;... :~~%? ';:;;-::;, .:...........~::.., 'ij[~' ~": :,~, ~i ............-::.:':>' ~:*-.:5..~:.~::: :~~~~. ~~~ ~J. '''':!j::: .:...........\:-'-., .........., I::.~w..:~"":. \~\~;;~~~. (1f;f ~ft~;. .,.... .......: .~..~;~: ~.~~':k /.,:.. ".......~. \" ,...'. ~fi;{ ~{:I I:, ....... L\..~::.:; :!"~- ''':':'''-. ............\:-'-'- ~1~: ;!~~' /;.... '. 'if,~: ,,;;~,,~~\... .., '," ..... ,'.:':':':~:~~;::j" '/...~~~~~!::: ;~~~~~::;;.:!,~~. "\':~~~' .'.-, ,-.', .~~~~':. '. ".:. .,_:.if:',\':,' ','/".~o:.~;;. ,;,~\:~~~~~"":,. '/;"~~~~:':" "....~. ..:~N:., .....,';;~.. .!.:" ~" .,\~~~;!~....~: "~'';'~~;~:~~' . ',;: ...i~i~i:,"/;~'~">~;;, .'~~~;~:::: ~':'.' ,:':'::: :~~i::j,. :'/";,~::;$U; ;'~~;~;=:;:"'\'" ,'. ,'".......'., .... .~.',' ,', ...f:"'!:"\~',,(. ""/~~~;':t~;;. A~~;~:::: :':':', ' ';1: ~ ~ :~~;:::" ..'/' ,~;j~~:$~:: ;~~~~~:~;. ',",", ,.': "\'.,~.~~.:'.,, . '.'. .~ '.~~.::; ~.". CI-EM Save Non-Negotiable Super-Saver Certificate Rd .Lynbr~Ok ~~1f5H~ 700 Merrick Branch Office Address I Data I Amount 0,812,218,3 1 1 j, 1110.;,0101000101 CHEMICAL BANK (the "Bank") HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT Lin Jacinto Name Address 87-41 (the "Pavee") n8st. City, State. Zip Richmond llill,NYllltl8 Ten thousand and 00/100 has deposited with it Dollars (the "Deposit") and that the Deposit will be paid to the Payee together with interest, upon the following terms and conditions; 1. DEPOSIT. The Deposit is payable to the Payee on 2-22-83 (maturity data), Inhlrest DDl 10. Qo;2 at the rate of "'l('per annum will ba payabla aitha" 0 at maturity, or 0 monthly. If monthly interest is indicatad, it will ba paid as follows; 0 Cradit Payaa's account, or 0 Mail Chacko The payee agrees that this deposit will ramain until tha maturity date. NO INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ON THE DEPOSIT AFTER THE MATURITY DATE. Howavar, if tha daposit is withdl1wn within seven (7) days aftar tha maturity, tha Payea will be paid interest at tha contract rata until tha data of tha withdl1wal. 2. PAYMENT. The Bank will pay the Deposit only upon surrender of this certificata to the Bank at the above address. The Payee must sign the acknowledgment of receipt of payment. 3. TRANSFER. This Cartificata is not transferable or e..ignable except on the books of the bank. If thera is a transfer or a..ignment, tha Bank is fully protacted in paying the Daposit and any intarest to tha Payae unle.. the Bank received prior written notice from the Payee, in a form acceptable to the Bank, of the tranSfer or assignment. After receipt of acceptable notice, the Bank will make payment to the person designated in the notice and presenting the Certificate. 4, INTEREST PENALTY. Federal Regulations require substantial panaltias for aarly withdl1wals. Payee a.knowladges ra..ipt of a dateiled written explanation of the penalty for a.rly withdl1wal. 5. SERVICE CHARGES. This Oeposit is subject to service charges. For example, the Bank will impose a $15.00 salVice charge for the administrative expenses involved in the receipt and handling of legal process.served in connection with a Deposit. The Bank may deduct any service charges from the~DepDsit and it may change the charges from time to time. 6. JOINT ACCOUNT. A Certificate payable to two or more persons is e joint Deposit. The Deposit with interest is payable to anyone Payee during their joint lives and upon the death of one, full ownership and control and the right to payment passes to the survivor(s). The Bank may require the survivor(s) to produce legal documents before releasing the moneys on deposit. Each Payee is authorized to act for the other(s) and the Bank may accept instructions from anyone Payee. 7. ADDITIONAL TERMS. This Certificate is subject to current and future New York State and Federal rules and reguletions, including those of the Bank, the Banking Department of the Stete of New York, and the Boerd of Governors of the Federel Reserve System. acknowledgement of payment Chemi.al Bank lj)8yee's signMure} .?4~fi- htuthorized signature) ~- R- . ..........~~;.. :~~~:;~1~~:~,{: \~~U!i::;~' ,\,\~".".'" 021195* (11-81) ::~:;;:!~;;\:;;;~': :,:~~,tHj~~~~;\:: ~':';.'~'I~' ','\'\'\'oi..:.:! ,~~~.~.",~~~~~...'. ,--- ,.;.;..,...."",,,-,.',;';j.',. ::' '" .:':;."". '.,:..:.....'. ,; '.'1:;;.;. ,~~~'_' "~~~:..: .\,',; I~;~:~\.~~X"""'.\~\'l!::: :;. .~~~/..'.. "-,...~~~.' I' .-,W ::.~' ~;~;. >::j:~. t{~~ ::::: :::~~ ~]~:' :,,}::-\.....~. ':::!jij~. !i;..~.". I}~ ;Jl~~ J}~~-~~~~; ......... ....... ~~~~~. 2/22/83 - Received telephone call from Lin Jacinto re: returning $10,000.00 savings certificate(submitted in lieu of performance bond for Federal Energy Conservation who did insulation at Senior/Youth Center) Certificate expires 2/22/83. She wanted the certificate returned to her today. Called Bob Tasker, he said no, there must be fit ~ '~ ~~ ~\ , ~\r F { ~, , ~1' '11~ ~. a town board resolution on March 8, 1983 releasing this (same procedure as for performance bond) I tried to call her back to tell but both telephone numbers listed in directory have been disconnected. (She is not renewing the certificate, she is moving it into a different bank. ) i~\~ I''''.~ ~...... ~~~~~~ :~~~. ';"~ '''i,'' ,;:::;~~~. J\:'~-!.::::;~.' .~:.:;~.~. '.:'::'.'," .;.-..'":.:.:::':".' ...... .', ('-::::....-.:~: :\~~{ ~~{r i~~:~ i;"::': :;:~.'f )\'~~: ".": \:" ." rc -- (1;[;;; :;;~: I....'.., . J"igy% ''':('::- ,~",,'.:,':".' ~.~,:". ".... .....~ :(t:~~ ff:F i.....~- .~':.~- ~il{;: !t{t I.",. .". '~";l;{'7 '-:!/-'i'. ~,.~~:\~ I......~. .'.... \:;~~~ ~:::~'. ~--..--- ....,. ,.~ ~ ff;: :;;;: 1'-""-' ;~~~~;.~.' ','-'/:' .;..........::::~'.,- I;.:..:..........~'\ I........~ .......... ~.......... ........: l~jj) ;);: (;:::~ ~-:.~~; \...~..:;'/ .~f*~;.:,. .;.....-.:::?"', It................ &.~'(. ~t~~. ~.tl- )~':...":;~: ~:~;: i.j;;;' ;;;:. i;;:~: ~~~~'. \;:~~~~: ,,';~;';~~~;.. ".';': ~: .~~:::... ",~~~:~;....'','-. ,'_.._#.~~.:':;. . r{jllSJ~';~;;;,;,',,,,, .~:::i!$$.~,,\,:, ",,~.'t'.'.~~:!::. ,"....~.:.:~~~~i, .(,w;;~.:.!'::, :~,','.,~*~;~.:.,\; ',~.~.~.~~~::.~.: ",:-,: . ,i ::.t....'".~.., ';~'~"~~~.';'" ,.~..:~~~N.\\., :y/."'~~~:.:;, "\'~' .~;~N.,. ./,:'~;~.. .!,:" ~'~..,~*~;~.:,,'.. '..,,~.~\~~::f,' "'~~ CI-EM Save Non-Negotiable Super-Saver Certificate 700 M9rrick Rd. Lynb~oo{~N~~1~~3 Branch Office Address lo.t. 01 21 21 21 81 I Amount 2 I I .. 11 0.. 01 01 O. 01 ~ 5 2 5 8 9 o -' CHEMICAL BANK (the "Bank") HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT Lin Jacinto Name Address 87-41 (the "Payee", Hath St City, State, Zip P.ichrn9l:l!;! Hill, ~~YIIJ' 18 has depDsited with it Ten thousand and 00/100 DDllars (the "Deposit") and that the Deposit will be paid to the Payee together with interest, upon the following terms and conditions; 1. DEPOSIT. The DepDsit is payable tD the Payee Dn S -23 -82 (maturity datel. Interest at the rete Df 14.610 % per annum will be payeble either: ;g::.. maturity, Dr 0 mDnthly, If mDnthly interest is indicated, it will be paid as fDIIDWS: 0 Credit Payee's accDunt, Dr ~ail Cho<k, The payee agrees that this depDsit will remain until the maturity date. NO INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ON THE DEPOSIT AFTER THE MATURITY DATE. HDwever, if the depDsit is withdrawn within seven (7) days after the meturity, the Payee will be paid interest at the cDntract rate until the date Df the withdrawal. 2. PAYMENT. The Bank will pay the DepDsit Dnly upDn surrender Df this certificate tD the Bank at the abDve address. The Payee must sign the acknDwledgment Df receipt Df payment. 3. TRANSFER. This Certificate is nDt transferable Dr assignabla except on the bDOks of the bank. If there is a transfer or assignment, the Bank is fully prDtected in paying the DepDsit and any interest to the Payee unless the Bank received prior written notice from the Payee, in a form acceptable to the Bank, of the transfer or assignment. After receipt of acceptable notice, the Bank will make payment to the person designated in the notice and presenting the Certificate. 4. INTE REST PENAL TY. Fede..1 Regulatiqns require substantial penllties for early withdrawals. PeYII IcknDMedglt..ceipt of e detailed writte. exple.ltiDn Df the pe.alty for eorly withdrawal. 5. SERVICE CHARGES. This Deposit is subject to service charges. For example, the Bank will impose a $15.00 service charge for the administrative expenses involved in the receipt and handling of legal process-served in connection with a Deposit. The Bank may deduct any service charges from the#Deposit and it may change the charges from time to time. 6. JOINT ACCOUNT. A Certificate payable to two Dr mDre persDns is a joint Deposit. The Deposit with interest is payable to anyone Payee during their joint lives and upon the death of one, full ownership and contrDI and the right to payment passes to the survivor(s). The Bank may require the survivor(s) to produce legal documents before releasing the moneys on deposit. Each Payee is authorized to act for the other(s) and the Bank may accept instructions from anyone Payee. 7. ADDITIONAL TERMS. This Certificate is subject tD current and future New York Stete and Federal rules and ..gulatiDns, including thDse of the Bank, the Banking Department of the State Df New YDrk, and the Board of GovernDrs Df the Federal Reserve System. acknowledgement of payment Chemical Bank lpey.... signMure) ~ ~-'/- leu,h rizMi signature) ~<-fL- I<.. 021195. (11-81) ;:j:;~:!~;;-?~~~: ...~?HJ~!\\~;:,~. '~:::':.~~.';I","~UU::::~~ ""'.~"#'.'." '..,,'-'......~.. :,.....:.i~~~~\, . (. ,':'~:o~::~,,~\,' 'l~~~.U!~~' ..'...... :),;::!ia;;ii};.: :'::~~~;Ji;~:\.{: '~:\\.~'i;~~~' ':~~~,:....~:::W "~"."#".'!' ',...,...:0.... ,;::;;:fi~;~\W: :"~:~i:1i;~~\.~~: . ~:.: ~;"'../"::~\''''''':~:,, ~ ~. . "'. ~ ~~..~.~,~, . . ,\,...,.:~:... ~. .:;:;;:!!~~;;i.~? :"?ljtj!~~~~~~: ~:'~"44~~', ",','~.~"."~ . ~ ".:~~~~.~," , '\'.~_:~~~:~ ~, :t~.. :r,~: ..~~~::, : ~f?: iif? . :~~:: ~~~~. .::~:: :::s ~~'.:~. :.,\,:\\-.:' ':_:~i;:.. }f.~it\" .:::. :':~k< ";I~~-.~.~}J~1.;)! -:-....~.~...'......11 :.,>,...\\.....~. '-':::;:~, *'~~';~.'\ '~.';".. ....~'II ;~--: ::-':'; ~~~ii;) ...,,~\....~. >::j;:~~, II ...nw.~".;) \~~~\\:;;:;j ..~;;.~ i~::;'.i. ...... ......1 ,"~jj;_JJJJ:O . ~~~~~ ~~~~:\ .." ........1 '>>.'\....;:::'j :::...%~~"; ~!!;o. ,'........ :':.~ "., ~~..:'" "..''': I .~~~~ ::;;:) I . i{(; ([~~ .::::: :::~;: ~~~,~~'.~., "::\\....~. ;<.~~;.' /~~'._:~-:~~ 1'''.- ........ ~;~; ;~~r ~..~~.:..~~l: ;f' ~.~;:'::' .......-.', ....,.....-..- I~~~::. :":::.~ ';~~~: :;;~,. (:;. -. .,.... \i':~i~~~.i, ':'::;.'~' .":!/;'/,' ~.<'" ';'''''".'-'' T'~~"" p....... ...'(- i;! ~ti' \.~~~."*~ W!j; ~~0'< .f.~.,. ,-;'c, I................. ::::: ~iif:" \................ ~."."" .;;;;- .;;;. " . .~, " ~~:~~.' w;;~ ~"-:;;O'" ....~~......-& '~:~~~H~~r ;ffit ~~t ~'.....~ '~.N. .... ~"."' 0..,. _._ .~:!j::-i_ ~.~-:;;.;,,, -::.............\:. ~t~n~: ltt~' ~t~~. ~'..~~.~m .... . ...~- ':';!'f!/,~:, ;;::~~ i~':::O~~."\\"'" :~,/~~~~;::::;. ~~?~:;~;~f.~~Nr );~/~'~;f~:!'{: ..;ff~".\,.~.,.",;~/:~"':.~.j,. .'\~~; ~ :>:' ::'~\:':" :: ':':':': ~ ~ ~::::' :",'-',.~::::N::: ',~~~~~~;;"'-'< ,.'.- ,\,~~~,"'."" ",I.'.~~~~,:: '_,'_. ...::f"~\\i .'.~"l;~':,':.fi. ,~~~i~:O::;':':':', ,:':':':':':~~i:!:" :,'~'.' .~;: ~:~::,' ',\~~~~:~;':"'~' -,'. ,'.'.,~,~,"~"'" ".... ".~.:,:" ':'. I CH:M Save Non.Negotiable Super-Saver Certificate S 256335 Branch Of/ice Address I 'O'.B 1 2 41!:l 11 Amaun' , ! . I . I I 1 ... 110...01010.0101 Account Number 152 B 4 CHEMICAL BANK (the "Bank") HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT Lin Jacinto Name Address 8(-41 110 SL (the "Payee") City. StatiE'. Zip :RldWlOlld fUll, NY 1141U has deposited with it **Ten thousand 00/100***** Dollars (the "Deposit") and that the Deposit will be paid to the Payee together with interest, upon the following terms and conditions; 1. DEPOSIT, The Deposit is payable to the Payee on 2/2/82 (maturity date), Interest at the rate of 15. !:l94 % per annum will be payable either: ..fat maturity, or 0 monthly, If monthly interest is indicated, it will be paid as follows: 0 Credit,ir.Yee's account, or 0 Mail Check, The payee agraes that this deposit will ramain until the maturity date. NO INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ON THE DEPOSIT AFTER THE MATURITY DATE, However, if the depOSit is withdrawn within seven (7) days after the maturity, the Payee will be paid interest at the contract rate until the date of the withdrawal, 2. PAYMENT, The Bank will pay the Deposit only upon surrender of this certificate to the Bank at the above address. The Payee must sign the acknowledgment of receipt of payment. 3. TRANSFER. This Certificate is not transferable or a..ignable except on the books of the bank, If there is a transfer or assignment, the Bank is fully protected in pIving the Deposit and any interest to the Payee unless the Bank received prior written notice from the Payee, in a form acceptable to the Bank, of the transfer or assignment. After receipt of acceptable notice, the Bank will make payment to the person designated in the notice and presenting the Certificate. 4. INTEREST PENALTY. Foderal Regulations require substantial penalti.. for early withdrawols, Pay.. acknowledg.. receipt of I deUiled written IXpllnltion of the penalty for early withdrlwol 5, SERVICE CHARGES. This Deposit is subject to service charges, For example, the Bank will impose a $15,00 service charge for the administrative expenses involved in the receipt and handling of legal process_served in connection with a Deposit. The Bank may deduct any service charges from the.Deposit and it may change the charges from time to time. 6. JOINT ACCOUNT. A Certificate payable to two or more persons is a joint Deposit. The Deposit with interest is payable to anyone Payee during their joint lives and upon the death of one, full ownership and control and the right to payment passes to the survivor(s). The Bank may require the survivor(s) to produce legal documents before releasing the moneys on deposit. Each Payee is authorized to act for the otheds) and the Bank may accept instructions from anyone Payee. 7, ADDITIONAL TERMS. This Certificate is subject to current and future New York State and Federal rul.. and regulations, including those of the Bank, the Banking Department of the State of New York, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Icknowledvement of payment Chemical Bonk (~ft'$signlltu,.) ~b~~ 021195* (6-80) 2--81 :::~::~:fi;;\t..:::, :'~lH!H~~:,,{~ '!;::~~~X~\' '/.'::"lli::;;' ...~~.'...."'.!.:/ :~"\'~'::~;~~" ',' ':n~:::,,;.:; "\"~~':~~ ".~.~.~!o~. :;:.}iH;~\~".:':~:NJj;~:,~::: '~i:~~~,x';'" 'IU#:::;~' .....~.~~..!-. :~>.}!i~;~~~~:, ;~:(::~1~;!~:~.{': ";::~;;~~'/~" ,....u~~:::;.. ....~~:'y.' ..\_~~~:!-~. ~ iffifj~! 11,.,.3\ II;;:: ":~:I (.~~~ '~~"",! I'....: ::..:) I:;.(~;~~'{;; "~ .-.:;....;...\ r"':\\ ~i:J.J I .'..... ~ /;:/fZ~]> ,........i\ (:';~ .':~'rl If;" :~~~t :~....., ......~, .::::~; ::::;: ~,,~. ..... .,1 -~~~_~~~~~' '!j;:;~, .,-- ....' ';1" '..,'\ .:~~~ :~:;'J :~~,; ~(~{~; .'~" ........1 ~~~\:y)1 ~~ .;;;.~Z.~I'" 'I~t.~~: :-~. .'~-. l~~Jj~ ,.-'::'-:..' :0:,~\ .;,. ....!\ ;:i ;~~; ~...". .....'\1 '~~~~~.ij ~ , "-. January 27, 1982 Town of Southhold Town Hall Southhold, N. Y. 11971 Re: Joli Enterprises, Inc. Southhold SeniorlYouth Center peconic Lane Gentlemen: In satisfaction of the completion bond in the above matter, I hereby assign, transfer and set over to you all of my right, title and interest in and to my non- negotiable certificate of deposit" ?-/3' - .5/3 ~ g tf, in the amount of $/[J()flO, , dated 'f5/.,y/~/ , and registered in my name on the books of Chemical Bank. 1t.l_ ___1'::11. ..l l......l_d__ _11 lub-......._L. _u __ld ...._.. L':'ll__le. i. ..~-. This assignment shall become null and void one year from date and is tendered pursuant to the contract between Joli Enterprises, Inc. and the Town. Very truly yours, L-- APPROVED AS TO FORM: CHEMICAL BANK By ~~ IZ.. ~ -A- /1, .