HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarbor Lights Estates (2) HANBO~ LIGHTS ESTATES - ROAD DEDICATION - Accepted by Town Board on 2/8/74 Form 1.630.1135 A ',1_'''' I_ u. s. A. lYitua lJU!lUraUrr <trllmpauy HARTFORD. CONNEcnCUT Bond NO.8-57ll20 ~,A."^"",,,,", l~jltna'~:\ tZ\i;;.~:~I\~t0.~:;1:::N:r -'-':'-'~;::i::::::,':'~'=':;;;':;:::<'::::::'""- DOW ALL MEJf BY TBiSE PRESEII'.I!S, 'ftlat we HAROLD ROSE SR.AIm lPREDERICK: ROSE , ~t 855 SUllltISE III.DAY LYJlBROOlt,.. Y . , here1utter rett'rred to as the Priacipal"aDd DBA IRS1II!l.AReE COJIPAft, ot 100 WILLIAM STIlD:T BW Y~..l..R.Y., here1aatter oalled the Surety, are held aDd t1rmly boWld uato TUWlf U SGI'lJIeLD , BW YQlUt, here1aatter reterred to as the OBLIGEE, or to ita auooeaaors &ad aaa1gaa, 1a the peul SI1ll ot 'l'WE1l'l'!' :rIVE '1'II0USAD AD 00/100 ($25,000.00) DOLLARS, lawtul .o..y ot the 1JD1ted states Gt AMrica, tor the pa~at ot wbioh 81111, the sai4 Principal and Surety Diad thelR8elvea, their heirs, exeoutora, ad~a1atratora, auccesa.rs and. aaaigns, Jointly and aeverally, firmly by these preaenta. SICJB>> SEALED AD DAmD !'BIS 10'1'11 DAY QlI' RAY. 1965 WDDAS, the PriDcipal. bave lI&4e applicatioD to the Southold !'own PlaiDiq Board Ton ot Soutlll.o14, Suftolk COlUlty, "W York tor the approval ot a Plat mon aa Bar})or Lighta Estatea, Suftolk County, R.Y. and, WBBREAS, 801lthold Ton plaDDiq Board baa granted approval of the &rore.-nt1oRed Plat subJect to the f1liag ot tbis bORdo R.W, TDlQlJl'CIm, the COad1tiOR ot tbia 01:l11gatio11 18 sllch that it the said Principal shall dllr1ag the period beg1u1Dg onthe 10 day ot May , 1965, aDll ead1ng 011 the 10 day ot May, 1966, well and truly keep aDd in evert re.,.ct cOlIPly with and ooDtoN to the proviaions ot the 'rewa law and the uDdinsion regulationa ot the Southolcl !'own Planning Board. and ..Ice or cau.e to De Md.. the 1l1Pro...e.llta on the streeta aII4 other tacilit1es required by tb.e .....014 'ren Plauiq Beard and sball pa7, ..Ice good and re1l1burae the .lisee tor all 10a8 and dlUlage wbioh it ..,. a1l8taia by reaaon ot tailure Oil the part ot the priaoipala to cOlBple1;e the illllro.......t8 aDd tacilitiea 8D ,be atreets t128n tbis oDlig&t108 ia void o1;herwiae to re..in in tull toroe aDd ettect. , " NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF fV~ '/fM..}t::... COUNTY OF tV /:It.OQetH_ INDIVIDUAL }ss. On this... a/O.a...aday OI....___aa___/l2..~------.--a.-------.--.--a.---a--.' 1~s:::before me personally appeared -------.----.----..---.---I..J.P1iJdd.Ru4 e-----.--._--."t:----.&.e.J-<<,~J:<---f~. .__._..a.__.______a.___a__..__... to me known and known to me to be the persoU described in a 0 executed the foregoing instrument and -11>r thereupon duly acknowledged to me that -IneJ' execu ed the me. t.RO'f WIltSMAl'l kfu HCYIARY PUBLIC, 51 AT!: Of N. ,.. c:~:=~'~~::?!a5~~~~~;;66 . -I'N~~ PUbli-~ FIRM OR CO-PARTNERSmp STATE OF }ss. COUNTY OF On this__.a__._____..--_-----.day ol....__a__a_____________ a.___aa____a_______.a_______.' 19__._____, personally appeared before me ---.-......--...----..--- _.O..On__.__....._______. _n__....____ __._._..h__..._........n__.__........ ...__.._n___n_...h.O.._..___u ...__n_O.._.__....._____________.h__________ ...__ _n__.._. personally known to me to be a member of the finn ol..________.a__________.__.a_____._____._____________________.___________.____________.___.________ to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument in the firm name 0[. _nn.._.....__. u_n... ___ Un.. __ ___. _h._Un._ __ Uh _. .,_nn_.__ n__n.U_ __a__aaa' and he acknowledged that he executed the oame as the act and deed of oaid firm 01...._____.___. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. .-...-- .Un_n.__ _ _. _n__n_ _n___.....__..._____.___.....h_______n.__.... .__ _____.u_..___"___ Notary Public CORPORATE COUNTY OF }ss, STATE OF On this. __.aaaday oL_a___.a__a.a__. ..---......-, 19________, before me personally came to me known, who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides aL___aa (Street aDd Number) (City. TOWII or VUla,e) (CoUDly) that he is the..___.......__.a.____. (Slale) of the_____... ......- - _.-....nm..__..__the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporatiOlI j that the seaJ affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal j that it was so affixed by order of the Board or Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order, and he acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public Form 630 - 1315 (Replaces C~ ]315 i ~ 1 Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD. L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS May 12, 1965 John Wickhem, Chairman Henry Moiso Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Williflm Unkelbach Southold Town Board 16 ~.uth Street Greenport, New York Dear Sirs: Enclosed please find performance bond for the completion of the roads in the subdivision "Harbor Lights Estates, Section I", located in Southold, Suffolk County, New York. Said subdivision is owned and developed by Harold and Frederick Reese. Respectfully submitted, C/ 0~ . ~~ J hn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board ene. bd