HomeMy WebLinkAboutCountry Club Estates ',' " "COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES" - SUBDIVIS.l.ON BOND REPUBUcINSURANCE~OMPANY ,8d~t1~L- ro/~r -- . 129 FULTON STREET NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10038 . " {1./l,;Uf( {'L<<l-,w,/;;.,; '/ /3t'7>a"!/~ "" / Clo, 000. 0C-C~..c6 0/--5/7? BON D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, of Main Road and Linden Avenue, Cutchogue, New York as Principal and PHILIP L. BABCOCK, WALTER UHL, FRED RIMMLER AND RICHARD FRISBIEAS Co-Principals and the REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Texas corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York, having an office and place of business at 129 Fulton Street, New York, New York as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK AS OBLIGEE in the sum of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($100,000.00) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States for the payment whereof to the Obligee the Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 23rd day of August 1978. WHEREAS, the above named Principal has agreed to comply with the terms regulations and conditions of the Town of Southold in connection with the completion of items as shown on Town Engineers Estimate dated July 31, 1978, for subdivision of "Country Club Estates" situated in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and in connection therewith the Obligee desires this bond be given; WHEREAS, the Co-Principals have a beneficial interest in said project; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shall in connection with the installation of said items on Engineers Estimate in Country Club Estates within one (1) year from 'the date hereof, complete said improvements to be in accordance with tre construction specifications of the Town of Southold, all in conformance with the plot plan approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and to the satisfaction of the Town of Southold, then this obligation to be void; other- wise to remain in full force and effect. NO party other than the Obligee shall have any rights hereunder as against the Surety. 'THE aggregate liability of the Surety on the bond obligation shall not exceed the sum thereof for any cause or reason whatsoever. This is the basis on which the Surety executed this bond and any party claiming to have any right against the Surety is bound by this limitation. . COMPANY ~ BOND 11923554 RS t04 . -, . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS COPARTNERSHIP STATE OF New York } 5S: COUNTY OF Suffolk On this 28th day of August sonolly oppeored Philip L. Babcock be one of the firm of Country Club Estates 1978 , before me per.. to me known and known to me to described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he thereupon acknowledged to me that he executed the same ds and for the act and deed of said firm. ,eLl tHi-A~~-t;~ ) CORPORATE IlACHB O. V&ENTINE NOTARl'PUBLlC. Sl..,. of New York Res. Idi.~ In Sulf. c.: w". ~Y:'46.293M NY CQmmislion ~ :L1. ~I!? / STATE OF COUNTY OF }S5: On this sonolly appeared first duly sworn, did depose and soy that he resides in day of 19 , before me per. to me known, who, being by me ; that he is the of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the corporate seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereta by like arder and authority. INDIVIDUAL STATE OF }SS: COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , before me per- sonally appeared , to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the for&going instrument and to me that executed the same. ocknowledged P'OAM E_2l1 . \ . ;,~~:~~'~;~; ,,-'.';""';'" REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY y' Elstern Department: 129 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1977 ASSETS LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND CAPITAL FUNDS Cash......................................... _._ $ Bonds. at mortized cost {Schedule n: United States Government. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other bonds.................................... Commercial notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . Investments in stocks other than stocks of afliliatcs (Sl:hcdule II):: PrefcrTed stocks. at market................ ...... Common stocks. at market...................... $ Saving! and loan association shares. at cost. .................................... Total stocks............ .................. Investments in stocks of affiliates at under. lying book value (Schedule 11)...................... Agents' balances and reinsurance balances - net . . . . . . , i'Temium notes. less unearned interest ................ Real estate. at cost less accumulated depreciation of759,017.. ..... ................... .......... Other assets .. ...... ....... ..... .............. ..., Receivable from affiliates.........................., 1977 1,772,236 29,652,669 76,042,122 6,399,50~ 112,094,29 17,887,975 31,180,957 219.000 49,287,932 46,624,709 79,752,005 3,149,178 1,326,046 3,523,319 204,646 $297,734,366 Liabilities: 1977 Reserve for losses ......................... ...... $ 52,661,096 Reserve for loss adjustment expenses............... 5,487,146 Unearned premium reserve {Schedule VII).......... 111,023,994 Taxes, other than Federal income taxes ...... ...... 1,091,600 Dividends payable topolicyholders............... 1,000 Other liabilities ............................ .... 8.981,227 Payable to affiliates .................. .-....... ..~ 1,067,206 Federalincometax _...... _......... _........... 6,208,168 Funds held by company under ................ 43,242,439 Reinsurance Treaties Statutory reserves: Excess of statutory reserves over loss and loss expense reserves. .................... ..... Reinsurance in companies not licensed in Texas.................................... Total1iabilities.. _..................._..... 397,287 14,678 230,175.841 Capital shares and surplus: Capital shares: Preferred stock. $100 par value per share. Authorized 2OO.<XX> shares, issued lSO,OOOshares ............................ Common stock. 55 par value per share. Authorized 200.000 shares. ISSUed 12,000.000 Authorized 2.000,000 shares. issued 1,000.000 shares. .............. ..... ....... Paid.in surplus....... ........,.............. Retained earnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . Excess (deficiency) of market value of stocks over cost. other than stocks ofaffitiates................................. <1,882,995> Excess of underlying book value of stOI:KS ofaffiliatesovercost ................. ...... 13.469.969 Total capital shares and surplus............ 67.558.525 $297, 734,666 5,000,000 6,000,518 29,205.043 Note: AU securities are carried in accordance with the requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as follows: eligible bonds at amorti::ed values; stocks of associated insurance companies at pro rata share of capital and surplus; all other securities at quotations prescribed by the Association. BE IT REMEMBERED. that at a reeular meeting of the Board of DirectoR of Republic Insurance Company, duly called and held at the office of the Company in the City of Dallas. Texas. on the 28th day of February. 1967. a quorum being present. the following By-Litws was duty adopted to become effective February 28. 1%7: ARTICLE XI- APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEYS-IN. FACT Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact. The President. or any Executive Vice President. may from time to time. appoint by written certiticates attorneys-in.fact to act in behalf of the Compeny in the execution of policies of insurance. bonds. undertakings. and other obligatory insfnaments of like nature. Such attorney-in.fact. subject to tbe limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments aQd to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President. or any Executive Vice President. or the Board of Directors. may at any time revoke - all I;tower and authoritY.,Rreviously given to any attorney-in.fact. -- STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK } ss. John J, Zahn .beiugdulyswom.depo,e,and,ays:lam Attornev-in-Fact ot" the Republic Insurance Company. I have compared the foregoing By-Law with the original thereof. as rceorocd in the Minute Book of the said Company: and d? hereby certify tha~ the same is a corr~t and true transcript therefrom and .of the whole Article XI. of sa~d original By-Law arid that the same IS now In full force and effect. Pursuant to said By-Law. John J. Zahn, Thomas J. Keenan. James N. IlelsKcl1. Ralph L. I>>tkc. :tnd ~arlin f. P~rry were duly appointed Attorneys.in-Fact of this Company without limitation as to amount of bond executed and that said appointment IS now 1ft effect. The above is a true statement of the assets and liabilities 0" "said Company at the close of business December 31,1977 taken from the books and records of said Company and is prepared in accordance with the statements on tile with the Insurance Department of the State of New York. The Superintendent oflnsurancc of the State or New York has. pursuant to Section 327 of the New York Insurance La Chapter 882 of the Laws of IqJ'J of the State of New York. c~nstituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York. as a in ed) issued to the Republic Insurance Company his certiticate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety to guaranto 0 . I bon undcrlakings and other obligations or guarantees. as provided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York. and all laws amend t y/ er f nd supplementary thereto; and that such certiticate has not been revoke . 23rd Thomas J. keenan to me known. .....ho being by me duly sworn. did . . Massapequa Park New York . ;md ~y thai he reSides In ' that he IS an' orn Company. the r.:orpnration described in. and which executed. the Foregoing instrument; that he Ih;lI the '':-.11 affixcd tllthc forc~oin~ instrument is such corporate seal; that it was affixed theret l"llfjltlfarinn ami that he ..igned his n;lllll'lhereto. as attorney-in-fact. by like order and authority COUNTY OF NEW YORK On this RS-l09 Auqust day of . 1911L- .~- August PATRICIA A. JAMES Notary Public, State ofNewYortc' "'0.2 ;-2321r.160 Qualified in Kings County Comrn~s;,j, l ax ,r r:.arch 300191 78 . . 1 q----,-. before me personally '""1', ,_----!-- PATRICIA A. JAMES Notary Pubtic.St!lte of N9wVork n. 2 ~.2'2E2~O Qualified in Kings County COmmlStWOll eXplri:lill Merc't 30,197') ..--.--..!...-..--- -_._~--_--------......._-----_.- T Southold, N.Y. 11971 ~ ~ HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr., Chm. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Bennett Orlowski, Jr. TELEPHONE 765-1938 July 10, 1979 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held July 2, 1979. RESOLVED that the d Town Plannin Board recomme d to the Southold Town Board release 0 e on or ~mprovements in the subdivision known as "Country Club Estates". Letter has been received from Raymond C. Dean, Supt. of HighwayEr; John W. Davis, Planning Board Insnector, recommend~ng release of the bond. Letter has been received from Richard Lark, Attorney for the Cutcho~e F:j,..re Disj;ric;'ta. indicating that everything is in order as Tar as he fire weI"l is concerned. . YO~s tr~ulY' _ ~ J ~Je-A ~>. a-l ,.., N) I .--,.,.,;t" HENRY RA 0", JR. HAIRMAN SOUTH~ TOWN PLANNI. BOARD HER/rot " .. GARY FLANNER OLSEN RECEIVED JUN 11 1979 COUNSELLOR AT LAW IDlYrr Clerk SOUthO/d P. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516 298~4844 June 8, 1979 Re: Country Club Estates File # 2042 Dear Mrs. Terry: Enclosed please find a copy of the Bill of Sale and Access Agreement between Country Club Estates and the Cutchogue Fire District, whic were executed by Philip Babcock. Accordingly, everything should now be. r for the release of the Road Performance Bond. Hopefully, this can be d e at ur next Board meeting. Very truly GFol clr Encs. Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Att: Judith Terry cc: Philip Babcock (!e. //~x!kf, -~-/;;y . . July 10, 1979 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Whereas letters recommending the release of the bond for improvements of the development known as "Country Club Estates" in Cutchogue are on file from the Plan~ing Board, from the Planning Board Inspector, from the Superintendent of Highways and the Cutchogue Fire District Commissioners Attorney, the Highway Committee also recommends the bond be released at this time. DATED: July 10, 1979 SIGNED: ~ Town Highway Committee .) .~,..___~---;- ~""""'__"""""r_'''Fh''_'"_''___-'''''~*'^'-'''-''~'''''~_-'"_;;''''''''>_ .._.--........,,,._,,-,--.;,,..,....,,......~".""""'~'.,.-_:_._.,., , <'j...,";." --".:V.,."....,""-'~.:::_;.:.,:;;,_.:....;. "--'---~, .' -JJ...-. 4.::.'c--r.' -,., \lI_.~ <... : ... .. .. .'/ ,r , '!; " 11 Ii .' r, '" I' II Ii COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, a co-partnership vii th principal place o'f ,I ii business at (no nwnber) 'Prai ty Lane, Cutchogue, New York, party II of the first part, anq CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT, a municipal I corporation with office and principal place of business at . (no , tby the party of the second part, receipt of which is hereby I I ,acknowledged, does hereby grant II second part, its successors and assigns, the permanent ~nd " 11 perpetual easement for the purpose of maintaining a fire well Ii for firemanic purposes, together with the right to take'and use I the water from the fire well for firernanic purposes, with a right i , Ilof way over the hereinafter described strip of land owned by the :1 . 11 party of the firs t part, ,,,hich is more particularly described as 'I follows: I ,I Ii I ! r' I I i , ; 1 i I I I i I , I ! ThIS INDENTURE made the ? day of June, 1979, between nwnber) New SuffolkL'ime, Cutchogue, New York, party of the second part. I I I paid! I I I I , I WIT~ESSETH, that the party of the first part in considera- . tion of one ($1.00) Dollar lawful money of the United States, and release to the party of the i , " " " .1 !, I' " II ALL that certain road, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as. "Country Club Drive" on a certain map entitled "Map of Country Club Estates", at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978 as ~ap No. 6736. , I I I : I I i I ! i Concomitant with,the rights granted herein, the party of the "second part shalf save harmless and indemnify the party of the I , I I! ,I ,I .. " , " 4.. ,,' . ,; /) .' . '" ,- ~. ., ,"I.', . " ".-":"'-",-' , ~ . { " II Ii I; Ii I I' first part, from any injury to his property or to the public which, ! I may at any time occur or arise out of the negligent maintenance I 'lor use of the fire 'well, , I, l'!i nl WITNESS WhEREOF, the party of the first part hii,s here~ ~ unto set his hand and sea.I. the day and year- first above ,written~ i I , i I I I I I I COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES 'I ~~'" STATE OF NEH YORK: : SS~: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the & day of June, 1979, before me personally came PHILIP L. BABCOCK, to me ,known to ,be the person who executed the foregoingirtstruinent; and who, being duly sworn by me, did depose and say that he is a member of the firm of Country Club Ii Ii Estates { a co-partnership ( and that he executed the foregoing II II I instrument in'the firm name of Country Club I me that I , I he had authority to sign the same, and he executed the same as the act and deed the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I I I! " 'I il H I: " I: i' 11 ii I, i: ;1 i II Public G1..I~'f fli.r ..\;;... .. ',.t ~ . Nero!) P""Uic, Stah' of N(:w 'tufio No, 52.2959000 Quelified in Suffolk County r..., 'E.pi... March ~. 19'" ..... I .,-.' --... --- ..". STATE OF COUNTY OJ-' lss.: On the before me came day of nineteen hundred and to me known and known to me to be the individual instrument, and acknowledged to me that he described in, and who executed, the foregoing executed the same. STATE OJ-' COUNTY OF I ss.: " On the before me came being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that . day of nineteen hundred and to me knownJ who, he resides at No. that he is the of the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of of said corporation; and that he signed h name thereto by like order. "\ ~ 0\ ... ~ . ~ ~ "i" . 0 ....... h Q , ~ ~ ...... ~ ..; .. ~ .. I:l .. .._~ " f, "-~1 '-- ~- '" ! ~;,:jr:~.'_..~~.~~d~;~:,~.;.f~~'~l;W'{;:~~*"~_K:_~~::~;~;~~: .. "-"~'~.:-~>~'~ , . (.~~'."~ -.'iI_: ...~ .:.......""<"'"' ... -".~~'" -... .... . ~ ~ .~< '-~r \ )i 'il~';; /," ji.' ;. ijl ~ i : i ~ Ii' nl I,. .1 j1! ; ~ ; 7! i;; "I I'. " j!! ,t; " Ii; !I' I, ';l .J ,!, I;; ::1 '" ;d . .~'\.;"_c ",~ t e.7.-Dill of,&..le with Afflolav'\t 0{ Title and Restriction ;J .iseJ,,'" ~ \-, Ir,..llviduu vr Corporltd.ion. ~, ",. "'-".:_--.' 4'l~ .j ." ." JULIUS BLUM81!:l'tG, tNC.. LJoW BLANk PUBLISHERS 80 EXCHANGE PL,,"CE AT BROADWAY. NIEW YORK l{notu all .men bp tf)t5e ~re5ent5, THAT COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, a co-partnership, having its principal place of busi- ness at (no number) Praity Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935, part y of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One __ ______ ________ _____ _ ____ - -- --- ----- ----------- ------- ($ 1.00----- --) Dol/ars, lawful money of the United States to me in hand paid, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by CUTCHOGUE FIRE DI~:TRICT. a municipal corporation with its principal pl~'ce of business at (no number) New Suffolk Lane, Cutchogue. New York 11935, part y of the second part, the receipt where"f is hereby acknowledged haS bargained and sold. and by these presents do es grant and convey unto the said partY of the second part. my heirs, executors. administrators. successors and assigns for a firewell installed in the location as shown on the Map of Country Club Estate, Map No. 6736, filed in the Office of the Clerk in the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978. . "" TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said part y of the second part. its heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns forever. AND I do for my heirs. executors and administrators, covenant and agree. to and with the said part y 0/ the second part, to warrant and defend the sale of the aforesaid firewell hereby sold unto the said partY of the second part, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. against all and every person and persons whomsoever. AND I DO FURTHER COVENANT AND AGREE, to and with the s8fd party of the second part. that I will not re-establish, re-open. be engaged in. nor in any manner whatsoever become interested, directly or indirectly, either as employee, as owner, as partner, as acent, 'r "'. ..~ ..;.., .. ,. ':.' ...".~ '.\ x.,e.,' :"i._,~ " =~-.... "'. t:"~ ""~ or as stockholder. director or officer of a l!orpora,tion. or otherwise. in any business. trade or occupatiol similar to the one hereby sold, within the following area, bounded northerly by the, 'mhm'h''hh''hhhhh'm'' h"'hhhuside oLh",'uu southerly by the, 'um"u,uuuu,u,u" uu"u.u"side of u'.m'., east e r ly by the, "huUmU' hm'muu'" "" mu,u 'u"" m"'m" "h'm'uumsi d e Ol.hmh'm""'" u, "m" Um"u, 'mUhu" and westerly by the""h"m,u"",huu""",uhuh"hhuu,h,umu.,.,.h.side oL'hm,.mhu"",uuhh"" ""U.m"uu,.uu,'. ',.,..." """'u for a term of.h""u,uh..,h",hhu.,mh,huhuhuuuyears from the date of these presents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part of the first part ha set hand and seal or caused these presents to be jgned by its PJrpe orporate oHicers and caused its proper corporate seal to be her 0 flixed, the V day of ~ 197 j Signed, S d nd pelivered l in 1 P se 'Ile of! . / f J. ;' , ARY FLANNER OLSEN "fl.. /:\' -.', --' r . . te of New York - -li.<...lY- / f. ,: )~i~-I; l-f'~ '-_ No. 52.2959600 \.~ ~ .... , Quofjfi~ in Suffolk eo;,nty . , schtdMrOf 'Iff FOREGOING BILL OF SALE ,; . , ':1 " "i' i , ~. 4),. ~ .... ,I,. "...,.." " .. ,'.~' ". ",.. . "\" r I' .. , ; "t.--." ,.. :\1' .ii -:'"' .- L" -<..--::,~"",,,,~~;, ',~ '. STATE OF COUNTY OF .',""., .. - " f 5S.: being duly sworn, deposes and says that h reside at That 11 the same persoll who executed the within bill of :sale. That h the sole and absolute owner of the property described in said bill of sale, and ha full right to sell and transfer the same. That the said property, and each and every part thereof, is free and clear of any liens, mortgages, debts or other encumbrances of whatsoe~er kind or nature except. That h not indebted to anyone and ha no creditors. That there are no judgments existing against him in any court, nor are there any replevins, attachments or executions issued agaililst him now in force; nor has any petition in bankruptcy or arrangement proceedings been filed by or against him; nor ha b .: taken advantage of any law relating to insolvency. That tbis aRidavit is made for tbe purpose and with the intent of inducing to purchase the property described in said bill of sale, knowing that pay a good and valuable consideration therefor. b will rely thereon and Sworn to"before me this day of 1979. J ... .n..........._... "____ .n__ .___. _ ".'_'_.__n_ "... _.... _n.,h_.h_n_ ___... ... .... ..__.... STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK J ss.: Philip Babcock ,being duly sworn deposes and says: .'j:.hat"beJs a member of the firm of Country Club Estates, a co-partner slllp'" . . . , ~ corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York , and having its pdl!<:iJ1.l!loRiceat(no number) Praity Lane, Cutchogue, New YOr'k That tbe corporation is now tbe sole owner of all of the goods and chattels described and more specifically enumerated in the schedule hereto annexed and made part of the foregoing bill of sale. That your deponent states that the.re are no mortgages, liens, conditional sales agreement or other encumbrances of whatever nature or description affecting the said goods ancl chattels set forth in the foregoing schedule and that they are absolutely free and clear thereof, except none That the corporation is not indebted-to anyone and has 110 creditors except That there are no actions pending aglJ.1i'nElhe corporation in any COUrt; nor are there any replevins. judgments or executions outstanding against the corporation now in force; nor has any petition in h.111k- ruptcy or arrangement proceedings been filed by or against the corporation; nor has the corporation taken advantage of any law relating to insolvency. That this iJfJidavit is made Jor the express purpose and with the i1ltellt of inducing Cutchogue c District to purchase the rop ty set forth and described in the foregoing bill of sale. knowing full well that he z p n his aRidavit and pay a good and valuable consideration. / ) >. / I . J. '-I.,I.:~/ _ ..J..../c~.....,...,.... ! . . ...\.. Philip Babcock - --0 1979. I EK Ul'~t,... Public. Stch. at N~... 'to .,. No. 57. 7Y~9oDO Quollf,ed" in $.II1(')lk c."_H.,nty Term btpi,-.s. MO'<.h 3C.. 1'.J!J& - . .-- ~iSqfua:!;! ~epa:rtment '<irofuu of ~out4ollt Jermrir, ~. t. 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 June 7, 1979 Mrs. Judith Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Country Club Estates Southo1d, New York Dear Mrs. Terry: As per the inspection report of May 21, 1979 of John W. Davis, I recommend the release of the road bond. V ly yours, ~~/77 OND C. DEAN Sup't of Highways . .. ...",' ";- OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK . . \;:. TOWN OF souniotD . "~ -, JUDITH T. TERRY. TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SUFFOLK COuNTY TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 June 1, 1979 Highway Superintendent Dean Highway Committee Member Justice Suter Highway Committee Member Councilman Homan Gentlemen: The attorney for Country Club Estates has requested the release of the performance bond. I have the report of the road inspector John Davis recommending the release. May I have your report for the June 12th Town Board meeting? Very truly yours, . '/' ~-------- cflu-ce-eU -.7 < ...../ -e ~ Judi th T. Terry Town Clerk .. . . .' , . GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD' MATTITUGK. LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516 298-4844 May 31. 1979 Re: Country Club Estates File # 2042 Dear Mrs. Terry: Enclosed please find an Inspection Report from John Davis dated May 21. 1979 recommending release of the Road Bond. which I am sending to you for your records. Best regards. Very truly yours. GFol clr Ene. ~~~rJ7A) t&vr-/d< , GAR FLANNER OLSEN / Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Att: Judith Terry cc: Philip Babcock RECEIVED JUN 11:1/9 Town Clerk Southold '- , . ,,' ,-' IHSP~CTION NEPbRT . . " TO: ..Rayn!ond C. D~;lnJ Sllncrll)!:el),l,:'nt " ~._-."- -----~-_.._-- ..--..-- -~_.~--------.. -.'.----- NO. .2h____~_.__ DATE:' Hay 21, 1979 -.... . __"':'~'2.'~ilJi!:eln'eY Dcp.wtmcnt . . . .....: '. ,. .. .. Southold, New York 11971" ....... FROM: ~Joh'!:J~..!?.::1.v!.~C .....,. .'.... .<. ------...----.---.,- . ' RE: COUN"'ff{ CLlJB E')TA"'E5 at CU'JClIOGUE (Ilp lcELS.~oLlh,,-d.J'.lli9LlT'-{lI1..c_EL.1~.ond) ~O;'1}1r:NTS : Cn I-72.Y 12, 1979 I met j,7r. Bd.bcock and together ~':e inspcc7.ed theprojGct. ,The ro;;d,s'ralcs~ draillage str'lc;turcs, and landscape '"ork is cor.;plGtcd and <!cceptabl~. , . '1he sand drain has been c~eaned 'arid the irilet swale repaired, with heavy gravel ~Ihere e'rosi9n had ,~cci"rred. _,' ", . '. . . '. . . - ""- '. .. ,"'.', ;.- ~ .". - . '. '. ..' .." ~ -,'. '-' .' . . ReJ?8-:lrs have be~n' niade (s ~d placed). a t)omeof ..the drywells insta~le d by the o;';ner. . ...' . "..' .... . AS to .t.he' fir~~eii, status, I have a 'copyofth~ hari~.:.ritte'rt"lett!:r dated 5-12-79.. from Vll". 'Babcock lihich 1'las mailed to aU concernea. This letter gives per:mission ,. to the 'Ibwn Fire equipment 1;0 enter his private property and use the well when necess:;<ry andaJso when subseq'.'ent i~spection is reCj'lired. At. this time I reconc,end the rele,<!se of t.he rO'ld bond. . C.C. C.C. C.O... SOC! '.hold To,;o Fl'inning Board HiehKay COJr:rnittee L. M. Tuthill, P. E. "'.". dJ;A~ ". RECEIVED MA'f3 2 1979 . BV SOUTHOlD Tv"""" oHIGl-l\VAY DEJARiMENT RECEIVED JUN 1 1979 Town Clerk Southold . .;f" -.' " ~... . . .' .. ~ ~ -+ P'l ~~.. / .)~~ f / /:t.t-1-fJ f. ~"Vr~;-v- Ii t!-~n~ , .~,( ~~ 0'"--'--7 7s--<. ;1, L. ?zt t..r-I? )?;,rv/;i/f..", ...e/~ Yru~~4 ....h"J"l-t.. .J<fCEIVED ~__ . .--,". __ 4...... MAY 1 fj 1979 ~ , l>OUTHOID lDW/t 21' @l-~t. ~;u~ /ckAJ /it"'o ~14VL, ....'JrH~t ~~ /h-~t~t"- % ~ ~ .1Z:c. /+-r~~ C~LIT.A. ~ ~.;j- {! tlu-J:j c~~ L-o-ldt~ ~ l/~ f!.().u~ Ul.J- ~ C<-<.TdvjU-4.. ~- ~ . G- ..e-v...Lt.. ~_A ,- ....'r_ I ~ aA-,ve- r l.I-<-d. J ~ CJo.. ~ w~ . ~ -h ~ Pj~f~ d~~ .'"'- i '11 ~- (i.<.J.. f2 ~ ~~ ~d~~~~ ~ 11177(S~~+6<~~H) )/:l (J;., C~F -h Ix.. 6T J....~~....J;:j ~ . . -+f..;; ~.- t<> "4 J~ ~ 7~ J:Iu4. t..-c.-U. lv!~ Ih ~ ~ ~ ZI-.<A L4 )4. t4r-n.l.d-t.. -I:-' i<.~ ~(J i'U-Y +rwv.. ~ _~~....,f- ~ ~ Ua-c {~ . F:zL ~ 02-~~ ~~/k.e~ ~~~ v1A&:J-~ ?,' ~~ ~'1 Jw~ fc~ . S-t~ '77b:~ I ~-vL. . 11~ p~ .. ..' f - - ... COUNSELLOR AT LAW RECEIVED MAY 14 1979 GARY FLAN N ER OLS EN Town Clerk Southo/d F='. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 ' PHONE 516 298~4844 May 11. 1979 Re: County Club Estate. File # 2042 Dear Mrs. Terry: Please be advised that all of the road work has been comt9" re the above captioned subdivision. and I hereby request that the Roa erfo ance Bond be released. I . Very truly /our l ! , fi ~ Ii' 4~tr ;1~. if GFol clr Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southo1d. New York 11971 Att: Judith Terry cc: Philip Babcock cc: Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways cc: Southold Town Planning Board: /(Mtf- ~/~<<- V~. rtm/~L i1f' ...{f2U cf! c4v/ ct u/,xt',.<.r A ,. . <... ... ..' JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS /;:~~ - /f>~~-~~' \ --'-~~>>~:~'~~:'_ _:~ OFFICE OF. TOWrt,CLERK N t::.:'; ~~w_,.'_ TOWN OF. SOUTHom ';':' t...> . _ ;/ ",. 'SWFOLK COUNTY TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 Southold, L. 1., N. y. 1197 I January 4, 1979 To: Southold Town Planning Board Raymond Dean, Highway Superintendent Highway Committee Town Engineer May I have your report on the request of Gary Flanner Olsen to release the road performance bond for Country Club Estates. Very truly yours, /' -. ~ ~-L~~-;y-- Judith T. Terry Town Clerk . ., ~" -- . . ..' . RECEIVED [J' ~ n ('"1978 . i.) I;,;j GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW T"I'''''' r',..~" <:'l"Il'ih"Jd P. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK IJ952 . PHONE 516 29B~4844 December 29, 1978 Re: Country Club Estates File # 2042 Dear Mrs. Terry: Please be advised that the road work in re the above captioned subdivision has been completed, and I hereby request that the Town Board authorize the of the road performance rondo V~y urs, l~ G~NNER OLSEN "' GFO/mrc Judith Terry, Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 cc: Philip Babcock Southold Town Planning Board Raymond Dean, Superintendent of Highways