HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorey Creek Estates ... . "COREY CREEK ESTATES" - SUBDIVISION BOND -Released 2/27/73 EUGENE R. FRANCOLlNI ATTORNEY AT LAW PONQUOGUE AVENUE P. O. DRAWER "F" HAMPTON BAYS, NEW YORK 11946 RA 8-1403 AREA CODE 5 t e July 6, 1967 Town of Southold Office of Building Inspector Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Att: Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector RE: Performance Bond of International Fidelity Insurance Co. No. 7389 Dear Mr. Terry: Pursuant to your letter of June 29, 1967 to the South Fork Development Corp., relative to the above mentioned performance bond, I am returning herewith said bond, indicating that a contract was entered into with the South Fork Development Corp., and have also indicated on said bond that the roads and other improvements will be built to the Southold Town specifications. In the event you should require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ERF:ap Enc. ~&",~~:~~'Qtr:-":JIl1-.....,...,.--~~~,,}4Ji~~,l'T,,1G"_'c" ""'P',' "___l""~..,"..".-~,~,.._,_.. "_.- -~ -~-,~-~~~-,...., r--- ..--- "I ~\otlfJ-- ..~... \~~ HOIIII: o I'I'.1:1l , " HII.1. IT.U.I:T S~or-::.,~~..,.:~ ....;:,.. NIlWA"K. NI:W JI:"aIlY 07.01 AmO\l~~: $18,000.00 Hc:r.:l ttTn KNOW ALL M!::N BY TEESE P?E3!::NTS: That we, the undersigned, S:~::"-!I F'JRY: Dr:'/ELOPMENT CORP~, Argonne Road, Hampton BaY$, New York at> frJ.~1pal, and INTERNATIOllAL FIDSLITY INSURANCE COMPANY, of Newark, New Jersey, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New Jersey, and duly authorized to transact business in the State of New Jersey, with a New York office at 89-64 163rd Street, Jamaica, New York,as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto TOWN OF ,SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK in the penal sum of EF;'-TEEn;'i(J'lSAND AND W100 ($18 ,00'1.00)-----------------------------u uDollars, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators succssors and assigns. S:!~~~D and sealed this 22nd day of June A.D. Nineteen hundred and sixtv-SPVi?'l. :,;E CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH IlIAT, WHEREAS, the above nC::1ed Principal did on the I ~ day of No if 19 (, l> enter into a written --7 contract uith said SOUTH FORK DEVELOPMENT CORP. fer construction of a road in subdivision Know as "Corey C>ce~?,,- L3ta"',es" 1::c:: (~rl ir Souti,old, New York, "aid roads and other 1mprovement" to be built to the 5Quthold Town spec1f1cations, which said contract is mnde a part of this bond as though set forth herein: NOW, if the said shall well and faithfully do and perform the things agreed by ~'l~m to be done aDd performed according to the terms of the said contract,and sh~ll pay all lawful claims of sub-contractors,materialmen,laborers, persons, firms or other suppliers or teams, fuel, oila,implements or machinery furnished, used or consumed in the carrying forward,performing 0:: cO::Jpleting of said contract, we agreeing and a83c'l::ing that this undertaking shall be for the benefit of any sub-contractor, materiala.n, laborer, person, firm, or corporation having a just claim,as well as for L\':.~ \.:bl.1.gee herc1.oj then thi.,. 0\::.1 :lasf=:lon ~h~] 1. h.o voi": o~harw"_.p f"hf.lo smne shall remain in full force and effect; it being expressly understood ilnii agrEEd .:hat the l1abllit~ !)f the auret;. for any and all cld.Me hcrcund~r shall in no event exceed the penal amount of this oblllatlon n5 herein stated. South Fork Development '::orp. Jhn said surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no modifications, o~ission. or additions in or to the terms of the said contract, or in or to the plans or specifications therefor shall in allY \.ise affect the obligation of said surety on its bond. . ,QJ~~H~~':~~~~~9,and celivercd ~ ,/. Q:.~~:!!th~!~~i!~{lpe of: Principa1:~' ---A /~-..,..,~~.,'~ ~ ;"^",~t~s.\r~ .. ..~ INTERNAT}{)NA{ FIDELITY IMSUllAN CE COMPANY ./ . !NfJttror~f:: ,gtnr -/ ,.' -<' /J L~ Attest:_ II.L~-d k /{.'fi.-..-.~ By: '- / -<?~vl c 1'.,,--('.( \_.\ '~~,.d_\ -, W-""~l"'\h"'''''0 ifl G~6rqp Pal~r - Atto"''-',f''' ~n-"~(.-j -=~'~i&~':a;&':::;~. ,,.., ,;,',;;:';~&:;~';'1pt'\',-:.,/':0~IT;:0; Wi",', "', V"",'~' T ,="', .,-"""""",n" ,.~"",*~ ,.,,,,-~"-"'" INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE, II HILL STREET. NEWARK. NEW JEltSEY STATE OF New York 55: COUNTY OF Nassau " On this 22nd day of . .. J.\l.ne'J9.Q7....................................... ptt...llaUy calll~ .... to mo known and by mo known to be tho Attornfll.;n.fllcr of George Palmer INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, wbo being by mo first duly sworn, did drpo.. and say that he midrs in Garden City . .Statr of New York . ...that he i. tho Attorney- in-fact of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, and know. the Corporato Seal thoreof; that the said Company i. duly and l<lal1y incorporatrd nndor tho law. of the Stato of N~w Jrr.y and is duly licensed and authoriud to transact bu.iness in tho State of ....New. J.ersey and in tho State of New York. and th.t the liabiliti.. of said Company do not OXCtcd its asseta IS aserrtained in tho manner providrd by the Insurance laws of tho State of New Jrrsey and tho IlIlurancr La ws of the State of New York; and that the attached statrmrnt of tho Company's assru and Iiabilitiel signrd by the deponrnt il trllr and corrrct. Hr furthrr depo... and saYI that he lignrd his name and allixtd thr Corporato SuI of tbe Company to the annrxrd Bond on behalf of ..South .Fo...k...De.v.elopmenLCorp. undrr authoritr ~;Verl and conferrrd upon !:ire b; , ....t.;" p"",,. of Attorney from thr said Company liln.d byMatthew SilverlllllDthe Presidont of ..id Company IIl1d . George Pdmer..tho "sst.Stcrttary o~ said Company pursuant to a Resolution duly adoptrd by thr Board of D.inctorl of said Company on the 21st day of February. 1911. a copy of which. certified by thr Secretary of tho Company. is attachod to saie Power of Attornry. and which is as followlI. to wit: "ReSOLVED, Th~t Inttrnational Fi~,"','1 In,urwnr, Compdn" do lad !!ntb, doc. authoriu Ind empOWtr it. President or anyone member or it. Encutive Committtt Hv.raU., ill conjunction -with Itll StcrtUI'y. or Assiltlnt Sternarr. under ill Corporate St.l to appoint Iny penon or ptrlOn. U InOlaty or attornty...l..fact, or Ileat or .pltta of ..id Compaa, in ltt name .nd .. Iu ICt to n:,catC' .nd deliver .n., In. alt contract. luar.nt.-la. tIN IeIcHty of penon. holdinl politioll' of public or private trust, and to f'(ecut. bond. or undrn.kinll of ulrrtythlp required or plrlftlthd in .11 ~ction. or proeud. in,. or by law allowrd. And b, it Fu,.t""" R"olv~d, ThH the Prtsidtftt or .ftT on. m,mber of ita EXIRtiv. Committe. "nrally in conjunction with Ie. Secretary. or A"i.E.nt S"rrurr. .balt be .nd hereby .reauthorized and empowtnd to ..ke. IZf(utr .nd drlber on beh.lf of tbe uid Company in in nlat' Ind aad,r it. Corporat, Seat an, PoWtrl of Attorne., that nuf Dr required to carry out the parpoltt aad objrC't. of tbe fOf"olal rtlOlutioll," That the said Power of Attotlley Wa. dattd March 11, 1964 and wa. in full force and elflCt at the time hr signod the .aid Bond. and is no w in full fotce Ind elflCt. -l -("-1'." .,'" ../" (., '", :..... .............. ::~..':,)..~ ..... ..:.................. Attorney-in-fact Bond No. 7389 Subscribed. .worn to and acknowledpd. hefon me 011 thl datr fint a~ writtclI. 01.7( < " , 1\.'(.'~,..:,voJ." ~.___ , ( .f ....',). l." // v. j ~ -"!loA" ...... ...... _ aI N.... h.. N.. CI.II1~4!lfl1; ~,~.o.,~~bl . '.;1" ~~, .',,~ ..,....~,,_..""""..""""':..;~_._:,,'<f... ~''":'"':';''.;",''''' ~'';:;'" "C"'r. J'O ~""'~~'~' "'.'~T -"'_:..'~',~'k~1;~i{',~-'";-_""; '''-T-::;~';~" EUGENE R. FP.:r\NCOLlNI ATTORNEY AT LAW PONQUOGUE AVENUE P. O. DRAWER "F" HAMPTON BAYS. NEW YORK 1 1 ~46 RA 8-'403 AREA CODE 518 July 6, 1967 Town of Southold Office of Build~ng Inspector Tnw~ C]~rk's Of~ice Southold, New York Att: ~w. Howard Terry, Building Inspector RE: Performance Bond of International Fidelity Ihsurance Co. No. 7389 Dear Mr. Terry: Pursuant to your letter of June 29, 1967 to the South Fork Development Corp., relative to the above mentioned performance bond, I am returning herewith said bond, indicating that a contract was entered into with the South Fork Development Corp., and have also indicated on said bond that the roads and other improvements will be built to the Southold Town specifications. In the event you should require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ERF:ap Ene. _~"r ~j'W""~i""" '. . ~ '......a'-'I'"'~..,..,,"...vo..,.."'t",~~ _ '~(j """'~" -\ <' m~~IJI,~"'1"'" 11. .. lUIl!" ,...-. ~.- . '.~':p~1C ~'..41.J,. INTERNA TIONAL FIDELITY INSURM"CE COMPANY II HIU STREET, NEWARK. NEW JERSEY 07102 STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LlABIUTlES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS AT DECEMBIiR 31, 1966 L,nr!. r~, -" .::..,'; values) .....................,...................................................... $131,423.25 Common stock (at market values) ................................................................ 82,012.50 Mortgage loans an real estate ........................................................................ 15,658.00 Ca,h and bank deposits ................................................................................ 304.611.63 Uncollected premiums (net as to items OVer (9O)ninety days due of $2,089.79) 21.838.71 Funds held by or deposited with ceding reinsurers ........................................ 25,000.00 Reinsurance recoverable on Ion payments .................................................... 32,123.20 Interest due o~d accrued .................................................................................. 2,122.45 J, ..tTS --.-. Total a_to ................ $614,789.76 losses ........ ........................................................................................................ loss adjustment expense. ................................................................................ Other expenses (eXcluding taxes, license. and fee.) .................................... Taxes, licen.es and fees (excluding Federal Income taxes) ........................ Unearned premium. ......... ................................................................................. Fund. held by Company under rein.urance treatie. .................................... Amounts Withheld or retained by Company for account of others ................ Unearned premiUms on reinsurance In unauthorized campanie. $3,902.62 Ie.. funds held or retained by Company for acc?unt of .uch unauthari79d Cn'"p"n1e~ $~,~ 'Z.60 .... ......................................... L1A8IUTlES, SURPLUS AND OTHER fUNDS 29,894.25 10,642.35 1,000.00 5,000.00 75,379.14 53,632.60 5,915.26 2iO.02 Total Iiabilitie. ................ $181,733.62 Capital paic: up (common stock, authorized, i.sued and outstand. ing 280,000 shares of the par value of $1.10 per .hare) .... $308,000.00 UnaSSigned funds (surplus) ............................................................ 125,056.14 Surplus as regard. pallcyholders .................................................................... $433,056.14 --- Total liabllltfe., ,urplu. and ather funda ................ $61"-789.76 I, Matthew Silverman, President of International Fidelity Inaurance Company, certifies that the foregoing is a fair Statement of Assel1, Uabilitie., Surplus and other Funds of Ihi. Company at the clo.e of business December 31, 1966 a. reflected by jlJ book, and records and os reported in Ita filed annual statement for 1966 with 'he Inaurance Depart. ment of the State of New Jersey. f IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have let my hand and affixed the seal of the Company, this 28th day of February, 19~ INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSult,t.NCr- C('\....D!.~"o .r _~,M~_~ PrealcIeM ~ /" .-':), k. , iI'-Attcse:' ':;;' yl'" ,/-1 ~ ," ".., ^.,. t""",,,. , --.. ///.iL~ f.S '-~I . J. (f._ ,{.I__1t. I/:!:: // Attest,_._ i-' Milrtlia Weinberg rt By: .lLl.A........_ _ II c.-I:. .. I I :;. .I~!~ 1. t " ..t.~-...-,;:J _ '". +ar't Palmer - Atto!'n~y' l n- - Ge'Orge .. ..,..,....'~I;iI:..~,'':l''''..~_ ~ 'Mo!'l'I'll'i.~,..""""",.,.t'_,_""'.:m."'r..,..=",,,,,.=-, . '~~;:,,-_'-"'_'. "''\':'''''''~_'iviY,;' '.'J"' ., "-.c',T:"" '_-"~"""~>T' _"'_ .-.~:' . - -.l Il'\.. ~\o~ 9-~'" \~-'(i) f' ,~-- HOME OFFICE:: " HIL.I.. STREET . -4ItJVC~ CO",~ "'I\t~ l~~~'.::~ . . NEWARK, NEW JE"-SEV 0"1'102 POWER OF A HORNEY Bond #7389 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that TNERNATlONAL FIDELITY INSlIRANC:~ GMF!\~r" New Jersey Corporation, having its principal office in the SHy of Newar;" Couc'.,' of Essex, and State of New Jersey, pursuant to the following resolutioc wi-ie' 'n, arlopt~r to" the Directors .f sajd (:C'}rnpo' on M?rC0 ~) 19t5-1- and ':.'~.i cl '" effcct to wit: "BE IT RESOLVED, that either Matthew Silverman, President, or Georae PabC', . Vice President, shall have power and authority to execute on behalf of :')T2R~;:.';c',,:' FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY Powers of Attorney authorizing and qualifvir,(1 \',e Atlo~ne- in-Fact named therein to execute on behalf of INTERNATIONAL FIDE,ITY ;~3C;RMJC~ ;'c."h"). bonds and undertakings, recognizances, 'contracts of indemnity, and othe-r \\Tjt~ ~:1~3 obligatory in the nature thereof, and further that either the aforesaid Matthe", 5i Iv",- nan, President or.George Palmer, Vice President is hereby authorized to affix tie Corporate seal of said Company to Power of Attorney executed pursuant h,'reto." Has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does mak,". cons,;;.'c!.\' and appoi nt C;i?ornl' Palmer of ------..., attorney-in-fact to make, execute and deliver for and on its to- as its act and deed, provided a copy of this Dower oi ,tt,r,e" bond identified as follows: Gardpr Ci ty, r,;e:N Yr)r;:" its tru~ and lawful half as sLrety, and is attached to such Any and all forms and evidences of suretyship or co-suretys~ip on any and all types of bonds or undertakings. Also, any and all forms and evidences 0' FiE c,;,;R:," or CO-SURETYSHIP on any and all types of bonds, or undertakings in sure'tlshlp. execu- ted or oriq1 nated by a Surety other than INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY IlJSURA';:: '-(;.',WNJ". And the to be signed . affixed this execution of such bonds or undertakings by its duly authorized officer, and its 22nd day of June in pursuance of thase pr0ser~s corporate seal to be hereunto 1967. INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMP4NY By ~A'#~- c~ft~-€__~___ Matthew Silverman, President STATE OF NEW JERSEY ) I SS COUNTY OF ESSEX On this 22nd day of Jun.? ,1967 before me the 9ubscri ber, a Notary Public of the State of New Jersey duly commissioned and qualified, came Matthevl S1 lverman to me personally known to be the individual and officer described herein, and who executed the pr3ccding inatru~ant, and he acknow- ledged the execution of the lame, and by me being dUly sworn, deposed and said that hi> i" Pre~id'nt of INTERNATIONAL FIDELTTY INSURANCF COMPANY, that the seal off Xi>~ t" +IiA pr,,,,,-,,,.,inq {nqtT'umol;'nt 1", t.hp; r:orporate seal of laid Company. and the Is1d corporate seal and his signature were duly affixed and subscribed to the said ir',,' C!.. ment by the authority granted him by the resolution of the Directors of laid Company. referred to in the preceding instrument and now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Newark the day and year first above written. '" /, .',";< ...-'"::::- j- ~... :'-,,'7 _...~'__ . --'-.--~~'7" NOTARY PUBLIC r}~A,JCi.; Lfnl:hJIOFF N0fAP,Y PV~'UG or i.EN JEIlSEY Mv Comm"',I:lI1 Exprrcs Sept. 17, 1970 '--;J ,/'~' ./~<~ -'(-'-"/-:::/ "(-;.-/.."'- L ';" ;~ "-.,