HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlue Horizons, Sec. I- C.P.F. . .' . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS BLUE HORIZONS, SEC. I and SEC.II Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 23,1985 Alexander Fusaro 309A Little Plains Road Huntington, New York 11743 Dear Mr. Fusaro: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on May 21, 1985 adopted the following resolution with respect to Blue Horizons, Section 1 and 2: WHEREAS, C.P.F. land Corp., owner of two subdivisions entitled "Map of Blue Horizons, Section 1," and "Map of Blue Horizo'ns, Section 2," has filed a Certificate of Abandonment of aforesaid subdivision maps with the Suffolk County Clerk, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases the performance bond in the amount of $90,000.00 for "Blue Horizons, Section 1," and performance bond in the amount of $110,000.00 for "Blue Horizons, Section 2." The aforementioned bonds are enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, ~d3~- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Planning Board .. ~ . ',' 'I r . REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY '29 FUL TON STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 ., BON D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, C.P.F. LAND CORP. of 309A Little plains Road, Huntington, New York as principal and Arthur DeRosa, Richard principi, Nico1etto curto, Alexander Fusaro and Dominick principi as Co-principals and the REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Texas corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York, having an office and place of business at 129 Fulton street, New York, New York as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK AS OBLIGEE in the sum of NINETY THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($90,000.00~ DOLLARS, lawful money of the united states, for the payment whereof to the Obligee, the principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators successors and assigns jointly and severallv, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 1st day of November 1977 WHEREAS, the above named Principal has agreed to comply with the terms, regulations and conditions of the Town of southo1d, in connection with the completion of roads and other improvements in n Blue Horizons Section In situated in the Town of Southo1d, Suffolk County, New York and in connection therewith the Obligee desires this bond to be givenl WHEREAS, THE Co-Principals have a beneficial interest in said projectl NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, THAT, if the principal shall, in connection with the insta1~ion of roads and improvements in Blue Horizons Section I, within one (1) year from the date hereof, complete said improvements to be in accordance with the construction specifications of the Town of Southo1d, and all in ,conformance with the plot plan approved by the Southo1d Town Planning Board and to the satisfaction of the Town of Southo1d, then this obligation to be voidl otherwise to remain in full force and effect. bYl ~. Jj",~ Arthur DeRosa ;(/ bYl ~dA0d {/~~~~ Ric~rd Principi I' / , bYl'L.t--~~ Nico1etto curto 1- bYl~~ ~ A1exande Fusaro '---- ......-. , I I f:/ , , byljh"....".. _A ..; h........ ...-t~c/~ Dominick principii ~ NO party other than the Obligee shall have any rights hereunder as against the surety. "1,1,:,.-,,, The aggregate liability of the Surety on the bond obligation $ha~\1.:"'.,, not exceed the penal sum thereof for any cause or reason whatsoever'>Nj,~s '(,~ is the basis on which the Sir ety executed this bond and any party'C!.L'atlninct '~, to have any right against the surety is bound by this limitation.,' ;i',; ,,\,,:, " ,) ,'. ) \ , \', ,I, iJ ' ,'1/ " ')) " J',)' ), ! , I I)))))) " C.P.F. LAND CORP. '., '.j "),11) BY: *~~&~ CO-PRINCIPALS NCE COMPANY BOND #921014 RS 104 , ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ., COPARTNERSHIP STATE OF } 55: COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , before me per- l5000lly appeared be one of the fj rm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he thereupon acknowledged to me that he to ';;e known and known to me to executed the same ds and for the act and deed of said firm. CORPORATE STATE OF l".'..v yo.....\.::: COUNTY OF ~~ g;". \ k: }SS: On th i s I 0 day of AI:> "" . !ooollyappeared An+t,u.."L. 'O"a_s.~_ first duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in he is the {( Q.., < of 197/ , before me per- to me known, who, being by me \-.L. ~ ~..~~4.... \'-' ~ ; that I" .r? (;' L~ ~ J c.,., Ii! the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the corporate seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order and authority. I\'~""''''' o-f w.._{+~~~ r;l~".\ETH L GH .\1 ''JT/- ::" . ~I:. ~!.' "'~" 'f.'lfl<. I\." ".~- . ;;:'j!)ll SdfHt!;. CHU',(' "':(".11 L:,::l..CO .nul'ell ;W,!tl?g INDIVIDUAL STATE OF }SS: COUNTY OF On this sanally appeared day of 19 , before me per- , to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the fori:going instrument and to me that executed the same. acknowledged 11"0"'" E_Z3 " , REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT Eastern Deportment: 129 FULTON STREET. NEW YORK. N.Y. 10038 DECEMBER 31. 1976 ASSETS 1976 .. Cash ...............$ 3,016.274 Bonds. at mortized cost (Schedule 0: United States Government... .. .... . . ... , ....... ... Other bonds.. . . . . ...... . ........... . ..... .. . Commercial notes. . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . Total Bonds...............................,... 5,007,833 67,113,322 7.247.388 79,368,543 Investments in stocks other than stocks of affiliates (Schedule Ill:: Preferred stocks. at market. . . . . . , . . . . . Common stocks. at market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Savings and loan association shares. at east. ............... ........ .. Total stocks ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . : 17,883,450 28,658,741 265.500 46,807,691 Investments in stocks of affiliates at under. lying book value {Schedule 11)....................... 45,863,540 Agents' balances and reinsurance balances - net. . . . . . .. 42,520,718 Premium notes. less unearned interest .....,........... 6,155,069 Real estate. at cost less accumulated depreciation 01'576.172 ..................................... 1,376,146 I Other assets........ ...... ,................. ....... 7,042,680 Receivable from affiliates ............................ 416,230 $232,566,891 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND CAPITAL FUNDS 1976 . . . $ 42,082,424 . . . . 4,609,000 .... 101,702,701 810,600 1,000 5,961,300 1,307,871 -0- 14,798,171 Liabilities: Reserve for losses. , Reserve for loss adjustment expenses. Unearned premium reserve (Schedule VII) , Taxes, other than Federal income taxes. Dividends payable topolicyholders... Other liabilities ...,..,.,....... Payable to affiliates ..................,., Federal income tax ....... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Funds held by company tmder ................. Reinsurance Treaties Statutory reserves: Excess of statutory reserves over loss and loss expense reserves. ........ ",.,......., Reinsurance in companies not licensed in Texas ... ,.:,.................... 73,029 653 171,346,749 Total liabilities . . . . Capital shares and surplus: Capital shares: Preferred stock. 5100 par value per share. Authorized 200.000 shares. issued ISO.OOOshares.............,................ 12,000,000 Common stock. 55 par value per share. Authorized 200.000 shares. Issued Authorized 2.000.000 shares. issued 1.000.000 shares. .........., Paid-in surplus. . . . . . . . . . , . , . . Retained earnings ..........,.., Excess (deficiency) of market value of stocks over cost. other than stocks ofaffiliates............................... ...<3,471,434> Excess of underlying book value of stocks ofaffiliates over cost ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12708 801 Total capital shares and surplus. ...,...,. ..... 61:220:142 $232,566,891 5,000,000 6,000,518 22,039,389 Note: All securities are carried in accordance with the requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as follows: eligible bonds at amortized values; stocks of associated insurance companies at pro rata share of capital and surplus: all other securities at quotations prescribed by the Association. BE IT REMEMBERED. that at a regular meeting of the Board of Directon of Republic Insurance Company. duly called and held at the office of the Company in the City of DaUas. Texas. on the 28th day of ' February. 1967. a quorum being present. the following By-Laws was duly adopted to become effective February 28. 1967: ARTICLE XI - APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEYS.IN.FACT Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact. The. President. or any executive Vice President. may from time to time. appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance. bonds. undertakings. and other obliga[Ory instruments of like nature. Such attorney-in-fact. subject to tbe limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and ti'l attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President. or any Executive Vice President. or the Board of Directors. may at any time revoke. all 1?ower and authoritY.2reviously given to any attorney-in-fact. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK } ss. John J. Zahn .beingdulysworn.deposesandsays:Iam Attorney-in-Fact of the Republic Insurance Company. I have compared the foregoing By-Law with the original thereof. as recorded in the Minute Book of the said Company. and do hereby certify that the same is a correct and true transcript therefrom and .of the whole Article XI. of said original By-Law arid that the same is now in full force and effect. Pursuant to said By-Law. John J. Zahn, Thomas J. Keenan. James N. Heiskell. Ralph L. Price. and Marlin F. P~rry were duly appointed Attorneys-in-Fact of this Company without limitation as to amount of bond executed and that said appointment is now in effect. The above is a true statement of the_assets and liabilities of ' said Company at the close of business December 31,1976 taken from the books and records of said Company and is prepared in accordance with the statements on file with the Insurance Department of the State of New York. The Superintendent ofInsurance of the State of New York has. pursuant to Section 327 ofthe New Vork Insurance Law (Chapter 2 of the Laws of 1939 of the State of New York. c~mstituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York. as amended) iss to the Republic Insurance C his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety to guarantor on all ho u dert gs and other obI" ations 0 guarantees. as provided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York. and all laws amendatory there su entary thereto' and that ch certificate has not been revok . November COUNTY OF NEW YORK On this 1st Thomas J. Keenan day of , 19-22. ES . Puo\!c, v !NewYork 1\io.2~2.928260 Qualified in IOng5. County Comrnis::;:vri cx.;'c,::: March 3O,19"'fj1 November , 19 77. . before me personally and say that he resides in Ma ssapequa Park. New York that he is an aU ney-in- Company. the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he k 0 that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is such corporate seal; that it was affixed thereto by corporation and that he signed his name thereto, as attorney-in.fact. by like order and authority. AS-l09 PATRI-:IA . JAM Notary Pubiic, State of NfilwYork 1':0.24-2-928260 Quafffied in Kings County Commission expires March 30.19~ ~j,'{ 7 l~aS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK JULIETTE A. KINSELLA COUNTY CLERK To Whom This May Concern: - A Certificate of Abandonment of the Map::ff /,~ . !J7{) e'e~C/~U1l(JyZ-V ~--P /0' ;Jf'e/ .:2 CW~.;>>!d:I) :P0~01 F 8;/1/7&' <f'- W{7of .r Y);//7P' The Certificate Number, c7Soo Abstract Number, 99~5 Filing Date, L//d:/f5 Township, )da.ud~CvL' . Very truly IJAA.J2i. a. yours, /,e,~~. County Clerk Map Dept. ,fJ &/:'6 Form 52 .u......Ol.... COUNT", Ce:NTI!:" . .L.a.;:),- .....v.v J,.t::t::l. \,J/ I'IIIVf .........D LONG ..l......c:>. ...... ...10." ,'.01 . ~~_~.. '-I aegrees 11 minutes 30 seconds .1,__ ~~~~_1..'",,,,,,,,---+-,,,,,,,,,,,,,u c::;nf"l nf Mid.,l,' Road - C.R. 48 ...- ..~ L.() co en ~ c:.o c<! oc 0... c::::C ~ I..:LI --I - La- ~ ---' JI ua<:l'il'ICATE CF ~ Pursuant to Sul::division 3 of Section 335 of Real Property Law C. P. F. lAND CORP., a danestic =rporation with offices at 309A Little Plains Road, Huntington, New York, for the purf05e of abandonin:J and cancelling two sulxlivisions of certain tracts of land owned by it and hereinafter describa:1, pursuant to Sul::division 3 of Section 335 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York, DOES HEREBY CERl'IFY: 1. The ccmplete title or name of the maps to be abarDoned and cancelled are: Map of Blue lbrizons, Section 1, located at Pe=nic, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 11th day of August, 1978, as Map N:>. 6707. Map of Blue Horizons, Section 2, located at Pe=nic, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 11th day of August, 1978, as Ma~ N:>. 6708. heduMetes and rounds escr-J.ption of said pranises is annexed as SC----Z~e fure than ~ years have elapsed since the fili.n;r of said maps. 3. The undersigned, C. P. F. lAND CORP. is the owner of the entire tracts of land describa:1 in paragraph 1, above, and the sul:xlivisions of such tracts are "HEREBY ABI'INDONED AND CANCELLED", and effective with the due approval and re=rding hereof, shall 1"0 longer exist. 4. The entire subclivisions hereby abarDoned and cancelled lie within the Town of Southold, and endorsed hereon is the arproval of the Assessor of said Town. fj tED 2500 1{'f'"'iiI\! CTF 110.. ... '.-....... . APR 26 1985 3:01 P.m. JULIETTE A. KINSELLA lllo&RlIot S~H01K CllUNff !I il C)Q ? J::: - 1 - .., "n~ "'^ -~ -- ----.> JJ' i ,I , II 5. sutmitted herewith is an abstract of the title of said tract I I ! I of 1arrl to be abandoned covering a period of at least twenty (20) years last past, ani a Certificate of the County Treasurer of the County of Suffolk to the effect that there are no unpaid tax liens against the said lanis, to be aJ;Proved by the County Clerk of the County of &1ffolk at the time of recording hereof. i I I II 'I II 11 :i I I IN WI'INESS WHEREDF, this certificate is made ani executed at Huntington, New York, this "* l.D - day of February, 1985. ., C. P. F. LAND CORP. By: ~'-)~,~ President I I i I I I Ii I! 'I II Ii 'I II II I; " Ii :, il II II :1 II j I I I STATE OF NEW YORK ss: i CCXlNl'Y OF SUFFOLK I en the' lD~ day of February, 1985, before me personally came I ALEXANDER FUSARO to me known, woo, being by me duly sworn, did depose ani i say that he resides at No. 309A Little Plains Road, Huntington, New York, I that he is the President of C.P.F. LAND CORP., the corporation described in ani which executed the foregoing instrument; that he krXJWS the seal of said I corporation; that the seal ffixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; i that it was so affixed by or the board of directors of said corporation, ani that he signed his ~ to by like order. I GORDON C. S IS I Nol8rv Public. State 01 New YotIt Qual. In Suffolk Co.. No. 62.343911:' I Commission E,"""' Mo,c" 30.19 I I I - 2 - ,~ I \ \ ----- -- U~SCRIPTION ~,""'-- . certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying ALL ;:;{ng :tn the TO\'Tn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State af"NeW York, known and designated as "Map of Blue Horizons %ection I" filed August 11, 1978 asMap No. 6707 and "Map of Blue Horizons Section 2" filed August 11, 1978 as Map No. 6708, said entire maps when taken together are more particularly bounded and described as follows: I BEG~NNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Middle Road- C.R. 48, where the same is intersected by the westerly side of land now or formerly of Suffolk County, said point being distant 507 feet more or less as measured along the northwesterly side of Middle Road-C.R. 48 from the corner formed by the intersecti6n of the southwesterly side of Henry's Lane with the northBesterly side of Middle Road- C.R. 48 and running thence from said point or place of beginning along the northwesterly side of Middle Road-C.R. 48 the following 2 courses and distances: (1) South 62 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 15.33 feet (2) South 65 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West 84.52 feet to land now or formerly of J.A. Wicks; running thence along said land the-following 2 courses and distances: (1) North 52 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds West 4332.44 feet (2) South 88 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds West 84.40 feet to land now or formerly of WeLb; running thence along said land North 12 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds West 180.0 feet to the mean high water line of Long Island Sound; running thence along the mean high water line of Long Island Sound the followi11;l 2 courses and distances: (1) North 81 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds East 541.70 feet (2) North 75 degrees 15 minutes East 104.95 feet to land now or formerly of P. Moesel; rUnoing thence along said land and along land now or formerly of E. Axien South 31 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 606.36 feet; running thence still along land now or formerly of E. Axien the following 2 courses and distances: (1) South 80 degrees 05 minutes East 231.10 feet (2) South 82 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 503.20 feet to land now or formerly of Map of peconic Knolls Map No. 6607; running thence along said land on said map the following 2 courses and distances: U) South 53 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East 621.00 feet (2) South 48 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East 355.0 feet to land now or formerly~f Map of peconic Homes Section 2 Map No. 5001; running thelibe along said land on said map and along land now or formerly of Map of Peconic Homes Section 1 Map No. 4181 the following 4 courses and distances: (1) South 48 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds East 1030.54 feet (2) South 45 degrees 22 minutes East 218.16 feet (3) South 36 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East 169.98 feet (4) South 44 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds East 499.31 feet to land now or formerly of Cataldo; running thence along said land the following 2 courses and distances: (1) South 62 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds \.est 219.79 feet (2) South 27 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East 168.0 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County and rtmning thence along said land the following 3 courses and distances: (1) South 62 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 50.0 feet (2) South 27 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East 10.0 feet (3) South 17 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 31.11 feet to the northwesterly side of Middle Road - C.R.48 the point or place of BEGINNING. 'I I . ! '. '. --,-- .... .. '.Ie. 'ii'~[M~~~W~[F3 8 [F3~[f)[!,W - G THE MINES PRESS. INC. NEW VORK. N. Y. 10014 TO Mr. Bl'nnl'tt Or1owc;ki. .1.- Chairman Southo1d Town P1~nning Rn~rrl Southold, NY 11971 MAY 1 \S6$ GRAF AGENCY INC. 1573 NEW YORK AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 527 HUNTINGTON STATION, N. Y. 11746 Phon.: 516 . 423.2233 SUBJECT: RE:C.P.F. land Corporation DATE:04/?q/A~ Map of Blue Horizons Sections 1 & 2 The above bonds have been abandoned. , is necessary for them to be cancelled If you are still ho'lding em 0 1S ott1ce. Ih1S with the issuing insurance Thank you, Pat Morris PLEASE REPLY TO ~ SIGNED DATE: SIGNED ~\q,CJ THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED -.- ~l"'~ "',":~'" (I... .,;';.,' ",."""","'," . ,. MA'!.i 1985-. . ~ : K,.(~{rJ..96't7t' .~ C(Z . C~ C./l . 00/'do/t 0. J IV.lZmt~, ~,0M~ cd. 2.UJ ~~ ~1' Stl <f'k. ..%__ .JFINU'~ .A/ei6 'WMlH;'.IJ April 24, 1985 . Mr. Bennett Ol:lowski, Jr. Chairman Southold Towi1 Planning IJo:u:d Soutoold, New York 11971 ~11 : ( 1'3.:,~..Jl ~ C" Re: Blue lbrizons at Peconic Dear Mr. Orlowski: Enclosed you will firrl copy of duly executed and ac.lo1owledgErl Certificate of Abarrlonnent of the exis".in;" maps of Blue lbrizons, both Section 1 ani 2, together with copy of cover letter to the title canpaq with instructions f':)r fHing. Yours very truly, GORI:lCN C. SAMMIS GCS: eap Enclosure I ,. ~/'a0/t ce Y ant/JU,j, ~? $@,/WJ~ at' 2aw ~,.\ ,..... APR 29 1::.-) .5C &t .%ed .Jf'ad~@A, Jf/_ W-'~~?4J Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chainnan Southold 'Ibwn Planning ]bard Southold, New York 11971 Re: Blue Hori:rons at Peconic Dear Mr. Orlowski: April 24, 1985 Enclosed you will firrl copy of duly executed and acknowledged Certificate of Abanlonnent of tile existin:! maps of Blue Horizons, both Section 1 and 2, together with copy of =ver letter to the ti tie canpany with instructions for filing. /')~ a_4~ ROCN C. ~I~ GCS: eap Enclosure {1 '" ( djf' .5'70-0 ?,y-.90t't' ~ ,. ' , ., . . . . .J~'~ff,....:;~-,;t;;Ji!f{lL~~'# i! ii " ~ i ii 'I i CERTIFICATE OF ABA.NJX)NMENT Pursuant to Sul:division 3 of Section 335 of Real Property Law C. P. F. IA'ID CORP., a domestic corporation with offices at 309A I I I \1 :i ! Little Plains Road, Huntington, New York, for the purp:lse of abandonin:J and cancelling two sulxlivisions of certain tracts of land owned by it am hereinafter described., pursuant to Sul:divisi6n 3 of Section 335 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York, DOES HEREBY CERl'IFY: 1. The canplete title or name of the maps to be abanioned am cancelled are: Map of Blue Horizons, Section 1, located at peconic, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 11th day of August, 1978, as Map No. 6707. Map of Blue Horizons, Section 2, located at peconic, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 11th day of August, 1978, as Map No. 6708. Metes and rounds descrJ.ption of said pranises is annexed as Sched\lle A.' , the f'l' f id ;; . More than two years have elapsed sJ.nee J. J.llg 0 sa maps. 3 . '..'lle undersigned, C. P,. F. LAND CORP. is the owner of the entire tracts of lard described. in paragraph 1, al::ove, ard the sulxlivisions of such tracts are "HEREBY ABANDONED AND CANCELLED", and effective with the due approval and recording hereof, shall no longer exist. !i 4. The entire sublivisions hereby abanioned am cancelled lie wi-b'lin the Town of Southold, and erdorsed hereon is the approval of the Assessor of said Town. / - I - " ;~~~''''''''lI.'!n~- ! i - i ..,,,......__ mi 5. Suhnitted herewith is an abstract of the title of said tract of lam to be abandoned covering a period of at least twenty (20) years last past, am a Certificate of the County Treasurer of the County of Suffolk to the effect that there. are no unpaid tax liens against the said la:.ns, to be approved by the County Clerk of the County of SUffolk at the time of recording hereof. IN WI'INESS WHEREDF, this certificate is made and executed at ?O~daY of February, 1985. Huntington, New York, this C. P. F. IAND CORP. By: ~,,)9~ President STATE OF NEW YORK CCV'NrY OF SUFFOLK On the lOi'... day of February, 1985, before me personally came ALEXA."'TIER FUSARO to me known, who, being by me duly ~n, did depose and say t.'lat he resides at No. 309A Little Plains Road, Huntington, New York, that he is the President of C.P.F. IAND CORP., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal,ffixed to said instrument is such oorporate seal; that it was so affixed by ~rd~ the board of directors of said oorporation and that he signed his ~ tH to by like =der. GORDON C. 5 IS . Notl'i'"V Puhlic. State of New Vorlc. ""." Quol. in SuffOlk Co.. No. 52-3439a1a.. Commission El<.<l!f('O"I; M~rc~ 30,19.s1. SS: :! II 'i j I Ii - 2 - .i- SOiEDULE "An '" , \... ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Twon of Southold, County of Suffolk and Sta~e of Xew York, know" and designated as "Proposed Map of Blue Eorizons at peconic" and to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Cour..ty of Suffolk, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Middle Road- C.R. 48, where the same is intersected by the westerly side of land now or forrr~rly of Suffolk County, said point being distant 507 feet more or less as measured along the northwesterly side of l1iddle Road-C. R. 48 frem the corn'er formed by the intersection of the southwesterly side of Henry's Lane with the northuesterly side of Middle Road - C.R. 48 and n.nning thence from said point or place of beginning along the nsrthwest~rly side of Middle Road-C.R. 48' the following 2 cJurses and distances: (1) South 62 degrees 11 minutes 30 Seconds West 15.33 feet (2) South 65 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West 84.52 feet to land now or formerly of J.A. Wicks; running thence along said land the following 2 courses and distances: (1,) North 52 degrees 34 ,minutes 40 seconds West 4 332 ~ 44 feet (2) South 88 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds West 84.40 feet to land now or formerly of Webb; running thence along said land North 12 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds West 180.0 feet to the mean high water line of Long Island Sound; running thence alo"g the mean high water line of Long Island Sound the followirg 2 courses and distances: (1) North 81 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds East 541.70 feet (2) North 75 degrees 15 minutes East 104.95 feet to land now or formerly of P. Moesel; runoing thence along s~id land and along land now or formerly of E. Axien South 31 degrees 20 minutes 00 'seconds East 606.36 feet; running thence'stillalong land now or formerly of E. Axien the following 2 courses and distances: (1) South 80 degrees 05 minutes East 231.10 feet (2) South 82 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 503.20 feet to land now or formerly of Map of peconic Knolls Map No. 6607; running thence along said land on said map the following 2 courses and distances: (1) South 53 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East 621.00 feet (2) South 48 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East 355.0 feet to land now or forrr~rly of Map of peconic Homes Section 2 Map No. 5001; running thence along said land on said map and along land now or formerly of Map of Peconic Homes Section 1 Map No. 4181 the following 4 courses and distances: (1) South 48 desrees 04 minutes 20 seconds East 1030.54 feet (2) South 45 degrees 22 minutes East 218.16 feet (3) South 36 degrees 33 IT~nutes 10 seconds East 169.98 feet (4) South 44 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds East 499.31 feet to land now or formerly of Cataldo; running thence along said land the following 2 courses and distances: (1) South 62 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 219.79 feet (2) South 27 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East 168.0 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County and running thence along said land the following 3 courses and distances: (1) South 62 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 50.0 feet (2) South 27 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East 10.0 feet (3) South 17 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 31.11 feet to the northwesterly side of Middle Road - C.R. 48 the point or place of BEGINNING. \, 1 . , i: I , ENDORSEMENT OF APPRWAL I, the Assessor of the 'l1::Ml of Southo1d, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby approve of the foregoing Certificate of AbandorIllent. Dated: February 0:(5-;.4. , 1985 (I ~zi (J ~&1dJ- Chairman Board of Assessors I, the Superinterrlent of Highways of the 'Ibwn of Soutlx:>ld, Suffolk CoUl"1ty, New York, do hereby approve of the foregoing Certificate of Ab3.rrlon- ment. " Ap":( Dated: Mi'JoJro.'l ~ 15'-tL , 1985 I :1 :1 ( c- . ~. RaYrrorrl C. Dean ~... Superinterrlent of / L/ II . . . . ~/'a0/t Crf' Y CYn/nt.J, ~ff' ..MkM,? cd ZtD .5'~ cff>k ..%MI" ..J"rad~kM. Jf/_ tW~;;?qJ April 24, 1985 Chicago Title Ins. Co. 117 East Main Street Riverhead, l-<Y 11901 Re: 8508-00733-03 Gentlemen: Enclosoo you will firrl properly executoo and ackrx:JwlErlgoo Certificate of Abandonment. It will be appreciated if this Certificate will be filed imnErliately, and notify me of the filing date. Yours very truly, GOROON C. SA!>MrS GCS: eap Enclosure SoutJlOld 'Ibwn Planning Board w/enclosure/ Mr. Al Fusaro cc: , I .$',6'.6' J'J ..96'tJtJ ~ . ~U' }/C1~-<v ~---Z~7 x p D Southold. N. Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - t938 October 23. 1980 SUDervisor William R. Pell III To~'m Hall Southold. New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The Planning Board reviewed bonds for subdivisions on which the time has expired according to TO\T!1 Law to complete the improvements. The consensus of the Board was that these bonds should not be extended and the matter be referred to the Town Board for action. Work has not commenced on the following: Blue Horizons, Section I - expires 11/1/80 Blue Horizons, Section II - expires 11/1/80 Greenbriar Acres - expired 5/18/80 Peconic Knolls - expired 6/10/80 The following subdivisions are in various stages of completion: Greton Estates - expired 7/1/79 Lands End - expired 1/10/79 Sleepy Hollow Estates - expired 10/6/78 Town Harbor Terrace - expired 10/15/71 Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRliIAN SOUTH OLD TOvffl PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Town Councilmen I' : JUDITH T . TERRY TOWN ClERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ._..r..".........,. \':;-"'~"'"'~.(:':Q. ,),/ .~,-'(:~-~,~~ .,~~%"."? OFFICE ~~~TO~~~~~~~K TOWN OF SOUJH()~D ,,".o,,",.. 'I ,;' "'.... :: "t('..->>!;#":.",,,,~: l',r SUFFOLK COUNTY ~~"c:;;}:L_~"~~~;~,#J'/ TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. ] ]97] RECEIVED June 24, 1980 JUL 7 1980 Republic Insurance Company 129 Fulton Street New York, New York 10038 Town Clerk Southofd Gentlemen: The Town of Southold is presently hOlding the bonds for roads and improvements in subdivisions. if these bonds are still in force and effect. below listed Please advise C.P.F. Land Corp., Bond #92 lQl4 , $90,000, Blue Horizons Section I ~ C.P.F. Land Corp., Bond #921015, $110,000, Blue Horizons Section II Greenbriar Homes Inc., Bond #919456, $142,000, Greenbriar Acres at Mattituck. Peconic Homes Corporation, Bond #917092, $50,000,Greton Estates ~ 75 Highland Rd. Corp., Bond ~~11]1~., $200,000, Highland Estates Adelphi Land Corp., Bond #919fi30, $26,760, Peconic Knolls R.E. C. Realty Co., Bond #a2.8.LO-4, $125,000, Richmond Shores at Peconic Theodore Dowd, Bond Col. Ted Dowd Leo Kwasneski and Ann Kwasneski, Bond #915530, $53,000, Sleepy Hollow -- Hochman, Bond #916263, $20,000, Syloret Very truly yours, V' -/?:../ ,...--' ~ ~--/ ....;:/-e....C-- Judith T. Terry Town Clerk ,- .. . . ,6&a-xl~ ~~.2L / D Southold. N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 October 23, 1980 SWJervisor ':lilliam R. Pell III To~m Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The Planning Board reviewed bonds for subdivisions on which the time has expired according to TOevD Law to complete the imorovements. The consensus of the Board was that these bonds sh~uld not be extended and the matter be referred to the TOwn Board for action. Work has not commenced on the following: Blue Horizons, Section I - expires 11/1/80 Blue Horizons, Section II - expires 11/1/80 Greenbriar Acres - expired 5/18/80 Peconic Knolls - expired 6/10/80 The following subdivisions are in various stages of completion: Greton Estates ~ expired 7/1/79 Lands End - expired 1/10/79 Sleepy Hollow Estates - expired 10/6/78 TOem Harbor Terrace - expired 10/15/71 Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIIDiIAN SOUTHOLD TOcVN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Tovm Councilmen I I' . ., _"~ '::r:~L'0'~ ,,^" .".,,,\,"~ ! -,'" '-. '" .. ,..i..l1>"., Jf~"'J'~ \~ " ' .. .. ,",;'1'" 'j OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK '"~~ ~ ';::!_-~~.::;; ~1 TOWN OF SOUTH~LD '" .. ':,,', ' ;};;I ">..~- l/ SUFFOLK COUNTY "c, ">j ,'""".>1./ ',:;~~,'~!/,;,-J:v JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Republic Insurance Company 129 Fulton Street New York, New York 10038 Gentlemen: RECEIVED June 24, 1980 JUL 7 1980 Town Clerk Southold The Town of Southold is presently holding the bonds for roads and improvements in subdivisions. if these bonds are still in force and effect. below listed Please advise C.P.F. Land Corp., Bond #92lQl4, $90,000, Blue Horizons Section I - C.P.F. Land Corp., Bond #921015, $110,000, Blue Horizons Section II Greenbriar Homes Inc., Bond #919456, $142,000, Greenbriar Acres at Mattituck. . Peconic Homes Corporation, Bond #917092, $50,000, Greton Estates - 75 Highland Rd. Corp., Bond #91724~, $200,000, Highland Estates ." Adelphi Land Corp., Bond #919h~0, $26,760, Peconic Knolls Theodore Dowd, Bond R.E. C. Realty Co., Bond #9.., $125,000, Richmond Shores at Peconic Col. Ted Dowd Leo Kwasneski and Ann Kwasneski, Bond #915530, $53,000, Sleepy Hollow .-. Hochman, Bond #916263, $20,000, Syloret Very truly yours, ~J-~r Judith T. Terry Town Clerk