HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirch Hills "BIRCH HILLS" - - Released 5/19/70 ERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND TDWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF" VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE:: 765-3783 SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Please acknowledge receipt of enclosed Bond #900772 of Republic Insurance Co. for the Map of Birch Hills at Cutchogue, New York, owned and developed Birch Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle June 26, 1967 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Re: Birch Hills At Cutchogue - Bond Gentlemen: We enclose herewith Bond #900772 of Republic Insurance Company for the "Map of Birch Hills at Cutchogue" , owned and developed by Birch Properties, Inc. This map has received all approvals from the Planning Board and needs only the final approval of the Town Board on the Bond in order the map be signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board and then filed. Please notify this office when said Bond has been approved by the Town Board. Very sincerely, :~. c-fl jJC. ~(' IC\lo Jot Wickham, Chairman Southold,Town Planning /.----.-- I-ty" I . '", '",IJi_ Board ;bd enc. SAMUEL L. GRIMES BUILDING ARTS CENTER 501 HAUPPAUGE ROAD (RT. 111) ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 545 . SMITHTOWN, NEW YORK It7S? AREA CODE 516 724-3100 (SUrrOLK) PI 1<".74 (NASSAU TIE LINE) BY HAND June 23, 1967 Town Clerk Town of Southo1d Town Hall Southo1d, New York Map of Birch Hills Dear Sir: There is being delivered with this letter Bond #900772 of Republic Insurance Company which has been executed by all the parties therein contemplated. This Bond is submitted in connection with the sub- division map entitled "Map of Birch Hills" which has received final approval of your Planning Board. I would appreciate it very much if you would submit this Bond to the Town Board at its next meeting with our request that it be approved and accepted. Sincerely yours, ~ SLG:dh Encl. 7""-~''-'''-''''r" ~".,.,.,. . ."C. ~"""...........-."'>-'<~_ f....-."'.....- ..~-" -...."'.-... -,"",,"_."Y--"';-- ~.._. ",,,.,.,,?,~,,,,.,,,_._.,,,~...._~,.,...-_,,._. '~"'M_'__'____"'_"_ ~'_-"'p-.......,.,. .. SAMUEL L. GRIMES eUILDING ARTS CENTI[A SOl HAUP,"AUGE ROAD (RT. Ill) ATTOR N EY AT LAW AREA CODE. 518 714-3tOO (SUFFOLK) PI 1-7474 (NASS....U TIE. LIN!:} POST OFfiCE BOX 545 . $MITHTOWN, NEW VOjqK 11787 BY IlAND .June 23, 1967 Town Clerk Town of Southold Tovm [lall Southold, New York Nap of Birch Hills Dear Sir: There is being delivered with this letter Bond 1t900772 of Repuhlic Insurance Company ,~hich has heen executed by all the parties therein contemplated. This Bond is submitted in connection with the sub- division map entitled "Map of Birch [lills" which has received final approval of your Planning Board. I would appreciate it very much if you would submit this Bond to the Town Board at its next meet ing "Ii t.h our request t.hat it be approved and accepted. . Sincerely yours, "J -~ ~/;7~ - .::."- (~;:~_.-/ SLG:dh Encl. ~~--.-- Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Wjl1iam Unkelbach Frank Coyle June 26, 1967 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Re: Birch Hills At Cutchogue - Bond Gentlemen: We enclose herewith Bond #900772 of Republic Insurance Company for the "Map of Birch Hills at Cutchogue" , owned and developed by Birch Properties, Inc. This map has received all approvals from the planning Board and needs only the final approval of the Town Board on the Bond in order the map be signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board and then filed. Please notify this office when said Bond has been approved by the Town Board. Very sincerely, J (- Il_ I" Lc JO~~ Wickham, Southold, Town ! \ l(' I\.'\ to Chairman Planning ",.------ " I-~Y "- '~IA.. Board' /bd enc. /. ,.,.:"'~; -':h-,. :~,::,::;:,::,:;;;-,:;;'~~'.:':r:>,,'''''' -,'--""'-"''''- -'~ "--T"- ,. REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY DALL,AS, TE:;XAS 129 Fulton Street New York, New York 10038 BON D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, BIRCH PROPERTIES, INC. of 501 Route Ill, Hauppauge, New York ~s Principal and KITTEL ANDERSEN, RICHARD PEIRCE, KRISTEN ANDERSEN, HALVARD FOSSNES, RICHARD GERMAIN, BURTON IRWIN, EDMOND COMANS, ROLF BRUNN, GLEN PADEN, JR. and HOLLIS D. HARPER as CO-Principals and the REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Texas corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York and having an office and place of business at 129 Fulton Street, New York, New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Suffolk County, New York, as Obligee, in the sum of THIRTEEN THOUSAND AND OO/lOOths ($13,000.00) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States, for the payment whereof to the Obligee, the Principal, and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this 15th day of June, 1967. WHEREAS, the above-named Principal has agreed to comply with the terms, regulations and conditions of the Town of Southold in connection with the completion of roads and other improvements in "Birch Hills at Cutchogue", situated in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and in connection therewith the Obligee desires this bond to be given: WHEREAS, the CO-Principals have a beneficial interest in said project; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT if the principal shall, in connection with the installation of roads and improvements in Birch Hills at Cutchogue within one year from the date hereof, complete said improvements to be in accordance with the construction specifications of the Town of Southold, all in conformance with the plot plan approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and to the satisfaction of the Town of Southold, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. :~?~6PER~ ~dJ.AJ-' Kittel Andersen ~4u'F' ~''Z--f; i?Fd pence /7 p tt~%l____ U7~".-t'c>d- -L-.-- K:rwent9ders~ , tt / r ~s s 'a ard GermaJ. r 0 ( 1 {t"~L\ /. (CYlL 13%ton Irwin G C -- ..... -f'f_._a___..C ;(- P-", c.:c....-t,..'(..~.., Edm<;>nd Comans ~ CI ./ BOND #900772 AS 104 ~'f'~" -- '-.~ ......,..,,,..'::.... ;-"{~"">T.":,.: ;. ,. ,7;(;""'" "'. ;-.:""""'-" ,'~. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . COPARTNERSHIP STATE OF } SS: COUNTY OF On this sonally appeared be one of the firm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he thereupon acknowledged to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of said firm. day of 19 __ I before me per- to me known and known to me to CORPORATE STATE OF }ss: COUNTY OF On this // day of .7:/1..' e.. 19 ~ before me per- sonally appeared \.,,"::7, ~." 0;;,.., /' ./.'. (..,..- ,,'~ ,. .'''' to me known, who, being by me first duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in .::// ./.'"... /. ,,/(..< l l/ ; that he is the .S'ec_A/r /;-,;:> ,/ of I?",'': /; / ,;;- 1/,'7. ~ OJ !,L (" ( / - the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the corporate seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order and authority. INDIVIDUAL / STATL OF ,';LL Yf)i~ L) 55: COUNTY or SUFrOLK) On this Z3rd day of June, 1967, before me personally appeared KITTEL ANDERSEN, RICHARD PIERCE, KRISTEN ANDERSL/" HALVARD FOSSNES, RICHARD GER~rAIN, BURTON IRWIN, I:D' !OND CO!'lA~;S, ROLF BTUJUN. GLENN PADEN, .JR. AND lJOI.LIS D. HARPEr., to me known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me that they executed-t,he sa~e ~.~~~ S"M l. GIU~ NOTARY PUB-L.le, State of New York' No. 5::!-65H6'15 ~ua'lfjed in Suffolk County I Q COmmISl/Ul 'f>u;lir_..M.rc:h IIC\ .Ja.!!.f l C/- _. ",>t'%~rf~.;~it.. ',1<'-:",'::;,<.';". '~~*';";~i~~t~;'."l'; :i"'~-t:,..~:~~~~i\i;:rlI.!i;>r""""- . ~ ~ RJ::r!JBLI~ --,,,< . .~~' ~.i, . -,-;;cr".'::i:'-:.7,--"'::-ro;,; ~:v., ':l?';~g-"'''C~!':\';2: ~~ ;;:~:~.._" INSURANCE COMPANY . Dallas, Texas Eastern Department, 129 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10038 Financial Statement December 31, 1966 ASSETS Cash Agents. balances and premiums receivable Due from reinsurance companies, net. Accrued investments income.. Premium notes, less unearned interest ;,'. Short-term notes and other invested assets. Savings and loan' association shares, at cost. . ~ond. at amortized value: U. S. Government. . . , , . , . .. Other bonds, (state, municipal and miscellaneous) . Stocks, other than subsidiaries, at market value.. Stocks of wholly-owned subsidiaries, at underlying book value .. ..,..,. Real Estate, at cost less mortgage note payable of $1,362,794 and accumulated depreciation. . . . Intercompany receivables Other assets $ 760,629 3,605,860 (513,866) 213,757 3,367,126 4,143,593 945,548 3,916,809 20,528,078 22,320,128 18,889,313 1,787,940 418,952 $80,383,847 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND CAPITAL FUNDS Liabilities: Reserve for losses and loss adjustment expenses. $ 6,077~1O Contingent commissions payable . 871,201 Intercompany payables . . .... 1,132,308 Unearned premium reserve ... . . . . 44,054.302- Taxes, other than Federal taxes on income. . 636,000 Federal taxes on income............ .. 1,615,791 Dividends paYl,lble ,to stockhol~ers. ~,.' 250,000 Other liabilities~...:.. .. .:. ;'. .'.::.. 325,036 Statutory reserves: Excess of statutory reserves over case basis and loss expense reserves. . . . . . . Reinsurance in companies not licensed in Texas Total liabilities and reserves. Caplial funds: Caplial slock, Common - $5 par value per share; 2,000,000 shares authorized; 1,000,000 shares issued Surplns: Paid-in Unassigned ......,. . . . . . . . . . , . . . Total ......................... Excess of market value of stocks other than subsidiaries over cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Excess of under!fing book value of stocks of wholly-owned subsidiaries over cost. . . . , .. 1,281,766 Tntal capital funds-policyhnlders' surplus 24,856,356 $80,38.3,847 535,477 30,166 55,527,491 5,000,000 651,959 4,536,698 10,188,657 13,385,933 All securities are carried in accordance with the requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as follows: eligible bonds at amortized values; stocks of associated insurance companies at pro rata share of capital and surplus; all other securities at quotations prescribed by the Association, .-. BE IT REMEMBERED, that at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of RepubUc lnsuninceCO....piuly"duIy.:c.ued '.'t aDd held at the office of the Company in the City of Dallast Texast on the 28th day of February, 1967, a quorum tieing present, the following By~Laws was duly adopted to become eHective February 28, 1967: ARTICLE Xl- APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEYS.IN-FACT Appointment of Attomey~in-Fact. The President, or any Executive Vice President, may from time to time appoint by written certi&cates attomeys.in-fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings, and other obligatory instmments of like nature. Such attomeys~in.fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective (:ertiGcates of authority sball have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President, or any Executive Vice President, or the Board of Directors, may at any time revoke aU power and authority previously given to any attomey~in-fact. . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK I ss: "'. )lJa.J;'l,:j.p. .F.o.. ~erIY............, being dnly sworn, depo,es and says: 1 am Vic.e .president......... of the Republic Insurance Company, I have compared the foreMoing By-Law with the original thereof, as recorded in the Minute Book of the said Company, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct and true tranScript therefrom and of the whole Article XI, of said original By-Law and that the same is now in full force and eHect, Pursuant to said By-Law, George J. McGovern, Thomas J. Keenan, John F. Knight, Ralph L. Price, and Marlin F, Perry were ,duly appointed Attorneys-in-Fact of thisQ?mpan~ without limitation as to, amount of bond executed and that said appointment is now in effect. 'i<":'~ :7, ,',,",^ The above is a true statement of the assets and Jinbilities of said Company at the close of business December 31, 1966 takt'n from the books and records of said Company and is prepared in Ul'l'Ordllnce with the statements on file with the Insurance Department of the State of New York. The Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Section 327 of the New York Insurance Law (Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939 of the State of New York, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New Yark, as amended) issued to the Republic Insurance Company his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepte4 as surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided i Insurance Law of the State of New York, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary t ; at such certificR a.s ot ,befm, revoked.. .. , " ',< . , "",,:,> '-;'~'" ~." ," Sworn to before me this 15th STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK I ss: ,19~ On thi. 15th day of June. 1962-, before me personally came Thomas J 0 Keenan to me knnwn, who being by me first duly sworn, die! e!epose and say that he resides in Massapequa Park, New Y9rklhat he is an attorney-in-fact of th~,~epu!>lle~. .~Company, the corpqration described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument;, that he kQ9WS th!;~~~~' ~.~~i, b" that the seal affixed to the foregoing instnlment is such corporate seal; that it was affixed thereto by thp 0 r 'oru;'~Oafd fiE Directo~ of said corpomtion and that he signed his name thereto, as attorneY-in-~ authority. ~..".~,.~-,.~,-..,..",.,,-- .....:"1"',,--------.---.-- - .' , ,'i".;-~"-'.~-r'?;:;:>.v. i'!!i~~:=......:.~,"::::(~t.,;;' ""'.~JUIE --- -.. - ---" ---,------..-. ..--"-- Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact. The President, or any Executive Vice President, may from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings, and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys-in-fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certiGcates of authority shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President, or any Executive V ice President, or the Board of Directors, may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney-in-fact. ARTICLE XI-APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEYS-IN-FACT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK l ss: .... . Ma,r1:ii:l .F.... Perry .. .. beIng duly sworn. deposes and says: I am Vice President. of the Republic Insurance Company, I have compared the foregoing By. Law with the original thereof, as recorded in the Minute Book of the said Company, and do hereby cNtify that the same is a corn>d and tme transcript therefrom and of the whole Article XI, of said original By-Law and that the same is now in full force and effect. Pursuant to said By-La\\', George J. ~fcCovern, Thomas J. Keenan, John F. Knight, Ralph L. Price, and Marlin F. Perry were duly appointed Attorneys-in-Fact of this Company without limitation as to amount of bond executed and that said appointment is now in effect. The above is a true statement of the assets and liHbi]jties of said Company at the close of business December 31. 1966 tnken from the books and records of said Company and is prcpared ill accordance with the statements on fill' with the- Insurance Dl'partmt'l1t of the State of New York. The Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Section 327 of the New York Insurance Law (Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939 of the State of New York, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of Nt'w York, as amended) issued to the Republic Insurance Company his certificate that said Company is qualified to become and be accepted as surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other obligations or guarantees, as provided i Insurance Law of the State of New York, and all laws amendatory thereof amI supplementary t ; at such certifica as ot been revoked. Sworn to before me this 15th June STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK I ss: 19 67 .- ":;:-~ld-.3J, :"9J8 On this 15th day of June. l~. before me personally came Thomas J. Keenan to me known, who being by me first duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Massapequa Park, New Yorkthat he is an attorney-in-fuct of the Republic Insurance Company, the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoinj:t instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporationj that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is such corporate :;t'al; that'it was affixed thereto by the order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he siglwd his name thereto, as attorney-in-f.lct, by lik' ord, nn authority. RS 109 (67)