HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrient by the Sea , ./ " To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Report No. 479 From: John W. Davis Date: September 10, ]985 Re: Orient-By-The-Sea at Orient, Section 3. Present condition of UbI Lane between Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane. Conunents: This inspection made at request of Carol Meehan in the matter of dedication of UbI Lane to the Town. Status of UbI Lane as follows: This 36 ft. pulvermix road is at least 10 years old and is in need of some substantial repairs. There are 6 or more small pavement breaks and one large area 36 ft. x 220 ft. between lots 159 and 166 where the surface is completely broken up and rutted. Shoulder areas back of curbs Lots 157, 158, 168 and 167. lot 165. All other shoulder curbs and in the pavement at have been graded, topsoiled and seeded at Shoulder grading also done at lot 161 and areas have heavy weed and shrub growth behind curbs for widths of 2 ft.t. There are 6 C.B.'s on UbI Lane. These basins were clear for from 4.5 ft. to 5 ft. below the grates. Plans show them to be connected to leaching basins - was not able to determine condition of the leaching basins. There was no evidence of flooding at the C.B.'s. Curbing appears to be in fair condition. There are houses on lots 158, 165 and 161. Lot 157 has a fenced horse corral. Recommendations for repairs, etc. prior to consideration for dedication: 1. Correct the pavement breaks, small and large with a 1%" asphalt mix cap. 2. Cover the entire length of UbI Lane with an application of .3 gal. of RC-250 and surface with 3/8" stone chips at rate of 25 Ibs. per S.Y. 3. Prior to any pavement repair, remove the overgrowth in pavement at the curbs and spray the area with a strong solution of weed killer. 4. The 6 ft. shoulders where not completed should be cleared of brush, graded, raked and seeded with a suitable grass seed mixture. do-L,~d/~~~ :_,John W. Davis cc: ~thold Town Planning ~ig~way Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. Board \{- ~ . 'f:;;1.RIENT BY THE SEA HOME COLONY J . y\ )J rrIJ J.~ ,,-It (1 ~.. ..~i } MI \; Ji. I".\~.~V\..J.. ,.a€t r u~t i Dt i \./ @. \'1'4\1 \0 f! r)./ . OFFICE 692""".6 ~ Wood/tollow propertied, 3nc. 8243 JERICHO TURNPIKE i wOODBURY, N. Y. 11797 . 1tECE1VEQ:., OCT 2 u 1978 October 13, 1978 SOUTliOLO TDWII Southold Town Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear SI rs: I am writing to ask for release of the RepublIc Bond In the amount of $97,000.00. Enclosed fInd several letters and reports regarding the above matter over a period of a couple of years. This bond was originally Issued In September of 1974. I believe that all the work has been completed with the exceptIon of the repaIr work to Ryder Farm Lane. I do not belIeve this was Included In the calculations necessary to obtain the amount of the bond, as this road was already completed before the map was changed. However, we wIll agree to make this repaIr In accordance with the enclosed Corazzlnl estimate. It might be advIsable to walt until Spring to complete the work In the Corazzlnl estImate. It might also be best If the seal coat dId not have to go th~oqgh the wInter. Therefore, we are askIng for the reduction of the bond or we will gIve the Town a bank draft for the amount of the Corazzlnl estimate whIch Is $10,800.00. Anything that can be done regarding the above will be greatly apprecIated. It Is a burden for us to contInue paying for the bond as the work has been completed. Very truly yours, WU:cm Enc. ~ I, . Jrnp.l1sa1 PAUL,CO~&.SOH$INC. r lr.r'..... 235.'.......... lit'" 119M ,... 477..0127 "'774N& Page No. of Pages . ., o ~'" Woodhollovl lroperti~s rne. PHOIt( D.U( Jeptember 12, 1"7" 3243 Jericho Turnpike JOB NAME .J'Hm.t by [';"c Sea JOB lOCATtON -~ .,~: .'oodbu'y, '_1.'" N. y. 11797 ~"''''"'''''.-'' '" we ~.- JOB ..,.oME Broken '.rep.s repaired and nrior to resurfaCing. x %' bluestnc .I (esurtace entire area with liquid a.sphalt~e #!'Q 250 a:ti:h.e rEj,t~ of .30 sallons per square yard, covered with3!8" bluestone ohips and power 1'011:.;(1. .... .~" ...., f .L"i ..... 7'~ . "., "~r hereby to furnish m;lteriat and labor - complet~ in accOt'~ncewith above SPeCifications, for the sum of: Ten thQusand eight hundred-----.......----......-......-..- dollars ($ 10.800.00 ). PIIymentto bernade .sfollows: AUIMte,"Us ltii~to be.. SJ*;tftH.AIJ Mrlto bt~i" _woritmlnlike ~ ~to"~".~.An, ....ion or........... from aboWspeeifiCa. aon. ifWoIvinI... tOItIi .be.~ Oftfyupen.....omrs..nd . IMcOnw"" mrt_rtli:OWf' "".bQwu..ldmetit.'A1I ~~ u'pons~.accident5 or... ,,' HJOnd out controI..awn.; td-c.rry fiN, ,tornjadOand,other niKeJSNry i"lur~e.. Our worMft .,. fully eover.ct by Wotkm..,'. Cotnpen..&on IntlltMCe. Authorized Signature days. Note: This proposal may be withdi'awn:'by us if not accepted within ,~IIf:,~ ~The above prices, specifications andCtOl1CNtionsare HtisfactQry.rid.... hereby accepted. You are authOrized to do the work as specified. Payment wifl be 'made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signatur:e Signattire 'CNIIIl I" COl'VIlIO"' 'HO,_. .....eMQLAtlDIU..... ..R1IicI:.IMC~ ~.IUo.. 01_ . ~-"-------r-- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMEN, 0F TRANSPORTATION Raymond T. Schuler. Commissioner 1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12232 * . 'I " , ~. .".~~ TQ Permittee: Date: August 16, 1978 I WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. orient, New York 11957 I PLEASE NOTE THE INFORMA TION IN BOXES CHECKED X BELOW L ~ 1.0 I ~ This authoriz.es the establishment of a charge account for convenience In cnUI~.lI~. ,'., o. U Special Hauling Trip permits, b.D Utility Work permits and acknowledges receipt of the $50.00 payment by the above permittee. Your approved copy of the Charge Account Agree~ ment (PERM - 10) is attached. ,.~ -i~~. ' ;}, ,~'.. .,~.. . 2:D , An application for Telegraphic permits (PERM - 18) has been filed with the Department to allow for issuance of Special Hauling Trip permits by telegram, Telefax or TWX. 3'0 This acknowledges receipt of Certificate of Insurance (PERM ~ 17) for Insurance policy No. covering permits for: a, 0 Special Hauling and/ or b. 0 Highway Work with Insurance Company for period 4'0 Notice..of insurance cancellation by the lns.]rt'frice Company of Policy No. has been received effective . All permits issued will be cancelled herewith and no permits will be issued until acceptable insurance coverage is furnished to the Department or until permit insurance fees are submitted for Departmental Blanket Policy coverage. ~ 5'0 This acknowledges receipt of Bond No. with Company covering Highway Work permits. in the amount of $ for period . \ I l 6'0 7.Ci] 8-0 \ 9-0 10-0 Bond No. expired on and is returned for your disposi.tion. , Bond No. 74 c:;q 44 is no longer needed, and is returned, since the HighwayWork permitted has been satisfactorily completed. This acknowledges receipt of certificate of Workmen's Compensation Insurance (WorkmenJ's Com- pensation Boord Form C- 105.2). 'j ~ 1 l ,; ~ \ ~ ~' !1, 11 , This acknowledges receipt of CertifictIte of Complianc~with Disability Benefits Low (Workmen's Compensation Board Form DB- 120.1 ).... This acknowledge~ recei pt of StQteme'nt That Appl icant Does Not Require Workmen's Compensation or Disability Benefits Coverage (Workmen's Compensation Boord Form C- 105.21). . Copy to: All Regional Traffic Engineers Director, Troffi Engineering & Safety Divi sion PERM 22c (1/73) ,;.50":'" . " , -- EDWARD oJ. SAGE PROFFSSIONA,- ENGINFER Post Office Box 972 . Southold, New York, 1,971 516-765-1681 ~lay e, L'74 Lt". ,.1122 "'_. Dr ::~i1t-3\/- ThC-~j(J~l Cecti[Jn I II d Southo1d TCLJn PLmning Boc;rd Main Road Southold, ~2W York 11971 Gentlemen. c ,1 ,j . the Bond Estimate for th2 drQin8g~ and roads in Dri3nt-By-T~'-SPd Section III is: '1 ;~ Land Clearing Rough Grading (~lready accDm~]ish8d) . Fine Grading 4,500 If @ $ .SC/lf SurfaCing 4,500 if @ $6. DO/lf Curbs: Normal 6,400 If ~ ~3.00/1f Integral 270 It @ 15.no/lf Recharge BGbins: Excavation 6,700 cy @ ~l.Oo Head wall, apron, and baffl~ 2 2 $500 Fencing l,U55 If U ~S.Oo/l~ Catch Basins 12 ~ $500 '. Le3ching B<.:sins 10 ~ $1,000 Pipe-1B" diameter 180 If ~ i5.o0/1f Seeding 2 acres ~ ~l,OOo acre Administrative Costs (4%) Increased costs over 3 years (15%) Nonf: NClrl' $ ;-, '50 27,CC!C 1ll,2Ce] 1, 3~ J S,'lCCi 1, [,UD C , :.3l~ ,~ , C;:JU 1'J, ,J[10 q'" .uu ~! , use 3,?70 12,75'..J .- $97 t 7:',0 ., i.! -. . REC JVED BY ; TOWN OF ;:.C',}HC'LD DA'TZ "5) /S[7_-!.__--- \ !':n~~-~~7 - ---- ;le3p8ctfully submitted, (;.jJ /," 1\ 1- I Zctt~1 . ')t-, --ej" <5 "( ,,/ / - .~, ~ t:dwarl:l J. 6dlJ8" P.C:. , ~~: ~': ,',' ~~'<-c: .g. <.....-- . , " 10 .' . " ,)~..~~'~~_'~.~.t~'_ ~.: . ;~i~j..,~~~~_._...."=" '___..".'.;'_ _'__""_"'__~. .,..-i;-_...._~.._~..'--...,"_.-....- ".~ ~ --" .. -. ..,..-.. "'........~.... . ."'"'. . ...." ......._.,-'!:_~..~:_.':........._.~=----..,........,,--,...........~...,'-'.,.....'_......"'-':"'" ~~T.~-- EDWARD ,.J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No.2.9.9......... TO: .,RgYJJl9l.HLQ .,...p..~.?:1'!-.,.. .l?1i!!?:!;.... ..'J:P.:tm..J.{ ~gb'!!.?:y:.. .P'g .P.~;I;'.t.!I)..~.!] t Southold, N. Y . ...................................................... DATE June 2, 1978 ......................................._n_. TIME ..................................----.... WEATHER ..................................__. RE: ....Q.:;:~.~.~:t:.7.'!:?;(.:::t:!.t.~:.~~~!....~~.c:.~~.?~..g I f': COMMENTS: This report records the meeting on June 2, 1978 of Mr. Raymond C. Dean, ~tr. Thomas UbI, Mr. Irving Latham, and Mr. Edward J. ."Bage at the above named subdivision. My Report #252 of April 4, 1978 was discussed and Mr. UbI agreed to rectify all discrepancies noted in this report. Mr. UbI agreed to have the two recharge basins surveye~. Upon completion of this survey I will be able to determine how the corrections of these basins can be accomplished. ~ RECOMMENDATIONS: , . I 4 ZA-GM# . EDWARD .J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT TO: .J.l.~Ym!?!.l:g..9.......p.~.~.!...:?~p.~.~ Town Highway Department ..n.................................................. ...:?QR!;h.9.*~.,...f:i....J. .................... COMMENTS: I I Ip 1m 11 i1J 11 , ' 1.1 i~ it:; ~ .( 3. .'~ ~~ ,I .0-,\ HI L .~ r ,:,1.:: ,~ I f , ~~~ 1,:"",1 ";i, r~ ~~ t-.; tA .j:! ~ t" ~ l~ .. ." ..... ,-.<1'_" ." ._~~"''''~ .!II'"". ,~.. ~T~ , I . No. ..~5L.. DATE .....~p.~~.~...~.!....~~:?~..._ TIME ................................................ WEATHER .........................................- .", R E: ...9.~.~.~~.!...~t...!~~...:?~~...::...~~!?~~.~~...~ I I . 4. The~e is still some subsidence at the catch basins on Ryder Farm Lane. This subsidence must be corrected. ~ There is no access ramp in the Ryder Farm Lane recharge basin. This ramp muat be installed and at the same time the basin should be dressed to a neat configuration. ~~ The discharge pipe in the Park View Lane recharge basin does not extend far enough into the basin, it should extend past' the' toe of the slop'e,~ Neither recharge basin has been fenced in as yet, this must be done. 5. . .. _~_..:._-~-,-..,.~--~ ,_..._..~ ----.,--.,..,-C'T":- ""';"-- -'.~-- ._-;:------~,_._~- ,-. ~. ~ ~~-.#;- ., , \."".~. . ...~'- EDWARD L1. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No. ....<'.I.+JI.... TO: ...~~l((l!R.l).~...G.....J):".'}.~~..2.Y.P.t....... DATE .......n;:).V.B.:JPfD:...:?~...l~.n ...T.(:!~!f). ..l:I.j..r.lt"!w~.v.. .9. ~ p'~.J;".t.f!1.~.~:t:.. TIME ...?~~:~!"!.~.~.d. P... f:J.~ .Y.~.......... ............ WEA THE R ........................................... R E: .... .... ....Q.r.~\'if!:f;...9.V.. .t.tm. ..~~i'!.... .;;.E;!.~t ~R.Q..J I I f;: COMMENTS: r witn9ss9d the spplication of the stone coat to the roads. The application of this coating W38 pnrrormed in a satisf3ctory f:iannar, the proper ar.lount of oil and crushed stone U:J3 upplicd. ,.' ~ RECOMMENDATIONS: . \. NOV 10 1977 . , < ./:J fj~~~~?Z :/': /2. r' , t'.{ EDWARD .J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ,!~, ,. r. I~ " INSPECTION REPORT 225 ' No. .............. . ,... ! ~ TO: .~.~~V.'!!~~~...s.~...~~~!:'.!...?~~~.~.... , "...!!?~..~;~!:'.'~y...~~P.~~~!I:~.':l.~. Southold, N.V. September 12 1977. DATE ....................................1........... ,. ~ 1 i TIME ................................................ :.l ........................................................ WEATHER ........................................... :'.", j ~~. H I"', ..1'" R E: . ..!?~.!~ ~~.. !!.v.. .T.~~. ..~.r;.~,... ~.r;.,::~~~!:,... ~ ~...... r' ~t COMMENTS: , . The ~Bds in this Bection are in fair condition. All Holes in the c;enter section of road surface have been repaired. The rest o'f the center section is showing checking and will need a seal coat in n' tha:~ear future. The edges of the pavement are in poor condition. '"f:.",llIeedshavesproutedthrough the raod surface 50 that the effective , . road width' iB '3D to 32 fe!3t rather than 36 feet. !..,i . , i ,oj , , I',' I t: i I ! i " . L_ ie " "--- '-. .' ,..... ........ ~ '+' .' :~~. .' ;; I . RECOMMENDATIONS: \:''..t- '\ il~ " , :i'::'!; . " 'k' ic~L 9.4E- in 1./ v' ,"'; .~ . , ~-...,.. ... .-,.".' .\.'; ',," "~ EDWARD ..I. SAGE PROFESS1,ONAL ENGINEER .......: 's:. .... I NSP ECTI ON REPORT No. .~~~....... TO: R~.!I!!l.9.r!Il.J;.....Q.~~f:l.....~\!p.~.,.~..... DATE .....~.~p.~.~!'!.~~.::...g,....~~.z.7 IQ.lll\. .HlglJJII<l'.l:. tl!ij;l.li\f.t~~.I).~..... Southold. 'N. V . ..............-:....................................... TIME WEATHER ..........................................:~c~~.. c\'~ ~,.,..' ,~~i;'~.....~-\S ;- :~'~.'-~!fr1?::Hr1~~t ",-:','\;-,' :''': R E: ...Q.r.,,~f:l:t;...~1l..Ib.~...?!'!!'!.....$.~.!;~~9.~..~U..... ,,~,~~.; ,- f;: COMMENTS: ~ , The condition of the roads is as follows: 1. The road surface is completed to the oil and sand seal coat (the ~ ~olland atone coat has to be applied) and is in satisfactory cDndition. : ~~. ~2~.....~..,~ ~: curbing is ~complete ~~d is in satisfactory condition except ~ ~for~a section of integral curbing adjacent to the catch basin at ~ ~>the' cornarof Plum Island Lane and Ryder Farm Lane. It is cracked, ~,~~. ~ and, has settled due to erosion underthe curbing. ~. An~he ,two recharge basins have not been constructed in accordance fiJY;' .. :thB:::~~:;::,::"::f::::::r';:.;r"". ;;- ~ b. No access ramp int., basin. 11: . c. yZ' ~~~~~basin to~ steep. ~ , No headwall or spill apron 0" inlet pipe. d~. No fence around basin. ~ . V~)1JiL (?[ II '""...-,,~- "' " , 0., .-< . EDWARD ..J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No. ..X1-.f:l..... TO: ..Raljllmnd...C...D.ean._.SJ.J.P.t....... Town Highway Department ...................................................... DATE August 2, 1977 ................................................ 'rIME ...?~~~~.l?~.~~... .~,:.~.~... ................... WEATHER ......_.........______................_..__ R E: .o.r. )'l'!.I).t...~ ll.. II;i.,?.. ~~ 9.1.. .?~!'~ tl?rl...r .F....... ~ ' F COMMENTS: The contractor applied the oil and sand coat.to Uhl Lane and Ryder Farm Lane. I witnessed the application of this coating and it was applied in a s?tisfactory manner. , ~_. ". (- .. L l i h f: ~ f f:' , !- y RECOMMENDATIONS: .\ . tL'tWL >JA,- , r z[ J I ~ < -: '" ~--.'" -"".. JUDlTH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS )}#ffJ.~., fOLt -^/) Ef5~~ ."'~"~ O""iCE....O .F......If.. O~........... M. K ~rv"", 1 .....". ......~ I-;: ...,.is -" ..,..:.... .. '.:; 6~;so." ~ ~. ',.<" '.: ./ . . FOLkcof~ '","1], ~~'~.:<; "!..../. ;';;1, /" .'"' -c_;::::.:::::::!} Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 October 27, 1978 Mr. Walter Uhl WOodhollow Properties, Inc 8243 Jericho Turnpike WOodbury, New York 11797 Dear Mr. Uhl: ~ The Southold Town Board is in receipt of your letter of October 13, 1978 requesting the reduction of your per- formance bond to $10,800.00 for the completion of Ryder Farm Lane. It is the policy of the Board not to release a performance bond until the entire project has been completed. Very truly yours, ~~~~ Judi th T. Terry Town Clerk