HomeMy WebLinkAboutMt. Beulah Acres , , ,f' . " . .t:--~ /~ ~- Q7) A . Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-'938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor, Members of the Town Board FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman DATE: December 1, 1989 Re: Performance Bond for Mount Beulah Acres The Planning Board has reviewed the Town Board's request for a recommendation on the release of the performance bond for Mount Beulah Acres. The Board's recommendation is that the bond NOT be released. The reasons for this recommendation are as follows: The "road bed" of Cosden Court is currently in use for drainage purposes. The stormwater runoff from Mount Beulah Avenue drains onto this property, which happens to be a low point. This property thus serves a public purpose. Please refer to the Planning Board's memorandum to the Town Board of June 3, 1988, a copy of which is attached for your convenience. Accordingly, this property should not be allowed to remain in private hands. If quit claim deeds cannot be obtained from both of the two adjoining property owners, Basil G. Litras and Vincent Tirelli, then covenants and restrictions or a drainage easement should be put into place to prevent this property from being filled or otherwise altered in such a way that it could not function as a natural drainage area. Also, Town access to this property to allow for maintenance should also be provided for in the Covenants or the easement. cc: James A. SChondebare, Town Attorney Raymond Jacobs, Highway Superintendant ., . ~ . ( T Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 .. .J~- - ) , MEMORANDUM TO: Frank Murphy, Supervisor Jean Cochran, Chairman, Highway Committee Ray Jacobs, Highway Superintendent Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman ~dication of land at Mount Beulah Acres SCTMI 1000-51~3-(2.4-2.11,2.14,2.15) FROM: RE: DATE: June 3, 1988 It is the Planning Board's understanding that the as yet unbuilt right-of-way known as Cosden Court within the subdivision of Mount Beulah Acres is currently used for stormwater drainage. The subdivision owner was bonded for $20,000 to construct a road within this right-of-way. The Planning Board has determined that the right-of-way should not be built since it lies within a natural drainage swale that extends to the east of the property. Also, the development of the adjoining property (to the east) does not require the construction of Cosden Court. - , Before the Planning Board releases the developer of his bond, it needs to know whether the Town will accept the dedication of a 50' by 20' parcel for drainage purposes. Because of the high groundwater table in the immediate area and the fact that the Subject lot is part of a drainage swale that will remain contiguous with the swa1e on the adjacent property - the Planning Board strongly recommends to the Town that it accept the dedication. jd fi?~~~/tff?L~ ~~ - - / . \ t_ , .' .' . . . JAMES A. seH ND TOWN A IT RNEY W',,: ~~-~fliil uU I . ;'''''1 < , 1 ~.:~:~...r:-:-..'~:'i.~...,:. '~t.~:!j:\~ /. ':. ',J.-:. '/'j . ... j ) ",', .' .:.~" _J.~' ',' ~~f: ::j'"'\';.. ':-- t~ \~;_: ,~~,',~ ,':i;::i" ~}? " ~..") .._.J;">..-. '- ,., ....... "._. .......'d.- ., . :''+? .. .': .:>> ~ it, I _ -, . ~"t.ii : . " '.' . ;' ,,~-.}7 :_'-~'~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TeLEPHONE (SI6) 76S-1939 FAX NO. (S16) 76S-1823 lWRElRaXIIXBKRNlIXXlIIlII XlOOW!ltltll~ MATTHEW G. KIERNAN Asst. Town Attorney OFFICE OF mE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INTER-OFFICE MEMO FROM THE TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO: FROM: DATE: Planning Board, Town Board James A. Schondebare, Town - N'ovember 27, 1989 and super~7~dant Attorneyrlfl of Highways RE: ROW Casden Court; Mount Beulah Acres As background, the Board will remember that the Planning Board had required that the Booth Estate posted a bond for the construction of a road in this subdivision 'which paper road is listed as Casden Court. The Planning Board has now agreed that the road need not be constructed, and it be dedicated to the Town for drainage purposes. The Town Board is on record as agreeing to this dedication. The estate is in agreement with this arrangement since it will be able to cancel the bond and finish up closing out the estate. The problem is that the estate of Booth can not give the Town clear title to the proposed road/drainage area. The reason for this is that deeds were given to the adjacent landowners to the center of the proposed road. The estate has not, except for one owner, received the cooperation of the adjacent owners in deeding out their interest in the proposed road/drainage area. While the Town cannot obtain title to the area for drainage purposes it is presently used as a natural drainage area. Hence, I would suggest the Planning Board issue a resolution to the Town Board to cancel the bond requirement since it serves no purpose, and that the Town Board pass a resolution agreeing thereto. In the future should it become necess"ry to actually obtain title for a more detailed drainage operation then the Town may consider condemnation. cc: Rudolph Bruer JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STA.TISTICS '~r':::_;"~~~"~>. '?{9~) '---\.~) "', ~I.,:~,~;, :S-:-,' :/ .......... '/11 '." -....... .'..' .","- .,( . I I ',/~ -?':::-?:;:'Z:::.ilj,;:.v- ~~,a;r~.s.~ . Town HalI. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765.1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 1989 ! i~ :-;;-. '" I r ; ._t'J ,'i, :.': I ;'1 \~., I~ l '" "~;."!;;: j "I,. i'IQV I 7 :989 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 '-_..,.. "+ J S~. t' ."~" "~ <1 P', ~ ::,..Z, :'_'.:~::J Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is correspondence concerning the release of the performance bond for Mount Beulah Acres. The Town Board discussed this matter with Town Attorney Schondebare at their November 14th work session and would have no objection to the release provided the Planning Board makes that recommendation to the Town Board. Very truly yours, ~~- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachments .. - . . G'~ and fJ8~ ":-.. VI @) ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAIN ROAD. P.O. BOX 1466 SOUTH OLD. NEWYORI( 1 1971 LEFFERTS P. EDSON (1912'1989, RUDOLPH H. BRUER (516)765-122:..- (S 16) 76S-2SC~ FAX: (S 16) 765-275.. November 6, 1989 Southold Town Board c/o James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Release of Performance Bond "Map of Mount Beulah Acres" Southold, N.Y. Dear Sirs: I refer you to the enclosed 1/31/89 correspondence of Robert H. Berntsson, then Asst. Town Attorney. The suggestions made therein appear reasonable, on the surface. However, the affected property owners, but one, have consistently ignored our requests for their cooperation. We are unable to provide the suggested qUitclaim deeds to "Cosden Court". If you weigh the apparent diSinterest of the lot owners against the continued hardship of maintaining a performance bond for nonexistent road improvements, the equitable course is clear. Under these circumstances, we respectfully request that the Board consent to the release of this performance bond. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, RUdolph H. Bruer RHB/df ..i .. ,. " ~ !:! -~ 0, ~ " ~-E. I/) G>! 1.1.. vq 0'" 0, >-...... ~ " Z -~ ::> ~ o. u' .:: @)1 " " ,. " " '" ,! :. 1\ l\ ~i '. ~ .1' '1-- ':;-1:.1 . -'- " r: 1,' ., " e ,\ - . :L V' - I ~ , I- -- C . " :,' I .-;, i, , '- . . , --l I' " . . . ' . fi < \!) . ~ , . ,- V} , <!;:. ., C!:> ~ \- , I ~ , I II , I -, () v.ll\!l ~~ ~b"'<: ()!~ ~.~ ~t:. 'J '- . ill< I I i ~_. T-:I "i'i ~ d - ill 1',,: 1&., : -.\ \_~ 1:::....... \~~ " - 1::;,~ ~ " ..e :: J! n H!' Hi. r~ . ~I: ; ~!n .~ ~ Hi. ~ , II! i I j ~ .~ !I! 1; ill. II dr :/; ! '. ~ i Iii " ,'. ! '. ., :S'i! '" l"~ ." Ii:; I' rr;~;~:~~'~~~~;t~~~~;~:~;:~~~~~:~~~:~~ . . VALERIE SCOPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 MEMORANDUM TO: Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor Members of the Town Board FROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner DATE: December 1, 1989 Performance Bond for Mount Beulah Acres. RE: I am in complete agreement with the Planning Board's position regarding the above-referenced performance bond because it is consistant with other actions that have been taken by the Planning Board and the Highway Committee to address some of the long standing road drainage problems within the Town. By way of background, the Highway Committee brought these problems to the Town Board's attention at its August 29th (1989) work session. In response to the Highway Committee's report, I outlined ways that the Town could obtain road drainage without resorting to expensive condemnation procedures. See enclosed memorandum of September 13, 1989. At the last jdint Planning Board-Highway committee meeting (October 11, 1989), it was agreed that Ray Jacobs would give the Planning Board a list of the drainage problem areas. When this list is received, Planning staff will transfer this information to a map in the Planning office. If an application for a site plan or a subdivision is found to be in a problem area, Planning staff will automatically notify the Town's engineering consultants that the proposed development is located in an area with a known drainage problem. Staff and the engineering consultant would then work closely with the Highway Superintendant to make sure the drainage problem was addressed. In light of these efforts, it would seem counterproductive for the Town to release the performance bond in this particular case unless appropriate measures were undertaken to safeguard its access to the property in the interests of providing for proper stormwater drainage on Mount Beulah Avenue. cc: James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney Raymond Jacobs, Superintendant of Highways '. , ., . , ~ .' . ~ ~'. I . . VALERIE SCOPAZ TOWN PLANNER Town Hall, 53095 Main Ro~ P.O, Box 1179 South old, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1938 MEMORANDUM TO: Jean Cochran, Chairman, Highway Committee Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman, Planning Board Raymond Jacobs, Superintendent, Highways Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner FROM: ~ DATE: September 13, 1989 RE: Town Proposal to Purchase Sites for Road Drainage Purposes In the minutes of the August 29th meeting of the Town Board, mention was made that the Highway Committee had discussed the need for the Town to purchase land for drainage purposes so as to resolve some long-standing road drainage problems. In certain instances, the Committee might want to explore options other than the acquisition of land, which can be costly. 1. For instance, the Town Code requires that the Planning Board ensure that new development, whether a subdivision or a site plan, takes care of the stormwater runoff generated by the property in question. If the Highway Department is experiencing drainage problems at a specific site, and the Planning Board is notified of this situation, then when the Board receives an application in the immediate neighborhood, the Board can then work Closely with the Highway Superintendent, the Town Engineer and the developer to mitigate the site's contribution to the problem. It may be possible to eliminate or substantially reduce some drainage problems by the careful development of a key parcel. Thus, the need to purchase land may be lessened by a pending proposal to develop a key parcel that is known to be a major contributer to the problem. 2. The Planning Board can also try to negotiate drainage easements, particularly on large subdivision properties. The Planning Board is in the process of negotiating such an ". . 'j a._ ^.. . . ~ " . . drainage sites. Since the Board has topographic maps on file, it could target on the maps those properties that lie within the watershed that contributes to a specific site's drainage situation. In order to do this, Planning staff would need a listing of the problem areas. These areas can then be plotted on the topographic maps for reference purposes. When applications are made for any properties that lie within the watershed, the Town Engineer can be sent the appropriate information. . This is just a short listing of some of the ways the Highway Committee and the Planning Board can be of assistance to each other as they each try to resolve some of the Town's infrastructure problems as they pertain to adequate drainage. VS CC: Fran~is J. Murphy, Supervisor , , . . ., ~ ~ MATTHEW G.-KIERNAN Asst. Town Attorney Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1939 FAX NO_ (516) 765.1823 JAMES A. SCHONDEBARE TOWN A lTORNEY OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INTER-OFFICE MEMO FROM THE TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE !O: FROM: DATE: Planning Board, Town Board James A. Schondebare. Town Nove;'ber 27, 1989 and super~~~dant AttorneY'{fl of Highways RE: ROW Casden Court; Mount Beulah Acres As background. the Board will remember that the Planning Board had required that the Booth Estate posted a bond for the construction of a road in this subdivision which paper road is listed as Casden Court. The Planning Board has now agreed that the road need not be constructed. and it be dedicated to the Town for drainage purposes. The Town Board is on record as agreeing to this dedication. The estate is in agreement with this arrangement since it will be able to cancel the bond and finish up closing out the estate. The problem is that the estate of Booth can not give the Town clear title to the proposed road/drainage area. The reason for this is that deeds were given to the 'adjacent landowners to the center of the proposed road. The estate has not. except for one owner. received the cooperation of the adjacent owners in deeding out their interest in the proposed road/drainage area. While the Town cannot obtain title to the area for drainage purposes it is presently used as a natural drainage area. Hence. I would suggest the Planning Board issue a resolution to the Town Board to cancel the bond requirement since it serves no purpose. and that the Town Board pass a resolution agreeing thereto. In the future should it become necessary to actually obtain title for a more detailed drainage operation then the Town may consider condemnation. cc: Rudolph Bruer "~ . . . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 1989 ! Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is correspondence concerning the release of the performance bond for Mount Beulah Acres. The Town Board discussed this matter with Town Attorney Schondebare at their November 14th work session and would have no objection to the release provided the Planning Board makes that recommendation to the Town Board. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachments ( -\ '- , . . . YI@) cf'~ -d' (?g~ ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX 1466 SQUTHOLO. NEWYORK 11971 LEFFERTS P. EDSON fl912-19891 RUDOLPH H. BRUER (516) 765-1 222 (516) 765-2500 FAX: (5161765-2752 November 6, 1989 Southold Town Board c/o James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Release o~ Performance Bond "Map of Mount Beulah Acres. Southold, N.Y. Dear Sirs: I refer you to the enclosed 1/31/89 correspondence of Robert H. Berntsson, then Asst. Town Attorney. The suggestions made therein appear reasonable, on the surface. However, the affected property owners, but one, have consistently ignored our requests for their cooperation. We are unable to provide the suggested quitclaim deeds to .Cosden Court". If you weigh the apparent disinterest of the lot owners against the continued hardship of maintaining a performance bond for nonexistent road improvements, the equitable course is clear. Under these circumstances, we re~pectfully request that the Board consent to the release of this performance bond. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, RUdolph H. Bruer RHB/df ( 4 . , . . JAMES A. SCHONDEBARE TOWN A TIORNEY ROBERT H. BERNTSSON ASSISTANT TOWN A TrORNE::Y Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (5161765-1939 OFFICE OF THE TOWN A TIORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 31. 1989 Edson and Bruer Main Road. P.O. Box 11J66 Southold. New York 11971 Attention: Rudolph H. Bruer. Esq. Re: Mount' Beulah Acres Dear Mr. Bruer: The filed map of Mount Beulah Acres shows "Cosden Court for future dedication to the Town." It is agreed that the road does not need to be improved. However. our concern is any rights the owners may have in an improved road. In order to terminate any such rights. it is suggested that you receive quit claim deeds from each of the four lot owners for any rights they have in Cosden Court. Feel free to discuss the above with me. Very truly yours. G1~. B.~,,~ Assistant Town Attorney RHB:rbw l J, . c;f~ ad Y8~ · c}A t:A~ ~ rJ4!~ fff/c;f( '1I't-cf1' Ih)!''' I!.? ~ tC/' (516)765-1222 r--; (S 16)765.2500 ~AX: (5 16) 765-2752 ....TTORNEYS AT LAW MAINRCAO-P.O.BOX 1466 SOUTHOLD,NEWYORK 11971 LEF"F'ERTS P. EDSON (1912-19891 RUDOLPH H. BRUER November 6, 1989 James A. Schondebare, Esq. P.O. Box 1018 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Mount Beulah Acres Southold, N.Y. Dear Jay: Enclosed please find my 11/6/89 letter, addressed to the Town Board, which I would like you to personally submit, provided it meets with your approval. :~:::;~l me if a discussion is in order. i /I;tl(~ ~.G~f'~ip{/h<H. Bruer RltB/ dfl Ene. P.S. Don't forget about the Legion. Thank you for your help. ~' . Ji . , . ATTORNEYS AT LAW · cjA I:~~ (}~!'!rr f!1i~ ell? '(jrlh/7,. "It)!'" ute. v t!'. (516)765a1Z22 r--, (516)765-2500 FAX: (S 16) 765-2752 G'~ ad Y8____ MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX 1466 SQUTI-lOL.O, NEW YORK 1 1971 LEf"FERTS P. EDSON {19 t 2- 19891 RUDOLPH H. BRUER November 6, 1989 James A. Schondebare, Esq. P.O. Box 1018 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Mount Beulah Acres Southold, N.Y. Dear Jay: - J Enclosed please find my 11/6/89 letter, addressed to the Town Board, which I would like you to personally submit, provided it meets with your approval. :;:;i~' me if · di"",,ioo i, io o'd.,. U:~P()h~~. Bruer RliB/dfl Ene. P.S. Don't forget about the Legion. Thank you for your help. , . . RECEMD JUL 2 8 1988 . . c;f~ -ad ~~ South<>I,l Town dt>rk ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX 1466 SDUTHQLD. NEW YORK 11971 LEFFERTS P.EDSON (RETIRED) RUDOLPH H. BRUER PATRICIA C. MOORE July 27, 1988 Ms. Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Mount Beulah Acres, Southold SCTMI 1000-51-3-2.4/2.11/2.14 and 2.15 Dear Ms. Scopaz: .?:~ ~ ~/C:~lIII~ IHFORMAnOff (516)765-1222 (SlEt} 765-2500 Thank you for the letter you wrote on behalf of the Planning ~oard dated July 25, 1988. I will proceed immediately to effectuate the dedication. Thank you very much. Best regards. Rudolph H. Bruer RHB/cas ce: Southold Town Board James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney Mr. Raymond C. Radigan, Trust Officer North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Mr. Joseph Townsend . . . Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 25, 1988 Mr. Rudolph Bruer P.o. Box 1466 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Release of Performance Bond for " Mount Beulah Acres", Southold. SCTM# 1000-51-3~2.4-2.11, 2.14 and 2.15 . Dear Mr. Bruer: The Town board has agreed to accept dedication of the 50 x 200 foot parcel of land that was to have been Cosden Court on the filed map of Mount Beulah Acres. However, before the Town Board can actually accept dedication of the Jand, it must have dedication papers. A review of the subdivision files reveals that the papers have not been submitted. Upon receipt of said papers in this office the Planning Board and the Town Board can proceed with the dedication of the land and the release of the performance bond. In another note, the dedication of the SOx 200 foot parcel shall be noted in the dedication papers as being for drainage purposes; not for a road. If there are any further problems, do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ~o/t Valerie Scopaz Town Planner cc: Joseph H. Gibbons, Trust Officer North Fork Bank & Trust Co. James A. Scondebare, Town Attorney . . . ROBERT H. BERNTSSON ASSISTANT TOWN AITORNH Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1939 JAMES A. SCHONDEBARE TOWN A ITORNJ::Y OFFICE OF THE TOWN A TIORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: DATE: REF: Planning Board .~ James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney~~ July 1, 1988 Dedication at Mt. Beulah Acres Please note that this matter is not concluded until the Town receives dedication papers from the applicant and same are approved by the Town Board. Presently, the Town Board has only indicated its interest in accepting same. cc'. ..,... 11 ( /v, . . . JUDITH T. TERRY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 28, 1988: RESOLVED thatlthe Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby agrees to accept dedication, when offered by the property owner, of a 50 foot by 200 foot parcel of land to be used for drainage purposes on the east side of Mount Beulah Avenue, Mount Beulah Acres Subdivision, Southold, New York, all in accordance with the recommendaiton of the Planning Board, Superintendent of Highways Jacobs, and the Town Board Highway Committee. f2,.//dt' ~~~ rfudith'--,.. Terry . Southold Town Cler June 30, 1988 . .' . RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent . . Highway Department Town of Soulhold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 . .. RECEiveD BY. . SOUJnrt~~Q~i~~r~ Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 C/J~ June 20, 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. letter June 3, 1988 Dedication of land at Mt. Beulah Acres seTMl1 1000-5 ]-3-(2.4, 2.] I, 2.14, 2.15) Dear Mr. Orlowski: I concur with the recommendation by the Planning Board that the Town accept the dedication of the 50' by 20' parcel of land in the above named subdivision for drainage purposes. ~ctfUllY, r~;i Ra~ond L. ; a~ // Superintenden of Highways 0'-:- '/f/ .....~ [/~/ .---' . T . xc@) RECEIVED 'JUN 1 3 1988 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 Scv"""...,.........~ MEMORANDUM TO: Frank Murphy, Supervisor Jean Cochran, Chairman, Highway Committee Ray Jacobs, Highway Superintendent FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman RE: Dedication of land at Mount Beulah Acres SCTM# 1000-51-3-(2.4-2.11,2.14,2.15) DATE: June 3, 1988 It is the Planning Board's understanding that the as yet unbuilt right-of-way known as Cosden Court within the subdivision of Mount Beulah Acres is currently used for stormwater drainage. The subdivision owner was bonded for $20,000 to construct a road within this right-of-way. The Planning Board has determined that the right-of-way should not be built since it lies within a natural drainage swa1e that extends to the east of the property. Also, the development of the adjoining property (to the east) does not require the construction of Cosden Court. Before the Planning Board releases the developer of his bond, it needs to know whether the Town will accept the dedication of a 50' by 20' parcel for drainage purposes. Because of the high groundwater table in the immediate area and the fact that the subject lot is part of a drainage swale that will remain contiguous with the swale on the adjacent property - the Planning Board strongly recommends to the Town that it accept the dedication. jd ~7 oq ti~~-~ / . ; <~~ JP/ -- ,/ 'x: " 0/, ~ /' ..- ,:~...., .......;;--~.._.... . ~?/ ! i I I i I I i ?j)~ I / 1\ i I ", o ~ "J , , , II V , I I . I N88Uv-1'::;,cn:=-z/o,':50 41,000 "j \ ::: ~! ) 5 ,/ ,/ " ( tv: 700.. ' - -." O<.;:S-iO "10/ , ",;::"." : A.V; -VI.. . O.Q-;'<::S ~i ,/ 206 .~ /' " -9 i\i ,4 ~/ . - ~ -':,"-; i , I , , 44.000 s.f - -- -,. '1 \ :5 "I cr3 /' /' - -:J1:l- " il i .c:~;" I I --+,-. I ! , , co c " ( 197 -20-- ) .- i\i 10/ --..... "'0 aJ "- (\J ..... "-' ~ (II ,--" / 6' ,-20- /. f ~ ~ I N ./ 202 keserved ;:0'- p05:;;ble fu+uY'tI,Y'o,,!d .------ 20/ g .q"l.OOO sf N \\J... '" -' I- :;:: :J ~ '44.\.XX) sf. -- ~ ~J \\l ( \ J ?' , '- ~ ^, \".. "", ~ , , ~ N N 1] to o .J r , ~ ~ to \[) , / ( 193 ------------- '- .- - i 44,OOO~of ltl .' <l' , r,--. " , " " ! N ~. "- , I , -... - !li g Q)' ~" . o \I) -a:> - -- :20-- fJ \\J .-- - --- I, "<0 --- RO"'b --.. File: '." ~ Mount Beulah Acres (Subdivisions) Drainage Highway (Town Depts.) l1li;nWll'l Committee (Town COi1':11"ittees) Planning Board (Towr, Depts.; . ~ I , -, , :j 'l . ~J ., <.. q J oJ) u' 'J ( ~:i :;=}r:;.'j..~)~FJd ~ q'\~l ~ , o , ',," o i 4' I , \, , :3r;N:J{\t.;! ->'. \ ~\ "7 Hl:;'inEY J.NnoW (J 0'. , " 'l -, :l. . n '. 0' , \j)' ',I . L__ _. "- I,t (J' ;f \ (, \ ' \ 0, \< -0 ....,-- '.l. $: <: it >"0 UJ 0, ~ \0; . I . ,/ " nN?fI(:j --- .~y, /........''', ~___'-.' --i oj' / ...',,' , ~..)tJ2I <<' (J ' . ~-ot1Oi 1 jl (jP" + ,