HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong Pond Estates . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK .,,=~ ~. , .... ti,':'. \~I tI\':. - ,ji;.. . Wi... ~--;~~ 00 --6 "'1 :11 'u' I :! I ji! .~ ; , . "'~ PATRICK G. HALPIN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTlVE SOUTH OLD mWN PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING LEE E. KOPPELMAN DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 February 2, 1989 Re: Subdivision Map of Long Pond Estates, Section Two Northeasterly corner of Laurel Avenue and Long Island Railroad, Arshamomaque, New York. Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Suffolk County Planning Commission at its regular meeting on February 1, 1989, reviewed the proposed subdivision plat, entitled, "Subdivision Map of Long Pond Estates, Section Two" referred to it pursuant to Section A14-24, Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code. After due study and deliberation it resolved to approve said map subject to the following three conditions deemed necessary for good planning and land use. 1. No lot line shall be changed in any manner at any future date unless authorized by the Town of Southold Planning Board. 2. The following requirements shall be taken to insure that the "open space areas" shown on this map remain as open space excluded from future development. a) A homeowners' association shall be formed, if one does not already exist, to manage all "open space areas". b) Assessment of the "open space areas" shall be based upon these areas being open space and/or recreational areas. Such areas should be given a "zero" assessment and the assessment records prepared both for the open space areas and all the affected properties within the subdivision show that the value of the open space areas is "reflected" on the tax rolls by adding the proportionate share of the value of the common property to the value of the remaining properties in the subdivision. c) The !Topen space areas" shall not be subdivided in the future or used for commercial purposes. d) The homeowners' association shall not use the "open space areas II as collateral for improvements within the subdivision. VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. Lt.. NEW YORK 11788 15161360-5192 ~ Subdivision Map of Long Pond Estates, Section Two , Page 2 it> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e) g) Dissolution of the homeowners' association shall be prohibited without the approval of the Town Board or Planning Board. The homeowners' association shall meet all requirements and regulations of the State Attorney General's office. (Refer to 13 ~~ N.Y.S.R.R. Parts 20, 21, and 22, issued by the New York State ~C" Department of Law). =.~':: ::1_.' to '" ~ These requirements are necessary not only to protect the taxpayers~'t of the Town of Southold but to prevent the county from having to 0",' acquire the property as the result of failure of the homeowners' ~ I': association to pay the taxes on the "open space areas" and put 0. r I these areas up for sale at an auction of tax delinquent parcels. :fg. ~n ::I"'C - o~ O::l~ tDc.r.{- "tl the ur~ to .:....or ... \ f) 3. Conditions 1 and 2 shall be filed as covenants and restrictions in office of the County Clerk on or prior to the granting of approval this subdivision. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Town Board or Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. Very truly yours, Arthur H. Kunz Acting Director of Planning l ( ., by D/{ir!{J Cj. Li/ld Charles G. Lind, Chief Planner Subdivision Review Division File: S-SD-77-18.1 CGL:mb Ene!. : Map cc: J. A. Kinsella, County Clerk ~ . r' ,-,.:,:,;-,~~ _~j<:--;~~~.-~ .=2,1,,/ '~_~~.-_" P.~'~~NIfG<B~~!f TO)V~N, O~F\ SOUT~q~D ~,,,,",,...j",.} S U FFO L K.CO U NTY ~.jJI . ,0~,Y ~J.:: :~:i ".>'./ ......~~::z:;~,.....- . Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 28,1988 Philip J. Cardinale Attorney at Law P.O. Drawer W Jamesport, NY 11947 RE: Long Pond Estates Section I SCTM # 1000-52-8-(1-4) 1000-55-7-(1-7) 1000-56-1(2.1-2.16 Dear Mr. Cardinale: '0 . ..~ . The Bond for the above named' subdivision expired as of September 26, 198~. Inasmuchas the outstanding work remains uncompleted, the Planning Board cannot recommend release of the Bond. Your coci-'z.::ation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Very trUly yours, be/nfil.d:t cY.4ou-di'~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR:O CHAIRMAN cc: Judith Terry Jay Schondebare jt .c ." _. 'Y~:-... .~>~~~ '~-"'':'Hl:~ .\...."-.ldos. APR 1 7 19 . COpy fOa YOUR mFORr,lATION T..- (:"'~ ~mriftold To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Report No. 583 From: John W. Davis Date: April I~, 1987 Re: Long Pond Estates - Section I Comments: Made inspection of header curb today for estimate of curb to be replaced due to poor workmanship, damage by owners equipment, etc. Replacement as of today will amount to 1258 L.F. in areas through- out the project and is approximately 19% of the estimated curb in the subdivision. Curb removal may be slightly increased as the replacement work continues due to no expansion joints being used in most of the curb. The 1258 L.F. was wheel measured. Field work done by R. Whitney, J. Davis and a foreman and helper from Mohring Enterprises, Inc. J)~ .~ cLh.rT~ ~ John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board vHighway Committee L. M. TUthill, P.E. . . To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Report No. 587 From: John W. Davis Date: April 22, 1987 Re: Long Pond Estates Homestead Acres Paradise-by-the-Bay Comments: 4/22/87 Long Pond Estates - No work today 4/22/87 Homestead Acres Placing recycled concrete base on area fine graded yesterday. Material from Lizza. Placed 15 loads @ 40~ tons = say 600 tons. Material to be compacted tomorrow with a vibratory roller. Crew and equipment (South Fork Asphalt) 3 man crew, payloader, grader and small roller. Found discrepancy in curb elevations - side to side on curve that turns into Inlet Pond Road. Contractor will check difference in curb heights. . 4/22/87 Paradise-by-the-Bay Continue rough grading - 3 man crew with dozer. Discussion with owner's superintendent on clearing limits. Stake out shows a few trees have been left within the 60 ft. R.O.W. which will be in conflict with the sand swales. Will have meeting with R. Mohring and his superintendent to resolve this matter. Provided the above trees are not entirely within the 12 ft. width of the swale, I would recommend leaving them in place. d~n~)aAM cc: Southold Town Planning Board y.-H.!gb:way Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. '''''~~~:ZJ~!~O :PR ;} 0 1987 ""..mold TOWI! Clerk . . To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Report No. 586 From: John W. Davis Date: April 21, 1987 Re: Long Pond Estates - Section I Homestead Acres Paradise-by-the-Bay Comments: 4/21/87 Long Pond Estates Owner started removal of damaged and poorly graded header curb today using a small backhoe and a 3 man crew. Curb marked for replacement is 1298 L.F. of which about 50% was done today. Additional lots have been staked out on Long Creek Drive. Will probably see builders moving in again. 4/21/87 Homestead Acres South Fork Asphalt started rough grading between curbs with a payloader, grader and a 3 man crew. Excess material being stockpiled on the site. Will bring in base material tomorrow. . 4/21/87 Paradise-by-the-Bay Excavation contractor continues to strip and stockpile topsoil. Clear- ing has been 90% completed. c9r1f,~c:Lko.; cc: Southold Town Planning Board ~ghway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. "'-;:e:ZIY~~ '~PR 30 1987 5outtIIIdTowa'Ie" ~,~~., 'l:J;i.. .1l._~';J'.J"". APR 1 7 1987 . COPY fOR YOUR INFOnMATIO~1 T..-- CI,,~ c:."rif1old To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Report No. 583 From: John W. Davis Date: April 14, 1987 Re: Long Pond Estates - Section I Comments: Made inspection of header curb today for estimate of curb to be replaced due to poor workmanship, damage by owners equipment, etc. Replacement as of today will amount to 1258 L.F. in areas through- out the project and is approximately 19% of the estimated curb in the subdivision. Curb removal may be slightly increased as the replacement work continues due to no expansion joints being used in most of the curb. - The 1258 L.F. was wheel measured. Field work done by R. Wnitney, J. Davis and a foreman and helper from Mohring Enterprises, Inc. d~ .~cLIa~d John W. Davis cc: South old Town Planning Board vRighway Committee L. M. TUthill, P.E. RECEMD . APR 1 7 1987 . COpy FOR YOUR INFORMATION T_ C'"", <mJthold To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Report No. 583 From: John W. Davis Date: April 14, 1987 Re: Long Pond Estates - Section I Comments: Made inspection of header curb today for estimate of curb to be replaced due to poor workmanship, damage by owners equipment, etc. Replacement as of today will amount to 1258 L.F. in areas through- out the project and is approximately 19% of the estimated curb in the subdivision. Curb removal may be slightly increased as the replacement work continues due to no expansion joints being used in most of the curb. The 1258 L.F. was wheel measured. Field work done by R. Whitney, J. Davis and a foreman and helper from Mohring Enterprises, Inc. o~.~o!J~ ~JOhn W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board ~ighway Committee L. M. TUthill, P.E. . . ----- "'-.. . 'Highway Department Town 01 Soulhold Peconic lane Peconic, N.Y. 11956 AA YMOND L JACOBS Superinlendent RECEIVED M.l\R .I 8 1987 Tel. 765.3140 . 734.5211 Town Cle'k South"'" March 14, 1987 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, N~w York 11971 Re: long Ponds Estates Section II Preliminary plan and profile dated 12/19/86 Dear Mr. Orlowski: The above noted plan and profile as submitted hilS most of the additions as called for in Report No. 542. The typical road section as shown on the profile sheet is not complete - should conform to Owg. No. SO-855. A drawing of the 8 ft. diam..x 8 ft. height leaching basins together with traffic type reinforced top slah and flat inlet cast- ing should he shown. It is assumed that the above profile, location and elevation, was field checked with end of work (curbs) at Section I as requested in Report No. 542. Re&IIY' RaymO~l. Jacobs Superintendent of Highways cc: . ......-r1"ighway Commi ttee l. M. Tuth i 11, P. E. J. W. Davis .Aile . ) ~ .. . . If;? /J( . ItJ /cfl~ ,9 s RECEIVm OCT 1 f: ,,..., Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 October 15, 1985 T.... CIerIr r ff...A&f Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: . Long Pond Estates Section I Dear Boardmembers: I note, with deep interest, a memo from the Town Clerk dated October 11, 1985 that the Board has accepted a bond in the amount of $350,000 issued by the Republic Insurance Company for the above subdivision. Your attention is directed to the fact that the surety failed to respond to our notice issued within the past year on Highland Estates; and, incidentally, was insuring Richard MOhring, one of the principals of this development. You will recall, also, that in the past year, we had a meeting where we discussed accepting only Letters of Credit or Passbooks to guarantee these obligations. I would appreciate your input. Very truly yours, l:!,~:~; ~,~'~~~6l Southold Town Planning Board dms _.' " , . T . . .. Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 RtCaVEI.t OCT 'I 5 '0~'( October 15, 1985 rown CIerti SoutIioId Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Inspections fees major subdivisions Dear Boardmembers: It is the consensus of the Planning Board to recommend to the Town Board that inspections fees for major subdivisions be increased from 5% of the approved bond estimate to 6%. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~~.LCtt ~Au.)l\.jolA/:; BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAi~N SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Town Board Town Attorney . . . .' . . T s RECEMp OCT 1 5 Lc~ Southold. N. Y, 11971 (516) 765-1938 October 15, 1985 lGWII Clerk Southold Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Inspection fees - site plans Dear Boardmembers: It is the consensus of the Planning Board to recommend to the Town Board that an inspection fee be established for review and inspections of all site plans, (ie. business, multiple dwellings, and industrial). The Board recommends that this fee be 05. cents per square foot of the gross area of the site, less the square footage of floor area in the proposed buildings. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~\Lw-rt Or~lD~, h cL'lK) BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAI~N SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Town Board Town Attorney r._ . . . . . T D Soulhold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 RlCEIVEl' OCT 1 ti I>' October 15, 1985 T...,. ......... C........... Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Landscaped Area Master Plan Update Dear Boardmembers: We wish to clarify our letter to your of October 11, regarding a percentage of landscaped area in Business, Office and Industrial Districts. The Planning Boards recommended percentages are to be the minimum requirements for landscaped areas in the above mentioned districts. Attached, for your review, is a copy of the proposed bulk and parking schedule showing our recommendations. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, 3J-~tk DY~\ [).y cLIP-' BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., ~HAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary attachment cc: Town Board Town Attorney RPPW s . /j:&J ~ /tJ /c2c:L . p T D RECEIVED OCT 1 1 ~tJ:,) Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 TOWft Clerk SouthoId October 11, 1985 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Master Plan Update Landscaped Area Dear Boardmembers: It is the consensus of the Planning Board to recommend that the catagory of "Landscaped Area" be included in the Bulk Schedule for Business, Office, and Industrial Districts, inthe Proposed Zoning Ordinance. The Board recommends the percentage of landscaped area to be as follows: Limited Business Hamlet Business General Business Marine Rec. 35% 15% 25% 15% Marine Business Light Indus/ Office Park Light Indus. 10% 30% 20% If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ OrLouJAlU-/ WcLrv.J BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Town Board Town Clerk Town Attorney RPPW "For minimum requirements for residential uses. refer first to Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Non-Residential Districts and then to appropriate indicated column in the Bulk Schedule. Residential Uses. .h~" t5}f'~ g;d~/ -C~, ~ . ~/x~() 73.a.5100 AREA CODE 516 JUN 3 inw_ l;i\.,~ ~~ 9 tJ. ~~ .P35 -c!~, ,A/W //.PS3.(J(JS.? ~4u +~~~ oos..s;ff ~ 94<We tJ.cdz., .~ S.?o?.? .~/-G;..... fi.- / -G;..... . :".....k. JKu. W""" 4Ad' 59~ /"..,. r.'r'''~t'j\ r~' '.'-....r i" lac Town Clen, Southc!,; June 1, 1983 Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town'Ball Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Cove Beach Associates Angel Shores Long Pond Estates Dear Mr. Raynor: Ithas come to my attention that a committee has now been formed to determine those subdivisions, major or minor, which shall be ex- cluded from the present zoning requirements dealing with two acre restrictions. In the light of the foregoing and due to the extreme hardship imposed if no exceptions are granted to the above named subdivisions, I would respectfully request that those above named be added to your hardship list. It is unreasonable to expect that exceptions be only granted on the basis of completed preliminary map approval. Such an approach failed to take into consideration the unduly length of time that has elapsed with respect to each of the above from initial submission to sketch plan approval. I trust that you and your committee will see the need for such exceptions in these'instances. RJC/jf cc: Southold Town Board Larry Murdock -. yours . ) . COUNCIL\lEN Henry W. Drum John J. Nickles Lawrence Murdock Jr. George R. Sullivan Southold, L. t, N. Y. 11971 Mr. Henry Raynor Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 . lELEPHONE (516) 765.1800 March 10, 1980 Dear Henry: The Southold Town Highway Committee has reviewed the map of .. Long Pond Estates .. and agrees with the Planning Board on swale drainage construction for the roads in this subdivision. cc: Town Clerk R. Dean G. Sullivan S:fince:y~ ~ J n J. ~ckles airman Highway Committee