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Mechanic Street
e e DISTRICT: 3 Southold TO: Petty Road FROM: l"lain Road ROAD NAME: Mechanic St OR : ODD 50 200 60 40 100 NAME .Dead End Petty Road /. {pl- 4 '3Q I?- r--~+-z , I 'ck ~~,.'t':J1.. ~ w. Quarty I "'R~' Herring "'.- '1~ ~20-- ~ -1-\, 50 Mechanic St East -.- 12~~~ \)I~l,:'t~~' 210 '--1 NOTES: $1 (.I.oJ." D.A.Rothman M ... t,f-'-I..3.f) ll'ld RI-Single familly res. R2-Multi familly res. R3-Combined res. & bus. 8lt AT POINT: A T POINT: RUNNING: SHEET !1 I * I FOOTAGJ * I "~ 780 7?0 640 Rl "8" 530 Rl 525 Rl 505 450 Rl 4M ,90 'lj>.b~ . .LL "BI€ Rl 265 220 170 50 IR~ r 351 o 51-Reta il trade B2-0ffices B3- Indus tria 1 Rl MAP # 108 DATE: Jan 11, 1968 N 12196 & E 197'" } COORDINATES N 12244 & E 19708 Southerly for 1070 feet: NAME EVEN I 1___ .t. .1m '" ~ R...rl . I U25' ~ R. Dickerson bl .. 'f-J( {.{.oJ./1. '130 1 /.', 't,/J Ln 5'5 Rl D. Smith Rl .-tWll11ams Rl '7~~v.:U't_~tl"\U -", 'u 61. "'I~/I '" Rl T17:3I(;e,t;)"''f-T#nel riP .. _ ':10 lB ~~~~)e\l"',?\c(6-.I(,. I ~5 Rl Rl Rl .. Smith HC jt6:.cC,~ ._ ...~_ Methodist ParsonaEe ~""'n 110 6/-'-/ ./6 I "" &,-~ 1 ~O -r __u_ I n ---- I Main Road PI-Public building P2-Municipal P3-Misc. l'i;'