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Lake Side Drive North
- ""~~~"" . e TO: rRRi=ll FROM: rpni=lT Rp~~h Road ROAD NAME: T.~kp ~inp nTivp OR : DATE: Julv 26. 1968 } COORDINATES feet: DISTRICT: ':l ~nllr'hnl n SHEET /1 67-1 AT POINT: AT POINT: RUNNING: MAP /1 108 N & E N & E North east for 1074 ODD NAME * FOO1'~ * NAME EVEN - -- , - ~ - , n.,,, - - ,..,,,,,nT _H Cj(J g,a' <::~i.~~".J-'_ ::T. 9"_"'<::' /Cllf) -"'<>. ... 'lIS 'At:; - . ) E: $Cfj IVi: I ])E"R 0,,_ ". fA 'R / 30 n...i"," . .rA6S 800 s-- .-l._ C ~" 1. l 5$ n;.. 323 .. -... 5'1 2AmT U,1<JO-"t- ;.. ~q<; -~ ~- . - '""J' ,,0:/,\ ~J ~ 11 00." ,S C 57 nOV 1 ':l ?f{]" YO - .,.. ,;a. 0:/'\0: - 1>'1 l: 0:/'\/'\ /.J . 'S S ,/ Q~ - S-y ; (" 10Sv Ann ", T ~-""'<1 1 q".~ ,~ 55 1 ?~u_~ "n ,.., ~~~ u< ".., ",,~,., '>,,0: ?A/'\ f(/AHJ <. - .. <.... . I Or..~-2 5'/ 120v , ,,,n ...., T T ,," 0".'2._1 53 -< '-17 ~- ':lito: H ~ -'f.:i..;)..... -.\I~ I~ 'l'"'"' \ ~. I - =- ~~ "''''''~~ 1>0 -, n ,..",.,~ l'lo~""'" ....,,~,., NOTES: RI-Single familly res. BI-Reta il trade PI-Public bu ild ing ~ 1-1 R2-Multi familly res. B2-0ffices P2-Municipal R3-Combined res. & bus. B3-Industrial P3-Misc.