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Gagens Landing Road
. e DISTRICT: ~ Southold Goose Creek 41 SHEET #1 TO: FROM: South St ROAD NAME: OR AT POINT: AT POINT: RUNNING: (Custer Ave extended) Gagens Landing Road 1>'.AP II 108 DATE: Dec. 16, 1967 N 11880 & E 19786 } N 11968 & E 1975'2 COORDINATES Southerly for 1440 feet: ~ n ODD NAME * FOOTAm * NAME EVEN - 1 r .r ---- r J -- Goose Creek 1440 ~ ~ \ - .. -- ~ - __n__ -- I L...360 -- 375 5'0 1. ----- J I 1015 Clearv1ew Ave 130 70~f03-o ~ M. ..\-<"':.10. Rl v 925 .!l.Lov I Rl{ 855 7'" '0 3~ p" ,j I" co..:\ elf,> 8J.o Iv 100t~ma.J. f(SbJ ^!.3H I ~ I V 7 '-IS 700 v Rl Rl I v 645' 600 v Rl 11. o;'nt\ ~Rl Rl V 4;" si(}) 1 f1;' I 110 7tln. . "D-1ckerson 100 E, n To'_ n '.' ~ ,.. EASZC"Z.f WSf< I 200 7(.'- JO-31 E. fOCINI\ 11'i' /0....; Ie. 35 ~ ^,. \ . 1'\. \"O.t>Y,!-' o . Rl . 295 Z'fO ~.-- 160 V Rl f?l VIe,5 / ",0 V 'RI / "S~ o 110 __ "1t/.IO-}v ";~ A.__"" L.,." .."'" . , _I-O-~~~\l\.a.'--:-\L v !IlL. ,,; '-.f ~I 110 ,50 NOTES: f..o-'t3f:'^, L\ (','+. ,\ ~'n'"SouthSt (Custer Ave ext) Ri-Single familly res. R2-Multi familly res. R3-Combined res. & bus. Bi-Retail trade B2-0ffices B3-Industrial rl-l L Clearv1ew Ave 50_ <SeA-H) e.Y>. hr>. 0 - L \ t'.. 7D' -. .[ lfJ- Z-'1J ..", I -,--, \ ~ r ~"b.J6, '10- , ....-<=. 3 / 0 (', ! c,~. .:lc;,.I~ rC-' D w 2."t.. ^ ... 100 . ., g. Butka..lich w.~.\.I.::o 1=1 L l~~"""'--'L-<'- ~ M.. j)A-MA'1:!/i5iLb . -- 100 100_ ...I. Ar-.I,\CEV -'70. 10-1 'J 1a>0 10-10.18 100 110 f( CI-{Ii--fA u ~~.,~,_ = /' ~70 ,0- '1' (,.,,,,,, '- "v.ll, " " c n.w- 'I::. C..,c,-\ e.- ~ 70'10- '" . /25 South St (Custer Ave Ext) 1 Pi-Public building P2-Municipal P3-Misc. ~\lt