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Birch Road
e . DISTRICT: ~ Bout.hold TO: Sound View Ave FROM: Chestnut Road ROAD NAME: Birch Road OR : , SHEET ~1 11+ YAP 'f qq DATE: DAc. 11, 191'i? AT POINT: N 121+01+ & E 19280 } AT POINT: N 12371+ & E 19320 COORDINATES RUNNING: Northerly for 69, feet: -...- - ODD NAME * FOOTAGE * NAME EVEN - - -- -- -- i - - 60 ~~ ViAV AVA ---- MI) =- '" AVA 60 II" P. tl[l'O we M i""'.....,~-..l V5'~. H', Tel '-55 - 670 ,_ """'--:EU G.D.Purt.ell "!'/..::. '1- 1<./ 61) - '-loD P. B~lyaB1s ~'<l-'.i. R~ . tiljfi ./ - G e SZc..Z LI. V\ c: k, it .JL f"" ,80 V- RI -~. Guerrin t) c/-Q -I" 7, ---- v / 1)00 I. ----RI 1l' u ~ M.M~Jq'il1,\ ~_,_ II 160 100 ..-M..J_M~ , t<t ,,/""""- .:....-/~S~1 \ 1+4, - ~ '2-10 RI 440 RI R. Dillenbeck !it/- q - 17 ,0 . ~80 Pi nA Rn>:H'I 1)0 - 90 nil. GalZen L/ 5,- ;>-11 RI 325' 300 Rl ('(FM ,n.r.i.'!;-'? (r.7 ~oo .. '0'--. ...... ,0 . - Wesland Road ='':\, - - 4~0 l--:4r4oz.I D. .- "".:1- ;)1 RI 17, !;;)()..lp.i).'//,';Os :r: L- loCI- J .~. 75 +-- ------ Chestnut Road 0 Chestnut Road NOTES: RI-Single familly res. BI-Reta il trade PI-Public bu ild ing 3! *' 1+ R2-Multi familly res. B2-0ffices P2-Municipal R3-Combined res. & bus. B3-Industrial P3-Misc.