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Birch Lane
e e DISTRICT: ~7A Clltchoque TO: Glp.!nn CnnrT.. FROM: nnck Pond Ro~d ROAD NAME: RTRCH TJl.NF. OR : SHEET /1 q . MAP /f DATE: AT POINT: N & E } COORDINATES AT POINT: N & E RUNNING: N&W for r ->~ _L,' feet: ODD NAME * FOOTA<;lli * NAME EVEN -..- -..- ---- - - . -..-- ----- . *** "nrl *** ~ "'7~ ----- 760 ~ *** Dead E~Q *** .. . . ~o *** r!'___ *** - '755 j ----- - ----- ~-l-;;l(p '^^ c..o~rDv1q I -:1:\ .,~" ., OT 70<; . . (. /Yl '" L 11ll" K... g !l-I- .;lS '0 125. V .~-0 --- ---- n-l-~i( , r-~110 <;<;0 R. Lark .. .~ - .. ----- ..140 V ~... -=l~.;...I:n.~ 535 --- ----- '-150 =1'3'1 ~ LA~K.. 1l~' - ~rsr-;- ~ . 110 - -- ,,-- _ 10" 4fs ~ IU~ l~l-J=;t; 1\ \ lf05 ...~oo ft. 1< - ---- '&~-,- ~~ .. M. FiRRi&an ~T .,,,,, ~\>,\'<Z.OLOL(( ..~ ()-() ,1("",- O^/Gl..u. G '13-/-;;"i\ 1 2.'ilL v I , ~<"B"1>-1"31l . ~-, RI ''7& _~ .. -.' CO""'~u -~ T .'U - T 50 \, )/11'\",,,,,,, C ~3-1-d,1 (" ]')0 V .v JIlt \F\-1l\ Rc;;rT/;c :r- OT 5~ .1.':10 - **7 " *** ...~-'" - *** '7...,." *** bond Rn;:l" *** - NOTES: RI-Single familly res. BI-Retail trade Fl-Public building , 1 ~ 9 R2-Multi familly res. B2-0ffices P2-Municipal R3-Combined & bus. B3-Industrial P3-Misc. Of,' V 3/~ ,..<.~., res. ' p