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Bay Road
e e DISTRICT: TO: FROM: ROAD NAME: OR: Greenport #4 Inlet Lane Sandy Beach Road (S/end of loop) BAY ROAD SHEET #: 5 AT POINT: N 13346 AT POINT: N 13314 RUNNING Norther 1 y MAP #: 107 & E 21098 & E 21088 for 460 feet DATE: Feb. 19.1968 ~ COORDINATES ODD NAME . FOOTAGE . NAME EVEN Inlet Lane Inlet Lane 50 Sandy Beach Road *** 505 460 R1 Racanelli, J 43-5-7 111 -- Fiedler, B 43-4-39 R1 405 400 R1 Sonner. D 43-5-8 125 100 Fiedler, J 43-4-40 R1 355 75 Fiedler, J 43-4-41 R1 305 57 Cox, T 43-4-42 R1 245 240 R1 Armstronq, G 43-5-9 120 50 Moller, H 43-4-43 R1 185 50 Geroulanos, B 43-4-44 R1 135 100 Price, W 43-5-10 100v 100 Smith. R 43-4-45 R1 55 50 R1 Bako. B 43-5-13 .1 85 20 R1 Clerke, L 43-5-12 57 Slend of loop- Sandy Beach R ad 0 Sandy Beach Road NOTES: R1 - Single family res. 81 - Retail trade P1 - Public building R2 - Multi family res. 82 - Offices P2 - Municipal R3 - Combined res. & bus. 83 - Industrial P3 - Misc. -.- -------