HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-15.-9-10.1, 11.1... (5) 2: o .. ;:;; zl-- o~ Cl W I-- ..,,; U o .....J -0:[;:; r>::W ou.. n..W Vl~ -..,,; 2::::> 0- ..: V) ..J 0.. r..J J--. v-, Vl - :r: % I- .......... ._~;.:........ ... . ~",,' ,'/" j", ~ ---.... . { \-.---. ...-.--.- (.. .~ Zoning Board of Appeals (written c?mments within 60 days of request) Board of Trustees I SITEPL\N Presub mission conference (within 30 days or written request) Complete application received (within <1 months or presub. conrerence) Application reviewed at work session [Within 10 c1avs of receipt) Applicant advised of necessary revisions (within 30 days of revielv) Revised sub mission received Lead Agency Coorclinalion SEQRA determination I a a a REFERRED TO: Building Department (certification) . Suffolk County Department of Planning Department of Transportation -State Department of Transportation - County Suffolk County Depl. of Health fire Commissioners RECEI VED: Draft Covenants and Restrictions Filed Covenants and Restrictions Landscape plan Lighting plan Curb Cut apprOval Health aprnoval !)r;lin;l~e plan Reviewcd by Engincer Approval of site plan -with conditions Endorsement or site'plan .-.......... Certificate or Occupancy inspeclion One year reviclv jf-J-11 ~ ~ . 1;.~.[llo:< I /1- '3 - 11 [iimlr.:;-] I~~ I""J IOK I '''roo I,el@ pwrj[;;;71 ~~ ~ I;~.'I EJ IC&Rl f'OO1l[;;;71 ~~ ~~ll~ [iiml1QKl ~~ Sent: Received: I~.ll~ ~~.j~ f'OO1lCl l!.'!'!J~ 1,~.lI0 b~.Ll~ ~~ 1'Wllf.::l ~~~ I ~jloKl rlfM .1 r----, FROt1 : SOUTHOI.D TOWN PLRNN I BOARD :C>LANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI. JR. Cba1nnan WIWAM J. CREMERB KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE Rl'1'CHIE LATHAM. JR. RICHARD G. WARD FRX NO. : 516 765 3136 Sep. 21 1999 02:22PM P2 . , Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southolel, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765.3136 T.l.phone(516)7~1938 ~1P Date Received Po Dat~ completed R K Filing Fee PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPUCA110N FOR CONSIDERA11ON OF A SITE PLAN ) x New -Change of USIl -Rt!-use -Extension = Revision of Approved SIte Plan Name of Business or Site: Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. SCTM": 1000- 15 9 10.1. 11.1. 15.1 NYS Route 25. Orient, New York Lo<:ation: Address: Fq) OCT 25 1:1;);1 Name Of Applicant: Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. PO Box 33, New London. CT 06320 Address of Applicant: Telephone: Dwnerof LanCl: 860-443-7394 rrnC!c ~n1tnA li'OT'TJT C:ortT; f'OC! Tnt" . Southold Town Planning Board Agent or Person responsible for appllcatlon: AddreSS: Inter-Science Research Associates, Inc. 'On 'Rnv l?nl. c::n1l....h~mpt-nn. NY l1QhQ_l?nl Telephone: Site plans prepared by: 516;'283-5958 U<:ense No. Inter-Science Research Associates, Inc. and John RaynorA P.E., L.S., PC. V'3]""nT' _ 04~318 Address: TelePllone: Inter-Science Research Associates. Inc. PO Box 1201, Southampton, NY 11969-1201 John Ravnor. P.E.. L.S.. PC.. Deerfield Green, PO Box 720, Water Mill, NY 11976 . . STATE OF CONNECTICUT) )SS: 0& ,;\1 \ q99 COUNTY OF NO.:'l\......W I ADAM WRONOWSKI, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at d... '\~.;c "-f;S1t>It;Hafnn in the State of Connecticut, and that he " is the owner of the above property, or that he is the V,>-..P/ Pt.li!.6iJP~ofCross Sound Ferry Services, Inc., the corporate owner of the subject parcels, making this applications; that there are no existing structures, or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and the name of the owner is shown on said Pian; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. The foregoing averments and this application are subject to an ongoing reservation of rights as set forth in the pending litigation and other communications between the parties and is in furtherance of the settlement of said litigation. :;~;;p;:;;;;;;; Adam WroooWski Sworn to before me this ~ ,,.t- day of October 1999 ~ ~.W~~ Notary Public ~ ~_'M4~~Cl", "'1f','(Ue. 9/30/ ;IdOl FROM : SQUTHOLD TOIJt, PLANt,. BOARD FA>~ NO. 516 765 3136 . Sep. 21 1999 02:2~1 P4 ..s : . Pave 3 : PIonnInQ Board SIm PIon APIllicltlon 4.06 Acres Total Land Area Of Site lacres or squalll feet! MIl zoning DlJtIict ExIstlngUseofSlte Ferry Terminal, Snack Bar and Parking. Proposed Uses on Site. Show ,U uses proposed and exIStIng. indicate which building will nave which use. If more than one use Is proposed per building. Indicate SQuare foOtage of floor area that will be reserwd per use. No change from existinl2: - refer t"n FAl<' ArlAoT"lt=lu<m s . fCroSS Roor Ifta of Eldsting structur8lsl CI'OIS Roof Am of Proposed Structurelsl pen:ent of Lot CCMlraCI8 bY Bulldlnglsl Pen:ent of Lot for ParIcIng lwhere 8JlPUcablel Pert:ent of Lot fOr LandlCllPlnglwhll'll applJeableI Refer to EAF Addendum . Has applk:ant been granted a var1ance andlor special exception by No Board of Appealt - Case # & date . No Board of TrustHa . case # Ie date Nn r<< State Department of enVIronmental conselll8tion - case # 8< date Nn Suf'foIk County Department HeaItt1 services. Case # " date N / A case Number NI A NamI of APpIlCllnt N I A Date of Dec:IsIon 1J I . expiration Date N/A other 1J n WID any toxk; or hlZllrdous matell8lS. IS c1el'lned by the SUffOlk county IlolIrd of HnItI'l. be stDI'IKI or hanClled at the site? N / A If SO, have proper permits been obtained? Nt A Name of IsIulng ..,cy N / A Number and date of permit Issued. NO ACTION facAYA710N 0Ii CONST1NCTIONJ AlAY BE UNDERTAKEN UNT1J. APPROVAl OF SITE PLAN BY PJANNJNa BOARD. VIOJA'TOf/S ARE SUBJECT' 10 PROSEClJT/ON. \ EUZABETH A. NEVillE, TOWN CLERK RECEIPT Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 I /. CI.. \ Phone: 516-765-1800 DATE 0 /1---7 19 RECEIVEDOF:&O /1.0 (~'J~~~ I $ ;;oo.~ FOR~4-;/p /J~ t2rr(p~ ~3~9 075903 o CASH ~CHECK I ~ ::3 ~ BE'5 WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD . PLANNING BOARD MEM4s BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chainnan Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 21, 2000 Adam Wronowski, Vice President Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. PO.Box 33 New London, CT 06320 Re: January 18,2000 Submission of revised Conceptual Assisted Parking Plan Cross Sound Ferry Terminal, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-15-9-10.1, III & 15.1 Dear Mr. Wronowski, This letter is in response to the January 18th submission ofa revised Conceptual Assisted Parking Plan for the above-referenced site. Included with this submission was a three and a half page narrative description (labeled For Discussion Purposes Only) of the Assisted Parking Procedures that are proposed to take place at the Orient terminal. As per your request, this material was discussed with the Planning Board members, along with your request that the I" = 20' scale requirement be waived for the Conceptual Assisted Parking Plan. The Planning Board wishes to bring the following to your attention: I. The revised Conceptual Assisted Parking Plan, dated January 13,2000, differs from the last submission, dated October I, 1999, in one major respect: the addition of eleven (II) cars to the proposed layout and the inclusion of a three and a half page narrative description (labeled For Discussion Purposes Only) of the Assisted Parking Procedures that are proposed to take place at the Orient terminal. However, no explanation was provided as to why an increase in the proposed Assisted Parking Plan was being proposed. 2. Perhaps more importantly, the cover letter states "If this submission is found to be acceptable in terms of it's ultimate implementation, we will direct the surveyor to complete the conforming parking plan for the properties, as requested in your prior correspondence to complete the site plan submission package." As per the Chairman's last conversation with you (pursuant to the judge's ruling this past fall), the Planning Board cannot proceed without a complete site plan application. Nor can the Board grant preliminary approvals or advise as to the "acceptability" of an Assisted Parking Plan in the absence of a site plan containing all relevant technical information required by the law, otherwise known as a complete application. .. In addition to the attached $600.00 check made payable to the Town of Southold, I am enclosing the folIowing items as part of the New Site Plan Application Package: . 9 Copies ofa Completed Site Plan Application Form; . 9 Prints of the Proposed Site Plan titled "Proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan", Dated October, 1999*; . 9 Copies ofa Completed Long Environmental Assessment Form*; . 9 Copies of the Addendum to the Environmental Assessment Form; and . 9 Copies of the Project Narrative. * Bound Within The Addendum to the Environmental Assessment Form. It is my understanding that upon your review of the enclosed materials, we wilI be contacted for further discussion. Thank you for your consideration. RespectfulIy Submitted, C\~L~~. Richard Erik Warren, AICP President REW: ENC. COPY: Adam Wronowski, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. William Esseks, Esq. Eugene GulIand, Esq. Frank Yakoboski, Esq. INTER:SCIENC[ . . ~;fK e~ PROJECT NARRATIVE for the NEW SITE PLAN APPUCATION FOR Southold Town Planning Board CROSS SOUND FERRY SERVICES, INe. Orient, Town of South old Suffolk County, New York October, 1999 . . . Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. requests site plan approval from the Southold TownPlanning Board for the existing and on-going operations currently occurring at the project site. In addition, Cross Sound seeks approval (and a waiver of the dimensional parking requirements as specified in the Town Code under Section 100-191) for the long term parking of the maximum number of vehicles on the Snack Bar and West parcels as shown on the submitted drawing titled "Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan". With the submission of the Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan, it is understood that ifparking exceeds 147 and 235 vehicles on the West and Snack Bar Parcels, respectively, Cross Sound Ferry Services will provide special assistance so that vehicles do not become trapped or blocked-in. This new application does not propose any changes or improvements to (I) the physical conditions of the site, nor to (2) on going operations of the project sponsor as the site has been employed since July, 1995. In 1984/85 and in 1995, the applicant submitted site plan applications involving two distinct portions of the project site (1984/85 - proposed improvements to the Terminal Parcel; 1995 - proposed improvements to the West Parcel). On both occasions, the Planning Board reviewed these proposals and issued approvals. The Snack Bar Parcel has not previously been the subject of a formal site plan application to the Town Planning Board. However, said Snack Bar parcel has been used for the purposes offood preparation/service, administration and parking since prior to 1970. In July, 1995, the Town sought an injunction to halt the use of the foregoing three-parcel site by a passenger-only vessel operated by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. pending an additional site plan application to the Town Planning Board pursuant to Town Code Article XXV, Section 250. This litigation has continued and during its pendency, the vehicle and passenger-only vessels have continued to operate on said site. Each of the two former approved site plans (approved in 1984/85 & 1995), independently, are being and have been used in a manner essentially consistent with their approvals. However, when INTER:SCIENCE . . examining the entire project site as a whole (all three parcels combined), questions were raised by Town officials as to whether the current operation is consistent with the prior site plan approvals. Therefore, the enclosed new application requests that the Town review the current layout/design of the entire project site - all three parcels, and issue (or re-issue) site plan approval to allow the on- going operation to continue on the site as constructed. Furthermore, this new application requests that the Town approve the parking plan for the Snack Bar Parcel and the West Parcel as proposed on the enclosed site plan titled "Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan". The site plan application, originally submitted in April, 1996, which included the above three parcels (plus a parcel commonly referred to as the "Trust Parcel"), currently pending before the Town Planning Board, is herewith withdrawn without prejudice to future re-submission and any right that may have accrued to Cross Sound Ferry if the owner is so inclined, so that the review of the enclosed new site plan/application can now commence. . '- RESEARCH ASSOCIA lES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I Addendum and Full Environmental Assessment Form for the NEW SITE PLAN APPLICATION FOR C r 0 S S SOU n d Fer r y S e r V ice s, Inc. Orient, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Submitted To: Town of Southold Planning Board Town Hall Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 PreDared For: Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc c/o Esseks, Hefter & Angel, P.C. 108 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 PreDared By: Inter-Science Research Associates, Inc. Planning & Development Consultants 36 Nugent Street, P.O. Box 1201 Southampton, New York 11969-1201 Date PreDared: October, 1999 l~ Southold Town Planning Board INTEI{5CIENCI: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Preamble to the Environmental Assessment Form and Addendum. On July 14, 1995, the Southold Town Planning Board passed a resolutiont directing Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. to submit a site plan application for their Orient facility, to describe the ongoing operations of their water carrier service. Said Planning Board questioned whether the operation of the "Sea Jet", a high speed passenger-only vessel, might affect parking and traffic concerns. While Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. consistently has taken the position that no site plan approval is necessary, as a matter of law or fact, Cross Sound agreed to prepare a plan in hopes of amicably settling any dispute. It had been suggested by the Court, during the initial Court proceedings in July, 1995, that Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. attempt to secure additional sites for parking, to alleviate the Town asserted potential for on-street parking along New York State Route 25 in Orient. After completion of the necessary surveys, plans, etc., on April 11, 1996, a formal Site Plan application was filed with the Town of SouthoId by Cross Sound Ferry Services Inc. Said Site Plan application, as submitted to the Town, included a parcel located immediately to the east (known as the "Trust" parcel) and said application proposed to utilize this vacant, cleared site for parking in conjunction with the parking already occurring on the adjacent Snack Bar Parcel. Subsequent to the April, 1996 submission, the history of this application includes: (1) the issuance of a Positive Declaration from the Planning Board resulting in the submission of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement addressing the issues identified during the SEQRA scoping process; and (2) on-going litigation involving the Town, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. and a local environmental organization titled "Southold Citizens for Safe Roads, Inc.,,2. The April 11, 1996 submission is on-going. However, with the submission of the enclosed new site plan application, it is understood that the 1996 application is being simultaneously withdrawn without prejudice to its resubmission and any right that may have accrued to Cross Sound Ferry. Since July, 1995, the Sea Jet has operated as part of the on-going service provided by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. to those of the public who choose to be their customers. Over this period of time, both the Town of South old and the Applicant have had the opportunity to observe parking patterns, traffic issues and the Town has reviewed its original July, 1995 assumption that the introduction of the Sea Jet service would necessarily require additional parking. Based upon reviewing parking and traffic patterns on Route 25 and on site during 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc has concluded that additional parking on the Trust Parcel is not genuinely an element of the services provided by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. since 1995. Accordingly, with the submission of the new enclosed application and site plan, the Trust Parcel has been eliminated from the proposal and all long-term parking is now being proposed to take place on the Snack Bar Parcel and the West Parcel. This action does not waive Cross Sound Ferry's right to re-submit this issue at a future time. I Cross Sound Feny SeIVices, Inc. asserts in on-going litigation and will continue to assert that Town Code Section 100-250 is unconstitutional, as so found by the Southold Town Justice court in 1998. 2 The section titled "History of Previous Proposals" located in the main portion of this Addendum contains an inclusive outline of related events that have taken place since the subject application was submiued on April 11, 1996. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents. ~ Preamble to the Environmental Assessment Form and Addendum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i Table of Contents ................................................................... ii I. Project Site Location, Size and Boundaries. ............................................. I 2. Description of the Proposed Action. ................................................... I 3. Background of the Project Site and a Brief History of the Previous Proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 (A) Background of the Project Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (B) History of the Previous Proposals. ..............................................4 4. Descri.p.tion of the Existing and Proposed Operations. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 (1\) Existing Operations. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 (B)ProposcilOperations. .......................................................11 5. Natural Resources - An Inventory and Analysis of the Project Site's Principal Natural Resources. .... 12 (A) Surface Soils apd Topography. ...,.:......:................................... 12 ~.I~ Surface Soils & Topography: EXIsting Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 (B) G~~:,~i~s.~. ~~~~~~:: ~~~~.~~ ~~ ~t.~~~o.~~. ~~~~.sed Site. Pian...... l~ (I) Groundwater: Existing Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 (C) ~~~~w~~~~~:.~I~~~~~~.t~.~~.~~t.~~~~~~:~~.Sit~Plan::::::::::: l~ (1) Surface Water: Existing Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 (2) Surface Water: Relationship to the Current Operation & Proposed Site Plan . . . . . . . . .. 16 (D) Drainalle. ............................................................... 17 (1) Drmnage: Existing Condition. ............................................. 17 (E) ~~:~;~~e.: .~~~~~~.t~.~~.~~~~~~~~~~:~~sed.Site:lan:::::::::::::: g ~p Vegetation: Existing Condition. ........................................... 17 (F) *rlj'1e~ta~~~:.~~~~~~~ ~o. ~e. ~~~~ ~.~~~~.~ ~.~~~. ~i.t~ ~~~ . : : : : : : : : : : :: ig (I) Wildlife: Existing Condition. ............................................. 20 (E)~~~:if~:.~~~~~.p.~o.~.e.~~~~~~~~~.~~~.~it~~~~::::::::::::::: n (I) Wetlands: Existing Condition. ............................................ 23 (2) Wetlands: Relationship to the Current Operation & Proposed Site Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 6. Land Use and Zoning: An Inventory and Analysis of Land Use, Zoning and Land Use Plans On and In the Vicinity of the Project Site. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 (A) Land Use. ............................................................... 24 (1) Land Use On and In the Vicinity of the Project Site - Existing Condition. . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 (2) Land Use On and In the Vicinity of the Project Site. Relationship to the Current Operation&ProposedSitePlan............................................ 25 (B) Zoning. ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 (1) ZOning On and In the Vicinity of the Project Site - Existing Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 (2) Zoninll On and In the Vicinity of the Project Site - Relatioiiship to the Current ()peration&ProposedSitePI3n...................................... ..... 26 (C) Land Use Plans. .......................................................... 26 (1) Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and the State Coastal Management Program. . 26 (2) Peconic Bay Estuary Program. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 (3) Critical Environmental Area Designation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 7. Traffic Assessment of the Existing Cross Sound Ferry Operation. ............................ 29 8. Regulatory Jurisdiction Over the Current OperationIProposed Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 REFERENCES APPENDICES. Jrull EnVIronmental Assessment Form - Part One ENCLOSURES. MaXImum Unassisted Parking Plan ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. PROJECT SITE LOCATION. SIZE AND BOUNDARIES. As shown on the "Project Site Location Maps", the project site consists of the following three parcels of land located at the eastern tenninus of State Route 25 in the Hamlet of Orient in the Town of Southold, New York: Tax Mao Number 1000-15-9-10.1 1000-15-9-11.1 1000-15-9-15.1 Parcel Name West Terminal Snack Bar Acreae:e 1.20 Acres 1.40 Acres 1.46 Acres Existine: Use Overt1ow Long Tenn Parking Tenninal Biding; Vehicle Staging Snack Bar; Long Tenn Parking Anticipated Future Use Same Same Same TOTAL PROJECT SITE SIZE. 4.06 Acres (West Parcel, Terminal Parcel & Snack Bar Parcel) State Route 25, a public right of way, actually runs through the Cross Sound operation, tenninating at the water, physically separating the Tenninal Parcel from the Snack Bar Parcel. Excluding State Route 25, the project site (all three parcels) is approximately 4.06 acres in size. Based upon air photos and confirmed by site inspection, the project site is bounded by the following (excluding State Route 25): To the North ....... Residential Development, Public Open Space; To the West. . . . . . .. Plum Island Ferry Terminal and Parking Area; To the South ....... Gardiner's Bay and Beach; To the East ........ Vacant Parcel. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION. Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. requests site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board for the existing and on-going operations currently occurring at the project site. In addition, Cross Sound seeks approval (and a waiver of the dimensional parking requirements as specified in the Town Code under Section 100-191) for the long term parking of the maximum number of vehicles on the Snack Bar and West parcels as shown on the submitted drawing titled "Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan". With the submission of the Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan, it is understood that if parking exceeds 147 and 235 vehicles on the West and Snack Bar Parcels, respectively, Cross Sound Ferry Services will provide special assistance so that vehicles do not become trapped or blocked-in. This new application does not propose any changes or improvements to (1) the physical conditions of the site, nor to (2) on going operations of the project sponsor as the site has been employed since July, 1995. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ . i: :~ :.It ~E ~ .. ~ (ij 'J') Q ce. ~ ~ ~ .. Z :t .. 0 iii - Vl ~ C. .. .. ~ ce. Q '<. ~ 0 :t u ~ '" .. .. ....:l .. :t 0 Vl ~ ....... ..... <- to t.:J ~ o ....:l . ... "" ~ 0 0: Iol Ol "5 . ol;i} ... "" ~ ~ . .. ~ "" -.: 0 "= Project Location Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii! Q :i ~I~ ~ :.~ J j . 0 = . Ii g t=:1 ." i:l I . ". T.... .., ~\ '. \ .... ~ ""It .~.. -. ". .; '/'" '. ' . ./ J. '. @ ,,0 .~ ~, .. Detail-Project Location Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In 1984/85 and in 1995, the applicant submitted site plan applications involving two distinct portions of the project site (1984/85 - proposed improvements to the Terminal Parcel; 1995 - proposed improvements to the West Parcel). On both occasions, the Planning Board reviewed these proposals and issued approvals. The Snack Bar Parcel has not previously been the subject of a formal site plan application to the Town Planning Board. However, said Snack Bar parcel has been used for the purposes of food preparation/service, administration and parking since prior to 1970. In July, 1995, the Town sought an injunction to halt the use of the foregoing three-parcel site by a passenger-only vessel operated by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. pending an additional site plan application to the Town Planning Board pursuant to Town Code Article XXV, Section 250. This litigation has continued and during its pendency, the vehicle and passenger-only vessels have continued to operate on said site. Each of the two former approved site plans (approved in 1984/85 & 1995), independently, are being and have been used in a manner essentially consistent with their approvals. However, when examining the entire project site as a whole (all three parcels combined), questions were raised by Town officials as to whether the current operation is consistent with the prior site plan approvals. Therefore, the enclosed new application requests that the Town review the current layout/design of the entire project site - all three parcels, and issue (or re-issue) site plan approval to allow the on-going operation to continue on the site as constructed. Furthermore, this new application requests that the Town approve the parking plan for the Snack Bar Parcel and the West Parcel as proposed on the enclosed site plan titled "Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan". The site plan application, originally submitted in April, 1996, which included the above three parcels (plus a parcel commonly referred to as the "Trust Parcel"), currently pending before the Town Planning Board, is herewith withdrawn without prejudice to future resubmission if the owner is so inclined, so that the review of the enclosed new site plan/application can now commence. 3. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT SITE & A BRIEF HISTORY OF PREVIOUS PROPOSALS. (A) BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT SITE. Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. has operated the federally licenced Orient Point passenger and vehicular carrier service since 1975, when it was 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I purchased from the New London Freight Lines. Records indicate that marine shipping and passenger service has existed at this site since the late 1700's. Vehicular carrier service to New London, CT began in the early 1930's. Interest in vehicular carrier service was slow at first, however, by 1948, demand had risen. In response, by 1950, two new vessels were purchased and the number of trips rose to six per day in an effort to meet the apparent demand. Due to continuing increase in demand, New London Freight Lines increased service from two vessels to three while also increasing the number of trips to nine a day. Demand has continued to steadily rise over the years, as has the number of vessels and the number of trips needed per day. Currently Cross Sound Ferry Services operates 2 to 6 boats year-round and makes approximately 8 to 26 round-trips per day between Orient Point, NY and New London, CT, depending on demand. As the demand for service increased over the past 50 years, so has the need to satisfy Cross Sound's federal law obligation to accommodate the growing number of passengers, vehicles and freight. Historically, from the 1950's, parking was primarily limited to the shoulders of Route 25 and portions of what are now known as the Snack Bar and Terminal Parcels. Both the main section of the snack bar building and the small shack (located just to the north of the boat ramp) existed as far back as 1955 and were used in association with the carrier operation. To meet demand, a larger ramp was constructed between 1969 - 1978 (directly adjacent to the original ramp) to accommodate larger vessels. By 1978, the parking areas on the Terminal and Snack Bar Parcels appeared to occupy large areas. The mid-1980's represented the time period when the most sweeping changes occurred to the Cross Sound properties. From 1984 - 1985, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc., received approvals from the SoutholdZoning Board of Appeals, the Planning Board and the Building Department for the construction of a two story terminal and a large asphalt vehicular staging area encompassing the entire property (now appropriately referred to as the Terminal Parcel). The 1988 air photo shows that almost all of the area occupied by the Snack Bar Parcel was used for parking. In May, 1995, approximately ten years after Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. constructed their new terminal and staging area, they received approval from the Town Planning Board & County Health Dept. to build a 69 car gravel overflow parking area to the west of the terminal building on the lot now commonly referred to as the West Parcel. The 1996 air photo shows that approximately 75% of the West Parcel was cleared for the construction of the 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I subject parking area. The existing residence located on the southern tip of the parcel was not disturbed by the subject construction and remains on the site today. To accommodate the increase in demand for services and to maintain an acceptable level of service on the auto canying vessels, in mid-July 1995, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. began operation of the Sea Jet, a 400 seat passenger- only vessel. As demand for services increased, competition for parking space concurrently increased. Complaints were filed that vehicles were occasionally parking along State Route 253. In response, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. proposed to build a 155 car parking area on their vacant and un-used adjacent property located to the east of the Snack Bar. However, this proposal met resistance from the Town and some local residents. Consequently, with the submission of this document, along with the revised site plan, Cross Sound Ferry Service's Inc. is not presently seeking any approvals with respect to the Trust Parcel. (B) HISTORY OF THE PREVIOUS PROPOSALS. With respect to the existing project site and current day to day operations, the following three previous proposals submitted by the Project Sponsor to the Planning Board stand out as being the most relevant: (1) Proposed Terminal Building and Vehicular Staging Area (proposed 1984); (2) Proposed Overflow Parking Area on the West Parcel (proposed 1995); (3) Proposed Parking Area on the Trust Parcel (proposed 1996). The following text provides details of the above referenced proposals. (1) ProDosed Terminal Buildine and Vehicular Sta2ine Area (1984). In 1984, in response to increasing demand, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. proposed to build a comprehensive ticketing and staging facility for their operation. The ticketing facility consisted of a 2 story terminal structure housing a ticket counter, 2 bathrooms, a lounge/waiting room, a utility room and office space. Exterior changes to the site primarily consisted of the installation of a paved vehicular staging area, paved entrance and exit driveways, paved short-term parking, stormwater drainage structures, a sanitary system and landscaping. The entire proposal was located on one parcel (SCTM 1000-15-9-11) - now commonly referred to as the Terminal Parcel. Upon reviewing the proposal, the Southold Planning Board established themselves as Lead Agency and determined that the proposal would not have a significant impact on the environment. Accordingly, approvals were issued from the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and the Building Department without encountering significant opposition. 3 Parking conducted in a legal manner, as per Applicant's legal counsel. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (2) ProDosed Overflow Parkin!! on the West Parcel (1995). Prior to 1995, long-term parking was primarily restricted to the Snack Bar Parcel. As demand for services increased, the area available for vehicular parking on the Snack Bar Parcel was no longer adequate. Consequently, in 1995, Cross Sound Ferry Services proposed to construct a long-term parking area on their adjacent western parcel (commonly referred to as the West Parcel). In specific, the proposal involved the construction of a 69 car gravel parking area (22,000 s.f.), 2 french drainage basins (2,200 s.f., combined area), approximately 3 75l.f. of wooden walkway (4' wide), lighting and landscaping. The proposal would result in the clearing of approximately 75% of the site, including the demolition and removal of an existing garage located just inside the western property line of the site. Similar to the 1985 proposal, upon reviewing the application, the Southold Planning Board established themselves as Lead Agency and determined that the proposal would not have a significant impact on the environment. Accordingly, approvals were issued from the Planning Board, the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation and the Building Department without encountering significant opposition. (3) Proposed Parkin!! Area on the Trust Parcel (1996). As a result of the expanding tourism base on Long Island and in the southeastern Connecticut region, Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. began to see more walk-on passengers (those individuals traveling without their cars) utilizing the vehicle-carrying vessels. As more walk-ons began to use the service, parking demands at the Orient Point terminal increased along with the demand for seating accommodations on board the vessels. Cross Sound had designed the cabin spaces of all of its vehicle-carrying vessels to accommodate a certain ratio of passengers to automobile capacity of each vessel based upon its years of experience with its ridership patterns. This new increase in additional walk-on passenger ridership, while not even remotely reaching United States Coast Guard capacity on the vessels, did create an uncomfortable situation for Cross Sound's customers. While this situation occurred only on certain trips, the lack of ample seating compromised the ferry company's level of service that its riders have been accustomed to throughout the years. In an effort to maintain this level of service, Cross Sound introduced passenger-only service aboard the 400 seat Sea Jet I in July of 1995. This action allowed for the shifting of walk-on passengers from the vehicle-carrying vessels to the passenger-only vessel thus restoring the level of service and solving the dilemma experienced by Cross Sound due to the demand for walk-on passenger service. 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Upon the implementation of the passenger only service, the Town of South old sought an injunction to cease the operation of the Sea Jet citing inadequate parking accommodations at the Orient Point ferry terminal to serve those passengers utilizing the service. State Supreme Court Justice Patrick Henry denied the injunction request but did direct that the Town and Cross Sound Ferry work together to find a solution to this claim of inadequate parking. Shortly thereafter, Cross Sound Ferry submitted an application to the Town Building inspector to establish parking on a parcel of vacant land (referred to as the "Trust Parcel") located adjacent to the Snack Bar Parcel. Unlike the previous proposals from 1985 and 1995, this application met with significant opposition and legal maneuvering. The following represents the major milestones that have occurred with respect to Cross Sound Ferry Services' most recent attempt to meet the demand for additional on-site parking: · Julv 14. 1995: The Town Planning Board finds that the operation of the Sea Jet by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. is an "intensity of use" and passes a resolution that Cross Sound must submit a revised site plan for town review and approval. · Julv 18. 1995: Honorable Patrick Henry denies request of the Town of Southold seeking temporary restraining order and injunctive relief Justice directs parties to resolve the matter. · November 7. 1995: Application submitted to the Building Inspector by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. to establish a new parking area on the Trust Parcel which will be used in association with the pre-existing parking area on the adjacent Snack Bar Parcel (SCTM 100-15-9-10.1). · November 27. 1995: Notice of Disapproval issued by Building Inspector regarding November 7 application. Notice indicates that approvals will have to be obtained from the ZBA (variance) and Planning Board (site plan approval) for the action as indicated in the November 7 application. . December 8. 1995: Variance Application submitted to the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. · December 26. 1995: Southold ZBA returns the variance application to Cross Sound. · Avril 11. 1996: A Site Plan Application and related material was submitted to the Planning Board by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. to create new parking on the Trust Parcel and increase in the number of existing available parking spaces on the West Parcel. · Mav 1. 1996: Variance application re-submitted to the ZBA by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . June 28. 1996: At request of the Planning Board, applicant re-submits modified site plan and related material. . . Julv 8. 1996: The Town holds a public hearing on the site plan. . Julv 9. 1996: Via written correspondence to the applicant's attorney, the Planning Board Chairman requests that a comprehensive site plan be submitted. . Julv 29. 1996: At request of the Planning Board, the applicant, as a courtesy, submits an overall integrated concept plan involving all four of the applicants individual parcels. · Julv 30. 1996: The Planning Board passes a resolution classifYing the subject action as a Type One, pursuant to SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act). · Seotember 9. 1996: A draft Positive Declaration is prepared by the Towns' environmental consultant, Charles Voorhis and Associates. · Seotember 16 1996: The Planning Board issues the following two resolutions: (1) Planning Board will be the lead agency for the purposes of SEQRA and (2) the Planning Board issues a Positive Declaration on the Integrated Site Plan thus requiring the preparation of a Draft EIS. · October 16. 1996: Article 78 proceeding filed against the Town Planning Board by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. claiming that the SEQRAPositive Declaration was arbitrary and capricious. · October 21. 1996: Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. submits a project sponsor draft scoping outline to the Planning Board pursuant to Section 617.8 of the State SEQRA Regulations. · October 29 & November 15. 1996: Town sends out own version ofscoping outline to permitting agencies and interested parties and requests comments/suggestions." · December 4. 1996: Public scoping meeting held at Town Hall. · December 10. 1996: Submission ofletter to the Planning Board by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. claiming that the Scoping Outline contains an inappropriate number of issues to address. · December 16. 1996: Scoping Outline adopted by the Town Planning Board. · January 15. 1997: Article 78 proceeding filed against the Town Planning Board by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. claiming that the adopted Scoping Outline was arbitrary and capricious. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · Mav 28. 1997: Southold Citizens for Safe Roads, Inc. (SCSR) files a mandamus proceeding against the Town claiming that the Town is not enforcing zoning and environmental laws. · Seotember 11. 1997: Honorable John J. Dunn dismisses SCSR's proceeding. . October 15. 1997: Six copies of the DEIS delivered by the applicants attorney to the office of the Town's attorney. · November 24. 1997: By claiming/citing errors, omissions and deficiencies in the document, the Town's environmental consultant submits a 12 page letter to the Town Planning Board requesting that revisions be made to the DEIS. Accordingly, on the same date, the Planing Board passes a resolution proclaiming the DEIS incomplete and directing the applicant to revise the document in the manner consistent with the Environmental Consultant's letter. * * * With respect to the preceding discussion concerning the last three proposals involving the Cross Sound facility, several issues originating from the 1996 proposal for parking on the Trust Parcel remain unresolved. While it is true that there appear to be some minor discrepancies between the as-built construction on the Terminal and West Parcels with their respective approved site plans (explained below), it is the 1996 proposal that raised questions by Town officials as to whether the current operation is consistent with the earlier approvals. Based upon comparing the as-built existing facility with the site plan approvals from 1985 and 1995, there appears to be primarily only the following five minor discrepancies: a. A concrete island to the immediate west ofthe ticket window was never built. By not installing the concrete island, drivers of all sized vehicles can communicate with the individual behind the ticket window without leaving their respective car or truck. b. To facilitate the exiting of vehicles north of the terminal building, a 20' x 50' driveway has taken the place of 4 short-term parking stalls. This driveway has not affected the approved location of the handicap parking space located closest to the terminal building and allows vehicles to exit the facility without having to go completely around the building. c. The physical constraints of the adjacent slope discouraged the Project Sponsor from installing the 375' x 4' wooden walkway approved to be located along the eastern edge of the approved overflow parking area on the West Parcel. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d. The former ticket booth (currently referred to as the "shed"), located just north of the access ramps for the passenger and vehicular vessels, was never removed from the site. Given that this structure houses the electrical relays for the ramps used for accessing the vessels, it is necessary for the structure to remain in its current location. e. The approved site plan proposed an access route for exiting vehicles located along and within the eastern property boundary of the Terminal Parcel. However, to improve internal on-site circulation, vehicles access State Route 25 immediately upon exiting their respective vessel. With the effort to address the Town's questions, and subject to the same reservation of rights by Cross Sound, the enclosed new site plan application is intended to allow the Town to review the existing as built layout/design of the entire project site (all three parcels - West Parcel, Temrinal Parcel and Snack Bar Parcel) and issue (or re-issue) site plan approval allowing the on- going operation to continue as constructed and operated in recent years. Furthermore, this new application requests that the Town approve the parking plan for the Snack Bar Parcel and the West Parcel as proposed on the enclosed site plan titled "Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan". With the submission of the proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan, it is understood that if parking exceeds 147 and 235 vehicles on the West and Snack Bar Parcels, respectively, Cross Sound Ferry Services will provide special assistance so that vehicles do not become trapped or blocked-in. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED OPERATIONS. (A) EXISTING OPERATIONS. Cross Sound Ferry operates a federally licenced daily water carrier service for passengers, vehicles and freight between Orient Point, Town of Southold, Long Island and New London, Connecticut. The facility is open every day of the year from approximately 5:00 am to 12:00 am, with the exception of December 25th. Drivers and walk-on passengers must purchase tickets prior to boarding their vessel. Due to the nature of peak travel periods, vehicle reservations are especially recommended from Fridays through Monday and everyday during the sununer season. Cross Sound Ferry owns seven vessels, six of which are in current operation. The six vessels currently in operation are listed and described on the chart located on the following page: 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vessels In Use. By Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. H~fC8en John H. Ll:fdifon ~h Caribbean Sea Jet Length Overall (ft) 327 240 210 168 128 122 Beam (ft) 55 60 44 42 38 60 Draft (ft) 10 10 10 9 7 5 Speed (Knots) 12.5 13 15 11 13 30 Date Built 1941 1989 1979 1968 1972 1989 Horsepower 3000 3000 2400 1800 1440 5000 Car Capacity 90 120 45 35 22 0 Passenger Cap. 900 1000 300 300 130 400 . Note: A seventh vessel is undergoing extensive interior changes and is not in current use. As shown above, five (5) of Cross Sound's vessels transport both passengers and vehicles. The Sea Jet, which began operation in July 1995, provides passenger only service. The John H. is the most commonly used vessel followed by the New London. The John H. and the New London are used on a daily basis. The Cape Henlopen and the North Star are used during the busier times of service. The Caribbean Ferry is used only on days of peak demand during the months of July and August or as a replacement vessel. The number of departures from Orient Point varies according to public demand, which is dependent upon the season, day of the week and holidays. All vessels combined, there approximately 8 to 26 departures daily from the Orient terminal. Departures become more frequent during the summer months (May - Aug.), especially on the weekends. The following chart provides a breakdown of the number of departures necessary on the busiest days of 1997 - July 4th weekend and Labor Day: Number of Departures Necessary on the Busiest Days of 1997 (July 4th Weekend and Labor Day) VESSEL NAME NUMBER OF DEPARTURES CapeHenlopen ........................4 John H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 New London .......................... 4 North Star ............................ 4 Caribbean ............................ 3 Sea Jet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TOTAL ................25 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Currently, the Sea Jet runs from April through November and makes 4 - 6 round trips daily. . On an annual basis, the carrier service transports more than 300,000 vehicles and 950,000 passengers between Orient Point and New London, Connecticut based upon 1996 statistics. A vast majority of the passengers are the drivers and occupants of the boarded automobiles crossing Long Island Sound. Cross Sound Ferry employs between 130 to 210 people. The number of employees varies seasonally, with an increase in employees during the sununer months. As combined, the vessels themselves require a crew of approximately 100 workers during the sununer. This number decreases during the winter months, as daily service is generally reduced to only two vessels - the John H. and the New London. Each year, Cross Sound contributes to a number of community and charitable organizations within the Town of South old and throughout Long Island. These organizations include: the Suffolk County Special Olympics, the Boy Scouts of America, the Orient Fire Department and Ladies Auxiliary, the Orient Community Activities, the Oysterponds School District in Orient, and the Southold Town Fire Chiefs' Council. Cross Sound organizes an annual Fireworks Benefit Cruise along with other special fund raising cruises that assist local organizations and causes. As an example of the use of monies generated from these cruises, Cross Sound donated the necessary funds to construct a school crossing traffic control system on Route 25 in Orient for the Oysterponds School District. Including in-kind donations, direct donations and fund raised through its benefit cruises, Cross Sound contributes approximately $50,000 a year to various community organizations and charitable groups in Southold and throughout Long Island. B) PROPOSED OPERA nONS. Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. has no plans in the immediate future with respect to changing any of their land-side operations presently taking place at the Orient Point facility. Therefore, and as indicated in the "Description of the Proposed Action" section of this document, the new application and site plan do not propose any changes or improvements to (I) the physical condition of the site, nor to (2) the on going operations of the project sponsor as the site has been used since July, 1995. With the submission of the proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan, it is understood that if parking exceeds 147 and 235 vehicles on the West and Snack Bar Parcels, respectively, Cross Sound Ferry Services will provide special assistance to prevent vehicles from becoming trapped or blocked-in. 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. NATURAL RESOURCES -An Inventory And Analysis of the Project Site's Principal Natural Resources. Based upon site inspections and an analysis of in-house literature/published documents, the following natural resources are considered to be the most relevant with respect to their relationship to the project site, the existing operation and the submitted proposed site plan: A. Surface SoilsITopography; B. Groundwater; C. Surface Water; D. Drainage; E. Vegetation; F. Wildlife; and G. Wetlands. For the convenience of the reviewer, each of the above listed resources will be discussed separately. The following text is organized so that each resource is individually inventoried and analyzed with respect to (I) its existing condition and (2) how the resource has been, and may continue to be, impacted by the current operation and the submitted proposed site plan titled "Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan". A. SURFACE SOILS AND TOPOGRAPHY. (I) Surface Soils & TODOl~raDhv: Existin~ Condition. The predominant surface soil type found on the project site is somewhat typical for disturbed waterfront areas. As shown on the Soils Maps circulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, almost 100 percent of the surface soil occupying the project site is "Fill Land, Dredged Material" (Fd). The other soil associations found on the project site, Beaches (Bc) and Haven Loam (HaA) appear to occupy less than 10% of the subject property. In concert with information provided by the USDA Soil Conservation Service, the characteristics of the 3 surface soils found on the project site are described as follows: FILL LAND, DREDGED MATERIAL (Fd). Filllandldredged material is made up of areas that have been filled with material from hydraulic or mechanical dredging operations. These operations are used mainly to widen or deepen boat channels in salt water; however, some dredged material has been obtained from new channels cut into tidal marshes. Most ofthe dredged material is pumped onto tidal marshes. Smaller amounts are placed on 12 I I I S L A N D S 0 U N D Orient I point I ,."1 _,- ~"", Project Area " " \ / I ' J ,/ .- '~~-;-~ ~~ I _/ I I I I ~ I ~ ~ I I c, I ~ I ~ ~ s ,t \ I ~ I ~ ~ I c, I Soils Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I beaches and dunes. Filllandldredl!:ed material is not suited for farminl!:. Areas are satisfactorY for buildinl!: sites where the fill is adeauate and if the hil!:hlv comoressible OTl!:anic lavers in the tidal marshes are removed orior to fillinl!:. (USDA, 1975; emphasis added). BEACHES (Bc). Beaches are made up of sandy, gravelly or cobbley areas between water at mean sea level and dunes or escarpments. Slope is nearly level in most areas but it is as much as 15 percent in some places on the Atlantic shore. In most places beaches on the bays are sandy, but varying amounts of gravel are mixed with the sand. Beach areas are not suited to fanning. Measures should be taken to control erosion to keep the beach wide enough to protect the nearby dunes or uplands (USDA, 1975). HAVEN LOAM, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES (BaA). This soil type consists of deep, well-drained, medium-textured soils that formed in a loamy or silty mantle over stratified coarse sand and gravel. Haven soils have high to moderate available moisture capacity. The hazard of erosion is slight on this Haven soil. Primary management concerns are keeping the soil from crusting after rain, maintaining tilth, and reducing the plowpan. This soil is used extensively for crops, and it is well suited to all crops commonly grown in the county. Potatoes are the main crop, but cauliflower, cabbage, corn, onion and sod crops are also grown. Because of the nearly level slope and ease of excavation, most areas of this soil in the western part of the county are being used for housing developments and industrial parks (USDA, 1975). * * * The origin of the surface soil (apparent dredge spoil) as well as the agricultural activity account for the even grade of the project site and surrounding area. Topographic elevations on the project site range from approximately 4.5 feet to 10 feet (above mean sea level; AMSL). A long and narrow bank of steeply sloping land (up to 50% slope) is located along the western property line of the Terminal Parcel. With the exception of the long bank, it is reasonable to describe the project site as being relatively flat with gentle slopes less than 10%. (2) Surface Soils & Tonoeraphv: Relationship to the Current Oneration and the Pro nosed Site Plan. Based upon comparing soil maps with current air photos, it appears that approximately 95% of the project sponsor's infrastructure (ie. existing parking areas, staging areas, access roads, buildings, etc.) are located on surface soil classified as Fill Land/Dredged Material (Fd). The remaining 5% is taken up by the auto loading area and the northwestern comer of the snack bar parking lot, which appear to be located over Beach (Be) and Haven Loam (HaA), respectively. Submitted drawings and air photos indicate that approximately 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 25% of the project site has been paved for the purposes of vehicle staging and loading. All such paving is located on the project site's Tenninal Parcel (occupied by surface soil Fd). Approximately 60% of the project site is occupied by unpaved dirt parking areas. 10% of the site appears to be vegetated. Structures (such as the terminal, snack bar and residence) occupy the remaining 5% of the sites surface soils. Given that (1) all three surface soils possess structural qualities that make them suitable to support the development that currently exists on the project site and (2) Fill LandJDredged Material (Fd) is not considered be a soil type deserving special protection (unlike prime farming soils), it appears that the both the existing operation and the proposed site plan are compatible with the identified surface soils. Agricultural activity occurred on and in the vicinity of the project site as late as 1955. Understanding that agricultural fields are generally level, it is assumed that the project sponsor engaged in minimal grading for the construction of the existing facility, specifically the parking and staging areas. Consequently, it is believed that the topography of the site has changed very little from its agricultural period. No changes to the sites topography are anticipated with the approval of the proposed site plan. B. GROUNDWATER. (1) Groundwater: Existini Condition. In an effort to determine the groundwater elevation below, and in the vicinity of, the project site, a test hole was dug by McDonald GeoScience on July 7, 1997. The test hole was located approximately 150' to the east of the existing snack bar structure and provided the following information: TEST HOLE (14' deep) Approximate Surface Elevation: 10.33' Brown Silty Loam 10.33' to 9.33' (1.0' thickness) Pale Brown Loamy Silt 9.33' to 6.83' (2.5' thickness) Brown Fine to Coarse Sand 6.83' to 2.53' (4.3' thickness) :1[fJI!if.I.I_.~' l~rllfI11111IJf.IIIJi~~itii 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I As per the test hole data, the groundwater elevation for the project site and the vicinity is approximately 2.53' (or 7.8' below the soil surface at this specific location). In-house investigation concluded that over a ten hour period the tidal cycle had little to no influence over the groundwater elevation. Test results have concluded that the groundwater from the well used by the snack bar meets the reco=ended water quality standards for the parameters tested. In comparison, test results have concluded that the groundwater from the well used by the terminal building meets all of the water quality standards with the exception of Trichloroethane (recorded at 11 ppb, exceeding the 5 ppb standard by 6 ppb). As a result of the presence of this compound, the Terminal building uses an alternative source for its drinking water. (2) Groundwater- Relationshio to the Current Ooeration and the Prooosed Site Plan. The groundwater below the project site is partially a product of the rainwater, runoff and sanitary waste that percolates throughout the project site's soil horizon. Approximately 85% of the project site is used for the parking and staging of vehicles. Less than one third of the parking/staging areas is paved, therefore most to the rainwater landing on the site percolates naturally and slowly through the soil horizon. Conversely, stormwater collected via on-site existing drainage structures (ie. french drains) tend to expedite percolation through the soil horizon. However, regardless of how the parking area water is collected and/or how it percolates through the soil, the National Urban Runoff Study (NURP) has documented that most of the contaminants found in parking area runoff are attenuated via soil f1ltration and do not significantly impact groundwater quality. Furthermore, and with respect to the excessive presence of Trichloroethane in the Terminal buildings well water, it should be noted that the origin of such a compound is typically from the excessive use of pesticides. Therefore, given the agricultural history of the site and surrounding area, without further study, it would not fair to assume that the current operation is responsible for the excessive presence of Trichloroethane. Other than sanitary waste, the current operation does not really generate any by-product that may effect the quality of groundwater. Based upon engineering reports, the sanitary systems used in existing operation are the following: ~inal Parcel tary System Components ..... Capacity oC the Existing Sanitary System. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . Twelve leaching pools (each 10' dia. x 5' deep); One 5,000 gal. septic tank (10 dia. x 6' liquid depth) 2,500 gaI.1day Snack Bar Parcel Samtary System Components Five leaching pools (10' dia. x 2' deep); One 900 gal. septic tank Capacity oC the Existing Sanitary System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 450 gaI.1day 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All indications are that the above systems are functioning properly and are capable of handling the volwne of waste generated with minimal impact to gr01mdwater. The implementation of the proposed parking plan should not result in any significant increase in the volwne of waste currently generated or result in any significant changes to the quality of groundwater. C. SURFACE WATER. (1) Surface Water - Existine Condition. The project site fronts Gardiners Bay, a large body of saltwater open to the waters of the Atlantic, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound. There are no freshwater surface waters in the immediate vicinity of the project site. The NYSDEC has classified Gardiners Bay in its surrounding water bodies (ie. Plwn Gut, Long Island Sound, Hallocks Bay and Orient Harbor) as "SA" - meaning that the best usage of these waters would be shellfishing for market purposes, primary and secondary contact recreation and fishing. All of these waters would be suitable for fish propagation and survival. Consistent with the NYSDEC' s targeted usage for these waters, through water samples, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services has concluded that Gardiners Bay, Orient Harbor and Plwn Gut contain good water quality. (2) Surface Water - Relationship to the Current Operation and the ProDosed Site Plan. Watercraft have been transporting passengers, vehicles and/or assorted cargo from the project site to Connecticut since the late 1700's. Vehicular carrier service to New London, CT was introduced in the early 1930, however, interest did not significantly rise until approximately 1948 - as automobiles became more affordable and popular. As the interest in vehicular carrier service increased, so did the size of the vessels used to transport them. Large vessels, comparable in size to those in use today, have been operating from the project site for approximately 50 years. No part of the current operation involves the discharge ofliquid waste, solid waste and/or surface water runoff into Gardiners Bay. Given that tests routinely conclude that Gardiners Bay has high water quality and the fact that large vessels have been transporting vehicles, passengers and cargo from this site for the past 50 years, it seems reasonable to conclude that the relationship between both the current operation and the proposed site plan are compatible with the existing surface water. 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. DRAINAGE. (1) Draina~e - Existin~ Condition. In general, the on-site drainage is a product of the relatively level topography of the area and the site's surface material. Given that approximately 70% of the site is basically flat and unsurfaced, stormwater runoff is minimized since a large percentage of rainwater simply percolates naturally through the soil horizon. However, in some areas of the project site, such as the unsurfaced snack bar parking area, percolation can not keep up with the volume of rainwater generated by severe storm events. Consequently, at this specific on- site location, occasional ponding does occur. Other than the snack bar parking area, the project site employs at least 5 french drainage basins to collect stormwater primarilly generated from the Terminal Parcel's paved surface area and the West Parcel's unsurfaced parking area. (2) Drainaie - Relationship to the Current Operation and the Proposed Site Plan. Although on-site ponding does occasionally occur during and after a severe storm event, it does not appear that drainage is a particularly problematic issue with respect to the current operation and the existing natural resources. Similarly, since the site plan does not propose any changes to existing grading or surface material, it is believed that the Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan will not result in any changes to the existing on-site drainage charactoristics. Related discussion on this issue is contained in the preceding sections of this Document titled "Groundwater - Existing Condition" and "Groundwater - Relationship to the Current Operation". E. VEGETATION. (1) Veietation - Existin~ Condition. Based upon a study conducted by Eric Lamont, Ph.D., Botanical Consultant, the project site and the adjacent eastern property are dominated by non-native plant species. In specific, 44 of the 69 identified principal vascular plants were non-native species. Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and Mugwort (artemisia vulgaris) appear to dominate throughout the area. Identified native species include goldenrods (Solidago spp.) and asters (Aster spp.). The NYS Natural Heritage Program reports that II species of rare plants exist in the vicinity of Orient Point. None of the 11 species of rare plants have been observed on the project site, although Eric Lamont's study noted that the site and/or the adjacent rocky beach could provide suitable habitat for 6 of the 11 species. These species are: Coastal Angelica (Angelica lucida), Scotch Lovage 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (Ligusticum scothicum), Seabeach Knotweed (polygonwn glaucwn), Golden Dock (Rumex martimus var fueginus), Small-Flowered Pearlwort (Sagina decumbens) and Sea Purslane (Sesuviwn maritimwn). Only two flowering plant species exist in the shallow baywater of eastern Long Island, Eel-grass (Zostera marina var. stenophylla) and Widgeon-grass (Ruppia maritima). Eric Lamont concluded that neither marine species occurs in the waters in the immediate vicinity of the project site due to the turbulent nature of the Gardiners Bay in this area. Based upon the study conducted by Eric Lamont, the following represents a listing of the principal plant species observed on, and/or immediately adjacent to, the project site: . . . Scientific Name Common Name Abutilon theophrasti . . . . . . . . . . . Velvet-leaf* Acer platanoides ............. Norway Maple. Achillea millefolium . . . . . . . . . . . Conunon Yarrow. Agrostis perennans . . . . . . . . . . . . Autumn Bent Grass Albizia julibissim . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mimosa. Arctium minus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conunon Burdock. Artemisia vulgaris ............ Mugwort. Asclepias syriaca . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common Milkweed Aster ericoides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heath Aster Asterpilosus ................ HeathAster Aster simplex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tall White Aster Baccharis haIimifolia . . . . . . . . . . Groundsel Tree Bromus mollis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soft Chess Grass. Bromus tectorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . Downey Chess Grass. Celastrus orbiculata . . . . . . . . . . . OrientaI Bittersweet. Chenopodium album .......... Lambs Quarters. Cichorium intybus .. . . . . . . . . . . Chicory. Cirsium vulare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bull Thistle. Conyza canadensis . . . . . . . . . . . . Horseweed Cyperus esculentus .......... . Yellow Nut-Grass. Dactylis glomerata . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchard Grass. Daucus carota .... . . . . . . . . . . . Queen Anne's Lace. Digitaria sanguinaIis .......... TaIl Crabgrass. EchinochIoa crusgali .......... Barnyard Grass. Elaeagnus umbel1ata .......... Autumn Olive. Eragrostis cilianensis . . . . . . . . . . Stinkgrass. Eragrostis pectinacea . . . . . . . . . . Lovegrass Erigeron strigosus ............ Daisy Fleabane Euthamia graminifolia . . . . . . . . . Flat-top Goldenrod Festuca elatior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meadow Fescue. GnaphaIium obtusifolium . . . . . . . Sweet Everlasting Juncus tenuis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Path Rush Juniperus virginiana . . . . . . . . . . . Eastern Red Cedar Lepidium virginicum .......... Wild Peppergrass Linaria vulgaris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butter and Eggs. Lolium multiflorum .. . . . . . . . . . Italian Ryegrass. Matricaria matricarioides . . . . . . . Pinapple Weed. 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Scientific Name Common Name Oenothera biennis ............ Conunon Evening Primrose Panicum acuminaturn . . . . . . . . . . Panic Grass Parthenocissus quinquefolia . . . . . Virginia Creeper Pastinaca sativa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wild Parsnip. PhIeum pratense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timothy Grass. Phytolacca americana ......... Pokeweed Pinus thunbergii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japanese Black Pine. Plantago aristata ............. Bracted Plantain. Plantago lanceolata ........... English Plantain. Plantago major. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common Plantain. Poa compressa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canada Bluegrass" Polygonum arenastrum . . . . . . . . . Knotweed. Polygonum persicaria . . . . . . . . . . Smartweed. PotentilIa recta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulfer Cinquefoil" Portulaca oleracea . . . . . . . . . . . . Purslane. Raphanus raphanistrum . . . . . . . . Wild Radish. Rhus copallinum ............. Winged Sumac Rosa multiflora .............. Multiflora Rose. Rubus f1agellaris ............. American Dewberry Rumexcrispus............... Curly Dock. Setaria faOOri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giant Foxtail Grass. Silene latifolia .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . White Campion. Solidago a1tissima ............ Tall Goldenrod Solidago juncea ........ . . . . . . Early Goldenrod Solidago rugosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rough Goldenrod Sonchus asper '" . . . . . . . . . . . . Spiny Sow Thistle" Spergularia rubra . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sand Spurry. Toxicodendron radicans . . . . . . . . Poison Ivy Trifolium pratense . . . . . . . . . . . . Red Clover. Trifolium repens ............. White Clover" Verbascum thapsus ........... Common Mullein. Vicia cracca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cow Vetch · non-native species. (2) Vel!:etation - Relationship to the Current ODeration and the Proposed Site Plan. A majority of the subject property underwent routine planting and harvesting until approximately the mid 1970's - at which time the fields were no longer planted. From the mid-1970's on, as vehicular parking and staging became more in demand, the former agricultural fields became increasingly used to support the infrastructure of the on-going carrier service (ie. parking areas, buildings, etc.). With respect to the agricultural history of the site, it is reasonable to conclude that the current site actually hosts a greater spectrum of plant species, albeit a large percentage of non-native plant species, than when the site was used primarily for farming. Consequently, in comparison to the site conditions 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I from the 1950's, it seems fair to believe that the current operation has resulted in a greater diversity of on-site plant species. . Although on-site plant diversity has increased over the past 50 years, it remains important to clearly indicate that the amount of on-site land currently incapable of supporting vegetation has also increased. Approximately, 90% of the current property can not support vegetation because of parking/staging demands and/or the presence of structures. This figure is not expected to change with the implementation of the Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan. The current operation does not have any impact on rare plant species, since no rare species have been observed on the project site. The current operation does not and will not (with respect to the proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan) involve any action on the adjacent beach, therefore the habitat for rare species such as Seabeach Knotweed, is not affected by the on-going or anticipated actions of the project sponsor. F. WILDLIFE. (1) Wildlife - Existin~ Condition. According to a recent study conducted by Dr. Jeremy Hatch, Ph.D., Biologist, it was determined that the project site and the adjacent eastern property (also owned by the project sponsor) "show little prospect of significant wildlife value". This determination was primarilly based upon the site's lack of suitable habitat. Based upon the study conducted by Dr. Hatch, the following represents a listing of the species of wildlife observed and/or expected to use the project site: Birds Observed. Species Comments Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica ............... Migrant American Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos . . . . . . . . Resident Grey Catbird, Dumetella carolinesis . . . . . . . . . . . . Migrant !Nesting European Starling, Sturnus vularis . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resident American Goldfinch, Carduelis tristis . . . . . . . . . . . Resident Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resident! Nesting House Sparrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resident * Includes those species observed feeding or resting, but excludes remote sightings of species unaffected by the proposed development, such as Cormorants and Mallards 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Additional Birds Expected to be Observed and/or Use the Site NOTE: As taken directly from Dr. Hatch's report, "Numerous additional species of birds are likely to occur in small numbers, especially during migration, but the area does not constitute a significant resource for transients. Breeding birds in this northernmost tip of Long Island listed by Andrle & Carroll (1988) include about 61 species of land birds (identified as confirmed or probable breeders). About half of these could eventually occur at the project site in small numbers during the breeding season if the site were left untouched and successional changes in the vegetation continued None of these are listed species, or otherwise notably rare on Long Island Some of the more likely species are:" Species Comments House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resident Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Migrant Roufous-sided Towhee (pipilo erthophthalmus) . . . . . . Migrant Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) .. . . . . . . . . . Resident Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis tricahs) . . . . . . . . . Migrant Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos). . . . . . . . . Resident American Robin (Turdus Migratorius) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Migrant Tufted Titmouse (parus bicolor) ................. Resident Black -capped Chickadee (Parus atricapillus) ........ Resident Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Migrant Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) ............. Migrant Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) .............. Resident White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia a1bicollis) ...... Fall & Wmter VIsitor SavannahSparrow(passerculussandwichensis) ...... FaII&WmterVIsitor FieldSparrow(Spizellapusilla)................... Fall & Wmter VIsitor Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fall & Wmter Visitor Mammals Observed Species White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus Rabbit, Sylvilagus Cat, Felis catus 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Additional Mammals Expected to be Observed or Use the Site White-footed Mouse (peromyscus leucopus) Meadow Mole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Meadow Vole (Micriotus pennsylvanicus) Masked Shrew (Sorex cinereus) ReDtiles and Amphibians Observed None Recorded. . . . None of the above listed species are notably rare on Long Island. No designated species (endangered, threatened or special concern) were identified on the site. Designated bird species that occur in the area include Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus; Status Endangered), Least Tern (Sterna antillarum; Status Endangered) and Osprey (Pandion haliaetus; Status Threatened), however, Dr. Hatch noted that none of these species were observed on or near the immediate project area during inspection (July 27, 28, 1997). Piping Plover and Least Terns are small beach nesting species. Whereas, the Osprey is a large bird of prey often nesting in bear trees or on top of poles. All three species nest in the vicinity of the project site (such as Orient Beach State Park). Given that the project site possesses or lies adjacent to habitat that is suitable for each of these three species (sandy beach for the Piping Plover and Least Tern; telephone poles for the Osprey), it is possible, although somewhat improbable (refer to following section), that the project site, or the land directly adjacent to the site, may one day serve as a nesting site for these respective species. (2) Wildlife - RelationshiD to the Current Operation and the Proposed Site Plan. In general, agricultural fields possess minimal habitat value. Therefore, one could make an argument that even though the current site possesses little vegetation (approximately 10% of the site is vegetated), the vegetation that does exist may provide more habitat than what existed when the site was principally used for farming. From this perspective, the current operation and the Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan are both compatible with the wildlife on the site and adjacent property. 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Furthermore, although the project site and the adjacent beach does contain some suitable habitat for three designated avian species (piping Plover, Least Tern and Osprey), it is somewhat doubtful that any of these species would use the site or the beach for nesting purposes. The beach fronting the project site is quite stony. Given that Piping Plovers and Least Terns favor more sandy isolated beaches free of predators, it is suspected that these species would opt to nest along other stretches of coastline. On a similar note, Ospreys prefer nesting areas closer to their hunting sites (often shallow water and low energy wetland areas). Consequently, it is suspected that nearby Orient Point State Park as well as the adjacent County Parkland offer preferred habitat for the Osprey, Piping Plover and the Least Tern. E. WETLANDS. (1) Wetlands - Existinl: Condition. The project site does not contain any tidal or freshwater wetlands. However, since the site lies adjacent to a large tidal water body (Gardiner's Bay), the NYSDEC tidal wetland maps indicate that "Coastal Shoals, Bars & Mudflats" ("SM") and "Littoral Zone" ("LZ") are located offshore. (2) Wetlands - RelationshiD to the Current Operation and the Proposed Site Plan. As evidenced by the DEC Tidal Wetland Maps, the only portion of the current operation to come into direct contact with tidal wetlands are the passenger and vehicular loading ramps along with their adjacent bulkheading and pilings. Periodically, it is necessary to dredge the bottom of the bay in the vicinity of the existing boat slips in order to facilitate the means of ingress and egress of the subject vessels. At these times, dredge spoil is placed upland on nearby property owned by the project sponsor. Often, the spoil is donated to NYS for erosion control purposes at Orient Point State Park. Permits for dredging and the maintenance of the loading ramps have been obtained from the DEC, Town Trustees, Department of State and the ACOE. Subject to storm events, dredging is a relatively infrequent action - needing to occur once or twice over a ten year period. With the exception of the loading ramps and the periodic maintenance for their continued use (dredging, replacement ofbulkheading, piles, etc.), the current operation really does not effect existing wetland. 98% of the current operation takes place well above and beyond the high water line. This figure is not expected to change with the implementation of the Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan. With respect to the upland portion of the site, french drains, 23 .....- ~ ;.-' .~-..>-"" en ." :t: ~ ~ a. ." ;: ;: m I ... n ;: I N ~ -i .... n :t: :;- :l> 0 ." n 0 <E. M 2 ~ 0 0 .. .. 3 ~ ~ ". ::I C M ~ ~ 0 a. M ;: c: <Jl ~ <0 ~ ~ ~ !!. - ~ () ... J> .. '< ::' ~ :E ~ .. N en en ~ ;: :l> ". .. ". .. ~ 0 "0 n 0 ~ -i M a. ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ;; ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ". " ~ m ~ ~ ;;; ;: en ". C) ~ ~ a. .. ~ a. a. '" ~ 0 ~ Ii. n ~ n .. n i " ~ ;: :ll ~ . .. a. ~ ". i ; ;! .... ~ .. m ~ <Jl <0 ;! c; c: ~ a. 0 !!. a. 0 -< 2- M ;: ~ 0- M c: :E c 0 c: !!. ~ S: c !!. ~ ~ ~ ;; a. ~ .. ~ M ~ ~ ~ ;; a. " '" ;. ;; ~ ~ a. ~ ~ a. ~ .:. ,~.~ " ~. . " "\ .' . " .. ~ , ., \ , ..\ ,;~' ."'-. , - , ... .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I approved by regulatory agencies, have been installed on-site to specifically minimize the volume of stormwater from flowing into the adjacent tidal wetland. Based upon the primarily upland use of the site and mitigation measures already in place, it is believed that both the current operation and the proposed implementation of the Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan are compatible with the existing wetlands. 6. LAND USE AND ZONING: An Inventory and Analysis of Land Use, Zoning and Land Use Plans On and In the Vicinity of the Project Site. A. LAND USE. (1) Land Use On & In the Vicinity of the Project Site - Existinl: Condition. The existing land use on and in the vicinity of the Cross Sound property is represented on the Land Use Map located on the following page. This map was prepared in 1997 by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for use in the Peconic Estuary Program. Although this map is considered to be in draft form, it is believed that its accuracy and detail is sufficient for the purposes of this addendum. The land use map reveals the following 7 general land use categories within a half mile radius of the project site: . Low Density Residential; . Medium Density Residential; · Open Space - Recreational; · Vacant Land; · Transportation; · Commercial; and · Utilities. If the half mile radius was slightly extended (approximately 400'), "Agriculture" could be added to this list. As the Land Use Map indicates, the Cross Sound Facility/Project Site is made up of the following land uses: West Parcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low Density Residential; Tenninal Parcel ......... Transportation; Snack Bar Parcel . . . . . . . . . Transportation. The above listed land uses for the Cross Sound Facility are not surprising, except for perhaps the West Parcel. The West Parcel contains a single family residence as well as an approved overflow parking area for walk-on passengers. Given that the residence is considered a more significant structure than the overflow parking area with respect to construction and longevity ,the West Parcel was designated "Residential" rather than "Transportation". 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . i' ,~ ... t .....,., " '"'1~ "';.;). .;~~ ."../:, t'!"' ;;~"- '1-.'" --;\, . .,'.i'; .:~; 'l!'il '~ ')+r- '''':1;;_ " '. ":~f '~~ ,";~_.~"i,r ~-':~,~ ~Ett -pf-~ ~-~~, ,;,-:;.~:~-..~, '!!";~, , .< "~;: ~ft':i< , I " !J1:', " :2"": :;.;.f ',\ .:':.;.<:.: . '~ ,= 'i~~ . ',":""'. ~ .\~i,;; .! ~lli ''1"- L:\'.. il ijl ~>' #'" J,.", M ..'.... -".~ "J~' ....t-' ''''-'." :'.".' . ":' ~ ,- ,~ '" " ,~, ..'~-~, "<'lJl 'I'.,'.' ,~, . '~ ' ,ttllk ~'.\"'."':.'. ~ ~, , {l ? ~ ?- ''''~i~ - '--~- " , .If .i,"'~1#;.. ....... .~ ~~'i "..~, , "Ii I'~~ '. I.'.."'. '-~- ~, 11 . " , ,'t.t:i, ~-~;~ ~. ."'" J . ~ . ~ ~ .. :IS; :~_ _ ~f:' ~ - "", :-7~~ -~-~ ~~::~;". ..tl~~~~: . --:;'~., ~" '\:.::;,.~ -'. ~"".,,,,. 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".j;~~"" . g-,.....~, , ..~. . t;',t '11;- :rz t ,;;'" .'i'.. ~~ \<;;,;~, ,~';;/i' ~J ,;~: .~: - - 0""- .,..., .,-~ ,~ ~ ~ li ':.',~ " .<. .<ctJ ii. ~ )' :;'aJ. tf; , Gl '.,.(. ..en J5: ,~'i~ 'j1 o ... ~ ~ c Z -l -< r~~~ C ..m "-';lQ . )> :0 -l '; ~ m Z -l ',~, , '0 ." .t;:. l":>f r':r m -'II. )> "I'T, ";;.'/ -l :c "," (fl Iii :0 ..Ie:: ....' < ":r-'_': ~~. :,. ";rn !m , .,00 " . - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I As indicated on the Land Use Map, the project site (West Parcel, Terminal Parcel and Snack Bar Parcel) lies adiacent to the following land uses: To the East .... 1 Vacant residential lot (controlled by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc.); TotheNorth ... Open Space-Recreational (County Park); 1 Occupied medium density residential lot; Utilities (LILCO parcel); TotheWest .... Transportation (plum Island Ferry Terminal and Parking Area); To the South . . . Trustee owned beach and underwater land. (2) Land Use On and In the Vicinitv of the Proiect Site - Relationship to the Current ODeration and the Proposed Site Plan. Since the late 1960's, the project site has been part of a large 5-parcel block of land used for marine transportation & recreation (commercial, private and federal) - Cross Sound Facility, Plum Island Ferry Facility and Orient by the Sea Marina. All five parcels contain large parking areas. Most residential construction in Orient, including the existing single family residence located to the inunediate north of the project site, was built pursuant to the increase in demand for Cross Sound's services. Given that the project site and several of the adjacent properties (Plum Island Ferry Terminal and Orient by the Sea Marina) have been used for parking and marine transportation for at least the past 30 years, neither Cross Sound's current operation or the proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan are considered inconsistent with local land use. The issuance of site plan approvals in 1985 and 1995, allowing Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. to modify their property in order to meet demand, imply that the existing and proposed use of the facility remains in conformance to current land use patterns. B. ZONING. (1) Zonin\: On and In the Vicinitv of the Proiect Site - Existinl! Condition. As indicated on the enclosed "Zoning Map", the project site (all three parcels) is situated within the eastern third of a large block ofland currently zoned "M II" (Marine II). Accordingly, the adjacent western parcel, the Plum Island Ferry Terminal and Parking area, has the same zoning designation as the project site. Conversely, the adjacent eastern parcel ("Trust Parcel"), controlled by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. is located within an R-80 ("Residential Low Density A") zoning district. With the exception of the project site's eastern boundary, Route 25 serves as the primary zoning boundary between the M II District and the residential districts (R-80 and R- 40) located to the north of the project site. 2S -~ ~ ~ iii ~ u .. '0' ~ / ~ . .;; , " ,~ , .' ~ " ~ GG ~ -,,- p- . ----=" - 0 '" CJ ~- r, .' . , a: ~. ......"'+ o o N I a: f'. . . . . " 8 . a: Ii .' ,G O' ~' ~ . . . .. 'r0/' ~, ~i)\ / , II a: .... a: ::! II \ \ I ~ ..I,.."........' c.. '" ~ lOll I:: .- I: o N I \t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (2) Zonine On and In the Vicinity of the Pro;ect Site - Relationshio to the Current Operation and the Prooosed Site Plan. . The M II Zoning Designation for the project site provides for uses that are consistent with on-going and proposed operations of Cross Sound Feoy Services Inc. Furthermore, for the following reasons it is reasonable to conclude that the zoning of the project site is consistent with the zoning of the adjacent properties: . The adjacent western parcel is within the same zoning district as the project site and is used by the federal government as the feoy terminal and parking area for Plum Island. . The adjacent vacant western parcel, although zoned R-80, is controlled by Cross Sound Feny Services, Inc. . The adjacent northern properties (primarilly County Parkland), although zoned R-80 and R-40, are separated from the project site by State Route 25. C. LAND USE PLANS. (1) Local Waterfront Revitalization Prol1ram and the State Coastal Mana2ement Pr02ram. In 1982, in response to the federal directive, New York State approved the Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP). The CZMP established a series of 44 coastal policies that every waterfront application must address. Under the U.S. Department of Commerce Regulations (15 CFR 930.57), an applicant proposing to construct within the State's designated coastal area must demonstrate that the subject action is consistent with the 44 individual coastal policies. Relationship to the Current Operation and the Proposed Site Plan: As a result of on-site field investigation, in-house analysis and an understanding of the local coastal processes occurring in the vicinity of the project site, it is believed that both the current operation and the Proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan have not and will not result in any significant negative impact to the fronting waterbody, coastline, local wetlands and/or existing land use. Hence, in house analysis of the services provided by Cross Sound Feoy Services, Inc. has determined that the on- going and proposed operation is consistent with the goals and objectives of the 44 coastal policies contained as part of the New York State Coastal Zone Management Program. 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (2) Peconic Bav Estuarv Proeram (PEP). The National Estuary Program (NEP) was established by the Federal Water Quality Act of 1987 as a means to protect and preserve nationally significant estuaries which were/are considered threatened by pollution, development, or overuse. In 1988, Congress added the Peconic Estuary system to the NEP priority list. In 1992, the Peconic Estuary was accepted into the NEP, making the estuary one of only 21 areas in the NEP at that time. The literature provided by the Office of the Peconic Estuary Program indicates the following goals and objectives for the program: "a) To protect and improve the Peconic Estuary system water quality to ensure a healthy and aiverse marine community. b) To preserve and enhance the integrity of the ecosystems and natural resources present in the study area so that: i) Opt/mal fish and wildlife habitat and diversity of species can be ensured, and ii) Conservation and wise management of the consumable, renewable natural resources of the bay are promoted and enhanced c) To optimize opportunities for water-dependent recreation. d) To promote, to the maximum practical extent, the social and economic beneJits which have been associated with the Peconic Bay Estuary system. e) To minimize health risks from human consumption of shellfish and finfish. j) To promote, to the maximum extent possible. public awareness and involvement in estuarine management issues. " Relationshin to the Current Operation and the Proposed Site Plan: The current operation is water dependent and has been determined as not posing a threat to wetlands, water quality and/or fish/wildlife habitat. Since the implementation Proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan will not result in any practical changes the current operation, the parking plan should not be considered a threat to wetlands, water quality and/or fish/wildlife habitat as well. Accordingly, based upon (1) on-site field investigation, (2) in-house analysis, and (3) consultation with professional biologists, botanists and coastal engineers, it is believed that neither the current operation nor the proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan are in conflict with any of the above stated goals of the Peconic Estuary Program. 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (3) Critical Environmental Area Desilmation. 6 NYCRR Part 617.2 (j) defines a Critical Environmental Area (CEA) as a "specific geographic area designated by a state or local agency, having exceptional or unique environmental characteristics". In 1986, the Suffolk County Legislature designated County-owned land located to the north and east of the Cross Sound facility as a Critical Environmental Area. Furthermore, in 1988, the County designated all land located inunediately within 500 ft. of the shoreline as a CEA. Based upon the County's actions in 1986 and 1988, the project site is located in, and is surrounded by, land designated as a CEA. Relationship to the Current Operation and the Proposed Site Plan: The nearby County property was designated a CEA largely in part due to the Suffolk County Open Space Acquisition Program. The lands within 500 ft. of the shoreline were designated as a CEA mainly because of the potential impacts resulting from runoff, sewage effiuent and/or erosion on the adjacent bay/estuary areas. The existing facility/project site is located over 100 1.f. from the County-owned CEA land. It is believed that this separation is sufficient in preventing any physical disturbance to the County property generated by the on-going and proposed operation of the Cross Sound Facility. However, the CEA land that runs along the coastline and includes a large percentage of the project site deserves to be addressed more closely. Given that runoff, sewage effiuent and erosion have be identified by the County as the principal potential threats to this specific CEA area, each of these issues will be discussed separately below: Stormwater Runoff-The existing facility utilizes a drainage system similar to the other parking lots in the vicinity. Stormwater is directed towards french drains and drywells. Furthermore, since a large portion of the existing parking area is surfaced with loose blue stone and/or exposed soil, most rainwater simply permeates inunediately through the surface. Since no physical modifications to the site are being proposed, no changes to the collection and control of stormwater runoff are proposed or considered necessary as part of the Proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan. During unique periods of intense or lengthy rainfall, the stormwater control structures (ie. the french drains and drywells) collect and store the runoff generated on the site for eventual groundwater re-charge. It should be noted that the existing on-site drainage plan was approved by the Town Engineer. Sewage Effiuent - Cross Sound provides restrooms in the existing snack bar building and the ferry terminal. Given that all of the restrooms utilize conventional below grade sanitary systems were reviewed by the Suffolk 28 1 '1 '1 r' r' . , r 1 " r I , I , I ,j r 1 I I r 1 I J , J . X\.\ \~" ~ ~'~ ~r ~~ I. \ lJJ}\V1UT Al\ '\\~~\ \" " ; ~ "\, \\ ,:;";' '- , \, '" ~ , / /' \" ~. 'It>.. ~r '"' Y,Y "~::::>- I- JI III fffi'L "'t ~ " " ~~ 1-" (f W~ . ~h7/)\. . .... . , ,~f0 ~ ~~ . ~ "'",,~ I Y 4ULWJ,,~~ """ . .~~1...\ l ~ ~-i1 ~1!-, I ~ ~y ~; /ff0>r ~~ "L'~" L .: ~~ \)"'::. ~ :JC' . rJl':..u?'>: ~..... t ~ " 'V Q( . / . ~, y ~ )~;. I Protect Site , I / :' : . ~ . ,"",' ,-,'''J~ " \ \I "~,... _/.. ! " ~~ J .~/ /~~ ?-. .. ~. .:.~,........ A1-1tr\ . :A 'r'\L ., Y ';."- 7 ~.k-. _ ,. " . I~~~\,. .~- I~ J - D D..slgnated Critical Environmental Area (CEAI Critical Environmental Area (CEA) Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I County Department of Health Services, it is reasonable to conclude that sewage effluent is being properly disposed. Since no physical modifications to the site are being proposed, no changes to the existing sanitary systems are proposed or considered necessary as part of the Proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan. Erosion - Approximately 95% of the existing on-site operations and actions occur upland/outside of the designated Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Those operations and actions that occur below the Erosion Hazard Area (such as passenger and vehicle loading/unloading; vessel docking, parking, etc.) have occurred on-site for many years and have no other alternative with respect to location. Regardless, based upon site inspection and consultation with coastal engineers, it has been determined that the actions that currently take place below the erosion hazard area do not result in negative impacts, or contribute to the erosion of the adjacent beach or dunes. With respect to the discussion noted above, it is understood that the current on-going operation of the Cross Sound Facility does not have any significant effect on the County-owned CEA land located to the east and north of the project site. Since no physical modifications to the site are being proposed, the implementation of the Proposed Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan should not effect the CEA land as well. Furthermore, the on-site CEA land located along the coastline will continue to function as a buffer and remain an important safeguard against any threat to the Bay. 7. TRAFFIC AND PARKING-EXISTING CONDITIONS AND RELATIONSHIP TO CURRENT OPERATIONIPROPOSED SITE PLAN. An inventoI)' and analysis of the current and anticipated level of parking and traffic has been prepared by Dunn Engineering Associates. This study was previously submitted under separate cover. 8. REGULATORY JURISDICTION OVER THE CURRENTOPERATION /PROPOSED SITE PLAN. . The chart located on the following page discusses regulatoI)' agencies in terms of their jurisdiction or permitting authority over the current operation/proposed site plan. 29 I I Regulatory Agency I TABLE OF JURISDICTION for the Proposed Site Plan and On-Going Operations Occurring at the Project Site I I I Submitted 4/IJ/96; Lead Agency Yes Sile Plan Approval Revised 4/99 Pending I &ftmzl by Not Applicable Lead Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable &ftmzl by LeiJd Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable I NoLon~er No~er Submined Former Applica Ie Appli Ie 12/8/95 To be I Permitting Pursuant to Revised PumlQ1lt to Revised Re-submined Withdrawn Agency Application Application 5/1/96 Undetermined Undetermined Not Applicable Not Applicable I Refemzl by Lead Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable I Reftmzl by LeiJd Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable I &ftmzl by Lead Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable I West Parcel - Permitting Permit Issued; Agency Undetermined Tidal Wetlands Unknown Terminal Parcel Permit - Pennit Issued I Reftmzl by Lead Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable &ftmzl by I LeiJd Agency Undetermined Undetermined Not Applicable Not Applicable Re.femzl by I Lead Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable &ftmzl by Lead Agency No Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable No NotA licable NotA licable NotA licable 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I References Bruno and Rankin; "Coastal Enflineerinfl Analvsis of the Cross Sound Ferrv Proiect. Orient. Lonrs Island. New York"; September, 1997; Davidson Laboratory, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey (Produced for, and submitted as part of, the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Application of Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc.", submitted October, 1997). Decker, Cynthia J.; "Draft Peconic Estuarv Proflram - Comprehensive Conservation andManarsement Plan"; 1997; New York State Department of Environmental Conservation - Division ofFish, Wildlife and Marine Resources. Hatch, Jeremy, Ph.D.; "Wildlife Inventorv and Analvsis. Cross Sound Ferry Proiect. Orient Point. New Yor/t'; September, 1997; (Produced for, and submitted as part of, the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Application of Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc.", submitted October, 1997). Ku and Simmons; "IffJect of Urban Stormwater Runoff on Groundwater Beneath Recharfle Basins on Lonfl Island. New Yor/t'; 1986; USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 85-40088. Lamont, Erik, Ph.D.; "Final Versetation Reoort on Cross Sound Ferry Proiect at Orient Point. Southold Township. Suffolk County. New Yor/t'; September, 1997; (produced for, and submitted as part of, the "Draft Environmental Impact Statementfor the Application of Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc.", submitted October, 1997). Long Island Regional Planning Board; "Lonfl Island Sef:Tnent of the National Urban RunoffProflram"; 1982. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Priority Water Bodies List; 1996. New York State Department of State; "State of New York Coastal Manaflement Proflram and Final Environmental Imoact Statement'; 1982; Albany, New York. Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology; Peconic Estuary Program; "Pro'{ram Ofjice Status Report'; 1997. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology; Peconic Estuary Program; "Pre/iminarv ComDrehensive Conservation and Manaflement Plan - workinfl draft'; November, 1995. Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology; Peconic Estuary Program; "Proflram Backflrouncl'; 1996. Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology; Peconic Estuary Program; Water Quality Data for the Orient Harbor/Gardiners Bay/Orient Point Area; 1997. Suffolk County Department of Planning. Peconic Estuary Program; "Drafi Peconic Estuary Pro '{ram Existimz Land Use Invento,y'. 1997. United States Department of Agriculture; "Soil Survev of Suffolk Countv. New York"; 1975; Soil Conservation Service in Cooperation with Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect o~ 'the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, 50 indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION and maximum unassisted Cross Sound Ferry - proposed continuance of current operation . . LOCATION OF ACTION (1_ _ -. Munlclpollty and ColIn'" ,. Orient Town of Southold, Suffolk :County NAME OF APPUCANTI8PONSOR 1 BUSINESS TEI.IPIlONE Cross Sound Ferrv Services, Inc. (86q 443-7394 AIlDREII8 PO Box 33 ClTYIPO I STATE I ZIP CODE New London CT 06320 NAME OF OWNER ~I dHl-" I BUSINESS TELEPHONE Same ( I ADDRESS ClTYIPO I STATE I ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Refer to Project Narrative and Addendum to E .A.F. PI_ Complete Each Question-Indicate No.4. If not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. ,. Present land use: DUrban Dlndustrial I!ICommercial DResidential (suburban) DForest DAgriculture QOther . 4.06 acres. DRural (nOll-farm) 2. Total acreqe of project area: APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Mead_ or Brushland (NOll-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24. 25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads. buildinp and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate typf'1 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? 1:,.1_ Fil1 T.s:mn r nTPnop-n mRt"P-Tial a. Soil drainage: lIOWell drained 95" of site if Poorly drained ~ " of site b. If any agricultural land Is involved. h_ many acres of soli are classified within soil group' through 4 of the NYS Land Classification Systeml acres. (See' NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcropplnp on project sitel DYes ClINo a. What is depth to bedrockl (in feet) 2 PRESENTLY 17.685. sf UHB o acres n acres o acres o acres In,; 11":l . 53 056 o acres a~ Kmx Rf IMJ DModerately well drained AFTER COMPLETION 17.685 sf. ~ o acres o acres o acres o acres 106 113 53. 056 o sf. sf. iiliU ~ acres " of site I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: UO-10% 100 % 010..15% 015% or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the Nationa Registers of Historic Places! aares DNo Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural landmarks! What is the depth of the water table! 7.8 (in feet) below surface Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer! lCIIYes DNo Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area! Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as DYes DNa According to rf!fPT t"n F.Ali' AAAo~Anft'l Identify each species Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site! (i.e., cliffs, dunes, .other geological formations) DYes DNo Describe refer to EAF AddPndnm ~ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. DYes ONe DYes DNo threatened or endangered! 12. 13. Is the project site presently used by the community .or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area! DYes IlNo If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community! tiilYes DNo 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: Not annl i""hl.. a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name r-~'1"A"'n':''''e 'AD)" b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities! ilres. DNo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection! DYes DNo b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection! DYes DNo 18. Is the site located in an llllricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304! Dyes DNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECl, and 6 NYCRR 617! mes DNo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes! DYes lCINo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 4 On acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: 3. 6~ acres initially; ~ '" acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped . 4] acres. d. length of project. in miles: N / A (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N/ A %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing * ; proposed * * M,.Il'tO e..' I.DOEUOUH g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour N / A (upon completion of project)l h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family CondominIum Initially Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure height; j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is! 3 width; 1,188 ft. length. I 2. How much natural material (Le., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? 3. ;WiII disturbed areas be reclaimed? DYes DNa IiIN/A a. 'f yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? DYes DNa c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? DYes DNa 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? n acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? DYes iCfIIo 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 7. If multi-phased: N/ A a. Total number of phases anticipated b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 c. Approximate completion date of final phase d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? 8. Will blasting occur during construction? DYes J!::!INo 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction N I A 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project N/ A 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? o tons/cubic yards I I I I I I I I I N/A months, (including demolition). (number). month month DYes year, (including demolition). year. DNa ; after project is complete N I A DYes xilNo If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes DNa a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial. etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? JC6'es DNa Type Ssnit:sI'V Effluent 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? DYes DNa Explain No chan2e 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? flYes DNa 16. Will the project generate solid waste? DYes 'DNo a. If yes, what is the amount per month 1/4 tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? mes DNa c. If yes, give name Southold Landfill/Transfer Sta: 10cationCutchogue, Town <;If Southold d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal System or into a sanitary landfill? DYes DNa e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? DYes UNo 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes Clll'lo 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? DYes 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? DYes UNo If yes , indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity unknown gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day gallOns/day. Design Flow _ 2,950 gal/day _ Terminal an; 24. Does project involve local. State or Federal funding? DYes lii!No Snack Bar If Yes, explain Dyes IlCNo tons/month. lONo 4 C. Zoning and Planning Infonnatlon 1. Does proposed action involve a plannina or zoninl deCision1 fiYes DNo If Yes, indicate decision required: Dzoninl amendment Dzonina variance Dspecial use permit Dsubdivision Usite plan Dnew/revision of master plan Dresource manqement plan Dother 2. What is the zoninl classification(s)of the site1 MIl (Marine II) 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoi'linl1 Building area - 53,056 sq.ft. (30% coverage) 4. What is the proposed zoninl of the site1 N I A 5. What is the maximum potential development of the. site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoninl1 N/A I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I 25. Approvals Required: 'City. Town. Villale Board " City. Town, Villale Planninl Board City. Town Zoninl Board City, County Health Department Other local Alencies Other Relional Alencies State ^sencies Federal Asencies Type Submittal Date DYes lJNo IDes DNo DYes lJNo DYes ClNo DYes ~o DYes ClNo DYes [)No DYes [)No ~ITF. PI.AN 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans1 tiaKes DNo 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoninl classifications within a ~ mile radius of proposed action1 MIl, R-SO, R-40, Commercial, Residenti.al, Transportatio,n, Open Space. 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoinin8lsurroundinl land uses within a ~ mile1 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed1 N/ A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed1 , Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts1 DYes IiINo J Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation. education. police. fire protection)? DYes UNo a. If yes, is existinl capacity sufficient to handle projected demand1 DYes DNo Will the proposed action result in the seneration of traffic silniflcantly above present levels1 a. If yes. is the existinl road network adequate to handle the additional traffic1 DYes 10. 11. 12. IXlYes DNo DYes DNo Dlo D. Infonnatlonal Detail. Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal. please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitilate or avoid them. E. Verification J certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledle. ~.tliM Name Inter-Science Research:Associates, Inc. for Cross Sound Ferry Se~ices, Inc. Silnature I itTe If the action iI In the Coastal Area, and you _ a date apncy, complete the Coastal ANeument Form before proceedlna with thil _.--. Date 9/99 5 �4 USS 9,5 1999 Soutbold Board Planning Maximum Unassisted Parking Plan for the Property of Cross Sound Ferry e Services , Inc . �,gO gesa � Situate Orient Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York - / �� Scale : 1 " = 30 ' I o IV � FYevah � \\\ 7 I Fatio ® � cry ° Coastal Erosion Hazard Line 14 lep -� , �� � vA � n � I 00 �C S W �� �® Of Terminal Park}ng' , 0 ®A Stacking,,La:nes For Car Eerr r 'Qnd., Q ®® �® \ Short Duration �0 41 (Dxop Off) Parking %A 9 If VA 4 _ e �� a i 7 7 © 5 / 5 ® 1 �® � � - i a - tifi1 ® --7 2// Vg, Existing �� Building i nrwv w s1' �, 1 _ �• �� - - d ftf Y ldzm 7' dk N (a oJe� ' i' Note: e) This plan illustrates theoretically how 147 vehicles ��� N ti could be located on the West parcel, and r p vehicles could be located on the Snack Bar arcel. \ r �✓ ti a� Co The average size passenger car (7' x 15'-6") was determined by measuring a random sample of ten ,n (10) vehicles in a public parking lot by Inter—Science staff on August 25, 1999. The r smallest car measured was a Geo Metro at 5' x 13' and the largest was an Oldsmobile Custom ' " �' 1' m, Cruiser Station Wagon that measured 7' x 18' . —B � Access aisle widths shown were provided by Cross Existing Loading Sound personnel as measured on site on ;Ramp-- September 9, 1999. With smallest aisles between vehicles being 12' -10 an average of 15' width for '/ 5 Prepared B aisles was determined to be appropriate. / i a a % / s Inter—Science Research Associates, Inc. -� •� Environmental Planning & Development Consultants 36 Nugent Street, PO Box 1201 Southampton, New York 11969-1201 Basic site information was based on surveys Date Prepared: -= prepared by John J. Raynor, P.E. & L.S., P.C. October 1, 1999 Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor, Water Mill, New York This is not a survey Prepared June 23, 1996, revised September 9, 1997 and prepared April 5, 1999, revised April 12, 1999. File Name: F:/.../ferry/park4.dwg ... ...... ....; ,.t, , .....;"'.,w. b' .'. ) I.... ~ f'!' . . . ....... ,", ,. ,.' .. To ,.." .. ," , TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CROSS SOUND FERRY SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Prepared for: CROSS SOUND FERRY, INC. Prepared by: DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES ";"(<",; . iWOllli ed'iilarch\)1~l;j'9' ~MIl't"y;. ,. .' ,,,. ' . .0 T able of Contents L INTROOUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 A. Purpose of Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 B. Historical Perspective ..................................... 2' C. Study Procedures ........................................ 3 II. TRANSPORTATION: EXISTING CONDITIONS 5 A Existing Transportation Services . . 6 1. Description of Access for the Site and Internal Road Circulation 7 2. Route 25. Existing Conditions . . . . 8 Description .......... 8 . New York State DOT Volume Data 8 . Summer Volume Data. . . . . . 8 . Cross Sound Ferry Services Traffic versus Background Traffic 10 Vehicle Mix. Route 25 .................. 15 3. Surveillance System (SASS) Data from the Intersection of NYS Route 25 and Main Street (Greenport) to the Eastern End of Route 25 ..... 16 4. 7 Day Traffic Volume Counts for Route 25 Immediately West of Site . . . . . . 20 5. Availability of Public Transportation 30 6. Cross Sound Ferry Services . . . . 32 Transportation Link . . . . . . 32 Cross Sound Ferry Services Schedules 32 . Vehicle Data 36 Peak Hours of Use . . . . . . . . . 37 . Auto Vessel/High Speed Vessel . . . 44 . Sources of Existing Traffic, Cross Sound Ferry Services 45 7. Existing Level of Service and Carrying Capacity on Route 25 East of the Intersection of NYS Route 25 and Main Street (Greenport) to the Eastern End of Route 25 47 . Levels of Service Descriptions 47 Existing Levels of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 . Seasonal Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 8. Assessment of the Potential of Uninterrupted Traffic Flow Along Route 25 Resulting from Vehicles Unloading at the Orient Terminal 51 9. Methods of Handling Traffic Flow During Unloading Process 53 10. Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. Growth. 53 11 . Parking Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 B. Description of Pedestrian/Cycling Activity Safety from the Intersection of NYS Route 25 and Main Street (Greenport) to the Eastern End of Route 25 56 Non-Motorist Activity 57 J 'J;.- .~,' \. i Dunn2/95125.00. Cross Sound Ferry File: Toc.wpd . . Table of Contents (Cont'd.l III. TRANSPORTATION: SUMMARY 59 IV. APPENDIX 62 TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNTS New York State Traffic Volume Counts 1996 Dunn Engineering Traffic Volume Counts Route 25 East of Main Street. Greenport: Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, AU9ust 23, 1996 Route 25 West of Tabor Road. Orient: Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, August 23, 1996 Route 25 East of Narrow River Road, Orient: Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, August 23, 1996 Route 25 West of Cross Sound Ferry Terminal, Orient: Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, August 23, 1996 ACCIDENT DATA 1991 to 1995: State Accident Surveillance System Accident Summaries 1996-1998 Reportable Accident Descriptions CAPACITY ANALYSIS Route 25, Main Street to East Marion Orient Park, 1998 Capacity Analysis Route 25, East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road, 1998 Capacity Analysis Route 25, Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus, 1998 Capacity Analysis ROUTE 25, NON-MOTORIZED COUNT SUMMARY Dunn2/95125.00. Cross Sound Ferry File: Toc.wpd 11 . . Table of Contents (Cont'd.l Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 List of Tables Vehicle Mix 15 Accident Summary 16 Accident Rates 1 7 Reportable Accidents 18 Long Island Rail Road Schedule . 31 Approximate Departure Time from Orient Point - Cross Sound Ferry 33 Approximate Arrival Time to Orient Point - Cross Sound Ferry 34 Schedule of High Speed Passenger Service: Sea-Jet, April 3 through November 29, 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Vehicular Occupancy High Speed Vessel . . . . . . . . . 36 Ridership Information: Orient Point Auto/Passenger Service to New London 46 Capacity Analysis Results for NYS Route 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Ounn2/95125.00. Cross Sound Ferry File: Toc.wpd iii . . Table of Contents (Cont'd.) Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure g Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 1 2 Figure 1 3 Figure 14 Figure 1 5 Figure 16 Figure 1 7 Figure 18 Figure 1 9 Figure 20 List of Figures 9 12 12 13 13 14 14 Location Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998 Weekday Background/Ferry Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park ... . . . . 1998 Weekday Background/Ferry Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park .. . . . . . 1998 Saturday Background/Ferry Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park .. . . . . . 1998 Saturday Background/Ferry Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park ... . . . . 1998 Sunday Background/Ferry Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park ....... 1998 Sunday Background/Ferry Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park ..... . . 1998 Weekday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park ........ . . . 21 1998 Weekday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 4B to East Marion Orient Park ... . . . . . . . . 21 1998 Sunday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park ........... 22 1998 Saturday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park .. . . . . . . . . . 22 1998 Sunday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1998 Sunday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to East Marion Orient Park ........... 23 1998 Weekday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1998 Weekday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1998 Saturday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1998 Saturday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road. ............ 25 1998 Sunday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road. ............ 26 1998 Sunday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1998 Weekday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ounn2/95125.00. Cross 50und Ferry File: Toc.wpd IV . . Table of Contents (Cont'd.) Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure 31 Figure 32 Figure 33 Figure 34 Figure 35 Figure 36 Figure 37 Figure 38 List of Figures (Cant'd.) 1998 Weekday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1998 Saturday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1998 Saturday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus . . .. ............ 28 1998 Sunday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Eastbound Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus . . .. ............ 29 1998 Sunday Traffic: NYS Route 25 Westbound Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus . 29 Weekday Arrivals - Cross Sound Ferry 38 Weekday Departures - Cross Sound Ferry 38 Saturday Arrivals - Cross Sound Ferry. . 39 Saturday Departures - Cross Sound Ferry 39 Sunday Arrivals - Cross Sound Ferry 40 Sunday Departures - Cross Sound Ferry 40 Weekday Arrivals - Sea Jet 41 Weekday Departures. Sea Jet 41 Saturday Arrivals - Sea Jet. . 42 Saturday Departures - Sea Jet 42 Sunday Arrivals - Sea Jet 43 Sunday Departures - Sea Jet . 43 Monthly Passenger Carries Versus Route 25 Volumes 52 Ounn2J95125.00. Cross Sound Ferry File: Toc.wpd v . . A. Purpose of Report The purpose of this Traffic Assessment is to determine the existing operations and levels of service on Route 25 in the Town of South old in the vicinity of the Cross Sound Ferry. The Cross Sound Ferry site is located at Orient Point in Orient, New York at the eastern terminus of New York State Route 25 (Route 25). This Traffic Impact Assessment was undertaken because of the Town's concern that the start-up and operation of a high speed passenger-only ferry (i.e., the Sea Jet) might increase the intensity of use on the overall facility, on July 14, 1995, the Southold Town Planning Board passed a resolution directing Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. to submit a new Site Plan Application. While Cross Sound Ferry consistently has taken the position that no site plan approval is necessary as a matter of law or fact, Cross Sound agreed to prepare a plan in hopes of amicably settling any dispute. It had been suggested by the Court, during the initial court proceeding in July, 1995 that Cross Sound Ferry attempt to secure additional sites for parking to alleviate the Town asserted potential for on-street parking along New York State Route 25 in Orient. Thus, the submitted site plan application proposed to create new parking on the vacant, adjacent property controlled by the project sponsor (otherwise known as the "Trust Parcel") as well as increase the number of existing available parking spaces on the West Parcel. Operations during the past three years have shown that additional parking is not currently necessary with respect to the services Cross Sound Ferry is providing. This is due to certain techniques undertaken by Cross Sound Management in order to maximize its existing parking facilities. The elimination ofthe Trust Parcel from the application, warrants a re- evaluation of the Town's original opinion that the start-up and operation of the Sea Jet significantly increased the intensity of use of the facility. B. Historical Perspective Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. has operated the Orient Point passenger and vehicular carrier service since 1975, when it was purchased from the New London Freight Lines. Records indicate that marine shipping and passenger service has existed at this site since the late 1700's. Vehicular carrier service to New London, CT. began in the early 1930s. Interest in vehicular carrier service was slow at first, however, by 1948, demand had risen. In response, two new vessels were purchased and the number of trips rose to six per day in an effort to meet the apparent demand. Demand has continued to steadily rise over the years, as has the number ofvessels and the number of trips needed per day. Currently, Cross Sound Dunn2/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Intro.wpd 2 . . Ferry Services operates 2 to 6 boats year-round and makes approximately 8 to 24 round-trips per day between Orient Point, NY and New London, CT., depending on demand. As the demand for service increased over the past 50 years, so has the need to accommodate the growing number of passengers and their vehicles on the upland portion of the ferry property. Based upon a review of historic aerial photographs of the ferry site and surrounding area, it appears that from 1955 to 1969 ferry parking was primarily limited to the shoulders of Route 25 and portions of what are now known as the Snack Bar and Terminal Parcels. Both the main section of the snack bar building and the small shack (located just to the north of the boat ramp) existed as far back as 1955 and were used in association with the ferry operation. The 1955 air photo appears to indicate routine dredging of the bay bottom near the boat loading ramp. It is uncertain where the dredge spoil was placed at that time. Long Island continues to promote itself as a vacation destination and in recent years the Long Island Convention and Visitors Bureau (LICVB) has received additional funding, through a hotel occupancy tax imposed on hotel rooms in Suffolk and Nassau counties, specifically appropriated to advertise Long Island. A good portion ofthis advertising has been placed in New England cities such as Boston, Springfield, Massachusetts, Hartford, and Providence. Those travelers wishing to visit Long Island from these locations are encouraged to take the ferry and are sent a ferry schedule with their vacation guides. C. Study Procedures This study was prepared using the most recent information available for Route 25. The statistics and conclusions contained herein are based on: . Several personal, on-site field observations to observe the traffic movements under various conditions. . A physical inventory was made of the adjacent street network. . An analysis was made of the traffic volume data obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation and the files of Dunn Engineering Associates. . Supplementary machine traffic counts were collected as necessary to update the available volume counts. . An examination was made of the traffic flow on New York State Route 25. Oun02l95 125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Intro.wpd 3 . . . An evaluation was made of the safety factors by reviewing recent accident records obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation. . Capacity analysis were performed at key roadway sections to examine the ability to accommodate traffic. . A review of the access arrangements was made. . Conclusions were made of the exiting traffic conditions as a result of the data and facts gathered in this study. Dunn2/9512S. Cross Sound Ferry File: lntro.wpd 4 . . 1 . Description of Access for the Site and Internal Road Circulation NYS Route 25 (Route 25) is a major east/west New York State highway that provides direct access to the existing Snack Bar, Terminal, and west Parcels which serve as the staging area for the Cross Sound Ferry at Orient Point, New York. The Terminal Parcel has two driveways on Route 25. The western driveway is for entering traffic only and the eastern one is for exiting traffic only. Vehicles wishing to gain access to the West Parcel for parking may do so by using the Terminal Parcel driveway and then entering the West Parcel access drive. Vehicles will leave the West Parcel using the same West Parcel access drive used to enter and will then exit the site using the exit only driveway. The internal circulation of the Terminal Parcel parking lot is controlled so that traffic will flow in only one direction throughout the entire area of the parking lot. To access the existing Snack Bar Parcel, drivers may choose either of the two access drives on the North/South portion of Route 25. There exists a full access driveway to the parking lots just north of the Snack Bar and an additional full access drive at the southerly end of the property. Currently there is an existing access road beginning at the northerly lot line of the Trust Parcel, traversing the Trust Parcel to allow access to the adjacent parcel to the east at the southwest corner of the Trust Parcel. The purpose of this access road is to allow for servicing of Long Island Lighting and other public utilities. The public is not allowed beyond a certain point. This access road is unpaved and in poor condition. Dunn2/95 1 25, Cross Sound Ferry File: Site Access 7 . . 2. Route 25. Existing Conditions . Description New York State Route 25 (Route 25) is the only continuous east-west roadway serving the Town of South old east of Greenport and is the principal arterial roadway bringing traffic to the Cross Sound Ferry staging area at Orient, New York. Route 25 is part of the State highway system having its westerly terminus in New York City and its easterly terminus at the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal in Orient. Through its length from New York City to Orient, the nature of Route 25 changes frequently, beginning as a five lane facility in much of the densely populated western sections of Long Island and eventually becoming a two lane rural facility on the eastern end of Long Island in the Towns of River head and Southold. . New York State Department of Transportation Volume Data Within the designated study area for the Cross Sound Ferry project, New York State Route 25 is a two-lane, rural highway 7.8 miles in length from the intersection of Route 25 and Suffolk County Road 48 (Main Street) (Greenport) to its eastern terminus (Orient). (See Figure 1 for location of roadways and project site). In October 1995, the NYSDOT conducted weekday traffic volume counts at two locations within the designated study area. NYSDOT estimated an Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) of 4,200 vehicles for the 5.4 mile section of Route 25 located between Main Street and Narrow River Road. In this segment of highway, the peak hours of traffic occurred in the A.M. from 8:00-9:00 A.M. and in the P.M. from 2:00- 3:00 P.M., occurring in the eastbound and westbound direction, respectively. For the 2.4 mile section of Route 25 east of Narrow River Road, the weekday peak hours occur in the A.M. from 8:00-9:00 A.M. and in the P.M. from 4:00-5:00 P.M. in the eastbound and westbound directions, respectively. NYSDOT computed an AADT of approximately 2,700 vehicles for this easterly section. Copies of these State volume counts are provided in the Appendix of this report in the section entitled, "Traffic Volume Counts". . Summer Volume Data Dunn Engineering Associates (DEA) completed a weekday traffic volume count for Route 25, east of Main Street, Greenport, which is west of Narrow River Road, in Dunn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: Route 25 8 ~ ,. J -c,-/Jo7.cfJ ~,~. ~rJ" ~-{'3(/J FIGURE 1 STUDY AREA AND COUNT LOCATIONS DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SCALE: DATE: 9 PAGE: . . . . August 1996 to coincide with the State count location. The three days of data collected yielded an estimated one-way Average Daily Traffic (ADT) count of5,901 vehicles in the eastbound direction and 6,164 vehicles in the westbound direction, for a two-way ADT of 12,065 vehicles. This number is 287.3% higher than the 4,200 vehicle AADT for the same section of highway provided by NYSDOT, who did their count in October. It must be recognized that the State generated AADT represents the Average Annual Daily Traffic and thus is proportioned to be an average over the entire year. The DEA count represents the Average Daily Traffic for a weekday period in August of 1996 and thus represents the summer peak traffic. Copies of these traffic counts are contained inthe Appendix of this report in the section entitled, "Traffic Volume Counts". During the same period in August 1996, DEA also collected traffic volume counts on Route 25 east of Narrow River Road and west of the entrance to the Cross Sound Ferry facility in Orient. The ADT for the August 1996 count east of Narrow River Road was 5,620 vehicles as compared to the State's AADT of 2,700 vehicles, a 208.1% increase. At the easterly end of Route 25, just west of the Cross Sound Ferry facility in August 1996, the ADT was found to be 3,945 vehicles. Thus, along New York State Route 25 in August 1996, the Average Daily Traffic was found to vary from a high of 12,065 vehicles per day on the west to a low of 3,945 vehicles in the vicinity of the easterly terminus. . Cross Sound Ferry Services Traffic versus Background Traffic The volume data obtained in 1996 just west of Main Street in Greenport was compared to the hourly traffic volume originating at and destined for the Cross Sound Ferry Services Terminal in Orient. The volume of traffic originating and arriving at the Orient terminal was calculated by determining the number of vehicles carried by arriving and departing vessels and by dividing the number of passenger walk-ons by an occupancy factor to arrive at the number of vehicles the walk-on passengers generate. The ferry associated traffic was subtracted from the total 1996 traffic volumes. This presented the 1996 background traffic not associated with Cross Sound Ferry. The New York State Department of Transportation was contacted to determine what growth factors the Department of Transportation used for the Study area. Mr. William Ounn2f95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Route 25 10 . . Thornwell of the NYSDOT Regional Planning and Program Management stated that the NYSDOT utilized a 3% per year growth factor for all projects located in the five eastern towns of Long Island. Therefore, the 1996 background traffic volumes without the ferry were increased by 3% per year to determine the 1998 background traffic volumes, without the Cross Sound Ferry traffic. Then, information was obtained from the Cross Sound Ferry concerning the number of vehicles on the auto ferry and passengers on the high-speed ferry in 1998. This information was used to determine the traffic on Route 25 that could be associated with the Cross Sound Ferry only. These traffic volumes were added to the 1998 background traffic volumes to determine the total traffic on Route 25 for the 1998 summer time period. These traffic volumes include both the ferry traffic and background traffic. The comparison of background traffic versus traffic associated with the Cross Sound Ferry Services Terminal on Route 25 from the intersection of Suffolk County Road 48 (Main Street) to East Marion Orient Park is presented in Figures 2 through 7. It can be seen in these figures that during the peak hours of traffic flow, the percentage of traffic associated with the Orient terminal is minimal when compared to the background traffic on Route 25. Dunn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: Route 25 11 u__ FIGURE 2 . ---- --,-.--..... -- 1998 Weekday Background/Ferry Traffic NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to E. Marion Orient Park 500 450 ---------. ------- '00 D 1998 EB Ferry Traffic II 1998 Background Traffic EB en 350 - C ::l 0 U 300 CIl E 250 ::l "0 > U 200 it: III ~ 150 I- 100 en - c '00 ::l 0 U CIl E 300 ::l "0 > u it: 200 III ~ I- 100 50 o <<- ....... ..10"", '0.11"'" IHZN 'Z.,..... 1..z..... W~ ~- .......... WPM "'PM <<~ ....... ..to.... 16-..... 'MlYO Time 1998 Weekday Background/Ferry Traffic NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 E. Marion Orient Park 600 500 ,C1998 WB Ferry Traffic i.1998 Background Traffic WB o <<- ..."'" ..... .".... II_11M '2.''''' ..,.... 2-1.... :a...... ........ w..... ..,..... ,.~ ....... ........ .11.... n.uMlO Time FIGURE 3 12 _e_ FIGURE 4_~___.~____ 1998 Saturday Background/Ferry Traffic NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to E. Marion Orient Park 800 100 [J 1998 EB Ferry Traffic 1& 1998 Background Traffic EB 100 600 III - c: ::l o SOD U ., g 400 "0 > U 300 == .. ~ f- 200 o ,.~ ....... "'D_ .00nNlt 1t.lIN 12-'''' 1.2""" ,,~ ~~ ~~ WPM ..7,.. '-4""" ....,.,. .......... '0.11_ '''',MIlI Time 1998 Saturday Background/Ferry Traffic NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to E. Marion Orient Park 800 100 1[J1998 WB Ferry Traffic .1&1998 Background Traffic WB 100 800 III C ::l o 600 o ., E 400 ::l "0 > u IE 300 .. ~ f- 200 o ,.aMI ........ ..,..... ..11..... 11-12'" 12-''''' ..,.... ,.~ ~~ ~~ ..."'" ..,"'" '''lI'II ...."'" ...OfIU ,...,.... '''''11IIO Time FIGURE 5 13 Ul - c: ::> o 500 U " E ::l 400 "0 > u Ii: 300 .. ~ I- 900 BOO 700 Ul C 600 ::> 0 U " 500 E ::> "0 .00 > u IE 300 .. ~ I- . FIGURE 6 . 1998 Sunday Background/Ferry Traffic NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to E. Marlon Orient Park 800 700 600 l:l1998 EB Ferry Traffic 111998 Background Traffic EB 200 100 o '''NA MMl ..UlAM Il1-l1_ n_12N I;z.l""" l..l1PW 2..1""" ~PM "5"'" WPM ..,.... ,,,PM "I'M ..'a.... IO-llPM 'l.l2YO Time 1998 Sunday Background/Ferry Traffic NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to E. Marion Orient Park ~- l:l1998 WB Ferry Traffic 111998 Background Traffic WB 200 .00 o '"oW M_ .It..... ..11..... n.IIN 12-11'1I ..,iIIY :WPM ...... ...... ...... ..,... ,..,.. ...... ..Ill... ...u.... 11_1211IO Time FIGURE 7 14 . . . Vehicle Mix, Route 25 On Tuesday, August 12,1996, a study was done of the vehicular mix on Route 25 east of Main Street from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. The vehicle mix consisted of passenger cars, recreational vehicles, buses and trucks. A total of 823 vehicles were counted. The observed counts were as follows: 799 passenger cars (97.1 %), 4 recreational vehicles (0.5%), 3 buses (0.4%) , and 17 trucks (2.0%). On Wednesday, August 13, 1996, a similar vehicular mix study was conducted on Route 25 east of Main Street from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. A total of964 vehicles were counted. The observed counts were as follows: 913 passenger cars (94.7%),12 recreational vehicles (1.2%), 4 buses (0.4%), and 35 trucks (3.7%). Based on the information obtained from both studies, the A.M. percentages are approximately the same as the P.M. percentages, with passenger cars being the primary means of transportation on Route 25 east of Main Street. These data are summarized in Table 1. August 12. 1996 August 13. 1997 - - ---- "--- , 3:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 12:00 Noon , Passenger Cars 799 97.1% 913 94.7% -- ------ - --_.._-,~-_._- .--- -------- -.-- -------.-"" -- - Recreation Vehicles 4 0.5% 12 1.2% ..- - --- ~-~~_.- - - ---~--._~--- .. .._------~ ------. Buses I 3 0.4% 4 0.4% ~-----~~-----"--~- --. - Trucks 17 2.0% , 35 . 3.7% I TOTAL VEHICLES 823 100% ! 964 100% Table 1 Vehicle Mix Route 25 East of Main Street Ounn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: Route 25 15 . . 3. Surveillance System (SASS) Data from the Intersection of NYS Route 25 and Main Street (Greenport) to the Eastern End of Route 25 The following paragraphs present the results of an accident analysis concerning the two-lane, rural section of New York State Route 25 from the intersection of Route 25 and Main Street (Greenport) to its eastern terminus. This 7.8 mile section serves 4,200 vehicles per day on the 5.4 mile portion west of Narrow River Road and 2,700 vehicles per day on the 2.4 mile eastern portion, based on NYSDOT AADT estimates. Reconstruction of the stated Route 25 section occurred from June 1994 to October 1995 and resulted in safety improvements to the facility, including widening the shoulders. Two sets of accident data were utilized in computing accident rates for periods before and after the discussed Route 25 safety improvements. State Accident Surveillance System (SASS) data, which included all reportable and non-reportable accidents, was obtained for 1991 through 1995. In addition, the Accident Records Bureau of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles provided abstracts of reportable accident cases from 1996 to September 1998. Table 2 contains a summary of the available accident data. The table shows two ofthe accidents in the eight year time frame involved a fatality, and injuries were sustained in 65 of the 92 (71 %) reportable accidents. Note that the number of non-reportable accidents for 1996 through 1998 are estimated based on a 1.94 ratio, as determined from the SASS data, of non-reportable to reportable accidents. Year Total Non- Reportable Fatal Injury Pedestrianl Bicyclist 1991 26 14 o 8 o 25 ->---- --~- ---. --------+--- -- - ~~- --------.-~-------~---_.~._-- , I- 1992 1993 1994 16 o 8 o 1995 33 I I I 28 '0 13 -+-~----- _l~___J_u 1 29 6 o 36 45 2 11 1996 24 16* o o 7 2 1997 32 21* 8 o 1 998" 38 25* , o 4 o Note: Non-reportable accidents are those of lesser severity which are not required to be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles. * Estimated **1998 Accidents include January to September, 1998 Table 2, Accident Summary Dunn2/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Accident-Analysis 16 . . Table 3 lists annual accident rates, incorporating all reportable and non-reportable accidents, for 1991 to 1998. The data from 1996 to 1998 includes an increase in the AADT of3% per year from 1995 to account for normal background traffic growth. The table reveals the accident rates varied from 2.19 accidents per million vehicle-miles of travel (ACCIMVM) in 1996 to 4.23 ACCIMVM in 1994, averaging 2.97 ACCIMVM over the eight year period. For the purpose of comparison, the average accident rate, based on 1992 to 1995 data, for a two-lane, rural New York State highway is 2.75 ACCIMVM. Year Accident Rate (per million vehicle-miles of travel) 1991 ____L 2.44 2.35 3.38 4.23 3.10 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 2.19 2.83 3.27 1998 Table 3, Accident Rates It should be noted that the calculated accident rates are based on the 1995 AADT count data provided by New York State. Based on the summer 1996 traffic counts collected by Dunn Engineering, we presume that the AADT calculated using October count data and the State seasonal adjustment factors may be understating the actual AADT. However, for the purpose of providing a conservative assessment we have based our report on the State figures. Table 4 presents a breakdown of individual reportable accidents which occurred from January 1996 to September 1998 within the study area (mile marker 67.2 to 75.0) since the completion of the State project. It should be noted that no accident clusters exist, thereby no single or multiple problem areas are indicated. None of the accidents exhibited a particular trend with respect to roadway configuration. In fact, based on the comments listed from the accident reports prepared by police on the scene, the cause of each accident can be attributed to human error or weather conditions or other natural phenomenon. This finding, coupled with the previously discussed accident rate comparisons, suggest that the Route 25 study area currently operates at an acceptable safety level and there are no identifiable problems. Ounn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: Table.2 Section.wpd 17 Mile Marker Date Time Comments Type Pavement light Severity i I Condition I Condition 67.4 7/5/96 4:00 P.M. 67.5 8/31/96 8:00 A.M. - -- -- -- m ~ 68.~_ _ ~ 10[115/96 _ _~:Q() ",.M.. 69.3 I 1/2196 NIA 1------- - 69.8 1/2/96 5:00 P.M. -- ---_._._~----- -_.__.~ --- --_. -. - 70.4 4/!1/9~__I"-'-()()A.M. 12:00 72.6 4/21/96 P.M. 74.7 4/11/96 6:00 A.M. 1996 Reportable Accidents Pedestrian Fixed o~ject Bicy,,!e . j Other tl Fix.El~C)bject . Fixed ob"ect Right angle Fixed ob"ect Injury Injl!~y__. _ I Iliury___ PD~ InjlJPL Injury Injury Injury Dry Dry pry DrY..nn __ Snow Dry. Dry Dry 1997 Reportable Accidents Day Pedestrian error/confusion __Qay . Driver fe~ a.~leeE..__ _ . uu_~. _ .pay , Bicyclist failed to yiele! R"O.VV~. t-J.ighL.i.Collision witha.ll.ill'l,!l_ ____ Night I Pavement slippery .. __Night_ _IDriver fell ilsleep.... . ._~ I . Day Driver inattentiveness Dawn : Driver fell asleep 68.0 I 12/6/97 1:00 P.M. Left turn In.ur Dr Day_ . .L!:aill!r~ .to. yield_B..O "W__ 68.1 In 6/21/97 8:00 A.M. . fix~~object Injury. Dry Day Driver fell asleep 68.9 i 8/16/97 3:00 P.M. _F:ixed -.Clbject nlnjlJl"V_. Dry.. Day i Driver inattentiveness --------" .----- ---- _.- , 69.1 I 4/24/97 5:00 P.M. Overtake PD~ Dry Day i Driver inattentiveness I _ __ __n_... - , 69.4 i 12/1/97 4:00 P.M. Fixed ob.ect Jr1ilJl"L.._ Dry Dusk Driver fell asleep -----t------- ..------- ------- ---- .. .. !11114/971~:00 A.M. 1 Collision with light 71.4 Fo.., Obj""'~_ ! Snow Day , . ._~l!Pport/utility flQIe.._______ . _u..____ +--- I ! Driver inattentiveness/backing 71.6 11/15/97 9:00 A.M. Right angle PD~ I Dry Day - - ------- j.. --- - t unsafely I Driver fell asleep/lost 71.7 2/23/97 5:00 P.M. I Fixed object ! Injury Dry Day consciousness Ouo02/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Table-2 Section.wpd Table 4 Reportable Accidents 18 Mile Marker Pavement I Condition Light Condition Date Type Severity Time 1997 Reportable Accidents {continued} 71.8 73.2 10/31/97 I 10:00 P.M. ! Other InjlJl'v Injury Wet Night Day Day , __~2:~~ P.M. i:ixed~~~~ti : 9:00 A.M. 1 Fixed object! Dry 4/25/97 Injury Snow i - I 74.4 i 1/11/97 1998 Reportable Accidents (January - September) I , 67.2 8/16/98 3:00 P.M. Rear end Injury Dry i Day 67.4 3/17/98 6:00 P.M. , Other PDO _[)rY__t_~~9ht -- ---_.~- -' - ----_.---.- I- 67.5 , _ 7l_1_!!~~_1 9:00 A.M. Rear end -t- - PDO Dry Day I- - ---------- -_... t ---.-...-.-.-...- ----- 68.4 9/8/98 3:00 P.M. Rear end i PDO Dry I Day ____________u_____n_ _______ Fi~:~~bject r ------- -- -- -.-.- ----------r , -- -1--- - Day 69.1 I 5/5/98 j~:~~__~~M. '"i"" + 0" - ------------ ----..-.. ---- 9/13/98 I 2:00 A.M. PDO Dry 69.2 I Other i 1_ _ ~ight -- ------ - - - ~-_r.------- _.._______n_' _____ _____.H_ - 70.1 7/30/98 I 6:00 P.M. Left turn ! PDO - Dry I Day I _-__0------ -j - - ui ------- -t----~----- 70.1 8/30/98 I 8:00 A.M. Other I Injury Dry Day , , .' --------- j ----.--" I . j 70.1 8/30/98 i 8:00 A.M. I Other PDO Dry Day _u..______.'. -- --- ---. - I I 10:00 , 71.0 7/12/98 , Overtake PDO Dry Day I : i A.M. I i - I I 72.5 9/3/98 I 8:00 P.M. j Other PDO Dry Night I --- --------- 72.7 6/7/98 ' 8:00 A.M. i Fix~~_~!?iect I_njljl}'_ __ Wet Dusk j-..--------- , - , 74.9 7/14/98 6:00 A.M. Rear end PDO Drv N/A Table 4 Reportable Accidents (Continued) Ouo02/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Table.2 Section.wpd 19 Comments Collision with animal Alcohol involvement/unsafe speed Pavement slippery Driver inattentiveness Collision with animal Driver inattentiveness Driver inattentiveness Collision with tree Collision with animal Failure to yield R.O.W. Collision with animal Collision with animal ----- Driver inattentiveness/turning improperly Collision with animal Lost consciousness . . . . . 4. 7 Day Traffic Volume Counts for Route 25 Immediately West of Site Dunn Engineering Associates completed a detailed traffic volume count on New York State Route 25 immediately west of the site for an eleven day period in August 1996. These traffic volumes were increased to 1998 traffic volumes after following the procedures in the section of the report entitled, "Cross Sound Ferry Services Traffic versus Background Traffic" (See pages 9-10). The specific count locations resided between Main Street and the existing Ferry parking lot. Figures 8 through 25 depict the average hourly traffic plots for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays for the count locations for 1998. On average, Route 25 weekday traffic volume counts reached a peak in the 9:00 A.M. hour in the eastbound direction and the 6:00 P.M. hour in the westbound direction, and peak traffic levels occurred, in general, in the mid-day hours on weekends. Growth factors are best determined by examining data from permanent count stations operated by the State or County to determine an area's trends. Until recently, the North Fork of Long Island did not have a permanent count station and the State primarily relied on data from its Route 27 permanent count station in Southampton to predict trends for the East End. A new permanent count station is now located on Route 25 in Southold. Analysis of traffic volume from this permanent count station located on Route 25 near Mattituck shows an increase in traffic volumes associated with the North Fork of Long Island. Specifically, counts were obtained for each day of July, 1997 and July, 1998. The traffic volume counts showed that the average daily traffic in July, 1997 was 16,781 while July 1998 was 17,103. This shows a 1.9% increase for an average day in the month of July in Mattituck from 1997 to 1998. It can be seen from this analysis that the traffic on Route 25 in the Town of Southold is increasing during the summer months when compared on a monthly basis. Ounn2/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Traffic Volume Count 20 -- FIGURE 8 ~_.n___~ - ---------... 1998 Weekday Traffic NYS Route 25 Eastbound Suffolk County Road 48 to E. Marion Orient Park 500 450 400 ~ .... +-' :::l 350 C 0 :::l ..c:: 0 .... 300 () <ll a. 250 Q) U (fJ <ll ..c .~ 200 Q) ..c:: > <ll 150 > ~ 100 50 0 0 :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; z :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ 0 a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. N N "" .... '" <0 .... <Xl 0> 0 ~ 0 ~ N "" .... '" <0 .... <Xl 0> 0 ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ N ~ Time of Day - - ... .------------.---.- ..---. ---- ._.--------_.__._--~._~-----_.~--- .-.--------- 1998 Weekday Traffic NYS Route 25 Westbound Suffolk County Road 48 to E. Marion Orient Park 500 450 ~ 400 .... +-' :::l C 0 350 :::l ..c:: 0 .... 300 () <ll a. 250 Q) (fJ U <ll ..c .~ 200 Q) ..c:: .> <ll 150 > ~ 100 50 0 0 :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; z :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; :; <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ <{ 0 a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. ~ N "" .... '" <0 .... <Xl 0> 0 ~ 0 N "" .... '" <0 .... <Xl 0> 0 ~ N ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ N ~ Time of Day -.-. FIGURE 9 21 ..---- FIGURE 11 22 Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o g 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 g 0 ~ 0 ~ g g g ~ 12MID 1 AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM I I I 6AM I I I I 7AM i I I 8AM 9AM ." G5 -l 10AM C ~r 11AM JJ CD 0 m - 12 NOON 0 .... Dl 1 PM t.) '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10 PM 11 PM l\) t.) 12MID 1 AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7 AM 8AM 9AM ::i 10AM 3 11AM CD 0 12 NOON - 0 Dl 1 PM '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11 PM (J) c ~ "'Z ~ () -< CD g C/) CD $ ::0 00 ;:u 0 en lil s. c a. CD .... N ~ ~ CJ1 C. rn~~ ~ ~ -I a. ET ., :J 0 Q) ~ ~ ~ CD - -. ac..o "U III ~ '" Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) o g g ~ g ~ g ~ g ~ g ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ 0 000 en c a: "'z ~ () -< CD g C/) CD $ ::0 00 [] 0 en ~ s. c .... CD ~ (Xl N C. 8" CJ1 Q) ;~'< ~ ~ -I 0. 0- ., :J 0 Q) ~ 5 3i ac..o "U III ~ '" . ." Ci) C JJ m .... J\) :. I I 0 12MID lAM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM , 9AM :!II -l lOAM Ci>1 3" C' llAM :xlI ()) 0 12 NOON m ..... I 0 I ~; Dl 1 PM 01: '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10 PM 11 PM I\) ~ Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) g; 0; o N o o :;: N g; ~ w g; fT1 ..Ii, ~ Z CO 5' -< CD ::> en CO ~ ~ :E ;a s. (1) ~ CD (1) ;!- N " o CJ1 a. ~~~ a :; ~ -I ;0 0'" ., <' 0 D) !!l 5 ~ ;0 a. _. g 0 c. 0 12 MID 1 AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM :j lOAM 3 llAM ()) 0 12 NOON ..... 0 Dl 1 PM '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10 PM 11 PM Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) ~ o o o N o o w o o N ~ o ~ o w ~ o fT1 ..Ii, s: Z CO Q) ~ -< CO o' ::> (f) CO 0 ;:u :E ~ (ii' 0 ;a c (1) "U -- Q) CD (1) ~ " "'" N 0 CJ1 a. z mD) Q) Ol'< ~ ~ 0 en :; ---I ;0 0'"., <' g D) CD :J ~ ~ ;0 c.. -. 0 0 Q) c. I I I. 'T1 G> c :xl m ... ~ . Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) g: g ~ 8 ~ . 8 . g: ~ ;; 0 0 0 12 MID 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM i 9AM "111 -I -i 10AM G> 3" c' 11AM :0 CD 0 m - 12 NOON 0 .... [l) 1 PM ...... '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11 PM N (J1 8 fT1 ...Jo. ;: Z CO III ~ -< CO o' ::> C/) CO 0 ::0 en ~ iii' 0 3- c D) -0 - - III CD c: ~ "" N .., 0" c.n a. z ~D) III ~ CD'< C/l -I - ;u 0- .., <' 0 D) t1l C =: ~ ::J ;u Q. -. 0 (") III 0. 12 MID 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM =! 10AM 3 11AM CD 0 12 NOON - 0 [l) 1 PM '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11 PM Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) ;; 0; N N ~ ~ . . ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fT1 ...Jo. i:F z CO a' -< (0 ::> C/) CO ~ ~ en 3- c D) -0- - ~ CD c: "" N .., 0" c.n a. Z m D) ~Q),< :l: ~ -I ;u g .., <' c D) ~ ::J =: ;0 c. _. g (") 0. . I " G5 c :0 m ..... 0) I I It 12MID 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM BAM i '9AM "1'\' 10AM -' -l G)' cl 3' 11 AM :01 CD ml 0 12 NOON - 0 ... : Dl 1 PM CO! '< , 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM BPM 9PM 10PM 11 PM I\) Ol Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) ~ o 0 _ _ ~ N W ~ . . ~ ~ gg:o~8ogg:og [Tl s: Z ~ Ql CD ~ -< 0' :J C/) CD 0 ::0 00 ~ (ii' 0 en ;a c "0 ...... s::: Ql co ~ ;;l- I\.) C- 6' (J1 z :;ED) Ql co'< a en -I :;: ...... .., ;u O"D) :C' g =Sl co ~ ::J _. ;u a. n 0 Ql 0. 12 MID 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM BAM 9AM =! 10AM 3 11AM CD 0 12 NOON - 0 Dl 1 PM '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM BPM 9PM 10PM 11 PM Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) ~ o 0 _ _ N N U ~ ~ . ~ ~ g ~ 8 g: g ~ 8 g: g g: m s: Z ~ Ql CD ~ -< 0' CD :J C/) 0 ::0 00 ~ (ii' 0 en ;a c s::: "0 ...... Ql co ~ ~ '" I\.) C- 6' (J1 D) z m,< Ql a Dl en -I :;: ...... 0" .., ;u 0 D) :c' c =Sl co ~ ::J ;u a. -. 0 n Ql 0. . "TI G5 c JJ m ... ()) . 0 12 MID 1 AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 'T\ -l 10AM G5 3' c CD 11AM JJ a12NOON m 0 1\)1 III 1 PM .....; '< 1 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10 PM 11 PM ~ Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) ~ o o o l!l o g: N g: '" o o z ~ III Z CO ~ ~ -< CO ~ en 00 ;U ;0 <" :E (1) 0 ~ C ;U .... CD 0 CD CD III a. N " 0 CJ1 Co m :;EQ) III CIl CD'< it ~ en -I :J .... ;ol cr .., 0 Q) ~ c 3 :J =: or c 0.. -. CIl 0 0 12 MID 1 AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM ::J 10AM 3 11AM CD 0 12 NOON - 0 III 1 PM '< 2 PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11 PM Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) ~ o o o ~ o o ~ ~ o ~ o w o o w ~ o z ~ III Z CO ~ a -< CO :l; en 00 ;u <" ;0 :E (1) 0 ~ ;u c CD .... 0 CD CD III a. N " 0 CJ1 Co m mQ) III CIl Ill'< it &-1 ~ :J -i o .., (1) c Q) ~ 3 :J 3! or 0.. c CIl 0 i . 'T\ G> c ::JJ m I\) o . Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) g: <5 ;;, ~ ~ 8 '" 0 0 0 0 g: g: 12 MID 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7 AM 8AM !II 9AM -I 10AM Ci) I 3" CI 11 AM :0' CD m! 0 12 NOON - I\) 0 III 1 PM 01 '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11 PM I\) <0 8 .. g: ~ 8 z ~ Ql Z ~ CJ) ~ -< 0 :l; Cf) CJ) ;0 ::0 00 ,,' CD 0 CJ) ~ c ;0 ..... C 0 CD Ql ~ a. N C. 0 c.n m :?:~ Ql (II iO CD -f ~ (J) :J ..... .., --i c- D) CD 0 ~ c ~ 3 ::J 5' -. c 0.. 0 (II 0 12 MID 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM ::! 10AM 3 11AM CD 0 12 NOON - 0 III 1 PM '< 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11 PM Vehicle Count (vehicles per hour) ~ o o o ~ o o ~ o .. o o ~ o ~ g: '" ~ o .. g: . z ~ Z ~ (3 -< CJ) :l; Cf) CJ) ~ ::0 00 ~ 0 CJ) ::0 S. C g CD ~ a. o ~ C. m D) lll[;r'< iO !e. -f 3 c- .., cri 0 D) ~ c ~ ~.:J _. co..O (II ." Ci) C :0 m I\) ~ . . . 5. Availability of Public Transportation The Cross Sound Ferry facility is fully accessible to the bus services provided by Suffolk Transit. At present, one bus route provides service to the site. The S-92 bus operates along Route 25 between Orient Beach State Park and East Hampton. The S-92 bus passes by the site throughout the day. The first three S-92 bus runs do not leave the ferry parking lot, but rather leave from Greenport, the first at 6:15 AM. and arriving at Riverhead at 6:55 A.M. The next two S-92 runs leave Greenport at 6:55 AM. and 8:00 A.M. and arrive at East Hampton at 9: 15 A.M. and 10: 15 AM., respectively. Then bus service begins departing the ferry parking lot approximately every hour, from 8:40 AM. to 4:00 P.M. The ride from the ferry parking lot to East Hampton is approximately 2-1/2 hours. The S-92 bus ridership along the entire line (a 72-mile stretch) was 18,278 people in June 1997,21,259 people in July 1997, and 20,761 people in August 1997. During the off peak months, ridership drops to 14,000 people per month. Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) service is also available via the Ronkonkoma Branch of the LIRR. Greenport is at the easternmost end of the Ronkonkoma Branch of the LIRR. The Greenport station is located at the intersection of Wiggins Street and 4th Street, approximately 1.1 miles south of the Route 25-County Road 48 intersection. The S-92 bus passes one block north ofthe station. The train schedule is presented in Table 5, Long Island Rail Road Schedule: Ounn2J95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Public Transportation 30 . . . . Eastbound Westbound ------------ Departs Arrives Departs Arrives Penn Station Greenport Greenport Penn Station 7:39 A.M. 10:26 A.M. 5:29 A.M. 8:20 A.M. 5:41 P.M. 8:18 P.M. 11:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M. 9:39 P.M. 12:29 P.M. ---_..~_. - -- 9:12 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:17 P.M. 4:05 P.M. 2:12 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:17 P.M. 9:05 P.M. Weekdays Weekends Table 5 long Island Rail Road Schedule Bus service is also available to Greenport from Queens and Manhattan via Sunrise Express. The Queens collection point is directly in front of Queens College. The Manhattan collection point is on the southwest comer of 44'h Street and 31d Avenue. Both operate on the same schedule. There are three collection times: 11:00 A.M., 2:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. The rides are approximately 2 to 2-1/2 hours long. The use of the existing bus (S-92), trolley, Sunrise Express and train (LIRR) services by the patrons of the Cross Sound Ferry facility significantly reduce the traffic impact of the ferry facility on the surrounding street and highway network. In addition, the ferry serves as a critical link in Long Island's mass transportation system by connecting these facilities with the New London multi-modal transportation center. It should be noted that on the New London side of the Sound, the Cross Sound Ferry terminal is located within walking distance of the New London Transportation Center which is a multi-modal facility, including inter- and intra-State Greyhound bus and Amtrak rail service, local bus service and a taxi stand as well as ferry service to Block Island and Fishers Island. There are frequent connections to Providence, Boston and points north, as well as, New Haven and all major cities along the southern coast of Connecticut. Dunn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: Public Transportation 31 . . . . 6. Cross Sound Ferry Services . Transportation Link Since the 1700's, freight and passenger service has existed from Orient Point to New London. In 1923 the service began transporting autos. Its role as a transportation link serving interstate commerce has become increasingly important. The service allows efficient movement of people and goods to and from Long Island and New England without a round about trip through New York City. While serving as a convenience to its users. this service helps reduce the traffic loads on the congested bridges and expressways of New York City, Westchester County and Nassau County and the 1-95 Corridor in Connecticut. The reduction in traffic in these areas helps reduce carbon monoxide generation due to congestion in the New York City area which is a non- attainment area for carbon monoxide. Further, the use of the service reduces vehicle miles traveled by automobiles by shortening the distance of automotive trips and replacing a portion of the trip with a mass carrier; both important goals for Suffolk County, which is a non-attainment area for ozone pollution. . Cross Sound Ferry Services Schedules The schedule from April 14 through October 4,1998 for the Cross Sound Ferry services can be seen in Tables 6 and 7. Also shown are the arrivals and departures of the Sea-Jet I high speed passenger-only vessel in Table 8. Dunn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: F- Trip Information 32 . . April 14 through October 4, 1998 May 21. 26 May 22. 23.1 24,25. ! September 9 through October 4 June 19 September through 8 September 7 May 29 through June 18 May 1 through 28 Except May 21 through 26 April 14 through 30 Friday & Monday Sunday through Thursday and Saturda Daily Saturday Friday & Sunday Monday through Thursday Saturday Friday & Sunday Monday through Thursday Friday & Sunday Monday through Thursday & SaturdllV : i :::: :::: :::: :::: t~:;;.:::. I ::::~:. ~;;:~:: :::: ::~~. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. i 10:00 A.M., 10:.00 A.M'110:00~:!I.1J11:00,A.:.~. 11 :00 A.M. ! 1 :00 p.M.'T;';~~A.M. . 11 :00 A.M. 11 :00 A.M.ll :00 P.M. 1 :00 P.M. : 3:00 P.M. : 1 :00 P.M. . 12:00 Noon 112:00 Noon' I 3:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. [2:.00 P.M. 1 :00 P.~~ .;;~~ ~.~~' 15:00 P.M. -+-- -~ ----t . 3:00 P.M. 7:~~ P.MJ.?:O~ P.M: '2:00 P.M. 2:0~t.1":'_17:~~~:~ 5:00 P.M. 8:45 P.M. 15:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 18:45 P.M: 6:00 P.M. ,6:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 14:00 P.M.I 1 I ' . I : 7:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. I , . 7:00 A.M. 17:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. .l9~00 A.M., 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 110:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11 :00 A.M. 11 :00 A.M. i 11 :00 A.M. 1 12:00 Noon 1 :00 P.M. 12:.00 NoonI1:00P~~_ 2:00 P.M. I 1 :00 P.M. 12:00P:M~__ 3:0~.~..!I.1: 2:00 P.M. 13:00 P:.r.1' ... 5~~0 P:M. 3:00 P.M. '4:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. , I 14:00 P.M. . 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. i 7:00 A.M. i 7:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. ! 9:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. -_uot.. ",~0~_~.M:1110:00 A.M. , 9:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. 1 :00 P.M. 11 :00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. -t 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11 :00 A.M. 11 :00 A.M. 1 :00 P.M. 12:00 Noon 2:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 1-----,--- - 3:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. ------ 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 8:45 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 12:00 Noon 3:00 P.M. 1 :00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 8:45 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 8:45 P.M. : 4:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 1 . 5:00 P.M. 15.00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. . 8:45 P.M. 18:45 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:45 P.M. . 7:00.P.M. I - .. 8:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 18:00 P.M.) : 9:00 P.M. 19:00 P.M. 9:45 P.M. .9:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. ,8:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 8:45 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 9:45 P.M. 9:45 P.M. 9:45 P.M. 9:45 P.M. II = NotMayl.3 Table 6 Approximate Departure Time from Orient Point - Cross Sound Ferry Service Shared Folder\CrossSoundFerry-95125 File:Table6.wpd 33 . . i ' 8:20 A.M. ! 8:20 A.M. i 8:20 A.M. '8:20 A.M. 18:20 A.M. 8:20 A.M. 8:20 A.M. 8:20 A.M. 8:20 A.M. i 8:20 A.M. i 8:20 A.M. 8:20 A.M. 8:20 A.M. 8:20 A.M. 9:20 _A:M. i 10:20 A.M. i 9:20 A.~. . _ 9:20 A.M. ,9:20 A.M. 10:20 A.M. 9:20 A.M. 9:20 A.M. 10:20 A.M. ! 9:20 A.M. 9:20 A.M. 9:20 A.M. 9:20 A.M. 9:20 A.M. 10:20 A.M. i 12:20 P.M. i 10:20 AM .1()~~~~.:...~~O:2_0 A.M. 12:20 P.M. 10:20 A.M. 10:20 A.M. 12:20 P.M. r;~:20 A.M.' 10:20 A.M. 10:20 A.M. 1~20 A.~' ',0:20 A.M. ~~;~ P.M.' '2:~O p.Ml~2~2~ P.M. . 11 :20 A.M. I III :20 A.M.I 2:20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. '" :20 -;~. ~':20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. 11 :20 A.M. 11 :20 A.M. 11 :20 A.M. 12:20 P.M. 1 :20 P.M. 4:20 P.M. l' :20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. 14:20 P.M. 1 :20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. 4:20 P.M. '1 :20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. 2:20 P.M.!6:20 P~~.-i;:20 P.M. ! 1:;;;'.M~n,:;O~~~~ 6:20 P.M. 2:20 P.M. 1 :20 P.M. 1 :20 P.M. ,-- ---- . 4:20P.M. 11.8:20~.M. ]4:20 P.M. ;2:~OP.M.:..__ 2:20 P.M'Il:201'~M.. 4:20 P.M. 2:20P.M. 5:20 P.M. 10:05 P.M. '5:20 P.M. 13:20 P.M.) 10:05 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 3:20 P.M. , j April 14 through October 4, 1998 April 14 through 30 May 1 through 28 Except May 21 through 26 May 29 through June 18 June 19 September through 8 September 7 May 21. 26 May 22. 23.! 24.25 ' Friday &: Monday Sunday through Thursday &:, Saturday . Monday through Thursday Friday &: Sunday Saturday Daily Friday &: Sunday Saturday Monday through Thursday 2:20 P.M. 6:20 P.M. ! 6:20 P.M. i 3:20 P.M. ! 4:20 P.M. 8:20 P.M. 4:20 P.M. 4:20 P.M. 3:20 P.M. 4:20 P.M. 8:20 P.M. ; 8:20 P.M. ,5:20 P.M. 5:20 P.M. 10:05 P.M:l~~()-P.M. .l-6:201'~~-rl_~-' '7:20 P.M. '17:20 P.M.) . , 8:20 P.M. , 8:20 P.M. ! 10:05 P.M. 5:20 P.M. -- -j 5:20 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 10:05 P.M. I 7:20 P.M. 7:20 P.M. 7:20 P.M. 8:20.P.M. 8:20 P.M. 9:20 P.M. 10:05 P.M. 9:20 P.M. 8:20 P.M. , 9:20 P.M. 9:20 P.M. 9:20 P.M. September 9 through October 4 Friday &: Monday Sunday through Thursday &: Saturday 12:20 P.M. 1:20 P.M. ________u_ 1:20 P.M. 2:20 P.M. ---_._~--_.,- 2:20 P.M. 4:20 P.M. 3:20 P.M. 5:20 P.M. 4:20 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 5:20 P.M. 8:20 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 10:05 P.M. . 7:20 P.M. 8:20 P.M. 11:05 P.M. 10:20 P.M. 10:20 P.M. 10:20 P.M. 10:20 P.M. ! 10:20 P.M. ()=NotMayl.3 Table 7 Approximate Arrival Time to Orient Point - Cross Sound Ferry Service Shared Folder\CrossSoundFerry-95125 File: Table7 34 . . Departing from Orient Point Arriving at Orient Point 8:00 A.M. : 7:40 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 9:40 A.M. 12:00 Noon* 11 :40 A.M. * 6:00 P.M. 5:40 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 7:40 P.M. 9:45 P.M. * 9:40 P.M. * * Operates on limited days throughout the year Table 8 Schedule of High Speed Passenger Service Sea-Jet I April 3 Through November 29, 1998 Shared Folder\CrossSoundFerry-95125 File: Table8.wpd 35 . . . . / ! . Vehicle Data The number of vehicles arriving and departing on the auto feny was determined along with the number of passengers arriving and departing on the passenger only feny from information obtained from Cross Sound Feny Services Inc. In addition, manual counts of the total number of vehicles and the total number of passengers arriving at the site were also conducted on a typical weekday and Saturday from 7:15 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and 9:15 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. These times were chosen because it is expected that the majority of the patrons of the high-speed feny would be present within approximately 45 minutes before the 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. departure times of the high-speed feny. The following table is a summary of the passengers/vehicle occupancies for the four 45 minute periods prior to the departure of the high-speed feny. Time Total # of Total # of Occupancy Vehicles Passengers Weekday 7:15 - 8:00 A.M. 60 130 2.17 9:15 - 10:00 A.M. 94 201 2.14 Saturday 7: 15 - 8:00 A.M. 37 80 2.16 9:15 - 10:00 A.M. 62 148 2.39 Table 9 Vehicular Occupancy High Speed Vessel It has been established by observation the auto vessels cany some portion of passengers who are not associated with the vehicles being carried by the vessel and are either drop- offs at the terminal or are persons who parked their vehicles at the terminal and walk on. The number of walk-ons to the auto vessels tend to be minimal, however, because of the time savings in using the high-speed service. Prior to the commencement of the high speed passenger-only service, walk-on passengers were all accommodated on the auto carrying vessels with large numbers of passengers being carried on the two largest of the auto vessels. The arrivals and departures of the passenger-only service are schedule to coincide with the operation of the smaller of the auto canying vessels to minimize the number of vehicles arriving and departing the terminal during a given period. It is evident that if the high speed vessel were not running the walk-on passengers would be accommodated by the auto vessels. Ounn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: F- Trip Information 36 . . . . In order to present a worse case scenario, a vehicle occupancy of 2. I passengers/vehicle was assumed for the high-speed ferry. Figures 26 through 37 depict the number of vehicles arriving and departing at Orient Point during the August 7-17, 1998 time period via the auto vessel service as well as the passenger only service. . Peak Hours of Use The average number of vehicles arriving at Orient Point to board the auto ferry can be seen in Figures 26, 28 and 30 for an average weekday, Saturday, and Sunday respectively. It can be seen that the peak arriving traffic for an average weekday occurs between 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. with an average of92 vehicles arriving. The Saturday peak occurs between 2:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. when an average of 109 vehicles arrive. The Sunday peak occurs between 10:00 A.M. and 11 :00 A.M. when an average of 110 vehicles arrive. The average number of vehicles departing Orient Point from the auto ferry can be seen in Figures 27, 29, and 31 for an average weekday, Saturday, and Sunday respectively. It can be seen that the peak departing traffic for an average weekday occurs between 11 :00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon with an average of 110 vehicles departing. The Saturday peak also occurs between 11:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon when an average of 114 vehicles depart. The Sunday peak occurs between 7:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. when an average of 117 vehicles depart. Similarly, the amount of vehicles associated with the Sea Jet high speed vessel can be seen in Figures 32 thru 37. This was determined by taking the amount of passengers arriving and departing on the Sea Jet 1 high speed vessel and dividing by a vehicle occupancy of2.1 passengers/vehicle. The peak weekday departures for the high speed ferry occurred at 10:00 A.M., when an average of329 passengers departed. The peak Saturday departures also occurred at 10:00 A.M., when an average of282 passengers departed from the high speed vessel. The Sunday peak also occurred at 10:00 A.M., when an average of218 passengers departed. The peak weekday arrivals for the high speed vessel occurred from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. when an average of286 passengers arrived. The peak Saturday arrivals occurred from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. when an average of 262 passengers arrived on the high speed ferry. The Sunday peak occurred from 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. when an average of285 passengers arrived. Dunn2J95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: F-Trip Information 37 . . 140 120 100 '; 80 0 .r: ";; ~ U :E 60 ~ > 40 20 140 120 100 '; 80 0 .r: ";; ~ U :E 60 ~ > 40 20 , , ., , . . FIGURE 26 Weekday Vehicle Arrivals - Auto Ferry o 7AM 8AM 9AM lOAM llAM 12N 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM llPM Time Weekday Vehicle Departures - Auto Ferry o 7AM 8AM 9AM lOAM 11 AM l2N lPM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM l1PM Time . FIGURE 27 . 38 . FIGURE 28 . Saturday Vehicle Arrivals - Auto Ferry 20 140 120 100 S 80 0 "' <;; ~ U :E 60 ~ > 40 o 7AM 8AM 9AM lOAM llAM l2N 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM Time Saturday Vehicle Departures - Auto Ferry 140 120 --- -- ---------- 100 - ~ 80 0 "' <;; ~ U :E 60 ~ > 40 20 o 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12N 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM T,ime . FIGURE 29 . 3f 100 5 80 0 .c -;; ~ U :E 60 ~ > . . FIGURE 30 Sunday Vehicle Arrivals - Auto Ferry 140 120 40 20 o 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 N 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM Time Sunday Vehicle Departures - Auto Ferry 140 120 -----.-..---'" 100 5 80 0 .c -;; ~ U :E 60 ~ > 40 20 o 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12N 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM SPM 6PM 7PM 6PM 9PM 10PM 11PM Time . FIGURE 31 . 40 . FIGURE 32 . Weekday Arrivals - Sea Jet 350 300 250 ~ ~ 0 :I: 200 "i! ~ '" c ~ 150 ~ ~ ~ 0. 100 o 50 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 N 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM Time Weekday Departures - Sea Jet 350 300 250 ~ " 0 <: 200 ~ ~ " '" c " 150 ~ ~ ~ 0. 100 50 0 8AM 9AM lOAM llAM 12N 1~ 2~ J~ 4~ 5~ 6~ 7~ 8~ 9~ Time FIGURE 33 . . 41 5 o J: 200 ;;; - ~ 0> C ~ 150 '" .. "- . . FIGURE 34 Saturday Arrivals - Sea Jet 350 300 250 100 50 o 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 1 1 AM 12 N 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM Time Saturday Departures - Sea Jet 350 300 . .-_-. -- --- --- 250 5 0 J: 200 ;;; ~ 0> C ~ 150 '" '" .. "- 100 50 o 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 N 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM Time . FIGURE 35 . 42 . . FIGURE 36 Sunday Arrivals - Sea Jet 350 300 250 .-----....-----. - " 0 :I: 200 ;;; - m 01 c m 150 " " .. 0.. 100 50 350 300 250 - " 0 :I: 200 ;;; - m 01 c .. 150 " " .. 0.. 100 50 o 7AM 8AM 9AM lOAM llAM 12N lPM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM Time Sunday Departures - Sea Jet o 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 N 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM Time FIGURE 37 . 4:: . . . . Auto Vessel/High Speed Vessel All of the 5 auto vessels carry passengers that walk-on and are unassociated with the vehicles the vessel carries, but the percentage of walk-on passengers appears relatively insignificant because of the attractiveness of the high-speed vessels in serving walk-on passenger needs at a much faster pace. If there were no high speed vessel or if there were less service, the passengers would migrate to the vehicle vessel. Prior to the introduction of the high-speed passenger-only service, all walk-on passengers were accommodated on the auto ferries with the larger boats, the John H. anI! Cape Henlopen, carrying the bulk of the walk-ons because of the availability of passenger carrying capacity. Walk-on passengers prior to the Sea Jet I, reduced the available seating for the automobile drivers and their passengers. Thus, the introduction of Sea Jet I maintained the quality of service for passengers on the auto vessels. Currently, walk-ons for the auto vessels still increase when the Sea Jet I is out of service, during midday hours when Sea Jet is not running, or during the winter when total passenger ridership will not economically support Sea Jet I operation. It was recognized by the management of the Cross Sound Ferry Services that logistically, carrying full auto capacity and a high number of walk-on passengers on the same ship was difficult. Operationally, it was deemed better to spread the load out over different time periods. In order to do this, the high-speed ferry (Sea Jet I) was introduced. The departures for the Sea Jet were scheduled to coincide with the arrivals and departures of the smaller auto vessels to minimize loading and parking operations. The attractiveness of the service has potentially encouraged travelers tQ leave their vehicles in Orient and avail themselves of mass transportation service of the Sea Jet and associated bus and train transportation on the Connecticut side. This should be considered a major benefit in that it deceases vehicle miles traveled in automobiles, a major environmental accomplishment in this region where ozone levels are above standard. Furthermore, providing the high speed passenger service which improves logistical operations for the service has the additional benefit of spreading out the traffic loads on Route 25. From this standpoint, the high speed passenger service is beneficial to transportation services in Southold Town. Dunn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: F.Trip Information 44 . . . Sources of Existing Traffic, Cross Sound Ferry Services The origins of passengers taking the Cross Sound Ferry from Orient Point to New London are indicated concomintant with the purpose of the trip and the frequency of ridership in Table 10, Ridership Information. Weekend travel is the purpose for 59% of the services travelers with 35% of the passengers utilizing the service 4 to 8 times per year. Dunn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: F. Trip Information 45 . . Origin of Orient Point to New London Passengers Origin. Percent East End of Long Island (Including Brookhaven) 35% West End of Long Island 41% Boston Area 7% Rhode Island 5% Other 12% TOTAL 100% Purpose of Trip Purpose Percent Weekend Trip 59% Family Vacation Business Trip 21% TOTAL 20% 100% Frequency of Ridership Number of Riders Percent More than once a year 28% 4 to 8 times a year 1 to 2 times a year Less than once a year 35% 25% 12% TOTAL 100% Source: 1994 Survey Table 10 Ridership Information Orient Point Auto/Passenger Service to New London Shared Folder\CrossSoundFerry-95125 File: Tablel0.wpd 46 . . 7. Existing level of Service and Carrying Capacity on Route 25 East of the Intersection of NYS Route 25 and Main Street (Greenport) to the Eastern End of Route 25 . levels of Service Descriptions Typically, three parameters are used to describe service quality on two lane highways. These parameters are a) average travel speed, defined as the distance divided by the average travel time of all vehicles, b) percent time delay, defined as the average percent of time that all vehicles are delayed while traveling in platoons due to the inability to pass, and c) capacity utilization, defined as the ratio of dem.and flow rate to the capacity of the facility. These Levels of Service (LOS), designated "A" through "F" in descending quality of service, are defined as follows: Level of Service A LOS A would result in average speeds approaching 60 mph on two-lane highways. The passing frequency required to maintain these speeds has not reached a demanding level. Passing demand is well below passing capacity, and almost no platoons of three or more vehicles are observed. Drivers would be delayed no more than 30 percent of the time by slow-moving vehicles. Level of Service B LOS B is characterized by speeds of 55 mph or slightly higher. Passing demand needed to maintain desired speeds becomes significant and approximately equals the passing capacity. Drivers are delayed up to 45 percent of the time on the average. Above this flow rate, the number of platoons forming in the traffic stream begins to increase dramatically. Level of Service C Further increases in flow characterize LOS C, resulting in noticeable increases in platoon formation, platoon size and passing difficulties. Average speed still exceeds 52 mph, even though unrestricted passing demand exceeds passing capacity. While traffic flow is stable, it is becoming susceptible to congestion due to turning traffic and slow- moving vehicles. Percent time delays are up to 60 percent. Dunn2/95125, Cross Sound Ferry File: Results.wpd 47 . . Level of Service D Unstable traffic flow is approached as traffic flows enter LOS D. The two opposing traffic streams essentially begin to operate separately at higher volume levels, as passing becomes extremely difficult. Passing demand is very high, while passing capacity approaches zero. Platoon sizes of5 to 10 vehicles are common, although speeds of 50 mph can still be maintained. The percentage of time motorists are delayed approaches 75 percent. This is the highest flow rate that can be maintained for any length of time over an extended section without a high probability of breakdown. Level of Service E LOS E is defined as traffic flow conditions on two-lane highways having a percent time delay of greater than 75 percent. Under ideal conditions, speeds will drop below 50 mph. Average travel speeds on highways with less than ideal conditions will be slower, as low as 25 mph in some cases. Passing is virtually impossible under LOS E conditions, and platooning becomes intense when slower vehicles or other interruptions are encountered. Level of Service F As with other highway types, LOS F represents heavily congested flow with traffic demand exceeding capacity. Volumes are lower than capacity, and speeds are below capacity speed. . Existing levels of Service This section outlines the results of a capacity analysis for three portions of roadway within the New York State Route 25 study area. Specifically, through the use of Highway Capacity Software, the existing levels of service and the carrying capacity of Route 25 from Main Street to East Marion Orient Park were determined. In addition, the existing levels of service and the carrying capacity were found for Route 25 from East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road and from Narrow River Road to the eastern terminus of Route 25. The analysis was completed for three one-hour time periods within a typical weekday, Saturday, and Sunday. Table II presents a summary of the capacity analysis. The level of service listed in the table pertains to peak period (15 minutes) operations within each one-hour time frame. In general, the section of Route 25 from Main Street to East Marion Orient Park exhibited a lower level of service than the sections to the east toward the eastern Ounn2/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Results.wpd 48 Existing Volume Existing level ot Road Time ot Week Time-ot-Day Two-Way Capacity (vehicles per hour) Service (vehicles per hour) (Peak August (Peak August 1998) 1998) 11:00A.M.-12 Noon 2225 656 D Weekday 5:00-6:00 P.M. 2280 864 D !- - -- - - ------- 9:00-10:00 P.M. rn 2122 340 C - --~----_._--- --~~. -----.----- .._____u 11:00 A.M.-12 Noon 2239 1201 E . NYS Route 25 from Suffolk County Road 48 to Saturday 5:00-6:00 P.M. 2197 1145 E East Marion Orient Park ----.- --- ._------ -----.--- 9:00-10:00 P.M. 2197 509 C --------- -~----- ------------- ------ 11 :00 A.M.-12 Noon 2184 1266 E Sunday 5:00-6:00 P.M. 2133 1281 E -------------- 9:00-10:00 P.M. 2294 604 D ...--------- ---- 11 :00 A.M.-12 Noon 2122 423 C -- --"-- Weekday 5:00-6:00 P.M. 2211 503 C --------- 9:00-10:00 P.M. 2197 220 8 --_._-- -- -- - - -------.------ 11:00 A.M.-12 Noon 2156 732 D NYS Route 25 from East ---------- --------- Marion Orient Park to Saturday 5:00-6:00 P.M. 2225 661 D Narrow River Road -----------..-- . 9:00-10:00 P.M. 2064 259 C 11 :00 A.M.-12 Noon 2087 753 D -------...- Sunday 5:00-6:00 P.M. 2156 900 E ------- ...- 9:00-10:00 P.M. 2252 385 C Table 11 Capacity Analysis Results for NYS Route 25 August 1998 Peak Period Shared Folder\CrossSoundFerry-95125 File: Tablel1.wpd 49 Road NYS Route 25 from Narrow River Road to its Eastern Terminus f- - I I i I I Shared Folder\CrossSoundFerry.95125.00 File: Tablel1.wpd Time of Week Weekday Sunday Time-of-Day i 11 :00 A.M.-12 Noon , 9:00-10:00 P.M. ! 11:00 A.M.-12 Noon i--- ---------.------- I 5:00-6:00 P.M. 19:00-10:00 P.~. Two-Way Capacity (vehicles per hour) I 2133 2239 2294 2239 2211 2122 2064 2133 2294 Table 11 (Continued) Capacity Analysis Results for NYS Route 25 August 1998 Peak Period 50 Existing Volume Existing level of (vehicles per hour) Service , (Peak August i (Peak August 19981 , 1998) i 368 I C I 360 , C -- 161 B ----- . 438 C ---- 496 C - ----- -----~ 218 C , 565 D u_ --- - .-...--.-- 764 D 341 C . . . terminus of Route 25, reflecting the significant change in traffic volume between the two sections. . Seasonal Variation As noted previously in this report, the peak travel time of August has been chosen for the purpose of this Study. August represents the peak of travel volume on Route 25 on the North Fork, as well as the peak usage of the Cross Sound Ferry Services and peak use of the adjacent Orient State Park. While volumes on Route 25, the Cross Sound Ferry Services and the park are all significantly lower in July than August, Cross Sound Ferry Services ridership drops to approximately half the August ridership in September and June. This drop in ridership continues through the Fall, Winter and Spring. Figure 38, Monthly Passengers Carries versus Route 25 Volumes, indicates the extreme seasonal variation in total passenger ridership of the Cross Sound Ferry ServiCes as well as extreme seasonal variation in traffic on Route 25 at the permanent count station in Mattituck. 8. Assessment of the Potential of Uninterrupted Traffic Flow Along Route 25 Resulting from Vehicles Unloading at the Orient Terminal It is recognized that the existing auto transport service does create a stream of traffic exiting the vessel as it docks.. However, the unloading of vehicles only lasts from 5 to 15 minutes depending on how full the vessel is and the size of the vessel. Momentary delays in the unloading period cause gaps in this stream of traffic as does driver behavior as slower drivers allow gaps to develop between themselves and faster drivers. The unloading only occurs once every hour and more often than not lasts 5 minutes or less. The other portion of the hour, no traffic is generated by vehicles departing the auto-ferry. The high speed passenger vessel is another situation. The passengers have to walk off the ship, carrying their belongings, find their vehicle in the parking lot, and pack the car, thus stretching out the departures from the parking lot and creating more random gaps. This random departure pattern provides for gaps in the traffic stream along Route 25. DunnZ/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Results.wpd 51 FIGURE 38 Monthly Passenger Carries vs. Route 25 Volumes 200,000 20,000 180,000 18,000 , 160,000 , 16,000 , ' . .. , 140,000 , , 14,000 ..c::: I Route 25 -~ , - c , < 0 ,. CD ~ 120,000 , - ---_._--~., 12,000 :r , Q. -- , l/l ,. . . CD "- 100,000 tL_ . 10,000 CIl Q) . - - , - . . "'0 0> , C -. CD Q) ..., l/l 80,000 8,000 0 l/l Cross Sound Ferry OJ ell '< 0- 60,000 6,000 40,000 4,000 20,000 2,000 0 0 ~ ~ ti '2 ,., .. ,., 1;; ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" c. '" c "5 => ::;; => .c .c .c .c => 2 '" <( ..., ..., C> E 0 E E c .c ::;; => t3 '" <( .& .. 1l ..., .. 0 > lL C. 0 .. .. z 0 en Month . Passengers I Month - .- Vehicles I day . . CI1 I\) . . It should be pointed out that traffic caused by both auto and high speed ferry service does not produce uninterrupted traffic flow for long periods of time along Route 25. The further away from the terminal along Route 25, the more gaps will be introduced into the traffic stream not only due to activity at the terminal but also due to friction along the roadway. Residents along Route 25 will be able to pull out of driveways and side streets without being significantly affected. 9. Methods of Handling Traffic Flow During Unloading Process Observations show that when the auto carrying vessel arrives and the ship docks, the vehicles leave the boat as soon as they can. This is an orderly process. The passengers, both from the auto carrying vessels and the high-speed passenger-only vessels, cause more random departures. The passengers unload and then proceed to their cars. Because of the walking time and start-up time, the traffic leaving the parking area is random. All traffic exits either the boat or the parking lot and enters Route 25 westbound proceeding to their destinations. Due to the relatively low volumes and the random passenger departures, vehicles entering Route 25 do so in a timely and orderly manner. 10. Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. Growth During the time period, 1996 to 1998, the Cross Sound Ferry Services saw a decrease in total passengers of 8.0% while total autos carried increased by 7.7%. Total trucks carried increased by 4.1 %. In addition, the Cross Sound Ferry Services passenger and vehicles were also compared for a common time period in August of both 1996 and 1998. Specifically, data was obtained from Friday, August 16, 1996 until Monday, August 26, 1996 for the total number of passengers and vehicles carried by the ferries. For comparison purposes, data was also obtained from Friday, August 7, 1998 until Monday, August 17, 1998. This data showed that the Sea-Jet ferry carried 14,699 passengers during this time period in 1996 and 14,527 during the similar time period in 1998. These passenger totals show a decrease of 1.2% from 1996 to 1998. Similarly, the number of automobiles carried on the auto ferry went from 21,172 during the 1996 time period to 20,122 in the 1998 time period. This is a decrease of 5.0%. Dunn2/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Results.wpd 53 . . The growth in Cross Sound Ferry Service usage on a year to year basis, particularly in motor vehicle hauls, is explained by a variety of causes. First, traditionally on Long Island, vehicle registrations and the issuance of licenses has grown at a faster pace than population. Secondly, the Cross Sound Ferry Service is an important link in Long Island's transportation system. It is a link by which the population of the five eastern towns of Long Island, Brookhaven and much of Suffolk County can access New England without traversing the heavily congested Nassau County and New York City area. The Service thus provides a route which avoids the continuing and increasing congestion in the Nassau County/New York City area for a wide area with a steadily growing population. Additionally, economic conditions have improved across Long Island. Cross Sound Ferry Services traffic is dependent upon: economy, weather, traveler preferences, which in itself are occasioned by destinations and their popularity, the relative efficiency and costs of alternative access, including airplane, congestion in Queens (Whitestone and Throgs Neck Bridges), and road construction in western Long Island and southern Connecticut, and whether there is new water carrier service developed between Connecticut and Montauk. 11 . Parking Considerations The totalcapacity of existing on-site parking provided by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. is 345 vehicles. Due to techniques undertaken by Cross Sound Ferry Management in order to maximize its existing parking facilities, observations during peak times showed that the existing parking is adequate to meet the demands of the patrons of Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. In particular, the adequacy of the parking is only a factor during the months of June, July and August when peak travel occurs. During the months of May and September ridership is down by over 40% and there is plenty of excess capacity in the existing parking lots. Indeed, the existing parking accommodates the existing ridership because of parking management techniques implemented by Cross Sound to maximize use of the available parking. In order to maximize the use of the available space parking aids are used to assure that incoming vehicles are parked in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Both the West Parcel and the Snack Bar Parcel are used to provide the longer term parking for the vessel customers who are not crossing with their cars. These are used for "assisted parking". Various numbers of land-based employees are assigned to assist the vehicle drivers in parking in the unmarked gravel parking areas, as close to one another as possible, to increase the parking efficiency and maximize the use of these two parcels. The staff has the option of parking these vehicles in planned areas, which could include directing compact cars to certain areas, etc. Measuring the results of the assisted parking, a typical spacing of Dunn2/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Results.wpd 54 . . 8' to 8.6' per car exists. In addition, certain areas which are used to afford initial ingress and egress to the Snack Bar Parcel can be used for parking when the lot reaches its capacity, while still allowing a central exit and entrance area at all times. A report published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers entitled, "Traffic Engineering Handbook" states: "Commercial parking attendants can park large cars in stalls less than 8 feet wide. With self-parking, stall widths that will accommodate most passenger cars and light trucks range between 8.3 feet and 8.8 feet, depending on anticipated parking activity. Where parking turnover is expected to be low, as for all-day parking, narrower stall widths are usually acceptable." In addition, the report explains that stall widths of 8.25 feet are acceptable for low turnover parking lots such as a commuter lot. The Cross Sound Ferry parking lots can be considered commuter lots since they share certain key characteristics. The main similarity is that vehicles remain in both lots for extended periods oftime. This time period can reach into several hours or even an overnight time period. Little or no complaints have been made in the recent past concerning the parking situation. Also, the Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. growth showed a decrease in walk-on passengers from 1996 to 1998. This decrease indicates that use of the high speed Ferry appears to have stabilized. Therefore, the existing parking is adequate to meet current demands. Dunn2/95125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Results.wpd 55 . . B. Description of Pedestrian/Cycling Activity Safety from the Intersection of NYS Route 25 and Main Street (Greenport) to the Eastern End of Route 25 Dunn2/9512S. Cross Sound Ferry File: Dvdrs.wpd S6 . . Non-Motorist Activity Non-motorist counts were obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation for all four Saturdays in the month of August 1997. Manual counts of pedestrians, bicyclists, and skateboarders traveling in both the eastbound and westbound directions on Route 25 between Rocky Point Road and Old Orchard Road from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. were recorded. A summary of the non-motorized counts, Non-Motorized Count Summary, is presented in the Appendix. During the month of August 1997, the Saturday eastbound average counts for the 6 hour period were: 58 pedestrians (40%), 74 bicyclists (52%), and 11 skateboarders (8%). For the westbound direction on Saturday, the counts averaged: 70 pedestrians (46%),71 bicyclists (46%), and 12 skateboarders (8%). The pavement condition of Route 25 is excellent. In 1994, the road was repaved and widened. Route 25 provides one lane in each direction, each having a width of 10 feet. Route 25 also provides wide shoulders, each having a width of? feet. Both shoulders are in excellent condition. The wide edge lines which separate the shoulders from traffic are in good condition. In order to develop a quantitative approach to rating Route 25 as a bicycle route, available publications and reports were researched. In checking the bicycle suitability on Route 25 with the available criteria, characteristics considered to be primary factors were taken into account. The characteristics (listed in order of significance) are: . Shoulder width; . Annual daily traffic (ApT) volume per lane; . Speed limit; and, . Shoulder pavement conditions Factor scores for each of the individual characteristics were obtained using various studies and reports. Suitability criteria in these sources are oriented toward intermediate or experienced bicyclists who are familiar with the rules of the road and effective cycling. Each suitability factor has three (or five) possible value ranges with factor scores ranging from +2 to -2. The middle range for each suitability factor corresponds to minimum desirable bicycling conditions. The low suitability factor range corresponds to desirable bicycling conditions, whereas the high suitability factor range corresponds to less than desirable bicycling conditions. The suitability factor ranges were selected based upon available Dunn2l9S12S.00. Cross Sound Ferry File: Pedestrian-Environment~2.wpd 57 . . information from several other studies and reports. According to the available publications and reports researched, it is recommended that: . a factor score of 2 be used if the shoulders are greater than 6 feet wide, · a factor score of -I be used if the traffic volumes, ADT per lane, are in the 5,000 to 9,999 range, · a factor score of I be used if the posted speed limit falls in the 40 to 49 mph range, and · a factor score of2 be used if the shoulder/travellane pavement surface quality is new or in very good condition. A single numerical suitability score (bicycle suitability score) was obtained by summing the score for each factor. Each suitability factor was weighted equally for simplicity. The bicycle suitability score value was then interpreted using available information from several other studies and reports. According to various sources, the resulting bicycle suitability score can fall in either of four ranges, each range having its own interpretation. A bicycle suitability score between 6 and 8 indicates that the physical characteristics of the roadway make it more than desirable for intermediate to experienced bicyclists, and not for beginning bicyclists. A bicycle suitability score between -I and 5 indicates that the physical characteristics of the roadway make it desirable for intermediate to experienced bicyclists, and not for beginner bicyclists. A bicycle suitability score between -2 and -5 indicates that the physical characteristics of the roadway make it undesirable for intermediate to experienced bicyclists. Lastly, a bicycle suitability score between -6 and -8 indicates that the physical characteristics of the roadway make it more than undesirable for intermediate to experienced bicyclists. On Route 25, the shoulders are 8 feet wide (factor score = 2), traffic volumes, ADT per lane are in the 5,000 to 9,999 range (factor score = -I), the posted speed limit falls in the 40 to 49 mph range (factor score = I), and the shoulder/travellane pavement surface quality is new or very good condition (factor score = 2). Summarizing the score for each factor resulted in a bicycle suitability score of 4. This value indicates that the physical characteristics of the roadway make it desirable for intermediate to experienced bicyclists, and not for beginner bicyclists. It is further interesting to note that in August 1996 the Cross Sound Ferry Service accommodated 442 trips by bicyclists and could be a reason why the Route 25 bicycle route is so popular. Dunn2/9S 125.00. Cross Sound Ferry File: Pedestrian-Environmcnt-2.wpd 58 . . The Cross Sound Feny Service provides a critical link in Long Island's transportation network. It provides a transportation connection between the eastern tip of Long Island and New England for autos, trucks, freight, buses and walk-on passengers. Currently, the vessel service operates five combination auto and passenger vessels, the largest having a capacity of 120 cars and 1,000 passengers, and one that exclusively services passengers and has a maximum capacity of 400. The passenger service only vessel, the Sea-Jet I, is a high speed ship that started trips in 1995 in response to growing demand for passenger-only service. With the initiation of the high speed vessel service, walk-on passengers who were using the auto vessels were given a new option. The bulk of the walk-on passengers, which had previously been accommodated on the two largest of the auto canying vessels were attracted to the high speed vessel. Further, the high speed vessel was scheduled to arrive and depart port closer to arrival and departure of the smaller of the auto canying vessels. The new scheduling thus moved vehicle arrivals and departures at the Orient terminal associated with walk-on passengers to hours of the day when the small auto canying vessels generated little traffic. As part of the study of traffic conditions along Route 25 between Greenport and Orient, an examination of accident statistics was made. The accident experience on this portion of Route 25 prior to 1996 was somewhat higher than the statewide average for similar facilities. However, in 1994 and 1995 the State reconstructed the roadway, provided drainage, installed new signing and pavement markings, and improved the condition of the shoulders. It is recognized that the existing auto transport service does create a stream a traffic exiting the vessel as it docks. Momentary delays in the unloading period cause gaps in this stream of traffic as does driver behavior as slower drivers allow gaps to develop between themselves and faster drivers. The unloading only occurs once every hour and more often than not lasts 5 minutes or less. The other portion of the hour, no traffic is generated by vehicles departing the auto-feny. On the high speed passenger vessel passengers have to walk off the ship, carrying their belongings, find their vehicle in the parking lot, and pack the car, thus stretching out the departures from the parking lot and creating more random gaps. This random departure pattern provides for gaps in the traffic stream along Route 25. It should be pointed out that traffic caused by both auto and high speed feny service does not produce uninterrupted traffic flow for long periods of time along Route 25. The further away from the terminal along Route 25, the more gaps will be introduced into the traffic stream not only due to activity at the terminal but also due to friction along the roadway. Residents along Route 25 will be able to pull out of driveways and side streets without being significantly affected. Ounn2J95125.0Q, Cross Sound Ferry File: Summary.wpd 60 . . The section of Route 25 from Main Street to East Marion Orient Park exhibits a lower level of service than the sections to the east toward the eastern terminus of Route 25. This is caused by the significant change in traffic volume between the two sections. The total capacity of existing on-site parking provided by Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. is 345 vehicles. Due to techniques undertaken by Cross Sound Ferry Management in order to maximize its existing parking facilities, observations during peak times showed that the existing parking is adequate to meet the demands of the patrons of Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. In particular, the adequacy of the parking is only a factor during the months of June, July and August when peak travel occurs. During the months of May and September ridership is down by over 40% and there is plenty of excess capacity in the existing parking lots. Indeed, the existing parking accommodates the existing ridership because of parking management techniques implemented by Cross Sound to maximize use of the available parking. In order to maximize the use of the available space parking aids are used to assure that incoming vehicles are parked in the most efficient and effective manner possible. In addition, little or no complaints have been made in the recent past concerning the parking situation. Also, the Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. growth showed a decrease in walk-on passengers from 1996 to 1998. This decrease indicates that use of the high speed ferry appears to have stabilized. Therefore, the existing parking is adequate to meet current demands. Bicycle and pedestrian use along Route 25 was also examined. In general, usage was found to be low but was significant. It was also noteworthy that the Cross Sound Ferry contributes to Route 25's popularity with bicyclists because of the numbers transported by the vessel during the summer months. Route 25 between Greenport and Orient was also rated for its suitability as a bicycle route using available criteria. The roadway was found to be user-friendly for intermediate and experienced bikers, particularly due to its wide high quality shoulders and light adjacent traffic loads. Dunn2/95125.0Q, Cross Sound Ferry File: Summary.wpd 61 NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY REPORT AM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 PM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 TOTALS EASTBOUND 2 2 1 2 2 11 85 114 140 ** 73 130 74 88 63 107 68 86 42 41 20 28 14 15 5 1,213 . WESTBOUND 4 4 o 4 1 5 27 55 91 60 75 72 98 60 137 89 161 ** 40 70 51 43 33 9 14 1,203 . ROUTE 25 NARROW RIVER RD TO ORIENT POINT OCTOBER 1995 FILE NAME RT25 072951095 DAILY TOTAL 2,416 EST. AADT 2,700 ** DENOTES PEAK HOUR NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY REPORT AM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 PM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 TOTALS EASTBOUND 5 3 3 2 6 19 98 161 181 ** 118 168 117 140 141 168 138 144 96 76 49 43 28 26 12 1,942 . WESTBOUND 3 2 o 4 3 15 56 94 150 115 115 108 159 109 224 ** 158 178 96 90 59 45 36 12 14 1,845 . ROUTE 25 CR 48 MIDDLE ROAD TO NARROW RIVER ROAD OCTOBER 1995 FILE NAME RT25 072961095 DAILY TOTAL 3,787 EST. AADT 4,200 ** DENOTES PEAK HOUR . . Route 25 East of Main Street Greenport Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, August 23, 1996 Disk #390. Cross Sound Ferry File: Dividers 10/07/97 09:38:10 4IbUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIAT~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 1 BASIC COUNT DATA PRINT 3ite ID : Info 1: Info 2: RT.25 E/O MAIN ROAD EB WB Start Time: Start Date: End Time End Date 13:00 Aug 16, 21:00 Aug 23, 1996 Fri 1996 Fri Factor 1. 000 ~****************************************************************************** Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 : 45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 13: 00 105 84 110 115 414 14:00 110 150 104 91 455 15:00 103 103 111 114 431 16:00 145 107 115 130 497 17:00 122 120 119 106 467 18:00 115 114 102 90 421 19:00 82 77 70 74 303 20:00 59 87 75 68 289 21:00 72 76 70 42 260 22:00 65 40 41 39 185 23:00 37 34 26 31 128 Jaily Total 3850 Average Period: 85.6 a.M Total 0 ( 0.0%) Average Hour 350.0 PM Total 3850 (100.0%) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: Peak PM Hour: 16:00= 497 ( 12.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.857 10/07/97 09:38:10 ~UNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 2 r****************************************************************************** .wane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction ;ensor Used : Axle ,****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 : 45 Total .-------------------------------------------- 08/17/96 00:00 17 28 10 15 70 01:00 11 15 5 7 38 02:00 4 10 7 8 29 03:00 6 1 2 6 15 04:00 1 6 6 4 17 05:00 10 10 16 29 95 06:00 46 57 73 43 219 07:00 66 85 62 58 271 08:00 82 122 84 80 368 09:00 121 148 117 116 502 10:00 147 150 150 154 601 11:00 157 175 163 146 641 12:00 173 170 168 172 683 13:00 139 136 164 112 551 14:00 148 155 139 141 583 15:00 127 139 103 121 490 16:00 128 134 108 139 509 17:00 106 III 101 108 426 18:00 113 103 112 82 410 19:00 80 91 83 80 334 20:00 77 88 80 70 315 21:00 54 65 47 42 208 22:00 48 36 39 37 160 23:00 34 29 23 32 118 Daily Total 7623 Average period: 78.6 ~ Total 2836 37.2%) Average Hour 317.6 ?M Total 4787 62.7%) Peak AM Hour: 10:45= 649 ( 8.5%) Peak AM Factor: 0.927 ?eak PM Hour: 12:00= 683 ( 8.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.987 10/07/97 09:38:10 4IbUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIAT~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 3 .0/07/97 09:38:10 ~UNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 4 "****************************************************************************** .1....Iane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction ;ensor Used : Axle "****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total .-------------------------------------------- U8/19/96 00:00 12 15 6 4 37 01:00 6 4 3 1 14 02:00 2 2 5 1 10 03:00 1 2 0 2 5 04:00 4 3 2 2 11 05:00 5 8 10 23 46 06:00 32 57 72 53 214 07:00 50 80 89 66 285 08:00 65 83 76 82 306 09:00 87 95 93 82 357 10:00 87 111 102 112 412 11 :00 108 99 128 102 437 12:00 119 133 109 89 450 13 :00 101 101 113 86 401 14 :00 100 102 103 75 380 15:00 87 82 81 92 342 16:00 88 104 98 93 383 17:00 85 92 90 85 352 18:00 78 82 74 65 299 19:00 54 72 54 52 232 20:00 52 52 37 33 174 21:00 27 45 29 17 118 22:00 18 22 21 21 82 23:00 19 11 14 6 50 Daily Total 5397 Average period: 55.6 l,M Total 2134 39.5%) Average Hour 224.9 ?M Total 3263 60.4%) Peak AM Hour: 10:45= 447 ( 8.2%) Peak AM Factor: 0.873 "'eak PM Hour: 12:00= 450 ( 8.3%) Peak PM Factor: 0.846 ,-0/07/97 09:38:10 ~UNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIAT~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 5 r****************************************************************************** Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction ;ensor Used : Axle (****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/20/96 00:00 10 7 5 7 29 01:00 9 5 4 1 19 02:00 3 1 2 1 7 03:00 3 2 1 1 7 04:00 2 1 6 1 10 05:00 4 11 7 15 37 06:00 18 56 51 51 176 07:00 55 94 100 83 332 08:00 62 80 60 69 271 09:00 83 95 88 84 350 10:00 96 101 84 77 358 11:00 86 118 97 80 381 12: 00 116 95 91 94 396 13 :00 92 87 89 72 340 14: 00 89 85 84 92 350 15:00 96 86 95 91 368 16:00 80 104 97 95 376 17:00 82 78 93 82 335 18:00 91 71 81 51 294 19:00 52 59 29 32 172 20:00 40 47 38 38 163 21:00 34 39 32 26 131 22:00 21 16 36 14 87 23:00 11 8 12 14 45 Daily Total 5034 Average period: 51. 9 o.M Total 1977 39.2%) Average Hour 209.8 PM Total 3057 60.7%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 381 ( 7.5%) Peak AM Factor: 0.807 Peak PM Hour: 12:00= 396 ( 7.8%) Peak PM Factor: 0.853 10/07/97 09:38:10 . DUNN . ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 6 r****************************************************************************** Lane #1 Info EB TJane Mode : Subtraction ;ensor Used : Axle r****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 : 30 :45 Total .-------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 14 6 6 9 35 01:00 4 6 3 2 15 02:00 3 2 3 1 9 03:00 0 2 1 4 7 04:00 0 2 2 0 4 05:00 4 5 8 10 27 06:00 27 47 40 38 152 07:00 47 79 78 88 292 08:00 81 82 80 53 296 09:00 83 87 91 78 339 10:00 87 88 89 64 328 11 :00 89 98 120 102 409 12:00 76 114 93 105 388 13 :00 90 76 89 82 337 14 :00 90 83 93 112 378 15:00 89 92 81 94 356 16:00 94 96 66 88 344 17:00 95 110 92 90 387 18:00 77 58 65 53 253 19:00 52 55 47 43 197 20 :00 30 42 32 32 136 21:00 32 43 54 28 157 22:00 22 30 23 23 98 23:00 21 17 14 15 67 Daily Total 5011 Average Period: 51.7 ~ Total 1913 38.1%) Average Hour 208.8 .?M Total 3098 61. 8%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 409 ( 8 .1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.852 ?eak PM Hour: 12:15= 402 ( 8.0%) Peak PM Factor: 0.882 10/07/97 09:38:10 4ItUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIAT~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 7 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction .Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/22/96 00:00 15 7 10 4 36 01:00 4 8 4 4 20 02:00 3 3 0 6 12 03:00 2 4 2 1 9 04:00 1 3 4 3 11 05:00 5 8 8 14 35 06:00 22 51 66 36 175 07:00 53 80 77 70 280 08:00 69 65 79 73 286 09:00 95 116 105 77 393 10:00 101 97 77 97 372 11:00 100 114 87 108 409 12:00 106 117 109 94 426 13 :00 77 95 91 101 364 14:00 75 83 82 95 335 15:00 85 94 102 101 382 16:00 118 96 83 92 389 17:00 100 105 76 75 356 18:00 89 102 76 63 330 19:00 56 76 52 57 241 20:00 43 41 40 39 163 21:00 54 51 32 29 166 22:00 31 30 19 17 97 23:00 16 11 16 15 58 Daily Total 5345 Average Period: 55.1 AM Total 2038 38.1%) Average Hour 222.7 PM Total 3307 61.8%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 409 ( 7.6%) Peak AM Factor: 0.897 Peak PM Hour: 12:00= 426 ( 7.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.910 10/07/97 09:38:10 ~UNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 8 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 15 7 3 2 27 01:00 10 3 4 6 23 02:00 6 5 3 5 19 03:00 2 2 1 1 6 04:00 2 1 3 4 10 05.: 00 5 8 10 15 38 06:00 29 55 61 45 190 07:00 62 89 69 82 302 08:00 70 81 77 79 307 09:00 81 102 107 84 374 10:00 115 104 109 95 423 11:00 102 105 124 102 433 12:00 119 133 128 135 515 13:00 112 114 96 110 432 14:00 89 126 111 97 423 15:00 92 107 97 102 398 16:00 115 128 III 103 457 17:00 134 118 126 100 478 18:00 101 106 86 92 385 19:00 88 92 86 71 337 20:00 71 90 78 62 301 21:00 93 93 Daily Total 5971 Average period: 70.2 !'.M Total 2152 36.0%) Average Hour 271.4 PM Total 3819 63.9%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 433 ( 7.2%) Peak AM Factor: 0.873 Peak PM Hour: 12:00= 515 ( 8.6%) Peak PM Factor: 0.954 10/07/97 09:38:10 ttDUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIAT~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 9 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info Lane Mode Sensor Used WB : Subtraction : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 13: 00 76 113 90 82 361 14:00 133 89 75 194 491 15:00 109 105 119 126 459 16:00 85 75 102 156 418 17:00 144 112 63 74 393 18:00 142 107 85 175 509 19:00 57 61 90 109 317 20:00 125 105 55 142 427 21:00 50 50 60 41 201 22:00 92 42 144 28 306 23:00 30 64 23 14 131 Daily Total 4013 Average period: 89.2 !>,M Total 0 ( 0.0%) Average Hour 364.8 PM Total 4013 (100.0%) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: lk PM Hour: 14:45= 527 ( 13.1%) Peak PM Factor: 0.679 10/07/97 09:38:10 . DUNN . ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 10 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 : 45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/17/96 00:00 13 2 9 5 29 01:00 5 1 2 1 9 02:00 7 3 4 6 20 03:00 1 0 3 6 10 04:00 4 0 4 8 16 05:00 6 5 11 7 29 06:00 9 14 22 20 65 07:00 24 43 33 78 178 08:00 42 63 75 153 333 09:00 110 95 92 110 407 10:00 125 129 110 236 600 11:00 130 110 157 125 522 12:00 125 95 102 127 449 13:00 178 128 111 110 527 14:00 151 103 106 142 502 15:00 211 134 151 186 682 16:00 149 136 120 154 559 17:00 216 155 111 110 592 18:00 192 96 95 148 531 19:00 134 100 124 92 450 20:00 155 100 59 154 468 21:00 72 59 47 58 236 22:00 104 41 94 52 291 23:00 52 29 23 21 125 Daily Total 7630 Average period: 78.7 P.M Total 2218 29.0%) Average Hour 317.9 f'M Total 5412 70.9%) Peak AM Hour: 10:45; 633 ( 8.2%) Peak AM Factor: 0.671 Peak PM Hour: 15:00; 682 ( 8.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.808 10/07/97 09:38:10 tltUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATJIt 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 11 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/18/96 00:00 15 6 7 10 38 01:00 9 5 5 4 23 02:00 3 4 4 4 15 03:00 3 3 2 1 9 04:00 0 5 4 4 13 05:00 7 8 4 6 25 06:00 11 5 23 36 75 07:00 39 27 30 89 185 08:00 56 52 49 61 218 09:00 99 120 91 117 427 10:00 105 93 150 159 507 11:00 127 125 118 148 518 12:00 114 119 96 156 485 13 :00 204 110 119 133 566 14:00 112 171 103 212 598 15:00 166 140 197 139 642 16:00 145 125 138 121 529 17:00 234 205 141 136 716 18:00 196 156 108 217 677 19:00 143 107 162 108 520 20:00 154 153 84 136 527 21:00 104 81 47 51 283 22:00 127 27 119 44 317 23:00 25 50 25 10 110 Daily Total 8023 Average period: 82.7 AM Total 2053 25.5%) Average Hour 334.3 PM Total 5970 74.4%) Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 561 ( 6.9%) Peak AM Factor: 0.882 Peak PM Hour: 17:00= 716 ( 8.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.765 10/07/97 09:38:10 . . DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 12 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/19/96 00:00 5 6 6 5 22 01:00 4 2 8 3 17 02:00 1 1 2 2 6 03:00 4 1 3 2 10 04:00 3 11 8 6 28 05:00 6 11 22 17 56 06:00 21 24 30 34 109 07:00 29 48 44 69 190 08:00 68 61 46 136 311 09:00 64 83 64 84 295 10:00 93 94 92 156 435 11:00 96 99 90 123 408 12:00 105 90 85 149 429 13 :00 132 103 81 91 407 14:00 123 87 80 165 455 15:00 90 85 140 105 420 16:00 98 72 67 101 338 17:00 188 106 65 63 422 18:00 151 90 68 166 475 19:00 60 58 115 49 282 20:00 133 85 37 91 346 21:00 66 27 27 22 142 22:00 81 13 30 55 179 23:00 16 19 7 12 54 Daily Total 5836 Average Period: 60.2 AM Total 1887 32.3%) Average Hour 243.2 PM Total 3949 67.6%) Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 443 ( 7.5%) Peak AM Factor: 0.710 Peak PM Hour: 14:45= 480 ( 8.2%) Peak PM Factor: 0.727 10/07/97 09:38:10 tlbUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIAT~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 14 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 9 5 7 2 23 01:00 4 6 2 1 13 02:00 3 5 3 4 15 03:00 2 1 1 4 8 04:00 1 6 3 6 16 05:00 6 3 6 11 26 06:00 14 30 24 26 94 07:00 33 46 45 64 188 08:00 49 57 50 108 264 09:00 72 60 69 82 283 10:00 79 65 70 124 338 11:00 62 84 99 92 337 12:00 88 86 77 112 363 13: 00 76 102 90 82 350 14:00 108 88 70 169 435 15:00 76 79 122 104 381 16:00 86 90 69 167 412 17:00 120 73 69 61 323 18:00 176 76 67 138 457 19:00 46 52 100 56 254 20:00 80 110 34 82 306 21:00 58 17 19 21 115 22:00 62 18 51 13 144 23:00 21 33 11 22 87 Daily Total 5232 Average Period: 53.9 AM Total 1605 30.6%) Average Hour 218.0 PM Total 3627 69.3%) Peak AM Hour: 10:45= 369 ( 7.0%) Peak AM Factor: 0.744 Peak PM Hour: 18:00= 457 ( 8.7%) Peak PM Factor: 0.649 10/07/97 09:38:10 . DUNN . ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 15 ~****************************************************************************** i.ane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction ;ensor Used : Axle ~****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total .-------------------------------------------- 08/22/96 00:00 10 4 8 5 27 01:00 4 2 1 1 8 02:00 1 3 2 2 8 03:00 2 2 1 4 9 04: 00 3 3 4 6 16 05:00 6 3 6 7 22 06:00 17 25 27 30 99 07:00 32 37 43 69 181 08:00 65 49 41 98 253 09:00 61 70 49 69 249 10:00 106 74 111 90 381 11 :00 74 69 92 95 330 12:00 99 90 88 80 357 13: 00 125 86 83 91 385 14 :00 97 96 94 183 470 15:00 109 84 86 141 420 16:00 97 83 82 74 336 17:00 180 99 81 74 434 18:00 132 121 59 172 484 19:00 66 49 115 53 283 20:00 77 145 38 119 379 21:00 31 29 37 28 125 22:00 91 19 77 24 211 23:00 15 34 7 12 68 Daily Total 5535 Average Period: 57.1 :..M Total 1583 28.5%) Average Hour 230.6 PM Total 3952 71.4%) Peak AM Hour: 10:00= 381 ( 6.8%) Peak AM Factor: 0.858 Peak PM Hour: 18:00= 484 ( 8.7%) Peak PM Factor: 0.703 LO/07/97 09:38:10 . . DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 16 ,****************************************************************************** Lane #2 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction :ensor Used : Axle ,****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total .-------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 13 5 3 6 27 01:00 5 6 2 3 16 02:00 4 4 4 1 13 03:00 3 5 1 1 10 04:00 1 3 9 4 17 05:00 6 6 3 7 22 06:00 16 31 23 30 100 07:00 29 53 41 68 191 08:00 54 55 68 73 250 09:00 101 73 59 82 315 10:00 124 99 82 161 466 11:00 103 84 99 146 432 12:00 95 85 69 153 402 13 :00 109 118 79 98 404 14:00 110 89 142 121 462 15:00 96 81 109 93 379 16:00 104 103 86 160 453 17:00 139 100 57 93 389 18:00 152 102 142 123 519 19:00 73 61 126 55 315 20:00 111 114 44 92 361 21:00 59 59 laily Total 5602 Average Period: 65.9 AM Total 1859 ( 33.1%) Average Hour 254.6 PM Total 3743 ( 66.8%) 'eak AM Hour: 10:00= 466 ( 8.3%) Peak AM Factor: 0.724 .?eak PM Hour: 18:00= 519 ( 9 .2%) Peak PM Factor: 0.854 10/07/97 09:38:10 ~UNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE~ 66 MAIN STREET WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 Page: 17 ~============================================================================== GRAND TOTALS =============================================================================== ***************************** LANES #1, & #2 FINAL **************************** Total Lane 1 Lane 2 TOTAL tI Days Lane 1 Lane 2 HIGHEST AM Total Lane 1 Lane 2 TOTAL ?M Total Lane 1 Lane 2 TOTAL Peak AM Lane 1 Lane 2 FINAL ?eak PM Lane 1 Lane 2 45415 47200 92615 7.42 7.42 7.42 Avg Period Lane 1 Lane 2 63.8 66.3 AVERAGE 65.0 ADT Lane 1 Lane 2 6123 6364 ADT 12487 15808 ( 34.8%) 12816 ( 27.1%) 28624 29607 34384 63991 11:00= 10:45= 11: 00= 12:00= 17:00= FINAL : 17: 00= Avg Hour Lane 1 Lane 2 256.6 266.7 30.9%) 523.2 AVERAGE 65.1%) 72.8%) 69.0%) 702 (08/18/96) 633 (08/17/96) AM Factor Lane 1 0.954 Lane 2 0.671 ----- FINAL 0.954 PM Factor Lane 1 0.987 Lane 2 0.765 ----- FINAL 0.765 702 (08/18/96) 683 (08/17/96) 716 (08/18/96) 716 (08/18/96) . . Route 25 West of Tabor Road Orient Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, August 23, 1996 Disk #390. Cross Sound Ferry File: Dividers 08/23/96 15:17:37 . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 . Page: 1 BASIC COUNT DATA PRINT Site ID : MAIN ROAD W/O TABOR ROAD Info 1: WB Info 2: EB Factor 1.000 Start Time: Start Date: End Time End Date 13: 00 Aug 16, 23:00 Aug 18, 1996 Fr 1996 Su Lane #1 Info Lane Mode Sensor Used ****************************************************************************** WB : Subtraction : Axle ******************************************************************************. Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 13:00 73 35 63 171 14:00 62 41 74 138 315 15:00 58 60 102 59 279 16:00 34 52 46 173 305 17:00 75 42 38 61 216 18:00 122 34 122 43 321 19:00 30 25 91 24 170 20:00 124 34 54 107 319 21:00 21 35 20 73 149 22:00 24 44 106 12 186 23:00 57 5 5 11 78 Daily Total 2509 Average Period: 57.0 AM Total 0 ( 0.0%) Average Hour 228.1 PM Total 2509 (100.0%) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: Peak PM Hour: 14:45= 358 ( 14.2%) Peak PM Factor: 0.649 08/23/96 15:17:37 . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 . Page: 2 ****************************************************************************** Lane #1 Info : WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/17/96 00:00 8 2 3 3 16 01:00 0 0 2 1 3 02:00 2 1 2 2 7 03:00 0 1 3 3 7 04:00 1 0 4 0 5 05:00 4 3 5 1 13 06:00 5 4 8 16 33 07:00 21 19 40 42 122 08:00 24 45 58 99 226 09:00 58 44 39 71 212 10:00 53 51 139 89 332 11:00 55 52 110 67 284 12:00 49 64 61 148 322 13 :00 88 88 76 100 352 14:00 91 84 62 189 426 15:00 98 88 158 105 449 16:00 67 89 91 171 418 17:00 83 104 52 81 320 18:00 109 42 42 148 341 19:00 38 58 89 51 236 20:00 98 28 51 85 262 21:00 19 23 13 53 108 22:00 55 9 80 8 152 23:00 34 13 10 7 64 Daily Total 4710 Average Period: 48.6 "'\M Total 1260 26.7%-) Average Hour 196.3 . 'M Total 3450 73.2\) .Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 335 ( 7.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.603 Peak PM Hour: 14:45= 533 ( 11.3%) Peak PM Factor: 0.705 08/23/96 15:17:37 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 3 ****************************************************************************** Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************, Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/18/96 00:00 6 4 2 4 16 01:00 5 0 5 1 11 02:00 0 2 0 1 3 03:00 3 1 0 0 4 04:00 0 6 1 0 7 05:00 2 5 2 8 17 06:00 7 4 11 17 39 07:00 12 15 27 49 103 08:00 24 17 27 40 108 09:00 45 39 24 67 175 10:00 42 40 108 60 250 11:00 61 56 79 67 263 12:00 73 62 54 157 346 13 :00 87 65 66 72 290 14:00 121 71 135 148 475 15:00 87 96 141 81 405 16:00 83 82 66 111 342 17:00 196 109 95 70 470 18:00 196 73 96 133 498 19:00 56 50 118 45 269 20:00 152 35 17 104 308 21:00 49 26 17 79 171 22:00 51 10 120 10 191 23:00 7 7 Daily Total 4768 Average Period: 50.7 ~ Total 996 20.8%-) Average Hour 198.7 'M Total 3772 79.1%-) Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 285 ( 5.9%-) Peak AM Factor: 0.660 "eak PM Hour: 16:45= 511 ( 10.7%-) Peak PM Factor: 0.652 08/23/96 15:17:37 . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 . Page: 4 ****************************************************************************** Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 13:00 57 58 63 178 14:00 68 92 85 47 292 15:00 63 62 60 73 258 16:00 77 80 76 71 304 17:00 61 78 80 75 294 18:00 63 66 47 53 229 19:00 61 48 44 42 195 20:00 36 46 50 35 167 21:00 37 40 31 25 133 22:00 18 28 25 14 85 23:00 18 10 11 16 55 Daily Total 2190 Average Period: 49.8 AM Total 0 ( 0.0%) Average Hour 199.1 PM Total 2190 (100.0%) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: -'ak PM Hour: 13:45= 308 ( 14.0%) Peak PM Factor: 0.837 08/23/96 15:17:37 . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 . Page: 5 *****************************************************************************- Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle *****************************************************************************1 Date Time :00 :15 : 30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/17/96 00:00 10 8 4 4 26 01:00 4 7 1 0 12 02:00 1 4 2 1 8 03:0Q 1 0 1 3 5 04:00 1 4 5 5 15 05:00 2 6 10 13 31 06:00 30 58 66 33 187 07:00 41 51 60 37 189 08:00 67 94 70 64 295 09:00 83 89 88 76 336 10:00 114 102 104 96 416 11:00 96 124 117 100 437 12:00 116 116 113 108 453 13:00 91 85 106 90 372 14:00 109 136 110 97 452 15:00 103 87 61 68 319 16:00 85 84 70 62 301 17:00 67 63 52 60 242 18:00 69 52 50 43 214 19:00 35 51 38 44 168 20:00 34 45 39 32 150 21:00 23 29 25 23 100 22:00 18 20 19 13 70 23:00 12 5 11 5 33 Daily Total 4831 Average Period: 49.8 AM Total 1957 40.5%-) Average Hour 201. 3 PM Total 2874 59.4%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 437 ( 9.0%-) Peak AM Factor: 0.881 Peak PM Hour: 12:00= 453 ( 9.3%-) Peak PM Factor: 0.976 08/23/96 15:17:37 . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 . Page: 6 ****************************************************************************** Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/18/96 00:00 9 13 8 4 34 01:00 7 8 5 1 21 02:00 5 3 4 2 14 03:00 1 4 3 0 8 04:00 0 1 3 3 7 05:00 5 7 3 7 22 06:00 27 49 58 36 170 07:00 27 52 49 41 169 08:00 54 57 52 55 218 09:00 75 67 69 64 275 10:00 79 85 100 89 353 11:00 92 117 132 132 473 12:00 97 113 102 98 410 13:00 113 139 88 112 452 14:00 94 126 149 85 454 15:00 91 85 90 99 365 16:00 91 110 73 78 352 17:00 77 90 79 52 298 18:00 56 64 65 52 237 19:00 50 60 43 43 196 20:00 43 51 49 29 172 21:00 32 29 15 14 90 22:00 6 9 12 10 37 23:00 10 10 Daily Total 4837 Average Period: 51. 5 1'.M Total 1764 36.4%) Average Hour 201. 5 PM Total 3073 63.5%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 473 ( 9.7%) Peak AM Factor: 0.896 ?eak PM Hour: 13:45= 481 ( 9.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.807 08/23/96 15:17:37 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 7 GRAND TOTALS ==============================================================================; ==============================================================================; ***************************** LANES #1, & #2 FINAL ***************************~ Total Lane 1 11987 Lane 2 11858 ------- TOTAL 23845 # Days Lane 1 2.45 Lane 2 2.45 ------- HIGHEST 2.45 AM Total Lane 1 2256 ( 18.8%) Lane 2 3721 ( 31.3%) ---------------- TOTAL 5977 25.0%) PM Total Lane 1 9731 81.1%) Lane 2 8137 68.6%) ---------------- TOTAL 17868 74.9%) Peak AM Lane 1 10:30= 335 (08/17/96) Lane 2 11:00= 473 (08/18/96) ------------------------ FINAL 11:00= 473 (08/18/96) Peak PM Lane 1 14:45= 533 (08/17/96) Lane 2 13 : 45= 481 (08/18/96) ------------------------ FINAL: 14:45= 533 (08/17/96) Avg Period Lane 1 51. 0 Lane 2 50.5 ------- AVERAGE 50.7 ADT Lane 1 4897 Lane 2 4844 ------- ADT 9741 Avg Hour Lane 1 203.2 Lane 2 201.0 ------- AVERAGE 404.2 AM Factor Lane 1 0.603 Lane 2 0.896 ----- FINAL 0.896 PM Factor Lane 1 0.705 Lane 2 0.807 ----- FINAL 0.705 06/23/96 15:23:47 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11976 (516) 288-2480 Page: 1 BASIC COUNT DATA PRINT Site ID : MAIN ROAD W/O TABOR ROAD Info 1: WB Info 2: EB Start Time: Start Date: End Time End Date 14:30 Aug 20, 11:15 Aug 23, 1996 Tu' Factor 1.000 1996 Fr ******************************************************************************> Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************, Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/20/96 14:00 93 72 165 15:00 49 84 60 78 271 16:00 42 43 40 170 295 17:00 59 46 37 37 179 18:00 148 36 73 90 347 19:00 27 22 72 29 150 20:00 141 19 10 58 228 21:00 14 13 13 53 93 22:00 35 7 30 9 81 23:00 25 4 0 13 42 Daily Total 1851 Average Period: 47.5 ~ Total 0 ( 0.0'1;) Average Hour 185.1 ?M Total 1851 (100.0'1;) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: ?eak PM Hour: 18:00= 347 ( 18.n) Peak PM Factor: 0.586 08/23/96 15:23:47 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 2 ******************************************************************************i Lane #1 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************~ Date Time :00 :15 : 30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 4 2 1 1 8 01:00 2 2 0 1 5 02:00 1 3 1 0 5 03:00 0 0 1 1 2 04:00 0 3 0 2 5 05:00 3 1 5 8 17 06:00 6 8 17 13 44 07:00 12 26 29 34 101 08:00 32 24 34 71 161 09:00 24 29 41 49 143 10:00 37 28 68 31 164 11:00 39 40 "84 41 204 12:00 54 38 74 56 222 13:00 52 45 48 68 213 14:00 57 51 100 88 296 15:00 43 30 94 81 248 16:00 45 32 46 159 282 17:00 49 40 30 54 173 18:00 140 25 126 16 307 19:00 27 30 65 14 136 20:00 117 22 10 86 235 21:00 11 7 16 51 85 22:00 10 3 32 5 50 23:00 23 4 4 12 43 Daily Total 3149 Average Period: 32.5 AM Total 859 27.2%) Average Hour 131.2 PM Total 2290 72.7%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00: 204 ( 6.4%) Peak AM Factor: 0.607 Peak PM Hour: 17:45: 345 ( 10.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.616 . . 08/23/96 15:23:47 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 3 ****************************************************************************** Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************, Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/22/96 00:00 4 3 2 1 10 01:00 2 2 0 1 5 02:00 1 1 1 0 3 03:00 1 0 0 0 1 04:00 0 1 3 4 8 05:00 1 1 4 7 13 06:00 9 5 15 15 44 07:00 13 15 33 41 102 08:00 22 17 26 54 119 09:00 37 25 27 55 144 10:00 50 40 68 37 195 11:00 30 35 73 43 181 12:00 63 52 42 48 205 13:00 114 48 42 67 271 14:00 48 43 147 73 311 15:00 50 45 73 85 253 16:00 52 43 53 84 232 17:00 125 43 39 54 261 18:00 112 44 96 83 335 19:00 23 34 81 33 171 20:00 107 64 46 67 284 21:00 17 9 10 58 94 22:00 31 8 80 11 130 23:00 3 28 6 10 47 Daily Total 3419 Average Period: 35.2 ~ Total 825 24.1%-) Average Hour 142.5 ?M Total 2594 75.8%) Peak AM Hour: 09:45= 213 ( 6.2%) Peak AM Factor: 0.783 'eak PM Hour: 18:00= 335 ( 9.7%) Peak PM Factor: 0.748 . . 08/23/96 15:23:47 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 4 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info Lane Mode Sensor Used WB : Subtraction : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 2 2 1 2 7 01:00 0 1 3 2 6 02:00 1 1 0 1 3 03:00 1 2 0 0 3 04:00 0 0 1 2 3 05:00 0 5 2 10 17 06:00 11 13 11 13 48 07:00 15 25 23 23 86 08:00 25 29 27 66 147 09:00 39 35 31 55 160 10:00 60 33 36 134 263 11:00 40 35 75 Daily Total 818 Average Period: 17.8 AM Total 818 (100.0%) Average Hour 68.2 PM Total 0 ( 0.0%) ak AM Hour: 10:00= 263 ( 32.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.491 ..eak PM Hour: Peak PM Factor: . . 08/23/96 15:23:47 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 5 ****************************************************************************** Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/20/96 14:00 56 62 118 15:00 74 66 65 49 254 16:00 53 62 40 64 219 17:00 53 47 62 40 202 18:00 53 50 44 32 179 19:00 26 33 23 21 103 20:00 25 21 22 19 87 21:00 17 22 17 14 70 22:00 9 9 11 8 37 23:00 4 2 5 8 19 Daily Total 1288 Average Period: 33.0 AM Total 0 ( O.O%-) Average Hour 128.8 PM Total 1288 (100.0%-) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: Peak PM Hour: 14:45= 267 ( 20.7%-) Peak PM Factor: 0.902 . . 08/23/96 15:23:47 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 6 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle *******************************************************************."*********** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 6 4 5 3 18 01:00 3 0 1 0 4 02:00 4 1 1 0 6 03:00 0 2 2 3 7 04:00 0 0 0 2 2 05:00 3 3 7 9 22 06:00 14 43 44 33 134 07:00 39 74 62 60 235 08:00 39 67 62 38 206 09:00 39 87 62 54 242 10:00 55 66 53 51 225 11:00 61 76 87 49 273 12:00 49 59 54 74 236 13:00 45 55 68 57 225 14:00 53 62 50 63 228 15:00 49 60 55 56 220 16:00 59 59 48 45 211 17:00 48 64 63 42 217 18:00 37 32 36 27 132 19:00 31 30 27 18 106 20:00 12 26 17 20 75 21:00 11 21 19 17 68 22:00 10 12 11 4 37 23:00 14 5 6 6 31 Daily Total 3160 Average Period: 32.6 AM Total 1374 43.4%) Average Hour 131. 7 PM Total 1786 56.5%) Peak AM Hour: 10:45= 275 ( 8.7%) Peak AM Factor: 0.790 Peak PM Hour: 12:45= 242 ( 7.6%) Peak PM Factor: 0.818 . . 08/23/96 15:23:47 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 7 ******************************************************************************, Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************, Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/22/96 00:00 6 1 1 1 9 01:00 0 4 2 0 6 02:00 3 0 0 0 3 03:00 0 2 1 0 3 04:00 1 2 2 5 10 05:00 2 2 8 13 25 06:00 21 37 59 37 154 07:00 37 65 57 54 213 08:00 41 56 47 50 194 09:00 65 88 82 63 298 10:00 62 74 56 50 242 11:00 69 71 67 70 277 12:00 65 85 61 56 267 13: 00 49 61 52 58 220 14:00 63 61 61 54 239 15:00 52 61 64 70 247 16:00 77 61 48 53 239 17:00 55 65 44 40 204 18:00 46 56 45 34 181 19:00 27 42 43 31 143 20:00 26 23 17 15 81 21:00 21 17 13 14 65 22:00 16 12 14 11 53 23:00 5 4 8 7 24 Daily Total 3397 Average period: 35.0 AM Total 1434 42.2%) Average Hour 141. 5 PM Total 1963 57.7%) Peak AM Hour: 09:00= 298 ( 8.7%) Peak AM Factor: 0.847 Peak PM Hour: 15:15= 272 ( 8.0%) Peak PM Factor: 0.883 . . 08/23/96 15:23:47 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 8 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 : 45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 5 4 0 2 11 01:00 2 2 1 2 7 02:00 2 2 2 2 8 03:00 1 1 0 0 2 04: 00 2 0 0 2 4 05:00 3 5 8 11 27 06:00 24 55 50 29 158 07:00 44 75 58 65 242 08:00 34 50 64 60 208 09:00 55 70 74 58 257 10:00 74 71 71 57 273 11:00 74 81 155 Daily Total 1352 Average Period: 29.4 AM Total 1352 (100.0%) Average Hour 112.7 PM Total 0 ( 0.0%) lk AM Hour: 10:30; 283 ( 20.9%) Peak AM Factor: 0.873 ~eak PM Hour: Peak PM Factor: . . 08/23/96 15:23:47 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 9 GRAND TOTALS =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ***************************** LANES #1, & #2 FINAL ***************************~ Total Lane 1 9237 Lane 2 9197 ------- TOTAL 18434 # Days Lane 1 2.91 Lane 2 2.91 ------- HIGHEST 2.91 AM Total Lane 1 2502 ( 27.0%-) Lane 2 4160 ( 45.2%-) ---------------- TOTAL 6662 36.1%-) PM Total Lane 1 6735 72.9%-) Lane 2 5037 54.7%-) ---------------- TOTAL 11772 63.8%-) Peak AM Lane 1 10:00= 263 (08/23/96) Lane 2 09:00= 298 (08/22/96) ------------------------ FINAL 09:00= 298 (08/22/96) Peak PM Lane 1 18:00= 347 (08/20/96) Lane 2 15:15= 272 (08/22/96) ------------------------ FINAL: 18:00= 347 (08/20/96) Avg Period Lane 1 33.1 Lane 2 33.0 ------- AVERAGE 33.0 AnT Lane 1 3178 Lane 2 3165 ------- AnT 6343 Avg Hour Lane 1 132.0 Lane 2 131.4 ------- AVERAGE 263.3 AM Factor Lane 1 0.491 Lane 2 0.847 ----- FINAL 0.847 PM Factor Lane 1 0.586 Lane 2 0.883 ----- FINAL 0.586 . . Route 25 East of Narrow River Road Orient Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, August 23, 1996 Disk #390. Cross Sound Ferry File: Dividers . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 1 BASIC COUNT DATA PRINT Site ID : MAIN ROAD E/O NARROW RIVER RD. Info 1: EB Info 2: WB Start Time: Start Date: End Time End Date 13: 30 Aug 16, 11:30 Aug 23, 1996 Frj 1996 Fri Factor 1.000 ******************************************************************************j Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************j Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 13 :00 45 46 91 14:00 59 68 69 32 228 15:00 36 53 45 51 185 16:00 58 51 62 47 218 17:00 30 43 51 56 180 18:00 42 58 32 32 164 19:00 36 36 36 34 142 20:00 21 22 38 27 108 21:00 19 32 19 9 79 22:00 7 11 14 5 37 23:00 7 5 2 3 17 Daily Total 1449 Average period: 33.7 AM Total 0 ( O.O%') Average Hour 131. 7 PM Total 1449 (100.0%') Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: Peak PM Hour: 13:45= 242 ( 16.7%') Peak PM Factor: 0.877 . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 2 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/17/96 00:00 4 4 3 0 11 01:00 3 1 1 0 5 02:00 0 2 1 1 4 03:00 , 0 0 1 2 -'- 04:00 0 3 5 4 12 05:00 1 5 10 9 25 06:00 24 47 67 37 175 07:00 36 36 55 29 156 08:00 42 52 65 45 204 09:00 53 55 71 46 225 10:00 66 77 60 55 258 11:00 55 72 59 63 249 12:00 67 72 79 64 282 13:00 57 60 64 56 237 14:00 61 94 70 83 308 15:00 65 51 57 42 215 16:00 41 64 59 40 204 17:00 39 52 41 35 167 18:00 40 37 46 26 149 19:00 23 29 34 30 116 20:00 18 34 25 23 100 21:00 14 20 19 11 64 22:00 7 8 6 8 29 23:00 3 4 7 2 16 Daily Total 3213 Average period: 33.1 AM Total 1326 41.2%) Average Hour 133.9 PM Total 1887 58.7%) Peak AM Hour: 09:30= 260 ( 8.0%) Peak AM Factor: 0.844 Peak PM Hour: 14:15= 312 ( 9.7%) Peak PM Factor: 0.830 . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2460 Page: 3 ******************************************************************************. Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************, Date Time :00 :15 : 30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 06/16/96 00:00 6 2 5 2 15 01:00 2 2 2 0 6 02:00 1 4 1 1 7 03:00 0 3 1 0 4 04:00 0 0 2 1 3 05:00 3 9 4 7 23 06:00 25 36 54 42 159 07:00 29 41 54 30 154 06:00 33 54 52 51 190 09:00 46 57 60 53 216 10:00 50 73 64 77 264 11:00 67 94 105 106 372 12:00 75 97 67 65 324 13: 00 70 76 90 62 318 14:00 70 68 115 99 372 15:00 74 60 65 73 292 16:00 95 85 73 59 312 17:00 49 65 78 39 231 18:00 48 51 50 35 184 19:00 29 49 43 26 147 20:00 25 35 35 29 124 21:00 20 18 15 5 56 22:00 2 3 11 5 21 23:00 6 2 3 0 11 Daily Total 3607 Average period: 39.2 AM Total 1413 37.1%-) Average Hour 156.6 PM Total 2394 62.8%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 372 ( 9.7%) Peak AM Factor: 0.877 Peak PM Hour: 14:15= 376 ( 9.8%) Peak PM Factor: 0.817 . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 4 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/19/96 00:00 4 1 1 0 6 01:00 1 1 1 0 3 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 1 3 1 5 04:00 0 1 1 2 4 05:00 1 4 7 5 17 06:00 23 46 58 49 176 07:00 32 47 81 46 206 08:00 23 41 55 45 164 09:00 57 62 63 49 231 10:00 39 64 56 62 221 11:00 52 58 58 55 223 12:00 42 75 59 36 212 13:00 52 54 38 38 182 14:00 67 49 46 39 201 15:00 49 37 38 26 150 16:00 31 69 38 43 181 17:00 33 41 41 21 136 18:00 25 36 52 28 141 19:00 15 34 23 17 89 20:00 10 23 14 3 50 21:00 10 7 8 4 29 22:00 4 5 8 9 26 23:00 5 0 2 0 7 Daily Total 2660 Average period: 27.4 AM Total 1256 47.2%) Average Hour 110.8 PM Total 1404 52.7%) Peak AM Hour: 10:15= 234 ( 8.7%) Peak AM Factor: 0.914 . Peak PM Hour: 12:15= 222 ( 8.3%) Peak PM Factor: 0.740 08/23/96 15:43:04 . . Page: 5 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 ******************************************************************************~ Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************1 Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/20/96 00:00 1 2 0 0 3 01:00 3 1 0 0 4 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 0 1 0 1 04:00 1 1 1 1 4 05:00 1 3 5 5 14 06:00 14 41 46 38 139 07:00 27 66 78 59 230 08:00 26 56 40 32 154 09:00 52 59 68 47 226 10:00 48 70 65 25 208 11:00 40 67 50 49 206 12:00 30 59 34 52 175 13:00 32 36 39 30 137 14:00 34 41 37 48 160 15:00 46 42 40 43 171 16:00 37 39 31 38 145 17:00 28 26 48 33 135 18:00 18 33 30 26 107 19:00 19 21 26 18 84 20:00 23 10 14 15 62 21:00 8 12 5 8 33 22:00 5 3 9 3 20 23:00 2 1 2 4 9 Daily Total 2427 Average period: 25.0 AM Total 1189 48.9%) Average Hour 101.1 PM Total 1238 51. 0%) Peak AM Hour: 09:30= 233 ( 9.6%) Peak AM Factor: 0.832 Peak PM Hour: 12:15= 177 ( 7.2%) Peak PM Factor: 0.750 08/23/96 15:43:04 . . Page: 6 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 1 1 2 2 6 01:00 3 0 0 0 3 02:00 2 1 0 0 3 03:00 0 1 1 0 2 04:00 1 0 0 1 2 05:00 2 5 5 7 19 06:00 15 36 45 37 133 07:00 29 53 69 59 210 08:00 21 49 50 28 148 09:00 29 63 74 31 197 10:00 35 48 47 30 160 11:00 49 60 50 51 210 12:00 34 42 48 43 167 13:00 42 36 42 42 162 14:00 38 45 41 35 159 15:00 30 39 40 26 135 16:00 39 46 34 20 139 17:00 26 51 50 35 162 18:00 20 22 16 19 77 19:00 17 25 21 4 67 20:00 6 11 14 9 40 21:00 8 12 8 6 34 22:00 3 12 10 1 26 23:00 5 3 3 2 13 Daily Total 2274 Average period: 23.4 AM Total 1093 48.0%) Average Hour 94.8 PM Total 1181 51. 9%) Peak AM Hour: 07:00= 210 ( 9.2%) Peak AM Factor: 0.761 Peak PM Hour: 12:15= 175 ( 7.6%) Peak PM Factor: 0.911 06/23/96 15:43:04 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11976 (516) 268-2460 Page: 7 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 06/22/96 00:00 3 1 0 1 5 01:00 0 0 1 0 1 02:00 1 0 0 0 1 03:00 0 1 0 0 1 04:00 1 2 2 2 7 05:00 2 2 6 9 19 06:00 21 35 58 37 151 07:00 28 63 59 42 192 08:00 22 44 52 36 154 09:00 38 67 71 42 218 10:00 53 60 44 33 190 11:00 42 46 59 44 191 12:00 54 62 44 34 194 13:00 37 37 40 39 153 14:00 49 43 46 45 183 15:00 36 36 39 46 157 16:00 54 53 35 28 170 17:00 19 43 30 29 121 16:00 29 39 25 26 121 19:00 14 32 31 27 104 20:00 20 15 13 9 57 21:00 10 6 9 7 32 22:00 4 6 9 2 23 23:00 2 1 4 2 9 . Daily Total 2454 Average Period: 25.3 !>.M Total 1130 46.0%) Average Hour 102.3 PM Total 1324 53.9%) Peak AM Hour: 09:15= 233 ( 9.4%) Peak AM Factor: 0.620 ?eak PM Hour: 12:00= 194 ( 7.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.762 . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 8 ******************************************************************************~ Lane #1 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************j Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 2 0 0 1 3 01:00 2 0 0 1 3 02:00 1 2 2 0 5 03:00 1 1 0 0 2 04:00 2 0 0 0 2 05:00 3 4 7 9 23 06:00 19 42 58 35 154 07:00 45 61 67 51 224 08:00 36 33 53 42 164 09:00 42 62 58 45 207 10:00 55 59 53 41 208 11:00 38 70 55 163 Daily Total 1158 Average Period: 24.6 AM Total 1158 (100.0%) Average Hour 96.5 ""l Total 0 ( 0.0%) ak AM Hour: 07:00= 224 ( 19.3%) Peak AM Factor: 0.836 Peak PM Hour: Peak PM Factor: 08/23/96 15:43:04 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 9 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 : 30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 13: 00 25 57 82 14:00 38 25 99 90 252 15:00 33 39 91 43 206 16:00 30 26 46 148 250 17:00 46 24 21 65 156 18:00 74 9 122 26 231 19:00 20 30 69 30 149 20:00 100 21 103 34 258 21:00 8 32 10 80 130 22:00 17 73 65 8 163 23:00 53 1 9 7 70 Daily Total 1947 Average Period: 45.3 I';M Total 0 ( 0.0%) Average Hour 177.0 PM Total 1947 (100.0%) P"!ak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: 3.k PM Hour: 17:45= 270 ( 13.8%) Peak PM Factor: 0.553 . . Page: 10 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 ******************************************************************************~ Lane #2 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************~ Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/17/96.00:00 3 1 1 2 7 01:00 0 1 1 1 3 02:00 2 1 1 2 6 03:00 0 0 1 1 2 04:00 0 0 2 0 2 05:00 0 1 1 2 4 06:00 2 1 11 8 22 07:00 10 12 37 18 77 08:00 12 16 70 56 154 09:00 40 16 32 41 129 10:00 38 29 137 56 260 11:00 21 62 64 48 195 12:00 33 29 44 128 234 13 :00 61 54 44 78 237 14:00 52 49 39 161 301 15:00 60 69 112 52 293 16:00 38 46 63 142 289 17:00 63 47 40 90 240 18:00 58 34 39 126 257 19:00 23 32 82 64 201 20:00 71 14 74 47 206 21:00 18 9 6 67 100 22:00 33 23:00 27 12 10 6 55 Daily Total : 3397 Average period: 35.0 AM Total 861 25.3%) Average Hour 141. 5 PM Total 2536 74.6%) Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 276 ( 8.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.504 Peak PM Hour: 14:45= 402 ( 11.8%) Peak PM Factor: 0.624 . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 11 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/18/96 00:00 5 3 2 1 11 01:00 2 1 4 0 7 02:00 0 1 0 1 2 03:00 1 0 0 0 1 04:00 2 4 0 0 6 05:00 5 2 0 3 10 06:00 3 3 7 16 29 07:00 9 5 17 35 66 08:00 14 11 17 32 74 09:00 27 25 36 43 131 10:00 14 46 69 31 160 11:00 41 39 68 39 187 12:00 48 41 53 138 280 13:00 88 67 48 56 259 14:00 97 44 137 116 394 15:00 64 115 88 69 336 16:00 59 55 43 118 275 17:00 164 82 66 97 409 18:00 136 42 100 99 377 19:00 43 50 89 45 227 20:00 126 25 8 109 268 21:00 42 15 5 99 161 22:00 16 46 76 8 146 23:00 6 50 6 6 68 Daily Total 3884 Average Period: 40.0 .~ Total 684 17.6%} Average Hour 161. 8 PM Total 3200 82.3%) Peak AM Hour: 10:15= 187 ( 4.8%) Peak AM Factor: 0.678 ?eak PM Hour: 14:30= 432 ( 11.1%) Peak PM Factor: 0.788 . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 12 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/19/96 00:00 0 0 1 0 1 01:00 2 0 0 1 3 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 0 2 0 2 04:00 0 2 0 1 3 05:00 0 2 0 4 6 06:00 7 8 8 9 32 07:00 15 10 19 28 72 08:00 22 10 52 39 123 09:00 27 18 11 36 92 10:00 24 15 79 32 150 11:00 22 18 84 38 162 12:00 39 20 33 114 206 13:00 40 37 32 70 179 14:00 43 43 134 35 255 15:00 25 63 63 58 209 16:00 28 24 39 149 240 17:00 54 32 26 70 182 18:00 92 19 69 85 265 19:00 16 60 29 35 140 20:00 109 14 10 97 230 21:00 4 6 8 53 71 22:00 18 4 55 4 81 23:00 16 3 2 12 33 Daily Total 2737 Average Period: 28.2 l>.M Total 646 23.6'<) Average Hour 114.0 PM Total 2091 76.3%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 162 ( 5.9%) Peak AM Factor: 0.482 ?eak PM Hour: 13:45= 290 ( 10.5%) Peak PM Factor: 0.541 . . 08/23/96 15:43:04 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 13 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/20/96 00:00 0 2 0 0 2 01:00 1 1 1 0 3 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 1 0 0 1 04:00 0 1 0 0 1 05:00 1 1 1 3 6 06:00 2 7 9 6 24 07:00 11 12 21 22 66 08:00 14 11 44 25 94 09:00 8 20 14 36 78 10:00 19 23 63 20 125 11:00 21 56 35 22 134 12:00 30 32 53 61 176 13 :00 26 33 28 54 141 14: 00 37 27 119 39 222 15:00 35 80 34 54 203 16:00 30 30 40 162 262 17:00 37 24 20 49 130 18:00 130 21 89 52 292 19:00 12 31 56 41 140 20:00 130 11 3 56 200 21:00 10 7 5 67 89 22:00 16 4 31 7 58 23:00 18 3 0 12 33 'Jaily Total 2480 Average period: 25.6 Il.M Total 534 21.5%) Average Hour 103.3 PM Total 1946 78.4%) Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 160 ( 6.4%) Peak AM Factor: 0.635 ?eak PM Hour: 18:00= 292 ( 11.7%) Peak PM Factor: 0.562 08/23/96 15:43:04 . . Page: 14 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 : 3 0 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 2 1 1 0 4 01:00 2 1 0 1 4 02:00 0 2 1 0 3 03:00 0 0 0 1 1 04:00 2 1 0 0 3 05:00 0 0 2 5 7 06:00 2 6 7 14 29 07:00 8 14 15 21 58 08:00 20 9 19 54 102 09:00 9 17 35 29 90 10:00 18 15 44 26 103 11:00 22 26 67 30 145 12:00 33 32 72 43 180 13:00 30 18 24 66 138 14:00 40 32 109 52 233 15:00 24 36 73 55 188 16:00 24 16 76 104 220 17:00 18 20 14 81 133 18:00 94 19 122 14 249 19:00 12 54 27 6 99 20:00 113 14 5 78 210 21:00 7 6 10 54 77 22:00 8 8 21 4 41 23:00 22 6 5 11 44 Daily Total 2361 Average Period: 24.3 P.M Total 549 23.2%) Average Hour 98.4 PM Total 1812 76.7%") Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 145 ( 6.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.541 Peak PM Hour: 17:45= 316 ( 13 .3%) Peak PM Factor: 0.648 08/23/96 15:43:04 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 15 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/22/96 00:00 5 2 3 0 10 01:00 2 1 0 1 4 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 1 0 0 0 1 04:00 0 0 1 1 2 05:00 1 1 1 2 5 06:00 1 4 11 11 27 07:00 13 6 16 21 56 08:00 12 10 16 39 77 09:00 14 10 9 49 82 10:00 20 13 50 15 98 11:00 15 33 54 22 124 12:00 34 43 10 62 149 13:00 73 31 24 64 192 14:00 32 28 143 29 232 15:00 40 36 68 62 206 16:00 30 35 27 104 196 17:00 70 17 33 50 170 18:00 96 23 122 26 267 19:00 10 41 46 16 113 20:00 128 29 69 28 254 21:00 9 11 7 73 100 22:00 16 4 73 7 100 23:00 4 24 4 9 41 Daily Total 2506 Average Period: 25.8 AM Total 486 ( 19.3%) Average Hour 104.4 PM Total Peak AM Hour: 09:45= 132 5.2%) Peak AM Factor: 0.660 Peak PM Hour: 17:45= 291 ( 11.6%) Peak PM Factor: 0.596 08/23/96 15:43:04 . . Page: 16 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 ******************************************************************************, Lane #2 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************, Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 2 2 1 2 7 01:00 0 1 2 1 4 02:00 1 0 0 2 3 03:00 2 0 0 0 2 04:00 0 0 0 0 0 05:00 1 3 0 5 9 06:00 3 5 8 9 25 07:00 10 12 21 16 59 08:00 20 11 10 48 89 09:00 16 12 11 55 94 10:00 26 12 39 101 178 11:00 21 22 76 119 Daily Total 589 Average Period: 12.5 AM Total 589 (100.0%) Average Hour 49.1 P"! Total 0 ( 0.0%) 3.k AM Hour: 10:45= 220 ( 37.3%) Peak AM Factor: 0.545 Peak PM Hour: Peak PM Factor: 08/23/96 15:43:04 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 17 =============================================================================== GRAND TOTALS =============================================================================== ***************************** LANES #1, & #2 FINAL **************************** Total Lane 1 Lane 2 TOTAL # Days Lane 1 Lane 2 HIGHEST AM Total Lane 1 Lane 2 TOTAL PM Total Lane 1 Lane 2 TOTAL Peak AM Lane 1 Lane 2 FINAL Peak PM Lane 1 Lane 2 19442 19901 39343 7 7 7 8565 ( 44.0%) 4349 ( 21.8%) 12914 10877 15552 26429 11:00= 10:30= 11:00= 14:15= 14:30= FINAL: 14:30= 32.8%} 55.9%) 78.1%) 67.1%} 372 (08/18/96) 276 (08/17/96) 372 (08/18/96) 376 (08/18/96) 432 (08/18/96) 432 (08/18/96) Avg Period Lane 1 28.9 Lane 2 29.6 ------- AVERAGE 29.3 ADT Lane 1 2777 Lane 2 2843 ------- ADT 5620 Avg Hour Lane 1 116.4 Lane 2 119.2 ------- AVERAGE 235.6 AM Factor Lane 1 0.877 Lane 2 0.504 ----- FINAL 0.877 PM Factor Lane 1 0.817 Lane 2 0.788 ----- FINAL 0.788 . . Route 25 West of Cross Sound Ferry Terminal Orient Friday, August 16, 1996 to Friday, August 23, 1996 Disk #390. Cross Sound Ferry File: Dividers 08/23/96 15:34:32 . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 . Page: 1 j, BASIC COUNT DATA PRINT Site ID : MAIN ROAD W/O FERRY ENT. Info 1: WE Info 2: EB 1.000 Start Time: Start Date: End Time End Date 14:00 Aug 16, 11:30 Aug 23, 1996 Fr Factor 1996 Fr ****************************************************************************** Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ****************************************************************************** Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 14:00 17 11 138 22 188 15:00 9 29 60 12 110 16:00 17 6 59 66 148 17:00 31 8 8 64 111 18:00 61 6 119 10 196 19:00 10 30 46 66 152 20:00 52 7 107 12 178 21:00 1 29 4 81 115 22:00 7 112 15 6 140 23:00 52 4 1 1 58 Daily Total 1396 Average Period: 34.0 AM Total 0 ( 0.0%) Average Hour 139.6 PM Total 1396 (100.0%) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: Peak PM Hour: 17:45; 250 ( 17.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.525 08/23/96 15:34:32 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 2 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/17/96 00:00 1 0 0 0 1 01:00 0 0 1 1 2 02:00 0 1 1 0 2 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 0 0 1 1 05:00 0 0 4 1 5 06:00 1 6 1 4 12 07:00 5 5 28 6 44 08:00 3 3 82 11 99 09:00 20 6 29 21 76 10:00 22 6 127 12 167 11:00 12 67 24 26 129 12:00 20 16 16 127 179 13:00 34 21 21 56 132 14:00 35 22 70 91 218 15:00 28 49 63 25 165 16:00 22 24 24 115 185 17:00 33 24 17 96 170 18:00 27 16 64 72 179 19:00 17 43 33 70 163 20:00 30 5 91 17 143 21:00 3 4 11 67 85 22:00 16 55 25 16 112 23:00 11 7 1 2 21 paily Total 2290 Average period: 23.6 Il.M Total 538 23.4%) Average Hour 95.4 PM Total 1752 76.5%) Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 218 ( 9.5%) Peak AM Factor: 0.429 ?eak PM Hour: 14:30= 238 ( 10.3%) Peak PM Factor: 0.654 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 3 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/18/96 00:00 3 0 2 0 5 01:00 0 1 1 0 2 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 1 0 0 1 04:00 2 0 0 0 2 05:00 0 0 0 1 1 06:00 0 2 5 5 12 07:00 5 0 27 12 44 08:00 6 3 2 28 39 09:00 12 8 31 24 75 10:00 10 60 29 11 110 11:00 17 31 36 14 98 12:00 27 12 57 104 200 13: 00 42 52 37 42 173 14:00 68 24 153 72 317 15:00 44 77 37 36 194 16:00 20 13 6 120 159 17:00 102 47 24 104 277 18:00 73 12 117 36 238 19:00 14 61 33 66 174 20:00 66 4 40 64 174 21:00 29 9 4 98 140 22:00 6 89 30 6 131 23:00 23 33 2 0 58 Daily Total 2624 Average Period: 27.1 AM Total 389 14 .8\-) Average Hour 109.3 PM Total 2235 85.H) Peak AM Hour: 09:30= 125 ( 4.7\-) Peak AM Factor: 0.521 Peak PM Hour: 14:30= 346 ( 13.H) Peak PM Factor: 0.565 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 4 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/19/96 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 1 0 0 0 1 02:00 1 0 0 0 1 03:00 0 0 1 1 2 04:00 0 0 0 0 0 05:00 0 0 0 2 2 06:00 0 2 4 6 12 07:00 6 2 13 9 30 08:00 4 3 54 11 72 09:00 13 6 5 30 54 10:00 7 8 68 19 102 11:00 14 10 63 24 111 12:00 19 13 71 60 163 13:00 27 12 20 50 109 14:00 18 18 127 21 184 15:00 19 67 22 11 119 16:00 6 10 13 104 133 17:00 36 7 9 85 137 18:00 51 9 88 41 189 19:00 14 58 9 63 144 20:00 63 2 33 62 160 21:00 5 0 1 63 69 22:00 5 1 57 2 65 23:00 19 3 0 0 22 Daily Total 1881 Average period: 19.4 AM Total 387 20.5%) Average Hour 78.4 PM Total 1494 79.4%) Peak AM Hour: 09:45= 113 ( 6.0%-) Peak AM Factor: 0.415 Peak PM Hour: 14:30= 234 ( 12.4%-) Peak PM Factor: 0.461 . . 08/23/96 f 15:34:32 J DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 5 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ****************************************************************************.*. Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/20/96 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 0 2 2 0 4 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 2 0 0 2 05:00 0 0 1 1 2 06:00 2 2 1 2 7 07:00 4 2 0 6 12 08:00 5 4 44 6 59 09:00 2 8 5 22 37 10:00 12 7 56 8 83 11:00 6 47 15 10 78 12:00 19 10 75 18 122 13:00 17 13 25 35 90 14:00 12 18 100 21 151 15:00 17 65 16 15 113 16:00 15 12 18 107 152 17:00 13 15 8 92 128 18:00 67 8 112 12 199 19:00 4 52 11 33 100 20:00 101 4 30 23 158 21:00 5 3 1 73 82 22:00 5 2 33 0 40 23:00 16 2 2 1 21 Daily Total 1640 Average Period: 16.9 AM Total 284 17.3%) Average Hour 68.3 PM Total 1356 82.6%) Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 117 ( 7.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.522 Peak PM Hour: 17:45= 279 ( 17.0%) Peak PM Factor: 0.623 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 6 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 1 1 1 0 3 01:00 2 0 0 0 2 02:00 0 1 1 0 2 03:00 0 0 1 1 2 04:00 0 0 0 0 0 05:00 0 0 0 0 0 06:00 3 3 1 3 10 07:00 4 4 4 7 19 08:00 3 2 40 9 54 09:00 6 6 23 17 52 10:00 7 4 42 14 67 11:00 12 49 27 19 107 12:00 15 11 69 20 115 13:00 18 8 18 56 100 14:00 20 17 104 21 162 15:00 8 53 26 13 100 16:00 12 12 92 16 132 17:00 9 13 7 121 150 18:00 38 10 116 6 170 19:00 4 53 14 31 102 20:00 90 1 34 42 167 21:00 2 5 4 46 57 22:00 4 27 4 5 40 23:00 23 5 0 0 28 Daily Total 1641 Average Period: 16.9 AM Total 318 19.3%} Average Hour 68.4 PM Total 1323 80.6%} Peak AM Hour: 10:30= 117 ( 7.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.597 Peak PM Hour: 17:45= 285 ( 17.3%) Peak PM Factor: 0.589 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 7 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info WB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/22/96 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 0 0 0 1 1 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 0 0 1 1 05:00 1 0 0 1 2 06:00 2 1 2 5 10 07:00 0 1 5 4 10 08:00 2 3 34 5 44 09:00 8 0 4 40 52 10:00 7 30 16 7 60 11:00 7 49 20 15 91 12:00 21 17 9 80 127 13:00 27 17 20 47 111 14:00 18 12 132 10 172 15:00 2.2 10 64 12 108 16:00 13 14 10 92 129 17:00 16 11 12 70 109 18:00 62 10 119 8 199 19:00 4 56 9 9 78 20:00 124 12 92 2 230 21:00 1 2 1 69 73 22:00 5 35 43 3 86 23:00 14 14 3 1 32 Daily Total 1725 Average period: 17.8 AM Total 271 15.7%-) Average Hour 71.9 PM Total 1454 84.2%) Peak AM Hour: 09:45= 93 ( 5.3%) Peak AM Factor: 0.581 Peak PM Hour: 17:45= 261 ( 15.1%) Peak PM Factor: 0.548 \ \. . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 8 ******************************************************************************* Lane #1 Info WE Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle . ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 0 1 0 0 1 01:00 0 1 1 1 3 02:00 0 0 0 1 1 03:00 2 0 0 0 2 04:00 0 0 0 0 0 05:00 0 3 0 2 5 06:00 4 1 2 4 11 07:00 3 9 13 3 28 08:00 8 6 4 42 60 09:00 12 5 7 43 67 10:00 10 3' 71 46 130 11:00 8 13 63 84 Daily Total 392 Average period: 8.3 AM Total 392 (100.0%) Average Hour 32.7 -0' Total 0 ( 0.0%) "ak AM Hour: 10:30= 138 ( 35.2%) Peak AM Factor: 0.486 Peak PM Hour: Peak PM Factor: 08/23/96 15:34:32 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 9 ******************************************************************************~ Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************j Date Time :00 :15 : 30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/16/96 14:00 39 54 54 23 170 15:00 21 47 29 29 126 16:00 35 38 40 36 149 17:00 31 22 36 28 117 18:00 30 44 24 22 120 19:00 22 32 29 24 107 20:00 19 20 22 20 81 21:00 13 24 12 4 53 22:00 4 7 4 3 18 23:00 5 3 0 1 9 Daily Total 950 Average Period: 23.2 AM Total 0 ( 0.0%) Average Hour 95.0 PM Total 950 (100.0%) Peak AM Hour: Peak AM Factor: -'ak PM Hour: 14:00= 170 ( 17.8%) Peak PM Factor: 0.787 . . 06/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11976 (516) 266-2460 Page: 10 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 06/17/96 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 0 1 1 0 2 02:00 0 1 1 0 2 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 0 0 3 3 05:00 0 3 8 5 16 06:00 15 48 40 22 125 07:00 24 30 45 21 120 08:00 26 43 57 33 161 09:00 26 63 60 28 179 10:00 45 53 47 24 169 11:00 36 50 48 39 175 12:00 43 53 54 39 189 13:00 35 32 47 27 141 14:00 45 56 67 57 225 15:00 37 53 44 22 156 16:00 26 37 36 33 132 17:00 25 32 29 26 112 18:00 31 28 38 16 115 19:00 19 17 22 20 76 20:00 13 26 25 18 82 21:00 13 9 10 7 39 22:00 2 2 2 4 10 23:00 2 2 4 2 10 Daily Total 2241 AM Total 952 ( 42.4%) Average Hour PM Total 1289 ( 57.5%) Peak AM Hour: 09:15= 196 ( 8.7%) Peak AM Factor: 0.778 Peak PM Hour: 14:00= 225 ( 10.0%) Peak PM Factor: 0.840 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 11 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/18/96 00:00 1 0 0 0 1 01:00 0 1 1 0 2 02:00 0 0 0 1 1 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 0 1 0 1 05:00 0 3 3 1 7 06:00 24 30 51 29 134 07:00 21 24 49 23 117 08:00 22 45 40 43 150 09:00 34 42 49 45 170 10:00 35 52 51 44 182 11:00 44 67 99 98 308 12:00 44 76 55 47 222 13:00 56 44 58 51 209 14:00 53 59 99 81 292 15:00 63 41 74 68 246 16:00 93 93 95 47 328 17:00 36 57 70 39 202 18:00 42 50 32 41 165 19:00 27 36 51 17 131 20:00 22 22 35 26 105 21:00 14 16 12 5 47 22:00 1 1 4 4 10 23:00 1 4 0 0 5 Daily Total 3035 Average- period: 31.3 AM Total 1073 35.3%} Average Hour 126.5 PM Total 1962 64.6%} Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 308 ( 10.H) Peak AM Factor: 0.778 Peak PM Hour: 15:45= 349 ( 11.4%) Peak PM Factor: 0.918 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 12 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/19/96 00:00 1 0 2 0 3 01:00 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 1 0 1 2 04:00 0 0 1 2 3 05:00 1 3 3 3 10 06:00 18 42 41 29 130 07:00 24 36 59 24 143 08:00 20 32 48 29 129 09:00 35 51 56 38 180 10:00 27 52 43 42 164 11:00 32 41 45 32 150 12:00 38 54 45 27 164 13 :00 34 27 32 30 123 14:00 36 38 46 30 150 15:00 26 35 24 18 103 16:00 24 47 27 17 115 17:00 20 20 30 18 88 18:00 15 21 38 16 90 19:00 25 21 22 11 79 20:00 6 12 14 3 35 21:00 7 3 8 1 19 22:00 1 1 2 2 6 23:00 5 1 0 0 6 Daily Total 1892 Average Period: 19.5 AM Total 914 48.3%) Average Hour 78.8 PM Total 978 51. 6%) Peak AM Hour: 09:00= 180 ( 9.5%) Peak AM Factor: 0.804 Peak PM Hour: 1 . . ENGINEERING 08/23/96 DUNN 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 15:34:32 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/20/96 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 1 1 0 0 2 02:00 0 0 1 0 1 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 0 0 2 2 05:00 0 1 5 2 8 06:00 10 30 29 18 87 07:00 19 54 67 24 164 08:00 23 36 37 25 121 09:00 32 56 51 44 183 10:00 25 45 50 23 143 11:00 19 44 44 36 143 12:00 25 38 27 24 114 13:00 20 24 21 19 84 14:00 23 43 28 30 124 15:00 31 31 27 27 116 16:00 27 18 27 24 96 17:00 15 23 28 24 90 18:00 10 19 24 17 70 19:00 6 15 17 11 49 20:00 6 7 8 8 29 21:00 4 8 3 4 19 22:00 1 1 2 0 4 23:00 2 0 0 2 4 Daily Total 1653 Average period: 17.0 AM Total 854 51. 6%) Average Hour 68.9 PM Total 799 48.3%) Peak AM Hour: 09:00= 183 ( 11.0%) Peak AM Factor: 0.817 Peak PM Hour: 14:15= 132 ( 7.9%) Peak PM Factor: 0.767 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 14 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/21/96 00:00 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 2 1 0 0 3 02:00 1 0 1 0 2 03:00 0 0 1 1 2 04:00 0 0 0 1 1 05:00 0 1 4 9 14 06:00 9 24 25 15 73 07:00 23 37 53 34 147 08:00 15 43 33 28 119 09:00 21 51 61 26 159 10:00 27 39 30 25 121 11:00 38 47 50 31 166 12:00 22 27 39 32 120 13 :00 19 22 30 28 99 14:00 35 34 38 22 129 15:00 16 29 26 19 90 16:00 19 30 31 18 98 17:00 16 25 31 17 89 18:00 17 15 15 14 61 19:00 9 22 18 6 55 20:00 4 5 12 4 25 21:00 6 8 2 3 19 22:00 1 1 2 3 7 23:00 3 1 0 0 4 Daily Total 1603 Average Period: 16.5 AM Total 807 50.3%) Average Hour 66.8 PM Total 796 49.6%) Peak AM Hour: 11:00= 166 ( 10.3%) Peak AM Factor: 0.830 Peak PM Hour: 13 : 45= 135 ( 8.4%) Peak PM Factor: 0.888 . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 15 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info : EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/22/96 00:00 1 0 0 0 1 01:00 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 1 0 0 0 1 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 0 1 1 2 05:00 1 2 5 4 12 06:00 13 21 45 21 100 07:00 16 47 39 25 127 08:00 19 36 48 13 116 09:00 37 57 65 28 187 10:00 34 32 55 20 141 11:00 24 33 53 26 136 12:00 32 42 34 22 130 13:00 24 25 42 19 110 14:00 39 30 40 24 133 15:00 26 20 30 30 106 16:00 30 34 32 20 116 17:00 15 23 21 19 78 18:00 9 19 20 20 68 19:00 8 17 16 25 66 20:00 8 9 7 3 27 21:00 6 2 7 3 18 22:00 0 4 1 2 7 23:00 0 0 0 0 0 Daily Total 1682 Average period: 17 .3 AM Total 823 48.9%) Average Hour 70.1 PM Total 859 51. 0%) Peak AM Hour: 09:00= 187 ( 11.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.719 Peak PM Hour: 14:00= 133 ( 7.9%) Peak PM Factor: o. . . 08/23/96 15:34:32 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 ******************************************************************************* Lane #2 Info EB Lane Mode : Subtraction Sensor Used : Axle ******************************************************************************* Date Time :00 :15 :30 :45 Total --------------------------------------------- 08/23/96 00:00 1 0 0 0 1 01:00 0 1 0 1 2 02:00 0 0 2 1 3 03:00 1 0 0 0 1 04:00 0 0 0 0 0 05:00 3 1 6 7 17 06:00 17 26 44 22 109 07:00 27 54 47 33 161 08:00 24 35 42 37 138 09:00 34 42 56 42 174 10:00 39 51 42 18 150 11:00 30 59 43 132 Daily Total 888 Average period: 18.9 AM Total 888 (100.0%) Average Hour 74.0 Total 0 ( 0.0%) __ak AM Hour: 09:30= 188 ( 21.1%) Peak AM Factor: 0.839 Peak PM Hour: Peak PM Factor: 08/23/96 15:34:32 . . DUNN ENGINEERING 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (516) 288-2480 Page: 17 ==============================================================================; GRAND TOTALS ============================================.=================================== ***************************** LANES #1, & #2 FINAL ***************************j Total Lane 1 13589 Lane 2 13944 ------- TOTAL 27533 # Days Lane 1 6.98 Lane 2 6.98 ------- HIGHEST 6.98 AM Total Lane 1 2579 ( 18.9%) Lane 2 6311 ( 45.2%) ---------------- TOTAL PM Total Lane 1 Lane 2 TOTAL Peak AM Lane 1 Lane 2 FINAL Peak PM Lane 1 Lane 2 Avg Period Lane 1 20.3 Lane 2 20 . 8 AVERAGE 20.5 8890 32.2%) ADT Lane 1 1947 Lane 2 1998 ------- ADT 3945 Avg Hour Lane 1 81. 9 Lane 2 84.0 ------- AVERAGE 165.9 11010 7633 81. 0%) 54.7%) 10:30= 11:00= 218 (08/17/96) 308 (08/18/96) AM Factor Lane 1 0.429 Lane 2 0.778 ----- FINAL 0.778 PM Factor Lane 1 0.565 Lane 2 0.918 ----- FINAL 0.918 11:00= 308 (08/18/96) 346 (08/18/96) 349 (08/18/96) 14:30= 15:45= FINAL: 15:45= 349 (08/18/96) . . 1991 to June 1995 State Accident Surveillance System Accident Summaries Disk #390, Cross Sound Ferry File: Dividers NYS ~~yARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION USER: TRAFFIC & SAFETV STATE ACCIDENT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM RUN DATE 8/11/92 INTERIM ACCIDENT SUMMARY REGION-COUNTY 07 FOR 1/01/91 THRU 12/31/91 N U M B E R o F A C C I 0 E N T S - ROUTE REF. MARKER INTERSEC DESCRIPTION TOTAL FATAL INJ POD N/R SIDE WET FIXED PED & TRUCK LIGHT CONDITION NO. . ROAD ROAD OBJ BIKE .. . DAY NIGHT DAWN/DUSK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 25 07041626 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 01041629 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 25 25 07041634 , 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041636 2 I I 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 25 25 07041638 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041641 49 KERWIN BLVO 2 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041643 95 CHAPEL LANE I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041645 2 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 I 0 25 25 07041647 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041650 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 25 25 07041652 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041654 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041655 2 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25 25 07041656 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041656 75 MOORES LANE 5 0 4 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 25 25 07041657 08 EIGHTH ST 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 25 25 07041658 09 SEVENTH ST I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 0704165B 10 SI X 11' ST 2 0 I 0 I () I 0 0 () 1 0 0 25 25 01041658 39 F I F III AVE 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041659 12 FifTH ST 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704'660 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041661 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041661 16 HURD ST 7 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 25 25 01041662 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 25 25 07041662 18 FIRST ST 6 0 I 0 5 0 0 II 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041663 , 0 0 I 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041663 19 MAIN ST. 3 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041665 24 CENTRAL AVE 1 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041665 25 CENIER ST -PARK ST 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25 25 0704166B 30 FIRST AND WEBB STS I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041668 31 MANOR PL 3 0 2 0 I 0 2 () 0 0 2 0 0 25 25 67041672 38 NORHI RO-CO RO 27 t- 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I I 1 . 25 25 07041672 39 SOUND RD I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041673 40 BAILEY AVE 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041674 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041676 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041678 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041681 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 0"1041683 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041685 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041685 48 ROCK PT RD 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 0704.688 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 01041689 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041689 54 OLD OfH':HARD LANE 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041692 00 UNKOWN INTERSECTION I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 25 25 01041694 1 0 0 0 I 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041700 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 1 0 25 25 07041705 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 0704 1709 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -25 25 01041"113 1 0 0 0 I 0 II 0 () 0 0 0 0 SIDE-ROAD & NON-REPORTABLES ItKLIJOEll .. EXCLUDES NON-REPORTABLES .. . EXCLUDES PICKUP & VANS REGION-COUNTY 07 PAGE 16 NVS DEPARTMENT Of TRAllsrORTATIDN USER: TRAffIC & SAfETY STATE ACC IOENT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM RUN DA TE 8/11/92 INTERIM ACCIDENT SUMMARY REGION-COUNTY 07 fOil \/0 I /91 llmu I ~/] 1/'3 I N U M 8 E R o f A C C I 0 E N T 5 - ROuTE REf. MARKER INTERsIC DE SCR I PT ION TOTAL fATAL INJ pon N/R SIDE wET f I xEO rED & TRUCK liGHT CONDITION NO. ~OAO IWAll (lU~J BIKE .. . DAY NIGItT DAWN/DUSK .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 2507041718 3 0 I 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 25 2S 0104172l:!. t I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25 25 07041744 \ 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2!n'i7offiTl----.--- I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ 0 25 2507041992 I 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 2501041999 118 0 18 3. 66 0 10 10 0 2 4 2 1 25 25 07041999 00 UNKOWN INTERSECTION 13 0 3 4 6 0 3 0 0 0 2 I 0 25 +.t.. ROuTE TOTAL W/999 RM'St. 35.9 15 1296 693 1515 I 541 101 11 51 1078 449 66 25a 25A07031185 39 UNKOWN INTERSECTION \ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 g. 25a t..tt ROUTE TOTAL W/999 RM'$'t t 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25A 25A0103 tOOO 2 0 0 I 1 II 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25A 25A01031001 2 0 0 I 1 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A0103100\ 31 JeT NY 108 7 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031006 2 0 0 0 2 0 II 0 II 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031006 32 TERRACE PLACE t 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 25A 25.1.01031006 2 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25AO"/031008 :J:.t FtOIU sr 1 0 I 0 0 " " 1 0 0 0 I 0 25... 25...07031008 3. PORTLAND ST 2 0 0 0 2 I) () II 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A0703 '009 6 0 2 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 25A01031oo9 35 ELM Pl 2 0 0 1 I 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25.07031009 85 SUORE RO-SNAKE Hill. 3 0 0 I 2 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031010 \ 0 . 0 0 " I tl 0 0 I 0 0 25'" 25A07031012 I 0 0 0 I tl ,) 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031012 36 POPLAR PL 2 0 I I 0 " tl 0 0 0 I I 0 25A 25A07031013 I 0 0 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031013 06 UNKOWN INTERSECTION \ 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 25"'07031015 2 0 0 0 2 " U 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A070310\5 39 GOOSE HILL RO 5 0 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 25A 25A07031016 2 0 2 0 0 0 I 2 0 0 2 0 0 25A 25A0703\017 \ 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A0703.017 40 GLEN WAY \ 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 . 25A 25A070310.8 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 25A 25...01031020 \ 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 25A07031020 42 MlDLANO ST 2 0 \ 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25A 25A0703 .02 I I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A0703102\ 45 CROSSMAN P I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A01031022 2 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25' 25A07031022 46 WOOLSEY ST CARLEY I 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 25A 25A07031023 48 NATHAN HALE OR 1 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 \ 0 25A 25A07031025 \ 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031025 89 SCUDDER PLACE 7 0 4 2 \ 0 3 I 0 I 3 2 0 25A 25A0703\026 5 0 I 2 2 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031026 52 ANOE IISDN PL 2 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 25A07031026 54 WOOOBURV.WESTNECK \6 0 3 3 10 0 I 0 0 I 2 I 0 25. 25A0103t021 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A0703 t027 55 PROSPECT sT I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A0703.028 5 0 0 2 3 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 0 25A 25A07031028 40 UNKOWN INTERSECTION \ 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031028 56 G"EEN sl/CLINTON sT 6 0 I 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 25A01031028 90 WALL sT /NEW ST 17 0 3 3 11 0 I 0 3 0 3 2 0 SIOE.ROAD & NON.REPDRTABLES I NCLUOfO .. E<CLUOES NON-REPORT ABLES . .. ["ClUDES PICKUP . VANS UfGIUN.COUNTv 01 PAGE 11 NYS I RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION USER: TRAFFt SAfETY STATE ACCIDENT ~u~VEIlLANCE SYSTEM RUN DATE 7/'.1.. . ~3 INTERIM ACCIDENT SUMMARY REGION-COUNTY 07 FOR 1/01/92 THRU 12/31/92 N 'U M B E R o F A C C I 0 E N T S - ROUTE REF. MARKER INTERSEC DESCRIPTION TOTAL FATAL INJ PDO N/R SIDE wET FIXED PED & TRUCK LIGHT CONDITION NO. . ROAD ROAD OBJ BIKE ... DAY NIGHT DAWN/DUSK .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 25 07041658 39 FIFTH AVE 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041659 12 FIFTH ST 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 25 25 01041660 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041660 13 FOURTH AVE 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 01041660 14 fOURTH Sl 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704166' 4 0 1 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 2 0 0 25 25 0104166' 16 THIRD ST 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 25 25 01041662 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 , 0 1 0 0 25 25 01041662 18 FIRST ST 1 0 , 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 0704.663 , 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 25 25 07041663 19 MAIN ST. 6 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 25 25 07041663 2 \ ADAMS 51 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 25 25 07041664 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041665 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041665 24 CENTRAL AVE 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041665 25 CENTER 51 -PARK ST 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041667 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041668 30 FIRST AND WEBB STS 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041668 31 MANOR PL 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 " , 0 0 2 0 25 25 07041670 36 CHAMPLI N-WI LMARTH A 1 0 I 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041671 37 KNAPP PL 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 25 250704167-2 38 NORTH RD-CO RD 27 J- 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 25 25 07041672 39 SOUND RO 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041675 41 MANHASSET RD 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 2S 0704168, \ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041684 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041685 4B ROCK PT RO 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 250704'688 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041690 82 STARS RD 1 0 1 0 0 0 , I 0 0 I 0 0 25 250704.691 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041695 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2S 07041700 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 25 25 07041708 I 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041710 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 25 25 07041714 65 TABOR RO 1 0 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041717 66 PLATT RD 2 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 25 25 0704 t718 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704 \720 00 UNKOWN INTERSECTION I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041732 t 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041143 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704190-5----------- 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041999 153 0 31 34 B8 0 , 7 2 0 2 3 0 0 25 2507041999 00 UNKDWN INTERSECTION 21 0 8 1 12 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 25 ..... RourE TOTAL W/999 RM'S" 2960 13 1280 565 1102 0 476 91 69 45 728 338 52 25A 25 01041135 40 UNKOWN INTERSECTION 3 0 2 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25. 25 07041'49 03 UNKOWN INTERSECTION 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 25' 25 01041368 35 UNKOWN INTERSECTION 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031Ooo 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 I 0 25A 25A0703100~ 2 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 25A07031001 31 JCT NY 108 8 0 4 3 , 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 SIDE-ROAD & NON-REPDRTABLES I NCUIOED .. EXCLUDES NON-REPORTABLES ... EXCLUDES PICKUP & VANS REG [(IN-COUNTY 07 PAGE 16 76 NYS DEPAR1~LNT OF TRANSPORTATION USER: TRAFF IC & S. iY STATE ACCIDENT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM RUN OA TE 10/12/94 INTERIM ACCIDENT SUMMARY REGION-COUNTY 07 FOR I/O 1/93 TIlRU 12/31/93 N U M B E R o F A C C I D E N T 5 - ROUTE REF. MARKER INTERSEC DESCRIPTION TOTAL fATAL INJ POO N/R SIDE WE! FIXED PED & TRUCK L I GIH CONO IT I ON NO. ROAD ROAD DB.) BIKE .. . DAY NIGHT DAWN/DUSK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 25 07041634 2_ 0 2 0 0 0 I 2 0 0 0 2 0 25 2507041636 2 0 1 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 25 25 01041637 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041631 90 SAGE BLVD I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 25 2507041640 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 2507041640 94 PIPES NECK 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 01041641 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041643 95 CHAPEL LANE I 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041644 I 0 I 0 0 0 I I 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041645 I 0 I 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 I 0 25 2507041648 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 25 2507041649 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 25 25 07041652 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041653 2 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 2507041656 07 NINTH ST I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041656 75 MOORES lANE I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041657 08 EIGHTlt 51 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041658 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 " 0 " I 0 0 25 2507041659 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 25 2507041659 12 FIFTH ST 2 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041660 , 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 I I I 0 I 25 2507041660 13 FOURTH AVE 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041661 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041661 16 THIRD ST 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041662 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041662 IB FIRST ST 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041663 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041663 19 MAIN ST. 4 0 I 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041663 2 I AOAMS ST 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041665 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041665 24 CENTRAL AVE 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25-0704'672 ~- I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 2501041672 3B NORTH RD-CO RD 27 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 25 25 07041672 92 UNKOWN INTERSECTION I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041674 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041675 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041675 41 MANHASSET RD 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041617 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 07041681 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 25 2507041682 2 0 1 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 25 2507041683 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041685 48 ROCK PT RO 2 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25.07041688 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25;07041689 54 OLD ORCHARD lANE I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25' 0704 1690 82 STARS RO 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 25 - 25 07041695 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041705 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041706 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041714 65 TABOR RO 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 25 25 070417 17 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . SIDE-ROAD & NON-REPORTA8lES INCLUDED .. EXCLUDES NON-REPORTABlES ... EXCLUDES PICKUP & VANS REGlON-COlJNTY 07 PAGE 16 16 NYS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION uSER: TRAFFIC & SAFETY STATE ACCIOENT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM RUN OA If 10/'2/94 INTERIM ACCIDENT SUMMARY REGION-COUNTY 07 FOR '/01/93 TttlW 12/31/93 N U M hER o F A C C I II E N T S - ROUTE REF. MARKER INTERSEC DESCRIPTION TOTAL FATAL INJ POO N/R SlOE wl r flMll rEO & TIWCK l.IGttT CONO IT ION NO. . ROAD IWAD llBJ lllKE .. . DAY NIGHT DAWN/DUSK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 25 07041720 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041124 I 0 0 0 I 0 [) 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041727 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 " 0 " 0 0 0 25 25 07041736 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041738 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041739 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041744 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041745 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 01041747 L 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g. 25 2507041747 09 PLUM ISLAND LA 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:!~25-0"7-6418-9-1 , 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 250704197' , 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 , 0 25 2507041979 , 0 0 , 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704 1999 114 0 16 31 67 0 8 3 , , 4 , 0 25 2507041999 00 UNKOWN INTERSECT ION 14 0 5 5 4 0 I 0 , 0 3 0 0 25 25 07041999 01 UNKOWN INTERSECTION , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041999 58 lJUKOWN INTERSECT ION , 0 I 0 () (I (l (l 0 0 0 0 I 25 2507041999 99 UNKUWN INTERSECTION I 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 ..... ROUTE TOTAL W/999 RM.S.... 3331 8 1370 5'9 1434 2 -103 1()2 83 65 1118 372 63 25A 25A0703 100 I 5 0 , 1 3 0 2 I 0 0 , 0 0 25A 25A0703100' 31 JeT NY 108 9 0 2 2 5 0 2 1 0 0 , , 0 25A 25A07031002 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 () 0 , 0 0 25A 25A07031005 2 0 , 0 , 0 I I 0 0 0 1 0 25A 25A07031006 , 0 0 0 , U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031008 , 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031008 34 PORTLAND ST 2 0 I 0 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 25A 25A07031009 6 0 , 0 5 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 25A 25A07031009 35 ELM PL 2 0 , 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 25A 25A07031009 85 SHORE RD-SNAKE FIILl 4 0 2 , I 0 () 0 0 0 3 0 0 25A 25A07031009 88 UNKDWN INTERSECTION I 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 25A 25A07031010 2 0 , 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 . 25A 25AO"/03 10 II , 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 25A 25A0703 1012 2 0 0 I I () (l 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 25A07031012 36 POPLAR PL 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 25A 25A07031013 37 TUIlKEY RD 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 25A 251\01031014 1 0 I 0 0 ,) I , 0 0 0 , 0 25A 25A07031015 2 0 0 0 2 [) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 251\01031015 39 GOOSE HILL RO 3 0 0 I 2 (l 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25A 25A0703 10 17 5 0 I 0 ., 0 U 0 0 0 , 0 0 25A 25A07031018 , 0 0 0 1 (l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25A 2~A0703'018 4 I CARNNEGE AVE 1 0 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 2~A0703 1020 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 25A 25A07031020 42 MIDLAND ST I U , 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 25A 25A07031021 2 0 , 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 25A 25A07031021 44 QUAKER PA Hi 3 0 , I 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 25A 25A01031022 2 0 , 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25A 25A07031022 46 WOOLSEY ST CARLEY 2 0 I 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 25A 25A07031023 48 NA 11iAN HALE DR 5 0 2 0 3 0 I 0 0 0 1 1 0 25A 25AO'/031024 1 0 0 U () 0 () 0 0 , 0 0 25A 25A07031024 03 lJNKDWN INTERSECTION 1 0 0 , 0 () " " () 0 0 0 0 SIDE-ROAD' NDN-REPDRTAllLES INCLUDED .. EXCLUDES NON-IlLPDRTABLES .. . EXCLUOES P1CKlJP & VANS REGION-COlJl'HY 07 PAGE '7 NYS Oft .....TMUH OF TRANSPORTATION USER: TRAFFIC AFETV STATE ACCIDENT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM RUN OATE 9/27/95 It'HERtM ACCIDENT SUMMARY REGION-COUNTY 07 FOR 1/01/94 lHRU 12/31/94 N U M B E R o F A C C I 0 E N T S - ROUTE REF. MARKER ItHERSEC DE SCR I PT ION TOTAL FATAL INJ POD N/R SlOE WET FlxEO PEa &. TRUCK LIGHT CONDITION NO. . ROAD ROAD OBJ BIKE ... DAY NIGHT DAWN/DUSK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 25 0704.612 69 WEllS AVE 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 I 0 25 25 07041613 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041614 3 0 0 2 1 0 I 0 0 0 . . 0 25 25 0704.614 56 YOUNGS AVE. 4 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 25 25 0704'6'5 2 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041616 76 UOBART RD-BOSSEAI 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 25 - 25 0704'617 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704'617 79 LOCUST LANE , 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 0704.61B 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041619 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704162. 3 0 0 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 25 25 07041622 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 0704.629 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041632 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041635 2 0 1 . 0 0 0 1 0 0 . \ 0 25 25 07041637 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 0704'640 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 25 25 07041640 94 PIPES NECK 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704164\ 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041643 95 CHAPEL LANE 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041644 1 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041645 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704'64B 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041649 \ 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041651 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 0704'653 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 07041655 . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041656 2 0 , 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 . 0 0 25 25 07041656 07 NINTH ST 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 25 25.07041656 75 MOORES LANE 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704165B 39 FIFTH AVE , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704'659 \2 FIFTH ST 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 25 2507041660 14 FOURTH ST 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 . 25 25 07041661 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041661 16 nu RO ST 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041662 IB FIRST ST 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041663 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704'663 19 MAIN ST. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 25 2507041663 21 ADAMS ST 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041664 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 0704'664 00 UNKOWN INTERSECTION 1 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041665 24 CENTRAL AVE 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041666 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 25 25 0704'667 1 0 I 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 I 0 25 25 0704,66B 31 MANOR Pl 3 0 I- 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 I 0 25 25 07041669 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 0 25-2nj704t612-:le~ORT-HRD-CO-liD2-i---- --r 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041672 39 SOUND RO 1 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041673 40 BAILEY AVE 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2507041676 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . SIDF-ROAO & NON-REPORTABLES I NCLUOEO .. EXCLUDES NON-REPORTABLE S ... EXCLUDES PICKUP & VANS REGION-COUNTY 07 PAGE 16 '" NYS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE ACCIDENT SURVETLLANCE SYSTEM USER: TRAFFIC & SAFETY RUN DATE 9/27/95 1/01/94 THRU 12/31/94 INTERIM ACCIDENT SUMMARY REGION-COUNTY 07 FOR ROUTE ., REF. MARKER INTERSEC NO. OESCRIPTION 25 2501041677 25 2507041679 25 2501041680 44 MAPLE IN 25 2507041681 25 2507041682 25 25 07041683 25 25 07041685 25 25 07041685 48 ROCK PT RO 25 25 07041688 25 2507041689 25 2507041691 25 25 07041692 25 2507041699 25 25 07041702 25 2507041704 25 2507041709 25 2507041710 25 2507041711 25 2507041712 25 25 07041712 63 OYSTER POND RD 25 2507041714 25 2507041114 65 TABOR RD 25 25 07041715 25 2507041716 25 2507041718 25 2507041720 25 2507041724 00 UNKOWN INTERSECTION 25 25 07041728 25 25 07041729 25 25 07041736 00 UNKOWN.IN!~RS~~.EQr-I 25---25--0704 fab2-----.. -. 25 2507041815 25 2507041941 25 2S 07041964 25 2507041968 25 2507041999 25 2507041999 25 2507041999 25 2507041999 25 25A 25A01031001 25A 25A07031001 31 JeT NY tOB 25A 25A07031004 25A 25A07031005 25A 25A01031006 25A 25A07031006 32 TERRACE PLACE 25A 25A07031007 25A 25A07031008 34 PORTLAND ST 25A 25A07031009 25. 25A07031009 85 SHORE RD-SNAKE HILL . SIOE-ROAO & NON-REPORT ABLES INCLUOED 00 UNKOWN INTERSECTION 58 Ut-./KDWN INTERSECTION 99 UNKOwN INTERSECTION ..... ROUTE TOTAL W/999 .. RM'S" EXCLUOES TOTAL FATAL INJ . l' 2 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 I 0 3 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 O. 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 116 0 12 0 1 0 2 0 3282 12 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 , 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 2 0 NON-REPORT ABLE S N U M B E R POO N/R SIDE ROAD 1 0 o 0 1 0 1 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 3 0 o 1 o 0 2 0 o 0 1 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 1 0 o 0 1 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 1 0 o 1 o 0 1 0 o I o 0 2 0 o 1 1 0 23 34 2 3 o 0 o 1 1280 4512 3 2 o 0 o 1 o 0 1 , 1 0 1 I 2 0 1 2 o , ... EXCLUDES 1 0 2 0 o 0 2 0 , 0 1 0 1 0 t 0 1 0 1 0 o 0 1 0 1 0 , 0 o 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 o 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 , 0 1 0 1 0 o 0 o 0 1 0 o 0 o 0 I 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 59 0 7 0 I 0 1 0 1478 3 o 0 I 0 o 0 I 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 4 0 I 0 PICKUP & o F A C WET FIxED ROAD OBJ C I 0 PEO & BIKE E N T 5 - TRUCK liGHT CONDITION ... DAY Nlmn DAWN/DUSK .. .. .. .. o o o o o o o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o 10 o o o 392 3 o I o I o o o 0 0 , o 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 1 0 0 t o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 1 0 3 o 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 I o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o I 0 , o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 t o 0 0 1 o 0 0 1 7 0 0 5 o 0 0 I o 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 103 54 61 10t3 I 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 I 0 0 2 o 0 0 0 o 0 I 2 2 0 0 1 o 0 0 2 o 0 I 0 REGION-COUNTY 07 2 , o VANS .. o o o o o o o o o o o o 2 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o 1 o o 1 o o 2 1 o o 39B I o I o o I o , I o PAGE .. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 62 o o o o o o o o o I 17 . . NYS OEPAR1M[NT OF TRANSPORIAIION USER: TRAFfiC .:.A1 I IV SIAH Ace IOfNT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM RUN DA IE 9!:JO/96 INIEUIM Ar.C!O(NT SUMMAR'1 REGION COUNTY 07 FOR 1/01/95 TIIRU 12/31/95 N U M B E R 0 F A C C J 0 E N T 5 - ROUTE REF. MARKER INIERsrc IlESCRIPI ION TOTAL FATAL INJ POO N/R SIDE WET FixED PEO & TRUCK liGHT CONDI110N NO. ROAD ROAD OBJ BIKE . .. DAY NIGHT OAWN/DU'iK .. .. .. .. .. .. " 25 25 0104164 , 49 KERwIN Alvn 2 0 I 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 () 25 25 07041643 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 25 2S 07041643 9S CHAPEl LANf 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 25 07041645 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 07041646 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " ~5 2'> 0"104164<) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,) :?!l ]!) 0-'0., 'f)~l I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " .1 ~ I }', l)"lIMIt,!,] 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 () () 0'" .>1, 1.,'11.111,',1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " .. .". ('.;141....'. I 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 () (J " .. '",11..', ','" I U 0 1 2 0 I () 0 0 I () " . ,..... . "' ^'" .. II 1 1 " 0 0 II ,) \ " " " .". 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RIl 4 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 " 1 " 25A 25A07031016 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 " 25A 25A0703 1017 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 II 25A 25A0703 1017 40 GLEN WAY 2 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 25A 25A07031018 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 " " 25A 25A0703 1019 3 0 , 0 2 0 0 , 0 0 , 0 " 25A 25A07031020 3 0 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 , 2 () " 25A 25A07031020 42 MIDLAND Sf 2 0 2 0 0 0 , 0 0 () " 0 U 25A 25A07031021 44 QUAKER PATII 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 25A 25A07031022 46 wOOLSEy Sf CARL E ( 4 0 , , 2 0 1 0 0 0 I " " 25A 25A07031023 48 NATHAN HAtE OR 2 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 , " " 25A 25A07031025 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 I " 25A 25A0703'025 89 SCUDDER PLACE 3 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 0 0 , " " 25A 25A0703.026 6 0 2 , 3 0 0 0 1 0 I I " 25A 25A07031026 54 WOOOBURY-WESTNECK 18 0 6 5 7 0 4 0 0 0 " .. 25A 25A07031027 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 " 25A 25A01031028 2 0 , , 0 0 , , , (J 0 " 25A 25A07031028 56 r.RrEN ST/Cl.INTON 51 9 0 2 2 5 0 I 0 0 " ;, , " 25A 25A07031028 90 WAl.L ST/NE:W Sf " 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 0 0 " " SIUf ROAn . NON-RfPORTABI fS WCllJOI n f),CLlJllfS NON-REPORT ABLES ' .. EXClUOfS PICKUP . VAN" I~f(; ION rOWI! v ld 1'^f.1 I' '94-1996 7-~,,9 CATION COOE: 025- 0704 1696 SE NUMBER: 6-102568 ACCIDENT DATE: 01/02/96 POLICE AGENCV: 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT lJNTV/MUNI: SUfFOLK COUIlTV, TOWN OF SOlJTHOLD riME: 17: PRECINCT: RST EVENT: COLLISION WIlli OTHEH HXEO OBJECT LOCATIOIl FIRST EVENT: OFF ROADWAV ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURV AND P.D. AFfIC COllTROL: tlO PASSIHG ZONE LIGHT CONDITION: DARK-RD lIG1ITEO WEATHER: SNOW AD CHARACTER: CURVE AllO LEVEL MANNER OF COLliSION: OHlER TVPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE D./BIKER LOCATION: tlU PED. INVOLVEMENT PED.lDIKER ACTION: 1I0T AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN ItIVOLVEMENTl FEREIICE MARKER: 025-070416')0 GISTRATION TVPE: 16 PASSEIIGER OR SUBURBAN BODV TVPE: 14 2 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO 1I00L BUS: NO VEHICLE VEAR: ')', VEHICLE MAKE: FORD VEHICLE ID NUMBER: 1FAlP4042RF234191 I GIlT /PASSENGERS: 0030~0 APPAREtlT FACTOR 1: PAVEMEtlT SlIPPERV PARENT FACTOR 2: tllA PRE-ACClIJENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD X ~..: M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE nNT OF DAMAGE: UIIAVAlLDlE UIRECIION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: B1 IVER-STATE-CODE: tlEW YORK IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ltIDICATED AGE llllll: 17 . llll INJURV VEltlClE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE: 17 SEX: MALE SITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED PE OF PIIVSICAL COMPLArtH: IliA VICTU1 STATUS: C INJURV SAFE TV EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELTSHARNESS LOCATION OF PIWSICAL COMPLAINT: N/A lAKEN TO: TAKEN BV: . 9(,-1996 7-lrl9 CATION CODE: 025- 0704 1747 SE NUMBER: 6-283371 ACCIDENT DATE, 04/11/96 utITY/MUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN 01 SOUlIlOLD I/ST EVENT, COLLISION WIlli SIGN POST .\rFIC COIITROl: 110 I'ASSIIlG ZUNE 1\0 CHARACTER: SIRAIGIU AND lEVEL U./BIKER LOCATION, N/A rE~EHCE MARKE~: 025-07041747 POLICE AGENCY, 05159 SOUTIIOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT rIME: 06: PRECINCT, LOCATION FIRST EVENT, OFF ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY LIGIIT CONDITION, DAWN WEAl HER: CLOUDY MANNER OF COLLISION: OlllER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER ACTION: N/A ~ISTRATION TYPE: 1I00L BUS: NO 1611T /I'ASSENGERS: "AI/HIT FACrOR 2: ilIA X",: M SECOND EVENT, fEIU OF DAMAGE: UIIAVAIlDLE IVER-SIAfE-CODE: VIRGINIA NO REGISTRATION TYPE VEIIICLE Y[A~: VEHICLE MAKE: APPARENT FACTOR I: FELL ASLEEP PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD NOll-COLLISION - OVERTURNED AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MAtERIAL IIIUICATED BODY TYPE: 13 4 DOOR SEDAN VEHICLE ID NUMBER: DUS/TRUCK CODES: NO AGE lUll!: 84 . u IIlJURY VEIIICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE, 8ft SEX: MALE 5111011 IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEIIICLE: NOT EJECTED 1'[ OF PIIYSICAL COMPLAIIIT: CDMPLAIIH OF PAIIl VICTIM STATUS, CONSCIOUS SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP 8ELT&HARNESS LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: CHEST TAKEN TO: TAKEN BY: 9997 . 194-1996 7- .L9 ~ATION CODE: 025- 0704 1704 .SE NUHBER: 6-288007 ACCIDENT DATE: 04/14/96 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOlO TOWN POLICE OEPARTHENT ,UNTY/MUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTtIOlD 11 HE : 01: PRECINCT: RST EVENT: COlL W lIG1IT SUPI'ORT/UTIlITY POLE lOCATION FIRST EVENT: OFF ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY 'AFFIC COIITROL: tID PAS~ING ZOtlt: lIGtlT CONDITION: OARK-RO lIG1ITEIl WEATlIER: CLOUDY lAD CHARACTER: SIRAIGIIl AtlD LfVEl HANNER OF COLlI~ION: OntER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE D./BIKER lOCATION: NO pro. INVOLVEHENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOlVEHENT) FERENCE HARKER, 025-07041704 GISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 63 PICK UP TRUCK BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO tlOOl bUS: NO VUIIClE YEAR: 110 VEllIClE HAKE: tHTSU VEHICLE 10 NUHBER, JA7FH54E9JP029312 !GHT /f'ASSENGERS: 0037',0 A"I'ARENT FACTOR I: FEll, ASlEEl' "AREN! FACIOR ~: tlOl-ElITEREIl - H/A PRE-ACCIIlENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGIIT AHEAD X.,.: F SECOND EVENI: NON-COLLISION - OVERTURNED AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE TENT OF IlAHAGE: UNAVAILDLE DIRECTION OF lRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 IVER-SIAn,-COIlE: tlEW YOIIK HAZAROOUS MATERIAL: NO IIAZAROOUS MATERIAL ItIOICATED AGE "".: 28 . U INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SITION IN VENIClE: DRIVER EJICTION PE OF PIWSICAl COHPLAIN!: MINOR BLEEDING AGE: 20 FROM VEHICLE: NOT VICTlM STATUS: SEX: FEMALE EJECTED CONSCIOUS SAFETY EQUIPHENT USED: lAP BElT&HARNESS LOCATION OF P'IYSICAL COMPLAINT: ELBOW TO HAND TAKEN TO: TAKEN BY: . 994-1996 i 1129 UCATIO~ COOE: 025- 0704 1726 67 ASE NUMOER: 6-296285 ACCIDENT DATE: 04/21/96 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT iJllllTY/MUll!: SUFH1LK COUNTY. 10W~ Of SOllltlOLD 11MI': 12: PRECIUCT: I kST EVENl: COLI. I S I OU W IfH OIliER 110TOR VEIl! CLE LOCAT ION FI RST EVEIIT: ON ROADWAY ACCIUENl CLASS: I NJURY AND P. D. IIAFFIC COIITRUL: UD I'ASSIUG ZOIlE L1GIIT CONDITION: UAYLlGlIf WEAIIIER: CLEAR UAU CIIARACTH: CUIIVE AlIII LEVH MAUNER OF COLLISION: UNKNOWN TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: SlATE EO./OlKEk LUCATIOIl: Ull PED. IIlVOlVEMEUT PED./DIKER ACTIOIl: UOT AVAIlADlE (NO PEDESTRIAU IIlVOLVEMEUT) EFEREUCE MARKER: 025-117114172667 EGISTRATION TYP[: UO REGISTRATIOU TYPE DODY TYPE: 13 4 DOOR SEIlAtI CIIUOl II11S: NU VElIlClE YEAlI: VEllIClE MAKE: VE'IIClE 10 UUMDER: ElGIIT/I'ASSENGERS: AI'I'AREUT FACTOR I: N/A I'I'AREIH FACIOR 2: llOT-EllfERED - U/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGIIT AHEAI) ,:X "': I' SECIIUO EVI.IH: NUI-EIITERED - U/A AREA III' 1I11'ACT: tlOT AVAIlADlE ~IElII OF DAMAGE: UUAVAILBlE 1l1RECTION Of TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANIS: 02 RIVEII-SIAII-COUE: ~1ASS^CIIUSETTS IIAZARDOUS MAIERIAl: NO IIAZARDOUS NAI ER I Al IIWICAlEO EG[STRATION TVPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUDURDAU BODV IYPE: 12 SUOURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO CIIOOl BUS, NO VEIIIClE VEAR, 114 VEIUCLE MAKE, SUBAR VEIIIClE IU NUMDER, JF2AM52D3ED409230 EJGIIl/l'ASSElIGERS, 002365 APPAllEllT FACTOR I: DRIVER IIIA1TENTION I'I'A"EUI FACIOII 2: fAILURE 10 YIFtll IWW PtIE-ACCIIlEtlT ACTION: GOING STRA[GIIT AIIEAD AGE H*: 50 eX .H, I' SEUIIIII EVUH, UIJI-I:IlIIREU - N/A AREA UI- IMI'ACr: 1101 AVAILABLE ~TENI OF DAMAGE: UUAVA1LOlE 1J1RECrlON Of TRAVEL: SOUTH NUMBER or OCCUPAUTS: 05 iIlVFR-Sl AI E - COOL: UEW YUI<K IIAlARIlOUS MA IERIAl, tlO HAZARDOUS NAI FR IAl IIID [CA nu .. IUJURY V1IIICLE OCCUI'IEO: 01 OS If [ON IN VEIIICLE: R IGIIT FROtH EJECTI ON (I'I III' PIIYSICAI. CUt1PlAIIH: COMPlAIU[ OF PAIII AGE: 07 FROM VEIIIClE: NOT VICIIM STATUS, U ItlJURY VElIlClE OSIlIOII IN VEIIICI E: ORIVLlI (I'E 01' PltYS1CAl COMPlAIIII: II/II OCCUPIEU: 01 AGE: 27 EJECTIOII FRON VEIIICI.E: NOT VICIlM SIATUS: U IIlJURY VElIlCI.E OCCUPIEIl: 02 OSIlIOII IN VEltlCI.E: IlRIVUI EJI.C.TIOII (I'E UF PII'(SICIIl CUMI'lAIUI: COMPI.AItH OF PAIU U IIlJURV Vl.IllClE OCCUPII'U: 02 JSITIOII Itl VEIIICI.E: Rllilll ItlOtH EJECTION 11'1 UF PIIYSICAl COMPLA1UI: CUl1t'LAIIlT OF PAIN U INJURV VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 OSIIION IN VrllICI.E, MIDDLE OACK EJECTION (PI' UF PItVSICAl CUNPlAlIlT: FRACTUIIE-DISlCHl U INJURY VEItICLE OCCUPIED, 02 OSITIOU III VEItICLE: RllilH BACK EJECTION iPE OF PItYSICAI. Cot1PI.AIIH: FRACTUIIE-OISlCTII U INJUIIY VEIIICl.E OCCUPIED: 02 OSTTIOII III VntlCI.E: LHT OACK EJECTlOII VI'I or l'ItYSICAL COMI'lAltlT: CUMPLAltlT OF I'll III AGE: 50 FROM VElIIClE: NOT VIClHI S[IITUS: AGI': 17 FROM VEIIICl.E, 1I0T VICllN SIATUS: AGE: If. FROM VEIIICLE: 1I0r VICIIM STATUS: AGE: 51 FROM VEIIIClE: NOT VICIIl1 SlATUS: AGE: 51 FRIIM VEIIIClE: 1I0T VICTHI SIATUS: SEX: FEMAI.E EJEClEO COIISC IOUS SEX: FH1ALE EJECIFU B IIl.1UllY SEX, r EMAlE EJIOCfEO CONSC IlIllS SEX, ~1Al E EJECTEO COIISCIOUS SEX: MALE EJECTEO CUIISCIOUS SEX: FEMALE EJECTEIl CONSCIOUS SEX: FEMALE EJEClEII CONSCIOUS BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO AGE ***: 2" . SAFE TV EQUIPMENl USED: CIIIlD RESTRAINT lOCAlIOII OF PIIYSICAL COMPLAINT: ABDOMEN-PELVIS TAKEN TO: TAKEN BY, 9997 SAFETV EQU I PMENT USED: LAP DEl T&HARNESS lOCATIOII OF PIIYSICAL COMPLAINT, N/A TAKEN 10: TAKEN DY, SAFETV EQUIPMENT USED: LAP DELT&ItARNESS lOCATIIIII OF PIIYSICAl COMPLAINT: NECK . TAKEII TO: TAKEN DY: 999 SAFEIV EQUIPMENT USED, lAP BEI.T&IIARNESS 1.0CAlIOU OF PIIYSICAL COMPLAINT: CHEST I AKEII IO: TAKEN BY: 9997 SAFElY EQUIPMENT USED, NONE lOCAlIOII OF PIIYSICAl COMPLAINT: SHLDR-UPPER IAKEII TO: TAKEN DY: 9997 ARI SAFElY EQUIPMENT USED: NONE LOCATIOII OF PHVSICAL COMPLAINT: CHEST TAKEII TO: TAKEN DY, SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: IIONE lOCA TI 011 OF PIIVSICAL COMPLAINT, CIIESl lAKEII 10, TAKEN BY: 9997 9997 ')94-1')')6 ,-029 OCATION CODE: 025- 0704 1693 A$E NUMBER: 6-383681 ACCIOENT DATE: 06/08/96 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTIIOLO TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT OUNTY/MlltlI: SUFfOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTlIOlD TIME: 12: PRECINCT: IRST EvENT: COLLISION WITII ANIMAL LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGE IIAFflC CUllTROL: tlONE LIGlIT CONDITI ON: DARK -~D NOT LIT WEA 1IIER: CLEAR OAD CHARIICTER: CUI(VE ArlO LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: OlllER TYPE OF ROAO SYSTEM: STATE fD./BIKEI( LOCATION: NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER IICTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) i:J'ERUICE 11AI(KlIl: 025- 070'01693 CGISTRATICN TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 14 2 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK COOl'S: NO .CHOOl BUS: NO VEII1CLE YEAR: 94 VEIHCLE MAKE: fORD VEltICLE 10 NUMBER: IfALP4042Rf234191 'fWHTII'ASSENGERS: 003050 APPAREtlT FACTOR I: IINIMAl'S IICTlON .f'I'IIRE/II FIIC1UR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/II PRE-ACCIOEllI ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AIIEAD fX ***: M SECOND EVEN1: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA Of IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE HElll III' 0Ilt1AGE: UIIIIVIIILBLE 01 ~EC f I 011 OF TRAVEl: EAST NUMnER OF OCCUPANTS: 0 I H1VlR-STII1E-CODE: NEW YORK HIIZAROOUS MATERIlIl: NO IIAZARDOUS MllfERIAl INDICATED AGE Ull: 18 . ** OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE: 18 SEX: MALE OSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTEO SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: AIRBAG/LAPB/HARNE . LOCATION CODE, 025- 0704 1674 CASE NUMBER, 6-434108 ACCIDENT DATE, 07/05/96 POLICE AGENCY, 05155 RIVERHEAD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME. 16, PRECltlCT, FIRST EVENT, COLLISION WITH PEDESTRIAN LOCATION FIRST EVENT. ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS. INJURY AND P.O. TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGHT CONDITION, DAYLIGHT WEATHER, CLEAR ROAD CIIARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION. OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION: NOT AT INTERSECTION PED./BIKER ACTION. CROSSING - NO SIGNAL OR CROSSWALK REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041674 REGISTRATION TYPE. 76 COMMERCIAL BODY TYPE. 63 PICK UP TRUCK BUS/TRUCK CODES: HI SCHOOL. BUS, NO VEHICLE YEAR. 92 VEHICLE MAKE, FORD VEIUCLE 10 NUMBER, lFTDFl5Y2NNA84773 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 005450 APPARENT FACTOR I. N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD SEX AAA: M SECOND EVENT. NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT. NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED REGISTRATION TYPE. NO REGISTRATION TYPE BODY TYPE: 36 PEDESTRIAN SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. VEHICLE MAKE. VEHICLE 10 NUMBER, JEIGHTlPASSEIIGERS. APPARENT FACTOR I. PED 'S/BIKE' S ERROR/CONFUSION ~PPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. N/A SEX AAA: M SECOND EVENT. NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. N/A NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE lllUI. 38 BUS/TRUCK COD~ N AGE llllll: 40 AA OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED. lAP BELT&HARNESS llA INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED. 02P SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED. N/A LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, KNEE TO FOOT HCTIM STATUS. CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO. AGE. 36 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE I DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJECT I AGE: 40 SEX, MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE. N/A EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, N/A TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, FRACTURE-DISLCTN TAKEN BY. 9997 . ICATlON CODE, 025- 0704 1675 41 ISE NUMBER, 6-528957 ACCIDENT DATE, 08/31/96 POLICE AGENCV. 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWII POLICE DEPARTMENT IUNTV/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME. 08. PRECINCT, RST EVENT. COLL W L1GtIT SUPPORT/UTILITV POLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT, Otl ROADWAV ACCIDENT CLASS I INJURV !AFFIC CONTROL, NONE LIGHT CONDITION. DAVLlGtlT WEATHER, CLEAR lAD CHARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION, OTHER TVPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE :D./BIKER LOCATION: NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION, NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) :FERENCE MARKER. 025-0704167541 BODV TVPE, 14 2 DOOR SEDAN VEHICLE ID NUMBER: BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO :GISTRATION TVPE, :HOOL BUS. NO 'IGIIT /PASSENGERS. 'PARENT FACTOR 2. N/A :X llU. M SECOND EVEtn, :TENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE :IVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK NO REGISTRATION TVPE VEHICLE VEAR, VEHICLE MAKE. APPARENT FACTOR I, FELL ASLEEP PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD COLLISION WITH OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 t1AZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO t1AZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE 1I1111. 23 BUS/TRUCK CODES"'O IJ4GZ56SXRC141669 :GISrRATION TVPE, 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODV TVPE. 11 SEDAN :t100L BUS, NO VEHICLE VEAR. 94 VEllICLE MAKE, JEEP VEtllCLE 10 NUMUER: :IGHT/PASSENGERS, 003552 APPARENT FACTOR I, N/A 'PARENT FACTOR 2, N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, GOING STRAIGIIT AHEAD :X llllll, F SECOND EVENT, NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, 1I0T AVAILABLE :TENT OF DAMAGE, UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 'IVER-STATE-CODE, NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO t1AZARDOUS MATERIAL ItWICATED III1 INJURV VEHICLE OCCUPIED. 01 ,FETV EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BELT&HARNESS 'CATION OF PtlVSICAL COMPLAINT, FACE CTiM STATUS, CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO, 1I11 INJURV VEHICLE OCCUPIED. 02 ,FETV EQUIPMENT USED, AIRB DPLOVD/LAPB/HARNSS 'CATION OF PHVSICAL COMPLAINT: KNEE TO FOOT CTIM STATUS, CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO, AGE llllll, 27 AGE, 23 SEX. MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE. DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJECTED TVPE OF PHVSICAL COMPLAINT, MIIIOR BLEEDING TAKEN BV, 9997 AGE, 27 SEX, FEMALE POSITION IN VEHICLE, DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJECTED TVPE OF PtlVSICAL COMPLAINT. COMPLAINT OF PAIN TAKEN BV, 9997 . .OCATION COOE, 025- 0704 1683 ;ASE NUMBER, 6-609642 ACCIDENT DATE. 10/16/96 POLICE AGENCY. 05159 SOUTHOlD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT ;OUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME, IS. PRECINCT, 'IRST EVENT, COLLISION WITH BICYCLIST LOCATION FIRST EVENT, ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS, INJURY 'RAFFIC CONTROL. NO PASSING Z0I4E LIGHT CONDITION. DAYLIGHT WEATHER, CLEAR lOAD CIIARACTER. STRAIGltT AUD lEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION. OTlIER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE 'ED./BIKER LOCATION. NOT AT INTERSECTION PED./BIKER ACTION. WALKING/RIDING ALONG HIGHWAY WITH TRAFFIC rEFERENCE MARKER. 025-07041683 rEGISTRATION TYPE. 76 COMMERCIAL ,CHOOL .BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. 94 lEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 004934 APPARENT IPPARENT FACTOR 2, N/A ;EX ..ll. M SECOND EVENT, ,XTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE IRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK BODY TYPE. 68 VAN TRUCK BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO VEHICLE MAKE. DODGE VEHICLE 10 NUMBER, 2B7HB21Y4RK537026 FACTOR 1, N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA Of IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE llU. 59 rEGISTRATION TYPE, ;CHOOl BUS. NO lEIGHT/PASSENGERS. ,PPARENT FACTOR 2, N/A ;EX llU. F SECOND EVENT. :XTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE 'RIVER-STATE-CODE, NEW YORK NO REGISTRATION TYPE VEHICLE YEAR. VEHICLE MAKE. APPARENT FACTOR I. FAILURE TO YIELD ROW PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, MAKING lEFT TURN NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, HAZARDDUS MATERIAL. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED BODY TYPE. 35 BICYCLE VEHICLE ID NUMBER. BUS/TRUCK COD~ N( AGE llllll, 65 llll OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 01 AGE. 59 SEX, MALE .AFETY EQUIPMENT USED. LAP BELT&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE. DRIVER EJECTI ON FROM VEHICLE. NOT EJECTE llll INJURY VEHICLE DCCUPIED. 02B AGE. 65 SEX. FEMALE ;AFETY EQUIPMENT USED. N/A POSITION IN VEHICLE. N/A EJECTION FROM VEHICLE. N/A OCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAIIlT. HEAD TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT. CONCUSSION 'ICTIM STATUS. SHOCK TAKEN TO, TAKEN BY, 9997 . LOCATION CODE, 025- 0704 1716 CASE NUMBER. 7-647442 ACCIDENT DATE, 11/15/97 POLICE AGENCY, 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME. 09, PRECINCT, FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH OTHER MOTOR VEIIICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT, ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS, PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL, NONE LIGllT CONDITION. DAYLIGHT WEATHER, CLOUDY ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION. INTERSECTION TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM. STATE PEDo/BIKER LOCATION, NO PEDo INVOLVEMENT PEDo/BIKER ACTION, NDT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER, 025-07041716 REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE. 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR, 82 VEHICLE MAKE. OLDSM VEHICLE ID NUMBER, IG3AP35Y9CX121928 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 003984 APPARENT FACTOR I. DRIVER INATTENTION APPARENT FACTOR 2: BACKING UNSAFELY PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, BACKING AGE ..., 35 SEX ...: M SECOND EVENT, NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: SOUTHEAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES~ SCHOOL BUS, NO VEllICLE YEAR, 93 VEHICLE MAKE, DODGE VEllICLE 10 NUMBER: 2B4GH25K3PR291877 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS, 003129 APPARENT FACTOR 1: N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ..., 83 SEX ..., M SECOND EVENT. NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .. OCCUPANT VEIIICLE OCCUPIED, 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BELT&HARNESS .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 02 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, AIRB DPLOYD/LAPB/HARNSS AGE, 35 SEX, MALE POSITION IN VEIIICLE, DRIVER AGE, 83 SEX, MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE, DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTEO EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTEO . ~/ /-- I Y .~ /, 1'/:.-lfJ-.0 C o ',Ou II (-1 (p) --1- Ii: ',_' '.' I},' ./' r- .., ... LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1714 65 CASE NUMBER. 7-644642 ACCIDENT DATE: 11/14/97 POLICE AGENCY. 00000 NOT INVESTIGATED BY POLICE COUNTY/MUNI, SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME: 11: PRECINCT. FIRST EVENT. COLL W LIGHT SUPPORT/UTILITY POLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT. NOT ENTERED ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGlIT CONDITION: NOT AVAILABLE WEATHER: SNOW ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION. OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION. NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-0704171465 REGISTRATION TYPE. 76 COMMERCIAL BODY TYPE. 63 PICK UP TRUCK BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. 94 VEIIICLE MAKE: FORD VEHICLE 10 NUMBER. IFTDF15YXRLB42467 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 005000 APPARENT FACTOR I. NOT-ENTERED - N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD SEX .... M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE ."": 32 . --- . ,0 -- /f_f/I-r;rlSU II ',Of) f) fL1{ 1"') . [) (;(71 d( of ../\/1 p LOCATION CODE: 025- 0704 1718 CASE NUHBER: 7-617223 ACCIDENT DATE, 10/31/97 COUNTY/HUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD FIRST EVENT: COLLISION WITH ANIMAL TRAFFIC CONTROL: NONE ROAD CHARACTER: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL PED./BIKER LOCATION, NO PED. INVOLVEMENT REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041718 POLICE AGENCY, 05159 SOUTIIOlO TOWN POLICE OEPARTMENT . TIME: 22: PRECINCT: LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS, INJURY LIGHT CONDITION: DARK-RD LIGHTED WEATIIER, RAIN MANNER Of COLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE . PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE <NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REGISTRATION TYPE: NO REGISTRATION TYPE SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: VEHICLE MAKE: WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. APPARENT FACTOR 1: ANIMAL'S ACTION APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD SEX llllll: .M SECOND EVENT, NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT O~ DAMAGE. UNAVAIlBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 ORIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZAROOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INOICATEO BOOY TYPE: 13 4 DOOR SEDAN VEHICLE ID NUMBER, BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO AGE 1111", 28 1111 INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, AIRBAG DEPlOYED/LAPB LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: ELBOW TO HAND VICTIM STATUS: CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO, AGE: 28 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, TAKEN BY. 9998 . EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJECTEl ABRASION ~> a,vL,(/1i>l'cl 10 -3/ - 91l- wI( rJ /() :OfJ p/"l (..:J-) . ,.fl,j fl (> Ili,)f _to LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1681 CASE NUMBER: 7-389483 ACCIDENT DATE: 06/21/97 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLO TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT CDUNTY/MUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME: 08: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COLL W LIGHT SUPPORT/UTILITY POLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT. OFF ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY TRAFFIC CONTROL: NONE LIGHT CONDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATIDN. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041681 REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 85 VEHICLE MAKE: JEEP VEHICLE ID NUMBER: IJCWC784XFT141987 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 003052 APPARENT FACTOR 1: FELL ASLEEP APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - NIA PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 44 SEX ...: M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .ll INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BEL T&HARNESS LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: HEAD VICTIM STATUS: CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: llll ARREST VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 ll. ARREST VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 llll ARREST VEIHCLE OCCUPIED: 01 llll ARREST VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 01 AGE: 44 SEX. MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: TAKEN BY: 9997 VIOLATION CHARGED: 0509-1 VIOLATION CHARGED: o511-1A VIOLATION CHARGED: 0511-35 VIOLATION CHARGED: 0319-1 . EJECTION FROM VEHICLE. NOT EJECTED SEVERE BLEEDING I]L ')(-11 tL'{ ru ~ {/ , 09; ',06 fl1 '\ (:1) . / )VU\ I) rY~ ('/)' '. \ j LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1689 CASE NUMBER. 7-485404 ACCIDENT DATE, 08/16/97 POLICE AGENCY, 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTlIOLD TIME, 15, PRECINCT, FIRST EVENT. COLL W LIGHT SUPPORT/UTILITY POLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT, OFF ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGHT CONDITION. DAYLIGHT WEATHER, CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION, OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER. 025-07041689 REGISTRATION TYPE: 76 COMMERCIAL SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. 87 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 003055 APPARENT APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A SEX .... M SECOND EVENT. NOT-ENTERED - N/A EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO BODY TYPE, 63 PICK UP TRUCK BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO VEHICLE MAKE, DODGE VEHICLE ID NUMBER, JB7FL24D5HP034271 FACTOR I. DRIVER INATTENTION PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE ..., 28 .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED. NONE LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, HEAD VICTIM STATUS: CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: AGE. 26 SEX. MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE. DRIVER TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, MINOR TAKEN BY, 9997 EJECTION FROM VEltlCLE, NOT EJAO BLEEOING 1J'--:---- -/ v. C6 I (/' 'j - f)C ( 7; " 00 pM (J-) f (UlI\.h () . JliLO LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1744 CASE NUMBER. 7-118424 ACCIDENT DATE: 01/11/97 POLICE AGENCY. 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK CDUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME: 09. . PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COL W EARTH EMBKMNT/ROCK CUT/OITCH LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY TRAFFIC CONTROL. NDNE LIG/n CONDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATHER: SNOW ROAD CHARACTER. CURVE AND LEVEL MANNER OF CDLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LDCATION. N/A PED./BIKER ACTION: N/A REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041744 REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHODL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 92 VEHICLE MAKE: CHEVR VEHICLE ID NUMBER: IGNDT13W7N2216932 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 003837 APPARENT FACTOR 1: PAVEMENT SLIPPERY APPARENT FACTOR 2. N/A PRE-ACCIOENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 47 SEX .... M SECOND EVENT: COLL W LIGHT SUPPORT/UTILITY PDLE AREA OF IMPACT: NDT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTIDN OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 03 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE. 47 SEX: MALE . SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BEL T&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTI ON FROM VEllICLE: NOT EJEcTEO .ll OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE: 41 SEX. FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BEL T&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE. RIGHT FRONT EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED. 01 AGE: 70 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BEL T&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: LEFT BACK EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: FACE TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: MINOR BLEEDING VICTIM STATUS: CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: TAKEN BY: ~lJ ,-\) ~r{/c, 1- :L -! I I \ "I (I ') 0; ',00 I I . . / (()f I (( () ( . Jll/U LOCATION CODE, 025- 0704 1691 CASE NUMBER, 7-288477 ACCIDENT DATE, 04/24/97 POLICE AGENCY, 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI, SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME, 17, PRECINCT, FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT, ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS, PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL, NONE LIGHT CONDITION, DAYLIGHT WEATHER, CLOUDY ROAD CHARACTER, STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION, OVERTAKING TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE PED./8IKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION, NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER. 025-07041691 REGISTRATION TYPE, 76 COMMERCIAL SCHOOL BUS, NO VEHICLE YEAR, 86 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 004599 APPARENT APPARENT FACTOR 2, NOT"ENTERED - N/A SEX .... M SECOND EVENT, NOT-ENTERED - N/A EXTENT OF DAMAGE, UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, EAST DRIVER-STATE-CODE, NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS BODY TYPE, VEHICLE MAKE, NISSA FACTOR I, N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, MAKING RIGHT TURN AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 MATERIAL INDICATED 63 PICK UP TRUCK BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO VEHICLE 10 NUMBER, IN6HDI6Y9GC426186 AGE ...: 46 REGISTRATION TYPE, 16 PASSENGER OR SUBUR8AN BODY TYPE, 13 4 DOOR SEDAN SCHOOL BUS, NO VEHICLE YEAR, 87 VEHICLE MAKE, PONTI VEHICLE 10 NUMBER, WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 002994 APPARENT FACTOR I, DRIVER INATTENTION APPARENT FACTOR 2, NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, OVERTAKING SEX ..., M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE, UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE, NEW YORK IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED BUS/TRUCK CODES,tIt 2G2AH51W6H9229480 AGE n., 46 .. OCCUPANT VEIIICLE OCCUPIED, 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BELT&IIARNESS .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 02 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BEL T&HARtIESS AGE, 46 SEX, MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE, DRIVER AGE, 46 SEX, MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE, DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJECTED EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJECTED -:::-; - '\./ ~ if -'2/{ ~ ;; ;00 l J (t 1- V (' ( l'l) (p) . " J' 1(' r ({ ': ,1-((;,9 .. LOCATION l _. 025- 0704 1732 CASE NUMBER: 7-290109 ACCIDENT DATE: 04/25/97 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI, SUFFOLK COUNTY. TOWN OF SOUTlIOLD TIME: 12: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT: COLLISION WITH OTIlER FIXED OBJECT LOCATION FIRST EVENT: OFF ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY TRAFFIC CONTROL: NO PASSING ZONE LIGIlT CONDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CIlARACTER. CURVE AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: OTIlER TYPE OF ROAO SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION: N/A PED./BIKER ACTION: N/A REFERENCE MARKER, 025-07041732 REGISTRATION TYPE. NO REGISTRATION TYPE BODY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS, NO VEHICLE YEAR, VEHICLE MAKE: VEHICLE ID NUMBER: WEIGHT/PASSENGERS, APPARENT FACTOR 1: ALCOHOL INVOLVEMENT APPARENT FACTOR 2: UNSAFE SPEED PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE .**: 37 SEX .*.: F SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 05 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: MASSACHUSETTS HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED -- INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: AIRB DPLOYD/lAPB/HARNSS LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: IlEAD VICTIM STATUS. CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: AGE: 37 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER TYPE OF PIlYSICAl COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT OF TAKEN BY: EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJE~ PAIN -- OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE, 10 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, lAP BElT&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: LEFT BACK EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED -- OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE: 06 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT&IlARNESS POSITION IN VEIlICLE: RIGHT BACK EJECTION FROM VEIlICLE: NOT EJECTED -- OCCUPANT VEIlICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE. 09 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BElT&IlARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: BACK - N.S. EJECTION FROM VEIlICLE: NOT EJECTED -- OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED. 01 AGE: 06 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BElT&HARtlESS POSITION IN VEIUCLE, BACK - N.S. EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJECTED ----7f.J - (\ L I. c'1 4- ~t!?-- ) r ~ 12-',00 PI'! (T) . Jl'M) ( /f..()1 \ C2-- ?/: .(~,.I\ (,1 '.--: 0 '(~)U' . , cJ LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1660 44 CASE NUMBER. 7-666359 ACCIDENT DATE: 12/06/97 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SDUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK CDUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME. 13: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH OTIIER MOTOR VEHICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY AND P.D. TRAFFIC CONTROL. UNKNOWN LIGHT CONDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: LEFT TURN (3) TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. IIlVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-0704166044 REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 14 2 DOOR SEDAN SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 70 VEHICLE MAKE: CHEVR VEHICLE ID NUMBER: 164470T211396 WEIGttT/PASSENGERS: 004336 APPARENT FACTOR 1: N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD SEX .... M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STAT~-CODE. NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO AGE ...: 22 REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 14 2 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: ... SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 67 VEHICLE MAKE: OLDSM VEHICLE ID NUMBER: IG311Y1430llW346077 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 003091 APPARENT FACTOR 1: FAILURE TO YIELD ROW APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - II/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. MAKING LEFT TURN SEX .... M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. NORTHEAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK t1AZARIlUUS MATERIAL: NO t1AZARDOUS MATERIAL INIlICATEO AGE ...: 67 .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIEIl: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED. LAP BELT LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: HIP-UPPER LEG VICTIM STATUS. CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIEIl: 02 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT&HARNESS LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: CHEST VICTIM STATUS: SHOCK TAKEN TO: AGE: 22 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE. DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEIIICLE: NOT EJECTED TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT OF PAIN TAKEN BY: 9997 AGE: 67 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEIIICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT OF PAIN TAKEN BY: 9997 . ~ ~ / z ~rP~ 0 1- lx' '( I " () 0 P' {1/7 (1.) (;./l1 t'/ I I J..) {,r. . /} Uh IlrlY ( LOCATION CODE, 025- 0704 1717 CASE NUMBER, 7-100269 ACCIDENT DATE: 02/23/97 COUNTY /MUNI, SUFFOLK COUNTY. TOWN OF SOUTlIOLO FIRST EVENT, COLLISION WITH SIGN POST TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE ROAD CIIARACTER, STRAIGHT AND LEVEL PED./BIKER LOCATION: NO PED. INVOLVEMENT REFERENCE MARKER, 025-07041717 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT TIME. 17. PRECINCT: LOCATION FIRST EVENT: OFF ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY LIGHT CONDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATlIER: CLEAR MANNER OF COLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PEO./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE, 14 2 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 88 VEHICLE MAKE, FORD VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: IFAPP9190JW360689 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS, 002288 APPARENT FACTOR 1: FELL ASLEEP APPARENT FACTOR 2, LOST CONSCIOUSNESS PRE-ACCIOENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AIIEAD AGE __.: 19 SEX ___, M SECOND EVENT: COLLISION WITH TREE AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE OIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZAROOUS MATERIAL INOICATEO ._ INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELTSIIARNESS LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: IIEAD VICTIM STATUS, CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: AGE: 19 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEIIICLE: ORIVER TYPE OF PIIYSICAL COMPLAINT: MINOR TAKEN BY: 9997 EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJE~D BLEEOING . 'J ~~:A 1- - 2 '3 - ,} T L> c ( 5',O() fi'1 /I) . fit)) (') "~rcJ ( " LOCAlION CODE: 025- 0704 1694 CASE NUMBER: 7-677669 ACCIDENT DATE, 12/01/97 COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH TREE TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE ROAD CHARACTER, CURVE AND LEVEL PED./BIKER LOCATION, NO PEDo INVOLVEMENT REFERENCE MARKER. 025-07041694 POLICE AGENCY, 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT TIME: 16, PRECINCT, LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY LIGHT CONDITION, DUSK WEATHER: CLEAR MANNER OF COLLISION, OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE PEDo/BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE eNO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE, 13 4 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO SCHDOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR: 93 0 VEHICLE MAKE: OLDSM VEHICLE ID NUMBER, IG3AG55N3P6392416 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS, 002776 APPARENT FACTOR 1, FELL ASLEEP APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 80 SEX ..., M SECOND EVENT, NON-COLLISION - OVERTURNED AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: AIR BAG DEPLOYED LDCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, BACK VICTIM STATUS. CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO, AGE, 80 SEX. MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE, DRIVER TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, CDMPLAINT OF TAKEN BY, 9997 EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJEC~ PAIN -->IJ _ /- 0 7- ILl< I ~t"IO 0 pl'1 (J:-) . 1/'/\ . {) i; (.(') I I ) I 01: LOCATION COOE. 025- 0704 1701 CASE NUMBER. 8-461340 ACCIUENT DATE: 07/30/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05101 SUFFOLK COUNTY POLICE OEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY. TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN TIME: 16: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH OTIIER MOTOR VEHICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT CONDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATltER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: LEFT TURN (3) TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PEO./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER. 025-07041701 REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE. 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR: 97 VEHICLE MAKE: TOYOT VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: JT3HN66RXV0073651 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 003793 APPARENT FACTOR I. N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2: N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 27 SEX ..*, F SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS. 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED REGISTRATION TYPE, 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 13 4 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES:. SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 67 VEHICLE MAKE: FORD VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: IFABP37X6HK213367 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 002581 APPARENT FACTOR 1: FAILURE TO YIELD ROW APPARENT FACTOR 2, N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. MAKING LEFT TURN AGE ...: 21 SEX U.: F SECOND EVEtlT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UtlAVAIlBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .* OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: UNKNOWN ** OCCUPANT VEIIICLE OCCUPIED. 02 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: UNKNOWN AGE: 26 SEX. FEMALE POSITION IN VEIIICLE: DRIVER AGE. 20 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEIIICLE: NOT EJECTED EJECTION FROM VEIIICLE: NOT EJECTEO ~ _I ',;ilr,/\/I <I I .' (\1 ) 'I \ (p',IY' I . / /''') (',I' I l' \ \ LOCATION CODE: 025- 0704 1749 CASE NUMBER: 8-433221 ACCIDENT DATE: 07/14/98 POLICE AGENCY: 00000 NOT INVESTIGATED BY POLICE COUNTY/MUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, VILLAGE OF THE BRANCH TIME: 06: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT: COLLISION WITH OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT: NOT ENTEREO ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL: NONE LIGHT CONDITION: NOT AVAILABLE WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: REAR END TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION: NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041749 REGISTRATION TYPE: 62 DEALER BODY TYPE: 59 BODY TYPE ALL BLANKS BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: VEHICLE MAKE: VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: APPARENT FACTOR 1: NOT-ENTERED - N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 49 SEX **., M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE, NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED REGISTRATION TYPE, NO REGISTRATION TYPE BODY TYPE: 13 4 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES:'" SCHOOL BUS, NO VEHICLE YEAR: VEHICLE MAKE: VEllICLE 10 NUMBER: WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: APPARENT FACTOR 1: NOT-ENTERED - N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: STARTING IN TRAFFIC AGE ...: 35 SEX *.*: M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: X DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED ~~- --:;-1/1/ 'rt: b~ !,j & ',011/1 t / / F') . ",/1 fJr !" LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1725 CASE NUMBER. B-524962 ACCIDENT DATE. 09/03/98 POLICE AGENCY. 05159 SOUTIIOLO TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME. 20: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH ANIMAL LOCATION FIRST EVENT. ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGHT CONDITION: DARK-RD LIGHTED WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION. OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION. NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER. 025-07041725 REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. 92 VEHICLE MAKE. SUBAR VEHICLE ID NUMBER: JFIAN422XNC423174 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 002530 APPARENT FACTOR I. ANIMAL'S ACTION APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 72 SEX .... F SECOND EVENT, NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT. NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILDLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YDRK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT&IIARNESS AGE: 72 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER --7 ClM-'-"'" i! . EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED () -3 -1'Z .l->c/J <6 ;(N ph (?) f) Or I>> !d ,/lA. . LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1691 55 CASE NUMBER, 8-300563 ACCIDENT DATE, 05/05/98 COUNTV/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH TREE TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT REFERENCE MARKER. 025-0704169155 PDLICE AGENCV. 05159 SDUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT TIME. 16: PRECINCT. LOCATION FIRST EVENT. ON ROADWAV ACCIDENT CLASS, INJURV LIGHT CONDITION. DAVLIGIIT WEATHER. CLOUDY MANNER OF COLLISION. OTHER TVPE OF ROAD SYSTEM. STATE PED./BIKER ACTION. NOT AVAILABLE CNO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REGISTRATION TVPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODV TVPE. 13 4 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES. NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE VEAR. 95 VEHICLE MAKE. CHEVR VEHICLE ID NUMBER: 2GIWN52M7S9109940 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 003289 APPARENT FACTOR I. UNKNOWN APPARENT FACTOR 2. UNKNOWN PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE .... 47 SEX .... M SECOND EVENT. NON-COLLISION - OVERTURNED AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .. INJURV VEHICLE OCCUPIED. 01 SAFETV EQUIPMENT USED. AIR BAG DEPLOVED LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT, EIHIRE BODV VICTIM STATUS, SEMICOIISCIOUS TAKEN TO: AGE: 47 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER TVPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: SEVERE TAKEN BV: 9992 EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJE~r BLEEDING ~ 5-'5-C)t PCV 4- ;o.J (/ i (z\! . '1 /Ii I / ( I" (/,'.1 f LOCATION CODE: 025- 0704 1710 CASE NUMBER: 8-430183 ACCIDENT DATE: 07/12/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLO TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME: 10: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT: COLLISION WITH OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT: OU ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGHT CONDITION. OAYLIGHT WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: OVERTAKING TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION: NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE <NO PEDESTRIAU INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041710 REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 13 4 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 96 VEHICLE MAKE: ME/BE VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: WDBHA28E3TF313927 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 003250 APPARENT FACTOR 1: PASSING OR LANE USAGE IMPROP APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD SEX ***: M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: UEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE ***: 61 REGISTRATION TYPE: 76 COMMERCIAL SCIIOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 91 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 004200 APPARENT APPARENT FACTOR 2: DRIVER INATTENTION SEX ***: M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO BODY TYPE: 63 PICK UP TRUCK VEIIICLE MAKE: DODGE VEIIICLE 10 NUMBER: FACTOR 1: TURNING IMPROPERLY PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. MAKING RIGHT TURN AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 IIAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED BUS/TRUCK CODES4Il0 IB7FL26X8MS340816 AGE ***: 85 ** OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BELT&HARNESS ** OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 SAFETY EQUIPMEUT USED: LAP BELT&HARUESS AGE: 61 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE, DRIVER AGE. 85 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE. DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTEl EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTEf . l\: . L-.::.~-' 'J --J-----/z-C)1 be ( 7;Q" DO ;rfJ (F) .,/1 I J" . 'r. / ,II; i-I (,' LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1674 CASE NUMBER. 8-209265 ACCIDENT DATE: 03/17/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTIlOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTIlOLO TIME: 18: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH ANIMAL LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS, PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGHT CONDITION. DARK-RD LIGHTED WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: OTIlER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION: NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041674 REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BOOY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR, 90 VEHICLE MAKE: PLYMO VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: IP4GH54R5LX201607 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 003482 APPARENT FACTOR 1: ANIMAL'S ACTION APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - NIA PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ***: 43 SEX ***. F SECONO EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - NIA AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO IlAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED ** OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT8HARNESS AGE: 43 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEIlICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEIIICLE: NOT EJA[ C\/II\~'11\;t^..~ /--- ---- J ~r, ~'7(6 L'S 1 \ Jt ',00 p/'1 ( r) .}\'l.t ) (' ( .)f i j( () r . ... LOCATION CODE. 025- 0104 1101 CASE NUMBER. 8-518111 ACCIDENT DATE: 08/30/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT CDUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME: 08: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISIDN WITH ANIMAL LDCATIDN FIRST EVENT. DN RDADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS. INJURY AND P.D. TRAFFIC CDNTRDL. NDNE LIGHT CDNDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATHER: CLEAR RDAD CHARACTER. CURVE AND LEVEL MANNER DF COLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION. NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-01041101 REGISTRATION TYPE. 36 MOTORCYCLE SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. 81 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 000342 APPARENT APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A SEX .... M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBlE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO BODY TYPE: 19 MOTORCYCLE BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO VEHICLE MAKE. HONDA VEHICLE ID NUMBER: JH2MF020lHKI02346 FACTOR I. ANIMAL'S ACTION PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AREA OF IMPACT. NOT AVAilABLE NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE ...: 46 .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: IIElMET LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: KNEE TO FOOT VICTIM STATUS. CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: AGE: 46 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: MINOR TAKEN BY: . EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED BLEEDING (\/l \,1.".'(; ~ / L_. ~-su-'7? '"2/ ~ 0) /) i/ , \J I)C( 1(1) . /'11(1 C()' I\J~I 1') ( v LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1701 CASE NUMBER: 8-518718 ACCIDENT DATE: 08/30/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTIiOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTIiOLD TIME: 08: PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH ANIMAL LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGHT CONDITION: DAYLIGHT WEATltER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER: CURVE AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION: NO ,PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-07041701 REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 14 2 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR: 90 VEHICLE MAKE: FORD VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: IFAPP6040lH178194 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS: 003581 APPARENT FACTOR 1: ANIMAL'S ACTION APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 20 SEX ...: F SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAIlBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEl: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 02 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO IiAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: lAP BElT&IiARtlESS .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: lAP BElT&IiARNESS AGE: 20 SEX. FEMALE POSITION IN VEIiIClE: DRIVER AGE: 50 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEIiIClE: MIDDLE FRONT ____) () ,.L Iwl(1 , (l EJECTION FROM VEIiIClE: NOT EJE~D EJECTIOtl FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED . 'b -}o- (l"1 DC; s.;c:tJ /Yf/(t) /11 ' ( (';-)1, '/1 Iv-f LOCATION CODE: 025- 0704 1675 41 CASE NUMBER: 8-428778 ACCIDENT DATE: 07/11/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI: SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME: 09: PRECINCT, FIRST EVENT: COLLISION WITH OTIlER MOTOR VEHICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: PROPERTY DAMAGI TRAFFIC CONTROL. NONE LIGHT CONDITION. DAYLIGHT WEATIlER: CLEAR ROAD CIlARACTER. STRAIGHT AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: LEFT TURN (0) TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER. 025-0704167541 REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE. 13 4 ODOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR: 87 VEHICLE MAKE: CIlRYS VEHICLE ID NUMBER: lC3BC56KOHF250874 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 002566 APPARENT FACTOR 1: N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: MAKING LEFT TURN AGE ..., 51 SEX u.. M SECOND EVENT: IIOT-EllTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 05 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: MASSACIlUSETTS HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO IlAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 13 4 ODOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES. SCHOOL BUS. NO VEIlICLE YEAR, 97 VEHICLE MAKE: VOLKS VEHICLE 10 NUMBER, WVWEE83A5VB005006 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 003034 APPARENT FACTOR I. DRIVER INATTENTION APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE .n, 35 SEX .... F SECOND EVENT, NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT, NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 03 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK IlAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED .. OCCUPANT VEIlICLE OCCUPIED, 01 AGE. 51 SEX. MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT8HARNESS POSITION IN VEIHCLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEIlICLE: NOT EJE( .. OCCUPANT VEIlICLE OCCUPIED: 02 AGE: 35 SEX: FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT8HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEtIICLE, NOT EJE( .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE: 19 SEX: FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT8HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE, LEFT BACK EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJEC .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE. 50 SEX: FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT8HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: RIGllT BACK EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJE( .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 01 AGE: 76 SEX. FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BELT8HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: RIGllT FRONT EJECTI ON FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJE. .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 AGE: 07 SEX: FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BELT8HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: LEFT BACK EJECTION FROM VEHICLE, NOT EJEC .. OCCUPANT VEIlICLE OCCUPIED, 02 AGE, 04 SEX, MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP BELTBIlARNESS POSITION IN VEIIICLE: RIGlIT BACK EJECTI ON FROM VEfIICLE: NOT EJEC ~:.-- -:-j -/(- )-; l>CY ~- o ;r() /1 ({ (r) . .( , /) ( c I II' I ,,; I I ." LOCATION COOE. 025- 0704 1672 38 CASE NUMBER. 8-491588 ACCIDENT DATE: 08/16/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLO TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY. TOWN OF SOUTlIOLO TIME: 15: PRECWCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY AND P.D. TRAFFIC CONTROL. YIELD SIGN LIGHT CONDITION. DAYLIGHT WEATHER: CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER. CURVE AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION: NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION: NOT AVAILABLE lNO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER: 025-0704167238 REGISTRATION TYPE: 76 COMMERCIAL SCHOOL BUS: NO VEHICLE YEAR: 89 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 004919 APPARENT APPARENT FACTOR 2. N/A SEX ...: M SECOND EVENT: EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DRIVER-STATE-CODE: UNLICENSED NOT-ENTERED - N/A DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EAST HAZARDDUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS BODY TYPE: 63 PICK UP TRUCK BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO VEHICLE MAKE: FORD VEHICLE ID NUMBER: IFTEFI4NOKNB06169 FACTOR I: DRIVER INATTENTION PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: STARTING IN TRAFFIC AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 MATERIAL INDICATED AGE ...: 31 REGISTRATION TYPE: NO REGISTRATION TYPE BODY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR: VEHICLE MAKE: VEHICLE ID NUMBER: WEIGllT /PASSENGERS. APPARENT FACTOR I: N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2. N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: STDPPED IN TRAFFIC SEX .... F SECOND EVENT: COLLISION WITH OTHER MDTOR VEHICLE AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF DCCUPANTS: 04 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: MASSACHUSETTS HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED REGISTRATION TYPE. 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 13 4 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR: 87 VEHICLE MAKE: OlDSM VEllIClE ID NUMBER: IG3AJ5130HG333213 WEIGllT/PASSENGERS. 002877 APPARENT FACTOR I: N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2: N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. STARTING IN TRAFFIC AGE ...: 21 SEX .... F SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 04 DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK HAZAROOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZA~DOUS MATERIAL INDICATED BUS/TRUCK CODES:4It AGE ...: 31 .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 AGE: 31 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BElT&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED llll INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 AGE: 31 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELT&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTEO LOCATIotl OF PIlYSICAL COMPLAINT: NECK TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT OF PAIN .' VICTIM STATUS: CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: TAKEN BY: .ll OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 AGE: 31 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BEl TSHARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: RIGHT FROtH EJECTION FROM VEIIICLE: NOT EJECTEO .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 AGE: 02 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: CHILD RESTRAINT POSITION IN VEHICLE: LEFT BACK . EJECTI ON FROM VEIHCLE: NOT EJECTED LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: NECK TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT OF PAW VICTIM STATUS. CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: TAKEN BY: ll. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 AGE: 01 SEX: FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: CHilD RESTRAItH POSITION IN VEHICLE: RIGHT BACK EJECTI ON FROM VEIHCLE: NOT EJECTED .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 03 AGE: 21 SEX. FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: lAP BELTS HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 03 AGE: 22 SEX: FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BElT&HARNESS POSITION IN VEHICLE: RIGIIT FRONT EJECTI ON FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTEO lOCATION D, PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: SHlDR-UPPER ARM lYPE OF ,~YSICAl COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT OF PAIN VICTIM STATUS: CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: TAKEN BY: llll ARREST VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 VIOLATION CHARGED: 0511-1A llll OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 03 AGE: 17 SEX: FEMALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: UNKNOWN POSITION IN VEHICLE: lEFT BACK EJECTION FROM VEIHClE: NOT EJECTED llll OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 03 AGE: 19 SEX: MALE SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: UNKNOWIl POSITION IN VEHICLE: RIGHT BACK EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED . -----'-)> ---- ? ? _(rj;_ l'(lJ be. f) /2 r ^/1 rt-l L:L :;7dJJ 1}6';J,J ft' ('j' , . LOCATION CODE. 025- 0704 1727 CASE NUMBER. 8-279898 ACCIDENT DATE: 06/07/98 POLICE AGENCY: 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWIl OF SOUTHOLD TIME. 08. PRECIIlCT: FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITH TREE LOCATION FIRST EVENT. OFF ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS: INJURY AND P.D. TRAFFIC CONTROL. ND PASSING ZOIlE LIGllT CONDITION. DUSK WEATHER: RAIN ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGllT AND LEVEL MAIINER OF COLLISION: OTHER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM: STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./BIKER ACTION. NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN IIlVOLVEMENTl REFERENCE MARKER. 025-07041727 REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE: 12 SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: NO SCHOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. 82 VEHICLE MAKE: FORD VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: IFMEEIIF3CHB32493 WEIGHT/PASSENGERS. 004155 APPARENT FACTOR 1: LOST CONSCIOUSNESS APPARENT FACTOR 2. NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD AGE ...: 65 SEX .... M SECOND EVENT: COLLISION WITH OTHER FIXED OBJECT AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAIlBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: WEST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 03 DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INOICATED .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: UNKNOWN LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: UNKNOWN VICTIM STATUS. UNCONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: UNKNOWN LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: UNKNOWIl VICTIM STATUS: CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO: .. INJURY VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: NONE LOCATION OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: HEAD VICTIM STATUS. CONSCIOUS TAKEN TO. . 7 _:/? tJ/\h (Pi :00 /( Ii ( :r) \ )(i+./'Jf~.l( tJ/t{J I cJ AGE: 65 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: UNKNOWN TAKEN BY: 9997 AGE: 68 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: RIGHT FRONT TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: UIlKNOWN TAKEN BY: 9997 AGE: 28 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: MIDDLE BACK TYPE OF PHYSICAL COMPLAINT: ABRASION TAKEN BY: 9997 ~ EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJ~ED EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED . /l. /1: 10 ( LOCATION CODE, 025- 0704 1692 CASE NUMBER: 8-543509 ACCIDENT DATE, 09/13/98 POLICE AGENCY. 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI.' SUFFOLK COUtHY. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TIME: 02, PRECINCT, FIRST EVENT. COLLISION WITIl ANIMAL LOCATION FIRST EVENT, ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS, PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTRDL. NONE LIGHT CDNDITIDN, DARK-RD LIGHTED WEATHER. CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER: STRAIGIH AND LEVEL MANNER OF COLLISION, OTlIER TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE PEDo/BIKER LOCATION, NO PEDo IIIVOLVEMENT PEDo/BIKER ACTION. NOT AVAILABLE (NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER, 025-07041692 REGISTRATION TYPE, 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE. 13 4 DOOR SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES. NO SCHOOL BUS, NO VEHICLE YEAR, 95 VEHICLE MAKE, VOLKS VEIIICLE 10 NUMBER, 3VWWC8ltIXSM117117 WElGIlT/PASSENGERS, 002573 APPARENT FACTOR 1, ANIMAL'S ACTION APPARENT FACTOR 2. 1I0T-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION, GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD SEX 11'-, F SECotm EVEtH: NOT-ENTERED - II/A AREA OF IMPACT. NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE, UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE, NEW YORK IlAZARDOUS MATERIAL, NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED AGE 11"11, 49 1111 OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED, 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP OELT&HARNESS AGE, 49 SEX: FEMALE POSITION IN VEIlICLE, DRIVER EJECTION FROM VEIlICLE, 1I0T . EJECTED -----:::'> lM'LW't r:-P q -/3 - '79 DCA) 2 ; ()O lid I ( P' ) vVlD C-Ar.'jr&r . LOCATION CO~E, 025- 0704 1684 46 CASE NUMBER. 8-532739 ACCIDENT DATE. 09/08/98 POLICE AGENCY, 05159 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT COUNTY/MUNI. SUffOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTllOLD TIME. 15, PRECINCT: FIRST EVENT, COLLISION WITH OTHER MOTOR VEIlICLE LOCATION FIRST EVENT: ON ROADWAY ACCIDENT CLASS, PROPERTY DAMAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL: NONE LIGHT CONDITION, DAYLIGIIT WEATHER, CLEAR ROAD CHARACTER. STRAIGIIT AND LEVel MANNER OF COLLISION: REAR END TYPE OF ROAD SYSTEM, STATE PED./BIKER LOCATION. NO PED. INVOLVEMENT PED./8IKER ACTION, NOT AVAILA8LE eNO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVEMENT) REFERENCE MARKER. 025-0704168446 REGISTRATION TYPE, 16 PASSENGER OR SU8URBAN BODY TYPE. 11 SEDAN BUS/TRUCK CODES, NO SCHOOL BUS, NO VEHICLE YEAR: 80 VEHICLE MAKE: ME/BE VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: 11612012023204 WE I GIlT /PASSENGERS. 003640 APPARENT FACTOR 1: N/A APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION: MAKING LEFT TURN AGE ...: 75 SEX ...: F SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT: NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS: 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE. NEW YORK HAZAROOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED REGISTRATION TYPE: 16 PASSENGER OR SUBURBAN BODY TYPE. 12 SCIIOOL BUS. NO VEHICLE YEAR. 90 VEHICLE MAKE, TOYOT WEIGHT/PASSENGERS, 003620 APPARENT FACTOR I. DRIVER INATTENTION APPARENT FACTOR 2: NOT-ENTERED - N/A PRE-ACCIDENT ACTION. GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD SEX ..., M SECOND EVENT: NOT-ENTERED - N/A AREA OF IMPACT. NOT AVAILABLE EXTENT OF DAMAGE. UNAVAILBLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: EAST NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS, 01 DRIVER-STATE-CODE: NEW YORK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INDICATED SUBURBAN BUS/TRUCK CODES: . VEHICLE 10 NUMBER: JT4VN13D5l5029853 AGE ...: 33 U OCCUPANT VEIHCLE OCCUPIED. 01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED, LAP 8ELT&IlARNESS .. OCCUPANT VEHICLE OCCUPIED: 02 SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED: LAP BELTBHARNESS AGE: 75 SEX. FEMALE POSITION IN VEHICLE. DRIVER AGE: 33 SEX: MALE POSITION IN VEHICLE: DRIVER EJECTION FRPM VEIIIClE: NOT EJECTED EJECTION FROM VEHICLE: NOT EJECTED "- -./ t LJ ~ 'i?' - '} Z L.cY 3', QCJ r'!\'1 ( P) . ,/lI(1 Ol\.j '/-r () ( . . Route 25 Main Street to East MarianI Orient Park 1998 Capacity Analysis Dunn2/9S 12S. Cross Sound Ferry File, Dvdrs.wpd 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS ... **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 11-12 NOO N, weekday; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS.. ..... ... ........ ...... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES..... . ........... . ., . ., .. PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES... ...... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN)... ....... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES............. ....... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .89 55 / 45 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .97 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .97 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .97 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .97 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .97 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 656 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 737 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 146 .07 B 387 .19 C 693 .34 D 1267 .59 E 2225 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: D 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 5-6 PM, W eekday; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS........................ PERCENTAGE OF BUSES................... ...... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.. ....... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR................. . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN). ... ...... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES........... ...... ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .75 51 / 49 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R W d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .99 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .99 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .99 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .99 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .99 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 864 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 1152 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 149 .07 B 397 .19 C 710 .34 D 1299 .59 E 2280 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: D 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS 4t **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 9-10 pm, weekday; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. ... .......... ... ....... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. ... ..................... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) .......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES............. ... .. .. B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .8 63 / 37 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .93 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .93 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .93 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 340 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 425 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 139 .07 B 369 .19 C 661 .34 D 1209 .59 E 2122 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 1985 HCM:TWO-dHIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 11-12 NOO N, Sat.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS........ ...... ... .... ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES....... .... ..... .... ..... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES...... ... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN). ... ...... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES............ .... .... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .91 54 / 46 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .98 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .98 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .98 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 1201 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 1320 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 147 .07 B 390 .19 C 697 .34 D 1275 .59 E 2239 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: E 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALYST. . . . . . .. . . . . .. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 5-6 PM, S at.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS..... ........ ..... ...... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.... .... . ...... .. ..... . ., PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN).. ........ LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.. ....... .. ..... . ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .79 43 / 57 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .96 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .96 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .96 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 1145 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 1449 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 144 .07 B 383 .19 C 685 .34 D 1252 .59 E 2197 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: E 1985 HCM:TWO-dHIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 9-10 PM, Sat.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS............ .... ..... ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.. ......... ... .... ....... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) ... ....... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES................. ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .88 57 / 43 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .96 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .96 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .96 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 509 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 578 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 144 .07 B 383 .19 C 685 .34 D 1252 .59 E 2197 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 1985 HCM:TWO-T.~ HIGHWAYS 4t *************~~*********************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 11-12 NOO N, Sun.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. ....................... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. ........ ................ PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.. ....... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN). ......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES........... ...... ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .94 58 / 42 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .95 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .95 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .95 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .95 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .95 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 1266 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 1347 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 143 .07 B 380 .19 C 680 .34 D 1244 .59 E 2184 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: E 1985 HCM:TWO-A HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION. ... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 5-6 PM, S un.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS.. ..... . . ..... . . . . . . .. .. PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR..... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) ...... .... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.................... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .81 38 / 62 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- - -.- -- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .93 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .93 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .93 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 1281 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 1581 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 140 .07 B 371 .19 C 665 .34 D 1215 .59 E 2133 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: E ". 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS 4t **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST......... ..... DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Main St. (Greenport); 9-10 PM, Sun.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. ......... ........... ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. .......... ........ ...... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN).......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES........ ..... ....... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .77 50 / 50 10 7 57 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 1 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 1 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 1 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 1 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 1 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 604 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 784 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 150 .07 B 399 .19 C 715 .34 D 1307 .59 E 2294 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: D . . Route 25 East Marion Orient Park to Narrow River Road 1998 Capacity Analysis Dunn2/9512S. Cross Sound Ferry File: Dvdrs.wpd 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS ~ **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 11-12 NOON, weekday; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. ..... ...... . ... .. .. . ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES..... ........ ..... ... .... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (Up/DOWN).......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH TN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.......... ..... ..... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .76 63 / 37 10 7 51 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .93 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .93 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .93 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 423 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 557 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 139 .07 B 369 .19 C 661 .34 D 1209 .59 E 2122 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 1985 HCM:TWO-4 HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 5-6 PM, weekday; 199 8 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS..... ................ .. . PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. ... .............. ... . .. . PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.. .... ... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN). ......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.................... B) CORRECTION FACTORS LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .96 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .96 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .96 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 503 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 599 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 145 .07 B 385 .19 C 689 .34 D 1260 .59 E 2211 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 2 2 5 50 .84 56 / 44 10 7 51 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS ~ **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 9-10 PM, weekday; 19 98 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. .... ....... ... ...... ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES... . . ..... . .... ... ....... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. ........ DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR........... ...... .... ....... DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN). ..... .... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES........... ......... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .61 57 / 43 10 7 51 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .96 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .96 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .96 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 220 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 361 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 144 .07 B 383 .19 C 685 .34 D 1252 .59 E 2197 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: B 1985 HCM:TWO-AHIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALYST.. ............ DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 11-12 NOON, Sat.; 19 98 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. .......... . ... . ...... .. PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. .... ...... .............. PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN). ......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.......... . ...... ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .79 60 / 40 10 7 51 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .94 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .94 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .94 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .94 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .94 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 732 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 927 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 141 .07 B 375 .19 C 672 .34 D 1228 .59 E 2156 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: D 1985 HCM:TWO-LAIl HIGHWAYS .. **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 5-6 PM, Sat.; 1998 E xisting A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS... .... .............. ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.. ....................... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN)... ....... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES................ .... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .84 45 / 55 10 7 51 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .97 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .97 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .97 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .97 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .97 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 661 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 787 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 146 .07 B 387 .19 C 693 .34 D 1267 .59 E 2225 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: D 1985 HCM:TWO-~HIGHWAYS ~ **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 9-10 PM, Sat.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. ... ..... . . .. ......... .. PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.... .... .... ............. PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.. ....... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN). ......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.................... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .68 68 / 32 10 7 51 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .9 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .9 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .9 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 . 9 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .9 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 259 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 381 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 135 .07 B 359 .19 C 643 .34 D 1176 .59 E 2064 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C j 1985 HCM:~-LANE HIGHWAYS . *********~************************* ************************j FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALYST..............DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 11-12 NOON, Sun.; lS 98 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. ........ ......... ...... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES..... ..... ........ ....... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) .......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES..... ...... ... ... ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .91 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .91 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .91 .89 0 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .91 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .91 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 753 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 866 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 137 .07 B 363 .19 C 650 .34 0 1189 .59 E 2087 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: 0 2 2 5 50 .87 66 / 34 10 7 51 1985 HCM:TWO-rAHIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALYSIS.. ... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 5-6 PM, Sun.; 1998 E xisting A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. ... .... ..... ..... ... ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) .......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.... ...... .......... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 . 7 40 / 60 10 7 51 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .94 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .94 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .94 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .94 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .94 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 900 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 1286 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 141 .07 B 375 .19 C 672 .34 D 1228 .59 E 2156 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: E 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS ~ **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... West of Tabor Rd.; 9-10 PM, Sun.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS.. ............... ....... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES... ...... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (Up/DOWN).......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES..... ........ ....... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .7 53 / 47 10 7 51 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .98 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .98 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .98 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 385 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 550 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 148 .07 B 392 .19 C 702 .34 D 1283 .59 E 2252 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C . . Route 25 Narrow River Road to Eastern Terminus 1998 Capacity Analysis Dunn2/9S 125. Cross Sound Ferry File: Dvdrs.wpd 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Narrow River Rd.; 11-12 NOON, w eekday; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS.......... ...... ........ PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.............. ...... ..... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES... ...... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (Up/DOWN).......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES........ ..... .... ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .71 62 / 38 10 7 78 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .93 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .93 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .93 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 368 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 518 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 100 .05 B 332 .17 C 645 .33 D 1195 .58 E 2133 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 1985 HCM:TWO-~HIGHWAYS .. **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALYSIS.. ... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION. ... East of Narrow River Rd.; 5-6 PM, weekd ay; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS. . ... . ... . .......... . . .. PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) .... ...... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES..... ............... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .77 54 / 46 10 7 78 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .98 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .98 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .98 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 360 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 468 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 105 .05 B 349 .17 C 677 .33 D 1254 .58 E 2239 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS ~ **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Narrow River Rd.; 9-10 PM, week day; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS... . . .... ..... . ... . ..... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.... ..... ....... ... ...... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR............................ DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) ...... .... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.......... .... ...... B) CORRECTION FACTORS LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 1 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 1 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 1 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 1 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 1 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS 2 2 5 50 .5 50 / 50 10 7 78 ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 161 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 322 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 107 .05 B 357 .17 C 694 .33 D 1285 .58 E 2294 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: B 1985 HCM:TWO-rAHIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Narrow River Rd.; 11-12 NOON, S at.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS........................ PERCENTAGE OF BUSES..... .... ......... ....... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.... ..... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN).. ..... ... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.......... .......... B) CORRECTION FACTORS LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .98 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .98 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .98 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .98 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 438 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 528 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 105 .05 B 349 .17 C 677 .33 D 1254 .58 E 2239 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 2 2 5 50 .83 54 / 46 10 7 78 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Narrow River Rd.; 5-6 PM, Sat.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS.... .... .... ... ......... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES... ...... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN).. ........ LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES...... ....... . .... . . B) CORRECTION FACTORS LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .96 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .96 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .96 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .96 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS 2 2 5 50 .81 44 / 56 10 7 78 ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 496 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 612 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 103 .05 B 344 .17 C 669 .33 D 1238. .58 E 2211 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: . C 1985 HCM:TWO-4 HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Narrow River Rd.; 9-10 PM, Sat. ; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS...... ..... ...... ....... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES..... ...... ...... ........ PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (Up/DOWN) .......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES. ............ .... ... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .53 63 I 37 10 7 78 LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .93 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .93 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .93 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 218 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 411 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE v/c --------- ----- A 99 .05 B 331 .17 C 642 .33 D 1188 .58 E 2122 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C 1985 HCM:TWO-~ HIGHWAYS ~ **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Narrow River Rd.; 11-12 NOON, S un.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS....... ........... ... ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES........ ... ........ ... ... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES...... ... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (Up/DOWN).......... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) . . . PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES. ... ... ......... .... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .81 68 / 32 10 7 78 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 . 9 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 . 9 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 . 9 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 . 9 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 . 9 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 565 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 698 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 97 .05 B 322 .17 C 624 .33 D 1156 .58 E 2064 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: D 1985 HCM:TWO-~HIGHWAYS . **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST.............. DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION. ... East of Narrow River Rd.; 5-6 PM, Sun.; 1998 Existing A) ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS... .... ..... ..... .... ... PERCENTAGE OF BUSES.. ........ ..... .... ...... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.. ....... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN) ... .... ... LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.) ... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.................... B) CORRECTION FACTORS 2 2 5 50 .75 38 / 62 10 7 78 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 .93 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 .93 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 .93 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 .93 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 764 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 1019 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- ----- A 100 .05 B 332 .17 C 645 .33 D 1195 .58 E 2133 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: D . . 1985 HCM:TWO-LANE HIGHWAYS **************************************************************** FACILITY LOCATION.... NYS Route 25 ANALyST....... ....... DEA/AFY TIME OF ANALySIS..... DATE OF ANALySIS..... 03-30-1999 OTHER INFORMATION.... East of Narrow River Rd.; 9-10 PM, Sun. ; 1998 Existing AI ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PERCENTAGE OF TRUCKS........................ 'PERCENTAGE OF BUSES......................... PERCENTAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES......... DESIGN SPEED (MPH).......................... PEAK HOUR FACTOR............................ DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (UP/DOWN).. ........ LANE WIDTH (FT)............................. USABLE SHOULDER WIDTH (AVG. WIDTH IN FT.)... PERCENT NO PASSING ZONES.................... 2 2 5 50 .53 50 / 50 10 7 78 BI CORRECTION FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TERRAIN E E E f f f LOS T B R w d HV A 2 1.8 2.2 .84 1 .91 B 2.2 2 2.5 .84 1 .89 C 2.2 2 2.5 .84 1 .89 D 2 1.6 1.6 .84 1 .94 E 2 1.6 1.6 .87 1 .94 C) LEVEL OF SERVICE RESULTS INPUT VOLUME (vph) : 341 ACTUAL FLOW RATE: 643 SERVICE LOS FLOW RATE V/C --------- A 107 .05 B 357 .17 C 694 .33 D 1285 .58 E 2294 1 LOS FOR GIVEN CONDITIONS: C Lo....lsland Transportatio"lan Non-Motorized Count Summary Route 25, Southold Saturday August 2,1997 Weather: sunny,warm Eastbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 1 2 0 10:15AM 1 2 0 10:30 AM 4 4 0 10:45 AM 1 2 0 HR Total 7 10 0 11:00AM 5 3 1 11:15AM 4 9 0 11:30AM 6 11 0 11:45AM 8 6 0 HR Total 23 29 1 12:00 PM 6 5 0 12:15PM 2 2 0 12:30 PM 3 11 0 12:45 PM 1 2 0 HR Total 12 20 0 1:00PM 1 3 0 1:15 PM 2 5 2 1 :30 PM 0 1 0 1:45PM 3 2 0 HR Total 6 11 2 2:00 PM 0 1 0 2:15PM 1 3 0 2:30 PM 2 0 0 2:45 PM 2 4 0 HR Total 5 8 0 3:00 PM 1 5 0 3:15PM 0 3 2 3:30 PM 2 1 0 3:45 PM 1 2 0 HR Total 4 11 2 Day Total 57 89 5 Westbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 4 1 0 10:15AM 2 4 1 10:30 AM 2 6 0 10:45 AM 2 1 1 HR Total 10 12 2 11:00AM 2 2 0 11:15AM 3 1 1 11:30AM 7 1 0 11:45AM 7 11 0 HR Total 19 15 1 12:00 PM 3 5 0 12:15PM 5 3 0 12:30 PM 7 2 0 12:45 PM 11 1 0 HR Total 26 11 0 1:00PM 2 7 2 1:15PM 5 5 0 1:30PM 0 0 1 1:45PM 3 1 0 HR Total 10 13 3 2:00 PM 1 2 0 2:15PM 3 1 0 2:30 PM 2 5 0 2:45 PM 1 3 0 HR Total 7 11 0 3:00 PM 5 2 0 3:15 PM 1 6 1 3:30 PM 7 1 0 3:45 PM 3 5 0 HR Total 16 14 1 Day Total 88 76 7 Page 1 of4 Longtland Transportation _an Non-Motorized Count Summary Route 25, Southold Saturday August 9,1997 Weather: sunny,warm Eastbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 1 2 0 10:15AM 2 0 0 10:30 AM 4 2 0 10:45 AM 1 0 0 HR Total 8 4 0 11:00AM 1 0 0 11:15AM 2 2 0 11:30AM 0 4 0 11:45AM 0 1 0 HR Total 3 7 0 12:00 PM 5 1 0 12:15 PM 3 2 0 12:30 PM 4 5 0 12:45 PM 6 0 0 HR Total 18 8 0 1:00PM 4 1 0 1:15PM 0 3 1 1:30PM 1 2 0 1:45PM 2 0 0 HR Total 7 6 1 2:00 PM 2 1 0 2:15PM 1 4 0 2:30 PM 0 3 2 2:45 PM 0 0 0 HR Total 3 8 2 3:00 PM 0 4 0 3:15 PM 1 0 1 3:30 PM 2 1 0 3:45 PM 1 2 0 HR Total 4 7 1 Dav Total 43 40 4 Westbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 2 4 0 10:15AM 1 0 2 10:30 AM 3 1 1 10:45 AM 1 2 0 HR Total 7 7 3 11:00AM 5 4 0 11:15AM 3 5 0 11:30AM 1 1 0 11:45AM 2 3 0 HR Total 11 13 0 12:00 PM 1 0 1 12:15 PM 5 2 0 12:30 PM 3 1 0 12:45 PM 0 2 0 HR Total 9 5 1 1:00 PM 3 4 0 1:15PM 2 5 0 1:30PM 5 0 0 1:45PM 0 2 0 HR Total 10 11 0 2:00 PM 0 0 1 2:15 PM 2 3 0 2:30 PM 1 1 0 2:45 PM 2 2 0 HR Total 5 6 1 3:00 PM 3 0 0 3:15PM 4 1 0 3:30 PM 1 2 0 3:45 PM 2 3 0 HR Total 10 6 0 Day Total 52 48 5 Page 2 of 4 Lontlsland Transportatio~lan Non-Motorized Count Summary Route 25, Southold Saturday,August 16,1997 Weather: sunny,hot Eastbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 5 3 1 10:15AM 3 2 0 10:30 AM 1 4 4 10:45 AM 2 3 0 HR Total 11 12 5 11:00AM 4 7 2 11:15AM 3 3 1 11:30AM 5 2 0 11:45AM 1 5 0 HR Total 13 17 3 12:00 PM 3 1 0 12:15PM 5 6 1 12:30 PM 0 3 0 12:45 PM 2 2 2 HR Total 10 12 3 1:00PM 5 4 0 1:15PM 3 3 1 1:30PM 3 0 0 1:45PM 0 3 0 HR Total 11 10 1 2:00 PM 6 3 0 2:15 PM 2 5 1 2:30 PM 1 2 2 2:45 PM 2 1 0 HR Total 11 11 3 3:00 PM 3 6 0 3:15PM 1 7 2 3:30 PM 2 3 3 . 3:45 PM 4 0 0 HR Total 10 16 5 Dav Total 66 78 20 Westbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 4 0 0 10:15AM 5 3 2 10:30 AM 1 4 1 10:45 AM 3 1 0 HR Total 13 8 3 11:00AM 6 3 0 11:15AM 5 2 1 11:30AM 3 5 3 11:45AM 1 3 0 HR Total 15 13 4 12:00 PM 5 6 1 12:15PM 6 9 2 12:30 PM 3 1 0 12:45 PM 1 2 0 HR Total 15 18 3 1:00PM 2 7 0 1:15 PM 5 2 0 1:30 PM 3 1 0 1:45 PM 4 3 0 HR Total 14 13 0 2:00 PM 0 6 1 2:15 PM 2 0 1 2:30 PM 3 1 0 2:45 PM 1 3 0 HR Total 6 10 2 . 3:00 PM 4 5 0 3:15PM 1 3 1 3:30 PM 2 1 0 3:45 PM 0 0 0 HR Total 7 9 1 Dav Total 70 71 13 Page 3 of 4 Lon"Sland Transportation~lan Non-Motorized Count Summary Route 25, Southold Saturday August 23,1997 Weather: sunny,warm Eastbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 1 4 0 10:15AM 0 3 0 10:30 AM 3 0 0 10:45 AM 1 2 0 HR Total 5 9 0 11:00AM 0 1 1 11:15AM 4 5 0 11:30AM 3 9 0 11:45AM 1 6 2 HR Total 8 21 3 12:00 PM 2 7 0 12:15PM 5 3 1 12:30 PM 6 4 2 12:45 PM 1 1 1 HR Total 14 15 4 1:00PM 3 2 1 1:15PM 7 0 0 1 :30 PM 1 8 2 1:45PM 4 9 0 HR Total 15 19 3 2:00 PM 2 0 0 2:15PM 5 2 0 2:30 PM 0 3 0 2:45 PM 1 5 0 HR Total 8 10 0 3:00 PM 4 9 0 3:15PM 6 3 1 3:30 PM 1 2 0 3:45 PM 5 1 1 HR Total 16 15 2 Dav Total 66 89 12 Westbound Time Peds Bikes Skaters 10:00 AM 4 12 1 10:15AM 3 3 0 10:30 AM 0 9 0 10:45 AM 1 1 2 HR Total 8 25 3 11:00AM 5 0 1 11:15AM 1 6 1 11:30AM 6 3 0 11:45AM 9 5 0 HR Total 21 14 2 12:00 PM 1 1 3 12:15PM 2 3 4 12:30 PM 4 7 1 12:45 PM 0 6 0 HR Total 7 17 8 1:00 PM 9 1 0 1:15 PM 1 2 2 1:30PM 6 2 1 1:45PM 3 6 0 HR Total 19 11 3 2:00 PM 2 2 1 2:15 PM 1 3 3 2:30 PM 1 7 0 2:45 PM 4 1 0 HR Total 8 13 4 3:00 PM 1 5 0 3:15PM 2 3 0 3:30 PM 4 1 2 3:45 PM 0 0 0 HR Total 7 9 2 Dav Total 70 89 22 Page 4 of4