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Minutes of Regular Meeting held
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Members Present:
Ray Huntington Chris Baiz Eric Keil (7:35 p.m.)
John Sepenoski Lillian Ball (7:29 p.m.)
Members Absent:
Ray Blum, Chairman Michelle Zaloom
Also present:
Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary
The meeting began at 7:30 p.m. with four LPC members present.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
Adoption of LPC meeting minutes from August 1, 2006
made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Chris Baiz, to accept the minutes of August 1, 2006.
Motion carried 4/0.
SCTM #: 1000-100-2-6.1 Zoned: A-C
Location: 2755 Oregon Rd, Mattituck F/MWet: 0 acres
Total Acreage: 27.25 acres (GIS 27.35 acres) CPF: Yes
Subdividable: Yes
SCTM #: 1000-100-94-4-2 Zoned: A-C
Location: 2755 Oregon Rd, Mattituck F/MWet: 0 acres
Total Acreage: 5.0 acres CPF: Yes
Subdividable: No further subdivision (C&R’s)
Discussed status.
Melissa Spiro met with Butch Rowehl to discuss land preservation options for his farm that is adjacent to
the Shur property on which the Town recently purchased a development rights easement and gave LPC
members her view of the landowner’s present position.
made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Lillian Ball, to direct Melissa Spiro to commission a new
appraisal, or an update to the existing appraisal, on the Rowehl property and also to request value for
PDR easement on Rowehl’s adjacent 5 acre lot.
Motion carried 5/0.
The Members entered into
PECONIC HOMES, INC. PROPERTY [executive session]
SCTM #: 1000-121-3-7.4 Zoned: A-C
Location: 530 Kirkup Lane Subdividable: Yes
Total Acreage: 11.31 acres (GIS 11.3 acres) F/MWet: 0 acres
PDR Acreage: entire parcel offered CPF: Yes
Discussed status of offer [executive session]
Melissa and Melanie inspected the subject property that has been offered entirely for preservation by the
landowner. Property consists of a neatly laid out greenhouse operation with a legal unimproved right of
way off Sound Avenue. Existing access to the property is by Kirkup Lane. Also located on the property is
large, well maintained propane tank within a fenced-in area that services the greenhouse operation, a
small office within the ag storage building, and a maintained farm labor housing (house trailer) upon
entering the premises. Although most conditions were acceptable as relating to ag production, a question
arose as to farm labor housing being located within a development easement and the point to which it is
maintained as “farm labor housing”. Melissa directed to contact NYS Ag & Markets to gather additional
information in regard to farm labor housing.
GIRARDS PROPERTY [executive session]
SCTM #: 1000-107-10-10.1 PDR Acreage: ±9.5 acres
Location: 6900 Wickham Ave, Mattituck Zoned: A-C
Total Acreage: ±10.5 acres (GIS 10.18 acres) CPF: Yes
Subdividable: No F/MWet: 0 acres
Reviewed appraisal [executive session]
Melissa and Melanie did a site inspection. A LPC group site visit is to be set up in early September prior
to the next LPC scheduled meeting at which time the appraisal will be discussed.
SCTM #; 1000-100-4-3.2 PDR Acreage: 21.274 acres
Location: 2000 Oregon Rd, Mattituck Zoned: A-C
Uses within PDR easement.
Landowner is currently before Planning Board for site plan review for improvements made within existing
Reserved Area. Some parking, part of access road and split-rail fence are located within existing
development rights easement.
Melissa and Melanie inspected property for road, parking and split-rail fence encroachments onto Town’s
development rights easement that had been brought to Land Preservation’s attention and gave report to
LPC members.
made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Ray Huntington, to direct Melissa to contact
landowner’s attorney that based on easement language, the road which appears to be of mixed use and
is partially within easement area, be moved as close to the barn as possible to minimize encroachment,
and that the parking, shown within the easement area, be removed from within the easement area.
Motion carried 5/0.
Applications continued:
The Members re-entered into
WESNOFSKE PROPERTY [executive session]
SCTM #: 1000-69-4-8.1 Zoned: A-C
Location: s/s CR 48, Peconic F/MWet: 0 acres
Total Acreage: ±8.235 acres CPF: Yes
PDR Acreage: ±7.19 acres
Update re: status of offer [executive session]
Melissa discussed with LPC members various encroachment and other issues that will need to be cleared
up before closing can be had on this development rights easement. Melissa to meet with seller’s attorney
to discuss further.
BOYCE PROPERTY [executive session]
SCTM #: 1000-54-3-5 PDR Acreage: ±5.5 acres
Location: 13710 Soundview Ave, Southold Zoned: A-C
Total Acreage: ±5.5 acres CPF: No
F/MWet: 0 acres
Discussed status of offer [executive session]
Melissa met with landowner who has offered a development rights easement on the five acre parcel. LPC
discussed benefit to Town of this easement offer. Access to parcel is limited and it appears that easement
will achieve density reduction of one unit only. LPC feels that this property is a lower priority and that offer
should not exceed the current purchase price equivalent to the reduction of one residential unit.
made by Eric Keil, seconded by Chris Baiz, to stand firm at previously made purchase offer for
said development rights easement for the purpose of density reduction.
Motion carried 4/0/1 (John Sepenoski abstained)
Adamowicz property –
Town owned Open Space; discussed use as per John Sepenoski.
John Sepenoski gave report on condition of Adamowicz property (trash, remnants of firework display)
after Strawberry Festival. He has been assured that the area has been cleaned up since his last site visit
and will report back to committee on its present condition. Questions to be considered 1) firework use on
Town-owned open space properties [LPC in agreement that fireworks on Town-owned open space
properties are not an acceptable poem space use] 2) Town Board granting permission for use without
contacting LPC [LPC should be contacted by Town Board for any potential use of open space properties
before permission is granted for any use]; 3) Mowing of open space [need to know prior for what use is
area being mowed down]. Melissa directed to send memo to Town Board.
John mentioned that there is a State - trail, acquisition, maintenance equipment - grant that should be
looked into for funding purposes. Proposals are due sometime in October.
The Members re-entered into
Melissa Spiro’s status report [executive sessionstatus of offers]
Handed out and reviewed.
Management & Stewardship Meetings –
August 23 at Laurel Lake Preserve and August 29
Executive Board Room, Town Hall Annex
J&C HOLDINGS LP (Hurtado) –
Closing scheduled, Thursday, August 24, 2006, 3:00 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting:
Tuesday, September 12, 2006,7:00 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on at in the Town Hall
Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m. by the five attending members.
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary