HomeMy WebLinkAbout25288-Z _~Y,,!):>t~_:f'~,__ .~__. __ .,~ __.~_,~___",;_A,,,"k~:r,",*,,~,:_'5_t-~i;~~fr?~'#~'''''~''''''}'~~,. .,,-, ,-~~ ~~ FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 25288 Z Date OCTOBER 27, 1998 Permission is hereby granted to: DANIEL JR RUSSO RIVERHEAD,NY 11901 for : CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY SHED (8' X 10') IN THE REQUIRED REAR YARD AREA AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at 1200 ROSEWOOD DR MATTI TUCK County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 113 Block 0002 Lot No. 023 pursuant to application dated SEPTEMBER 14 1998 and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $ 35.00 ~ ~ Building nspector /()() Co ~~ ~..A.Vntk IOO~.~' ORIGINAL Rev. 2/19/98 . .,'O(.'.r""':~~~~~1q:~~..,~.'t.- COKMf.IlT$ ..1ELD I:;S~:~C71(J:f t. ''OJ!!m!-T10N _ -L's.!l. ;:'OUNDATION (2nd) 2. ROUGH FRAME & .PLUMBING' 3. INSULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE 4. FINAL <f-J- /'OJ, f')l.../O .J ".IJ ~ ~~ .Ii.. J cY.\..:Lt'./X .A'."...I1...- . ,--;;o~ .~ " ~ -._0 "fL . -'..[;2 ~~f/4.v v .. . . - 11>:'7E . . ,~- . ~ ... \J\ l'l 9.J '" C>(l % .... <>(\ o-l ... tV - c (f lJl S. l'l oz.- - 0 '1.J' . 0 0 ""Ei '" lJl ~, o-l = ~ . l"l l':l n" 00 .~ f7 ;.. . .-'-.. -- -' . , . = '3 > ~ % ..-l. 1E f r-. l'l ^ r' ^ R D... . .. . ~ ". _ "i Q .' D , . - .J.. ''''I ~ \). - , "J:J' ~ '" "'. 0: . ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: "".: o .le ~ .'~r[ ~ "*' . .. "" . . - , l':l X "f- .' ... M \l . :II 0 , II> " ... , M 0 0 0 " lE 1- , = PJ > ~ "! =s, O. PJ ." ... IliiIliIr.o.. .,,-~~ .:::.~'1"!r'!:,...,..,_, ""...._~ ._'--" ___'i"'.r!=-. N/OI F JOHN a ROSE KOR LESKI N. 670 33' fO"E. 1116 . 8/, CERTIFIED TO: AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO. SOUTHOLD SAVINGS SANK DONALD J.WILCENSKI Preptnd iJ <<wd<<It:e IfiII1I11e mInInrtm s/atldardl ", 1H/e _" lIS IIIt1lfI!/ed b,lIIe UA.Ls. IIIIIIIIfJPI'ONd IIIIIIlIt/opled IDr IIId1 /Jft bJ Thf He" Ycri SJaJe LIIIIII TlJfe A#DcIaIIon. NO. 49618 PECfAIIC (516) 765 P. O. BOX MAIN ROAD ~SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971. z": 165.06' .LO 20 1\I 0 - 1\I - lIl: fIl '" - N Q '" ...J fIl llJ ., ~ "- It) ...... 1\I 0 0 ...... It) z 1\I III ~ ~ Well "" 167.05 ~ ~, "t "0 ..CI\1\ ~ Q ~, ~ ~(: ~ '::! . to' co .. .....:t oo~t)r>.o , \.. l' ~O '" \ \... t\f.C"e A , CO"" C ~. I. I.' SpRVEY OF LOT 20 "MAP OF ROSEWOOD ESTATES" FILED JAN. 24, 1969 FILE NO .5240 AT MATTITUCK TOWN Of SOUTHOLO SlIFFOLK, COUNTY I N.Y. 1000 - 113 02 23 SCALE I" = 30' OCT. 22,1991 at:: _ co.:: ~,,~...,~ ~ __ ~ ,'"~~o"~ _;.,.,.,...~~:"IIlIII!'I!Il.~';'.~",,~~ .< ~ -'~'--' OOb1P"1ll! ~ 00 .J,70RH NO. 1 TOWN 0' SOUTUOJ.D BUILDnlG DIn'AR'lllENT TOWII IIALL SQUTIIOLD. N.Y. 11971 TEl.' 765-1802 . BOARD or ~TU .........:...,. 3 IDS or~rLAH8;................. suaVIY .~.,..... ..,!..~.,........... Cl1llCI: . if/. ~ J 1I.0. ~ .:.: . :.~ . . ~ . . . . . . SDTlC 10. .............,...'.. BLDG.DEPT T WN FSQill'H~' t> ~nir..d.rt;!?1. 19.~~ N'l'fCNtotJ. u.tf.~r!.l... 19.1.. Nonn, CALL~ !t.-.QlO.;S. '/...... tlAl1. ,.01.................... renAl t No. . .:JrP:?1. i::. . ...,..........,..................... l}isaA>ruvec.l ole ...,;...............;. .,............ .,.........................,........ .." (IlullcJIl18 11l8p.,ctor) APPLICATION 'OR BUILDING PEIUltT . DaC... . . . ... . . . . , . . , , 19. . . . INSTRUCTIONS , a. oMs spplil:lltlw _t '* ~letel, filled In by typllWrlter or In l~ lIllIIlIUb81ttecJ to d1e lIldlcJlna Tnapac:tol' wi 3 aets of lIl8118.. accunlte "lot plan to eca1e. 11.. lICCOrollli to ad~le. b. Plot lIlan -.sllllocatlon Of lot lIld of WllcJ!np on pAIIll_. nllltlollllhl" to ecUo1a1111 ~ Or pile atree,Cs or or..... ond alvl.. a detolled cJallCdptlon o~ 10yclUt of JIfOparty .-t be ~ 011 d1ecJl.... ".ldo la part {Of this oPl,llcotlon. 0 . c. 1\.. writ c:owrecJ by tJ.i11 oppllc:atlon....i.y ~ be c:cJ1IlIIIlCed befoQr 1'./""0" of 1lU11cllPa v.nalt. , ' d. Upon appnlVal of tI,la appllc:atlon. t1.. llullcJllIi INl\*ltOl' wilt 1..- .1lu11cJq ~t to tba IIplIllc:aat. &do pemalt 8hall be. kellt 011 tbe pnPl_ 8'llIllable for INIJlfll:tlon thlWil.out tlw WOIk. e. No builcJlng sllll11 be occupied or UMC1 In "'lIl. or In 1'"t for lIIlY IJUll'OM ~ UlItIl " Clrtlflcata of Occupancy ahall have '-' granted by tI.. 1lu11dlng INlpec:tor. . . lIP1'LlcXrICJllS tmIDlY w.m to tile lluncJIllllllepartll8n~ for tile ""."_ of a 1iu1lcJloa r-dt pl&1IUIU'l: to thI IluHdlpg Zone OnIlnance of tlw Towa of SoutIlOlcJ. Q1f(olk~.. llewYClIk. ~ ~ awl_Ie"', Ocdll- or llqulatiO<lll. for thI cana~lon j)f WllcJIns-. aMltlonll oi:lIltfJ'lltlona, or fO:r ~~Al ot -.o\ltlon. u Mr'aln dallCribed. 1\.. applicant ...... to CCJIIPly with aU-applleiibl. 1_. orol__. bulWloa coa, s.au.1oa coda. and regulatlO<lll.,.alld to adalt lUth9dzacl'1nsptc:tora ClflFfll\l'lIelt'tncJ In bundVo:~r.v lwa. ..,.,................. .'. ..... .. ~.................... (SlptUR of awllotnt. or ..... if a corJlOnt1on) ..t~~X;~.~~~(!R~/.~rfz- Stote ~..tl>er al'l'Ucant la owi>er. le_.8&'Int. wlltect. 11II81....1'.. &enerlll coatnctOl', .1actrlclan. pl"r Of bun.,", ,/tWllJtE4 ", . . .~......,....,.........~,.........................,...........,...,.........~,.~............".........,.,..,...".... Nlml ~f cwner ofllr8lllMa .. .!J/lll!i.~~.. g~~...~.. ..~Q.. .<;;!!rfl~~t:~.. .f.. !?~~................ (u on tbll tax roll or 10teat deocI) 1f ol'l,llcollt Is a COTllOratlon. .Iptunl of duly wtborl~9fflcar. ............~.......,.............,.............i..;~..'. (Nan: ard title of CIIIl1'Onlte of ficaI') . 'J', &.Jllders !.ice.... NO. -------------,..."'-,--._~ .~ ,~ I. It1ll1ra ~tllOrk (dllCtt..tildt 8pptlClbI,eh NlN Mldlna ..-K:'..... hJdltlon ........... AlteratIon ........... IleJllllr ............1IaIma1 .............llemolltJon ,............ Other Ibrk ........,.... ;;';E"n';-~'~"I'.m'l . ~neec;rlp~~7...-2:L!':~ a I . . !./OO.iJO . . . ; .i Katlneted Coet ..... 10................... fee "(;'b;'~i;':~"fiii~'~I~i~';~ii;jjp'" . 'lJ If dwetllna. I......r or 4lellll1ll unlta ....~.... I~"ll!lr or llwelllna \IIllta OIleech floor ...~..........J ; ~ ' Jf sat.. tMl)l:r of care .................................................... ,. It 1...hMlaa. _relal or 1lI1j 0CCI1p8tlC:y. apeclr, nature and extent or each t)'tMl or uae..'~................. nlfNlntllone of exlatlna .true~a. If any' lrront....... ....... .... Rear .... ........... Oe:pth ............. .... 11a1atlt ........................... tlJIl)ef' of Storlea ...................... IlInenalOM or ~ attuCtlIh with alteratlona or 'adclltlona'l I!'ront................ Ilear ............... ,. l)opLb ........ .............. tlllaht .. ..... .~.. ................ R.Jt1>er of Stories............... . "2'1 I DI_lone or entll'lllll!ll ccnatructlonl I!'ront ....R........... Ilear ....1.9......... Depth .............. '. >. '. 1. 11ellltt ........ ..................... .... KnlMlr of Storlea ........................ i. 81_ of iatJ Front .................,...... near ..................... T.le:ptt. .................... III. lluta of 1'IIrd,alll ..(.'~:-?7.... ....... Ilernt or t>olllllr o...,.,r . .clw^,~..Q.. ..~(~A.J;.[#/....,..... II. 201'. or U8ll district In ,tlald\ prenleea are a!bJated ......................... ................ I...... ....... ... . . . .. . , NO 12. Doea pul\'.<leecl ocnatructlon "Iolata Mry f<<l11l8 1.. ordlnanca or reautatlonl ...................,.... 13.1/111 tot I.. rearaJecI. ,........r,(R.....y 1/111 axceaa rlu bit reIIlClYet\ trmI arernl...al....'" ms ~ Ci!T/,'f/tMe."e/Jss.e /ze.o 12<<clU~ "'co . ~ 14. ~ of l\met af pnmteee ."<<H....~.....&.... Melresa '~~;149r.(2~r;.~(fr?:~~ l'hol1& lb. ~.fl;:~..f:Y ',. . ttDne: or Ardtltec:t ........................1............. Mlresa .........................'...... l'I.one lb. ............ tIutle ot r.cntractor ..................................... Address .................................11tOne tb. 15. m..~...... -'. ; ........;.... la IltIe property wltb.ln 3lXl feet,. or a tldlll IIIt1ard1 '" m .......... "'lit ms. fDJ11D.D 'l'Olt 'mIlSII!Il8 1'IIltUT Mt\YIllt ~ililn. l'loOT DIAGRAM. . l.ccata clearly end dletl1lCl:17 al1 bul1dlnae. ..tllltber axlettll8 or propoaed. IlIllI lrxlleate al1 ...r-back dlneoalona front ...rt:r t11lH. ClI". ftftet and block IUlller or c1eacrlptlon aeconllll8 to !lead. and at_ .treat .......a and Indleate "hell..r Intarlor or comer lot. . ".r().t~' _ _ I' ".}~I ~'~ ... ... ,l,~ ~ \ I ~ ~ - ~ N \. 1 N Q I -. 'a ~ lilt It ~, ~. ... .... I '" - '" "" ~ - - ... " ... o ~ 10 Y~IIAqU~O .t".JU1WA1KY.JlI!12Uly swonl. de'KI!IC!Il and Mya L1mt he III the lIi>1>L1C1ll1l: (lImao . ) 3TA311ITH]~ TUOHTl'fl " olllllllr IttM. I[ --.. . IIIIR111 .t -IIMU:):>O :to ., l.lllll' .1 hi IbTOO.~...-'MI..~.......................................... .... .... ... II. '.'.' ................ . .O.)_~ .1<<Ifl1ll....eorpomte orrlcer. ete.) . 1TlM JJAH2 M()1T:)U"",ItO:l. JJA '. . , uf~d~q6r ~1bJm9d!t~-pd.horbed to perfonn or hIM!! IIltrf'Clrmtltl LIlli IIlIld IIOrk lI11d to MIke ,,",I. flte Y"R 1I1"ll_!lI';.sLl~I.tluof.!..~JIlI",1ned In thla nppllcotlollllnl ttlJe to thai heat of,I{lla knwlet.lge lI11dbollef; "IXI IhAt theilAll1€"nt1ll~fb..e4lill'" ImClIlllr lIllt rorth In L11e nppllcottClll fled tllllret tho . ~;m lol.etor~;;n Lhl~(' '101'lQ1a3Q q e- ...........t~....,.dft1 of ..~9........ ,I? ~I / , .' .,.' '. . , ? . MAllIe CONWAY' , NOTARY PUeuc, .11 of New Yotll No.Ol~58 ~ In SuIroIl< County 00mmiaaI0n e.., MIlaI2tl,~ Q'J!l~.. ~;lIlt.llr.e Qf AppUellnt) , . lbtar} l\lbllc: ~.................." .- '~,,::'-" "".~__~U.,"-I::t::~:UIJ'i![J '~'. ,",..; . ,,,,~,,,-.~ :"Yr!,..,,,c:,"~"~,:~:\:r::~(,:'n".-,. , ?-~d 8- 'is ~ ow to care for your Heartland yard barn. ease complete the following procedures to protect your Heartland yard barn from the weather and to validate your warranty. Caulking All horizontal, vertical and diagonal joints on the doors, comer trim, window trim, shutters, etc., should be caulked with a high quality caulk. (Please refer to the diagram at the right.) While our experience has shown that a clear silicone caulk works best in most environments we suggest you check with a local paint or hardware professional for their recommendation. Note: It takes 3 to 6 tubes of caulk to correctly caulk an 8 x 12 yard barn. The variance depends on the thickness of the bead as well as the proper coverage as noted above. Paint Your protected and sided yard barn must be painted with an acrylic-latex paint. To prepare for painting you should first prime all raw exterior wood pieces such as those on the door, overhangs and comers with primer. (Please note the gray shaded areas at the right.) When priming and painting it is important to make certain you apply primer and paint to all exterior surfaces including the bottom edge of the siding all around the building and around all edges of the doors. For all sidings which are not pre-primed, you should refer to specific manufacturer's instructions to ensure validity of the warranty expressly represented by each manufacturer. Specific paint or stain instructions may also be obtained for these siding options as well. . Caulk all joints around .haded lI!'ll8lI with 8 high grade exterior sealant. 'l\im comes unprimed. For best results, prime these .haded lI!'ll8lI prior to painting. Circulation Each of our yard barns are constructed on pressure treated runners which resist damage from ground moisture and insects. Allowing air to circulate under your yard barn will further protect the floor system. We recommend you: 1. Keep the vegetation trimmed around the entire perimeter of your yard barn. 2. Have a minimum of six vents in any material you may use to skirt the underside of your yard barn. Insulation When insulating your yard barn you should not place insulation material directly against the roof deck. Doing so restricts air flow and creates moisture build up which can damage the roof. Insulating in such a manner will void your warranty. . We recommend you use an insulation board nailed to the roof rafters so it will not come in contact with the roof deck. This will allow air to circulate between the insulation and the roof deck. Additionally, ridge vents are required to premit air flow. You may however, use batt-type insulation in the walls. ........ HEARTLAND "Your Solution To Garage Pollution". 8 It) Heartland Industries, Inc.