HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarbor View ,- . -, '. '_. ;,g - Tit- PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Benneu Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTT L HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN fF SOUTHOLD I I Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 TO: I All Involved Agencies I Bennett Orlowski, Jr'iChairman $0 f!mIs Scoping Session for Harbor View Realty SC *1000-53-5-12.5 RECEIVED APR .~ 1992 FROM: Southolr! T -"'~ rr~.k RE: DATE: April 1, 1992 A Scoping Session has been set for 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, April 8, 1992, for the above mentioned subdivision application. The meeting will be held in the conference room of the Town Hall which is located on the Main Road in Southold. A copy of the Positive under separate cover. for your convenience. Declaration may have been sent to you Another copy is enclosed with this letter If you are unable to attend the Scoping Session, please send any comments you may have as to items you wish addressed in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, to the Planning Board office. The Board's facsimile number is 765-1823. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Board office at 765-1938. Ene 1. cc: John M. Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Town Trustees Robert DeLuca, Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Roger Evans, NYSDEC - Stony Brook Thomas Jorling, NYSDEC - Albany William Barton, NYS Dept of State Joseph J. Seebode, Chief, Regulatory Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers James Monsell, Greenport Utilities Judi th T. Terry, Town Clerk v Public Bulletin Board Michael P. Bontje, President, B. Laing Associates i {~ '- PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie LlIham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kennelh L. Edwards SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Tekphone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 State Environmental Quality Review POSITIVE DECLARATION Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft EIS Determination of Significance March 16, 1992 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below may have a significant effect on the environment and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. Name of Action: Proposed Major Subdivision Harbor View Landing SEQR Status: Type 1 Description of Action Residential clustered subdivision. 10 single family lots on 83.117 acres. Lot sizes range from 55,334 to 106,510 square feet in area. Homeowners Association will own some of the remaining land. , The rest of the land is proposed for dedication to the Town, Nature Conservancy or similar organization. Location: Southeast of Main Road Greenport, Town of Southold SCTM# 1000-53-5-12.5 Zoning District: Low-Density Residential R-80 ."-~'" , .~ ~ ~ Harbor View Realty Positive Declaration March 16, 1992 Page 2 Reasons Supporting This Determination: The applicant has provided the lead agency with a Long Environmental Form and an Appendix to the Long Environmental Assessment Form. The LEAF and the Appendix have been reviewed by the Planning Board, the Planning Board's Environmental Consultant, and other involved agencies. Several questions have arisen with respect to the in~ormation contained in the LEAF, the Appendix and the accompanying map, that must be clari~ied. However, the Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that over and above these unanswered questions, there are certain aspects o~ the project that may signi~icantly e~fect the environment, and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The scope o~ the DEIS is to include, but not be limited to: the environmental impacts of the road construction, the potential adverse effects of the project on the wetlands, the use of the areas slated ~or docks/moorings, the potential number of boat docks/moorings, and the effects o~ the project in regard to the area designated as a Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat. For Further Information: Contact Person: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (516)-765-1938 A Copy of this Notice Sent to: John Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Trustees Robert DeLuca, Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Roger Evans, N.Y.S.D.E.C - Stony Brook Thomas Jorling, N.Y.S.D.E.C. - Albany William Barton, N.Y.S. Dept. of State Joseph J. Seebode, Chief, R~gulatory Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Englneers James Monse1l, Greenport Utilities Judith Terry, Southold Town Clerk Public Bulletin Board Michael P. Bontje, President B.Laing Associates . . 7;lf - //1- PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennen Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 TO: All Involved Agencies Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman SOfil1/& Seoping Session for Harbor View Realty SCTM#1000-53-5-12.5 RECEIVED APR S 1992 FROM: RE: SOllthnl'! T "...~ rlD.k DATE: April 3, 1992 The Scoping Session that was set for 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, April 8, 1992 has been cancelled. The new meeting has been scheduled for 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, April 15, 1992 in the conference room of the Town Hall which is located on the Main Road in Southold. If you are unable to attend the Scoping Session, please send any comments you may have as to items you wish addressed in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, to the Planning Board office. The Board's facsimile number is 765-1823. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Board office at 765-1938. cc: John M. Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Town Trustees Robert DeLuca, Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Roger Evans, NYSDEC - Stony Brook Thomas Jorling, NYSDEC - Albany William Barton, NYS Dept of State Joseph J. Seebode, Chief, Regulatory Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers James Monsell, Greenport Utilities Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk ~ Public Bulletin Board Michael P. Bontje, President, B. Laing Associates ot. . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa' P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 March 25, 1987 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Harbor View at Mattituck Gentlem en: In response to our previous correspondence' with respect to the refund of part of the inspection fee for the Harbor View Subdivision, please be advised that the T,own Board, at their' regular meeting held on March 24,1987, adopted a resolution denying the request for the refund of $16,006.00 of their inspection fee, which amount represents the inspection fee for the water system for the subdivision. It has been determined that said inspections will be conducted by the Town Engineer and not the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Very truly yours, ~.,c:r----..- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk T LD RECEIVED ~AAR 1 3 1987 Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 7 nw." (':I,.."L. -: """fl,nld March 12, 1987 Judy - Just for your information, I spoke to Supervisor Murphy with regard to the refund of part of the inspection fee for the Harbor View Subdivision, see for discussion #15 in the 1/20/87 minutes of the Town Board. As per the Supervisor he contacted the Health Department and the Town would make inspections, therefore, there will be no refund. I advised the applicant of this on March 5, 1987. 1(llll .-.,~",. , , Page 2 - Town .rd 1/20/87 . '" 10:05 A.M. - George Desmarais, P.E., Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C., with the Board, and along with Councilman Penny, discussed the proposed reco of the discharge ramp at the Scavenger Waste Plant, Greenport. Mr. Desma.'ais the inCline of the ramp is insufficient to fully pump the trucks, and although Ic elimination hoses were tried, the problem could not be solved. H2M then redesi the ramp and submitted plans to the Town. It was decided H2M should prepare bid package, which they will do at no charge to the Town, and make inspection the construction at a nominal charge (see resolution no. 18). Councilman Penn) a recent meeting with Greenport Village Superintendent of Utilities James Monsel in attendence at this work session) to review the Scavenger Waste Plant site, a, that time found the cost of certain work being done on the proposed discharge will exceed the limitation, thus resulting in the need to go to bid. When the et design was reviewed it was found the cost will probably be $17,000. He also r, his meeting with Mr. Monsell and Greenport Village accountant relative to billin!, charges. Mr. Monsell will further review the billings and discuss them further Counci Iman Penny. 10:45 A.M. - For discussion items: (1) Southampton Town resolution requestin, legislation limiting municipal liability. This was adopted by the Town Board 3t January 6th meeting. (2) Draft Amendment to the Highway Specifications with respect to minor subdivisions. This will be reviewed by Town Attorney Tasket' (3) Amending the term of office for the members of the Board of Assessment R (see resolution no. 23). (4) Proposed creation of the 1987 Labor Management Committee to meet with the CSEA (see resolution no. 20). (5) Possible decisiot on the Zehner (formerly South port) change of zone petition. A letter was recei from Mr. Zehner's attorney Marie Ongioni requesting the Town Board to defer a decision in the matter until such time as the proposed Southold Master Plan 'has resolved. Board agreed to hold. (6) Appoints expiring on the Southold Town land Committee, and the Board wi II advertise for resumes (see resolution no. 21 (7) Discussed SEQR review' fees with respect to the fees set forth in the Soutr Town Code and the SEQR Handbook. Board will request Planner David Emilita t meet with them on February 3rd to discuss this further. (8) Letter from NYS wi th respect to the proposed waterfront access plan for mari ne recreational fi sht This was discussed at 9: 15 A.M. with Community Development Administrator Jam McMahon. (9) Letter from Utica Mutual Insurance Company requesting additiona premium for years 83-:84-85. The Director of Credit and Collections will be ask meet with the Board at his earliest convenience. (10) Letter from the Suffolk Department of Civil Service advising there are 31 names on the eligible list for l Inspector, and current provisional Building I nspector Angelo Accardo did' not p' test and the Town should request an extension of his appointment. Supervisor wi II make the request. (11) Application of Salvatore Catapano, Sr. for a night man trailer permit was reviewed (see resolution no. 22). (12) Suffolk County I ;---r. ment of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles for Account c::lerk has been receiv Q The three individuals appearing on the list will be interviewed. (13) Request' ~ Jthe Board of Appeals for permission for Chairman Goehringer and Secretary Kow J, "v,,fi to attend the Association of Towns "'"etings on February 17th with their expens( .'<.,)~ be paid by the Town (see resolution no. 16-b). (1/1) ReCl"eation Committee rep ~ ;:y.<J was discussed at 9: 30 a. m. wi th Counei Iwoman Coch.'an and Recreation Di rector 0"" (15) Letter from the Southold Town Planning Board recommending the refund 0 '~ -:J{. $16,006.00 to the developc,'s of Harbol' View at Mattituck, which amount rep"esel ~~j-. (j the inspection fee for the water system for the subdivision, which will not be in ~ I !i. cc by the Town ,lnspector...--5uperv,sor ~'uq)hy will diSCUSS thiS with the Board ~n--' - HI'~lth to det~akes the InspectIOns and what pOI'tlon would be the T( ~f l.....J? "esponsibility. ~~ 12:30 Poo'.!. - Recess for lunch. ~"#~} . . VI (/j) FOR DISCUSSION - POSSIBLE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION - JANUARY 20, 1987 ~L~ RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the refund of $16,006.00 to the developers of Harbor View at Mattituck, which amounts represents the inspection fee for the water system for the subdivision, which will not be inspected by the Town Inspector. .1/2.0/87 Supervisor to check with Bd. of Health to determine who makes inspections. -....-,..,""~"~ . . :\~a"''CO \ 1\.\\ \ -0 <](: " , """"huki .,,,....t"C '\ 1 rfl'C1' ..~ . Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 16, 1987 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold , NY 11971 Re: Harbor View at Mattituck Dear Mrs. Terry: Attached is a copy of correspondence received from Anthony T. Conforti, attorney for the above mentioned subdivision, as well as, a copy of the Planning Board resolution from January 12 pertaining to the attorney's requests. With regard to the refund of the inspection fee, I have also attached a copy of the calculations from the bond estimate. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Ow. ""-L- enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary T Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 16, 1987 Mr. Anthony T. Conforti Attorney at Law 739 E. Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Harbor View at Mattituck Dear Mr. ~onforti: The following actions were taken by .the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, January 12, 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant one 90-day extension on the completion of the conditions with regard to the conditional approval of the major subdivision to be known as "Harbor View" located at Mattituck. This extension shall run 90 days from the date of this resolution. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that that portion of the inspection fee, pertaining to the water system for the subdivision to be known as "Harbor View" located at Matttiuck, amounting to $16,006 be refunded since this water supply system will not be inspected by the Town Inspector. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ O~~C{-r~ L T~n Cle<k BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary ..._.0._,," " \ .. '(JV-- ~\\q,'\ \\" ~ . . eJAN , ., "....., 8 1987 ..-' L^-W OFFICE ANTHONY T. CONFORTI p, EDWARD REALE LYDIA J. RUFFOLO OF COUNSEL 739 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD. NEW VORK I 190 I 616-727-3107 January 7, 1987 Planning'Board of the Town of Southold Main Road SouthOld, NY 11971 Attention: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Re: Subdivision of Harbor View Dear Mr. Orlowski: Please consider this letter a formal request for an additional 90-day extension of the applicants' time to file the final map for the above captioned subdivision. Our offering statement is presently pending approval by the attorney general's office and upon completion of that approval process, we will file the final map. It is also requested on behalf of the applicants that the engineering review fee be reduced so as to be computed as five percent (5%) of the bond estimate after deducting the costs pertaining to the water supply system. The water supply system is to be inspected and regulated by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and the New York State Health Department and, therefore, the Town Engineer will not be required to pass upon the completion of these improvements. / Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours very truly, ATC/thr (&~~~j. f~f~ ANTHONY T. &FORTI I cc: Thomas E. Gill, Esq. DELIVERED BY HAND ( . LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFESS.ONAL ENGINEER INLET LANE EXT. GREENPDRT, N.Y. 11944 ... - .. ... D1Rl:lENPQRT 7-1652 ( JUN 10 1986 June 9, 1986 Mr. Bennett Orlolfllki, Chairman Southold Town Pla.mling Board Southold, NY 11971 Rei SllM1vis1on entitled "Harbor View" at Mattituck G@ntle.enl M1 estilll8.te tor the bond tor roads, water S1stll. and bprove.ents tor thl!l aboye .elltioned subdivisloD 1l!I ae tollowsl Land c:lsaring Rough grading 3,000 01 @ $ 3.00/C7 Fine grading 5.000 If @ ill 2.00/lf Su1'ae1ng 5,000 If @ $ 50.00/li C'wrbl!l - Ilountable 10,000 If @ $ 8.00/lf Cateh basins 8' depth 17 @ $ 1,800.00 ea 4'" 2 1,200.00 ea Manholes 6 @ $ 1.000.00 ea Pipe 18" diall Z.325 Jlt $ 20.00/lt End-w&lls ,@ $ 100.00 ea Vertical lI&nd drains Exoavation 400 07 @ $ 4.00/oy Fencing 1,000 If @ $ 18.00/li GIlrb 1,000 It @ $ 8.00/lt Swale - loam removal & sand replaoe.ent 18,000 cy @ $ 8.00/C7 Water supply syste. 6" main 5.000 lt @ $ 12.00/lt 4" pipe 150 lt @ $ 8.00/J.:f 2t"" 800 It @ $ 4.00jlf 5 yard hydrants @ $ 600.00 ea 6 gate valvlls @ ill 500.00 ea pump hcusll & egu1pment bulkhllading 8 Lt @ $ 100.00.lf Sllllding 6 acres @ $ 2.000.00 pllr acre Treps '3D @ $ 80.00 ea S~ 5 street 3 dead end, 5 Iltop @ $ 100.00 ea MonUllllnts 50 @ 50.00 ea Fire wells 2 @ $ 3,000.00 ea Administrative costs Increase costs over 3 year period $ 5,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 250.000.00 80,000.00 30,600.00 2,400.00 6.000.00 46,500.00 300.00 1,600.00 18,000.00 8,000.00 144,000.00 60,000.0011' l,200.00~ 3.200.001'" 3.000.00v 3,000.00\1"" 2~,o.000.00""'" 800.00 12,000.00 2,400.00 1.300.00 2.500.00 6,000.00 55.600.00 140,000.00 $ 1,150,000.00 Resp~~titull1 sllbmitted, ~/ /l/ / ~ ...?<.--,~ /)1. ../ /JoJ./jV c::.--. ~ / tlI (..~ , ,_\ v\. --.,,'-~.- ~ ..,.~-,;,~-"" HARBOR VIEW AT ~TITUCK . COST OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM AS PER THE BOND ESTIMATE DATED JUNE 9, 1986: $320,120 5% of $320,120 = $16,006 - amount of requested refund .... '~....' . . , 62 South Ocean Avenue. Patchague. New '.brk 11772 (516) 289-7500 THE UNION lAVING.. 8ANK IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 119 March 20, 1987 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 728 Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: By order of our client, Bayview Ventures, with its principal office located at 739 E. Main Street, Riverhead, N.Y., we hereby establish this Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 119 in your favor for an amount up to but not exceeding the aggregate sum of $1,150,000., effective immediately. This Letter of Credit No. 119 expires one year from the date hereof. Funds under this Letter of Credit are available to you against your sight draft(s) signed by your authorized corporate officer, drawn on us bearing the clause "Drawn Under Credit No. 119" accompanied by a written statement signed by the Town Engineer and Town Attorney for the Town of Southold to read as follows: "This drawing has been caused by the default to complete performance by the required date, of work and related items required by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold Resolution dated July 14, 1986, regarding the Map of Harbor View, Mattituck, N.Y. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of our under- taking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended or amplified by reference to any document or instrument referred to herein or in which this Letter of Credit relates and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document or instrument. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of credit that such drafts will be duly honored Upon presentation to the drawee. Corom/ Houppouge/Huntl ngtoniLoke Grove/Potchogue/ Rocky POlnt/Shlrley/ShlrleYi iJjc sthompton Beoch "~ ~ . . Page 2 .' Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, this credit is sUbject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits (1983 Revision) I.C.C. Publication No. 400. Very truly yours, UNION SAVINGS BANK /---; t:- ,:(..',.:>' h 7;. [i~'?~~ Authorize4'S' nature ... ~~^ ~- . . . 'C'_ .J V.... i..J lJ86 Jl'lllTIl T TERRY TOWN CU:Rh: REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1]971 TELEPHONE (5]6] 765,]801 August 27, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on August 26,1 986, adopted a resolution determining that the amount of $80,000.00 shall be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground in the major subdivision of Harbor View at Mattituck, of which sum $3,500.00, being the appraisal cost, shall be deducted, and payable to the General Fund and the balance deposited in a Park and Playground Trust Account. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk ::'::J,\ \'.,' - ...#.~. . . ANTHONY T. CONFORTI KATHLE::EN F. SCHWARTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW P. O. Box 149 739 EAST ~IAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NEW YORI{ 11901 (516) 727-3107 June 18, 1987 Planning Board of the Town of SouthOld Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Bennett OrlowSki, Jr., Chairman Re: Map of Harbor View Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Orlowski: I am enclosing herewith check in the sum of $80,000.00 representing payment of the park fee which satisfies the last condition required by the Planning Board in connection with the above referenced sUbdivision. Kindly endorse the maps so that I may file same with the County Clerk. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Yours very truly, /11 / / 77 c..? /,7 / ~ -~<::/~~~.2X-(L~l:_ G!.c-'~<9:::--~: BAY VIEW VENTURES LTD. 296 HAMPTON ROAD SOUTHAMPTON, NY 11968 .srJI~dM d,Jj o...UJ 342 ";. ~ "AY TO THE J ~~ :g ORDER OF '-'--'__ 6-' t '--I-L'"LL<l P /1 19QO'7122!2214 $. Jd (Jod. r:Jd @ ~~~~~~~~~ [!JJJ SouInamotOtl. N.Y. lIl16a . c)u ........ '''''. OR ~~ DOLLARS. "'i-, ',,::.: .~, " 11'00031, 211' . ': 2 2 .1, ? . 2 2 ?,: ?i'i' ol,ooH!;II" .fn,. .~~~;;;j; ::~:'i1;~" ,,;-i"o-- :;,",,-, :i"R ."_.._,,.,--... A ~~- -'-. -..- - ---- - -.--........... -... - - - - --------- .... ------ I. .. 11" ... ,_ _1_ _ _l_T_~_I_I_I_'_I_ ...,_ .... _....______...~ TOWN CLERK i TOWl\ OF SOUTHOLD l.'( 22747 olk Counly. New York 516 - 765-1801 1'! - .. .' f ) . . Soulhold, N..y.l~979bh-V)6 19".}7 ~ "ED OE L-4,t'/< ?~'7/." (J~?"" i?7~ ::lU ~";dV7L;,fl/?,,~ _,,-/~ Do~' s?~~l~i ;t:5,l. . ~ ~~O/~/ --~ ~YA~~"',a"_) ." 1,--, -?"(4'.-.U. '-'-"] , _ .. _~ {/ 7'"' ~ I. ;u.~ J"~'" '1'. 'ro,.,. - ~. I I Check rn/i-,---- :U.{?. __~~,~_~:,; ..K &-~ . _ ! ~,_. . . ~ .,. ..- .. V / . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa( P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 August 27, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Half Southold, New York 11971 '- Gentlemen: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on August 26,1 986, adopted a resolution determining that the amount of $80,000.00 shalf be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground in the major subdivision of Harbor View at Mattituck, of which sum $3,500.00, being the appraisal cost, shall be deducted, and payable to the General Fund and the balance deposited in a Park and Playground Trust Account. Very truly yours, ~7-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk ... . . . JlllllTlI T. TERRY TOWN CURf\. REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.18UI October 16, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on October 7, 1986 approved the amount of $1,150,000.00 as the bond amount for roads, water system, and improvements in the major subdivision of Harbor View at Mattituck, as recommended by you and Professional Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill. Very truly yours, ~~~~ Deputy Southold Town Clerk . . LD y ~dI) Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 SEP 2 4 _ .... """'" 'lr _M tJ September 24, 1986 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Harbor View Dear Mrs. Terry: In accordance with your correspondence to Mr. Tuthill regarding the bond estimate on the above mentioned subdivision, a letter was sent to the Suffolk County Water Authority last month requesting comments on the water supply system and the county specifications. Since there has been no response from the County, the Planning Board reqests that the Town Board process the bond estimate as proposed at the next available meeting. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, !x1Wdt {)rl;&J~v{ulJnJ~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary ,f ,,' . T . LD Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 August 22, 1986 Mr. Walter C. Hazlitt, Executive Administrator Suffolk County Water Authority Sunrise Highway Corner Pond Road Oakdale, NY 11769 RE: Harbor View Dear Mr. Hazlitt: Pursuant to your conversation with our Town Engineer on July 15,1986, enclosed is a copy of the water supply system specifications for the above mentioned subdivision. Our Town Board has requested that the bond estimate take into consideration the specifications of the Suffolk County Water Authority. Therefore, we ask if you would be kind enough to advise us what specifications need to be met. Also, enclosed for your review is a copy of the bond estimate, and correspondence from the Town Clerk and Town Engineer. May we have your comments at your earliest convenience since this subdivision is close to being finalized. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, Clx~titt (JffofJ.A-Lc' Otvd~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., IcgAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. <--<:;.lZ': Town Clerk Town Engineer ..! . ( LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INLET LANE EXT. I3REENPDAT. N.Y. 11944 GREEN..aRT 7-'65Z . ( JUN 1 0 7986 Jllne 9, 1986 Mr. Bennett Or1owlilk1, Chairaan Southo1d Town Plana1ng Board SOlltho1d, NY 11971 Rei S.lIc11Yis1oD eatit1ed "Harbor View" at Mattit".1t G@ntl.a.D. M)' eAtiaate tor the bOllld tor roads, water 8)'Stea ami iaproyeaeate tor thll abOYe aeatloaed s.bd1Yiatoa 18 ae tollows. Land daartag ROllgh grad1ag 3,000 e)' .. $ 3.00/c)' Flae gzadiag 5,000 It 0 $ 2.00/lt Sutaei.g 5,000 It @ $ 50.00/lt CWrbe - aountab1e 10,000 It @ $ 8.00/lt Cateh baetu 8' depth 17 @ $ 1,800.00 ea 4'" 2 1,200.00 ea Manholes 6 @ $ 1,000.00 ea Pipe 18" diaa Z,325 14 $ 20.00/lt Ead walls , @ $ 100.00 ea Vert1eal sand dra1ne ExoavatiOIl 400 oy @ $ 4.00/ey Feno1ng 1,000 It @ $ 18.00/It I\I.rb 1,000 It @ $ 8.00/It Swa1e - loam reaoya1 & sand rep1aoeaent 18,000 ey @ $ 8,00/8,. Water e.pp1y 8yetea 6" Ilaia 5,000 It @ $ 12.00/lt 4" pipe 150 It @ $ 8.00/lt 2t"" 800 It @l $ 4.00/lt 5 yard hydrante @ $ 600.00 ea 6 gate ya1vee @ $ 500.00 ea puap house & eguipaent bU1kheading 8 Lt @ $ 100.00.lt Seed1ng 6 aeres @ $ 2,000.00 per aere Treee 30 @ $ 80.00 ea B&s8a 5 street 3 dead end, 5 stop @ $ 100.00 ea Mon.aellts .50 @ 50.00 ea Fire wells 2 @ $ 3,000.00 ea Ada1nil!ltratiye oosts Inereaee costs oYer 3 year period $ 5,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 2.50,000.00 80,000.00 30,600.00 2,400.00 6,000.00 46,500.00 300.00 1,600.00 18,000.00 8,000.00 141+,000.00 60,000.00 1,200.00 3,200.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2e~,OOO.00 800.00 12,000.00 2,400.00 1,300.00 2,.500.00 6,000.00 S5,600.00 140,000.00 $ 1,1.50,000.00 Re~Ct1tullY ..baitted, ~../ /J /' /lW /~ ./ /1. / ./...-<J.I0'- c;::7/ "^ ,,~ \ tJ </'- . . ~w?t ~~fi CUPf F81Yi.~ 11F811U1181 RICIMD JUL 1 51986 "- cw. ~ LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 1215 INLET LANE GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 (5161477.1652 Jul;r 1.5. 1986 Mr8. JlIIdith Terry. T01l11 Clerk T01I11 of S01lthold MainRoad S01lthold, NY 11971 Re I Bond eetillate "Harbor View" at Mattttuclt Dear JlId;r. In referen all to the above aentioned subdivision and your letter of J1ll)" 7. concerning as tc\whether the specifications of the SlIffolk C01lllty Water AlIIthorlty were considered when preparing the bond estimate. The)" were not. .I. aa requesting the Illanning loan! tolorward the plans and spee1fications of the ..bdivieions water e)"ste. for their couents and aPllroval. Upon receipt of their approyal. .I. w41l adj1lst the bond est1aate aecordingly. Staeerel)" ~-;J ~ ~. ~ / 10-L / ~.K/< . . JlIDITII T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 July 7, 1986 Lawrence M. Tuthill, P.E. Inlet Lane Extension Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Larry: The Town Board is in receipt of your bond estimate for the subdivision entitled "Harbor View" at Mattituck. Before taking action on this matter the Board would like to determine whether you took into consider the specifications of the Suffolk County Water Authority when preparing the estimate the for water supply system? Very truly yours, ~~.. Judith T. 'ferry Southold Town Clerk cc: Planning Board H. E. Raynor, Jr. . . . yQh) RESOLUTION - JULY 1, 1986 ~~ RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $1,150,000.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Harbor View" at Mattituck, all in accordance with the estimated prepared Lawrence M. Tuthill, P. E., and approved by the Planning Board. , T . . D LD Y RICEMD JUN 2 51986 Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 T_ ClMr Soa'- III June 24, 1986 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold,NY 11971 Re: Harbor View Dear Mrs. Terry: Transmitted herewith is a copy of the bond estimate, for the above mentioned subdivision, which was prepared by the Town Engineer, Lawrence Tuthill. At the June 23, Planning Board meeting this was accepted and referred to the Town Board. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~L.f...-LtC QrLoLQ~\.u. )C\...-i BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAgY~ SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M Schultze, Secretary enc. '., " . . (' LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFE.SIONAL ENGINEER INLET LANE EXT. I3AEENPDAT, N.Y. 11944 GRClEN"ClRT 7-'652 . (, JUN 1 0 1986 June 9, 1986 Mr. Bennett Orlowllt1, ChairJlall Southold Town Pla.maing Board SOllthold, NY 11971 Rei S.ldivill1on eatitled "Harbor View" at Mattitw.ek G@ntles8D1 M7 eetbate for the bond for roads, water e7stes and bproYeaellte for thll abo.. selltioaed Ilto1bd:tYie1oll i. ae follows I Land olaariDg Rotolgh grading 3,000 e7 @ $ 3.00/C7 FiIle gradillg 5,000 1f @ $ 2.00/lt StoIr!aeiftg 5,000 If @ $ 50.00/l! c.rbll - sountab1e 10,000 If @ $ 8.00/l! Cateh baeift. 8' depth 17 @ $ 1,800.00 ell. 4'" 2 1,200.00 ell. Manholes 6 @ $ 1,000.00 ell. Pipe 18" dla& 2,325 J4 $ 20.00/l! Ead walls , @ $ 100.00 ell. Vertical eand drain. Exoavation 400 ey @ $ 4.00/oy Feneing 1,000 l! @ $ 18.00/lt IItrb 1,000 If @ $ 8.00/lf Slfale - loal! relloval &: sand replaceunt 18,000 ey @ $ 8.00/oy Water Stolpply systes 6" Mill 5,000 l! @ $ 12.00/lt 4" pipe 150 If @ $ 8.00/l! 2t"" 800 If @ $ 4.00/U 5 yard h7draate @ $ 600.00 ell. 6 gate valvee @ $ 500.00 ell. pump houee &: eguipsent bulkheadlng 8 Lt @ $ 100.00.lf Seeding 6 acree @ $ 2,000.00 per aere Trees 30 @ $ 80.00 ell. S~ 5 street 3 dead end,S IItOP @ $ 100.00 ell. Monaseats 50 @ 50.00 ell. Fire wells 2 @ $ 3,000.00 ell. Adllinistrative costs Inerealle costs over 3 year period $ 5,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 250,000.00 80,000.00 30,600.00 2,400.00 6,000.00 46,500.00 300.00 1,600.00 18,000.00 8,000.00 144,000.00 60,000.00 1,200.00 3,200.00 3,000.00 3,000,00 2~~,OOO.00 800.00 12,000.00 2,400.00 1,300.00 2,500.00 6,000.00 55,600.00 140,000.00 $ 1,150,000.00 ~ctifUllY e.baitted, - ..' U-,_ a <~j.VA'/ c:;;:7' c..:\t'l "^ \ I.. . \ It:Y. </ . , . .... ~.,. " . . T D LD Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 24, 1986 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Harbor View Dear Mr. Raynor: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, June 23, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept the bond estimate from the Town Engineer, Lawrence Tuthill, for the major subdivision of Harbor View in the amount of $1,150,000.00 and refer same to the Town Board. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, --G.tA'-~tt. Qf"LoL0~k r\__ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN ~ '6v~ SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD cc: Town Clerk By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary ~ .. . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01-" VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 26, 1988 Anthony T. Conforti, Esq. P. O. Box 149 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Conforti: . , Please be advised that the Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on February 23, 1988, accepted the Amendment extending the Letter of Credit for Harbor View at Mattituck. The certified resolution is enclosed. Very truly yours, ~~ JudithT. Ter~ Southold Town Clerk Enclosure -. ~ . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTI FY THAT THE FOLLOWI NG RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETI NG HELD ON FEBRUARY 23, 1988: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold herel:>Y accepts the Amendment extending to December 20, 1988 the $1,150,000 Letter of Credit for major subdivision known as Harbor View, located at Mattituck, New York. . '~~ . f2 _ LJ,d ..--?'.~~ ~T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . February 26, 1988 "- , . . ANTHONY T. CONFORTI ATTORNEY AT LAW P. 0. Box 149 611 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901 (516) 727-3107 February 11, 1988 Planning Board of the Town of Southold Main Road SouthOld, NY 11971 Re: Map of Harbor View at Mattituck Gentlemen: . [CE!'1ED FEB 17 1988 l'olm Cp.rk Sontf1nl1f I am enclosing herewith Amendment extending the Letter of Credit previously issued by Union Savings Bank. Yours very truly, ANTHONY T. CONFORTI ATC/thr Enclosure cc: Southold Town Board DELIVERED BY HAND "' . . THE UNION IAVINGI lANK 62 South Ocean Avenue, Pate hogue, New >t>rk 11772 (516) 289.7500 AMENDMENT TO IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 119 February 4, 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 728 Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: By order of our client, Bayview Ventures, with its principal office located at 739 E. Main Street, Riverhead, N.Y., we hereby extend this Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 119 to December 20, 1988. Except as herein extended, the Letter of Credit shall remain in full force and effect. Please attach this Amendment letter to the original Letter of Credit. Very truly yours, UNION SAVINGS BANK ;;;::;2~~~ AuthoriZ$d s~ature EJK:mka Coram/Hauppaugel Huntl ngton/Lake Grovel Ratchoguel Rocky POI nt! Shlrley/ Westhampton Beach ~'. .. ... . . . . . THE UNION IAVING_ lANK COP Y 62 South Oceoo Averue. Patchogue. New 'rbr\I1l772 (516) 289.7500 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 119 March 20, 1987 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 728 Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: By order of our client, Bayview Ventures, with its principal office located at 739 E. Main street, Riverhead, N.Y., we hereby establish this Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 119 in your favor for a,n amount up to but not exceeding the aggregate sum of $1,150,000., effective immediately. This Letter of Credit No. 119 expires one year from the da te hereof. .' Funds under this Letter of Credit are available to you against your sight draft(s) signed by your authorized corporate officer, drawn on us bearing the clause "Drawn Under Credit No. 119" accompanied by a written statement signed by the Town Engineer and Town Attorney for the Town of Southold to read as follows: "This drawing has been caused by the default to complete performance by the required date, of work and related items required hy the Planning Board of the Town of Southold Resolution dated July 14, 1986, regarding the Map of Harbor View, Mattituck, N.Y. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of our under- taking and such undertaking shall not in any way. be modified, amended or amplified by reference to any document or instrument referred to herein or in which this Letter of 'Credit relates and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document or instrum~nt. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon presentation to the drawee. Corom/Houppouge/Huntington/Lol<e Grove/Polchogue/Roc:ky POInt/Shlrley/Shlrley/ Westhamplon 8eoch Y"" ." . " ,..,.. .. .., " .- . . ~, - ... ~ . . Page 2 Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, this credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and practice for Commercial Documentary Credits (1983 Revision) I.C.C. Publication No. 400. Very truly yours, UNION SAVINGS BANK /; ~ .... z;:- t [,. Authori~' nature . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 27. 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold. New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Southold Town Board. at their regular meeting held on August 26.1 986. adopted a resolution determining that the amount of $80.000.00 shall be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground in the major subdivision of ~rbor View at Mattituck. of which sum $3.500.00. being the appraisal cost. shall be deducted. and payable .to the General Fund and the balance deposited in a Park and Playground Trust Account. Very truly yours. ~~-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk T . . , LD RICIMD AU8 2 5 936 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 August 25, 1986 "-" "-" ~Ii..M .. Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Harbor View Dear Mrs. Terry: In accordance with your request for a determination of the gross acreage of land which would otherwise be required for the park and aplyground in the above mentioned subdivision, we have referred to the Town Planner for his review. Pursuant to section A106-38A, Mr. Emilita recommends 2 acres of land for park and playground. Mr. Emilita also reviewed the appraisal and pursuant to section A106-38E determined that by the first method, the cash contribution would be $6,000 ($3,000 x 2); and by the second method, the cash contribution would be $80,000 (5% of the Fair Market Value - $1,600,000) If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, 1>>-11 tUti (j)yb A!:.;. l~v ~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHA~~N SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary . . , ... >x : ttlt . __'Jt= a.~;~ JUDITH T TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 29, 1986 Dear Bob: Attached is the bill of Gorman & Associates for the appraisal of Harbor View at Mattituck which was authorized by a resolution of the Town Board to determine the amount to be deposited for park and playground purposes. The Town Board wishes to know if the $3,500.00 cost can be recovered from the developer directly or in some otherl manner, as the park and playground amount is placed in a separate account and cannot be used for this purpose. Please advise. Thank you. .pr/ . ~ .';!i;:!!- p,v.d.P "<7/7 <?,-r ;Y.,..d~ p"''''' . ~--- Real Estate Appraisals Love Lane, Mallituck, N.Y. 11952 516 - 298-8478 GORMAN & ASSOCIATES July 16, 1986 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Ms. Judith T. Terry 6-6-86 For the real estate appraisal of preliminary approved subdivision known as "Map of Harbor View at Mattituck," located at the south side of New Suffolk Avenue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. $3,500.00 , < - . . . \ :~.':"'~~ .\~~ . -rr.ot'-" ;'l'-~ . -4l'.=O- . ..,,' ~. . .......... ... .(>.9.4.t;h9.l.4....... ..... ..... ......, N. Y..... .JJ.!J-s...\ft ,.........lg...IHi TOWN OF SOUTHOLO, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, N. Y., Dr. To....... .9.QXlllall.. .4..A ~.e.QS: ;lat.e.ll... .Rea 1. .E.s.t a t.e.. App.r.a.:l.a.Allaimallt Address.... J.AJl:e.. J.illl.e... .l1at.toi.t Jl.c.ls.... . Ne.lo1. . X9.rk.. .1l.9.5 2.......... 6-6-86 For the real estate appraisal of preliminary approved subdivision known as "Map of Harbor View at Mattituck." located at the south side of New Suffolk Avenue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. $3.500 00 .; /' M ~t?M-/W~' ./7 4Jl 11J..1U. -; ....... [/V'( {/ Fed. I. D. No. ................................... or Soc. Security No. 0 ?.7.:J.?.::9.).g The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of above named Claimant) does hereby certify that the (Cross out one) foregoing claim is true and correct and that no part thereof has been paid, ep as therein stated, and that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing. Dated .....{~;J,,Y..).?......................, 19.~.9....... .............................. , j 'i.(~'*-" . .~ "l~~ ~'~:I .: I.'" j, " Town of Southold BILL OF Al0l0.4 !3.0nn~!1. ~. ~~~<?c:ii;l~e.s. . . . . . " . . For Services and Disbursements as . ... . Appr<ti!iill.. ..... ... ....... Claimed, $. .3.~QQ,QQ... ....... ,o6"iJc). tJo $............... ..... Allowed, . Audited ........ .7J.2.~.., 19l!~. . .tl D d;" - /----- ~ ~-:-;.:~.~:......7.~~ , \ , . T . D LD Y COpy FOR YOUR '~nJIIIifflrmo.N A-..m Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 JUL 2 4 -006 ,.... o..tr s.. It al# July 24, 1986 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Harbor View Dear Mrs. Terry: With regard to your request for the gross acreage which would otherwise be required in the above mentioned subdivision for park and playground, the Planning Board has requested that David Emilita make a recommendation on this matter. Mr. Emilita will be in the office on August 4, and we will forward his comments to you. Very truly yours, ~'a ~~ne~ Schultze, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board . . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 18, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: . We are now in receipt of the Appraisal Report from Gorman and Associates with respect to Harbor View at Mattituck. According to the formula for park and playground, the amount deposited shall not be less than three thousand dollars per gross acre of land that would otherwise be required for recreation purposes, or five percent of the fair market value of the total acreage proposed for the subdivision. We now have the fair market value of the total acreage, but in order that the Town Board may make a decision on the amount to be deposited, please advise me of the gross acreage of land that would otherwise be required for Harbor View. I would like to submit this to the Town Board at their July 29th meeting for a decision. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~~7-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Town Board \,-..J"....\<,./ , ~~ I........ ~. ~ -' \ . ~) ~ LAW OFFICE . ::t ANTHONY T. CONFORTI . 1 r. f) ,- ~ n" . 1"1,.1>. I::::' ;:::04 P. EDWARD REALE LYDIA J. RUFFOLO OF COUNSEL 739 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK I 190 t 616-727-3107 Henry Raynor Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Barch 14, 1984 Re: Bayview Ventures Ltd. - Harbor View Subdivision Dear Mr. Raynor: It is requested that a public hearing regarding the above proposed subdivision be scheduled for a date certain so that the prerequisites to final approval can be completed. It is further requested that the following matters be brought to the attention of the Planning Board: 1. Health Department approval: The maps, as last presented to the Board, do not contain Health Department approval due to a pending variance hearing which will deal with the issue of waste disposal. It is anticipated that a resolution of that issue will be forthcoming this month and, in any event, should not be an impediment to the scheduling of a public hearing as requested above. '\ 2. Water Treatment Facility and Park Fee: The water treatment facility as proposed has received Health Department approval and will occupy Lots 1 and 2, as indicated on the maps last submitted. In view of the costs of that facility : ($325,000) and the area set aside for it (over two acres), it is now requested that the Board will accept the unimproved area around the water supply building in lieu of the park , fee. ~. , 'j _"I It is hoped that an April date can be given for the requested public hearing. If there is anything further that is required prior to scheduling the requested hearing, kindly advise the undersigned. Thank you for your continued cooperation this matter. ATC:lme YOU?Zl;i~ ~-A.~ ANTHONY :/ ) ORU t!- ~/ /i';' -f~ C:'-: I.. ' . . . JUDITH T. TERRY TO\VN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 July 16, 1986 Gorman & Associates Real Estate Appraisals Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Attention: Michael Gorman Dear Mr. Gorman: Enclosed herewith, please find town voucher form which must be completed, signed, and returned to my office at your very earliest convenience. Your invoice cannot be Paid in the town audit without a signed voucher. Please return as Soon as possible, so that your invoice can be paid in the next town audit. Very truly yours, .r~~...;;', ~..,~ Judith T. Terry - Southold Town Clerk Enclosure (2) , PL~d~€ COMPLETE AND SIGN THE ATTACHED ig~~ i~~;~~; ~~ RETURNTOGETHER WITH ..................., N. y.,....;J:!~J..y...Hi>.........IIL/:\9 JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL 53095 MAIN ROAD ...&..AIl.s.Q.G;i.at.e.&~..Rea1..E.s.tat:.e..App.r~.:lI'\&imallt SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 .- --- -------------- -~-Acraress....],1l ~"..],a 11.1'.... Ma t.t.:l.t l1.c.~... .N...",.. X D.rk... J.l.9.5 Z.......... fHOLD, C NTY OF SUFFOI){, N. Y., Dr. . Fed. I. D. No. .................................... or Soc. Security No. ........................ . II The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of above named Claimant) does hereby certify that the (Cross out onel foregoing claim is true and correct and that no part thereof has been paid, except as therein stated, and that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing. Dated ............................................, 19............ ........................................................................... Signature " ~ " ._ '_0<' . . ----. .._---------.-- ---- ---. ~] GORMAN & ASSOCIATES i Lcc/_ _______ _______.________ Real Estate Appraisals Love Lane, Maltituck, N_Y. 11952 516.298-8478 July 16, 1986 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Ms. Judith T. Terry 6-6-86 For the real estate appraisal of preliminary approved subdivision known as "Map of Harbor View at Mattituck," located at the south side of New Suffolk A venue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. $3,500.00 '. . . , OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hal!, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 JUIlITII T, TERRY TOWN CtJRK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS May 27, 1986 Mr. Thomas Gorman Gorman Associates Love Lane, P.O. Box Mattituck, New York 1445 11952 Dear Mr. Gorman: In accordance with our telephone conversation this afternoon in which you indicated that you are interested in performing the appraisal service of Harbor View Subdivision at Mattituck, I am sending you the survey map for this subdivision, together with a photocopy of the "Subdivision of Land", Section A106-38 E. (3) as per your request. The Southold Town Board would appreciate your performing this service at your earliest possible convenience. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures (2) 1,600,000' x 0'05 = 80,000'00 . . JUDITII T. TERRY TOWN CLFRK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 May 23, 1986 Gorman & Associates Love Lane -Boy Nil" Mattituck, New York 11952 Gentl emen: The Southold Town Board is in need of the services of a Licensed Real Estate Appraiser to conduct an appraisal of the major subdivision known as Harbor View at Mattituck so the Town Board may determine the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lien of land for park and playground purposes, all in accordance with Section A 1 06- 38 E. (3) of the Code of the Town of Southold. The Town Board has selected your firm to conduct this appraisal. If you are interested in performing this service, please contact this office at your earliest convenience and I will provide you with a Map of Harbor View at Mattituck to assist you with your appraisal. For your information, Section A106-38E.(3) of.the Subdivision of Land reads as follows: . The Town Board shall determine the amount to be deposited based on the fOlloWing formula: not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.) per gross acre of land that would otherwise be required for recreation purposes or five (5%) percent of the fair market value of t/'le total acreage proposed for subdivision as determined by an independent appraiser retained by the town. I shall await your decision in this matter. , Very truly yours, C _~-/~. ~ta-c <--/~- ;y;;,,,,/. . '. c:/" Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Planning Board , . '. . y@ . RESOLUTION - MAY 20, 1986 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of 9C . for the se of conductin raisal of the major subdivision known as Harbor View at Mattituck, so the Town Board may determine the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes, all in accordance with Section Al 06- 38 E. (3) of the Code of the Town of Southold. ~.4?1? 'V- 4~. ~d5. ~~ ';#tD?I ~. . . -dL(Z) -ytjj) FOR DISCUSSION - POSSIBLE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION - MAY 20, 1986 RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby determines that the amount of $ Town in lieu of land for park and ma'or subdivision of Harbor View at Mattituck. / OR RESOLUTION - MAY 20, 1986 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of for the purpose of conducting an appraisal of the major subdivision known as Harbor View at Mattituck, so the Town Board may determine the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes, all in accordance with Section Al 06- 38 E. (3) of the Code -of the Town of Southold. Section Al06-38E.(3) of the Subdivision of Land reads as follows: The Town Board shall determine the amount to be deposited based on the following formula: not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.) per gross acre of land that would otherwise be required for recreation purposes or five percent (5%) of the fair market value of the total acreage proposed for subdivision as determined by an independent appraiser retained by the town. SURVEY MAP OF HARBOR VIEW ON FILE IN THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. ~ c ,.~" . T . LD nJ .A MAY 8.. Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 T...a.if ~'Jq May 8, 1986 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Harbor View Dear Mrs. Terry: Transmitted herewith are three surveys for the above mentioned subdivision located at Mattituck. The Planning Board is referring this subdivision to the Town Board pursuant to Section 100-38 E(3) for a determination on the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~i:t Q--f.a.vili} ~~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary attachment RICIMI) JUL 1 6 1986 TIIWft ClIft fauIIi JIll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPRJUSAL REPORT OM PROPERTY OF MATTlTUCK HARBOR ASSOCIATES AMD BAY VIEW VENTURES, LTD. Located at the South side of Mew Suffolk Avenue Mattituck, Mew York as of June 6, 1986 - Prepared for - Southold Town Board Town Ball Southold, Mew York GORMAN & ASSOCIATES ----- :AaL [,jla/e utpprai,aL, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . L GORMAN &ASSOCIATES July 16, 1986 Real Estate Appraisals Love Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 516 - 298-8478 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: "Map of Harbor View at Mattituck," located at the south side of New Suffolk Avenue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. Dear Ms. Judith T. Terry, In accordance with your request, we have made a real estate appraisal of the above listed property as of June 6, 1986, the date that the property was inspected. The subject property is designated as District 1000; Section 115; Block 17; and Lot 17 on the tax map of the County of Suffolk. It is zoned "A" Residential-Agricultural by the Town of Southold. The 1985 assessed valuation is $23,300 (land) and $25,000 (total). The 1985-86 real estate taxes are $8,452.32. The subject property has a land area of 49.140 acres, of which approximately 158,700 square feet, or 3.643 acres, is wetland. It has frontages of 1,472.57 feet on New Suffolk Avenue, 1,275.88 feet on Hall's Creek (a.k.a. Mud Creek), 217.23 feet on Great Peconic Bay, 298.55 feet on Deep Hole Creek (a.k.a. Willis Creek), and 1,677.97 feet on Dredged Creek (arm of Deep Hole Creek). The planned subdivision will consist of a central water supply area (plots 1 and 2); 2 drainage areas; a Peconic Bay community beach with access; and 38 plots, each with approximately 42,595 square feet of net or upland area. In valuing the property we have taken into consideration all of the factors affecting real estate conditions and values, among which are the characteristics and trend of the neighborhood and comparable sales in the area. As of June 6, 1986 it is our opinion that the Fair Market Value of the subject property as a preliminary approved subdivision by the Market Data Approach to Value is: ONE Mll.LION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,600,000) Very truly yours, ~ Thomas J. rman Appraiser ~~h~ Michael E. Gorman Appraiser I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . TABLE OF CONTENTS . Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Purpose of the Appraisal Summary of Important Data and Conclusion Definition of Market Value Area Data Area Map Neighborhood Data Description of Subject Property Sketch of Subject Property Description of Subdivided Subject Property Subdivision Map of Subject Property Photos of Subject Property Ownership Taxes and Assessed Valuation Zoning Highest and Best Use Appraisal Process Indicated Waterfront Acreage Value by Market Data Approach CorreIa tion Comparable Waterfront Acreage Sales Location Map of Comparable Waterfront Acreage Sales Indicated Bayfront Plot Value by Market Data Approach Correlation Comparable Bayfront Plot Sales Location Map of Comparable Bayfront Plot Sales Indicated Creek front Plot Value by Market Data Approach CorreIa tion Comparable Creek front Plot Sales Location Map of Comparable Creekfront Plot Sales Indicated Interior Plot Value by Market Data Approach Correlation Comparable Interior Plot Sales Location Map of Comparable Interior Plot Sales Engineer's Bond Estimate Subdivision Value Analysis Reconciliation and Conclusion of Value Qualifications of the Appraisers Certifica tion 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 27 28 28 29 33 34 34 35 39 40 40 41 45 46 47 49 50 53 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMmNG CONDITIONS This Appraisal Report, the Letter of Transmittal, and the Certification of Value are made expressly subject to the following assumptions and limiting conditions, and any special limiting conditions contained in the report which are incorporated herein by reference. 1. The legal description furnished is assumed to be correct. We assume no responsibility for matters legal in character, nor do we render any opinion as to the title, which is assumed to be good. All existing liens and encumbrances, if any, have been disregarded and the property has been appraised as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management. 2. The sketch in this report is included to assist the reader in visualizing the property. We have made no survey of the property and assume no responsibility in connection with such matters. 3. We believe to be reliable the information which was furnished by others, but assume no responsibility for its accuracy. 4. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication, nor may it be used for any purpose by any but the applicant without the previous written consent of the appraisers or the applicant, and then only with proper qualification. 5. Weare not required to give testimony or appear in court by reason of this appraisal, with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have been previously made. 6. The distribution of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the existing program of utilization. The separate valuations for land and improvements must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 7. The land, and particularly the soil, of the area under appraisal, appears firm and solid. Subsidence in the area is unknown or uncommon, but we do not warrant against this condition or occurrence. 8. Subsurface rights (minerals and oil) were not considered in making this appraisal. 9. In this appraisal assignment, the existence of herbicide or pesticide (Temik) contamination of the ground water, which mayor may not be present in the subject property, has not been considered. Your appraisers are not qualified to detect such substances, but will note obvious contamination as evidenced by the presence of a water filter for Temik. 10. Your appraisers have carefully inspected the buildings involved in this appraisal report. Damage, if any, by termites, dry rot, wet rot, or other infestations was reported as a matter of information by your appraisers, but we do not guarantee the amount or degree of damage. - 1 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . 11. All furnishings and equipment, except those specifically indicated and typically considered as part of real estate, have been disregarded by your appraisers. Only the real estate has been considered. 12. Your appraisers have inspected as much as possible by observation, the land and the improvements thereon. However, it was not possible to personally observe conditions beneath the soil or hidden structural components within the improvements, therefore, no representations are made herein as to these matters and unless specifically considered in this report, the value estimate is subject to any such conditions that could cause a loss in value. Condition of heating, cooling, ventilating, electrical, and plumbing equipment is considered to be commensurate with the condition of the balance of the improvements unless otherwise stated. 13. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media without the written consent and approval of the authors, particularly as to valuation conclusions, identity of the appraisers, or firm with which they are connected. 14. In this appraisal assignment, the existence of potentially hazardous ma terial used in the construction or maintenance of the building, such as the presence of urea formaldehyde foam insulation, and/or existence of toxic waste, which mayor may not be present on the property, has not been considered. Your appraisers are not qualified to detect such substances. We urge the client to retain an expert in this field if desired. - 2 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL This appraisal is being made to estimate the Fair Market Value of the subject property as of June 6, 1986, the first date that it was inspected. A subsequent inspection was made on July 9, 1986. The subject property is a major residential subdivision which has preliminary approval from the Town of Southold Planning Board. The valuation estimate derived in this report will be used by the Town Board to determine the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lien of land for park and playground purposes as in accordance with Section AI06-38E. (3) of the code of the Town of Southold. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT DATA AND CONCLUSION Purpose of the Appraisal Estimate Fair Market Value of a major residential subdivision with preliminary approval as of June 6, 1986. Property Rights Appraised Fee Simple Location South side of New Suffolk Avenue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. Type of Property A major residential subdivision (Map of Harbor View at Mattituck) lacking final approval from the Town of Southold Planning Board. 49.140 acres of which approximately 158,700 square feet, or 3.643 acres, is wetland. It has frontages of 1,472.57 feet on New Suffolk Avenue, 1,275.88 feet on Hall's Creek (a.k.a. Mud Creek), 217.23 feet on Great Peconic Bay, 298.55 feet on Deep Hole Creek (a.k.a. Willis Creek), and 1,677.97 feet on Dredged Creek (arm of Deep Hole Creek). Size of Property Planned subdivision will consist of a central water supply area (plots 1 and 2); 2 drainage areas; a Peconic Bay community beach with access; and 38 plots, each with approximately 42,595 square feet of net or upland area. Zoning "A" Residential-Agricultural Value of Property Raw Acreage: Prel. Appr. Subd.: Developed Plots: $1,179,360 $1,600,000 $4,030,000 - 3 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . DEFDllTION OF MARKET VALUE "The highest price in terms of money which a property will bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus." Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified da te and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated. 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in what they consider their own best interest. 3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market. 4. Payment is made in cash or its equivalent. 5. Financing, if any, is on terms generally available in the community at the specified date and typical for the property type in its locale. 6. The price represents a normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special financing amounts and/or terms, services, fees, costs, or credits incurred in the transaction. - 4 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = . . AREA DATA The Town of Southold, officially established in 1640, comprises most of the north fork of eastern Long Island and it includes Fishers, Plum, and Robins Islands. It covers an approximate area of 54 square miles or 34,600 acres. It is bounded by Long Island Sound on the north, Block Island Sound on the east, Peconic Bay on the south, and the Town of Riverhead on the east. The "mainland" portion of the town is long and narrow in shape, approximately 21 miles in length, and covers an approximate area of 30,080 acres. The main east-west routes are County Route 48 (North Road) and State Route 25 (Main Road). The main north-south routes are in the Hamlets of Mattituck, Cutchogue, Peconic, Southold, and Greenport. The Long Island Railroad provides the town with both passenger and freight service. There are two Suffolk Transit bus routes (one provides service within the town, the other to the south fork as far as East Hampton), and the Sunrise Express bus (provides service to New York City). There are three ferry boat services in the town, the Greenport-Shelter Island Ferry, the Fishers Island-New London, Connecticut Ferry, and the Orient Point-New London, Connecticut Ferry. In addition, there is a ferry from Orient to Plum Island (disease research center) which is run by the federal government. There are three basic utility airports in the town. Mattituck Airport and Rose Field in Orient Point are privately owned, and Elizabeth Field on Fishers Island is owned by the town. The population has increased from 16,804 in 1970 to 19,172 in 1980 according to the United States Census, and Long Island Lighting Company's estimate as of January I, 1985 was 20,229. The population doubles during the summer months and this variation contributes to a seasonal economy. The major economic base industries in Southold are agriculture, commercial fishing, and tourism and recreation. Approximately 75% of the hotel and motel units in the town are seasonal, and approximately 31 % of the residences are seasonal/second homes. Agriculture is a dominant feature of Southold's economy. Though approximately 50% of the agricultural acreage is used for potato production, recently this use has been decreasing while nurseries, vineyards, vegetable farms, and horse farms have been increasing. For the most part in Southold, residential development has taken place first along the shores of Peconic Bay and Long Island Sound. As the population increases, however, the center section of the township is becoming more developed and summer homes are giving way to year round dwellings. The present economic stability of the area is good. New residential construction has been aided by falling mortgage interest rates. The local schools are considered to be excellent. LAND USE BY ACRES Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation Institutional Recreational Agricultural Roadways Water Vacant TOTAL 5,840 80 110 350 990 2,360 12,000 1,790 700 10,380 34,600 - 5 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . AREA MAP , ;;; cr J'I i! 10 Ii }< ........u\(> DW!_'Rl'll~I~,}.~....:~... ~ ; -fJ.;r;. <:> ~ ~t. ~"''''''' C6 """', 't. \~ \~ I \ J '\ ~ , !;j ... \ ...~ ~ )1 ~ '< 8 _/ le,....... \ ... / "'I ---~\ -- (.;i, I ! ) Ii /" ~ i! r 1/ /r Arj - o 'Z- :> 'd, o ~ '!l. - 6 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . NEIGHBORHOOD DATA The subject property is located in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. Mattituck is located approximately 83 miles east of Manhattan, and it is bounded by Long Island Sound on the north, the Hamlet of Cutchogue on the east, Peconic Bay on the south, and the Hamlet of Laurel on the west. Mattituck covers an area of approximately 12,200 acres. The area is rural in nature with the majority of the acreage being utilized for agricultural purposes. The main farm produces are potatoes, cabbage, and cauliflower. Vineyards are the new agricultural trend due mainly to the mild winters and fertile soil. Mattituck is the second most populous hamlet in the Town of Southold. The population has increased from 3,039 in 1970 to 3,923 in 1980 according to the United States Census, and Long Island Lighting Company's estimate as of January I, 1985 was 4,170. The population doubles during the summer months. Approximately 21% of the residences in Mattituck are seasonal/second homes. Mattituck has its own volunteer fire department, a public library, and two banks. It is serviced by the Mattituck-Cutchogue School District, the largest in the Town of Southold, which covers grades kindergarten through 12. The local newspapers available are the Long Island Traveler-Watchman, The Suffolk Times, Suffolk Life, and Newsday. The area is serviced by a local taxi company, and there is a station on the Long Island Railroad's main line with service twice daily in both directions. Bus lines travel to Greenport, the Hamptons, New York City, and points in between. There are restaurants, a small privately owned airport, a playhouse, and numerous marinas. The main shopping area is along Love Lane with convenience type stores. There is a shopping center on the Main Road which includes a five screen movie theater and an A &: P supermarket. The present economic stability of the area is good. New residential construction has been aided by falling mortgage interest rates. The local schools are considered to be excellent. There are houses of worship for most major denominations throughout the area. - '1 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is located at the south side of New Suffolk A venue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. The property has an approximate area of 49.140 acres of which approximately 158,700 square feet, or 3.643 acres, is wetland. It has frontages of 1,472.57 feet on New Suffolk Avenue, 1,275.88 feet on Hall's Creek (a.k.a. Mud Creek), 217.23 feet on Great Peconic Bay, 298.55 feet on Deep Hole Creek (a.k.a. Willis Creek), and 1,677.97 feet on Dredged Creek (arm of Deep Hole Creek). New Suffolk Avenue is a two lane macadam road. All of the creeks are shallow. The property is irregular in shape. The east side of the property is gently rolling, wooded, and has a dirt road which runs parallel to Hall's Creek. A macadam road with privet hedges and maple trees on either side bisects the property. There are generally level overgrown fields on either side of the macadam road. A dirt road runs parallel to the macadam road at its southern end, then runs northwest to New Suffolk A venue. There are privet hedges along the entire length of the New Suffolk Avenue frontage. The west side of the property is wooded along the Dredged Creek frontage. The frontage along Peconic Bay is slightly rolling and approximately five feet above a sandy beach. The property is improved with a two story frame barn with an attached H story apartment, three detached sheds, a garage, and a barn. As prescribed in "Subdivision Analysis", an educational memorandum of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, "adding the value of existing improvements to the land value when such improvements are not consistent with future use and/or market data" is an unacceptable technique. "Addition of improvement value under these circumstances violates the principles of contribution, consistent use, and highest and best use." Therefore, these improvements will not be considered or applied to the final valuation estimate. - 8 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ,.. Cl .... c: '" ... .. "" I" "'UI ~ ... :::~ <> '" C),. ~ '" 8~ .. -- 8' .. .- " It ... ~ Cl Cl " ... ~ . -. '- '" '- 't> ~ "" ... . .. - ,0- " ... '. ... !'\ '1.:0 ~ " " .... .... .. . .' . SKETCH OF SUBJECT PROPERTY SUF,O~K 'I tf6. 8' . , ... ' IV I, ". ~, . /:' , I ~ , ... I .... , ",' hi .. . ~ ' >t . ~ ~ ~. ( 't.J It 1"\iI'~ () '>> '" ~ , , . I \ \ ,. 1" ~. o'j1fi 'jlli ~.' - 9 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVIDED SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is located at the south side of New Suffolk A venue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. "Harbor View" has an approximate gross area of 49.140 acres, of which approximately 158,700 square feet, or 3.643 acres, is wetland. It has frontages on New Suffolk Avenue, Hall's Creek, Great Peconic Bay, Deep Hole Creek, and Dredged Creek. New Suffolk Avenue is a two lane macadam road. All of the creeks are shallow. As subdivided, the subject property will consist of a central water supply area (plots 1 and 2), 2 drainage areas, a Peconic Bay community beach with access, and 38 plots for residential development. There will be a drainage easement 12' in width along both sides of the new roads (Hall's Creek Drive, Meadow Beach Lane, Pasture Lane, and Willis Creek Drive). Each plot will provide for its own sewage disposal system with a 900 gallon septic tank and 300 square foot side wall leaching pooI(s). Plots 1-4, 6, 7, 20, 25-27, 30, 31, and 33-40 will use a 1 pool system; plots 5, 8-11, 18, 19, 21-24, 28, 29, and 32 will use a 2 pool system; and plots 12-17 will use a 3 pool system. The average net or upland area for each of the 38 residential plots is approximately 42,595 square feet, with a range of from 31,924 to 61,365 square feet. The 38 residential plots are differentiated as follows: 8 plots with Hall's Creek frontage 2 plots with Peconic Bay frontage 1 plot with Deep Hole Creek frontage 8 plots with Dredged Creek frontage 3 plots with New Suffolk Avenue frontage 16 interior plots According to the engineer's bond estimate (see page 46), there will be approximately 5,000 linear feet of roads with curbs on either side, 17 catch basins (8' depth), 2 catch basins (4' depth), 2,325 linear feet of 18" diameter drainage pipe, vertical sand drains, 5 street signs, 3 dead end signs, and 5 stop signs. Water supply for the subdivision will be provided by a central water supply system located on plots 1 and 2. There will be 5,000 linear feet of 6" water main pipe, 5 yard hydrants (map shows 6), and 2 fire wells. - 10 - I . . I SUBDIVISION MAP OF SUBJECT PROPERTY I I , ~i I/.~ ;- .J~iil ~..5 ,-j~f: "Ii:! I I ~ 1'1 _.ell ~.. !: ~ . \0.0 ". s: )J~' tt~~~ ~~~~~ ~~:~~ _ .... '<l ... '^ . ninl'l' .",.- tHill, : I ;1 I ,.." ~.' .... ..... ~ i .... ~; . ...,.... d".' "...~.. .<"" '~I(' '~/':';- ';'~'" 1 '[,1' I L ~',.,~.j. I ;1 I _ ,-~ -= ("" ''',. " ~=. ',:/ i til \ ,'.~I: -i' \.\. ~\~'''.\'' \'"', "', ". I ,'! r----.II I '\ \ \~'''';\r'\;;.-,I-.,i ~r.ir.:il~ I - ',~,~'...i),'1 l!..~" \' \ . ~o..,!f. ~I ,~ ~~~.(H>~/'\" , \\ . -'-__'l~'I!: ")!;"!~/,--~,((\, \ [i}!~f:! I" ' \~\.; ~\ \i'.\ 'I.";: - --~ ; I \. \\c~~_~\~4"~'.~ t'~:' \ . \:- \ 'I; \'" \ \ \ '. "~~.-..\; ': \ \ /' .,;; \, li f : \ ,l., \!' \ ""'.,1') '\ ' , \ ... Y:~,' ..- l;~j ...1' \\ 1 '...t.:~ ~ . ,..- '\ . '" 1"'11 \' '.....' i ,;.~... ,'\ ii, I' ~l, \ ,l., \ ' ._'I!'f- -r'l J .2i'~ ~ ~\ \'. . :" .,.,\. Ii ,\ ~ \,' l ';-1';; ~~T?~'''' /':.:"")~j ~\-~\ '. ~;\. '/'!' J';""'",i I!I~)' l' \'\' '.- , ,.l'....~-. 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PHOTOS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ~'- 1a.'.1 ~:!i.~ ~ ~, New Suffolk Avenue frontage looking west New Suffolk Avenue frontage looking east -12- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . PHOTOS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Hall's Creek frontage looking south '4 _, ,:-- -<:,~.=o- ~_ ~ _ '.. ..~Ii=.. ....r.r ~ ," ~ ,,--. ~~-~- - -' J ~ . ~!. ._ \?:t~...",;- !....'jI'k::<. '.'.-. ,- (;$-~ '~:~~',;:,,':,:~'~"- Dirt road running parallel to and west of Hall's Creek -13- \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . PHOTOS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY . Macadam road looking north -- West side of macadam road looking north - 14 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . PHOTOS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Mouth of Hall's Creek Mouth of Deep Hole Creek - 15 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . PHOTOS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY , I I .ol..'! .;.. "-1.'- ..11- .. - __ ~ , .;,... -r. t oJ - --"",'-i "'/. .....~. J",/.- '4:",... ~~. _ ..., 't.: \......,; .L~ - ~ ',. .......... 1'& r:~- - .... ~ n._ >"'_ t . ."17:".. >!.~ > , ..,.... ;,~ - - ,.- ~ "- .'-- -.:.... .. 'l.. --~ '"" - -- Peconic Bay frontage East side of Peconic Bay frontage looking north - 16 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . PHOTOS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY North end of Dredged Creek Dredged Creek frontage looking south - 17 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . PHOTOS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Looking north from west side of Dredged Creek Looking south from west side of Dredged Creek - 18 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . OWNERSHIP Mattituck Harbor Associates and Bay View Ventures, Ltd. acquired title to the subject property by virtue of a deed dated March 11, 1982 from H. Alvin Smith and Company, Inc., care of Richard J. Cron, Esq., Main Road, Cutchogue, New York, and Martin Suter, of New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York. The deed was recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 23, 1982 in liber 9158 of deeds at page 355. TAXES AND ASSESSED VALUATION The subject property is assessed by the Town of Southold as follows: Owner: Mattituck Harbor Associates &: another c/o Anthony T. Conforti, Esq. 739 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 SCTM: District 1000: Section 115; Block 17: and Lot 17 The 1985 assessed valuation is: Land: $23,300 Total: $25,000 The 1985-86 real estate taxes are: $8,452.32 ZONING The sUbject property is zoned "A" Residential-Agricultural by the Town of Southold, and this residential district permits single-family dwellings. The minimum requirements of this district were amended on May 17, 1983 as follows: Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Livable Floor Area Off-Street Parking 80,000 square feet 200 feet 400 feet 50 feet 30 feet (total of 50 feet) 75 feet 850 s.f. per dwelling unit 2 spaces Lot Coverage Building Height Maximum of 20% of lot area Maximum of 2i stories or 35 feet The sUbject property as subdivided does not conform to the requirements of this district. However, as per Section 100-31 B. (2) from the Code of the Town of Southold, the bulk and parking requirements for single-family dwellings as set forth in Column A-40 of the Bulk and Parking Schedule shall apply. The average plot in the planned subdivision conforms to the A-40 requirements. - 19 - I I I I I I I I I I I I . . HIGHEST AND BEST USE Highest and Best Use is defined by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers as follows: "Tha t reasonable and profitable use that will support the highest present value, as defined, as of the effective date of the appraisal. Alternatively, that use, from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and which results in highest land value. The definition immediately above applies specifically to the Highest and Best Use of land. It is to be recognized that in cases where a site has existing improvements on it, the Highest and Best Use may very well be determined to be different from the existing use. The existing use will continue, however, unless and until land value in its Highest and Best Use exceeds the total value of the property in its existing use. Implied within these definitions is recognition of the contribution of that specific use to community environment or to community development goals in addition to wealth maximization of individual property owners. Also implied is that the determination of Highest and Best Use results from the appraisers' judgment and analytical skill, i.e., that the use determined from analysis represents an opinion, not a fact to be found. In appraisal practice, the concept of Highest and Best Use represents the premise upon which value is based. In the context of most probable selling price, (market value), another appropriate term to reflect Highest and Best Use would be most probable use. In the context of investment value, an alternative term would be most profitable use." The subject property is a 49.140 acre parcel of land zoned "A" Residential- Agricultural by the Town of Southold. The property owners have received preliminary approval for a major residential subdivision. Market research has indicated that as of June 6, 1986, residential zoned acreage with waterfrontage was worth approximately $24,000 an acre. Therefore, as raw acreage, the subject property has an approximate value of $1,179,360. Market research has indicated that as an approved subdivision with all road improvements installed, the subject property has an approximate value of $4,030,000. Therefore, it is your appraiser's opinion that the Highest and Best Use of the subject property is as developed as a major residential subdivision. There currently is a market for improved plots in the vicinity of the subject property. - 20 - I I I I I I I I I I I I . . . APPRAISAL PROCESS An appraisal is an estimate of value. In arriving at an estimate of market value for the subject property, it is appraisal practice to assemble as much information from the market as is available and to properly utilize this information in forming the value estimate. There are three accepted methods for finding indications of value and the eventual development of a final value estimate. Each is based upon the principle of substitution. 1. Cost Approach 2. Market Data Approach 3. Income Approach The Cost Appl'Oach to Value is an estimate of the cost of purchasing a comparable site and reproducing the subject improvements. An estimate of the site value is first derived by a direct sales comparison of other similar sites which have sold in comparison to the sUbject site. An estimate is then made of the cost of reproducing the sUbject improvements at the date of the appraisal. From this cost is deducted the estimated loss in value through diminished utility such as physical deterioration, functional obsolescence, or loca tional obsolescence. The estimate of market value is the combination of the site value and value of the improvements including all site improvements. The Market Data Appl'Oach is a method of arriving at market value. The components of the definition of market value indicate the factors to be considered in attempting to estimate, from market data of sales of competitive properties, what the subject is most likely to sell for under specified market conditions. The Market Data Approach utilizes the sales of similar properties as the basis for an indication of value for the subject property. Direct comparisons are made between the sales and the subject on an item-by-item basis such as location, date of sale, conditions of sale, terms of financing, as well as physical characteristics. Adjustments are made to the sales price of each comparable property to arrive at an indication of what that property would have sold for had it been similar in all respects to the subject property. These adjusted sales prices are correlated into an indication of value. In most cases, there are more than one meaningful unit of comparison for any given type of property. The Income Approach to Value is an estimate which is made by estimating, by comparable rentals, the market rent which the SUbject property would command if rented on the open market at the date of the appraisal. Estimates are also made of the appropriate vacancy and expense ratios for the subject based on information developed from similar properties in the market. An indication of the net operating income which is attributable to the subject is developed. This indicator is the basis for any of the capitalization techniques, regardless of which one is indicated by the type of property or investor. The rate of return on investments in similar type properties is derived from the market, and this rate, combined with the mortgage constant times the value to loan ratio, will give a weighted average; from the weighted average credit for an equity build-up is subtracted and adjustment is made for appreciation or depreciation if required; this will give an overall rate which is used to capitalize the indicated net income into an indication of value by the Income Approach. After arriving at an indication of value by the three approaches, these are correlated into a single conclusion of value. -21- I I I I I I I I I I I . . INDICATED WATERFRONT ACREAGE VALUE - MARKET DATA APPROACH Four sales of acreage with waterfrontage zoned itA" Residential-Agricultural by the Town of Southold will be compared to the subject. The adjustments to the sales prices are as follows: Sale #WAl Sale #W A2 Sale #WA3 Sale #WA4 Date of Sale 7/30/85 7/3/85 4/25/85 12/23/85 Land Area (acres) 49.6 47.5 60.8 14.2 Waterfrontage (feet) 1,500 451 1,534 1,013 Purchase Price $900,000 $750,000 $999,000 $500,000 Price Per Acre $18,145 $15,789 $16,431 $35,211 ADJUSTMENTS (PER ACRE): Time +3,875 +3,618 +4,621 +4,035 Land Area - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - -7,042 Road Access - 0 - +1,579 - 0 - -8,803 W a terfrontage +1,815 +3,947 +1,643 +3,521 Net Adjustments +5,690 +9,144 +6,264 -8,289 INDICATED VALUE: $23,835 $24,933 $22,695 $26,922 CORRELATION Your appraisers have proximity to the subject. waterfrontage. utilized four sales of comparable waterfront acreage property in The sales were adjusted for time, land area, road access, and All of the sales occurred prior to the appraisal date, so they were positively adjusted by the annual rate of 25% to reflect their value appreciation. Market research indicated that an annual appreciation rate of 25% was applicable for property with waterfrontage. Sale #W A4 has a land area of 14.2 acres, while the sUbject's land area is 49.140 acres, so it was negatively adjusted by 20% to reflect the fact that small parcels of land sell for a higher price per acre than larger parcels. Sale # W A3 has a larger land area than the subject, but not enough to warrant an adjustment. Sales #W Al and #W A2 are comparable to the subject, so no adjustment was necessary. Sale #W A2 has a long, narrow rectangular shape with only 537 feet of frontage on Oregon Road, so it was positively adjusted by 10% to reflect its inferiority. Sale #W A4 has less road frontage than the subject, but its ratio of road frontage to land area is much greater, so it was negatively adjusted by 25% to reflect its superiority. Sales #W Al and #W A3 are comparable to the subject, so no adjustment was necessary. All of the sales have less waterfrontage than the subject, so they were positively adjusted to reflect their inferiority. Sales #WAl, #WA3, and #WA4 were adjusted by 10%, and Sale #W A2 was adjusted by 25%. The range in value after the above adjustments were made was from $22,695 to $26,922 per acre. It is your appraisers' opinion that the Fair Market Value of the subject property as raw acreage by the Market Data Approach as of June 6, 1986 is: $24,000 per acre X 49.140 acres = $1,179,360 ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS ($1.1 '19.360) - 22 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE IWAl LOCATION: Peconic, New York SCTM: 1000-86-1-9 DATE OF SALE: 7/30/85 GRANTOR: Anna V. Fiore, et al. 75 Down East Lane Southampton, NY 11968 DEED RECORDED: 2/4/86 Liber 9972 at page 434 GRANTEE: Richmond Creek Associates 29 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 D/S: $3,600.00 LAND AREA: 49.6 acres A major subdivision was given sketch approval (42 one-acre plots) on July 2, 1985. ~Ab ~I~"'j fIl A' II- r; If , lu 3 4> WATERFRONTAGE: 1,500 feet CONSIDERA TION: $900,000 CONSIDERATION PER ACRE: $18,145 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $13.600 (1985) Total $21,800 -- .... ,... "( - -- - l/r - 23 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE 'WA2 LOCATION: Mattituck, New York GRANTOR: Noble Vineyards Ltd. c/o Wofsey, Certilman, Haft, Esqs. 71 South Central Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11580 GRANTEE: Rial Realty Corp. 20 Audrey Avenue Oyster Bay, NY 11771 LAND AREA: 47.5 acres WATERFRONTAGE: 451 feet CONSIDERA TION: $750,000 CONSIDERATION PER ACRE: $15,789 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $17,900 (1985) Total $21,900 SCTM: 1000-95-1-3 DATE OF SALE: 7/3/85 DEED RECORDED: 7/15/85 Liber 9830 at page 461 D/S: $3,000.00 After date of sale, owner filed for a minor subdivision of three two-acre waterfront plots on Long Island Sound. / - 24 - .(. /. SOU/olD ~.fl' .tit .,... I~ 'll ~I J-.I7 . o llt":G<l o.J 871' 1>~or ... 0( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -.... . . MARKET DATA SALE 'WA3 LOCATION: Southold, New York SCTM: 1000-56-1-2 DATE OF SALE: 4/25/85 DEED RECORDED: 5/22/85 Liber 9795 at page 392 GRANTOR: Alvin Chumsky, et al. 764 Imperial Drive Baldwin, NY 11510 GRANTEE: Bayview Land Corp. 120 Mineola Boulevard Mineola, NY 11501 D/S: $3,996.00 LAND AREA: 60.8 acres Major residential subdivision with a total of 37 one-acre plots (Section One under development, Section Two has sketch plan approval). CJC(3:CI< WATERFRONTAGE: 1,534 feet CONSIDERA TION: $999,000 CONSIDERATION PER ACRE: $16,431 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural J-D1-I6 ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $18,800 (1985) Total $18,800 4' ~..,.....,.". . ... " " '~.. ,~,~ "~I . .., S- o ~ 0- , I ., "I ) q r'-2 . " " r- 473 ' - 25 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE IWA4 LOCATION: Cutchogue, New York GRANTOR: Mary M. Kelleher &: Sarah Moore Suffolk A venue Cutchogue, NY 11935 GRANTEE: Winds Way Building Corp. 1020 Glen Road Southold, NY 11971 SCTM: 1000-116-1-8 DATE OF SALE: 12/23/85 DEED RECORDED: 1/15/86 Liber 9957 at page 183 D/S: $2,000.00 LAND AREA: 14.2 acres Property has frontages of 1,243 feet on Linden Avenue, which is an improved road, and 920 feet on The North Fork Country Club. . WATERFRONTAGE: 1,013 feet CONSIDERATION: $500,000 CONSIDERATION PER ACRE: $35,211 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $4,000 (1985) Total $4,100 "" '::t, ~ N - Ih .'" 2.", '( 1 , "" <:l A " So Q-- JIll: ~"- k' - 26 - ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . LOCATION MAP OF COMPARABLE WATERFRONT ACREAGE SALES . \\.\e V. - 27 - ~ .v~ ~JI vO q; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INDICATED tYFRONT PLOT VALUE - MARK! DATA APPROACH Four sales of bayfront plots zoned "A" Residential-Agricultural by the Town of Southold will be used to arrive at an indicated plot value for the subject's two bayfront plots. The adjustments to the sales prices are as follows: Date of Sale Plot Size (s.f.) Waterfrontage (ft.) Loca tion Purchase Price Sale IIBPI Sale IIBP2 Sale IIBP3 Sale IIBP4 2/14/86 10/1/84 10/17/85 10/8/84 65,340 33,750 43,220 43,190 100 100 109 239 Peconic South old Greenport Orient $215,000 $215,000 $170,000 $150,000 ADJUSTMENTS: Time Access Loca tion Buildable Area Net Adjustments +16,797 +90,703 +27,448 +62,500 +10,750 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - +17,000 +15,000 - 0 - - 0 - +17,000 - 0 - +27,547 +90,703 +61,448 +77,500 $242,547 $305,703 $231,448 $227,500 CORRELATION INDICATED VALUE: Your appraisers have utilized four sales of comparable bay front plots in proximity to the subject. The sales were adjusted for time, access, location, and buildable area. It appears that plot size has no bearing on purchase price as long as the plot is buildable, so no adjustment was made for plot size. All of the sales occurred prior to the appraisal date, so they were positively adjusted by the annual rate of 25% to reflect their value appreciation. Market research indicated that an annual appreciation rate of 25% was applicable for bayfront plots. Sale IIBPI is located on a gravel road off of a narrow private road, so it was positively adjusted by 5% to reflect its inferior access. All of the other sales are located on improved roads, so no adjustment was necessary. Sale IIBP3 is located in Greenport, and Sale IIBP4 is located in Orient, so they were positively adjusted by 10% to reflect their inferior location. Sale IIBPI is located in peconic, and Sale IIBP2 is located in Southold. These two locations are comparable to Mattituck, so no adjustment was necessary. Sale IIBP3 is bisected by Gull Pond Inlet, which reduces its buildable area, so it was positively adjusted by 10% to reflect its inferiority. All of the other sales are comparable to the SUbject's two plots, so no adjustment was warranted. The range in value after the above adjustments were made was from $227,500 to 305,703. It is your appraisers' opinion that the Fair Market Value of a bayfront plot on an improved road by the Market Data Approach as of June 6, 1986 is: TWO HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($240,000) - 28 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE 'OPi LOCATION: Peconic, New York SCTM: 1000-98-3-17 GRANTOR: Ernest L. Sauer, ux. 55 Dorchester Road Smithtown, NY 11787 DATE OF SALE: 2/14/86 DEED RECORDED: 3/3/86 Liber 9988 at page 416 GRANTEE: Margaret A. McGwire 915 Wi therbee Court Pelham, NY 10803 D/S: $860.00 PLOT SIZE: 65,340 square feet Dwelling under construction since date of sale. WATERFRONTAGE: 100 feet CONSIDERATION: $215,000 N ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $2,200 (1985) Total $2,200 ,.. J> -\ ~'r Ct*' ~0 1. - 29 - I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE 'BP2 LOCATION: Southold, New York GRANTOR: Joseph J. Grillo, ux. 54 Elm Tree Lane Jericho, NY 11753 GRANTEE: Harriet Freedman 2030 Leeton Drive Southold, NY 11971 PLOT SIZE: 33,750 square feet W ATERFRONTAGE: 100 feet CONSIDERA nON: $215,000 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED V ALU A nON: Land $2,000 (1985) Total $2,000 . ~"'~~, ~~- .... ""'. SCTM: 1000-66-2-44 DATE OF SALE: 10/1/84 DEED RECORDED: 10/11/84 Liber 9656 at page 429 D/S: $860.00 Improved with a two story frame dwelling since date of sale. I 1-4,PP. D~i)""~ \.lJ ':l:>~. :< ~ -I l'I . Trr~o-;; -,v:;. \U ~ ~ ~ 1: C) ~ ~ :::t' V) ~ "' IDO' , ~ I') , . ~ r, 100 . .;)<> vTNo Lb ~ A Y - 30 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE ,BP3 LOCATION: Greenport. New York SCTM: 1000-43-5-7 &: 21 GRANTOR: William H. Price. ano. 1345 Long Creek Drive Southold, NY 11971 DATE OF SALE: 10/17/85 DEED RECORDED: 12/6/85 Liber 9930 at page 321 GRANTEE: John Racanelli 329 Massapequa Avenue Massapequa. NY 11758 D/S: $680.00 WATERFRONTAGE: 109 feet Improved with a two story frame dwelling since date of sale. L I /'f1AIoIJ../A"" e-, Av~ PLOT SIZE: 43.220 square feet ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $1.000 (1985) Total $1.000 <i ;... '/ N I- ~ I' 'll I \I) ~ .; - ,no "'III ~ ~ 'I ~ ~ , . ~ I c{.g.... \ol II .. l\< ': ~ " " 'I '. CONSIDERA nON: $170.000 ZONING: II A" Residential-Agricultural - 31 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --....... . . MARKET DATA SALE 'OP4 LOCATION: Orient, New York SCTM: 1000-31-14-12 GRANTOR: Frank Gillespie 116 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 200 Islip, NY 11751 DATE OF SALE: 10/8/84 DEED RECORDED: 10/24/84 Liber 9664 at page 587 GRANTEE: Irene McKasty 6 Fireplace Road Brookhaven, NY 11719 D/S: $600.00 PLOT SIZE: 43,190 square feet Improved with a frame dwelling since date of sale. >. 'f .q '3 ... ':t .. ~ >. ~ ~ I{ \J ~ ~ , '" ~ 'l'- It "- "i "l 't. l'l IlJ ~ ~ If' .r' - I.l ~ It \!) WATERFRONTAGE: 239 feet CONSIDERATION: $150,000 N ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $6,100 (1985) Total $6,200 :..<--:ji'~i1'" -., - 32 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . LOCATION MAP OF COMPARABLE BAYFRONT PLOT SALES SALE 13PJ,l _\ . '''';,k . ,~CONIC It OUllD _ .>-lD S tP~G ISJ,.l"- t SUBJECf hi \!{-- DAY ,rrl,& I / I ~ ~ ,_ ~i'l- - 33 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . INDICATED CREEKFRONT PLOT VALUE - MARKET DATA APPROACH Four sales of creek front plots zoned "A" Residential-Agricultural by the Town of Southold will be used to arrive at an indicated plot value for each of the subject's 17 creekfront plots. The adjustments to the sales prices are as follows: Sale ilCPl Sale ilCP2 Sale ilCP3 Sale ilCP4 Da te of Sale 12/13/85 5/22/85 11/15/85 11/15/85 Plot Size (s.f.) 44,945 22,275 50,490 52,270 Creekfront Quality Superior Superior Inferior Inferior Purchase Price $127,500 $115,000 $93,500 $89,000 ADJUSTMENTS: Time +15,273 +29,948 +13,148 +12,516 Creekfront Quality -12,750 -11,500 +9,350 +8,900 Net Adjustments +2,523 +18,448 +22,498 +21,416 INDICATED VALUE: $130,023 $133,448 $115,998 $110,416 CORRELATION Your appraisers have utilized four sales of comparable creekfront plots in proximity to the subject. The sales were adjusted for time and creek front quality. It appears that plot size has no bearing on purchase price as long as the plot is buildable, so no adjustment was made for plot size. All of the sales occurred prior to the appraisal date, so they were positively adjusted by the annual rate of 25% to reflect their value appreciation. Market research indicated that an annual appreciation rate of 25% was applicable for creekfront plots. Sales ilCPl and i/CP2 have deep water creek frontage, superior to the subject, so they were negatively adjusted by 10% to reflect their superiority. Sales i/CP4 have marshy creek frontage, inferior to the subject, so they were positively adjusted by 10% to reflect their inferiority. The range in value after the above adjustments were made was from $110,416 to $133,448 per plot. It is your appraisers' opinion that the Fair Market Value of a creekfront plot on an improved road by the Market Data Approach as of June 6, 1986 is: ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($125,000) - 34 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------ . . MARKET DATA SALE 'CPl LOCATION: Mattituck, New York SCTM: 1000-106-6-25 GRANTOR: Robert Foudy 3121 N.E. 55th Court Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33308 DATE OF SALE: 12/13/85 GRANTEE: Tovey C. Lesnikowski North Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 DEED RECORDED: 1/2/86 Liber 9948 at page 46 D/S: $510.00 PLOT SIZE: 44,945 square feet Vacant plot on a dirt road. WATERFRONTAGE: 75 feet CONSIDERATION: $127,500 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural .r,,, . .rt~, If ASSESSED V ALUA TION: Land $2,000 (1985) Total $2,000 J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE 'CP2 LOCATION: Mattituck, New York SCTM: 1000-113-4-7 DATE OF SALE: 5/22/85 DEED RECO RDED: 5/30/85 Liber 9800 at page 111 GRANTOR: C. Raymond Radigan 6 Tenth Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 GRANTEE: Paul Galgan, ux. 4 Ferncliff Road Huntington, NY 11740 PLOT SIZE: 22,275 square feet D/S: $460.00 Vacant plot on an improved road. WATERFRONTAGE: 120 feet ASSESSED V ALUA TION: Land $2,400 (1985) Total $2,400 4;:/ l,,'" ~JAC.I<.$!l"'J ~.8(' lop' Li> J.Jb( JIG: CONSIDERATION: $115,000 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural N .... Q I'i ~ ~ 12.0' )-IOf..4JAl>..bf Ci!"EA: - 36 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE 'CP3 LOCATION: Mattituck, New York SCTM: 1000-100-3-10.13 DATE OF SALE: 11/15/85 DEED RECORDED: 12/9/85 Liber 9931 at page 308 D/S: $374.00 GRANTOR: James Del Giorno, ux. 33-46 163rd Street Flushing, NY 11358 GRANTEE: Joseph Policano, UX. 90 Stratford Road W. Hempstead, NY 11552 PLOT SIZE: 50,490 square feet Vacant plot on an improved road. ~ 1> -I -i -\ c. (\ ].. n ~ ". ", ~ Ii "l;a:-A. ..11 c o.J All Eo I' o. " WATERFRONT AGE: 120 feet CONSIDERATION: $93,500 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $1,400 (1985) Total $1,400 N .. . Ii) b ... "l - 31 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE 'CPt LOCATION: Mattituck, New York SCTM: 1000-100-3-10.14 GRANTOR: Cyd D. Branciforte, ano. 105 Nassau Court Rocky Point, NY 11778 DATE OF SALE: 11115/85 DEED RECORDED: 11/26/85 Liber 9923 at page 598 GRANTEE: William H. Price Jr., ano. 2074 Bourbon Lane Southold, NY 11971 D/S: $356.00 PLOT SIZE: 52,270 square feet Dwelling under construction since date of sale. WATERFRONTAGE: 110 feet CONSIDERA TlON: $89,000 ~ ~---- ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural ASSESSED V ALUA TlON: Land $1,400 (1985) Total $1,400 ,10 ' .1-r"vC./<. />tA. C R..<:E~ - 38 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . LOCATION MAP OF COMPARABLE CREEKFRONT PLOT SALES ) .t~'~:/;~;'>'" .Ji~~ ";:i,~;,';i;:';,~~;'; " ...ir '~.' '~....4..:y ~"\~". ,~ ,I' "':::l- ,.,' . d' , >,~}];:~r ~~? .. , L . .~ :.~. " .' : "'':,.: [~:: ,.: ;':' . SOU~~) }.~U" 1.S1.>.. '.' D..,. "'.4 " ~ ... -...... - . !,!-ffill",Y.C. "": IV 'j:~;~:~~,t~/~..:':~:~' .~~t~ ':,: ( ,I, .....'\' "" ,'" t of I ~ . ~.', ~.,:r..,r:";.'~" ~ ~::::., ('~ ..:.~", . tn! " .. "'V.1' . : '. ~. . ~ . 4. :a.. " '. ~. .. .': ':.(~'.:..;.>>'Jldfl .""0 , . . .,v".# ~ ;p,... ,{" 'f""'" ..... ,. ~ ."" ./. ~,;:.,..~ I" ,"' ~ ';'.'" GREAT PECONIC BAY , . . I, L';::" ~'.,.- - 39 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . INDICATED INTERIOR PLOT VALUE - MARKET DATA APPROACH Four sales of interior plots with beach rights zoned "A" Residential-Agricultural by the Town of Southold will be used to arrive at an indicated plot value for each of the sUbject's 19 interior plots. The adjustments to the sales prices are as follows: Date of Sale Plot Size Loca tion Purchase Price Sale #IPl Sale #IP2 Sale #IP3 Sale # IP4 2/14/86 7/8/85 3/7/85 12/28/84 26,160 41,400 25,000 32,210 Mattituck Bayview Mattituck Mattituck $70,000 $58,000 $52,500 $69,800 ADJUSTMENTS: Time +4,375 +4,375 +10,633 +10,633 +13,125 +20,068 +20,068 Net Adjustments +13,125 INDICATED VALUE: $74,375 $68,633 CORRELATION $65,625 $89,868 Your appraisers have utilized four sales of comparable interior plots with beach rights in proximity to the sUbject. The sales are very comparable to the subject, so the only adjustment required was for time. Though the sales differed in plot size, it appears that plot size has no bearing on purchase price as long as the plot is buildable. All of the sales occurred prior to the appraisal date, so they were positively adjusted by the annual rate of 20% to reflect their value appreciation. Market research indicated that an annual appreciation rate of 20% was applicable for interior plots with beach rights. The range in value after the above adjustments were made was from $65,625 to $89,868. It is your appraisers' opinion that the Fair Market Value of an interior plot on an improved road with beach rights by the Market Data Approach as of June 6, 1986 is: SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75.000) - 40 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE IIPI LOCATION: Mattituck, New York SCTM: 1000-99-3-4.10 DATE OF SALE: 2/14/86 DEED RECORDED: 2/26/86 Liber 9985 at page 536 GRANTOR: Walter Gatz Sound A venue Mattituck, NY 11952 GRANTEE: William J. Walters, ux. The Long Way East Marion, NY 11939 D/S: $280.00 LAND AREA: 26,160 square feet Vacant plot on an improved road and being cleared for development. CONSIDERATION: $70,000 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural Ii 10'1' r: ::. LA^,C ~ J 3'13' ~ ~ ~ ~ . . v, ASSESSED V ALVA TION: Land (1985) Total $500 $500 r- ;- I") <'! "l 10 l' - 41 - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE 'IP2 LOCATION: Bayview, New York SCTM: 1000-79-4-17.8 DATE OF SALE: 7/8/85 DEED RECORDED: 7/19/85 Liber 9835 at page 101 GRANTOR: Frederick and lIarold Reese 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, NY 11563 GRANTEE: Ryck A. Koke Schooner Drive Southold, NY 11971 D/S: $232.00 LAND AREA: 41,400 square feet Vacant plot on an improved road. CONSIDERATION: $58,000 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural A tJC!.Ho ~ 1-..-44<:;- tv N ~ , (!.. ~I f.l. rJ IIJ Plo' ' /\.. /\.. -:J. 0 -J , 0 ~ <l ~ I fy' ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $1,000 (1985) Total $1,000 - 42 - . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE IIP3 LOCATION: Mattituck. New York SCTM: 1000-99-3-4.14 GRANTOR: Walter Gatz 1800 Sound A venue Mattituck. NY 11952 DATE OF SALE: 3/7/85 DEED RECORDED: 3/12/85 Liber 9750 at page 458 GRANTEE: John A. Hofer, UX. 695 Theresa Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 D/S: $210.00 LAND AREA: 25,000 square feet Improved with a frame dwelling since date of sale. CONSIDERATION: $52,500 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural If ~' .. 'Z '] 1.2.5" '~ ~ ~ a I . <> Q g ~ . ry "I ") 1.2.r' :13(.' ~ - -p,,.q/(.'/jO """&<E:ACN (<:1:>, ASSESSED V A LUA nON: Land $500 (1985) Total $500 - 43 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE tIP", LOCATION: Mattituck, New York SCTM: 1000-99-3-4.11 GRANTOR: Richard Greenfield, UX. Soudview A venue Southold, NY 11971 DATE OF SALE: 12/28/84 DEED RECORDED: 4/9/85 Liber 9768 at page 105 GRANTEE: P &: C Construction, Inc. 117 Swan Lake Drive Patchogue, NY 11772 LAND AREA: 32,210 square feet D/S: $156.00 Improved with a two story frame dwelling since date of sale. CONSIDERATION: $69,800 ZONING: "A" Residential-Agricultural l\f 'Q ~ L...r-+AI-€ 'Z ~ m' ~ ~ <l ':l "J . '0 ASSESSED VALUATION: Land $1,000 (1985) Total $1,000 ~...._;t;'" . '-I' ,.~: .', '.~'." I'.... <, ~ - -44- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . LOCATION MAP OF COMPARABLE INTERIOR PLOT SALES "." \ . i -45- " , +- ~f-:;1.1 /~,,.Y / / / / / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '-~ ~J lJl,. . ( LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PRDFE.S'ONAL. ENdlNItER INL.IET LANE EXT. ClREENPDAT, N.Y. 11944 IUIEIENIID.T 7-'.53 June 9, 1986 Mr. Bennett OrlO1lllki, Cha1nan Southold Town Plarua1ng Board Southold, NY 11971 . (, JUN 1 0 1986 ReI 5..11v1810n eat1tled "lIarbor View" at Matt1tuck G@ntl...nl My est1aat. tor the boad tor roads, wat.r syste. and bpro.......te tor thlt abCTfe .eatioaed sub1iYlelo. 18 as tollows I Land c1ear1ng Ro.gh grad1ng 3,000 ey @ $ 3.00/oy Flae grad1Dg 5,000 It <<I $ 'l.00/lt S~ae1.g 5,000 lt @ $ 50.00/lt CVbe - .ountable 10,000 It @ $ 8,OO/lt Cateh baalas 8' depth 17 @ $ 1,800.00 ea 4'" 2 1,200.00 ea Manholes 6 @ $ 1,000.00 ea Pi~ 18" d1am Z,325 ~ $ 20.00/lt End walls , @ $ 100.00 ea Vertical sand dra1na Exoavation 400 01 @ $ 4.00/01 Fenoing 1,000 It @ $ l8.00/lt I\trb 1,000 It @ $ 8.00/lt Swale - loa. removal & sand replacement 18.000 -1 @ $ 8.00/oy Water supply system 6" Mia 5,000 It @ $ 12.00/lt 4" pipe 150 lt @ $ 8.00/11: 2t"" 800 It @ $ 4.00/1f .5 yard hydraate @ $ 600.00 ea 6 gate yalYes @ $ 500.00 ea pump house & eguipment bu1khe&d1ng 8 Lt @ $ 100.00.lt Seed1ng 6 acres @ $ 2,000.00 per acre Tre~e '30 @ $ 80.00 ea S~ 5 street 3 dead end, 5 stop @ $ 100.00 ea Mon.me.ts 50 @ 50.00 ea Fire wells 2 @ $ 3,000.00 ea Adm1n1strat1ye costs Inarease costs oyer 3 year per10d $ 5,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 250,000.00 80,000.00 30,600.00 2,400.00 6,000.00 46,500.00 300.00 1,600.00 18,000.00 8,000.00 144,000.00 60,000.00 1,200.00 3.200.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2~~,OOO.00 800.00 12,000.00 2,400.00 1,300.00 2,500.00 6,000.00 .55,600.00 140.000.00 $ 1,150,000.00 ~Ct1tu1l7 ..ba1tted, ~ .... /J /' 4/P ..'?<-._ ./)1. /' /-.Ajl'~' c:.;7"' .' -46- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . SUBDIVISION VALUE ANALYSIS The subject property is a 49.140 acre parcel of residentially zoned land which has received preliminary approval for a major subdivision with 38 plots. Since the property has preliminary approval for a subdivision, and no comparable sales of preliminary approved subdivisions were available, it was necessary for your appraisers to utilize two valuation methods as explained below: Method 1 In this method, waterfront acreage sales were utilized to determine the value of the raw acreage, and to this value was added developer's expected profit and estimated engineering and legal costs. Value of Raw Acreage (49.140 acres X $24,OOO/acre) Developer's Profit (2096 of $1,179,360) Engineering and Legal Costs $1,179,360 + 235,870 200,000 $1,615,230 INDICATED VALUE OF PRELIMINARY APPROVED SUBDIVISION Method 2 In this method, the gross value of acre plots on improved roads was first determined by utilizing comparable sales of bayfront, creekfront, and interior plots. From this value, expenses were subtracted to arrive at the net before return on capital and profit. Assuming a 4 year holding period, the net amount was divided by 4 and mUltiplied by the Present Worth of 1 Per Period factor at 9.596, 4 years. The result of this computation was then divided by 1.20 to reflect the developer'S profit and arrive at an indicated value of the preliminary approved subdivision. Expenses included development costs (see page 46), estimated engineering and legal costs, overhead, management fees, and real estate taxes. Actual rounded real estate taxes were used for the first year. The current mill rate of approximately $313 per $1000 of assessed valuation was applied to the anticipated increase in the SUbject's assessed valuation. Long Pond Estates, Section One was used as a model for the expected assessed valuation increase. Upon apportionment, assessment of plots in this subdivision increased from an average of $300 in 1985 to $1,400 in 1986 for interior plots, and from an average of $300 in 1985 to $2,075 in 1986 for waterfront plots. Assessment of recharge basins ($200 and $300), and a 2.8 acre park ($800) remained the same. Using these figures as a basis, the SUbject's second year assessed valuation was estimated to be $67,000, which indicates real estate taxes of $20,970. It was assumed that 4096 of the plots would be sold during the second year, 30% during the third year, and the remaining 3096 during the fourth year. - 47 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . Method 2 (continued) Gross Value of Plots: Bayfront (2 X $240,000) Creekfront (17 X $125,000) Interior (19 X $75,000) $480,000 2,125,000 1,425,000 $4,030,000 Expenses: Development Costs Engineering and Legal Costs Overhead (5% of $4,030,000) Management ($15,OOO/yr for 4 years) Real Estate Taxes (1985/86) (1986/87) (1987/88) (1988/89) $1,150,000 200,000 201,500 60,000 8,450 20,970 12,580 6,290 $1,659,790 Net Before Return on Capital and Profit - 1,659,790 $2,370,210 PW of 1 per period factor for 4 years, 9!%, is 3.2045 Average Annual Return $2,370,210/4 years = $592,550 Present Worth of Capital and Profit $592,550 X 3.2045 = $1,898,825 20% Profit $1,898,825/1.20 = $1,582,355 INDICATED VALUE OF PRELIMINARY APPROVED SUBDIVISION $1,582,355 Method 1 indicated a value of $1,615,230 for the preliminary approved sUbdivision, while Method 2 indicated a value of $1,582,355. It is your appraisers' opinion that the Fair Market Value of subject property as a preliminary approved major subdivision as of June 6, 1986 is: ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,600,000) - 48 - . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . I I I . . RBCONCILIATION AND CONCLUSION OF VALUB Indicated Value of Raw Acreage $1,179,360 Indicated Value of Preliminary Approved Subdivision $1,600,000 Indica ted Value of Developed Plots $4,030,000 The subject property is a 49.140 acre parcel of residentially zoned land which has received preliminary approval for a major subdivision with 38 plots. No comparable sales of preliminary approved major subdivisions were available, so it was necessary for your appraisers to utilize sales of waterfront acreage to establish the value of the subject property as raw acreage, and to utilize sales of bayfront, creekfront, and interior plots to establish the value of the sUbject property as an approved subdivision with all road improvements installed. Once the values as raw acreage and as developed plots were determined, it was necessary to adjust these values to reflect the fact that the subject property is worth more than raw acreage, but less then an approved major subdivision. These values were adjusted as explained in the two methods of the Subdivision Value Analysis on the preceding two pages of this report. Both methods assumed developer's profit of 20% and engineering and legal costs of $200,000. Method 1 utilized the raw acreage value and added the developer's profit and estimated experienced engineering and legal costs to this value to arrive at the indicated value of the subject as a preliminary approved subdivision. Method 2 utilized the gross value of the developed plots as a base, and from this base value expenses were subtracted, indicating the net before return on capital and profit. A four year holding period was assumed, so the net was divided by four to indicate the average annual return. A discount rate of 9.596 was applied to the average annual return to determine the approximate present worth of capital and profit. This present worth value was negatively adjusted by the expected 20% developer's profit to arrive at the value of the subject property as a preliminary approved subdivision. As indicated by both Methods 1 and 2, as of June 6, 1986, it is your appraisers' opinion that the Fair Market Value of the subject property as a preliminary approved subdivision is: ONB Mn..LION SIX HUNDRBD THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,600,000) - 49 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER Thomas J. Gorman has been actively engaged in appraising dwellings, farms, acreage, automobile service stations, and commercial properties for the past thirty years. The properties appraised have been located primarily in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York. He is a principal of Gorman & Associates, Love Lane, Mattituck, New York. This firm was organized in 1953 and has been actively engaged in general real estate brokerage specializing in the assembly of large tracts of residential acreage for major home builders throughout Suffolk County. In addition, he has personally engaged as a principal in all types of real estate development in the land and improvement field. The personal experience gained in the real estate brokerage and development fields has enhanced his ability of appraising land, dwellings, construction costs, special uses such as service stations, shopping centers, fast food restaurants, and single purpose office buildings in the Long Island area. On a fee basis he has appraised for, and been accepted as a qualified appraiser by attorneys, estates, Surrogate Courts, Internal Revenue Service, N. Y.S Court of Claims, N.Y.S. Public Service Commission, and other clients including: County of Suffolk Incorpora ted Village of Greenport Equitable Life Assurance Society Homequity Incorporated Bank of Babylon CrT Financial Corporation National Bank of North America Suffolk County National Bank Atlantic Richfield Refining Company BP Oil Corporation Crown Central Petroleum Corporation Shell Oil Company Agway American Can Company General Motors Corporation Libbey-Owens-Ford, Incorporated New London Freight Lines, Inc. The Bridgeport-Port Jefferson Steamboat Company - 50 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . He further has been retained for feasibility studies and site acquisitions by the following: Chevron Oil Company H.C. Bohack Grocery Company Howard Johnson Company Irving Trust Company King Kullen Grocery Company Shell Oil Company Universal C.I.T. Corporation U.S. Postal Service Prior to engaging in the real estate and appraisal business, he was employed by the Inter-County Title Guaranty Company for five years at duties which included title searching, tax searching, title closer, office manager, and Assistant Vice President. He is a member of the New York Society of Real Estate Appraisers (1958), and the Long Island Society of Real Estate Appraisers. Appraisal Courses: 1975 S.R.E.A. Course No. 101 - "An Introduction to Appraising Real Property" sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. 1976 S.R.E.A. Course No. 201 - "Principles of Income Property Appraising" sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. 1977 Narrative Report Seminar and R-2 Exam sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. 1978 "Tax Considerations in Real Estate Transactions" sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. - 51 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bdueation: Oeeupation: . 1978 1978 1979 1981 1982 1983 1983 1984 Assoeiation Memberships: . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER MICHAEL E. GORMAN Purdue University - "Appraisal of Farm Real Estate." Purdue University - Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture. S.R.E.A. Course 101 - "An Introduction to Appraising Real Property" sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Long Island Chapter #201. S.R.E.A. Course 201 - "Principles of Income Property Appraising" sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Long Island Chapter #201. "Real Estate Salesperson Course" - sponsored by the Long Island Board of Realtors. "The Narrative Report Seminar" - sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Greater New York Chapter #3. "Real Estate Brokers Course" - sponsored by Southampton College. S.R.E.A. Course 102 - "Applied Residential Property Valuation" sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Long Island Chapter #201. Real Estate Appraiser, Manager, and Investor Licensed Real Estate Salesman "Candidate Member - Society of Real Estate Appraisers." - 52 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . CERTIFICATION The undersigned do hereby certify as follows: 1. We personally inspected the property on June 6, 1986. 2. We have no present or contemplated future interest in the real estate that is the subject of this appraisal report. 3. We have no personal interest or bias with respect to the subject matter of this appraisal report or the parties involved. 4. To the best of our knowledge and belief the statements of fact contained in this appraisal report, upon which the analyses, opinions, and conclusions expressed herein are based, are true and correct. 5. This appraisal report sets forth all of the limiting conditions (imposed by the terms of our assignments or by the undersigned) affecting the analyses, opinions and conclusions contained in this report. 6. No one other than the undersigned prepared the analyses, conclusions, and opinions concerning real estate that are set forth in this appraisal report. 7. The fee for this real estate appraisal report is not contingent upon the estimate of the value. 8. The real estate which is the subject of this appraisal report was valued as of June 6, 1986. d Thomas J. Appra ~L?,s~ Michael E. Gorman Appraiser - 53 -