HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenbriar Homes 362. . . . SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JULY 2, 1985 WORK SESSION r Present: Supervisor FrancisJ. Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Justice Raymond W. Edwards, Councilman Paul Stoutenburgh, Councilman James A. Schondebare, Councilwoman Jean W.. Cochran,. Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town Attorney Robert W. :Tasker, Superintendent of Highways Raymond C. Dean. 9:00 A.M. - The Board began auditing outstanding. vouchers. 9:20 A.M. - A hearing was held on the Freedom of Information Appeal of Jody Adams. 9:30 A.M. - A hearing was held on the Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Violation of Joseph DeChiara. 10:25 A.M. - Planning Board members William Mullen and Richard Ward met with the Board to urge. the hiring of a part-time seasonal Clerk for the Planning Board office (see Resolution No. 27). The Planning Board office had contacted several individuals who presently have resumes on file with the Town, but was unsuccessful in finding an individual for this position. They then learned of the availability of Mrs. Georgia Rudder, a former part-time employee in the office of the Receiver of Taxes and requested her appointment.--Mr. Mullen reported he ,would be submitting a complete overview of the housing situation within a few days which would contain information relative to bringing in a house at $60,000. i 10: 35 A.M.- The Board resumed the audit and discussed the following items: (1) t If the Town obtains a pre-sort mailing permit from the Post Office, who will sort the - mail? Supervisor Murphy stated this would be done by the custodians. There was also concern expressed by the Assessor's Office and Receiver's Office concerning their part in this new procedure. It was made clear that this would not disturb their office procedures or filing systems; it is a matter of pre-sorting the mail after it leaves their office.--(2) Decision was made to advertise for resumes for the Licensin Review Board (see Resolution No. 29) .--(3) Letter from Justice Price advising tile Board that his clerk, Barbara Andrade, fell and injured herself in their office, which fall may have been caused by the deteriorated floor covering, and requesting a remedy of the situation. Repairs to the floor are being made and new undermat, and carpeting are in the process of being installed.--(4) Request of Greenbriar Homes, Inc. for the refund of $5,680 inspection fee for that abandoned subdivision was discussed. Before making a decision the Board would like a chronological list of events covering this subdivision from application date to abandonment.--(5) Letter from Commissioner of Public Works Dean advising the Board that their'request to install a street light at the intersection of Route 25 and Main Bayview Road, Southold, cannot be accomplished due to the lack of a secondary on the pole. Councilman Schondebare, Chairman of the Street .Lighting Committee reported that the installation of the caution signal light at the location has satisfied those residents who had .earlier requested the installation of the street Iight.--(6) A letter from the New Suffolk Civk Association concerning the Town beach and parking problems was discussed. This' letter will be answered point by point by Supervisor Murphy.--(7) Letter from Super intendent of Highways Dean advising that the Highway Department building facade is1 in desperate need of repair was discussed. It was concluded that the Department of Public Works could handle this repair inhouse without enlisting the services of an ou side contractor.--(8) Proposed Town BOard resolution in support of Assembly bill A-6891 and companion Senate bill S-6411, the "Used and Useful" Clarification bill which would clarify the existing "Used and Useful" Law, and prevent LlLCO from charging Long I sland ratepayers for any of the costs of Shoreman if the plant fails to enter commercial service was discussed. The Board decided to obtain a complete . copy of the bill before acting on same. 12: 40 P,M. - Following further discussion on various off-agenda and Councilman items, a lunch recess was called. 2: 15 P.M. - Work Session reconvened and the Board reviewed proposed Resolutions for the Regular Meeting. [ " [: LI t . . 389 . . SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Jill V 1/;. '911~ WORK SESSION Present: ~upervisor Francis J. Murphy, Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Justice Raymond W. Edwards, Councilman Paul Stoutenburgh, Councilman James A. Schondebare, Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker. 8: 30 A.M. - The Board audited outstanding bills. 9: 15 A.M. - Community Development Director James C. McMahon, Landll1ill'"l<' ,Pres~!:~atio . Commissioner memlJers Joy Bear and Wilham Peters, met witn. the. Board to discuss the proposed Cultural Services Contract (see Resolution No. 21) between the Town and the . New York State Council on the Arts, for a $6, 000 grant., . , Mr. McMahon also advised the Board that the STOP Program day at the Landfill will lJe September 1qth and an Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared and the Board declare themselves lead agency for this project (see Resoluliol1l No. 22); and he discussed the NY~ Dept. of Agril::ultural & MarKets grant which was originally intended for the purpose of Bayment harvesting polluted clams and transplanting them in the creeks. Circumstances have changed and under the Green Seal. Committee, the Town will be entitled to 900 bushes of clams which are to be picked up at Manhasset Bay and transplanted in August, possibly in' Goose Creek and Corey Creek.' He plans to meet with the Baymen to discuss their concerns relative to this project. 9:55 P.M. - Supervisor Murphy introduced his daughter Barbara, a teacher at BOCES, who was in attendance with four youngsters from her Gifted and Talented Children Class. 10:00 P.M. -_The Board addressed the following items for -discussion: (Costello Final EIS decision to be held until Mr. Costello can be in attendance.}---Request for refund of Greenbriar Homes, Inc. inspection fee - to be referred to the Planning Board and Highway Department for a report of costs incurred by those departments.--Plmding decision on Hodor/Staller petition for relief from the bulk requirements of the Zoning . Code. Board is generally agreed the applicant is responsible for the actions of his surveyor and Councilman Schondebare will work with Town Attorney Tasker on a proposed resolution for the July 30th agenda. 10:30 A.M. - Board reviewed agenda resolutions. 11:05 A.M. - The Board discussed the upcoming trip to Fishers Island for the Annual Town Board Meeting to be held there on August 7, 1985. It ,was agreed that based upon expectations of the Fishers Island residents, the usual :Town ~ County and State officials would be invited. It was further agreed that the ' maximum amount to be expended for food would be $500.00, and Councilman Townsend volunteered to make arrangements for same. 11: 15 A.M. - With John Costello and consultant Merlon Wiggin present, the Board reviewed proposed resolution No. 25 - decision relative to Costello Final Environmental Impact Statement. The Board, after considerable debate, agreed, with the exception of Councilman Stoutenburgh, that the decision of non-significance should be adopted in connection with Mr. Costello's petition for annexation of QS.7 acres into the Incorp- orated Village of Greenport. Councilman Stoutenburgh expressed is belief that the proposed annexation and housing project planned by Mr. Costello would be a significan effect on the environment. At the urging of Supervisor Murphy, who said Mr. Costell should have an indication of the Board's position on the proposed annexation, the Boa; took an informal vote relative to same, with Supervisor Murphy, Councilman Stoutenbw Councilman Schondebare and Councilwoman Cochr:an voting to .reject the petition, and Councilman Townsend and Justice Edwards, voting in favor: of it. 12:05 P.M. - Recess for lunch. ., .\ . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 ~AY 9 - 1986 ..... JUDITII T TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~~ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 8, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Attached is a letter from Richard J. Cron, Esq. with respect to Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Abandonment - Map of Greenbriar Acres. I am also attaching a letter from Mr. Cron, dated June 21,1985, and my letter to you dated July 3, 1985. I again ask that you prepare a chronological outline of the events that transpired from the initial filing of the proposed Greenbriar Acres and the abandonment of the map, including any and all inspections made with respect to this proposed map. 'Thank you. If you should require any further background, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~;r- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: R. J. Cron, Esq. . . 734-5100 AREA CODE 516 ~.e~"" -C~ad-C~ .~,/~ .)J-,/ ~. ..L....A(?I/ .....,(~ Yd_ RECEIVED MAY 8 1986 ~~ .9! & /18#.& .9.58 -C~, J/('?1/. //.98.5.tltl8P T_ Clnof,. ~ .9'~ #a ~ ~t'--"~' .54&& .//(yt' Nd ~ tI~.{.. .~ Jl'6'?l' May 6, 1986 Town Board Town of Southold Town Hall - Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Abandonment - Map of Greenbriar Acres Dear Sirs: Relative to the above captioned matter, I enclose herewith photocopy of my letter to you dated June 21, 1985, together with photocopy of your reply thereto dated July 3, 1985. My client has inquired as to whether any response has been made to you by the Planning Board as a result of your letter of July 3, 1985. ~n the light of the fact that this matter has now gone on for almost a year, we should . appreciate your immediate response as to the present status of this matter. Thanking you for your prompt reply herein, I am Very truly yours, RJC:e Enclosures cc: Mr. Werner Adel . . ----------- -------- -.-- - '-'.-'---~ ------_.... ..'. _.--~----_._--~------ --- ---.---. -.'-'-' -----.--'. -'--_._.~-_.- _._.~-_.... -,-.- .-. ~ _'.' ___U' '. ___ JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 ~lain Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHO:-;E (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 3, 1985 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re.:' . Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Abandonment - Map of Greenbriar Acres Gentlemen: Reference is made to the attached letter from Cron and Cron with r.espect to the abovecaptioned matter. The Southold Town Board, in reviewing the request for refund of $5,680.00 inspection fee, would like a chronological outline of the events that transpired from the initial filing of the proposed Greenbriar Acres and the abandonment of the map, including any and all inspections made with respect to this proposed map. Very truly yours, ,~~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment . cc: Richard J.. Cron, Esq. V ~ ~" .; . . . j"'; ~,.~ '. AREA CO::!!: 51E ./1~~. ttf1:~N ,-==4~ii?iUW!-1f~---=--=-- - .L~~2f~</. __ 9& fJJ.o." .P..J.3 -t'~. .A(?!/ //.P.3..J.t7tJ.5'.? ~/~ /...-/~. './4..k.A('?j( .d.92.. ,r;1_ .~ol'4 4<<.. ~ ~/_;'('M_,( ,.~,. S4t7t7 .A,;:,I:' ?,I'd r;,.,~~ ~~4. ,59'~.;,(. of.!o?.! June 21, 1985 Town Board Town of Southold Town Hall, Route #25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Abandonment - Map of Greenbriar Acres Dear Sirs: - We represent Greenbriar Homes, Inc. who has requested that we contact you for the purpose of requesting a refund of a sum paid to the Town of Southold, on July 15, 1977, in the sum of $5,680, representing an inspection fee paid with respect to 'the proposed installation of streets, roads, drainage areas and .park and recreation areas in the Greenbriar Acres subdivision. This subdivision was legally abandoned pursuant to S335 of the Real Property Law on October 31, 1980 with respect to Lots numbered 13-32 inclusive, including all of the proposed streets, roads, recharge basin and park ~nd recreation area. The Town Board, by Resolution on October 5, 1982, autho- rized the full release of a performance bond heretofore posted .by Greenbriar Homes, Inc. in the sum of $142,000, which was to cover the installation of the improvements above set forth. None of the aforementioned improvements in connection with this subdivision were commenced by the developer. In the light of this fact, there were obviously no inspections required to be made by any appropriate Town officer. In the circumstances, the inspection fee paid by the developer, in the sum of $5,680, should be fully refunded. The refund is also fully supported by the fact that a $6,600 deposit was made by the developer to the Town Board in lieu of the requirement of any park and recreation area. By the same token, as heretofore indicated, no streets, roads or re- charge basins were ever installed which would require an inspec- tion. .~ ,4 . . ,:::;.=:~--~-~.~::-::=::==.=::=-~=~=~~--- - ~----_::=-:::::.=.::=-~-_.-"-----~-..:..;..:';::: Town Board Town of Southold June 21, 1985 Page. two We trust that the Board will give this matter its most immediate attention and reply and if there is agreement as to any such refund, that it be made promptly to the under- signed for delivery to Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Very truly yours, CRON and CRON, ESQS. RJC:e cc: Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Richard J. Cron . . LD Y Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 22, 1986 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Dear Mrs. Terry: In accordance with your request of May 8, 1986, enclosed herewith is a copy of the chronological list of events with regard to the above mentioned subdivison. ~ The as tricks indicate the inspections, reviews by the Town Engineer, Town Inspector or Highway Superintendent, etc. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, &J-t-di (!)4r&wlJ.(~~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary GREENBRIAR ACRES AT ~TITUCK, MAJOR SUBDIVISIOAlt January 27, 1975 March 12, 1975 March 18, 1975 April 18, 1975 May 12, 1975 August 18, 1975 August 26, 1975 ~ September 15, 1975 ~ September 18, 1975 October 28, 1975 ..:f;NoVember 17,1975 November 26, 1975 December 2, 1975 January 5, 1976 January 26, 1976 February 23, 1976 April 5, 1976 April 8, 1976 April 23, 1976 May 3, 1976 May 7, 1976 July 20, 1976 August 30, 1976 September 20, 1976 September 28, 1976 September 28, 1976 September 28, 1976 October 4, 1976 ~October 25, 1976 October 25, 1976 Six copies of the sketch map received Meeting with Planning Board and developer Letter to applicant indicating changes recommended by the Planning Board New submission received, 12 copies of sketch map Correspondence indicating Mr. Cron will be attorney for applicant. Twelve Preliminary Surveys received Survey referred to Highway Superintendent for recommendations Insepction of site by R. Dean and L. Tuthill Report of Dean and Tuthill with recommendations I Mr Cron presented report at Planning Board meeting Meeting with Planning Board and Larry Tuthill regarding his recommendations on the recharge basin Letter to attorney from Planning Board requesting information prior to public hearing Application in duplicate, filing fee and property description for preliminary submisslon. Public hearing on preliminary maps" ~ ~ < Approved preliminary map subject to receipt of approval by Highway Superintendent for road layout Approval f.rom Ray Dean for road layout One set of preliminary maps to Planning Board Preliminary maps referred to Suffolk County Planning Commission Correspondence from Suffolk County Planning received with comments on subdivision. At regular meeting, Planning Board reviewed County's comments, it was determined that the comments were not of concern to the Board. Applicant was given ok to file final submission Letter to attorney for applicant advising to file final maps. Approval of realty Subdivision map by Suffolk County Department of Health Services Attorney for applicant submitted. final maps and requested final hearing. Public hearing on final map. Request Town Enginner to prepare bond estimate Request applicant to submit 1 copy of final map and one copy of preliminary map with revisions. Referral made to Suffolk Count yPlanning Commission Blanning Board approved final map subject to bond inspection fee, and suffolk County Planning Commission recommendations. Bond estimate received from Larry Tuthill Referral of bond estimate to Town Board for approval / GREENBRIAR ACRES AT4IjTTITUCK, MAJOR Pacre 2 October 26, 1976 November 4, 1976 February 15, 1977 March 3, 1977 -k,April 4, 1977 April 4, 1977 July 15, 1977 Jult 20, 1977 October 7, 1977 -*March 28, 1979 April 2, 1979 April 10, 1979 April 16, 1979 ..,jf May 9, 1979 "* July 24, 1979 August 17, 1979 January 18, 1980 February 5, 1980 February 11, 1980 February 22, 1980 November 3, 1980 December 2, 1980 December 8, 1980 . Town Board approves bond estimate Suffolk County Planning Commission approves with conditions Planning Board overrides County with one exception-_ having Woodfield Road in Greenbriar Acres line up with the corresponding road in Tut's Acres. Revised map with corrected road alignment referred to Larry Tuthill and Ray Dean. Letter from Larry Tuthill indicating that the roard has been correctly aligned. Planning Board requests final maps, road now lines up correctly. I Inspection fee paid Town Board accepts bond in amount of $142,000 REceived notice that map filed with county clerk Meeting with the Highway Superintendent regarding Roads within the subdivsion. Request from bonding company as to status of road work, no work started Request from developer to Ray Dean to modify road construction plans regarding grading and drainage amended construction plans received. Report from Howard Young regarding amended construction plans Inspection report NO. 53 from John W. DAvis regarding revised construction plans Correspondence received from Ray Dean, he agrees with inspection report No.53 from John W. Davis Planning Board consents to amendment of preliminary plan as agreed to in letter of 7/24 from R. Dean. Correspondence from developer to Planning Board requesting interior lots be abandoned and requesting procedure for releasing bond. Correspondence referred to Town Attorney for advice Correspondence from Town Attorney that if abandonment proceeding completed, the Planning Board can recommend release of bond, and the Town Board can vacate bond. Copy of correspondence from Town Attorney referred to applicant. Recedpt of notice of abandonment of map for interior lots, 13-32 inclusive. Applicant's attorney requests Town Board to release bond, and forwards certificate of abandonment. Letter from Planning Board to Town Attorney requesting an opinion on when lots have been sold, if a certain percentage of improvements will have to be made to the Planning Board satisfiaction. .. GREENBRIAR ACRES AT eTTITUCK, MAJOR Page 3 December 19, 1980 January 5, 1981 January 12, 1981 February 5, 1981 May 29, 1981 June 5, 1981 September 18, 1981 September 28, 1981 December 1, 1981 February 26, 1982 March 8, 1982 April 15, 1982 April 26, 1982 May 10, 1982 May 14, 1982 June 11, 1982 June 28, 1982 . Letter from Town Board indicating that lots 13-32 in the subdivision have been abandoned and requesting recommendation as to the release of the performance bond. Planning Board recommends that the bond not be released. Correspondence from the Towmttorney regarding abandonment and streets, playgrounds, and drainage areas on the abandoned maps. Correspondence from Town Attorney to NY State Department of Audit and Control regarding whether improvements would still have to be made on subdivision. Opinion of State ComptrOller received I Correspondence from the Town Attorney indicating that he agrees with the opinion of the State Compt:LOller and lh.a developer is net r:'Gq\.lir2d to make any improvements in the area abandoned, Park should be reduced in size communsurate with the remaining lots inthe subdivision; and that performance bond should be reduced to be consistent with the reduced improvements required. Request from attorney for applicant to expedite release of bond. Correspondence from the Planning Board to the Supervisor indicating that improvements be made to areas already haVing home'sites and park and playground requirements shOUld be enforced relative to the cross acreage developed:1lomes sites in the major subdivision. Town Attorney again refers letter of Comprtoller from May 1981. Correspondence from the applicant again requesting that bond be released and indicating that all streets are being abandoned and a minor subdivsion will take the place of the abanddned lots. Applicant's attorney met with the Planning Board to discuss the release of the bond, and the proposed minor subdivision to be submitted. Planning Board requested meeting with the TOWN Attorney to review this subdivision. Planning Board meeting with Town Attorney who advises that the Planning Board cannot enforce the improvements on the portion of the subdivision that has been abandoned. The Board stated their concern for the firewells that were recommended and the park and playground area. The Town Attorney stated that the Board could make any such requirements on the minor subdivision proposed on the property. Planning Board requests a park fee in lieu of land for a park and playground and requests that Mattituck Fire Commissioners be contacted for fire wells placement. Referral to the Mattituck Fire Commissioners Planning Board recedved letter from Fire Commissioners regarding fire wells. Planning Board recommended to Town Board a minimum of $6,600 to be accepted as park and play~ound fee. GREEN BRIAR ACRES A~TTITUCK, MAJOR SUBDIVISI", Page 4 August 19, 1982 Town Board accepts amount of $6,600 for park and playground fee. September 3, 1982 Check to Town Board submitted to Town Board for park and playground fee in the amount of $6,600. September 20, 1982 Planning Board recommends to the Town Board that the subdivision bond be released. 1t ,47~~-~__ ~.>r C' \ -1- ",!" '.,"," ,'v ...\j\ U'.r5 ,... 'C PLA'NNING'~6J\)m :!:::.'>' ..,.qe'i7'. .~ \;:< ,:,;"';:: .~,~~~'\;;itllt:;.,~, -.:.: N TO'~;~.;1J::9~,!f\S. Q,M, ;1I.'f1QLD ... ~.~'ti "",~" - ~I~"~"~ ~-~ !/, ~ SUFf9L-.9~:ry ~ .. Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July IS, 1985 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town of SouthOld Southold, NY 11971 Re: Greenbriar Acres at Mattituck Major and Minor subdivisions Dear Mrs. Terry: As per the TOwn Board's request, enclosed are Copies of the chronological list of events regarding the above menti~ned sUbdivisions. Also, enclosed is a survey for the major subdivision, and a survey for the minor subdivsion. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~Oi.o~k,o. ~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.~~HAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary . . Inspection and report from Town Engineer 9/15 and 9/18 25.00 Review by Town Engineer 4/4 of road alignment 25.00 Inspection and report of Highway Superintendent 9/15/ and 9/18 75.00 Bond estimate preparation by Town Engineer 104.00 Meeting with superintendent of highways 3/28/79 75.00 Inspection and report of field inspector 35.00 No. 53 Correspondence from Highway Superintendent 7/24 50.00 Meeting with Town Engineer and Planning Board regarding recharge basin 11/17 25.00 (for Engineer) Planning Board inspections and meetings 120.00 . . EENBRIAR ACRES MINOR SUBDIVISION -- 4 LOTS ON 25 ACRES tober 1, 1982 Application and filing fee received for minor subdivision. tober 18, 1982 Planning Board declares itself lead agency. ,vember 17, 1982 Letter from health department, approving for individual we lIs. nuary 3, 1983 Six surveys for minor subdivision sumbitted to Planning Board and covenants and restrictions as to no further subdivision. .nuary 17, 1983 Lead Agency coordination 'bruarY4, 1983 Town Attorney approves covenants and restrictions .nuary 26, 1984 Covenants and restrictions forwarded to the Town Attorney bruary 7, 1983 Planning Board approves sketch map. bruary 8, 1983 Six , surveys submitted to the Planning Board .rch 7, 1983 "Resolution setting time and place for public hearing rch 11, 1983 Referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission rch 28, 1983 Public hearing on the question of approval ril 13, 1983 Suffolk County Planning Commission approves with conditions ril 19, 1983 Planning Board approves final map dated March 1, 1983 with conditions *See map i 3, 1983 Conditions fulfilled, map signed .-,e 29, 1983 Attorney for applicant requests inspection regarding the improvements within the access roads off Elijah's Lane ly 1,1983 Letter to Mr. Davis requesting inspection 'y 6, 1983 Inspection report No. 305 from Mr. Davis indicating the required improvements Y 25, 1983 Planning Board accepts and requests compliance with Report No. 305 -il 19, 1984 Planning Board is advised that the access roads are completed il 19, 1984 Inspection Report from Mr. Davis, No. 355 approving access roads. 7, 1984 Planning Board accepts report No. 355 ,..., (1t (. JUDITH T TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 July 3, 1985 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Abandonment - Map of Greenbriar Acres Gentlemen: Reference is made to the attached letter from Cron and Cron with respect to the abovecaptioned matter. The Southold Town Board, in reviewing the request for refund of $5,680.00 inspection fee, would like a chronological outline of the events that transpired from the initial filing of the proposed Greenbriar Acres and the abandonment of the map, including any and all inspections made with respect to this proposed map. Very truly yours, ,~h1!- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment cc: Richard J. Cron, Esq. . . I.t: ."'t,f , ce (e 734-5100 AREA CODE 516 ..k. ~ -r1~ rud-r1~ ~~,/tf:.- fi- ,/ tf:.- . '~A:'Y. .....r5'k ~~ R!CEJVED Jm, 24 ms ~~ ge fJ8fkt; ,p.5'~ -rf~. Jf('?!/ //,p~.5'-?l?l~,p TDM' CIerlc Southold S'~ ?f",;,. .:,. ~. ,.~_..t 4. .>#t?t? .A/YI: Nd ~ 0""",. S'~ .7P6"'?P June 21, 1985 Town Board Town of Southold Town Hall, Route #25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Greenbriar Homes, Inc. Abandonment - Map of Greenbriar Acres Dear Sirs: We represent Greenbriar Homes, Inc. who has requested that we contact you for the purpose of requesting a refund of a sum paid to the Town of Southold, on July IS, 1977, in the sum of $5,680, representing an inspection fee paid with respect to the proposed installation of streets, roads, drainage areas and .park and recreation areas in the Greenbriar Acres subdivision. This subdivision was legally abandoned pursuant to S335 of the Real Property Law on October 31, 1980 with respect to Lots numbered 13-32 inclusive, including all of the proposed street' roads, recharge basin and parR and recreation area. The Town Board, by Resolution on October 5, 1982, autho- rized the full release of a performance bond heretofore posted by Greenbriar Homes, Inc. in the sum of $142,000, which was to cover the installation of the improvements above set forth. None of the aforementioned improvements in connection with this subdivision were commenced by the developer. In the light of this fact, there were obviously no inspections required to be made by any appropriate Town officer. In the circumstances, the inspection fee paid by the developer, in the sum of $5,680, should be fully refunded. The refund is also fully supported by the fact that a 0!~!g{J.J$6,600 deposit was made by the developer to the Town Board in lieu of the requirement of any park and recreation area. By the same token, as heretofore indicated, no streets, roads or re- charge basins were ever installed which would require an inspec- tion. . . p A '.~ J~ ~ , (e Town Board Town of Southold June 21, 1985 Page two (e We trust that the Board will give this matter its most immediate attention and reply and if there is agreement as to any such refund, that it be made promptly to the under- signed for delivery to Greenbriar Homes, Inc. RJC:e cc: Greenbriar Homes, Inc. . ~ Very truly yours, . ... 'V