HomeMy WebLinkAboutFairway Farms . , . , ( ~ TUTBLANX REGISTERED U. S. ......T. OFFICE TVT'TLE L.AW PRINT. ........USHIE..... """'-"'"... VT. on'" 305101-' - - -.- ---- - -.- --~-- ----------------------------..--------- TUT-NOTE GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAw P. O. BOX a.47. MAIN ROAO ,*;;~"7f,,7..fsOO . ;$ ,l:ilJf'L*,"rn;:, ' L Re: Fairway Farms-subdivision I I Ii j I ! ~ I I I Enclosed herewithplease find the fOll+ing: 1. Resolution of Planning Boa~ dated December 17,1973 fixing bond at $32,000.00. I 2. Copy of letter of Ray Dean a.proVing roads. 3. Bond from Fidelity and DeJ>sit Company in the sum of $32, 000.00. I it same to the T\IIIwn Boa;d for approval at the January 2nd meeting. r- TO: Southold Town Board "/0 Town Clerk Southold, N. Y. SIGN 12/28/73 , :SIGNED I DATE: _tl4ihft WI*!rt.a"IJ. Chalrm... '.~ -t~.'- Mulry IWh:.,i".. ,'t"'I'1 G"b_ Decftlber 17, 1'13 3outhold Town Planning SCUTHOLD, L. I.. N. Y. 11971 I"c.iNi."'G E'OA"D ~""IE'U I: ,:jc HeiWr HaYr\o-r f.""'I1({ C,.f/:y.. .. 1 4 Gary Pl., aner Olllf!n, "q. lUln ROlli !Ilattitu. Ie, New '[arK 11952 , '!'h, followLns action was taken by tile Soutllo1c1 T.- Ptannin. Board at tlleir .eetins on ...caber 6, 1973. 'i '~ '::t{f;- .,J %.:; ~~ " Deft!' ~:, Ot.e", On ..,tion by 1Ir, eo.,le, seconded by 1Ir, GreIM, it -. iUl,iOLVBD that tbe Soutbo1d Town Plannllll Board ncoaae-'Id to tbe Soutb01d Town Board a bond for $32,000 on proS"trt., !tnt'WI! aa "Pairwa., Paras", Yours truly. ;?t~~~-L. .t.- IYriet lruab, Secretar., Soutllo1c1 To_ P1aMiDl ...rei ? ~ li~l: ~ 1 ~ ~f \~i'~'" _'-"'.~..,J i:i'},'~ ...<'" ''I,' -'_J ~,;~ ~~ ~'l$" L.t~, . _4::( ",_':o.~t .&1 ,.- ...... #''':If , '.cC' ..,.~~ . ,'. ',' . ,r,-''-.-' ~' ,;:,i?',:~:: ~..' >- lei .' ,,<;, : ,;;>:~t;;! ,..'~ r------------- , , COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS __FAIR~~Y F~R.M~_I.!'l_~....__ (d) Upkeep of roads and park area I After the installations provided for in paragrapba (a) and (b) above, each lot owner shall be responaible for one-thirtyfourth (1/34) of the cost of snow plowing, upkeep, repair and maintenance in good conditlon of the orade and park area and for one-thirtyfourth (1/34) of the real estate taxes attributable to the road and park area. All decisions as to the snowplowing, upkeep, and maintenance of the road and park area, includina decisions as to the extent and cost of any repairs therefor, shall be in the exclusive diacretion of FAIRWAY FARMS INC., or its succesaors in interest, as association of property ownera as hereinafter provided. Each lot owner is specifically responsible for keeping the awale (drainage) syatem on and contiguous with bis lot free of leaves and other debris, so that the fiow of surface waters into the recharge ayetern shall not be impeded. Nothing except graas, coarse sand, Hrne or fertiHzer shall be appHed to the surface of the swale system. The lot owners shall not conduct any activity on the awsle system which would interfere with its design or operation. However, this shall not exclude the installation of driveways over the swale since same are designed to benefit the system,provided the surface of said driveways over tbe swale is lower than tbe edge of the road pavement adjacent thereto. Page 4 of 7 II ,. 'p,"~ ,~ssisting: 111e SuffoU County Soil and \''-"ter Conservatinn ;'ist,ri <::t 117 Fast "ain Street, Id,verhead, New Y(lr~ 119111 , , ~ I ,I , , , ilece'lllber 26, 1973 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board I,lain Road Southold, New York 11?7l , " j I i " ,I i , " I 'I , I I I I I "f Dear ~. l\'ickhu: I have been infoTJllally observing t!,e installation of "recharge s.'ales <,n the Fairway J;arms subdivision being Jeve10ped by russell Case ani Phi I ',a\"':l'''' at Cutchogue, Ne.. York. Those parts of tl'e installation that are cm.plet" are functioning effectively and meet the general concepts that we oririo~~1 1y outlined to t!,e developers. Ouring the past three weeks I have ol>served the runoff water mOVefOOr:t on this subdivision during one stOnt in excess of two inches of rainfall :<'".1 have 'OI!le inf01'l1l3tion regarding another similar storm and it f S results. T,; all areas I observed the expected rainfall runoff water quickly and adrquaL 1y penetrated the swales and Wa5 drained effectively f~the road 8Th' lot areas . I I There are a number of .teps needed to complete so~ of the swal~ 8Te8S. f 8JR concerned that silts from unfinished "reas may wash into sone of t'e 'r" _illing swales. Construction around new hO!:les lIay necessitate furth,>!" cll';'r,', inll qf swales. A driveway presontly installed, does not }18ve the cross s,'" tl10n expected. Areas with shrubs need to be II\Jlched promptly. "i I I i I I < ;1 The above are examples of steps needeJ to be taken in timely fashion to provide even greater success with this type of rechar!!e swale installatiun 1n general the completed part of the work is functioning effectl vel r. I 'I I I 1 , l' Sln~er~IY.'. // /' /~ ~~< ~/- {;~~/.K:~~ () arles R. Barnett District Conservationist . " I ::.>~~,:,~;S,:::;Sv;:::.. ' '" ~ . --~*~,>: ;J'":<'!-'\:..'''~'''~_'h ~,,-~, ~~}.. \ ._~ '~~,f~."','}'.'~~'~-; "~...,,,.. ,:'. c '.. , , -.' . . ~",,). '\ ,; :~; c.'-.''':-'c i, ,( , I .. :.l I" .,.:< ,l ',: , ,i " - t'i , .:,:\ , ~- UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 127 East 113in Street, Riverhead, 'Je" Yorl: 11901 Assistin.~: The Suffolk Count:' Soil and "'ater (onservation !'i<triet July 31, 197:1 ~lr. Phi Ii l' P.abcock Praity Lane Cutchogue, New Yort- 11<135 Dear 'Ir. Bahcock: At your reouest I have given further c.onsideration to t1€" proposal fnr cp,:-;,t ing one or more recharge basins witnin t1~e suhdivi5ion cnlled F:dr\':;'ll,' l'dIT1,<'::, I would offer you the followinfl observations anll sU~f(estions: 1. T'Jc proposal that lot numher 1'1 he held for two vears as a l1<,ssi\>1 c' location for a recharge basin has some di stinct draw hacks and should ht.' )'l' considered. Ainong other things it is a location which ,wuJd ,lisf'i?urp thr suhdivision and it is not located so as to be a convenient collf'ctin'1 ,,,,in! for runoff water from most of the subdivision. 2. There are two potential recharre basin locations just east o' lots 17 and 20. These si tes appear to have adeQuate size to accoflodat e two non, '- recharge has ins each having a surface area of about 3/4 of an acre. '';0 IT'" I l' it would reQuire about 1. 5 acres of area for each such l'ond-recharoe l'as i". In the unlikely event that the recharge sh'ales proposed are not r!Jlly ".tis- factory, the two mentioned nond-recharge has ins sites could he designee' t(' store up to a total of 5 acre feet of runoff water 1I".ic" I bel ieve wOllld ''',' more than adeouate to meet any future need. . 3. I would further suggest that if the pond-recharge hasins are constr"c.tc>,j that they be designed with gradual side slones both above and helow t",'ir \..H,'r line, so that the ponds will not require fencing, and so that tht'" wi 11 ""v.' the appearance and configuration of natural ponds. My recommendation is, therefore, that if land must be set aside for future runoff water storage capacity, that such storage be provided ahove tpc> Sllrf';)ce' of two artificially created permanent ponds, each of about 3/4 of an acre. The ponds can be designed to provide successful fishing, serve asthetic purpos"s and provide ample emergency water storage if that should be needed. 1\0 chaj", link fencing of these ponds should be necessary. ;:;~e~~ Charles R. Barnett District Conservationist ~ ".'., ,-~. -'.' i' .1 t' . .' 'c, ,. ~ ,;;-J"',~~~, ;:;,:':~~'\::;?~~ p. . . f,~.}7;~~!;:f ~ . . t. "'~'''''~;~ ~'l, J' .. , .;- ,f/ ',' 'I~,'T:/'; , " "I . . ,~ ~:; "."..,.,...,...,!,~-~~<,,(,~ :. " f'!"~' , I/:'b~ i\{~'~")~' '~. '1','., ..' , :;<.~" ;",:', ill:.,'~ .," \ '" .'" ~;, '" '!, , ,':,: ,,', " 'i ., , , ,~~ '",(',"''' ' "'; '."-",, , ~:" <<. ,;, ~'l ..!llt,,' ,} '.", ,:l.-!""~,'" -- M f..lf """. -''''f'-'.'~'~'' , -t.,.:,,_., ~"""I,""""""'~, "':<';)"" "'I .",jr......~~I, t. , "" {-'I""", ""':;"'I':.'.no'-,--"Q.':,'bl'i..'" "'''',,'' ""~"" ' ' , ,,""'Y,r' 'If: 'I": "~' .r', ,,!,,~,,""",,,,,',~ .>, ,,' 'JV: .'j" ",;r,", <".." , 'MI,t ,,, ;.h i .' " , i "',;,;,' , " ;. r, c ," i'l ,- '." ' i ,: '-" '''..l'<ii,<\,\' , '1' '" i"" ,':~,,' ,\ '1' ,I' ' ....'c. HI',',,,,,,,, .'\,F '''" ""'f: ;. t", "',,'';,, " '.., >\.>",." ~ ,,..' "',,,, 'f",";; : I;r'pt.nJb;iir-it~r:F~ W,' .',: "j' - 0:'-:: J",' ,11" < ,,:, ~ ~ l,. ..<i..J ){~J" '- ''''''''/~'''' ,,( ,d,; ,,'~ ,_.,' '..:; 'iJ'J :. ,t~,._-It ~:~flt}:~4.~:it~":~:X/A;< ;':} '~\t>';Vf: ','~:;'/';, :,t ~/ I,;:~'~:,;}' "";'i;/1 '"V;;r ""\"""''''~ ".,1'1"" ,; ,,' L AU~"S,f 31, h 3., ", '" ~-~4'1-"'~4:'--:,;,,~i~f ':.f- ..,"~':":~,,,. ;.'/~:{ .' :_'~ ,., /~J: '1 _.', ". ' ': J!".,~~-~.(j' (-l"':;'...~~~;,~"", \_~ '__'(." '" ~~(~>~~r~,F !:(~'~:(,' ,'.- i ,t,,'.rl<\ Je~, i ,;,__i.. :>\i ' ~,,' :,,''l'hE('Planlling &larc1 :- ,)'(; ToWn Of:!i;outhqld :'Soutllold, , Nell' York 11971 . ' "~":",f;-/-., ';\' _, ..' ~ ',' . . - , -\ , . ;;< r. r ; ,j, <~i,l:'Ii.. , . " " " 1 (;eritlemen f : , ~)t'~~:.~ '-:?'o ".," i ,J ' :\.T.~_ ~t.~'~:~H(" (" !""1*,,(ti.~1' . . \> ~ ,," . ~-) " '< ~ ~,' , ., ,. f'J , Rp.: flail'11l1y Parms CutchO~Il", Nett '-'t,r " York ~,: I- . t .i,;;',..)").,:,~,, , '. 't'"I~''' As p~r I1IJ' ,conversation lfith Mr. Fahcock, r 11t'U1" Hke ( " .' , , , : ",:: .., '. , " ~. : :', '! t>>' approve 'o(his proposal of having the overfiOI1 of water ~ 'i.. :J/ ;,,-.~, ","~ " ,,:' ".>:. ,,, . , 'off. Jlairway: Drive drain int<:' t"e propose,l Rt'creatioTl 'Area, "{. .,' ~{~~':~' .;.; ,jf," t~~" :, ' . " ',llf?uth '01',to,~,,17into a sump that is to be erected, I)i~;\"~:~!;') ~'.~,~<'/ " '., "~. 1 -,,' _'..;;.~";<,.; ~"''',j, 1"., .... ~,< " {> ' ,{I'.' r lfOUlci ,also apr:o:ove 'of: the Qverflow of l?(lte:o: off Case's .' . -~..~,;'~,~ ~<'.-.. ".~~',~.~/v'-:'" ,",,' 1 . ,'taile,iil:rte'n:;:tor, east oF'Lot'~9. ," ... ~.1~~>.~Y<,(' ",-:) '::I'~:.r, ." " .~. \,:, ;Re'f;:re,a,t;lon:frea~, ': ~:~::~, \~~i~[~\-~':, <>~.' ~; ~i'-~~', c . ",I' ".~,.~~ "".'\""," . - ',;, \.~",,;'1~_1~;(;':' :~~~'~ .i~~;:'~~,~i~ -' I.' f:"- ..t,., - ,~. t\.,tt{.-lJ' ,_:_..,~,., .~~'...'!,. '~:,~[ ',.'" I ~ _,_ , ,.~',~, ,'.,. '. "",~{.' : . 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W~st I~O~ .,73. feet;' ':t':~,4:J'~'1~., ';...,;i[. "'i;r;t,.:Jr,'<';.'1..\(~.'iJ;;,~,... ~~;-":';.~' i:,' -~~:,~i:"':"'''''': l ~"""~,.........-..,~~~"",,,",~~;iIiilI ...<~ "",,_..-~ ~"--~ .,1.-- -;~~ "...,,,,,""'<-." ,,,'d'~ ..., Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John WIckham, Chairman Henry Mo'lsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle February 5, 1974 ;;IP{ , tV" I" ~' . P. rfdi lot !L- Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Fairway Farms subdivision Gentlemen: This is to inform you that the fOllowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at the regular meeting of January 30, 1974. On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that on advice of the Town Attorney the stipulation in the minutes of January 4, 1974 meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board that the pending court case in the Southold Town Justice Court against Fairway Farms subdivision be satisfactorily disposed of is hereby waived. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grebe, Raynor, Moisa Abstained: Mr. Wickham On motion made by Mr. Grebe, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the amended map of Fairway Farms subdivision dated January 22, 1974 showing the drainage recommended by the Southold Town Highway Superintendent and the Southold Town Highway Committee and showing by dotted line that swale area outside the bounds of the highway. This also includes the sketch map dated January 30, 1974 showing elevations of the dikes in January 1973 and on January 29, 1974. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grebe, Raynor, Moisa Abstained: Mr. Wickham - . Page 2 Southo1d Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 On motion made by Mr. Grebe, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was RESOLVED that the chairman or vice.chairman be empowered to sign the map of the Fairway Farms subdivision when the notice of the acceptance of the bond by the Town Board is received from the Town Clerk and a letter is received from the Town Attorney stating that the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions with respect to the 5 foot swa1e area on each lot is acceptable to him. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grebe, Raynor, Moisa Abstained: Mr. Wickham Enclosed is copy of letter from the Town Attorney indicating his acceptance of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. Yours truly, 7)~~d'~ /' Muriel Brush, Secretary Southo1d Town Planning Board Enclos ure ,. ... ReBERT W. 'TASKER TOWN ATTORNEY """",',rrprJ:..:.,'. .,.f' (,..... - ._-,",' -.:.(;. 1/ _''l~- ; f,' ~ l}.:,':'''' . 1/:,:' ~<'''(~'J ".,:< L. .,#'. . ,. ...i: . ~ , . f.' 'I i\ _ <\. "',1" o FFI C E' OF, '1'PWN'A"Fr,O R N EY TOWN:;cjF: $OU~t;I.OLD "~", ~./' . '~ .",'. ': ,'.., ')-' TELEPHONE 477-1400 425 MAIN ST. GREENPDRT, L. I., N. Y. 11944 February 1, 1974 Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York 11971 . Re: Subdivision Map of Fairway Farms, Inc. Dear Sirs: You have requested that I advise you concerning the question of the imposition of restrictions on that portion of the drainage swale which will embrace the five foot area on each lot abutting the streets. . . Mr. Gary Olsen. the attorney for the developers, has delivered to me a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions properly executed and acknowledged and ready for recording as soon as the map recording data is made available to him. This instrument imposes restrictions and covenants with respect to the five foot swale area on each lot which are acceptable to me. As soon as the map has been signed and filed in the County Clerk's Office. I should be advised as to the date of filing and the map number in order thClt I can insert this information in the declaration and then have the same recorded in the County Clerk's Office. Yours very truly, ~?d~k ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY ~ l,.' f\ C 17 G.5 \ \12 \ \ Ir:~8 :S;-~~ J.,J ~ r"ONO i-c .P-e' Ct:J"",/'"/uel- '4 I I'? "his, .!i'e/"':ral /"'~afl ,., / /" %r ,dl""'~.:i'/Dn o~ f-/:J -' /'PYtt6Y SlJp~"~nfe"dJ n r - \ n' r",W,?O'.,$",,-,f'?'" q 10 ~ '" G G "---- 8..3 7.0 6.0 5.4 ?,7 'G ~ '" ~. Tn/a t:1r~t:1 To"~ ImproY'~d qr · "~ .$4'h5~qU~r.>1 dQr~ and ~PQn · /:.' < pr/o,r Op'pI""t:) villi eJrQ/1 t:1gt!!'l'?cit!"$ . G ....\ '..... / haY'''.9.)U.'''I.s.o'/cl-io"o.s~.!1r(p~,:#. \,,-. ~ I'w by ~7Q'h"'I"!J CCQ,-d /ei:27/7~' . ~ . ~ -S.5 4.9 ~ B.G .7': ~ .,'3'"~.,,, ..... . //) fO'<O //_'~ ~... \..~. . I 5.0 .~ / I _.~ , · . 0< - . . I .... " I ~ " '".> ~ 4' . 2 .,. r . /_ ..... 3.7 " I ~. "" . ~ ( '. '." ~". . . "'./'" ',,'" ~ ?:s!...; ;.. / ~L- ~ ~\. ~ (. . (~ . . . . . . .' (,;;'~'" /,,:;,/~'.... ~ __ ~ _______ .0/ keD LA NO, " ':: /::" ~ .~'._ 4..5 _~ \-' . ." . . .......... .. ~ ~ ~ j ,~ ~ I ....':; 1 . ;.>; ~ '#I i I ~ ., ~ . j.:;' -;: f; " ,. ;.; ~; ~ <if ~ . .e:, ~ '- ~ () 10.4 ~ ~ -~t t ?! ~ :t ~ ..; ~. ~ 15 ~ i "," k- "{ " ~) ~~ '-. ~ A t ~ Ie; " i>; ; r~ ~ ~, ''-'.. ~. , ~ i% " I' -~ 1 "" x ;c i t ~ ~ J!; } i ~- ~. ~ . . ;,. f , -~ ! ~ . -1;\ t I ~ II FAIRWAY \ 4,5 '.$ . F A Ii? M 6" . . . " 1E....5 LME,.NT . O;2A1NA ,. ,~ . 47-13----:.:-/-- --- M -.~"-_;8~1j . . ./ "\ .. ~1J 8 I I. /. I ,I I/,. , -""'.e7f;.~~~ ---z.r-- ~ : I /~ i " \5.7' V1 /: . Q I I' ~ Ii' I, : 't \ ~/: '4 Gj I~~ ~. /' '\ .: ~ .: ~_3 / 5.4 -3.8:' 0 ; ~! ~ :. . .. .5~. ' - " '?'. . ........ GREE.N wAY / /8.9 , /9 ' _~_IO 7- -; !...7:.../~ I I . , ... 7.0 " " , 1.!3 \ / /3.2 13.2 1/.4 / /8/ 'J,. 7\ .;'" ,12.5 ~ .9 1 10/ .4 G.2 /-- RcC2=AnON AI2EA . . . . . . . . 'l.. . . . . iZ e. c . ? & ,,--l 1 . . , . . . . . . t: . . f< , 't ( " . I ), e ,L REVISIONS ~ NOTE /.!;LEV47'/ON6 5f1oWN THUS' 9.2 iJNO {,ONTOtHi': LlNE-S' .51-/0WN Tl-lt./'S: 8-- AeE reOM 6U12VEV 1\.1.<106: IN JAN 1873 z. .,;;LEVA 7/CJiY.6 :5l-/owN THUS, 10,5 AND CON TOUA:? LINe.5 ..5HOWN TI-IUS ---- ~-- AeE. reOM ~uel/J!!.Y MAoe JA;\/, 29.1974 . . UNAUTHORIZED AlTUATION 0-11. ADDlnON TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPJ~S OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT 8EARING THo LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR E'l,eossm SEAL SHALL NOT &E CONSIDERED TO So A VALID TRUE COPY. GC!A~M:n~s iND/CAHD HEREON SHALL RUN GNlY TO THE ?ERSON FOP, WHOM THE SURVEY 13 f...~;A,.ED, AND ON HIS B[HA~F TO THE r:n:: COMPANY, GOV:R:--'M~NTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSiiIl.:iJ:JN l,SlW HORtON, AND TO THE ASS:G~ms OF TH, lENDING INSTI- TuTION. GUARANlEES ARE NOT TRANSfERABLf TO ADDITIONAL iNSlITUTJONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNfRS. YOUNG & YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE, RIVER HEAD, NEW YORK ALDEN W. YOUNG PROf'ES810NAlL ENGINEER AND LAND .U"VEYOR. N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 128AS HOWARD W. YOUNG LAND SURVEYOR N.Y.S. Lie. NO. AS8ell AT FAIRWAY CUTCHOGUe.. TOWN OF.:30UTHOL-D G SUFFOLK CO., N. Y. SCALE'I//<::/OO' DATE'JAI\/.3L)1974 North Fork Company j NYS C00I TE SYJ TEN I, Frank Rogers _ v NO°47'50 E /28283• Pipe v Z ' � �FV ] '' 202.83' b 18000• IBOOO' 18000• /8000' /80.00• /8000• -- - - w I Nl°00'40"E 325.00• .UffCLK GOIIf17Y OC7WRTMFIIJ'YH'� IEr� e o m p /r- RIGHT OF WAY D ., / s o ry. b 0' / S l°/4'50••W. 205.07' 10 nits •`1 3 �.'1 49 3 a diverhead, Nmv York : v m- m m 0 o titi m w o, flus Is to ceutdy that the proposed arrangements for water supply and o m= ti ti u /2 U // OF /O "�' OR e I ' L,� /5 p, /4 m /3f w m Margaret E Babcock ¢VlagC disposal for f Af 2wA�1 �p'R•15 -- F ro 16 4060650.FT N 4060650 FT r0 40606 SO FT b 40606 50 FT 4229750 F7 - w m w -Z, 40606 SO FT .ih m 4/68350 FT m m, ec 2r,. Andrew Merdo 0- m '.I the (T) SOlJ1VIOLV f ots of / 55//4 SO FT m N with a total of m m a m ° � rm rppmved on Ile ala/e das. Tils apprc¢I shall he valid only in the u m �� haDO .II ',Ci 5'hdiviern plan Is duly filed wliP the Carry Clorlt within six ��-sO m Pipe N/°00.40"E, RIGHT OF --- ro I noose; of this date. vm_ro 112.9@' /8500' 1@ WAY /0799@' o m - - - �80 p0•- - - - __/80.00'- -_ - _ - __/8000 - --_ -H@9/= Consent is I'.crehy [vee for the filir9 of the ma Cp 1NhICh this 'E ---16672--- -- -18000'-- - -- -/8000'- - - - 10 0 500' ,/9500' 20000' /69.84• - P /15563• m 202 00' cndoca.menl L,Peals In .hc ONCO of idle Ca:aty Cloth In accordance with _ NO°4750'E. +•" FA/R WAY m o \225\5 °i a 50.00 //9'84 °echos 111J ¢`t tie I'n:dlc IICLI{II Law and Section 2 of A ' (V) of 'm SO°47�0'W-- �Fe 36254 _ 50°47.50"W 6084/ - P 3Wlolh Connty Spill{ary Co 19500 2/84/ 19500 - Iw m -20500'-_-_5,1. i 3 A (J Ns 1 B ry 7 m o b " IFn° 11 °Ie 20 T' O b O m. b 32 - - . 5Z59. N ____- 0 IZT ° s� ry b 291 \I �wq 40953 BO FT ry 40700 SO FT c' 6 T ~ 400P SOFT 4 IFrN 5 1 , A •/ Iq /OO, m 2 2 m o ° yes ,� 0 40670 s0 FT. P`,39 m e l �. m r 112T _ 40948 SO F, 9025750 FT Director, �iaision at Envilomnen#al tLai�, 431 L-= l-of �, I e � I 0 2�ry Sb o _ 2I 6 RESERVED FOR POGE/BLE /7 a .p p /FUTUREHIGHWA Y DEDICATION O O 20 O m 9 SWAT/EUOUG RE AROE SAND !, "�,� p V 45@80 SO FT. V, �{Otd of m �o 0 2/ v m l�q, 2Ae 9 J'EASENENT FO MAINTAINING X // Re 4/036 SO FT - / / PROPOJED PDND I = 438 6 50 FT 43682 SO FT N 43660 90 FT m i(i' ,'h - L SYs rEN L-4167. - •,� $ 00 goo Ed / r Q 0 O, - /79.44 '--_ - _F IR '_L=57@4 _ _L=8626 " S543/ W �� 2552 0o N 5°43.10 E // I m m I 8500'- -- _ - _ - X7550'-L=6409' -/5835'-__- _ -_ /7700 - - _ _ -.' a'.3o m "SAFETY VALVE" 0 0 - -- RWAY _ E R-950534' SI°00'40"W 33535' F N/-00'40•'E R=90034 N.l°0040 f 40/62' R=1226.70• L=144.10 '/�7, / WATERO/SdIAROEPO/NT I NO°4750E 230.00 l o - ° p' - DRIVE / 220.00 2/8.4/• 2/8,03' S /°00'4d'W. - 54200' 45507 _ L=99 BO'-� 15000 36035 -__ _ 8.749 /9L4/' /550/' 155,0/' /550/' P, X2700 /50.00 /5000' --- --/300'-_ /A. 1500' %5535 - )y., t✓3 X63 lt' j P a a ♦I <,.f2s i<:33Y4. } 000' - 4 m teslA°kn°.3 c 93 s. 2 03• `'I es .. O_ r b b 2 \ s' m 2 9 A 1 r 2 Iesl Mkno.4 m m o / a l m m o m 2 \5 1 m m \ m m 40430 50.FT. Onnm` CPO �_ N TH 0 o`A A I +.Zc I r \ \ N / terj0n R, / // \ I r - I � A w e o o I. 3/ 32 a 33 \ �z 1 m 4430750 FT Prescy 23 24 m 25 m 26 m= v 27 2B m 29 30 m 45804 So FT 42112 50 FT m 34 , m,_r 'ti m 46326 S0.FT 40564 SO FT 40790 SO FT m 4090/ SO FT 40847 SO FT. 40373 SG FT 40509 SO FT 1 m 40988 SO FT 4/536 SO FT v w w 0. O - aadonf ,ren 14/.69' I u I _ The 10yafro° Pogue 1 4' m q '4409450f7 I obi m N t'Ov / deP , al Cn 0' 1 1 m W g 0�o, - o Cc, rigof C,fc 9. m m v N� 11 o'-C!c \ cn $pG b !'EAJEMENTFON ON CHARGE SAND `I m q➢a Ep ni \ moo-v 0 3 w SIPASCONVESYSTEK °NMGE fANo <.�o O ry b zA n= 4 H l 0 s W \F \ 5.6°1040 E W W 0mr S m {e_,f h°ic n°,2 t° W 0�m 1- g 0 .2 0- ry l b u G 0500E 18239 32. ❑➢ cam WI '0 0 0 sl P' p a ? b 5i 11 m �'. 1 216.95• 5, a 5l pa F➢- ro y 0 w p ml i o w No to \ \ - / N I G 3603' 156 75 409.73' ms z oo - F° -- /31.98'--- 155.00'- - /5500'- -- - ---130.00- - - 153.640 Salter zm o /9 1° v; -- mr /50.00' 15000' 1 '` 6444' �I \ SlOnleY Ooy a� \ ➢�oaFN I NO°97.50„EO/05SO.F270/B' \150.9\II ei EJ 3/°02/'40"W. x/3 /9 ION 25 5./ 2/'40"W 64000 m w �Q'Q°55l0'E 25264• 56°39'00•E A/Sen ^'f1 mm Gladys NOlsen 57/9@' -tFM Mize 3 ECAS LAN EX TENS FIR o m m < -- e 1 {Ty opo° ILII omA m I anyz 1 om ` - o, a q HorD/d G I Byron I Elsie M p ske Timbrook m\ m o h co-E mr mr Ea 0 DO vSAFETY VALVE" 1 z Estate of F. H Case o,� o o �- f(orteo Ho �n Hicks o m / I imm n o0, m Cedars Golf C/Ub s IIll�1t I ok o / II omm O 0rm WATER a/SLHARGE PO/NT m o I m 1 5/.43' mYm mr0 DES/ O ORA9SEO WATERWAY S 10 171' co �^' o yx mem T ro m 0- pope S4°33.50"E a o `rW>• o 0 I O S,/°2/'90"W III '24 v ti Zn a o � I�A NE ITT, 2m c 50700' CA. / Ou ED 1 L_ FINISHED GRADE 2'MAX -{ I:MA , THE WATER SUPPLYAND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL FACIL/TIES FOR ALL LOTS/N THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS qN9 REOU/gEMENTS 2' MAX OF SUFFOLK COUN TY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH I POND PAy 0 \ _ P � \ _ OSE 3 _ ° Q PROFESSIONAL EA/ EER A LAND SURVEYOR o I I II MEADOW LAN o q 10 900 GAL. � , NYS LICENSE NO. /2845 0 'S2o II D lO °�2� O NO rE -A 2750"W. \ SEPTIC TANK USE 3P "IHERESYCERTIFY'THAT THIS MAP WAS IRPOSI USFROMACTUAL SURVEYS o --�� y - . POOL SYSTEM ONLOTS� /6-19/NCL. 096_= I 300 S FT 7 U • EYS COMPLETED JULY 30 1973A ND N S HE NO TH _ AEON AT CTl � 3 POOL SYSTEM ON LOTS /2 /5/NCL B 22-24 C ACTUALLYEX/STAND THEIRPOSITIONS ALL CONCRETE MONUMEN T�,SHOWN � SNL ARECORRECTLYSNOWN AND ALL D/MENS%ONAL ANO GEODETICDETA/LSARE COgRECT.',. ' SIDE WALL AREA 2POOL SYSTEM ON LOTS+ B-///NCL., 25-29 /NCL 1 LEACH/NG POOL 02082/ C� REV/SED. DEC 28 /973 hJ oia lU/ CANAL \t`�_� 1n ✓All! 4r /974 YOUNG 8 YOUNG k V&HEA9 Y. JAN. 22,1974 ALDEIV W YOUNG N Y.S P E.8�S NO/2845 - _ - ' X00-- - / HOWARD YOUNG NYS LS NO.45893 0 52°/2'40'W �.dre/.he " -- - - - - - - - 656.B4' GROUND WATER "THIS/S TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OFSOUTHOLO BYRESOLUT/ON OF APPROVAL DA TE 1973 " TYPICAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CHAIRMAN, PLANNING BOARD DATE, NOTE TIYEL07 L/NESOFSUBDIV/SIONMAPS ASF/LEO, CANNO79EALTEII W/THOUTPERM/SSIONFROM THEPLANN/NG BOARD/ AND LOTSMUSTSESOLa a FINISHED GRADE-� AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP WELL TEST HOLES a 5 NO 1 NO 2 NO 4 J'A MIN 00 00 00 A03 0,0 05 /0415,„- MAP MD//l son°7 Sol sat/ top sol/ 42 GAL OF V 8 B STORAGE RwgYF,�RMs IINAIReORQE,ACTUATIONF111111W OR 1- 1STATE \� 30 - - ON loom %ram Team TANK To THIS HAI1 Is A Vlosnrlou Or 00 •�• sag r°v� '3'0 sand,small 2 FA / ELuunow RE TION uWF THrurw rorx surf \ ^y 40 -- -- 40 amt gravel 4.0 -- --- 4O -- - - - mmcs or rxls rum NOT eum°e THE imr'9IO AL sacrum's INrcE° CU TCHO GUE SEAL O CONSIDERED 10 SEAL SHALL NOT N Z9f9543.389__ Sano water O GF L ORE B0 t0 4E I.VIAL WOE CO}Y. E 34 T Ali N; CASE HOUSE - ---- h 75 rand TOWN OF SOUTHOL D _ WEST GRE W+ Dc aP° 10 MIN water sand q�,P/PE SUFE CO N IA,iv , N GROUND WATER i •.y SUE( TIC TANK 7 °o W_ B'f MIN 2 ' W LEACHING POOL 13.0 L E l = /00 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP TION MAP o LOCA ml - { SCALE l"=600' _ STREET tw/er 5GPM p /00 50 0 /00 Nc 200 (•�� 'w-i,'-„r.- i, water OWNER+ ° TYPICAL PLOT PLANFAIRWAY FAR�n s;rNc` ' TYPICAL WELL DETAIL CUTCHo6UE,N.Y. 1193N TOTAL AREA= 50.272 ACRES t 1,11:11 ir 1