HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrowley Estates ~ . REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T _ TERRY TOWN CLERK December 5,1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southofd Town Hall Southofd, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Southofd Town Board, at their regular meeting held on December 2, 1986, adopted a resolution determining that the amount of $11,800.00 shall be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground in the major subdivision of Crowley Estates at North Bayview Road, Southold, New York, of which sum $350.00, being the appraisal cost, shall be deducted, and the balance shall be deposited in' a Trust Account. Very truly yours, ~. Judith T. Terry Southofd Town Clerk . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN C'lFRt..: REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 October 24, 1986 Andrew D. Stype Stype Borhters Real Estate, Inc. Main Road, P. O. Box 63 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Andy: The SoutllOld Town Board is in need of the services of a Licensed Real Estate Appraiser to conduct appraisals of major subdivisions known as "Crowley Estates", and "Deborah Edson", so the Town Board may determine the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes, all in accordance with Section Al06-38 E (3) of the Code of the Town of Southold. The Town Board adopted a resolution at their October 21, 1986 regular meeting authorizing you to conduct this appraisal. The subdivision maps are enclosed herewi th. For your information, Section Al06-38 E (3) of the Subdivision of Land reads as follows: The Town Board shall determine the amount to be deposited based on the following formula: not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.) per gross acre of land that would otherwise be required for recreation purposes or five (5%) percent of the fair market value of the total acreage proposed for subdivision as determined by an independent appraiser retained by the town. When you have completed your appraisals, please file them with this office. Thank you. Very truly yours, // dt:: " 0~ Judith T. erry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures (2) c!t!;/~~-7~ . T . ~..m OCT 0 9 1986 Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 r- CIIIIllr r atlI October 9, 1986 Mrs. Elizabeth Neville Deputy Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Crowley Estates Dear Mrs. Neville: Transmitted herewith are three surveys for the above mentioned subdivision located at Southold . The Planning Board is referring this subdivision to the Town Board pursuant to Section 100-38 E (3) for a determination on the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground. Since this subdivision is close to being finalized, may we have the Town Board's determination at the earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, B~S?r~~~ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary .~ ~ ..., ' JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS S~~~ ~....:':'''.,.~ ~~,., , ,~ ~.},; . :- 6, ~ cJ1 ,', := ~';!lIIi ... c;;'7u' .u ""'OJ. ~ i\ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 ..\ \, OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 14, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following budget modification to the General Fund - whole town 1989 Budget for the transfer of monies from the Park & Playground Account to the General Fund for the payment of services rendered for rototilling, raking, and seeding two ball fields at the Laurel Lake Park: To: Revenues: A2025 Special Recreation Facility $ 10,500.00 Appropriations: A7110.2 Parks, Equipment $ 10,500.00 ~ P'..Y ~ ~~.~ Southald Town Clerk November 16, 1989 ......' .. ~ " "' ACCOUNTING & FINANCE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE (516) 765-4333 --9JflZ~ -tJ-i' ,cornl' '''' .y ':"\j\ r....,;...i'....'-.:;:.... /l';',,0'IJIJ"'C I, ,"%; :y~" "~ " '-"',' -< ' ::::. " , . ,=" ' ;;0:: t.n "', ..,., """~ ~ G;:>, '~ "~<1t .:.Jl 'i~ TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD P,O, BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 -', OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following bUdget modification to the General Fund _ Whole Town 1989 BUdget for the transfer of monies from the Park & Playground Account to the General Fund for the payment of services rendered for rototilling, raking, and seeding two ball fields at the Laurel Lake Park: To: Revenues: A2025 Special Recreation Facility $ 10,500.00 Appropriations: A7110.2 Parks, Equipment $ 10,500.00 " ... . .\ ) JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 14, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the offer of dedication of a four acre open space parcel of property in the Cedarfields Affordable Housing Subdivision which the Town will develop as a park and playground area under the Town's overall Park Program. d~Y~ f1'~~-f: Te~ Southold Town CI~r.p' November 16, 1989 i ( . , . ,- ') INTER-OFFICE MEMO FROM THE TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO: ~~II~~/ FROM: James A. SChondebare, Town Attorney #'kA5-9' ~ r~re~~ ~// Lv/r'/7) DATE: REF: '4e ~~ z;- .L2~ &/~~-./ ~/".""'__~? -- ~ --- dAf4!' .:,..,.<-- ~ 0tk'~ _ M~ ~ ~"'~~c-~ ~:i::rPO~-::;c::!r 4-'~ ~,~~ ~~.~/ y~~ - 7 V . /~~ -j'5 t4/~~)fi!f~ 41~;::~ /~ ~ 1f;J'~""/- f6 r')'-'; 1: . - . ~ /}f!~!/f/ /21'ft!'.!!,a~..../.? ;:f"/7A~ /, , . .;.0) 1"- ':ECEIVtD .\U8 3 0 1988 Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa. P.O. Box I 179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1939 JAMES A. SCHONDEBARES""th~'..I T~'''n /'I", TOWN A rrORNI:'Y ROBERT H. BERNTSSON ASSlsrANrrOWN ATTORNI:'Y OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD "rO,: FROM: DATE: REF: To",n Board James A. Schondebare. Town Attorney August 30, 1988 Monies in lieu of Parkland This matter was discussed on numerous occasions during the last few years and was recently mentioned by Councilwoman Cochran. I enclose a copy of Opinion #87-22 of the State Comptroller concerning this issue. I believe that the Town Board has a great deal of flexibility in utilizing the funds. -..! . ; ~".,) ;... ~ 87-22 OPINIONS OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER 36 U7 Although we found no New York cases directly on point, courts in at least two other states, in construing bidding statutes analogous to General Municipal Law, ~ 103, have held that contracts for the preparation of title abstracts were exempt from com- petitive bidding (State ex rei. Doria v Ferguson, 145 Ohio St 12, 60 NE2d 476 [1945J; Harper v Thompson, 280 SW 861 [1926]). In State ex rel. Doria, supra, the Supreme Court of Ohio characterized the services of an abstractor as a "contract. . . for per- sonal services of a specialized nature requiring [the] exercise of peculiar skill and aptitude." (60 NE2d 476, 478.) The court also noted that the services required ''trained persons thoroughly familiar with public records and their use." (p 478-9). Similarly, in Harper, supra, the Court of Civil Appeals of Texas held that a contract for the instal- lation of a plat book system and for a complete abstract of property was exempt from competitive bidding requirements because it required scientific and technical skill, including a knowledge of pertinent laws (see also, gen., lA Antieau, Mun. Corp. Law, ~ 10.33; 64 Am Jur 2d ~43). This Office concurs with the analysis of State ex rel. Doria, supra and Harper, supra. Therefore, it is our opinion that the professional judgment, knowledge and skill in- volved in the preparation of title abstracts, including the ability to identify pertinent information in public records, would bring it within the professional service exception. In those instances where formal bidding under section 103 is not required for contracts involving professional services, an award of such a contract may be made to any contractor in the best interest of the municipality (see, e.g., Mathalia Motors v City of Oneida, 105 Mise 2d 843, 433 NYS2d 548, affd 84 AD2d 637, 449 NYS2d 448). In order to assure that a contract award is made in the best interest of the taxpayers, however, it is our opinion that it is generally advisable for a municipality to seek competition, either through use of requests for proposals or a more informal method. Mareh 26, 1987 Walter Garigliano, Esq., Assistant County Attorney County of Sullivan Opn No. 87-22 ZONING AND PLANNINU - Park Lands (use of park trust fund moneys for bicy- cle paths) PARKS AND RECREATION - Bicycle Paths (as constituting park facility) TOWN LA W, ~ 277(1): Moneys paid to a town in lieu of the setting aside of park lands, pursuant to section 277(1) of the Town Law. may be used to establish bicycle paths adjacent to public streets in appropriate circum- stances. You ask whether moneys paid to the town in lieu of the setting aside of park lands, pursuant to section 277(1) of the Town' Law, may be used to establish bicycle paths adjacent to certain public streets in the town. The bicycle paths would not be limited to streets within the subdivision in connection with which such moneys were derived. Town Law, ~ 277(1) authorizes a town planning board, as a condition of plat ap. proval. to require a subdivider to set aside park land or, if the board determines that a suitable park or parks cannot be properly located within the plat or is otherwise not ;_-.practical, to pay a sum of money determined by the town board to the town. That section further provides that any such payment of money in lieu of the setting aside of park land ". . .shall constitute a trust fund to be used by the town exclusively for neighborhood park, playground or recreation purposes including the acquisition of property". " ( C~:iJ, ." " ( I . l l.. 4" r c r ~ ( l ...... c 37 OPINIONS OF THE STATE COMPl'ROLLER 87-23 3-87 In view of the requirement that "in lieu of park land" moneys be used exclusively for neighborhood park, playground or recreation purposes, a preliminary question which must be resolved is whether a bicycle path is a park or recreational purpose. While we are not aware of any New York case law on this issue, one state has specifically recognized that a bicycle path is a park facility (Grosz v City of Sioux Falls, 346 NW2d 446). In addition, we note that bicycle paths are commonly found within municipal parks. Consequently, we conclude that a bicycle path constitutes a park or recreational purpose. The question remains, however, as to whether the pro- posed bicycle paths are a proper purpose for use of "in lieu of park land" moneys under Town Law, f 277. In 1982 Opns St Comp No. 82-206, p 260, this Office expressed the view that section 277 was intended: ll. . . to insure that new or expanded park facilities will ~ acquired or provided for residents of new developments [citation omitted]. This objective may be achipvp,.1 hy thp r.reation of a. sinuliP ..pnt~Ur located park benefitill2 all town rp-R,i~~nt..1:i p-ouallv [citation omitted]. It may be achieved in some other way. The decision is one best made by the town board after consideration of various factors which would include, but not be limited to, the size of the town, sites available for acquisition or improvement, the existing facilities, its accessibility to all town residents and the desires of all town residents, including those of each subdivision." Therefore, it is our view that "in lieu of park land" moneys may be expended to develop bicycle paths adjacent to public streets outside the subdivision in connection with which the moneys were derived in appropriate circumstances. However, in order to determine whether such use of the moneys would be proper in this instance, the town board must take into account the factors mentioned in the above-quoted para- graph, including the accessibility of the bicycle paths to the residents of the subdivi. sion from which the payments were obtained, as well as such other factors as it may deem relevant. . March 24, 1987 Steven M. Silverberg, Esq., Town Attorney Town of Mamaroneck Opn No. 87-23 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST - Family Relationships (school district purchasing property from father-in-law of board member) GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW, iHOO(3), 801(1): A member or a city school district board of education does not have a prohibited interest in a con- tract for the purchase by the district of real property from his father-in-law unless he receives a direct or indirect benefit as a result of the contract. You ask whether a member of a city school district board of education would have a prohibited interest under Article 18 of the General Municipal Law (sections 800, et seq.) in a contract for the purchase of real property by the district from his father-in- law in connection with the construction of a new high school. Section 801 of the General Municipal Law prohibits a municipal officer or employee from having an interest in any contract with his municipality when the officer or employee, either individually or as a member of a board, has the power or duty to negotiate, prepare, authorize or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment " -- " I KS::er, ~1'1i !; ,1 '''86 ,}t) 'J -=.... '1: :::1"" . "l~4I","",~ 1......1...~...rm~.hoid . . APPRAISAL PREPARED FOR SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MAJOR SUBDIVISION CROWLEY ESTATES BY: ANDREW D. STYPE STYPE BROTHERS REAL ESTATE, INC. MAIN ROAD; P. O. BOX 63 MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 AS OF: NOVEMBER 10, 1986 FAIR MARKET VALUE $237,600. . . " '"""I:' . . PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL This appraisal is made for the purpose of arriving at an opinion as to the Fair Market Value of the subject property, if offered for sale On the open market under conditions prevailing as of November 10, 1986, and is based on a physical inspection, and consideration of all factors which affect value, including zoning, utility, location, topography, present and potential use and market data. DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE Fair Market Value, as defined by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, is: "The most probable price estimated in terms of money which a property will bring if exposed for sale on the open market allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable of being used." . . /I 'I I . . STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The certification of the Appraiser appearing in the appraisal report is Subject to the conditions as are set forth by the Appraiser in the report. 1. The Appraiser assumes no responsibility for matters of a legal nature affecting the property appraised or the title thereto, nor does the Appraiser render any opinion as to the title, which is assumed to be good and marketable. The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership. 2. The Appraiser is not required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made the appraisal with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have been previously made. 3. The Appraiser assumes that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures, which would render it more or less valuable. The Appraiser aSSumes no responsibility for such conditions or for engineering which might be required to discover such factors. 4. Information, estimates, and opinions furnished to the Appraiser, and contained in the report, were obtained from Sources considered reliable and believed to be true and correct. However, no responsibility for accuracy of such items furnished the Appraiser can be assumed by the Appraiser. 5. Disclosure of the contents of the appraisal report is governed by the Bylaws and Regulations of the professional appraisal organization with which the Appraiser is affiliated. II . . jj . . STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS cont'd. 6. Neither all, nor any part of the content of the report or copy thereof (including conclusions as to the property value, the identity of the Appraiser, professional designations, reference to any professional appraisal organizations, or the firm with which the Appraiser is connected), shall be used for any purposes by anyone but the client specified in the report, the mortgagee or its successors and assigns, mortgage insurers, consultants, professional appraisal organizations, any state or federally approved financial institution, any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or the District of Columbia, without the previous written consent of the Appraiser; nor shall it be conveyed by anyone to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media, without the written consent and approval of the Appraiser. . . " u, . . HIGHEST AND BEST USE - ANALYSIS Highest and best use is defined as: That reasonable and probable use that supports the highest present value, as defined, as of the effective date of the appraisal. Alternatively, that use, from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and which results in highest land value. The definition immediately above applies specifically to the highest and best use of the land. It is to be recognized that in cases where a site has existing improvements on it, the highest and best use may very well be determined to be different from the existing use. The existing use will continue, however, unless and until land value in its highest and best use exceeds the total value of the property in its existing use. Implied within these definitions is recognition of the contribution of that specific use to community environment or to community development goals in addition to wealth maximization of individual property owners. Also implied is that the determination of highest and best use results from the appraiser's judgement and analytical skill; that the use determined from analysis represents an opinion, not a fact to be found. In appraisal practice, the concept of highest and best use represents the premise upon which value is based. The analysis is divided into two parts. The first assumes the site is vacant and ready to be improved. As such, a wide variety of improvements might be physically possible on this site. Current zoning and building department regulations, however, make the continued residential use the most profitable legal use of the site. To determine type, style, layout, materials mechanical systems, and quality of construction requires an analysis of the market. As most residential construction of this character is owner occupied, it is difficult to formulate a precise set of construction requirements. Any improvements . . , " . . HIGHEST AND BEST USE - ANALYSIS cont'd. should be of good construction and materials and an attempt should be made to provide amenities requisite to the owners life style and tastes. It is in this appraisers opinion that the Highest and Best Use for the subject property is for Residential Subdivision in accordance with the Local Zoning Laws. There is currently a high demand for residential homesites especially in the size of two acres or less. It is this appraisers opinion that the subject property would achieve its Highest & Best Use by subdividing the property into individual homesites in accordance with the current Southold Town Zoning Code Chapter 100. . . " . . SITE DESCRIPTION The subject property is located on the northwest corner of North Bayview Road and Jacobs Lane in the Hamlet of Southold; Township of Southold; County of Suffolk; State of New York. Subject property is further identified on the Southold Tax Rolls and Suffolk County Tax Maps as District: 1000; Section 79; Block 6; Lot 4. Subject property consists of 14.4 acres. Property dimensions are - north 576 feet on North Bayview Road; east 172 feet on Jacobs Lane; south boundary is 570 feet; west boundary is 1,031 feet. ASSESSED VALUATION Subject property is assessed as follows: Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4300 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4300 Taxes............. .$1,326.36 TOPOGRAPHY Subject property is fairly level, open acreage, with no improvements. The property does have a gradual downward slope to the northwest corner. ZONING Subject property is Zoned "A"-Residential and it is subject to 80,000 square feet per homesite. The immediate area is Agricultural and Residential, occupied mostly year-round. . . 'I . . ZONING cont'd. -- Subject property is located in the Southold School and Fire Districts. The population of Southold is approximately five thousand as of the Lilco census dated January 1985. Property values are stable with gradual annual increases. Public Utilities include electric and telephone. SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Subdivision potential is rated as above average due to parcel size, amount of road frontage and location. OWNERSHIP AND OCCUPANCY According to the Suffolk County Real Property Tax Maps the subject property is listed under the ownership of Daniel Crowley and wife. LAST DEED OF RECORD The last deed recorded dates January 8, 1969, and it is listed under Liber 6545; Page 140. SOIL The soil is a mixture of RdB and HaA. RdB is Riverhead Sandy Loam. The slope percentage is from 3% to 8%. . . II I . . SOIL cont'd. Haven Loam (HaA) has a slope from 0% to 2%. Both mixtures have a slight hazard of erosion, and a slight limitation to have a homesite. WATER There would be a need for private water wells. There would appear to be potable water, subject to the Suffolk County Health Department regulations. The proximity to shopping, schools and public transportation is average. . . " :j I' 'I I . Date of Sale Grantor Grantee D~i ta Source T;~JX Hap Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Unit Price/Acre ~djustments (per ~) Time of Sale Location (wooded) Parcel Area/Shape Topography Soil Classification ~ht0)r Supply DC'Jelopment Cost Flooding Conditions Zoning (yield) r . HARKET DIITA SALe: NO.1 1-12-86 Beach Barry Office Files 1000-79-5-16 Fourteen acres None $285,000.00 $20,350.00 inferior superior comparable comparable comparable comparable superior comparable comparable +$ 600. -$3,OOU. Proximity to Services, Recreation (near Bay Beach & boating) superior -H.,t,~OO . Totid, Adjustment............................ -,t'j, '100. Indicated Value/Acre...... ..................$16,450. (value in Fee Simple) -"", J~l1!',Il."W.I;'~~~~~_~~?';<>_'_." . :':: :~'. -- -'. ,--,>";;",,,-::,:-~,:~,_... . ~ .. - .. . .'" 0_ fill: , , , , '~ I \ . \~ t: , ~ , ., L________":__'_ -, ',." - fJ)"'* '<::I~ ~i ~ U I - <:> ctl l!")f ') (\) 'I .... m a- t-- lOs, .., J 'P' f i~ . . "... , ! I I I ~ : . . . . . - . . ': '. ... , 0 I . ~ . @ .. .., .. Il1O .11M -: !! ~, n, 0 . c .. ~ . .. .. " ~ , .. f : ~ ; ~. , . . . . . .,..... 'MO Ii ; t~ . ~;;; l: ... . .. 0' J'", Z . .c ; - .. "h .. 0 ;0 zOg I! ~ -Ji? w .. ~uo ~ i f ~ ' ~::: . .. ~If ,,=: -~l"" . Z "_'" '" w w . .. !! J " ~f: -!' '" '" . .. vo ~ .0 .. v w v. ----- '0" - - -- . w . ~ @ ~ .. .. . ~ '" ". .~u, . v ~ . . ! .: .. ~ ~ ~ ..., .: ... .~ a w .. ~. . o i "':;: .. w .. .. " v .. .. ,. .,. '" . . II T , I, , . . MARKET DATA SALE NO. 2 Date of Sale Grantor Grantee Data Source Tax Map Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Un it Price/ Acre 6-10-86 Murtha Vine View Office 1000-69-1-4 18.2 acres None $150,000. $ 8,240. Adjustments (per acre) Time of Sale Location Parcel Area/Shape Topography Soil Classification Water Supply Development Cost Flooding Conditions Zoning (yield) Proximity to Services, Recreation inferior inferior inferior comparable comparable comparable inferior comparable comparable +$ 500 +$1,500. +$1,000. +$2,500. inferior +$ 750. Total Adjustment.............................. .+$6,250. Indicated Value/Acre...........................$14,490. (value in Fee Simple) .tLF'= .:i-....,. ,.,--~:,-".~ ...,~-~ :~~~~-~~~ ~ ' ~.a{t~-': . ._;tt~.:;~;:ii'-Y: .--~~r'-:;~- --~ _:-'~'.:_~--+o~." ~~';, :;i; .'.1'.: , . . .~ .. 4 ~.... .: I ..: .. 4 0:..... .. , / 0.'/ 4 I ... I.. ~/ " I . / / " .' 'f r-r--.........- I_ ;: ~ki;..7 .' ;Q.1i~' ....../ '\II"".~t ..< --~:--- _ ;r- ".:~.. -, '>,. ., " e ;." ... ~ 0 ~ t ---::.....: , n . o n ~s. ~ ...~ ~ " -'.~, ., .., . . II . Da te of Sale Grantor Grantee Data Source Tax Map Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Unit Price/Acre Adjustments (per acre) Time of Sale Location Parcel Area/Shape Topography Soil Classification Water Supply Development Cost Flooding Conditions Zoning (yield) Proximity to Services, Recreation . MARKET DATA SALE NO. 3 8-16-85 Staller Catapano Office Files 1000-69-6-9.1 & 8 Twenty-three acres Town Water $306,000. $ 13,300. inferior inferior comparable comparable comparable superior comparable comparable comparable +$1,500. +$1,000. -$ 500. comparable Total Adjustment.......... ...................+$2,000. Indicated Value/Acre.........................$15,300. , \ \. . @ ~~ , " ; ".. ".~~~ .'-1' ..rts;..I~"~,: ";-:-'-'-,', "f'''''-<;'''''''''-''',~- :"=~~;~~1~~[~~ :-'~~.~,~Z:~ ", - ....,...~_.., @ --..--- ~ ~ -'-,. p, '\ \l"~ \~i ~ 'Y.~. , i~t: '\'" <7~'~"" ..'~ ~~l\'.'" f;:L .....: -_.--? ---- ~AIt"l "0-- SIC "0 06i11 .06"000...: Staller Camp. 113 69-6-92 -~~--.;z Z' - o ,~ r-,; \...... 1.1. I.~' " ,c .. ,.' , .~ t....~ \ \ , , I: ;T ..!., ~ 22. . . .- . :!! ~ -~ I~ ~ . I I " " :! , I I :1 :1 I . II . Date of Sale Grantor Grantee Data Source Tax Map Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Unit Price/Acre Adjustments (per acre) Time of Sale Location Parcel Area/Shape Topography Soil Classification Water Supply Development Cost Flooding COnditions Zoning (yield) Proximity to Services, Recreation . MARKET DATA SALE NO. 4 4.29.85 Rogers Saragas Lusk 1000-55-2-7 Twenty acres Dwelling, Barn, $170,000. $ 8,500. inferior inferior comparable comparable comparable comparable comparable comparable comparable inferior r Porch +$1,500. +$2,500. +$ 500. Total Adjustment......................... +$4,500. Indicated Value/Acre ...................$13,000. (value in Fee Simple) ~ ~~ . .'-,:::;- r,.. '~_" ,:';l ~~ .. o. .", ~ . - .. 0:' . - E ...~ ~ , "- . ..' - ~ , . ,.. ! , , - -.. \ !'- .. ~. ... ", .- '0' , E :i ._~ - 1. ~ \ , , . ,'r \ I 0 , .. I ~ ~ , ~ · ; i I ~ !.U eo, "'" " ..,. J~ 7 .. JI -" . . i '" = ... r!! ~, 4:3 ~ .,; .~ ~= -a .or Vi) . " ,.. . - .~ ~ :1 .1,. : @ c " . " .1 ", .. 2~ . - , '1' .... - _. , I I If. : I I:: ....Lli ...L....I.~~. J'J :! ! ~ ! '" ; . . ~. ... , - , !! , g ,.. - t . 'u ~ .. . , I!,~!i .~ ,I I i!OP 'ill ~ ....r: ;~: ... .. ..~.. -'j': jJ i;' Jil.: '''. -4" ;.. It' ~ ~: I · IE. .: : j ..I: -:.3.', -t ;.='. I..; 0: I If ~. a _. , "':8 ... 'I' ; I ~ ~ '" . f!i~ . Jr. .1 f 5/ ~.i f I · ihfB @(f) ~; II 1 --.. . .-...., 1 l I . , i....,-I.. , , I I ii, : : :! ' ! i: : : , i ~ . " , _"~ _ "_,_ LL..L,~..:~..;..:.L! ~~l.";'_LL;_~~_,_,. " " .' ,:,. '..",.' ,--~:::.~~'r~\ '~'- '" ~ " , " L , ~ !~: ~'7~ ! d r . ~ . . .. '.c ~ ~!.I ~ z I I'. · I. J H1n Hiu j i _ z ~eAii I I , I I I , oJ..:i i ; . . it "",' I ! i I .. . ; fHH j I J ~ ! ... ..:. & ... I I I I I lit I . , , t r , ..=. ~ ..=. :' ~;;iji . .. .. .. G 4.... .. t ! I~!.a I t I I j I . : I ~ Ii II ~ ! i ','i~ ... -'...0 11tH Iti n d, ;:,~ . ~ . L I HUl , " Ii fl. ..... .. Ii"'i . ; J" "{J '..L t' .. ,.. ". .I ~ .. ~ , j..., , I '.' . -- ~ f._ ..' _ . .<< if~"l!..~~Q'~~Jl"~u:~"'f. i,^i.,~; W.j ,'.::",,,,,;,,," ""'.': .Z"'-l":. ,-.:. .. ,:"'.::c.:::c."',,",,,,;- --. i,~:,::~~':'~"",~'''- ;iI ;it !ill ~ !it . . ~ ~ /<iA.Sk~"OHl1rK .~ ~ s o u N D. .... ~ GOLDSMITH'S. G: INLET PARK OEq~. (COUNTY) Ilr't;f /~{.. !II ~ '.~~ ~ ~.. ~ 501 =Iii ~ ~ II !i If .~ - ~ .. HOG NECK BAr . LITTLE HOG NECK "'ASSAU POINT . " . . -T . . COMPARABLE DATA CORRELATION Comparables have been adjusted for price per acre in the range of $13,000. to $16,500. The Market Data Approach would average out to $14,725. per acre. It would appear that Comparable No.1 compares best to the subject property due to the excellent shape, road front, size of property and close proximity to the Bay Beach. I, therefore, feel the subject property should have a Market Value price of $16,500. per acre. It is this appraisers opinion that the Fair Market Value by the Market Data Approach as of November 10, 1986 would be as follows: $16,500. x 14.4 acres = $237,600.00. " rr . . -.....-: ................. ~- ,,~~.,.~.'':,'''-c.:r T~ " <I: """,;: 0- - f' . . FINAL RECONCILIATION The subject property is currently in use for agricultural production which is not considered to be the highest and best use of the land, but is expected to continue for the immediate future. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of the unencumbered fee simple interest as of November 10, 1986. The neighborhood in which the subject property is located would be considered average in convenience to schools, shopping churches and recreational facilities. The subject property is well protected by surrounding homes, farms and zoning from encroachment of undesirable commercial users. The occupants of the neighborhood have a harmonious relationship and the neighborhood is considered growing for residential use. The three recognized approaches to value were pursued in the previous sections of this report. The detailed analysis of all the pertinent facts and data which were considered to influence the value of the subject property have led to the fOllowing value estimates: Cost Approach:.......... .Not applicable. Income Approach:.........Not applicable. Market Data Approach:....$237,600.00 In developing an estimate of Market Value in fee simple via the Market Data Approach, the following steps were undertaken: 1- An extensive search was made to find comparable sales transactions for which pertinent data was available; 2- The sales prices, terms and motivation for these sales were studied and verified; 3- The properties that were sold and considered similar to the subject were then compared to the subject for the purpose of identifying and measuring the differences in terms of which adjustments had to be made; and . . " "I" . . FINAL RECONCILIATION cont'd. 4- In light of the analyses that were made, units of comparison were developed and an estimate of the market value of the subject property derived. " . . -"I . . INDICATED VALUE BY THE COST APPROACH: Not Applicable INDICATED VALUE BY THE INCOME APPROACH: Not Applicable INDICATED VALUE BY THE MARKET DATA APPROACH: $237,600.00 The Cost Approach is not applicable because the property is vacant and there are no improvements. The Income Approach is not applicable since the amount of revenue received from the tenants (usually farmers) does not indicate Market Value. The Market Data Approach is a valid method to establish Fair Market Value. It compares similar sales in nearby areas to the subject property with a plus (+) if it is inferior and a minus (-) if it is superior. The final adjustments were the basis for my final decision and the Fair Market Value as of November 10, 1986. $16,500. ~ 14.4 acres = $237,600.00. II . . . . CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISER I hereby certify that I have personally inspected the property herein appraised and that I have afforded the property owner(s)/agent the opportunity to accompany me at the time of the inspection. I have also made a personal field inspection of the comparable sales relied upon in making said appraisal and that the comparable sales have been verified with either the Grantor, Grantee or a third party who was directly involved in the transaction of the comparable sale. The subject and the comparable sales relied upon on making said appraisal are identified by photographs contained herein. That to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in the appraisal herein set forth are true and the information upon which the opinions expressed therein are based is correct; subject to the limiting conditions therein set forth. That the apprai~al has been made in conformity with the appropriate state laws, regulations and policies and procedures applicable to appraisal of property for such purposes; and that to the best of my knowledge no portion of the value assigned to such property consist of items which are noncompensable under the established law of New York State. That neither my employment nor my compensation for making this appraisal and report are in any way contingent upon the values reported herein. That I have not revealed the findings and results of said appraisal to anyone other than the members of the Southold Town Board and that I will not do so until authorized by said Board, or until I am required by due process of law, or until I am released from this obligation by having publicly testified to such findings. That my opinion of the Market Value for the subject property as of November 10th, 1986 is $237,600.00............... based upon my independent appraisal and the exercise of my professional judgement. November 10, 1986 - CROWLEY - ~ ~ SOUTH BOUNDARY LOOKING TO NORTH CROWLEY --- FROM THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY ----LOOKING TO THE WEST ......0..-__ NORTH BAYVIEW ROAD . CROWLEY . NORTH BOUNDARY LOOKING TO THE SOUTH .-.--. ~ CROWLEY FROM THE SOUTHEAST BOUNDARY -- LOOKING NORTH. TO JACOBS LANE . . " . . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER I, Andrew D. Stype, age 37, certify that I have been in the Appraisal Business for Fair Market Value since 1978. Since that time I have completed over three hundred Real Estate Appraisals for Residential Properties, Farm Properties, Vacant Lots and Busine~s Properties. I am currently the President of Stype Brothers Real Estate, Inc., and have been in this position since 1983. The business was purchased from my father, Val W. Stype, Sr., who had started the Real Estate and Appraisal business back in 1966. I have personally engaged in the purchase and sale of Real Estate on the Eastern End of Long Island for investment purposes and otherwise. This experience has helped me to determine market values. Currently Stype Brothers Real Estate, Inc. is an active sales office involved in the sale of New Residential Properties, Resale Residential Properties, Farm Properties, Waterfront Properties, and Business Properties. We maintain a full-time sales office, and in addition offer consultation and auction services. Currently our office covers an area from Calvert on to Orient. . . 1/ " .t'-."'";.~ . . QUALIFICATION OF THE APPRAISER cont'd. New York State Licenses and Certifications: Licensed Real Estate Broker since 1980. Licensed Insurance Broker since 1972. Licensed Real Estate Salesman since 1971. Designated as a Certified Appraiser Residential _ C.A.R. since 1984 by the American Association of Certified Appraisers. Member of the New York State Society of Real Estate Appraisers since 1982. Nominated for Suffolk County Approved Appraisal Work. Candidate Member S.R.A. of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. Real Estate Organizations: Member of the Suffolk County Real Estate Board. Member of the Eastern Suffolk Board of Realtors. Associate member of the Columbia Society of Real Estate Appraisers. Member of the National Board of Realtors. Member of the New York State Board of Realtors. II . . . . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER cont'd. Education: 1985 - Seminar in Real Estate Sales sponsored by the New York State Association of Realtors. 1983 - Seminar in Real Estate Management sponsored by the Eastern Suffolk Board of Realtors. 1982 - Successfully completed Part II of course titled Appraising th~ Single Family Residence at Southampton College. 1981 - Successfully completed Part I of course titled Appraising the Single Family Residence a~ Southampton College. 1981 - Successfully completed Continuing Education Course in February of 1981 in accordance with the New York State Real Estate Licensing Qualification. 1979 - Successfully completed the Department of State Real Estate License Law course. 1971 - Graduated from Burdett Jr. College; Boston, Massachusetts. Received my Degree in Accounting. " ,i :1 I' I I I . . . . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER cont'd. Consultation and Appraisal Work Township of Southold The North Fork Bank and Southold Savings Bank 1st Nationwide Savings European American Bank Riverhead Savings Bank The Long Island Savings Household Finance Corp. Lender's Service Corp. I Trust Co. Bank Bank . . . REaMD FEB 8 1988 G'~,~ (J84<<<M< ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAINROAD-P.O.80X 1466 SDUTHOLD. NEW YORK 11971 SGllWd T_ o.k LEFFERTS P. EDSON (Retired) RUDOLPH H. BRUER (S 1 6) 765-1 222 (516) 765-2500 PATRICIA C. MOORE February 4, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL South old Town Clerk's Office Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Att: Judith Terry, Town Clerk Re: Subdivision for Deborah Edson Depot Lane, Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Mrs. Terry: The Southold Town planning Board requires that you notify them, in writing, of your receipt and acceptance of the park and playground fee ($9,531.25), which was hand-delivered to your office yesterday. cooperation in this matter. nc. cc: Southold Town Planning Board James A. Schondebare, Esq. . . JUDITH T. TERRY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 TOWN CLERK OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REGISTRAR OF V1TJ\L STATISTICS December 5,1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York '1971 Gentlemen: The Southold ToY(n Board, at their regular meeting held on December 2,1986, adopted a resolution determining that the amount of $9,531.25 shall be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground in the major subdivision of Deborah D. Edson at Depot Lane, Cutchogue, New York, of which sum $350. 00, being the appraisal cost, shall be deducted and the balance shall be deposited in a Trust Account. Very truly yours, k1J- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . . T LD R-dI) Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 OCT 09 !86 Town CIerIi SlIuItdIJ October 9, 1986 Mrs. Elizabeth Neville Deputy Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Deborah Edson Dear Mrs. Neville: Transmitted herewith are three surveys for the above mentioned subdivision located at Cutchogue. The Planning Board is referring this subdivision to the Town Board pursuant to section 100-38 E (3) for a determination on the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground. Since this subdivision is close to being finalized, may we have the Town Board's determination at the earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ &r~j~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. [l - RmIV. M [,OJ \.' ~} II \q8r~ ,_.., ...... :t:"l.;l>~'" ('-~.".-..f. ~.r"\I~thold . . , i! I i I , I I ! i I I I , il __u__L ---,,,-".'\' . APPRAISAL PREPARED FOR SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MAJOR SUBDIVISION DEBORAH D. EDSON BY: ANDREW D. STYPE STYPE BROTHERS REAL ESTARE, INC. MAIN ROAD; P. O. BOX 63 MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 AS OF: NOVEMBER 11, 1986 FAIR MARKET VALUE $190,625. " . . . . PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL This appraisal is made for the purpose of arriving at an opinion as to the Fair Market Value of the subject property, if offered for sale on the open market under conditions prevailing as of November 11, 1986, and is based on a physical inspection, and consideration of all factors which affect value, including zoning, utility, location, topography, present and potential use and market data. DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE Fair Market Value, as defined by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, is: "The most probable price estimated in terms of money which a property will bring if exposed for sale on the open market allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable of being used." ~, . . -1 . . ~EMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The certification of the Appraiser appearing in the appraisal report is subject to the conditions as are set forth by the Appraiser in the report. 1. The Appraiser assumes no responsibility for matters of a legal nature affecting the property appraised or the title thereto, nor does the Appraiser render any opinion as to the title, which is assumed to be good and marketable. The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership. 2. The Appraiser is not required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made the appraisal with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have been previously made. 3. The Appraiser assumes that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures, which would render it more or less valuable. The Appraiser assumes no responsibility for such conditions or for engineering which might be required to discover such factors. 4. Information, estimates, and opinions furnihsed to the Appraiser, and contained in the report, were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed to be true and correct. However, no responsibility for accuracy of such items furnished the Appraiser can he assumed by the Appraiser. 5. Disclosure of the contents of the appraisal report is governed by the Bylaws and Regulations of the professional appraisal organization with which the Appraiser is affiliated. IT . . . . STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS cont'd. 6. Neither all, nor any part of the content of the report or copy thereof (including conclusions as to the property value, the identity of the Appraiser, professional designations, reference to any professional appraisal organizations, or the firm with which the Appraiser is connected), shall be used for any purposes by anyone but the client specified in the report, the mortgagee or its successors and assigns, mortgage insurers, consultants, professional appraisal organizations, any state or federally approved financial institution, any department, agency or instrumentality of the United States or the District of Columbia, without the previous written consent of the Appraiser; nor shall it be conveyed by anyone to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media, without the written consent and approval of the Appraiser. -,r . , " " . i I I 'i !, I I I I' , . . HIGHEST AND BEST USE - ANALYSIS -----.-- Highest and best use is defined as: That reasonable and probable use that supports the highest present value, as defined, as of the effective date of the appraisal. Alternatively, that use, from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and which results in highest land value. The definition immediately above applies specifically to the highest and best use of the land. It is to be recognized that in cases where a site has existing improvements on it, the highest and best use may very well be determined to be different from the existing use. The existing use will continue, however, unless and until land value in its highest and best use exceeds the total value of the property in its existing use. Implied within these definitions is recognition of the contribution of that specific use to community environment or to community development goals in addition to wealth maximization of individual property owners. Also implied is that the determination of highest and best use results from the appraiser's judgement and analytical skill; that the use determined from analysis represents an opinion, not a fact to be found. In appraisal practice, the concept of highest and best use represents the premise upon which value is based. The analysis is divided into two parts. The first assumes the site is vacant and ready to be improved. As such, a wide variety of improvements might be physically possible on this site. Current zoning and building department regulations, however, make the continued residential use the most profitable legal use of the site. To determine type, style, layout, materials mechanical systems, and quality of construction requires an analysis of the market. As most residential construction of this character is owner occupied, it is difficult to formulate a precise set of construction requirements. Any improvements 1'------ . . Ii , !: il I' II 1 . . HIGHEST AND BEST USE - ANALYSIS cont'd. should be of good construction and materials and an attempt should be made to provide amenities requisite to the owners life style and tastes. It is in this appraisers opinion that the Highest and Best Use for the subject property is for Residential Subdivision in accordance with the Local Zoning Laws. There is currently a high demand for residential homesites especially in the size of two acres or less. It is this appraisers opinion that the subject property would achieve its Highest & Best Use by subdividing the property into individual homesites in accordance with the current southold Town Zoning Code Chapter 100. Ir---- . . f . . SITE DESCRIPTION The subject property is located on the east side of Depot Lane, 716 feet north of Route 25 in the Hamlet of Cutchogue; Township of Southold; County of Suffolk; State of New York. Subject property is further identified on the Southold Tax Rolls and Suffolk County Real Property Tax Maps as District: 1000; Section 102; Block 2; Lot 6. Subject property comprises 12.5 acres. The north boundary comes to 468 feet; the west boundary has 1,194 feet on Depot Lane; the east boundary is 1,176 feet and the north boundary is 460 feet. ASSESSED VALUATION Subject property is assessed as follows: Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3200 Total.................. .3200 Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ,085.86 TOPOGRAPHY Subject property is fairly level with a slope downward, approximately ten feet from the south to the northern boundaries. ZONING Subject proeprty is Zoned "A"-Residential and it is subject to 80,000 square feet per homesite. The immediate area is Agricultural and Residential, occupied mostly year-round. 11 . II . . . ZONING cont'd. Subject pr9perty is vacant, unimproved acreage currently with young nursery stock planted. Subject property is located in the Cutchogue Elementary School and Cutchogue Fire Districts, as well as the Mattituck Secondary School District. The population of Cutchogue is approximately two thousand eight hundred according to the Lilco census dated January 1985. Property values are stable with gradual annual increases. Public Utilities include electric and telephone. SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Subdivision potential is rated as above average due to parcel size, amount of road frontage and location. OWNERSHIP AND OCCUPANCY According to the Suffolk County Real Property Tax Rolls the subject property is listed under the ownership of Deborah D. Edson. LAST DEED OF RECORD The last deed recorded dates February 28, 1984, and it is listed under Liber 9519; Page 300. SOIL The soil is Haven Loam HaA. Haven Loam HaA has a slope from 0% to 2%. The soil is well suited to and typical of the area. The erosion is slight and there are no limitations for ho nBsites. n . . r . . WATER There would be a need for private water wells. There would appear to be potable water, subject to the Suffolk County Health Department regulations. The proximity to shopping, schools and public transportation is better than average. II . . . . MARKET DATA SALE NO. 1 Date of Sale Grantor Grantee Data Source Tax Map Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Unit Price/Acre Adjustments (per acre) Time of Sale Location Parcel Area/Shape-wooded Topography Soil Classification Water Supply Development Cost Flooding Conditions Zoning (yield) Proximity to Services, Recreation Improvements 8.1.85 Grohoski Windsway Office Files 1000-116-1-1 13.3 acres Dwelling (two cottages) $260,000. $ 19,500. inferior superior superior comparable comparable comparable inferior comparable comparable +$1,000. -$1,000. -$2,500. +$ 500 comparable superior -$~2000. Total Adjustment........ .......... ........-$4,000. Indicated Value/Acre......................$15,500. (value in Fee Simple) ;- '\~"\~~ .~ . .,.. ~ ,.'f:':"f;~~", - ,,~:~ "u, ,._._~ ,...... ":-. ""'<', .. .... -- :-.,.,....... 1 I ".' (JJ:t~=tj!~'t'~l' ~ '[ l'tL'~2.t 1 ._~"1" - '.'" C:;.'. ,'"".;.... , .' ,... .'.'" . .. '. ~ . .: . ~~ ;.. :~,,\~~:;'~~-'~;'-:~::;:':,. :- ~,:,~..:':_,' . '",t. - ~ ... " -c, (--;'\ r 2' :~':) __~~ t g >-!' A !'1 ........... f-l' c'" . / I~ ~",_ ,(I -------......... '- ,- >> ----~z_- -- '-Qlt ..... '- tIO SClE Me .... '1I .t,..... ~ ,. I- ~.. f .. ~_ . ,,0.- ;i/-r~ { i-\ !!i( ~ ,- \m !l.1 ,. . ,. - !. . o e . t. :. .. I- . - "...--.......~..... "...../ - ~. ---- ~.- f(::; .___..JI , -..... . . , ; ( i , I _ is I~li~ i r .... ..._-~_.: , ( ~ ) " ... ~ ! i / I ~-J .. a.. i! I " i_ :: ;; .- :. 11 I .- ---.--.---=--- II . . . . MARKET DATA SALE NO. 2 Date of Sale Grantor Grantee Data Source Tax Map Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Unit Price/Acre 4.1.85 Krupski Cohill Office File 1000-107-1-2 19 acres House-outbuildings $212,000. $ 11,200. Adjustments (per acre) Time of Sale Location Parcel Area/Shape Topography Soil Classification Water Supply Development Cost Flooding Conditions Zoning (yield) Proximity to Services, Recreation Improvements +$2,500. +$ 500. inferior inferior comparable comparable comparable comparable comparable comparable comparable comparable superior -$ 300. Total Adjustment.......................... +$2,700. Indicated Value/Acre.................... ..$13,900. (value in Fee Simple) . . " :11; ',. '~~.~~~lt."'lI"""';t~'~ P,.!',,~.,. ':" ,,~';,' '~~"'.S, ..., '~."''''~....-'-J ,--~ f. 'P' ,.1., l ,. ~., f....'. ~~t,~:.t:al~ "::';:,1"': l:.la. lj, 't.iU- [~ ~ JtT(iI1'~. ~~~:'E~?:: .. _..f-' . L . .. 1 r ... SE.( lie. lID. 106 ~ 2 l I III ( .- r1 I I ,~~Jj- -." .11 ", ,.' I .... n' : .. ~ .. - !: . , ;' i ~! '- , .... ..... .....- ,- f-' C --.; I f- I "', ~IO '":10 C a '0 '0 en jlJ :>;' '":I 1-'- jlJ 0' f-' (l) CJf-:. > I'" , ...- .c. o '" \ \ ,..., . . . .. I', n z / ~~ 00. .., E_ " .~ '. '" ! II: n ,/~ ", 8 .- .4" , :/ ~. ~ . .. - , 1 t ,..., "-,.. l, . . II 'T- " II il I I I . . MARKET DATA SALE NO. 3 Date of Sale Grantor Grantee Data Source Tax Map Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Unit Price/Acre 6.26.86 Gillies Long Island Association Office Files 1000-113-13-15 37.3 acres None $370,000. $ 10,000. Adjustments (per acre) Time of Sale Location Parcel Area/Shape Topography Soil Classification Water Supply Development Cost Flooding Conditions Zoning (yield) Proximity to Services, Recreation inferior inferior comparable comparable comparable comparable inferior comparable comparable +$ 500. +$1,000. +$ 500. comparable Total Adjustment............ ...............+$2,000. Indicated Value/Acre.......................$12,000. (value in Fee Simple) . .4"'- "'~'...~ - , '- '. .:...-~ . . - - - . .u' t.~ !~~ .." ... n _ .:) 0 C' '::1 . I. C :rn.~Z :~.<-- 0....>> ~-< ....c Q 0 . )0 ,..n ...... - . U\ Z!.. Ul · ! ~ C . C...... -- ...... ~o >.... o~ . ~ n -c .. ! - , !! .~ Ii ~ · ;i I ... ~ 1_ :~ 1 11- '~ t i 8 o 'CI> .0 'c ...... 'X ,0 I.... e I 'f I ll" . .. _..... { ! = i I _ f _' ~ . ~ l ~ . . c ~ - .1 , III ~ I I , . I' , , i Ii II .,. " ,. . .. * s.! I i o990P i rr i ; ; ... ~ ... .. !. ~i~ij I, i I .... ;" ~ ~ ~ I I ! I I FTn ! !'." I; I i , , !'.. 9 . . I ! r . r-; , I 'I "I eMF'. ~ -..... . ! I, to,.. ,...1 '.~ " " '~~ ., " ,. )'\.: ... ~....... ..; :i:V:: .. ~ : .. !- I, ::...:: .1 I. . . " . Date of Sale Grantor Grantee Data Source Tax Map Parcel Area Improvements Selling Price Unit Price/Acre Adjustments (per ~) Time of Sale Location Parcel Area/Shape Topography Soil Classification Water Supply Development Cost Flooding Conditions Zoning (yield) Proximity to Services, Recreation . MARKET DATA SALE NO. 4 6.10.86 Wirtz Mohring Office Files 1000-113-12-15 40.9 None $339,000. $ 8,289. inferior inferior comparable comparable comparable comparable inferior comparable comparable comparable , + 600. +$1,000. +$ 500. Total Adjustment........... ...............+$2,100. Indicated Value/Acre... ... ................$10,389. (value in Fee Simple) ~ , - -. - I I " '.~ .... ~ ~ ~ .. I ' I ,. ! I ~ ~ ~ " f : , t .. i .' '\. ~ . \. .\ -- i f f ~ I ~~~;!I P f ; ? 'j'" ~ ~ (." ,.' & , , i ,,'j, , I,.i - 1 " ;:;' . , ~~cg,~ ~ - .-. .J".~ ' I ... I ~!i;: ~ I . I I .. , , I' -') I Ii fl (0 I :;,.t ~.. 1 If ~": I~tt . ! hI .'.411 , . . "'1 ". ~r ~. -. ~~ // ~ '" ~ ~ .l! . If ~ . " ;" :. . @ 0 t /;, IB I Ii\; I~ :c ..... ..,' "" N I! I~ I~ ":1- .. ,_,0"- 1-'" 5i II . o ~ : -:-A ~ !. o~ .0:. ~ . .. ~ . ~ . . 1. e c t ~ ; .. ..- .. ~ . a :! 1- ,," " ~ ., ~ ~ \ ~ ,. o 22. \ ... .. .. ,r, . Ji. -:, . ~ I i I .l. , .... ~ ii .. I "'D..-==- I : {,~~>: ~. '.. ,-' """ ' "";. .:.~ 'h"-,~.. ---'--'.- - j -fit ~..,<. '.t[~~,~--::-.l".'" ' ~~~2;::" . ..' . -. ".. .~. --. .., .... .-:-"., . . . "" /J . .Duel Pond. Pt .;y 37 FOR ADJOINING AREA SEE M AP NO. 24 38 ..... ! : : : . . . . ! ; NO.R H.: ! , , \ \ n \. 1\ RA "' " . . . COMPARABLE DATA CORRELATION Comparables have been adjusted for price per acre in the range of $10,389. to $15,500. This MarVet Data Approach would average out to $12,000. per acre (rounded off) after adjustment. Due to the excellent shape, the road frontage, and the size of the subject property, it would appear to compare above average to the comparables. I, therefore, feel that the subject property should have a Market Value price of $15,250. per acre. It is this appraisers opinion that the Fair Market Value by the Market Data Approach as " of November 11, 1986 would be as follows: . I II i' $15,250. x 12.5 acres = $190,625. If . . . . FINAL RECONCILIATION The subject property is currently in use for agricultural production which is not considered to be the highest and best use of the land, but is expected to continue for the immediate future. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of the unencumbered fee simple interest as of November 11, 1986. The neighborhood in which the subject property is located would be considered average in convenience to schools, shopping churches and recreational facilities. The subject property is well protected by surrounding homes, farms and zoning from encroachment of undesirable commercial users. The occupants of the neighborhood have a harmonious relationship and the neighborhood is considered growing for residential use. The three recognized approaches to value were pursued in the previous sections of this report. The detailed analysis of all the pertinent facts and data which were considered to influence the value of the subject property have led to the fOllowing value estimates: Cost Approach:........... .Not applicable. Income Approach:.. ........Not applicable. Market Data Approach:.....$190,625.00 In developing an estimate of Market Value in fee simple via the Market Data Approach, the following steps were undertaken: 1- An extensive search was made to find comparable sales transactions for which pertinent data was available; 2- The sales prices, terms and motivation for these sales were studied and verified; 3- The properties that were sold and considered similar to the subject were then compared to the subject for the purpose of identifying and measuring the differences in terms of which adjustments had to be made; and II . . ,I 'I I $......-... ',~ .,.j.."'\ ~ . . FINAL RECONCILIATION cont'd. 4- In light of the analyses that were made, units of comparison were developed and an estimate of the market value of the subject property derived. f":{- N~.~ I' . . . . INDICATED VALUE BY THE COST APPROACH Not Applicable INDICATED VALUE BY THE INCOME APPROACH Not Applicable INDICATED VALUE BY THE MARKET DATA APPROACH $190,625.00 The Cost Approach is not applicable because the property is vacant and there are no improvements. The Income Approach is not applicable because the amount of rent which is received from tenants (usually farmers) does not indicate Market Value. The Market Data Approach is a valid method to establish Fair Market Value. It compares similar sales in nearby areas to the subject property with a plus (+J if it is inferior and a minus (-) if it is superior. The comparables, with adjustments, were the basis for my final decision and the Fair Market Value as of November 11, 1986. $15,250. ~ 12.5 acres = $190,625.00. II . . . . CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISER I hereby certify that I have personally inspected the property herein appraised and that I have afforded the property owner(s)/agent the opportunity to accompany me at the time of the inspection. I have also made a personal field inspection of the comparable sales relied upon in making said appraisal and that the comparable sales have been verified with either the Grantor, Grantee or a third party who was directly involved in the transaction of the comparable sale. The subject and the comparable sales relied upon on making said appraisal are identified by photographs contained herein. That to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in the appraisal herein set forth are true and the information upon which the opinions expressed therein are based is correct; subject to the limiting conditions therein set forth. That the appraisal has been made in conformity with the appropriate state laws, regulations and policies and procedures applicable to appraisal of property for such purposes; and that to the best of my knowledge no portion of the value assigned to such property consist of items which are noncompensable under the established law of New York State. That neither my employment nor my compensation for making this appraisal and report are in any way contingent upon the values reported herein. That I have not revealed the findings and results of said appraisal to anyone other than the members of the Southold Town Board and that I will not do so until authorized by said Board, or until I am required by due process of law, or until I am released from this obligation by having publicly testified to such findings. That my opinion of the Market Value for the subject property as of November 11th, 1986 is $190,625.00.....based upon my independent appraisal and the exercise of my professional judgement. November 11, 1986. ~ Signature of Appraiser. EDSON -- ~ .., ...~ FROM NORTHEAST LOOKING SOUTH DEPOT ROAD EDSON . -,..,- . FROM NORTHWEST BOUNDARY LOOKING EAST EDSON FROM SOUTHWEST BOUNDARY LOOKING NORTH DEPOT LANE EDSON - ------ --, FROM SOUTHWEST BOUNDARY LOOKING EAST fI . . . . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER I, Andrew D. Stype, age 37, certify that I have been in the Appraisal Business for Fair Market Value since 1978. Since that time I have completed over three hundred Real Estate Appraisals for Residential Properties, Farm Properties, Vacant Lots and Business Properties. I am currently the President of Stype Brothers Real Estate, Inc., and have been in this position since 1983. The business was purchased from my father, Val W. Stype, Sr., who had started the Real Estate and Appraisal business back in 1966. I have personally engaged in the purchase and sale of Real Estate on the Eastern End of Long Island for investment purposes and otherwise. This experience has helped me to determine market values. Currently Stype Brothers Real Estate, Inc. is an active sales office involved in the sale of New Residential Properties, Resale Residential Properties, Farm Properties, Waterfront Properties, and Business Properties. We maintain a full-time sales office, and in addition offer consultation and auction services. Currently our office covers an area from Calverton to Orient. " --------- . . I . . QUALIFICATION OF THE APPRAISER cont'd. New York State Licenses and Certifications: Licensed Real Estate Broker since 1980. Licensed Insurance Broker since 1972. Licensed Real Estate Salesman since 1971. Designated as a Certified Appraiser Residential - C.A.R. since 1984 'by the American Association of Certified Appraisers. Member of the New York State Society of Real Estate Appraisers since 1982. Nominated for Suffolk County Approved Appraisal Work. Candidate Member S.R.A. of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. Real Estate Organizations: Member of the Suffolk County Real Estate Board. Member of the Eastern Suffolk Board of Realtors. Associate member of the Columbia Society of Real Estate Appraisers. Member of the National Board of Realtors. Member of the New York State Board of Realtors. " . i I I I I I II 11 I . . . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER cont'd. Education: 1985 - Seminar in Real Estate Sales sponsored by the New York State Association of Realtors. 1983 - Seminar in Real Estate Management sponsored by the Eastern Suffolk Board of Realtors. 1982 - Successfully completed Part II of course titled Appraising the Single Family Residence ar-- Southampton College. 1981 - Successfully completed Part I of course titled Appraising the Single Family Residence at Southampton College. 1981 - Successfully completed Continuing Education Course in February of 1981 in accordance with the New York State Real Estate Licensing Qualification. 1979 - Successfully completed the Department of State Real Estate License Law course. 1971 - Graduated from Burdett Jr. College; Boston, Massachusetts. Received nw Degree in Accounting. n . . . . QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER cont'd. Consultation and Appraisal Work Township of Southold North Fork Bank and Trust Co. Southold Savings Bank 1st Nationwide Savings Bank European American Bank Riverhead Savings Bank The Long Island Savings Bank Household Finance Corp. Lender's Service Inc. ;IIS ) MAGnFnc 'i i /qGJ I V� aE / � N V / � N o O v N / � 4101 ��n 6 � o I j e J y sr \ 1\ J O c P R 30 ;la OF/Oo C. E/.CIO 3 , n Te/1iC Q_E. T�'L per. O , 9 0 Lwm S.M, c/hl ,(/07E A340H/N 7WO STO, Y-, RL ry J �vLLL/tia.9 / TETT HOLES /O 1, G� ` /%hd 6-4]/CENO d 1•//G ll fGf�✓/Cw/ - / go \ T.v \ 2 / �V` M / I y Bq YV 1V 4a ,5CHEOUL.E OF AOL1O1A1/.t1G OWiyee,5 area �o / MANL ON O/CffE,9SON S' SONS SOIITHOLO , N Y //97/ �� 2 EO/vARO R � FLORENCE CON/VAG/GHTON Q� 44727 L/TILE NECK GARKSN4 Y, </TYLE NECK, NY //3G2 3 CHARGES T A` AL/CE K. NEPHEW Ram \PV Z 0,4MP q(/ENUE, IYAG TON, N >- /3B.?G 0� < 4 BURT !', LEN//S ✓w. �o CL/TCHOGlIE, N. Y //9.35 �p 5. 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III s YI 411 �I _ �Ea tvh{A1 kC7N -- '�3 _ "Aa Af�E AWPI- XIMP.I ONLY - , Ix,.lexuww.wram.�ae.flr I I I ��{, �I I�L.L:.I, 1r' �s...ti . e , lr\'' ''• IAI '(' mA,Q r'� It~�L;5 z TUp4Jl Ihl � ¢ E1.E1/.aS"f{QP4Z ,AQELk OFNfW v, l.Q'ptirlCN MAF' JYt.r w, y m 4i7,s. SA.L SYC 1 x"15 W I L L, ,e_ • -- � (} �2sF'<s zseti�'� p} c �GANDS, S J' t.Ah D '7l, Y: lw - . Gi2�NC�J,f2T hk.1' CiNS;'r.1c, Wa. f,J,Y. r P 17 1986 I Y ' " r 1 4 r + I I -- I C(JTCNcaGL1L E-51NS"E5, INC,. nry, � A � � PQlf- 4 '� ��._ • ♦ J sua)1 VISION _ LrJ Jd 1 1 11 I t r s �r S, 1 1 1 V� �t31s b � y0 t I'L49f'MF'E(,p M1 - CC -1 � E L/ ____ , Ulm ., „II ' Mr IiY, ir.N1°➢r I f " -• MUA1J•¢91I� _� �n " ( - r._ •A'_,. 1 y n u. r - _ ... _ _ i rl - h 'a nAC 4. 4 i - OF CUr2N�Cc, ' --- — ` , -----�.—�� SC.�9-E. e �_. � Il , . �I -•' 1 '+.._ 0T -) L..._ �.f ....>?'\.,..erl `� a III 1 SA a j >• ° I'1 er '�, d �. 30 240 I'(_ I !''- ....._,_ - 19!3 r ♦� , , q 1'- rI� 7 C71 V �f�t {1 ,,�, �.C.. 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