HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlue Horizon at Peconic .-... . TOWN CLERK Town Hali, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.[80[ .JUDITH T. TERRY REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9,1987 Mario J. Fusaro 12 Gilder Court Northport, New York 11768 Dear Mr. Fusaro: The Southold Town Board, at theirregufar meeting held on April 7, 1987, again reviewed your request for the return of the $8,000.00 inspection fee, or any part thereof, with respect to major subdivision "Blue Horizons" at Peconic; and thereafter adopted a resolution denying a refund. Very truly yours, ~~r- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Planning Board - ., . . 2: 00 P.M. MARCH 10. 1987 FOR DISCUSSION Discussion with Mario J. Fusaro relative to his request for refund of $8.000 inspection fee for Blue Horizons. Letter from Planning Board. with chronological list, attached. '. . T . LD RICIMD FEB 1 11987 Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 T_~~ February 11, 1987 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Blue Horizons Inspection Fee Dear Mrs. Terry: Pursuant to your correspondence, the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, February 9,1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the request for a return of the inspection fee for the subdivision known as "Blue Horizons" be denied based on the enclosed chronological list of events. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ OA~)~~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary ., r . ( . . BLUE HORIZONS SECTIONS I AND II LIST OF EVENTS 2/24175 Mr. Fauser appeared before the Board. He discussed the drainage proposed. new sketch, need 100' set backs, turnarounds, cross road, Mr. Fauser will send in more copies. 3/26175 Six additional maps in, all referred to TUthill, Dean, and Planning Board. 3/26175 Secretary wrote Barnett and advised they want to put in diffusion wells. --. 4/8175 1/8176 Recommendations of Tuthill received. Received 8 copies of revised map with three copies of road profiles. Referred to Tuthill and Dean. Tuthill's recommendations of 4/8 to Board. 1/26176 Discussion at meeting, 100' setbacks from bluff required, map is sketch, cuts, and fills, want 200' tangents, revised road to the west. 3/15176 Discussion at Board meeting to meet with Fusaro, Tuthill, and Barnett at next meeting. 3/23176 SEcretary wrote to Fauser and Barneett regarding April 5 Planning Board meeting. 4/5176 Planning Board meet with Barnett regarding debogging. Planning Board set resolution for public hearing. 417176 Received Tuthill's recommendations from Dean, referred to Fauser. 4116176 Received 7 copies revised preliminary maps, Secretary wrote to Fauser, tentative date for hearing 5/24. Referred preliminary maps to Tuthill and DEan. 4/19176 Received Barnett's recommendations 5/3176 Received 4 copies Blue Horizons, (gave sketch plan approval. 514176 Sent 1 copy to Tuthill and Dean. Secretary wrote to Fauser , Planning Board needs 8 more copies and legal description. 5/11176 Received 8 copies of map and description, referred to Planning Board. Secretary Wrote to Fauser indicating sketch plan approval and public hearing will be held on 5/24. 5/14176 Legals sent to the newspapers, and card sent Nelson Axien. 5/24176 Affidavit of publication received from Suffolk Times. 5/24176 Public hearing on preliminary maps - resolution approving preliminary subject to approval of the Highway Superintendent. 5/25176 Affidavit of publication Island Travler Watchman. if road will be public. received from the Long Mr. Axien inquiring 5/26176 Secretary wrote action to Fauser with a copy to Dean. 5/26176 Recommendation of Tuthill received. . . 12/27/73 4/30/74 5/2/74 5/16/74 5/20/74 5/21/74 -~ 6/14/74 6/24/74 7/3/74 7/22/74 8/13/74 8/26/74 8/26/74 9/4/74 8/28/74 9/27/74 10/7/74 10/23/74 10/28/74 10/31/74 11/1/7 4 11/18/74 11/25/74 12/4/74 1/6/75 1/7 /75 1/23/75 ( . ( . BLUE HORIZONS SECTION I AND II LIST OF EVENTS discussion in the minutes with regard to the test holes At meeting, Van Tuyl presented 3 sketch plans and three road profiles Received 3 more sketch plans and 1 more profile Maps sent to Boardmembers Flo Liso brought in 2 unsigned applications, letter from Nappi, title insurance policty, Bargain and Sale Deed. Sent to Van Tuyl Derosa brought in signed application. Board told principles to get Suffolk County Department of Health report on test holes. Received report from Van Tuyl (Health Department) no water analysis. Dominic Principi called, will get water analysis Discussion at meeting, see if water samples were taken in the last six months. Letter from Van Tuyl, revised test results on water. The Board recommended bluff turnaround and park and playground. Received six maps and six profiles from Van Tuyl. distributed to Board members. letter to De Rosa with recommendation. Mr. De Rosa picked up the letter. DeRosa in with base fee and disculosure (10/16/74) Discussion talked to to Dean. at meeting, will need 100' setbacks. Board Tuthill and he wil send recommendations Report from Tuthill recieved. Resolution accepting report of Tuthill and recommendation Talked with Dean - he will discuss this withthe Highway Committee. Mr. DeRosa in Planning Board office. Discussion at regular meeting - redo maps. Secretary wrote to DeRose - cc. Van Tuyl Mr. Sherwood called Planning Board, he will fix maps. Received six maps and six profiles. Van Tuyl called Planning Board office. Pete Fauser called from FAuser, Seitz and Carringham, Engineers and Surveyors. Will represent CPF is sending money for zoning ordiances, etc. Appointment is set up for 2/24. . ~ . 5/27/76 5/28/76 6/21/76 6/21/76 6/21/76 6/25/76 7/7/76 - 7/12/76 7/19/76 11/25/76 12/23/76 12/28/76 1/26/77 2/1/77 2/2/77 2/7/77 3/21/77 4/16/77 4/18/77 4/18/77 4/20/77 4/21/77 4/29/77 5/3/77 5/4/77 5/6/77 5/10/77 5/13/77 5/19/77 6/3/77 6/13/77 ( . c . Page 3 Sent to County Planning Commission Sent recommendations to Fauser Received recommendation from County. Dean approves layout. Planning Board reviewed county recs. at regular meeting and approved. Secretary referred information to Fauser Mr. Fauser called questioning if Planning Board wants park and playground changed and what is the liability of community for the pond. Planning Board reviewed at regular meeting. Board discussed the pong and requested that the pond and park and playground be deeded over to the property owners association. Secretary wrote to Fauser Secretary sent road construction letter to Fauser and DeRosa. Six copies Section I and II and all profiles received. Secretary sent real property letter to Fauser Pete called secretary. He was advised that he has an appointment for the 7th. Tuthill's recommendations received. Copy of letter from Fauser to Barnett. Mr. Fauser appeared before the Board at the meeting. Questioned wetlands permit to remove bog. Board requested lot numbers on final plan for drainage. Requested final hearing. Mr. Fauser called regarding the hearing Affidavits of publication receivd. Public hearing on the final approval. Board wants 100; setback from the bluff. Revised maps received. Secretary called Fusaro, more maps needed. P.B. approved final maps with conditions. Received 6 more maps. Received letter from Fauser - restriction on lots to be debogged and filled. Secretary wrote Fauser for 2 profiles and 1 preliminary map. Trustees rec. approval of debogging. Received two profiles and one preliminary map Referral to County Referral to Town Board. Received correspondence from County Planning, need more information. Received profiles from Fauser, sent to County. County Planning Commission approved. Referred to Planning Board and Fauser Town Board approves wetland applications. " <e (e Page 4 8/15/77 7/27/77 8/22/77 9/7/77 9/19/77 9/19/77 9/26/77 9/27/77 .~ 9/28/77 10/5/77 10/7/77 8/1/78 8/7 /78 8/8/78 8/11/78 10/9/79 Received Health Department Approval Received 8/15/77 letter requesting bond estimate(?) Planning Board resolution to request bond estimate. Correspondence sent to Tuthill. Surveys referred to Tuthill, et.al. Planning Board accepts and recommends bond estimates on Sections I and II to Town Board. Sent to Town Board, copy fo Fusara and Fauser Town Board approves bond estimate amount. Secretary wrote FAuser and Fusara Received official letter from Town Clerk. Copy sent to Fauser. Received three mylars and three maps on Sections I & II. Received &8,000 inspection fee. Planning Board resolves for final approval and Chairman endorses maps. DeRosa picked up signed maps. Maps for Section I and II filed with County Clerk. Correspondence from the Bonding company with regard to the status of the road work, no improvements made to date. 4/26/85 Blue Horizons Sections I and II were abandoned. The Board had subsequently approved are-subdivision of 7 lots on 55 acres. . ", . . .~ JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 January 12,1987 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen:- With respect to the attached letter from MarioJ. Fusaro, may I have your comments and recommendations relative to the request for return of the $8,000 inspection fee. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~r----'- Judith T. &ferry Southold Town Clerk Attachment cc: Town Board . ~ :..... , t- - ~ "'~.. . . . /,;< ~ ~ ~ 12. Y //161'" ~ ~ If/"7 REaM'D JMi 1 21987 ...J~ L~ J~f~~ ~~~'J 1t~vrp /111/ a~ 7Ju.~: 1P7~ A-~-,J~ ~ ~.~ iJL...- fJ-ry----- #- ~J 4X-- ~ ~~~- ~~ r f ~ ~ ~ ("'.f'~~' ~~A~~~~J~ ~~~ ~r>V.L ~ ~ ~ ~ -/v ;C.....-.- ~ pA. .Jh. ~ fi<~ ~ ~ ~ A.<-~Ir- ~.-J ...-...,,,,- ,-...r~;6- ~..-...A- ~ ~ r ~...:.-- .fta..~. '91" .L. .~ ~ ~ ~ ~...: ....+- ~,I,.._-- -.I ~ -,~-A~~~a-kL~A-~~~ /dA- (2,I?F ~. "I"""" CI~... ""lithoId ~ ---1..-. ~~~ ." ~r-~ .,uv ::r~. ~ .I t/ ~ ) ~~ m~/' 4~