HomeMy WebLinkAboutArrowhead Cove . . ..JaSEPH oJ. KaZDf'.KY, DEPUTY SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE NORMAN E. KLIPP. COUNTY CLERK RIVER HEAD, NEW YORK June 21, 1963. Mr. Albert Richmond, Town Clerk Southold New York. Dear Sir: The subdivision map of Arrowhead Cove was filed in this office on June 20~ 1963@2:28 P.M. under file #3810 with abstract #4323, Book 11, Page 4, Town of Southold. Very truly yours, ~~e~M County Clerk Map Department ED PHDNE: PARK 7-47DD . . OCt:aber 10, 1962 , / I , Mr. lIa1:l\anie1 O. AMlaOD 54 Bast: flst: Str.et: New YoJ:k, New YorJc Dear Mr. AbelsODI 'lh18 is t:o contorm act:1on t:aJten J>y the Sout:ho14 Town P1anniD9 Boar4 OD OCt4mer I, 1962. lIathaniel o. AbelsOD was qrante4 t.etat:1ve approval of h1a ~oposed SUd1V1aiOD t:o })e Jcnown as -~rowbead Cove- at: Indian lIeck, "coDie, !IIew Iron. Map J>y Ot:to W. Van 'l'Uyl " SOD elated August: 6, 1962. You nay nOlf ,l.natruet your en91Deer or 8uneyor to procead witb CCllllPUt:1Dg the .p, p~in9 tbe f1D1ahe4 PI'1nt, sw.it: doth print.s t:o the ....lth Depart:JRent: for appro".l, and proceed 'llP1t:h other _tters ucessary prio. to subait:t1D9 t:b_ to 1:be ,Plann1Dv Board tOI' tinal c:caS1UI'.UOD. '!'be.. pr1Du \DUst:. be .tu1:llllit:t:ed at: least: 15 days priol' to a "gular ..eUng ot the l?lanning Board. Very truly yours, John W1clchUl, Cbairlllan Sout:hold Town PlanniD9 8oal'd eel 70Wft C lerJc r "'.:' -~ """.~"",;"-:;,,''f:;;--,",,,,;,~;'':''--,,i~~,""t~~,''[-:m-~i~.l;h ~ ';;'-i.;-itlr_<i;~,~,z~i;;'%';,,,~;:';go...,i~~)~W,';"R',,!,~r.(...,li>~ 'i~"M"t\'l.OJ;:;"~~;"""'"T- January 21, 1963 Southold '1'OWIl !lOUd 16 South Sueet Gzoeenpozot, Rev Yon Gentl....n. 'I'M,. a to certify the followin 9 action wa. t.aken ))y the Southold 'l'oWn Planninl,J Boazod on January 15, 1963. I...'."..:..'.... ." ~. ~~ I ",','J,::.' 1..~.._)7.~....' "WHI1tBAS the Superintendent of Highway. of the 'l'OWrl of Southold . '. has iD8pect:ed the .p and appz'ove. the h19hWay layout of roa48 to i, be con.t.ruct:ed, and his nport a hereby approved ))y the P 1anninq . Boazod, and ~ '.........BA8 the 'out:ho1d '1'OWIl Planninq Boazod, pur.uant to due I.~.. notice theZ'eof, held a public hearift9 on the .tteZ' of approval . . of the plat at Which tt.. all int:ilre.t:ed peZ'sons ware given an f" opportunity to be heard, and , "WHBBEAS the SOUthold Town Plannill!J Board waive. the provaioD8 ~~ in the Rules and Regulati0ft8 for the 8ubcUvi.1on of Land requiring Ii pan and planrOllnd area or cae equivalent, !?Je, t "WHBREAS the applicant dr:Hts not intend to dedicate the hiCJhways to the '!'OWn of Sout:ho1d at this tilllt, the highways in tha sub- divi.ion llU.t .et the specifications of the 8iqbway Superintendent '. befoZ'e beinq appZ'oved for dedication ))y the Plannill!J Board and I';; the requirement for a performance bond i. waived, , j "011 motion of Mr. Grebe, seconded))y Mr. Ulake1bech, it was "U8OLVBJh WSBItBAS Rathanal o. Abelson has petitioned the Sout:hold '!'OWn Planninl,J Board foZ' final app&loval of his plat Jmown as "Arrowhead Cove" at Indian .ecle, Peconic, Rev Yon, and <",,~~,,~.~,. ~~''''"'".'~~"""",",,<,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,.~...,.,.....-,, . . pa9'e 2 - Southold Town Board "NOH 'l'HEJUnl'ORE BE IT RESOLVED that the subCl1vision to lle known as "ArrOWhead Cove" at Indtan Neck. Peconic. N_ York conl.isting of 31.1 acres and owned by Nathaniel O. ADelson. be apPlroved. "This plat 18 bounded and described as J!ollows# Beginning at II POint on the SOutherly side of Indian Ifeck Road where the sam., is intersected by the easterly side of land now or formerly of Anton Xull and formerly of Plora Appelby, and running thence North 78 degrees 11 ..inutes 30 seconds E.st along the SOutherly side of Indian Neck Road 263.88 J!eetr thence South 5 degrees SO minutes 10 seConds East 1856.65 feet: thence North 85 degrees 36 minutes 40 seconds East 132.39 feet; thence South 30 degrees 11 minu1~es 10 seconds E_t .493.20 feet to the ll\ean high water line of L:lttle Pecon1c Bay; thence along the mean high water line of LittJ~e Peconic Bay on a t1e 11ne COUrse of SOUth 20 degrees 35 minut:es 30 seconds West 681.87 J!eet, thence cont1nuing 11'1 a southerly CI1rection along the ..an high water line of Little Peconic Bay a distance of approxt.ately 155 feet; thence North 70 degrees 39 minutes 20 seconds West a CI1stance of approximately 415 feet to a IIOnUllent, thence Horth 70 degrees 39 mJ.nutes 20 seconi!a West 255.00 feet to land now or formerly of Anton Xull and fl:>rmerly of I'lora Appelby, thence along sai<1 last mentioned land 1~e fOllOWing 3 COUrse. and CI1stance.. (1) North 1 degree 15 minutes 30 seconds West 587.29 feet; (2) North 89 degrees 06 mJ.nutllls 30 seconds East 147.35 feet, (3) .North 1 degree 17 minutes 40 sscionds West 2181.57 feet to the SOUtherly side of Indian Neck Road a,t the POint or place of beginning. "ElCCluCl1ng frCllll the above description the fOllOWing described property of Philip Gol48mith Horton. Jr. #_ "llllginn1ng at a POint located the fOllOWing course. and ':istanc:'8. frOl1l a POint on the southerly side of Indian Neck Road ~ere l:he same is 1nter.ected by the easterly sid4l of land now 'I' foralerly of Anton Xull and formerly of Flora AppelbYt South 1 19ree 17 minutes 40 seconds East 2181.57 f.et to a concrete onument; thence South 89 degr.es 06 minutes 30 seconds W.at 47.35 f_t, thence South 1 d4lgree 15 minute. 30 seconds ~t 87.29 feet; thence SOUth 70 degrees 39 minute. 20 seCObds hst 55.00 feet to the POint or place oj! beginning, running thence rOlll sa,ld POint of beginn1ng: North 19 d4lgrees 20 minutes 40 ~conds East 150 J!eet to a concrete IlIOftUllent, thence SOUth 70 'grses 39 minutes 20 seconds Bast 405 J!eet to the mean h1gh ,ter Ij~e oj! Little PeCOlcic Bay, thence along the "aD high tel' IJ,ne of Little Pecon1c Bay a distance of 156 feet IIOre or ~V. "~'___~T~"~""~~~'""":,,,-"'~-""_"'_"'.'''"'""''''~~_'''''''''~~-'-_'~_~'__'-''''~'='~"._ ~_",._-..__"..r_~_.._"_ _"""" T""....... ,'- ... . . Page 3 - Southolc! Town Board le811 to landll of CClllll1Onor. Share.; thence 1n a not:th westerly d1r..ct1on alon9 landll of Commonor8 Shares to the po1nt or place of be91nn1ng a d1stanee of approx1Dtately 405 feet to the po1nt or place of tle91nn1n9. "Vote of the Board. Aye., Mr. Young. Mr. Mo1... Mr. Gretle. and Mr. UnJcelbac:h." Respectfully Subm1tted. John Wickham. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board ~ "'