HomeMy WebLinkAboutOpen Space - 1998 YES NO PROPOSAL FIVE, A PROPOSITION SOUTHOLD TOWN PROPOSITION NO.2 SHALL THE RESOLUTION ENTITLED: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted September 1, 1998, eulhorizing lhe acquistion of interests or rig11ts in real property, including, but not limited to, developmental rights in open agricultural lands, within said Town, for the preservation of open spaces and argas and to maintain and enhance the conservation of natural resources, stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $2.000.000. appropriating said amount therefor, authorizing the issuance of $2,000.000 serial bonds of said Town to finance said appropriation, stating that land installment purchase obligations are authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution and determining that this bond resolution shall be subject to a mandatory referendum," BE APPROVED? " Proposition to be placed on the ballot for the Town of Southold for the upcoming general election to be held on November 3, 1998: PROPOSITION SHALL THE RESOLUTION ENTITLED: "Bond Resolution of .the Town of Southold, New York, adopted September 1, 1998, authorizing the acquisition of interests or rights in real property, including, but not limited to, developmental rights in open agricultural lands, within said Town, for the preservation of open spaces and areas and to maintain and enhance the conservation of natural resources, stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $2,000,000, appropriating said amount therefor, authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 serial bonds of said TOwn to finance said appropriation, stating that land installment purchase obligations are. authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution and determining that this bond resolution shall be subject to a mandatory referendum," BE A})PROVED? STATE OF NEW YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY Office of the Town Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (Seal) 55: This is to certify that I, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold in the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of. PtroDOsition. to. be. ~Iaced OR .the '-lIot. for .thedTown' of' . SOu nota tor upcoming general elilcfion to De fiel' on November. 3,. 1998 Re:. $2.,000,000.00 land preservation. bond. with the original now on file in this office, and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original. Pr.oposition. to .be. placed on the. . ballot for the Town of Sou.thold fol' upcoming gener:a! ~I~ti~n td be hel<l '00 . Noveniber 3: '998 'Re: $1, bdo: doO :06 ~and. preservation bond.' . . . . . . . . . . ana the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this . 11th. day of . November' -1998' . . . . . . ... . . . ~_4~~O. .. .. . Town Clerk of the Town 0 Southold, Count ABSTRACT OF PROPOSITION NO. 2 FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - FOR $2,000,000.00 BOND FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OPEN SPACES AND AREAS ABSTRACT An abstract of said bond resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: FIRST: RECITI~G that pursuant to Section 247 of the New Yor~ General MUnicipal Law ("Section 247"), the Town of Southold ("Town"), is authorized to acquire interests or rights in real property for the preservation of open spaces and areas and maintaining and enchancing the conservation of natural resources, as defined therein; that such acquisition of interests or rights in real property throughout the Town must be found, determined and deemed to .be necessary, in the public interest and a proper public purpose. of the Town in accordance with the provisions of Section 247 and the Town desires to impelement the land acquisition and financing program hereinafter set forth; AUTHORIZING the Town to acquire by purchase, gift, grant, bequest, devise, lease or otherwise, including the. fee or any lesser interest, or development right, easement, covenant or other contractual right necessary to achieve the purposes of Section 247, in various parcels of real property including, but not limited to, development rights in open agricultural lands, within the Town, for the preservation of open spaces and areas and to maintain and enhance the conservation of natural resources, as may be authorized from time to time, by the Town Board of the Town, after due notice and a public hearing, pursuant to the provisions of Section 247 and appliCable provisions of the Town of Southold Code, including incidental costs incurred in relation thereto, such acquisition being hereby found, determined and deemed to be necessary and in the public interest and a proper public purpose of the Town in accordance with the findings and determinations set forth in Section 247; provided, however, that no such right, including the fee or any lesser interest, or development right, easement, covenant, or other contractual right in any piece or parcel of such lands shall be so acquired until all relevant provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), have been complied with and a final declaration.as to environmental impact has been duly declared by the entity duly authorized to ~e such determination and declaration: STATING the estimated maximum cost thereof is $2,000,000; APPROPRIATING $2,000,000 to pay said cost; and STATING the plan of financing includes the issuance of $2,000,000 serial bonds of the Town, and the levy and collection of taxes upon all the taxable real property within the Town to pay the prinoipal of said bonds and interest thereon; SECOND: AUTHORIZING the issuance of $2,000,000 serial bonds of the Town pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New Yor~ ("Law") to finance said appropriation; STATE OF NEW YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY Office of the Town Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ss: This is to certify that I, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold in the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of. . Abstr.act of. P.roposj.tion No.2 .for. the .Town of SoLrl.hold .for. $.~OOU,OOo..OO. .Bond for the preservation of upen .spaces and ar8Cls . . ffi . d h t th . eel 'nd With the onginal now on file In thiS 0 ce, an t a e same IS a carr > true transcript of such original. Al>$tra.ct o( Pr.oposition. No. .2. . . fQr. ttle .TOlllll O( Sou.tboJd for .$2.00Q,000.0.0 .bond for the preser:vation. of. open spaces and areas. . and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this .11th- day of Septeml:Jer .1998. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . ~,"I<<I t/ Q <<.-f/h-/. Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, N.Y. (Seal)