HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Clerk 4 yr term - 1981 - LOCAL LAW NO. 5 - Imll TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK A loca.llaw to change the term of office of the town clerk from two yea.rs to four years. BE IT ENACTED by tbe Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The term of office of the town clerk shall be four years. Section 2. This local law shall supersedp. section twenty-four of the town law. insofar as it is inconsistent with such section. Section 3. A proposition for the approval of this local law shall be sub- mitted to the electors of the town of Southold at the general election to be held in November, nineteen hundred eighty-one, and t~s local law shall become operative only if approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting upon such proposition. Section 4. If this local law is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the town voting thereon at said general election, this loca.llaw shall become and be effective immediately. "" " AC 2061 (Ku.4/8l) '* STATE OF NEW YORK OFfiCE Of THE STATE COMPTROLLER ALBANY. NEW YORK 12236 RECEIVEQ. EDWARD V, REGAN STATE COMPTROLLER FEB 51982 January 29. 1982 Town Clerk Southold Robert Tasker, Esq. Town of South01d 425 Main st. Greenport, NY 11944 Dear Sir/Madam: TIlls is to advise that Local Law(s) No. Town of South01d 5 of 1981 for the was received and med n/30/81 on C"rA V lYY~U~~ ~o Associate Attorney Charters Unit KRP:dal cc: Secretary of State '" 'T',d (please-Use this Fonil for Filing your LoCal Law with the Secretaiy of State) Text of lliw should be,given aslUl1ended~ 1)0 notinciudematter,belng elimmated and do,natuse italics or underlining to indicate new matter,' . . ,". ~ ' . Loc~l La;' No. ..:...9........:.._.....__....._..._..,._. or the rear 19 _.._..... of.....;.~.~~!~.~,~.~;.........,....,...._.._._................,.._...,...-..........:;._.~:....._..--_..-.--...-1 . .' . - '. - . . . . \ . ~ law J.9_.~)}.eng!i.J!I.~..!!l.t.m~Q(.);lW.l:.e...w:.1lle..:r.!?2.Y.u..QJ~J:.Jw.r.Qm..tl>t.Q..lI.e"r.s_mJ.Ql,U':.,j!e.ars. ,(..IJd_) . ....., . ,.' '. ,'-. . ',~;: ',;, ~.. , ~ of ........~~_<::~:~~.~~...;_..............................._:._._......._..........._.;:....;.__,_...~.:..........._........._..............88 (ollows; . ltillup Sec'i:ion 1.. The' te_rm o~ office of the Town Clerk shall ,?e four years~ Section;a. This Local LawshaU supersede section twenty-four of the TownLaw~ insofar asit isincons.iste,nt with .such section. , _Section 3. A proposition for the approval of this Local Law shall be submitted to the eleCtors of tp,e Town of South old at the general election to be-held hi November~ nineteen hundredeighty-one~ and- this Local Law shall become ope,rative only if approve<:l; by the affirmative vote of a majority, of the qualified electors voting . ,upon ,such proposition. ~ . Section 4. If this Local Law is approved by the affirmaHvevote Ofamajority of the qualified electo~s' of the town voting-thereon at said general el~ction~ this Local Law shall become and be ,effective immediately. t (' It JieaSC' attllC:b, sheets of the same' $ize as_this' and'opmbetcachJ .:~{':~0~__~~~J ~ (Complete the cmiC1cation.jnthe par.:lgtaph~.hi'ch applies tQ thelilin.g',orlhi~lO<:1l.11l:l.w a.rid strik.e out tbe . matter therein whicbis ntllappliouble..) . 1. (Finullulolltiun bylocullegislulive hoJy OJlly.) I hereby certuythat the local law annexed hereto. designatedasJoc~I law No. ..................of 19.....~.. Coun~y .('il" of'the: ... ; 'of. Town .,village .......~.: '~,as.dbly passed, by. the . - . . .... "",""',-': . ,", ,':'.,,",':':,::", .-" ...."...,.....;~(N~:..;I.i;~i~.i~~-.:;..B~;)...~.:,..........:..,"""; ..... ... O:.i,"..... "', ','0':'''''' .,'. ','-,,- ,', '" '. ',,,., , .ill" accQnfuncewitht~e'-~~plicabl,e(lCovi$:ion's'~rJa~. ;".:~." .. " .. .-',' , "'," .".,<, "-,."." .. .. ',', :'--":,.>., loc~I' legislative 'body wit~ ~pprov~l o,~ ,.uo-dI'ss'pprovalbyElecdve ,CbieCgxeculive after disapproval.) . I herehy certify,~hat the rOcalla~.~~'Ii~~~dher~to,~l~'~i~ate~as l~aIlaw'No. County City'" ' town oL.....~... Village ..~''''''~,as d~ly passed by, th,e ',',', . .~not' disapprov:ed on .... ...,...~,'....m" ~.."........;...........19 .....:.:and was approved by' the ..;...'::.:;.::.::.;.:....__.-.....~...n...:.'.-;....,.~.... ',' ,:!repassedafte~: ~sapPl'l:}.val , ",Elective CMef ExIll?IltI~e~~~, * .1 .............._..,"'u....,..,........:__,_...... .~..::>19.:...... 'I 'in accor~ce;,yith the' ~pplicable and wasdeemeddul.y adoptedon provisiou~ of law. 3_ (Final adoption-by rcfete~dLl,m.) llal'n~hyc~rtify that the local 'low annexed her~tot designated-as local law 'No. .........fL.... of ,19,JU;,. - , . " . "",,"IX .. '..' . .....' .~( the T"ibJ" of:..~.9.~~hglg.............., was, duly passed,by the .....~.,..T.Q:wJ,.BQ.ar.d,.....,.......'....,.;;'.............,..,:,/~:... own,' -",' _(NUte of-Leli.lat!.." Body)" ", '_: , VUI:ol!" . , , :oJll<lliolollPrJilJ<<>lk' on ........._.;J:'Y:~.Y..~.?.~... ....19.?t. ,and was approved by the. ......... ..... - ......, ._.:.1........ ........... . repas sed after disapproval Elective Cbief ~ecuhYe Offioer * oa................. . .................:....._..........~'..,..19;,~....... Such local law was submittedtothepeopleby reason of a mandalory fdd 'd h fr' "f " f h l'fi d 1 . ~reeren um,an .re;elve t e amn~tlve vote 0 a majonty.ci t e quallce:cctors votlng general thereon at the~kelection held on.. ......N.QN:e.m'b,e.r....3.._ ..........._.19...el . in accordance with tbe appli.. """"""' ,cable provisions oflaw~ 4. (Subject to permis:,ive re[erendunJ:.aod final adoption because ,no. valid~etitiOD [Bed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify thatth~.local:lawannexed,hereto.designatedas-loc.allaw No. Counfy City of the Town of... ........'...........,.............. Village of 19.......... was 'duly passed_by _ the ....n..._.......:'.~.......... .~.....;...__................,..,.....,;;......-..,. on (Nome af Le,iolotivo Body) not disapproved .....,...19:....... and wasapprove:d by the "......._.._ ... ...... ............, ....... on repassed after disapproval ElectIve Chief Extelluve QUtesr * ....."........."....;:...........~~.......19m...._ . Such local' law beingsubjecl to a pennissive referendum and no valid petition reql,lesting such referendum having been filed. saidlocallaw was deemed duly adopted on '.....................____ .;..........................................19. ......, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law; "'Eec:me' ~"~Jffic:r,~..'" ~,:tI&.~.~ m'It:r...r~ ~.~ Ul1.=.uml7-olfAD:'-- or. if thCl'ebe ~~_u..cbairmmol th~ COIDdY~body. me mayor of..:at)'<< Y1IJapur tDempenDOr iJi a unwn, wbeR!sudioftkcrJ"ated;with~4e'.ppJt)ftw'fetO .1ocaI.1aWsor ordbaaaces. ~. S. (CH)"looullaw copcerning,;Charter re\'isioil'propQsedby, petition.), I hcrehr certify,that the locllllaw"~nnexed hereto,~signated as,locallaw No. .:....".............oC 19;....... of the City or.............;;~...;................................,....."...,.......... having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the I?rovisians of ~ ~~ of the Municipalllome RuleLaw,8iid having received the affirmative ,voteOr"S majority of the qu.alified elect~rs tiC suchcity~oting.the~n,at the's~:~ electi~n,held on "..~.....,....~..;.........:~'~;.'.~::, . .. '. . .......c... ge. . '. ..... .:..~.:_........; 19..........,. became_ operative. _ >'_. . :,., . . I ,-->;~ 6. (C~unty local law., concerning adQPtjon_orC~.~er.)'.> _;' . " ,'-;>:';';:';;'~:' .' I hereby 'ce{tify that the I~alla~ ';nn~Xedl1~{eto, designated as Local Law No....... of 19..:.:.~r ;;;~.:,\ County of .~.............:.."...................~! :Sl'ate,9f,New York. :Ilavtng been' su~mitt!%l to the Elec~oQat:tl1e '~,::" General EIectionofNovember .;......... 19..~~.;.~.,.,.piU's.uant tos\.lbdlvisions 5 and 7 -of Section 33 of the~luni~ . .;., cipal Home Rule Law.and:having receive~ tile affirmativ~yote ora majority of the qualified electors ofthc; ';':~";';; - c.ties of said' county as- a unit and of a ,majority, ortIle qualified elc::clors ~f the towns of said county _, Considered-as a uni( voting at said$en~rale~~ction, becam~operatlye. . " '\-~' ~:'.: .'_, '~-'~~:'-(ICa~y: other autbo~ized '"form ofOCinsI' 'adoPtion b~' beeJfollowed,pleasepro.vlde an, a'p;pr~~lat~ ,'.' certification.) . - i', . ^_;.' - >>'! ". ~";;~f:\j;3, <. "",,'-, . ...,......_.cc. ""'-".C,.__, ,.... .. . ---...c........ ,:.....,..,., &~ZE~k: officat dcJiIJla,tod by 10caIlesfslatm body '_.l~ . r',;, Dat'r: 'Novez:nbe-r 19B1 Judith T,' Terry, .southold Town Clerk 'J. (Seal) (Certificatiouto bee-xe-cuted'by.CoUllty' AU-orneYI':(:orporatlonCounsel._ Town.AuorneYi Village .Attorney or other autborized Attorn8-y' of looality.) $TATE OFNEIV YORK COUNTY OF ...i?)!'EE.Q.~.K..".."."...."....... I,.. the undersigned, hereby certi(y ,thatthe.foregoing..locaI law contains the correct. text and-that all proper proceedings have-been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. . '.' '. '. j .....;Z..~. .,......~..W..... ............ ......... Robert 'W. Tasker, Town Attorney .................................................... no. Date: November 23, 1981 ~x ' ~ of ..~~.~t.~.~~~..".................................., ~ ..' : . r' . '-..', .-" ""-'''''' ,...-,.:.~ ",,, ".1 PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JULY 22, 1981 " . , PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW, ENTITLED "A LOCAL U\.W TO CHANGE THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK FROM TWO YEARS TO FOUR YEARS", 3:30 o'clock P.M., July 22, 1981, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. SUPERVISOR PELL: At this time I will opening the hearing for any- body that wishes to speak. The legal notice w~ll be read by Councilman Murdock. .;:. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Notice of Public Hearing. Public Notice is hereby given that there has been presented to the T0wn Board of the TO\ID of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 7th day of July, 1981, a Local Law entitled '.'A Local Law to change the term of office of the town clerk from two years to four years". Said Local Law reads as follows: Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The term of office of the town clerk shall be four year s . Section 2. This local law shall supersede section twenty-four of the town law, insofar as it is inconsistent with such section. Section 3. A proposition for the approval of this local shall be submitted to the electors of the town of Southold at the general election to be held in November, nineteen hundred eighty-one, and this local law shall become operative only if approved by the affirm- ative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting upon such proposition. Section 4. If this local law is approved by the. affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the town voting thereon at said general election, this local law shall become and be effective immediately. Copies of said Local Law are available at the Office of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during business hours. Notice is further given that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 22nd day of July, 1981, at 3:30 o'clock P.M., at which time all interested persons will be heard. Dated: JUly 7, 1981 By Order of the Southold Town Board, Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk I have a notice of publication by Troy Gustavson on behalf of the Suffolk Times. Notice from Judith Terry, the Town.Clerk, that the notice was published on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. .: : :;1 SUPERVISOR PELL: Do you have all three of them, Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Suffolk Times and Mattituck Watchman? TOWN CLERK TERRY: It was published in the Traveler, I just haven't received the affidavit, but the Suffolk Times is the legal paper " ,,01""1':- PAGE 2 - Town Bc""",d - Public Hearing ..,.'....., ',.",.' of the Town. It was published in both, they just have not given me the affidavit from the Traveler. :; SUPERVISOR PELL: The hearing will continue with the extension of the town clerk's term from two to four years. I have on file a letter from former town clerk Albert W. Richmond who desires to see the term extended. I have a letter from Lester M. Albertson, former Supervisor of Southold Town saying he would like to see it ext'ended. I have a letter from Irene J. Pendzick, President of the Suffolk County Clerk's Association saying their association of Ten Town Clerk's unanimously would like to see it extended to four years. Those letters I have on file.with this. At this time I will open the floor to anybody who wishes to speak in favor of extending the present term of town clerk from two years to four years, realizing this will be put up for a town- wide vote in November. Anybody wish to speak in favor of? ~;: :i; MRS. SHIRLEY CROCKER, Greenport: I think in view of the importance of the town clerk's job, I think it will enhance the continuity of the job and town government both. 'I~ SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mrs. Crocker. Anybody else wish to speak in favor of the change from two to four years? MR. WILLIAM GRAHAM, Southold: I would like to see it extended, but I don't think I can add anything more than Mrs. Crocker. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mr. Graham. Mr. Homan. , ilj MR. .J AMES HOMAN, Cutchogue; !'!..r. Supervisor and Board. Having had a little experience in this particular area, I feel the complexities of the office as such that a two year time hardley allows enough time for a new person to get, their feet wet and be fully aware of all the documents and duties of the office of town clerk. I would like to voice my support for the Town Board's pleasure in having this go to a four year term. I apologize for my appearance but I wanted to time to come here. j: " ::1 SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Jim. Jim Homan. Anybody else wish to speak in favor of the extension of the term? (no response) Does anybody wish to speak in opposition to the extension of the term to the four years? (no response) Does anybody wish to speak at all on the subject? (no response). If not, I will declare the hearing closed and return to the original Town Board meeting. ", ***** //, A -~~~ ~d:t.:U ----". ~<-/r Judi th 'T. Terry Southold Town Clerk lEGAL NOTICE' NOTICE OF HEARING . PUBLIC NOTli::E is ,hereby gwen that th,ere has I beeD I preseoted to the: TowD Board of the To",,"'n of 'S'outhold. I Suffolk County, 1'1"'" YOrk; on the 7th day of July; 19l11, a Local Law. entitled. '~A'~Locai Law to change the tcl:m. of office of the town clerk', from two y~ats to four years;'~- Said Local Law reads as folIo\:Yj; I BE' IT ENACTED' ily 'the : Town Board of the T6Wn' of'~ Southold, Suffolk: CountYrNew York, as follows: . "'i' . Section 1. Tt~e term oroffic~; . , . 'of the to?t'Il clerk shaH 'b~:foUr I years. " ," Section, 2. This loc,al::;;i~w." shall supersede section :',~eD- . .ty~fourofthe'town law, iri$Ofar- as it is inconsistent with::liiuch, ' section.' , 't Section 3. A propositiok for .:, the, approval of this locaJ' 'law I . ,-.,shall be. ~,' tl~~Jtte4:.t,9i1[f;~ r: . electors of the town pf !S~uth- old at the generaf electbi!n tb ' be h~d in November,' :ijine-, te~n hundred eighty-one~~I;a.nd, ' thIS local law shall bdme operative only if apptov.e~ 'by , the affirDl,ative vote t' f a majority of the qllalified d 'ett-, ors' voting upon sU;ch pro :. si- ~~', tiO:~ction 4.:1f this loc~ l~l~_:'iS , : approved by the a~ye ,'vote of a' majority of'~j~e ,qQ.~lified electors of the tJwn , votmg thereon: at said gerl~ral ; ,election, this local Iaw~hall , become and be effectiVe~, im. ~ mediately. -. '.' ,', C:Opies of said'Local La . i~ , available at the Office ot:" he ~ Town Clerk to any intere:' ed i persons duriIig. busi -. s t-houn. - ; ,NOTICE IS FUR , : GIVEN that the Town Do of ,theTown'of Southold will it'ld ! a public hearing on ~he ; aforesaid Local. Law at the . lSoathold Town HaU, M&in fRoad, Southold, New yor:t,on 'the 22nd day of July 1981' at l'130 ' 'f I.: 0 clock P.M.. at wh Ch time all interested persons Ibe heard. " , :DATED: July 7, 1981., ' l,:l,i . BY ORDER OF n;!11 " ' SOUTHOLD TOwN BOAIfu : JUDll'H T. TERRlY, : , I T-OWD 6Jt.k " !T. 7/16/81@) "J l,,-_- ('I', , ' ",.Iw , , (""'\ I.j .,/ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ..; STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in' Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the onnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ...........\................:.........weeks successively, commenc::ing on the ..\.\0........................... (:;2~r='Smmm' 19"~ ... _.Ld.d...t.;7;.............. _, Sworn to before me this ,;)";) ................................ day of ..~~................ 19.~~. ~ (.{] f)j/ ~ .......................N~t;:y.p~i~~.~ CLDAEMT J. THOMPSON NOTARY pUllUC, Sta\8 '" """ Y"k llll. 52.9321125 1I0000inl jg SaIfoIk CUiIiI'l;.. v:, CIlIlltllil*'" b(>m!i!lJd!?A ~ --.--...----- -----_.- --"--- I'''' I I II ~ 'I ! I I I II Legal, Notices,',"; '"-;:;~~thljld,NeW,Yo,t:k;;~ril , ,~ndday,.of',lulY,l981,. ~t"i )."",\1. :-o'no: :/':iiO'\9'clocl<' ':F',M.,atwh1cl1'i :-;OTICE OF 1Il.;""U:O>G '.", ' ti.rte'aJ! : intet;ested P!'rli"B" '" PUI!.lC I,OTIC!': i. IIC"CDY" will:Wheard"" "',' '.' ".,.,","" :','.' given, tha, t there.hall b.en' ,DATEJ):..JuIY 7; 1981 " "F"): d . . '"BYORI!E;RO ,:I !1~1'..c...I("!: :., iht: Tt"'I~.I,'JlI..~:r. ";';:."i'.:~,"':':,;; :;:S,:':: ':i,>!H-:::::':,~,SOUTHOI4l'::V\' 1.1 1111' 11'\~1I111 .;';o.Ji ,(hi. ."'Im- .." ::"-!"""""TOW'NBOARD,A I'll L. ~ '''11111\" ""\- '\1'1'\. ..1 :',(-': y ;11 d.... .,,',11,11 Ii.!,j "1.,,'.1' .....:,JlIDli~~iltL~R1( .;F SUFFOLR. II:','. ;:r'lllh"..1 .. \ I.~,I( .!I I.H'.\;' "",:::',::;';',!'j:"!,::,,,''''l,_::,::'''-''',,.'' ,," .;. _;',.,<':' ,i~: . :,. : h.lllL:(' . 'IL" '("'''' fll h' I (( C' 1.1 ". ", :' ""':i~TJY~2..12~f;:</:-,...:: ':>:;":"::'::_2.9,;~~ NEW YORK. .!'I'I'I\\'I1~ 'I'~ll'l:: :..,"(,~....~r:-:,:'f--''''~.' - -~-~ I , 11.111' ~ I'j."-' !'o.;loli I....; .... I':~\',"~':: "..<I.j,:.Ll:-..,I!.,llf II~: I r ~:\ \C.q:1l h~ II....."" 1'1'.'011 ll"l:rn .., I'll I~I"I, (,r"J :->tIU'lllllcl 'lI'!i"~ ....,'IJ:r:" ,.. ~ '1 .)1';' .:" :ullt1..~:-. ...(!( .'(111) 1111'1('11110' lII:llt. 1\111:1' 1')".11 \.h.'1 L. :-hal. hc' II' II \('dl": . -':1.'.'" I'll 1. I k,- ,":'id :i .... 1;'1 'snail'.- s UptH'l:je':!e e.eLL..\Jb Jl'.~.lwenlY-four of the::~own law, :1)::. insdfar -as it .is. irtcons.is~nt .1 "," .";11' ::1;r)1 ;fC"hnn" ;,:: .'1'1' UIl' \ IlUII"'~IIIUll rm:~!J!k'; '.1; )11(1111'.,11 j,1 ;~.:- I".,:;~I b..~'.>: I .~I..tl l,c' ~l.h":~l: fl! u Ihe-,,: (' (""11)-." .~I II.I! ;C,WI 01 'n;IIl".;.;. ,) '1,.' l!lot. J,:l..m~!'m ,.1'.( 1I\lr 10 II~!II'I,~ In :\(:-\.I'",!-("..II :1""(~11 .~lllhlr(.d C' :~I.I""~lh&' U11t! Iln." jlH,',!1 1_'" ~n:.dl h(l( C'lm.' I.JH" 'W:' atlve onlY 11 lijJpI'o\>ed by, _l;h~ '~;". aff-irmative v:ofe of a majonty ". (111:1(,'llllllifi..,!4'It""l,)r:-~~~g:);. upma .-lId pro[ll.....I:I.. -,':::<.:;\:.,:, h ~.'('IIUJl :. II llli::- I'K iIU~W;-jS': I~I :approv~d. by Ife ~.I.tir'ftiv'e.' ,.' ':"1. ..... '"l~,}t:., \l,;ill;l a (;11'011 :It .!='i.I:n.,~~er.~l'i;r dl'~";vh. :1..:: IOC.:11 !.lW,fS~U,):;'-' r become and ~ eJlective"im-"'" I':: mediately. '. .' ~;i 1.\~?tbi.~~";~r.of~~'1Q1~:>. '1"".\" C'I..k 10 aQy'inl:t\ti!$leij,: rrr,:O'i)I'... durlllU uu._inN"sl1011T-- ',' \OTICI-: I~ ITHTIII':II. I" . GIVEN thai the 'fown Hoard ,r . of the Town. of Southnld. >rill ,h. .huld a public hearing on :the , Ik:.~'iitoresaf<f"C'OCl!r;;aw'-41"th"'" ~I::= Southold Town Hall,~am ." Il~, 1 f 88: J . .~Y. qljl!l.1P;tY:li!9?l..,.. ,...,......... being duly Sworn. says that . ,~~. . .. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper pubHshed at Greeopcnt. In said . county; and that thE' DOUce. of which the amIexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times tlDce in E'acb week. for . . ., D)l~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. weeks succ:essiv&iy commencing on the ..1 6.th. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of J~lY.,::::~.S~.....,........ SWcm1 to before m~' ~~;~.:: ;,th... 1 I day of ., ,.. .J:ul~....... 19.81.. J .....".." ~. .K.4,Y, ((~.......... .............,.......................... HEtEN K, DE VOE NOTARY PUBLIC, Stat. of New York No. 4707878, Suffolk Counlt. _ Term E'PIT" March 30. 19L:S ------ " ~.