HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuperintendent of Highways - 4 yr term - 1988 LOCAL .LAW NO. 28 -198.8 A Local Law providing for a Four Year Term of office for the Superintendent of Highways BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Section 1. The term of office of the Superintendent of Highways shall be four years. Section 2. This local law shall supersede section twenty-four of the town law, insofar as it is inconsistent with such section. Section 3. A proposition for the approval of this local law shall be submitted to the electors of the town of Southold at the general election to be held in November, nineteen hundred eighty-eight, and this local law shall become operative only if approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting upon such proposition. Section lI.. If this local law is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the town voting thereon at said general election, any of the town officers mentioned in section one hereof elected at a biennial town election held after this local law takes effect shall hold office for a term of four years commencing On the first day of January next succeeding such election. .--...---..-,..... .,'"~.~-"~..-I...._.;;.'-_..~ :~_._._-_,~_'..____ ------- NYS DcparlF~1 of Stale Bureau of $( Records 162 Washingi"n Avenue Albany, NY 12231'()()()1 '--', '=~... ..J 1~~.&Z-===--._' 7......\..t:iA1tI-.... ~'-.......... "il:!"'W"<=--_.- . ~ ....v- }iflr"Tnnrr1.rf'-1 I '.l.- J~I:.i ".' .....;J!1'\l] , r 'J~~l.6"Z9 "7:_; 4W! r \ " J- ., ' 1 := nIt: :: I L..;..",-....""i -" ., v_: ~/;~.t;f~~1j f i TOWIl of Southold TO'\ffl Hall 53095 Hain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 ~" Ii!! Of!; Hl:l,!! mi!!!! Hi! !!iJ!;!;! Ii: i II! I! ldll .. " IF..... u.. tlUs Fo....lorFUI.C yoor LocaI!,aw w1t1l tile s..:,.tarj' olSlItel Text of law should Mgivenasam:endcc!. Do not include matter beina: eliminated and do not use italics or underliniQI10 indicate new matter. ~ ~ 01 ... ?~!l."ftl.C?!-!? ................... ....................... NiI_ Local La.. No..... .~~................. olthey..rI9.~~....... A local 10.. . .P.~'?Y!~!(ltl.~q~ .~. f!'\'!~. Y.~~~ .T.~~"', .q~ .qffl.G~. fQ~ .ttJ!'. Al,Ip!,\l;intE\llQ!'nt .Q{ J;liSll\"IllYS Unscrttilie) 8elt...d'" by the.. :J:~l".'!.!l.~~<!................................................. ........ .Ithe (Name of Lqi,lath'c Body) "OUIII:JK Ell)< Towa 01 \QlI- .... .:;?~~,?I.~.......................................... ,............. ...... asloll.ws, Section '1. four years. Section 2. insofar as it is Theterrn ofoffi~e of the Superintendent of Highways shall be This local. law' shall supersede section' twenty-four of the town law1 inconsistent with such section. Section. 3. , A'proposition for the approval of this local law shall be :subrnltted to the electors of the ,town. of Southold ,at the general election to be held ,in N()vemberl nineteen hundred eighty:-eight;and this local law shall become operative onLy if approved by the affirmative voteef a majority of the qualified electors voting upon such proposition. Section 4~ . If this . local law Is approved by the affirmative vote ofa majority of the qualified electors. of the town voting thereon at said general election; any ,of the town officers ,mentionedfn section one hereof elected at a bienniaL town election held after this locaL law~a~es effect shall hold office for a term of four years commencing ont he first. day of January next succeeding such election. -.....~-... (Ifaddltloaal space is need.... ,lease attacb sheets oltbe same site.. tbis a.d .umber eacbl (I) ~ '- -' . (Complete the ~ertirlCalio. ia tb. paralrapb wbicb applies to the IlIlnl of lbl$loeaf law and strike OIIt lb. utler tb.rela wbichl.... applic:abl,.> I. lFlnala.optio. by.lvc:al Jelislati.....y Oftly.) I hereby<<rtify $atthe locaI law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ........ of 19 ........ Counly City of the Town of ................ wasdulypassedbylhe.......... ............................... (Name of Lqis1&ti.ve Body) ViIIOl!e on ............................. 19 .......;in accordance wilh the applicable provisions of law. 2. !Passage by locallecislatl,. body witb appro..1 or RO disapproY&l by Electi.e Chlel Executlv.Ollicer,* or r.pa..... afterdisappro.al') 'hereby certify that the locaUaw annexed hereto. designated as Jocallaw No. ......... of 19........ County City oftbeTown of ................ was duly passed by tbe ..... ..... ......... ...................... (Name of Lqislative Body) Village not disapproved on .......................~...... 19........ and was approved repassed after disapproval and was deemed, duly adopted on ................................... 19........, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. bylbe........................... . Elective Chid Executive Officer- 3. (Final adoption by relereadum.. I hereby certifythatthelocallawannexcd hereto. designated as local law No. .?~.. .... of 19 .88:.:.. OOoltljO< ~ 01 lbe Town of... .SpJ.llhQI.<j,.. was duly passed by tbe . T.Q'I'fl..ep;l.~<L .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . (Namc of Lqiilali'ic Body) l<lIIK&'<f' on ....(\\!g\l~LR........ 19l1?;.... ~__JJ....l<d< .1Ill<"~ tq\~lel"lil.llI>Il<~ >llyJt1<4<.... .x"xx.................. Elcclive ChicfExccuti'icOfr~ oY4X.........x)S.)f.)f..........~....... P9<...u....~ Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a mandatory'.- ..' '. . ..: ". . '.' ..' . - ~efCTendum,and receIVed the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting general thereon at the tpaiakelection held on ...N9.y.~ro.Qe.r:..tL......J9 alL.... in accordance with the applicable aD<-x provisions of Jaw. 4. (Subject 10 permissi.e relereaduln, and linaladopllon beta... no .alid pelltion medrequesting referendum.. I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ......, .of 19 ......... County City of the Towo of................ was duly passed by the. ........................................ . (Name of LqWative Body) Village on............................. 19........ not disapproved and was apJ'roved repassed after disapproval bylbe ........ ..... ............... ElcctiveChicrExccutivcorncer- . on ..............................;.... .19......-..;. Such local law, being su~ject to apennissive,referenduin and no .alid petition requesting such referendum having been filed. said local law was deemed duly adopled on ;............................19 .........in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. -Elective CblefExecgtbe O(fteer_lDuas or Jnclades the chief executive, officer of looln,:, electr:d, onl county.wide ,basis or. If "ere be nole, the chatrmaJIof the county legislative body, tbe mJiyor of I city or Yillaae:or tbelllpenlsorof I tow. where socII offICer Is \lested witllpower to approve or veto local laws or or.iaallces. (2) ? ',/ .' ,. (Oty .......... co..erniagChuter revision proposed by petllio..) thereby certify that the local law anne;l(cdhereto. designated as local law No. ........ of 19 ........ of the City of . ;, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . ... . . . . . . . .. having, beensubmitttdto refere_ndum Pllrsuant.tothe . provisions or~~' of the Municipal Home Rule.Law.and.hao;ing received the affirmative vote ofa majority,orthequaliri~electorsofsuch city voting thereon at the .~~~~ election held on ............ ............19......... became operative. 6., (Connly Joealla.. cODcerning.doplion of Charter.) 1 hereby Certify lhatlhelocallaw annexed hereto, designateclas local law No. ........ of 19......... oft~eCountyof ..........,.......... . State of New York, hav-ingbeen submittedtothe Electors at the GeneralE-IectioD of November ............,19;...... pursuant to subdivisions S and 7 ofsectioD 33 of the 'Municipal Home Rule Law. and having received the affirmative vote of a majority oUbe qualified electors Qf thccUiesof said county as aunitand of a ma;jorityofthe-qualifiedelectors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general. election. ~ame operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has,been followed. please provide an appropriate certifica. tion~) lfurtbercertify that I have compared the preceding locallawwith the original on file in this office and thattbe same is a correct transcriptthereftom and of the whole of such originaUocallaw. and was finally adopted in the manne~indicated in paragraph......3...... above. Date: November 281,1988: ~~ k of the_Couaty legi5lative bod)'. Ot)';To rVillls.eClerk or offlCU cle5ipated by loc:altep.laiive bod)' Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk (Seal)' (Certification to be executed by County Attorney. Corporation Counsel. Town Attorney, Village Attorney or otber authorized Attorney of Jocality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF .l?\!f.f.9.h.'L............... I, the undersigned. hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enac~~the local ~7/' . . ...~~. ~ SlJllatl1Je ... ~~~t;~. !'t::..?~!'1.<?':'~~!":!; .~<:~~.~.~?!~t;r...... Title Date: Noveinber 28,1988 QIl~ ~ Town llillaBIX of . .... ..... ................. .... ... Southold " ; ( (3) ,,,"'.... .,'''''\ /.,' PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD August 23, 1988 3:37 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF A PROPOSED "LOCAL LAW PROVIDING FOR A ,rOUR YEAR TERM OF OFFICE FOR THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS. Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran Councilman George L. Penny IV Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen . . . Town Clerk Judith T. Terry SUPERVISOR MURPHY: This is a hearing on a proposed "Local Law Providing for a Four Year Term of Office for the Superintendent of Highways." The official notice to be read by Councilwoman Ellen Larsen. COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: "Public Notice is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 9th day of August, 1988, a Local Law entitled, "A Local Law Providing for a Four Year Term of Office for the Superintendent of Highways". Notice is further given that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. on the 23rd day of August, 1988, at 3:37 o'clock P.M. and at 7:32 o'clock P.M., at which time all interested persons will be heard. This proposed "Local Law Providing for a Four Year Term of Office for the Superintendent of Highways" reads as follows: BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Section 1. The term of office of the Superintendent of Highways shall be four years. Section 2. This Local Law shall supersede Section twenty-four of the Town Law I insofar as it is inconsistent with such section. Section 3. A proposition for the approval of this Local Law shall be submitted to the electors of the Town of Southold at the general election to be held in November, nineteen hundred eighty-eight, and this Local Law shall become operative only if approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting upon such proposition. Section 4. If this Local Law is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town voting thereon at said general election, any of the Town officers mentioned in Section one hereof elected at a biennial Town election held after this Local Law takes effect shall hold office for a term of four years commencing on the first day of January next succeed- ing each election. Dated: August 9, 1988. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk." I have an affidavit of publication from the Suffolk Times; from the Long Island TraVeler-Watchman; proof of posting of the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, signed by Judith Terry, and a resolution from the August 9th meeting stating that we wiil hold a public hearing on this proposal. A.:....... " _.r, .,,,,. Page 2 - LL - Four Year Term of Superintendent of Highways SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen. You've heard the official reading of the Notice of this Proposed Local Law, is there anyone in the audience who would like to comment on It? On the left? (No response.) In the middle? FRAN K BEAR: My name is Franklin Bear. I would like to say, for the same reason, I spoke on the four term of Supervisor, illS important againt that the Superintendent of Highways has an opportunity to work--to continue his respon- sibilities for a period of four years, before he has to spend time and effo"rt to become elected. Especially I think it's important that the people of the Town of Southold have an aopportunity to vote on this. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Is there anyone else, who would like ',to address the Town Board? (No response.) Hearing none, Is there any Town ; Bpard members? (No response.) Hearing none, we'll recess this public hearing ,until 7: 32 tonight. . . * 7:32 P. M., Au ust 23, 1988. Reconvened ublic hearin on a ro osed "Local La"w Providing for a Four Year Term of Of Ice for the Superintendent of Highways." Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran Councilman George L. Penny IV Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen * * * Absent: Town Clerk Judith T. Terry * * * Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva SUPERVISOR MURPHY: This is a hearing on a proposed "Local Law Providing for a Four Year Term of Office far the Superintendent of Highways". We will waive the reading. if there are no objections. (No objections.) You will have any opportunity to vote on it. Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of it? (No response.) No one on the left? (No response.) Anyone in the middle? (No response.) No one on the right? (No response.) Any Town Board members? (No response.) Hearing none, we'll close the public hearing. * * . J/:. LtJij, ~ ~T:~ Southold Town Clerk ~_.__'__ .....__.. __., _ ~~- _ .~~ r_."______c.~r.--'. -ro",,_ .-~-,,~' >~...~.".c.__.~....~,'.,..-,- c __1'_. :--,,':,.....- ! IllEG,;i:' NOTicE'. . I' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . ON LOCAL LAW :tl,';,;i ..; ." I." i: J I. , .. 'C , "d~L(Il",Ic: NonCE is hereby :: '.'giVetf:-:-tJ:iat\ !tnete:, has b~en I'! ' 'lw~nied:to\tJ~To..;n,8oard of I." --'.' , - .., ':"'1 ' I the Town.of.:.SouthoI4; Suffolk ,::., 1.~Coun[y, New lark,'lon the 9th / :, :,day of August." 1988, a Local , , 'Law en lit led." "A', .LQcaJ. Law ;' 'iPwvidiDg for'a FOuT,:VearTerm i' , of Office for the Superin[~ndcm il., ,~f ~4~~~~ F~~E~'GIV- C" rEN that thcT~~ i\oard of the jl." Town of SoutHald will hold a I.., public heaIin, on. the 'aforesaid .:!.: :Local Law ."he Sou,hold Thwn .',' Hall, Main Road.., SOlnhold, ,1,1:' . . ~ew York, Qn- the 2Jrd day of ., 'n' August, 1988. arl ~:J7 Q'c1ock P.M., and .. 7:32 o'clock P.M., . al wlticb time all interested per~ , sons wiJl be heard: . . ,.1 This 'proposed .'local. law . . I Providoog .ro~ a' Four Yea~'Ten~ . ' .;of orncc for 'the SUPei;illendc~r . 1 " :of Highways" fe'ads. as follows: BE IT ENACTED 1>)' ,he To""n Board or I [he. lawn of \" ' , .Southold as follows; , " :' Section I. The lenD'of office !.' q.f tbe' Super"intcndeni of Highways shall 'be four years. 1~ Sectil?n 2. This local' law shall suPersede 'Secnon [v,renty- four of the Town La\\', insofar as i,~ is i.nconsislent. wirh such section: " , " Section 3.,A proposition for -,I the apPlo\'a1 of this local law shaD be submitted ro .the elc."t'lOTS of the Town of Southold al the general election to be hefd 10 , . No\'embc:r, nineteen hundred eigbly-eighl. and rhis lo~ law shall become operath'c_'9nly if approved b)' the am"mili~ vole of a majoriry .of. the q'uali.fied ~lec[ors \loting, upon such proposition, - I Section 4, If lhis locaL La"" is appro\ed by 'the affirmati\'C' '~ole or' a majority of, the . qualified e1ectON;, of rhe Town rating thereon ar said general ,election. any of [he,'J-own of- t ficers men[io~d in section onc hereof clected at a bicmniat Town election. held after this' lo.:al Law lakes effecI .shaJl hold of- fice for I a term.;o[- iour -year~ commen'~irig on lhe first da)" of January, next 'Succeeding' such cleclion. ..DATED; Augu;l~; 198B.. .. JUDITH T. TERRY, ':SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK . n:8,18/88(6) ,-I ,,""-, r /"'''\ \ . "'-.-IJ'-" '~l>-;l~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at South old, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman once each week for, . , , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . ,/. . . .. weeks . /ovf successive'ly, commencing on the ..,. . , . . . . . , . . , . . , . , , . ~~..,,,.,F': . . . ..............W.~ . /rrc( Sworn to before me this. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of /?~ ?rr .... ..r.o" .... .. ..... ,19.. -.. .~.~. Notary Public BARBARA FORBES Not&ty Public, State of New York No. 48OIl846 l,Iualifled in Suiiolk County Gornrui.s.sioll Ex:pires~.3 r 1B rF" t l I I "':;"t:';~-1"1'__~"" "'>:;'lh_"'"t;r ;'1i\~!:;-:.lJ:l<i;U.:.. LEGAL ~OTICE- "I NOTICE OJ'_ t', PUBLIC' HEARING " ON LOCAL LAW 'i PUBLIC NOTICE; i. !=<by ~lvcn . ~at t!:terc has been pre-- !i'ented to the Town Board of the lTOW'D of Sootbold, .Suffo.lk couiny, New Yod<, on lbe 9th day bf A"gu.~ 198.8, a Local Law b1iJled. "A Local Law Providing Libr a Four Year Term of Office fOJ" (\ill: Superintendent of Hilhways~~, ' Ii' NOTICE IS fURTHER GIV~. .....:- mat lhe Town Board of the, Town' ' i~f SouthOld will hold a pu!?1ic ~caring on. the aforesaid Local ~w lu the: Soathold Town Hall, Main. ~~a~ Southald, New YOlk, OD. lbe ~td' d.y.of-Augult, 1988, at 3:37' . p'~ock P~'.~, at 7:3~ o'clock . "IP.M., aJ. which time .all mtcrellteQ I/!lpenobs :will bC hcmL :.. :'1'" ThO, pmp"'ed "Local Law Pro, !;~ for a Four. Year Term of _~~ 'Ilice for the'Superintendent -of FIlghwa)'s" r.::ads as (ollows: . BE IT ENAcrED by the Tow< iBoard of tfIe Town of Soothold al lfoUows: J~ Se~pn 1. The term of office ~r 'l!1e' Supcnmcodent of Highwol:Ys ~ba1J be four y.:3.lS. , I:' S:ction 2. This I..ocaJ Law ;;h;ill ~i:rpeuedc SecLion twcnly-four !of the Town law, insofar u it is m- bn;&jslent ....ith -ruch section. . lu SeW-on 3. A proposition._ for tlie lIpprovELI. of this Local Law sball be submincd to the e1ectol'$ of the iJ'OW':l ,of Sonthold ~.t the general . bleclJOll' to be held UI NOvcmberj':: ~C1een hundred eighty-eigtt~.:;~._d.'.)i. lliis locnllaw shaU became ~_,:,;,,_' I :jve only if approved by thc.:,if(u:~;"" rativc vote of a !!Jajority q~l~:' : 'lnalified eleaon voting iIpOn'.UCh proposition. . - I ':, Section 4: If this LOcal Law is lapproved - by 'the affirmative. vote 'of a' -majoriry of tbe qualified electors of me Town voting thereon. at said general election, ,any of-the Town officen- men- :tiened m; Sct:uon one hereof [C:lectc4__Ht,a biennial Town election held ,after this Loc8J. Law takes e!- :fecl shall hold offiCe for ..~rrn of foUr yeais- c:oo;unencing on the first -<ray of Janna.ry next '!leece-ding 'such - election. bATED: Angus_t. 9_ _l()~-"-- -;- , --~ .".' STATE OF NEWYORX) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Chri sti na ('onrpnf-o of Mattituck, In said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she Is PrincIpal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, e W..k1y Newspaper, published at MatUluct, In the Town of Southol~, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the NotiCe of which the amexed Is a printed cow, has been regularly published In said Newgpaper once each week for ---J...- weeks successively, commencing on the 18 day of Auqust 19--8.8 CJrlhLCtma II1~J- Principal Clerk f----.-._~ , ~~ .! . . BOARD OF ELECTIONS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK YAPHANK, NEW YORK 11980 TEL. 924-4300 November 21, 1988 Honorable Judith T. Terry Town Clerk, Town of Southold Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Soutuold, NY 11901 Dear Mrs. Terry: We, William J. Canary, Jr. and George Wolf, Commissioners of Elections in and for the County of Suffolk, pursuant to instructions received from your office, have directed to be placed on the ballot, at the November 8, 1988 General Election, the following proposition: BALLOT PROPOSAL NUMBER THREE, SOUTHOLD TOWN PROPOSITION NUMBER ONE Shall the Local Law of 1988, enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on August 23, 1988, entitled "A Local Law Providing for a Four Year Term of Office for the Supervisor, II be approved? The Total YES Vote The Total NO Vote 3,339 4,801 BALLOT PROPOSAL NUMBER FOUR, SOUTHOLD TOWN PROPOSITION NUMBER TWO Shall the Local Law of 1988, enacted by the Town Board of on August 23, 1988, entitled "A Local Law Providing for a Four for the Superintendent of Highways," be approved? the Town of Southold Year Term of Office The Total YES Vote The Total NO Vote 4,393 3,713 Therefore, we do hereby certify that the above canvass and recanvass for the General Election, held on the 8th day of November, 1988 is a true and complete copy of the original on file in the office of the Suffolk County Board of Elections. --~ --:.,-;- f'.~- " ~<".i\~~ -.* ~'/_ ," ,,,,,,~ ~. .-. VA ...... " nn~l 0<> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of the ltcJ of Elections of Suffolk County this 21st day of November, 1988, at Yaphank, Sincerely, ~ LZdt~ " r W:{lliam J. Cana ,Jr. Commissioner ~{J &~ George Wolf Commissioner 31"''' ,<i' r .., ;;;; J . _....