HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrustees - 4 yr term - 1983 ". . . RECEIVED NOV 23 1m Town Clerk Southold BOARD OF ELECTIONS FRANK COVENEY DEMOCRATIC COMMISSIONER COUNTY OF SUFFOLK YAPHANK, NEW YORK 11980 TEL. 924-4300 EVERETT F. McNAB REPUBLICAN COMMISSIONER November 22, 1983 Southold Town Hall Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry, We Everett F. McNab and Frank Coveney, Commissioners of Elections in and for the , County of Suffolk, pursuant to instructions received from your office, have directed to be placed on the ballot at the November 8th, 1983 General Election the following proposition: PROPOSAL NO. 11 TOWN PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall Resolution No. 23, adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on June 7, 1983, entitled "Resolution adopted June 7, 1983, change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years," be approved? The total YES vote 3,242 The total NO vote 2,621 PROPOSAL NO. 12 TOWN PROPOSITION NO. 2 Shall the resolution entitled: "Bond and Capital Note Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted October 4, 1983, authorizing the acquisition of certain developmental rights in prime agricultural lands in and for the town, stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $1,750,000., appropriating said amount therefor, and authorizing the issuance of $85,500. Capital notes to provide the required down payment, and $1,662,000. serial bonds of said town to finance the balance of said appropriation, "be approved? The total YES vote 3,478 The total NO vote 2,379 - Continued. . . Therefore, we do hereby certify that the above canvass and recanvass for the General Election held on the 8th day of November, 1983 is a true and complete copy of the original on file in the office of the Suffolk County Board of Elections. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of the Board of Elections of Suffolk County this 22 day of November, 1983, at Yaphank, New York. Sincerely, .--r;. "" _ ...a-i="". 'VM..- C 'It n / Everett F. McNab, Commissioner ~ .' " -' ~'- "///'''>, -: _ -t:" ~ /~ ::"'i=<:~ .;.;. ~ s.~ n~....~ -=6<:>; ~Y:j~ . ~ -=- -? ,-..., ~ ~ ~ 7', -,' -\-. '", , ; ~ J ~ : ~ ) . . . ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney RECEIVED TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 NOV 22183 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 Town Clerk Southold November 18, 1983 Hon. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Re: Term of office of Trustees Dear Judy: Enclosed herewith is a Memorandum which I have prepared on the question of the term of office of the newly elected Trustees. Copies have been sent to Trustees elected at the November 8th. election. Would you please make copies available to the members of the Town Board. Yours~trUlY, ROB~t TASKER enc. , RECEIVED NOV 22933 . . MEMORANDUM Town Clerk Southold To: Trustees elected at the November 8, 1983 Election Members of the Town Board From: Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney Subject: Term of office of Trustees A question has arisen concerning the term of office of the Trustees elected at the November 8, 1983 Biennial Town Election. On June 6, 1983 the New York State Legislature enacted Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983, which added a new section I-a to the 1893 Act which created the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. The added section provides as follows: "SI-a. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, or any other general or special law, at least one hundred fifty days prior to any biennial town election, the town board of the town of Southold may adopt a resolution to provide that the term of office of trustees of the town of Southold shall be four years. Such resolution shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the town for their approval or disapproval at the next biennial town election. If such resolution is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of said electors at such election, three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial town election held thereafter, and two trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial town election held thereafter." On June 7, 1983 the Southold Town Board adopted a resolution, pursuant to Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983, to provide for the submission of a proposition to the electors of the town at the November 8, 1983 biennial town election. The Town Board thereafter adopted a further resolution which directed the Town Clerk to post and publish a notice of the submission of such proposition, together with an abstract stating the purpose and effect thereof. , . . -2- . I It now appears that when candidates were nominated for the office of Trustee, they were not nominated for either the four year term or the two year term. No term of office was specified. It is also now apparent that the ballots for the Trustee candidates did not specify the term of office for which the candidates were running. I believe that it is apparent that Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983 intended that three candidates wouldbe nominated for a four year term and two candidates would be nominated for a two year term, and that the ballots used at the election would so indicate. I have reviewed this matter with Mr. James Cole of the New York State Attorney General's Office. It is Mr. Cole's opinion, in which I agree, that since no term of office was specified in the nominating process, nor on the voting machines used at the election, that all of the elected Trustees must be deemed elected for a two year term of office, and that in the 1985 biennial town election, three candidates should be nominated for a four year term and two candidates should be nominated for a two year term, and that the ballots used at that election should indicated the term of office for which each candidate is seeking election. Mr. Cole and I are also of the opinion that any post-election attempt to mandate that three trustees shall be deemed elected for a four year term would be unauthorized, since this would disenfranchise the voters and therefor be in violation of the New York State Constitution. Dated: November 18, 1983 Respectfully submitted, ~~-vP~ RO~~ Tasker r LEGAL NOTICE RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. At the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold (herein called "Town"), in the County of Suf- folk, New York, which is to be held on November 8, 1983, be- tween the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.s.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.) or as much longer as may be necesaary to enable the voters then present to cast their votes, the follow- ing Proposition contained in the Notice hereinafter set forth shall be submitted to the qualified voters, as hereinafter referred to. The polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold ahall be the same polling places as shall be used at the General Election to be held on that day. SeclIon Z. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish at least once in "The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch. man" and the "Suffolk Times" hereby designated the official newspapers of the Town for such publication, and to post on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law, said publication and posting to ", "".., " f ,-, f',': .,. beat least ten (10) days before such Biennial Town Election Notice that the Town Board ~ill submit for the approval or dIsapproval of the resolution hereinabove referred to in such Notice as follows: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF PROPOSITION. TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE BIENNIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold to be held on Novem- ber 8, 1983, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.s.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.TJ the following Proposition will be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, to wit: PROPOSTION NO.1 Shall Resolution No. 23, adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on June 7 1983 entitled "Resolutio~ adopted June 7, 1983, to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years," be approved? NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polling places m each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used for voting at the General Election held on that day. An abstract of said resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as folJows: ABSTRACT OF RESOLUTION NO. 23 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1. Resolution No. 23 is en- titled "Resolution to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of South. old from two years to four years. " 2. The purpose of said Reso- lution is to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years, pursuant to Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983. 3. The effect of such Reso- lution is that if the same shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, voting upon a proposition therefor at the general election to be held on . November 8, 1983, three trustees shall be elected at said general election for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at e>ery second biennial Town election held thereafter, and two trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter. The foregoing abstract, has heen prepared by the undersigned Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, with the advice of the Town Attorney pursuant to Section 92 of the Town Law. Dated: Octobe~ 4,1983 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk, Town of Southold 1 T0l3-4363 JOAN N. MAGEE NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK NO. ,2.4505858 OUAlIFIED IN SUfFOLK COUNTY .- COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 30, 19)?-J STATE OF NEW YORK I I SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I JOAN GUSTP VSON of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that helshe is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for ()1'1 p (1) weeks successively, commencing on the 13th dayof Octobp.l" 19~ Sworn to day of "?fz:.tL lU ;tft, /rt0 '--- Principal Clerk is / ?fI--- N):~/d-~ [ \ LEGAL NOTICE RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUN- TY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. At the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold (herein called "Town"), in the County of Suffolk. New York, which is to be held on November 8, 1983, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.S.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.) or as much longer as may be necessary to enable the voters then present to cast their votes, the following Proposi- tion contained in the Notice hereinafter set forth shall be submitted to the qualified voters, as hereinafter referred to. The polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used at the General Election to be held on that day. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and direct- ed to publish at least once in "The Long Island Traveler- Mattituck Watchman" and the "Suffolk Times" hereby de- signated the official news- papers of the Town for such publication, and to post on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdi- vision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. said publication and posting to be at least ten (10) days before such Biennial Town Election, Notice that the Town Board will submit for the approval or disapproval of the resolution hereinabove refer- red to in such Notice as follows: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF PROPOSITION TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE BIENNIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that at the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold to be held on No- vember 8, 1983, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.S.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.), the following Ptopo- sidon will be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, to wit: PROPOSmON NO. I Shall Resolution No. 23, adopt- ed by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on June 7, 1983, entitled "Resolution adopted June 7, 1983, to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years," be approved? NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that the polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used for voting at the General Election held on that day. .A n abstract of said resolu. tion, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: ABSTRACT OF RESOLUTION No. 23 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1. Resolution No. 23 is entitled "Resolution to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southald from two years to four years." 2. The purpose of said Resolution is to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years, pursuant to Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983. 3. The effect of such Resolu. tion is that if the same shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, voting upon a proposition therefore at the general eiection to be held on November 8, 1983, three trus- tees shall be elected at said general election for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Waod, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, af THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southald, in Suffalk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ......................!.................weeks 1:( successively, commencing on the ..........L~..................... ......... ...f).~t!:;;-...................... 19~93 . , ........ ...... .................. )3 de Sworn to before me this ................................ day of Dcr..J.-.-- n ............................................, 19........ ............~.~~~.................. CLEMENT J. THOMPSON NOTARY """c. State of New"" r',' :,:;-~d21725 Res~cin~ III Sultoil' County ColT'lmISsi~r: t\~,'r;.'., ~..;::;ch 30. 19.q _ ~ ___.:lI ''};;)~llon-that-'~aa~'7,- t . :-,\;"'77 -:c Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and direct- ed to publish at least once in "The Long Island Traveler- Mattituck Watchman" and the "Suffolk Times" hereby de- signated the official news. papers of the Town for such publicatioD, and to post on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdi- vision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law, said publication and posting to be at least ten (10) days before such Biennial Town Election, Notice that the Town Board will submit for the approval or disapproval of the resolution hereinabove refer- red to in such Notice as follows: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF PROPOSlTlON TO BE SUBMITfED AT THE BIENNIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOYEMBER8, 1983 NOTICE IS HEREBY GlY. EN that at the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold to be held on No. vember 8, 1983, between rhe hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.S.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.), the following Propo- sition will be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, to wit: PROPOSITION NO.1 Shall Resolution No. 23, adopt. ed by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on June 7, 1983, entitled "Resolution adopted June 7, 1983, to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years," be approved? NOTICE IS FURTHER GIY. EN that the polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used for voting at the General Election held on that day. /J. n abstract of said resolu- tion. concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof. is as follows: ABSTRACT OF RESOLUTION No. 23 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1. Resolution No. 23 is entitled' 'Resolution to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years." 2. The purpose of said Resolution is to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years, pursuant to Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983. 3. The effect of such Resolu. tion is that if the same shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, voting upon a proposition therefore at the general eiection to be held on November 8, 1983, three trus- tees shall be elected at said general election for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter, and two trustees shall be elel'led for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter. The foregoing abstract, has been prepared by the under- signed Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, with the advice of the Town Attorney pursuant to Section 92 of the Town Law. Dated: October 4, 1983. Judith T. Tetty Town Clerk, Town of Southold IT-I0/13/83(19) Swam to before me this ..............!::?............. day of DCT~ ,n ............................................, 19........ ............~.1i..~ . .... . ................... Notary ublic CLEMENT J. TfiOMI'SON NOTARY PI i~~:\C. State of NeW Yolk L' ';-<d21725 Re'/~~in~ If] :~utjc.:\i. County Commlssl~f: F~-,~,"(", tA::rch 30. 19..Q' . . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) JUDITH T. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is and at all times hereinafter mentioned she was the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York; That on October 11 , 1983 she caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a Notice setting forth an abstract and proposition duly adopted by the Southold Town Board on June 7, 1983 and October 4, 1983, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, in the following places, and said places constitute at least five (5) of the most conspicuous public places in said Town, including at least one place in each election district in said Town: 1. Mattituck Post Office, Love Lane, Mattituck, New York 2. Cutchogue Post Office, Griffing Street, Cutchogue, New York 3. Southold Post Office, Main Road, Southold, New York 4. Greenport Post Office, Front Street, Greenport, New York 5. Orient Post Office, Village Lane, Orient, New York ~d.~~~ v Town Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of October, 1983. Public, State 0 New ELIZABETH ANN NEVillE NOTARY PUBLIC, Slate of New York No. 5H125B50, Suffolk CouM Term Expires March 30, 19,!'-':,r . . . . " . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF PROPOSITION TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE BIENNIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold to be held on November 8, 1983, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.S.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.), the following Proposition will be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, to wit: PROPOSITION NO.1 Shall Resolution No. 23, adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on June 7, 1983, entitled "Resolution adopted June 7, 1933, to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years", be approved? NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used for voting at the General Election held on that day. An abstract of said resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: '. . . . . '. ABSTRACT OF RESOLUT ION NO. 23 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1. Resolution No. 23 is entitled "Resolution to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years." 2. The purpose of said Resolution is to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years, pursuant to Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983. 3. The effect of such Resolution is that if the same shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of . Southold, voting upon a proposition therefor at the general election to be held on November 8, 1983, three trustees shall be elected at said general election for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter, and two trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter. The foregoing abstract, has been prepared by the undersigned Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, with the advice of the Town Attorney pursuant to Section 92 of the Town Law. Dated: October 4, 1983 , d~~ fi<:dC-, _/~ .-'?''??A-r Judith T. Terry Town Clerk, Town of Southold ,- ." ~ ... . . . . . RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. At the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold (herein called "Town"), in the County of Suffolk, New York, which is to be held on November 8, 1983, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.S.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.) or as much longer as may be necessary to . enable the voters then present to cast their votes, the following Proposition contained in the Notice hereinafter set forth shall be submitted to the . qualified voters, as hereinafter referred to. The polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used at the General Election to be held on that day. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish at least once in "The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman" and the "Suffolk Times" hereby designated the official newspapers of the Town for such publication, and to post on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law, said publication and posting to be at least ten (10) days before such Biennial Town Election, Notice that the Town Board will submit for the approval or disappr:>val of the resolution hereinabove referred to in such Notice as follows: . .-.. . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF PROPOSITION TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE BIENNIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold to be held on November 8, 1983, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. (E.S.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.). the following Proposition will be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, to wit: PROPOSITION NO.1 Shall Resolution No. 23, adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on June 7, 1983, entitled "Resolution adopted June 7, 1983, to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years", be approved? NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used for voting at the General Election held on that day. An abstract of said resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: \.- l . . ABSTRACT OF RESOLUTION NO. 23 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1. Resolution No. 23 is entitled "Resolution to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years. II 2. The purpose of said Resolution is to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years, pursuant to Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983. 3. The effect of such Resolution is that if the same shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of .Southold, voting upon a proposition therefor at the general election to be held on November 8, 1983, three trustees shall be elected at said general election for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter, and two trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter. The foregoing abstract, has been prepared by the undersigned Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, with the advice of the Town Attorney pursuant to Section 92 of the Town Law. Dated: October 4, 1983 ~ ...--::: . --/. ~k-c C/ cf''----... Judith T. Terry Town Clerk, Town of Southold * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 13, 1983, AND FORWARD THREE (3) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following on 10/7/83: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Watchman Town Clerk's Bulletin Board . - . . STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southald, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 7th day of October 19 83 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office, /lain Road, Southold, New York 11971 Resolution of the Town Board - calling for vote on Proposition No. 1 - Four Year Term - Town Trustees, on November 8, 1983. w~~ ~dd--- udith . Terry ~ Southold Town Clerk Sworn to be before me this 7th dav of October 1983 . '- C.!!fnhffilr(kr(c Y]hh~jh ELIZABETH ANN NEVillE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New YOII< No. 52.8125850, Suffolk CouaJ/ TerM Fxoires March 30. 19'-7 . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF PROPOSITION TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE BIENNIAL TOIVN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Biennial Town Election of the Town of Southold to be held on November 8, 1983, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. IE.S.T.) and 9:00 o'clock P.M. IE.S.T.!, the following Proposition will be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, to wit: PROPOSITION NO.1 Shall Resolution No. 23, adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on June 7, 1983, entitled "Resolution adopted June 7, 1983, to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years", be approved? NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polling places in each of the respective election districts of the Town of Southold shall be the same polling places as shall be used for voting at the General Election held on that day. An abstract of said resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, is as follows: . . ABSTRACT OF RESOLUTION NO. 23 TOIVN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1. Resolution No. 23 is entitled "Resolution to change the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold from two years to four years.1I 2. The purpose of said Resolution is to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years, pursuant to Chapter 239 of the Laws of 1983. 3. The effect of such Resolution is that if the same shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Southold, voting upon a proposition therefor at the general election to be held on November 8, 1983, three trustees shall be elected at said general election for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter, and two trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial Town election held thereafter. The foregoing abstract, has been prepared by the undersigned Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, with the advice of the Town Attorney pursuant to Section 92 of the Town Law. Dated: October 4, 1983 ~~~ <-./ .. ....~/--------. t/ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk, Town of Southold * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 13, 1983, AND FORWARD THREE (3) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following on 10/7/83: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Watchman Town Clerk's Bulletin Board r JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST,nISTI{'S ..."~,. ^~ j.- ... ;'l;.r:-;:-;P/! -",._ "Y""\;\")~^''"'~ ~ . .1' ..... I,",,, ,;'~.-:.., " {.r'":.....::; .~ , :;:t -::.. ~ !:i""" . " f~J~ Ff~' { U> ~, , "'- "" " ":*'.''" 1/ ,.,' """,," "~' -.!.,I}I -,'....,\V <" .~::ii.1V ~~_-;~D':-Li_/f';. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED October 6, 1983 Commissioner Everett F. McNab Suffolk County Board of Elections Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, New York 11980 Dear Commissioner McNab: On August ~, 1983 I transmitted to you an Abstract of Resolution No. 23, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, which was a Proposition to be placed on the voting machine and absentee ballots for the November 8, 1983 General Election in Southold Town, pertaining to a four year term for the Southold Town Trustees. I am now transmitting herewith an identical abstract and proposition, which is now being numbered Proposition No.1. Under separate cover you will receive Proposition No.2. cr, -' <c ~I Q o ~-l UJ ~q: u: a::E - "-~ ..... ~~ ID a: <0 U) W ffi;::Qi () ~~ ~ a: wffia: o ~!z85 u.. ~~<::0. J- ~~ a.. ~5 ijj ;;z (.) z w a: ~ ::l ::E' !:1 ''HW 0 ~ 0:>' 00 ~"O~,' ~~ E~ ; w= .. &l~;S ~~I'g :> <l>'~.i() a> q-: om'!!: Z w ~1ci)s::,'2: ff 'U1;~z ;;'~ En Ul. 'w';:; " e -r+ 0,'2 cu ~ ~ I-- I Q),U).J:1 <t w Z _ I- U tl5 I'~ m ~ i ('~~) (r': ~ I .. ''- , '-f~ ""~,,,.' "'~'r , , .> I ,(( '0 I >- I~ I ~ I II: '~ ':;;-0 I' ~ I'~ I' ~ffi ,UJ '&1' ~s 10 'I- I 1-u.J ,....J IU I 5:~ 1:5 Iii' I ~~ ,fij 'tn , UlQ I a. Iw r- Cl)lll:j 'W ," < ,0 '::ii;: '0" I~[:j leg ,~< l't~ ,,,,<[, ~~;! J = CL 3JIJll:l3'S.it ffi " S3JIAl:l3'S 1 ffi S33~ l:lO:ll:l31SVWlSO '" . ---- ~ I c c . u " ~ 11 1 I ... e.:3 .~] B 3: ~ . 0 " -a>> ~ ~ il e u., t- o ~ ..:: ~ .~ '", ........ '0 ]130 -a '" v...", ~ '-' <tJ <tJ <tJ ,.., "0 .:: ~ .::.. -u ffi ~Q:;-a>--Q:;>---af-< :c -a <'t p::: -a p::; <'t if; ~ <tJ -0 u.l <tJ >U "0 -<( Z"";>"">;';E ... -0 ,..,-::i -0 ::i ...- f-< .~ 11 ~ >U -g >U .". C./) ~ <'t -0 Q <'t Q -0 22 "EEOEOE~ vOo.... 0....0 r ",..c..c f-<"'c f-<..c ......l w;~~u::cu::c_ SOC-O-Oif; ~--p::;.....p:::-Z ~~~!;;~!;;~8 c"'c...c>U..c>U..c --U')U')P::;U')p:::'" " ;::D~D 0 b ... z " => ... w "''' ~, c. ",s ..... s ~ ~ " uo .~ ~ '" .. '0 '" o .. PS Form 3811. Aug,1978 V':::>'l"'"'ll +-r,,1 '<? ...?.......~......~ Ul 8 'M ~+> ~~ :>afil o z " w '" ::> '" z o . , {< i E " ~ " ~ " N C ~.;:: 1]5 o "" :::J ., .~ 0 ; ~OOO 0" . '" 0) z M ~ U) ..j-J~ ~ C 0 ~ i ~t'jM ~ 5 >. ~ g~ 0 ~.. t= 1! c CD (]) ~ .... z a: ,2'... 0 cr: c> 0 UJ M c'lI"'O .:! UJ UJ~ t.;>acu t= U ell> ~ ..j-J::S!: 'j 1: Q. ~ UJ~ $:It:: cr: '8 - e ~ ~(])::S~ ~o $:,-0 ~ Q 5!88< ~z ;~ .- .r-! C ~ 'E ~ UJ d~ ~~ ct ffi ~: ~. cS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~~ : ~ ~ u) RETURN RECEIPT. REGISTERED, INSURED AND CERTIFIED MAIL r JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01" VITAL STYIISTlCS ~.- ---- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 1 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 4, 1983 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Commissioner Everett F. McNab Suffolk County Board of Elections Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, New York 11980 Dear Commissioner McNab: Transmitted herewith is Abstract of Resolution No. 23, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and Proposition for Submission of Resolution which is to be placed on the voting machine ballot strip and absentee ballots for the November 8, 1983 General Election in the Town of Southold. me. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact "'T 0) M ~ "<::t- o a... Vi ..... :-3-;:0---,---,- <t :.rl m ,~ '=' :!: I I+>2; 0 o t:: ,() 0 co UJ ~~ '~=s ~v, Li:~:fE :i~. rl i= ~q;~!q...,~ Q) a: ~~2S!O :;;$ o! UJ a:j:: '-- . +J s::' :>1 ,.\ ~o=:::!2,' 'Of-l (]) ---' ~ ..... ozQJ!COQ)..... c2j a: ufficc: I""'" CJ UJI-- w: . H <::Ii,~ _ o '-'''"10m ',. LL. ~;:;;2?-i():>~~~..!4 I- ~ ~ f.;t::l,:s::' ; Q Q. m!- . .zm w cd Uj ~~ :;t g~ 4 .1:l.~ c: ,..:;z: 'f:-J"""II c:-'~ (0 ~<." CJ.j ..... ~ O*m cd""": 0 Lu W)U'c:>< 0 >16 CC ~_ 0- .0- " " > rr ~ , > rr - ~ ~ 2 0 u.J ~'.s ..JJ '- f- " ~ u Cl :5: a: LL u...... Ll.: J) ~ ~ o " " g 2 < ;::;;;"-' > OW 0 ;r.~ ~~ ~?: c- o ~~ -, 35,::3 ~~ 3~IMI3S. S3:JIMI3S S33j HOd !l31S\fWH: Very truly yours, Ji:~d/ ~~/~ '1IYII (pI.IIIUSI'Il CItY lIIlI MIUI ""-ml __........ NaII'UaI i Ii DiDi ~~ii ~ i i, II II~ ~g ~ i ~ :l I ;po. CD ~ 05 DO" <i '1 III >ll 81 :E!~ff~a ~ l'l a II! ~. c+ ~ I ~ Q1CDO'-.l 9. '0 '1 H,. I ~ l: ~~ i ~ * '"I~ ~~ , 51 ~ 0 6' I ~ ~ ~, 0181 'OIlI'11IIl_Sd N ~ . bo~' it~~ en ~ ~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~- ill If If j' ~ ~ 0. G'lllD - e- 'il "<~ IO.8( L ~-Ir S"N -< ~ '" ~;., ;; ~ J ~;ll :d~ a ~' .." r 311 '!I... ... . Q.! '" I c, ~ l!.' 0 :Jl i"" " .' i II z ~ ' ~ : . _ -t , ! '? r III 1 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLl~RK REGISTRAR 01: VITAL Sr..\TlSTlCS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (5161765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 13, 1983 Mr. Paul Stoutenburgh, President Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Paul: Attached hereto is Resolution No. 23 adopted by the Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on June 7, 1983. As I advisedLyou today, the Governor signed the bill into law on Juneoth. The next step is for Town Attorney Tasker to prepare the proposition for the November ballot and I will submit same to the Board of Elections at the proper time. Very truly yours, ~dr-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment the At a Meeting of 7th day of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, held on June ,1983. The following resolution was offered by Councilman Murphy Seconded by Councilman Townsend RESOLUTION ADOPTED JUNE 7 ,1983 TO CHANGE THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FROM TWO YEARS TO FOUR YEARS WHEREAS, Chapter 218 of the Laws of 1983 provides that at least one hundred fifty days prior to any biennial town election, the town board of the Town of Southold may adopt a resolution to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years, and further provided that such resolution shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the town for their approval or disapproval at the next biennial town election, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to provide that the term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The term of office of the Trustees of the Town of Southold shall be four years. 2. A proposition shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town for their approval or disapproval at the next biennial town election to be held on the 8th day of November, 1983, and this resolution shall become operative only if approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of said electors voting upon such proposition. 3. If a proposition for the approval of this resolution is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the town voting thereon at said biennial town election, then this resolution shall become and be effective immediately. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. "\ '\ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 JUDlTII T. TERRY TOWN C LER K REGISTRAR 01: VITAL STA rlSTlCS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 12, 1983 Honorable Glenn Harris New York State Assemblyman Ranking Minority Member of the Local Government Committee Legislative Office Building, Room 521 Albany, New York 12248 Dear Assemblyman Harris: The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests your support in moving for the adoption of Assembly bill No. 6230/Senate bill No. 4662 entitled, "AN ACT to amend Chapter 615 of the Laws of 1983 in regard to the term of office of the trustees of the Town of Southold". In order that this proposal may be submitted to the electors of the Town for their approval or disapproval at the next biennial town election to be held on the 8th day of November, 1983, the New York State Legislature must adopt the bill, and a resolu- tion must be adopted by the Southold Town Board by June 10, 1983. If these time limitations are not met, then this matter cannot be placed on the ballot until the next biennial town election to be held in November 1985. The Town Board shall be grateful for whatever action you can take in this matter. Very truly yours, #4;;C~/- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Assemblyman Sawicki Senator LaValle --- ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney OFFIC T RNEY D TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 May 6, 1983 Hon. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Change of term of Office of Town Trustees to four years Dear Judy: As you know, legislation is presently pending in the State Legislature to authorize a change in the term of office of the Town Trustees from two years to four years (54662; A6230). I was advised today via the Hot Line that both of these Bills are still in the Committees on Local Government of both houses of the Legislature. The proposed legislation, if enact~d, requires that the town board adopt a resolution at least 150 days pnor to the next biennial town election (November 8, 1983) to provide that the term of office of the Town Trustees be four years. According to my calculation, the last day for the adoption of such a resolution will be June 10, 1983, if the proposition is to be on the ballot for this years general election in November. In view of the time restraints, have drafted and enclose herewith a proposed resolution which must be adopted on or before June 10, 1983, provided, of course, that the legislation becomes law before such date. If these time limitations are not met, then this matter can not be placed on the ballot until the next biennial town election to be held in November, 1985. believe that if this matter is to be on this November's ballot, the Supervisor and/or the town board should advise Senator LaValle and Assemblyman Sawicki of the necessity of the passage of this legislation prior to June 10, 1983. Yours very truly, ffi ROBERT W . TASKER enc. '- .il'lllTII T. TERRY Towi'\ CI.FR" Rn;lsTR..\R 01 VITAL SI\! ISTlCS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 7, 1983 Honorable Kenneth P. LaValle New York State Senator 1779 Middle Country Road Centereach, New York 11720 Dear Ken: Transmitted herewith is Senate Bill No. 4662 and Assembly Bill No. 6230 relative to the terms of the Southold Town Trustees, which were approved by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on April 5, 1983. Very truly yours, A<dy-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure -' ". RECEIVED MAP '7 1 ,~~.- .\ \} 1:;0_) Town Clcr~~ Souhw:.,' KENNETH P. LAVALLE 1ST DISTRICT CHAIRMAN COMMITTf:r: ON HIGHER EDUCATION THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK 1779 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD CENTEREACH, NEW YORK 11720 March 29, 1983 Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry: Constitutional provisions nandate that certain bills require a Hane Rule Request before the Legislature can act upon them. Senate bill 4662 is one such bill. We respectfully request that your office complete the enclosed fonns and return them to us as soon as possible. TI1ank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely yours, ~~~ Kenneth P. laValle Enclosures .. S. 4662 A. 6230 by Senator LaValle by Assemblyman Sawicki , , NENORANDUM In support of AN ACT to amend Chapter 615 of the Laws of 1983 in regard to the term of office of the trustees of the TO'<fi of Southold SUMNARY To provide for a change in the terms of office of the Trustees of Southold from 2 to 4 years upon resolution adopted by the Southold TO'fl1 Board and approved by referendum of the voters. PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION The Southold Town Board of Trustees were created in 1893 by a special act of the State Legislature. This Board has the management and supervision of the underwater lands acquired by the Town of Southold under its colonial patent.. The special act creating this board provides for a five-man board wi..ch a term of two years. The Town Board of the Town of Southold as well as the Board of Trustees wish to change the term of office of the trustees from two years to four years. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS None EFFECTIVE DATE Immediate \ \ ,i(,:(:;'::: :~,,:,:.;,;~t';'~,l.,:>;:-i'<:':.' ,.. ;;<" ':: :!;:. (:~'" jl::.'\;C IMPORTANT: REAO IN STRUCTlONS ON REVERSE SIDE , "":';'l"('~'\~'iq '" ,'.. . )1'1'1" '1"'l.t'lf;"'''it~,;'..lr.lt'1.''''''1 ~"..' ...,;,~.,I,"\-' - ""'.',. ,I";.,'" , (,;': ~)/1~;;~:<'"I'~~~t~~:~~~~~~,:~~;~~~.~,~;,~;,:\,:<.~:t'~lf':J'..~Ol\l~, R~~~ ~E~,U~~!~,' ;""...." 1/ ,: (Request by a Local Government for Enactment o(a Special Law) ".I '" 'f {.." ,": '" ,. ",,' " !.,": , I' . ' ,". .,i., .J . . To the Legislalure~' .:( :/ Pursuant to Article ... ,r, !' , '::', ..; '. " " .~ .' .._.::., ....~.:.L~::::.~:.m.c.::....::::.;;.:.,,:~:;L~. (county,city,townorvjJIage)" .:' '<fl"'~1 :;".."", Senate' . '.' "~I. \"""~':';\'I'~;' " the enactment of~ bll,ICNo,: , .4~~,f:::::::',:"-)', (stnkr out one)\ ' " I' \,1, ',' ,<. '. ,:"'1',, 1/ ",,'.- ,. . \' '>',': .' :::~~:/i:; . ~ 1, ; \ 'I", ' 1 IX of the Constitution. ihe . 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'," "'\ "J INSTRUCfIONS ,. f "'. Copie8'required:;.'.~ ,',',.< ";,. :;'1~: . ;".::.<:,;:r,(,~."l,'\:i"~',',:"",\,~:,,;.. .."'::.";", .ffjl,l:j, .. ',. ~> ;~':><','. . '~:"l~ .' "':"" " Two signed 'copies of this form. specifying the final bill number and title must be filed with each ~ouse " ,'" of the,~giSlaiUre:"'\':~:~';;;1t;~ ',<,: . ,'.' P," 'i. " ,,)r:,~!.'.Il>:' Examples:,'. " ' " " ."""r', 'i: ,I,,' 'I 'Y_ ',. <': :",',",,( ";.'" , ~ . , ! .~, \.' f.. ' ' " ~, ' . . . 1- " . )" 'I::, J , . . \.( ", . 'r)"":" (a) If the bill has been introduced in only one House of the Legislature. four copies of the request . ",: ~ . "'1'1" ~ :,::,,';'.' " , ' ,~. - . . h .' '. ,,'. " , '''' ; . , .~J,!ti,t,:'.<:'l\ :\f\~~>{r,~~.' 'JI:~~.r:n,,~~f~ ~~, ~l~~!.,.~;~.;.:-, ~~"'~~~"" :~~. S~n~~, apd ~o, ~~t~ ~~e.~,s~~mR~!';i), .!?~!~'>'t:'~:."~:~;.~ ;:.,':~-?).:~ :~. 'j,:!::'.,:,"':-"':;';!:)", (b) If the identical bill has been mtroduced in both Houses, eight copies of the' request foim must;. -~~;8\'~/t;~;.;/?~.':i.:f;)~i;~~~~~)\:'> ~ fiie~: ~:e., tW~ ,\yi~ the Senate and two with the Assembly ~or the. Senat~ ~~~ and .the.same': '.,... . i',., .'.,'" . f th A bl b'll .' '. '" .I... \.,.~,~-, l~ ;"~,,v, ,o~ e ssem Y. I.;' ", ..',1:;' ;'I':~:;~."'.\:.~'. ';::;'r4',{,:~~;i: ~t~~~~~.~!;~Y,~i:);iU.':",::i~;::'r'.:;,' , .. .....,. '....... ....; .... d.,,::): .... ,!,>;,c" q _:~I:~:;,II,~"):';:;,'I;:;'~., '" ,. <>}-.H~~7~~'!;~~.;.~~.'~:>:i"~, ~~:.~,ign~g"~~.~ ,ho~e ~l~ request or th,~ adoptio~ ~~ a resolu~ion by the.~~ca.l ,le&i~.~at~~~..bOdY .a~~r,o~~r", ~;:I.':t\~I;\;~~;{(~,' ,mg su?~, req?~,st ~,~~.no~ prec~~~ th7. date o~ Wh.lCh the blllls ~ctually l?tr?du~,~ I~, ~e ,Legl~~,~,~~e'(~e~ t~.: ,~~s.e..' .':~ll,~,:n~~::., of prefiIed bills, the actual date.of mtroductIon IS the first day of the legislative session. The request may be~, ~'J',~j,\ :.x'~~~. I' si~ed or the resoluti'on adopted the same day as the date of introductiom'1<;d',:~:~,~~~::~~/'~J:}1fi'::' "~;'~:i<il:,~i;y,~;~\;;,:,:~,'~:',~ "\",,1, /o.~il~'l, ,,",' 'I \ ,'''' '1-1 ~, t, .' '" '"";;...,,~.~.,~.,..(.,,~\,, """"'M.!l'<"1~"_.' .,' ,,' 11,-', ,~j,l.{"l 'fJ,' ~(:;:1f)ttJ,;'\:o,>:: y~\.;t,,,,> I'" \' . ;~" " '. ,I,' ",;.)\. .~.,''''., :~~<'~':I.:.\.;.,y't.",,~'., "'(~~;: "'-';'~rr"':'"~i'-~'i.'",<: ;' i;';t:i;: '~n:~~d:.i ~;;I:?;),W,A:;t,' :,,~,;: >:' "">'.;";'::;;"\'1{::~::}':};;iri;l:~;f;~!\;:.;;;;;;~f\\' :'" :.. . , Each 'time .the bill is amended a new request must be filed (with the appropriate number ,of copies) and the .... ne;;' request must correctly identify the bill number as last amended, The signing of the, request; and the date of th~ 'supportin'g resolution, cannot precede the date of the amendment.". ':::.~~I.:'>';'~:~.'!" . ,r' "".:,,'c' ", \.,t:/!..~ir~i.::'ri'~;';;,:;;;::/ ~~'signed forms should be sent as follows: ' "I :,:'.'~";'~\":~:",~":K ~!'-:'~)',' ',i. "'11 ~ t" ,. fo-,~::::" Cooo~ ...l';ii~ii~H1:~~~~;0~\li:0t~;;:; . Senate Post Office ".' ,,,:..,1,';,,,'... . Assembly Post Office', ,<,' i', ,,' ..,", .(:,.' .:':, .'.Ii: ~~a~:'P~~~, 12224, ';:;:;, ' , .{:~'t~:N~:fJi~~a~:'P~~ly' 122~,F,;:~,:';: ,: :';,;N~VL;..':;; }:;',:,': , . ~ ,. ,1,:I.j,'f.,,~" ,1,,',\\~,1i~1"\" '\ )'<';'''1'1'' )"'I'l"/'" "'Il,' I, ,;, "," , ''I''''' \ - , d r" '. ,', I " \' 1'> f' " "j' ~\"'\,: ~""};~')I';.';"J(!_,, \\',~\, 'j'(lt. '!, ,J ',(, I,1<t,\'C"I!>(" >~ d('~, , \.: t l,~:, u "I'~~';-:2:<}{ I~',,~ ," J ,; i,' '~1<~1:'~ ,/,. ,; 1~~' '" ".; 1 ~ '~'i ;:~\i;~, " '" .~ '\ ~ \' \'\. ~ . \1' .... e" l~j\~!/"l/"'\ I t'lt>,~JJt " hi 'I)' ,,' { , '\ . ,', .1 't ~i'h\"'>.t~",,~'~','d, J~\\,:,,/~'\j"~,j:"1' "'II) d,'J",'",' ,~,l~ r/';,,";>, l, " .. 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'. cl~;~i~an of the board of 'supervisors; in th~"ca~~ pi,'~' dt;:':'or' ~illag~,' 'the: ~ay~~ ('~'o,t 'man~ger); and hi'l,:;~~:\:\ ~:., ....":::~:;::g;L~i::::d:e sup~~iso.~. .~~j;\i\~~t:~~~Q;ml~i~:;;:'~;?;~:~j,:{J~'"~"~::";':;i'!":......,. .',';:i;}\,C;':J'(J The' board of supervisors, board of, alde~eri~' ,com'mon, council; council, commission, to\\:,~ board, board . . of t~ustees or other elective governing b?~rd, ~r bOdy.' ~~sted by state statu.te,' charte~ 'o~ other law, with , juri~dicti~n to initiate and adopt tocal lawr o~'~~rdi'n~~~s. \ Municipal Home R'Ule L~~ ~2) :,..~\;;~,.~<',/:, ' .';:;,::.:i;i:i;f;,\t :, - 'L~~~l government. . ,'.,'i""')~:8~::::!:,;;?i{:i;ii::i;>it',(:':,;,;:,:\,~\;r::;.; ::};;\}.:~':.,~~:,~.{l,;,~ri;,::!:;; .... ,..'\\;:< .' .: " ~'"<)":"t;, >'"., A county, city, town or village (Const. Art. IX, ~3; Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) ~'.~';I'::;~.',r:'"~\;;';l-;'\\''' ,'-..> ,,; :::,~{. ;' ~\'tl~ "~~; " ': .~:t~{~.i?:; ,... .........i';~ii;:.,~;):,\'"g~t~1:&:\1~Wji~~ft~i*',~~i:?1~:.~~[~i~~;W~\~~{;:!(~,(,~;';?~~1~~~\1;):t.. A state statute which in terms and in effect applies to one or more, but not all, counties (other than thoSe /:, .:,;"':.",':t\'.*~..'.:.- wholly included within a city) cities. town. or villages, (Co~stArt, IX 93; Municipal Ho~e Rule Law 9:h::'ji.';'..i:,:'lf<}\ ' ; ~w~ '~embe~sh~~.'" '\i";f'// . " '".' . ;~\~;\;~(;,>~ ;~!ib':;;;:}'~;;:~~\1~~(~:?!~: ,<'}'i':~;j~t~q~;?\~;t)r~:T, ,;;,...'.,,..,,., ..i. The total votmg power of a leglslal1ve body. (Municipal Home Rule Law, 9920, 40). ,,,,,;~:, c,':;:.' .':'i, ;,:'...:.L.... :('...-:,\....,; >y/:;~:;r~;'> " t..' f' ' . ", (\. 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".t.',~,:.,.:...".',~,..',;...,'..,.,~.";r":';~'~':.;::;.:::.:". t",J{'!t:l;.:.',M,'.:.;,'.;,'.~,:,:.'.','.'.:,'.;,i,':;.:.;:..,'.".,1.':..,.,....,'~.~,:.;}1.,..:,:..,:.,',:}!.:,..,.,.,~,.,;:'..,..~:.:.,.,...,..;i:;' '~,/ . . '/' .!::c: ;;2:;:1;~;>;;:~i8~~:::~~..Yr; . ;~ (~;( j" ,~~: j':;~~ ':2';~:~~~~~~ .. ". '.;. - ,~ ~,);~,,~Y."','r:'.-:".'Ei;',: :,:_~":.~:.:~.Y:">; - ~" ,/ F ~..' ;.. . '".:'):(;";(f..);::,.~,~'1k':, ';.' .,\,..'\ ,.....).,:...".I\}~{/,.";\tl..-.l1;,\;.>;.~.: .,', /.t'. '\ \ \' .:t"."l" l,~,'.':f~:>"~',;.:l": ;.:.,'.,...... ;, '~:i>:" "i ," '::,:':}/~::':J{\'~:< ,,' '-f~,~~'/,. \"+:.~f~f:' ~ ;", .,' '." t., ,,'.~.~~., ..J.)." 1,," ' .,. ,,'~.f':: , " ). ,,\ >' J: ;',"J~' ~'~:: '.,"'" \'., :,. \'~'~:1:, '." . \ '.,~~:!:,~.~\~I"" \i'}.'~.:: ~:. " ~\"~.\::.'" J. ,,~' <,~,j- \.~..,~,.\~...~.1.~.~\.....,.'.'.;..~.:,;.-.~..,'.~ , i~:~;:t~:. ,c.,s, '6;>,c"!', ",:.::~;:;;~,~#,~;~~:;... 'W 't':' ":,~;,~:,,, < .,\,:,.,$;, ',,"" ., '<"'~;:~ff~~~,:" '...' . '~"4,\,'~ ,:~t~;~,'e' .,,;-r(, . >';,' ':.~, /;/i/~;;::. ','" " ";,:.:~;{~ i' r;, <) Definition of terms: .\~~>>~\ , ",' . " , ~.' " : ' . .,' J". ',v.-<., : :~, ''''',<~~>:-''' -\';- ~":,~-;."':; . ,-~-- )",',;'- -, ' .., " -_v_,.'~-:' ':. .>,,' ' '-_i. ,~~;:" -, ,\--, ',' ,> ",..' '. ,."-.., ..: ' ,V,-_"';'" ."'r .,'" ~ ..'";: . . '-"-"\,.,"'4'(\. '.:'J,c.;',;:-;;!""" "t~...,. "1,'{,~ '\ o , ~', ' ' )':.. . . ., ,-', '." .',,' ."," ", , _.__. .~~: ~~..-_ ~__ ,_~ __~~~. ~~h'~__'~ _"'~_":~U~~~_:~_~':'~_4__' __h:~_~~_~ of -,: (county, city, town or village) - . requests the." '.enac;~ent of A~bl bill(N~:E23.Q"":"'h""~ ~ " ssem y " " . , . (strike out one) , To the Legislature: . ....,. Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the . . ..'~' " (name) 1,.' $9UtllC?1d :' ~" .' ""':.,~':', ,~. "',',.y-, -'i","" AN Per to ane:ld Chapter 615 of the Laws of 1983 ....of the trusteesof theT<Mn of .Southo1d. . " '. ':.:}/.:~!'\2 ,.<tt; '-;. in regard to the tenn of office. d. ~,' rn o ',-, , deClared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such 'legislation, necessity are as follows: (Check appropriate box) "':;,- ';,'-<'?~1r"i-'", , govern~~~t does"not h~ve_ the' power' to enact-'~uch legisl~tion' by ioc;al la~>~~;: "'" .., - ,- -' , ' ' Oth,er fac~s, as set forth in ,the following "Explanation" establish such, necessity, :.,'.'''',.-.'' ."; ,'" ., '<I '-'{ (Check appropriate box) The chief executive officer of such local' government, concurred in by of the local legislative body. (See paragraph A below) . '" ,';. .,' .' " " ' " !]I Thtl~cal legislativ~ body of such local government, at least two-thirds having voted in favor of such request. (See paragraph B below) , of the total membership thereof' :> \'"", ,. ,:[,':>;,.. ,~'. READ BEFORE SIGNING ; ,':i/\ A.' 'it~ht;~quest is made by the chief executive officer and concurred in by a majority' of the total mem~ , , bership of the local legislative body, both the chief executive officer and the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the word "majority" below even though the vote may have been greater. ,; ': . ,.~,,:;\::,):,\,;,:;,<:,"" ",-, B. If the request is made by the local legislative body, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof having voted in favor of such request, anly the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the words "two-thirds" below. ',." ,,:, "-,." ' I , ':'. C_'," ,..\':'1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE . (chief execulive"officer) ,<:.' '~: ~t __<: ,~,.,;'., -: : '. 19..___..., . . .;'.. ,:,y,,;:;';:'f.::~. ;,i,"~.:.i...",'.,;.',:".'~.'~.;.:. .,~:~:.::__:~:~t.O~:~P~~:~~~:~~~~~ft~~B~.:~~~= " I ' : ';k";':' ~;, ':,c'- ,', _, - , _ (Title of chief ~xecutive officer) ;,,"; '<~-"."\ ,',~, '. CLERK~~. CERTIFICATION 'YJ:':,: .,::i .:)J,\:;::!,{;:f~:''}'>;?\:' (Signed). -", r, Date: ,~<. \ \fftJ((, ' ' ISEALOPLOC,AL '_ ~?). GOVUNMENTl.... '- ';-;r , ,. ( ) '., '" ~ "'~\ . , " .\' ",' ~ '- -f A ri1 6 .,. ..-...12.--,.--.-.7---::" . ,:::.. r 1'1 ,< \) . --.(' " , " I~ ., .-..... .t. ,. .' I .. i:"':' '..;', , '> :'i.:} , .. '" ';~ , ' ..',' " ,;,' , " "';'.' 'f' '," .'",\ ;1,,:.\"."'. c.',.. ','i". ..,. .,i " "",., ,,' " ':' '~,~ -:' 1. , ,,', ;.':,...... , , \ '.. ~",. ';, ',-.:. .,',. ',' '.'.' INSTRUCfIONS " 1'\' ,Copies required: "'i:) ,," '''', ' .1'" " 'J" ',' f., ,', ',,--, 1.:"..) 1;1 " ,,-" , Two signed copies of this form, specifying the final bill number and title must be filed with each House , of the LegislatUre) .. ':,..::. .,''' . '..,: J'~j-;~ '~.i' ,I.,'" ; " . (-' ~>! :":. " 'h" "l' :':.:'-....' ,.,)'."', Examples: " ; ~.. . ,.;, , '\," ',':" ..'.... (a) . .. ,'0 If the _ bill has been, introd~ced in, only one H~,;,s~ ?f, the Legislatu~e, ,four; ~op,ies ,of the ,re(J.uest , form must be filed, i.e., two' with 'the Senate'and two with the Assembly.) >/,~A:/', ',' t. .,'_~"'.:'," .... ..' .'_.' a~..l~..,:r;"".,.;,_.."I,'.;'.'_""...'.~.:.,,_\~,',,~,"S";" _'if.')", If th~ identical bill has been'iittroduced in both Hous~s,eight copies of the request form must be filed, i.e" two with the Senate and two with the Assembly for the Senate bill and the same for the Assembly bill. , (b) "!,:" ~'J": I:'''' ", ,", ' ,,",' _ .t';'} , The signing of a home rule request or the adoption of a resolution by the local legislative body approv- ing such request cannot precede the date on which the bill is actually introduced in the Legislature_ In the .case , , .', ...., . , ',. ' ," . of prefiled bills, the actual date of introduction is the first day of, the legislative session_ The request may be signed or the resolution adopted the same day as the date of introduction. \. - , ' .,',' . ',' i'" :1' '.... ",..:,~}:'?~::, ",'j..:,'. , ',,",' "..i, ;j-',<,': Amended hills, , , Each time the bill amended a' new requ~st must be filed (with the appr~i>riate number of copies) and the new 'request must cor~ectly identify the bill number as last anrended, The signing of the request, and the date of .', '" ' , ' , , .' . the supporting resolution, cannot precede the date of the amendment. '" -.\, ,," ' Transmittal: :)'F;(!,;},':',,';,' ,: . ~ The signed fo~s should be sent a~ follows: , To the Senate: ,I--. Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office ,,' The Capitol, ;'-" 'Albany, N, Y. 12224 i "" ,: ,,/,;!,':;'~';(~!:i:i:;",'; '; Definition of terms: To/he Assembly: , Home Rule Counsel , , Assembly Post Office' Th~ Capitol , Albany, N, y, 12224 , ',' "\-\:,-';' ',' , . . " ~ " C"';':"':,." ,J" I Chief executive officer. ,.',. In the case of a county, the elective or appointive chief exec'uti~e officer,' if' ~ere be one~ or otherni~e the' .1', chairman of the board of supervisors; in the case of a city or village, the mayor (not manager); and in the case of a town, the supervisor_ (Municipal Home Rule Law ~40) " ,'; "",,' ~::a~~:::la~~V:::ed:;sors, board of aldermen,~mmon cou~cil, council, commission,~::::,b~5:!tla:d';':::":<;:;' of trustees 'or 'other, elective governing board or body veste~ by state statute, charter or' other la~/\v'ith \_'~"').(;1~~/:2;:>,' . I .'''' ' " ' ' ",":_ "'" ,-,'1,..1,;; "I',. '{'.H:'I."IOJ):t" jurisdiction to initiate .and adopt local laws or ordinances. (Municipal Home Rule Law, ~2) . J'/':h,:-l:,~::?('!~~~~,.:~ ~;f.'~:';""'!C 'to~~l govern~;~;:/,<,:;')i\M(:~it'ii:!:\ . (:;;'/'/!\;~:i~!i"" ;,', , ",::g,;1f:,>!i,;;:'ij~;~}::tll;~;1?:~;)t '.'" ;p::~:~city,.~~~n or village}Const ~3; Munici~~l ,~~me Rule Law ~~):::';Y:;;"")';'.'I;!':';'}""'!;".'..';;' ",I: i "-';'\ , ." . . .;'1' _ A state statute which in terms and in effect applies to one or more, but not all, counties (other than those wholly included within a city) cities, towns or villages, (Co~st Art IX ~,3; Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) Total membership. . ,I: The total voting power of a legislative body, (Municipal Home Rule Law, H20, 40) ';'" ',/ . '< ~.I(\'!!/ ,~,~ ..........-:'-:,')'. ',<. (1',/ (), \,'c; " 'j I r,-', '. ., '.1 ~ " -. f" .J/ ~, ~ ::.>-/,.' (/ .~\'" J. '" I. If",,\ ..-_ t,' ........:;.~:;.- :~-' i',' .'.; '~h, . .':: . 'i~~:'<<'~";"" ,~:~;;';'.;;e~';:"; .1:;~':~,~: ~~ : ".\,'~~ :;l;~,','.~./ ,'}~:;;},,:.;~: . """;, ,', " , I, '::,'-:,~, : ,:t~,.~-:-. . . "-...y '.11. .." A l( ~]'."."-...'ii'.'.'l".: . . ;~~~"{~~' . -':-.:-~" , ,., ',-0. ., ~ q. - l \, II."'"'' ~,- TH E ASSEMBLY STATE OF NEW YORK ALBANY JOSEPH SAWICKI, ...JR. liP "SSE~BLY DISTF=lICT ROOM 921 LEGISL....TIVe: OFFICE BUILDING ALBANY, ,NEW YORK 1.2248 (SI8l455-480<4 OISTRICT OFFiCe: P. Q. BOX loeo 206 GRIFF'ING AVENUE RIVERHEAO. NEW YORK 11901 lS18) 727-13e3 RICIMO 1IR25183 COMMITTEES: AGING AGRICULT\.,;RE HOUSING ,.... 0IIIr L/twIIl April 20, 1983 Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Southold Ta.m Attorney 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Tasker: I am writing to infom you of the introduction of bills A.6230 and S.4662 by Senator laValle and myself on March 24, 1983. This legislation, drafted by your office, involves changing the terms of office for the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. This bill is =rently being considered by the Local Governments Ccmnittee in both houses. I will keep you posted on any new developrents ooncerning this bill. We have requested a Hare Rule Message fran the Town of Southold. I have taken the liberty of enclosing a print of the bill and its supporting rrerro. If I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact ~ office. JOSEPH SAWICKI, JR. !oBnber of Assembly enclosure cc: Judi th Terry, Town Clerk . . '. II -1' 1 t r.tG,VD .) ~) {.J ;, , ~ KENNETH P LAVALLE IS~ DISTRICT THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK 1779 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD CENTEREACH NEW YOR>< 11120 I;. ~ E..!s..~~'~ CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE: Or. HIGHER EOUCATI('lN March 23, 1982 o Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Office of Town Attorney 425 Main Street Greenport, New York ~ Dear Mr. Tasker: Enclosed is legislation I introduced, Assemblyman Sawicki, that would extend of the Southold Town Board of Trustees years to four years. along with the term from two , ~ ~: Please be assured that I will do all that I can to see that this bill is signed into law. Sincerely yours, ""~ i ~ ii< f' ;,-. !>- II;=- i- <. r Kenneth P. LaValle cc: Judith Terry, Town Clerk ~ .- ~ i ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ .. . . I.'i SE'I.\ TE lIto."Legislative Bill Drafting Commission 09333-01-3 Senate Inlrodu(:u>, \I!!oaturl:' ThC' "il.'nalnf\ who,e namo:\ Jrc: .;ircled helow .....I\h to Jom me III the .ponsorshlp of 1111\ rruplhal: S. $12, s.51 Anderson i48 Auc:r sl7 Babbush 546 Barclay 520 BartO\lCwicz s09 Berman s3) Bernstcin sN Bogues 54) Bruno sJ4 Calandra 525 Connor 540 Cook 561 Daly s47 Donovan s06 Dunne s44 Farley s60 Floss sJ5 Flynn 5)1 Caliber SENATE Z~~~td --read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on 514 Galzara s/3 Gold 537 Goodhue 526 Goodman sl8 Halperin 522 Jeffenon slOJenkins ~04 Johnson 553 Kehoe 515 Knorr s02 Lack. sOl Lavalle 528 Leichter s08levy 549 Lombardi 524 Marchi 50S Marino 511 Markowitz sSS Masiello sJO Mendez 523 MOnl..lto :>42 ~Qlan 5270hren51ein 511 Padavan 554 Perry sJ6 Pisani s56 Present s50 RiCord \41 Rolison sJ2 Ruiz sJ9 Schermerhorn s52Smith sl9 Solomon s57 Stachow~ki 545 Stafford s55 Steinfeldt s03 Trunzo s07Tutly s59 Volker sl6 Weinstein sJ8Winikow , u < , e u , i ~ , I . < . 0 0 , ~ < 5 , . ;; . "0 . . ~ . 0 < 0 ~ . < 8 i < "0 ~ ~ 2 , 0 < . ~ " "0 " . " u , . j "0 0 e , 5 0 3 0 ~ 2 . ;; . . " , < it ~ . 0 , 0 . ~ , 3 5 " , " . * < 0 , . . ;; < " . ti . . , 3 , ~ M < ~ " ~ . < , . 0 0 : ~ ~ ] ~ @ 5 , , e . ~ " < . 0 , 0 . , . , 0 s ~ 0 0 . < 0 , <; "0 0 ~ " . . 3 , ~ ~ . J ~ < . : ~ , 0 3 ~ ~ i , < c , ~ . ~ . ~ 0 , , < < . ~ i , . " , ;; 0 < A. ASSEflBLY IN ASSEMBLY As~cmbly Introducer's sign.Hure IN ASSEMBLY--Introduced by M. of A. The Members of the Assembly whose names are circled below wish ~o join me in the sponsorship of this proposal; --read once and referred to the Committee on aOn Abramson a047 Batbaro a089 Barnea a007 Bartaga .1021 Becket a002 Behan a096 [knnen 01003 Bianchi ..055 Boyland al18 Bragman aOllH Branca a086 Brodsky ,,084 Burrows .1119 Bush aOJ6 BUller allJCasa[e a054 Catapano al17 Chesbro .10011 COChrane a058 Connelly 3104 Conners a092 Connor alJ2 Cooke a098 Coombe aD 19 0' Amato a!08 f)',-\ndrea a070 Daniels a078 Davis a075 Dearie .1068 Del T oro .1025 Duane a052 Dugan aOtll Engel al41 Eve .1071 Farrell .1045 Feldman a051 Ferris aOJ9 Fink aOO9 Flanagan .1049 Freda .1079 Friedman alJJ Gdnll .1030 GoldslelO al4) Gonki .1064 Goulne:d al4K Gr<l.ber a065 Gnnnls a057 Gn:e:n aOi6 Gre:e:ne: 3040 Gnffith '.'SUFFCO'" (Term of office of trustees in town of Southold) AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred fifteen of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-three, relating to creating the board of trustees of the town of Southold and empowering said board to manage and dispose of the common lands under water, belonging to said town, in relation to the term of office of trustees in the town of Southold The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: aOll Halpin .1017 Hannon aOO5 Harenberg al09 Harris aU7 Hawley aOl2 Healey 3028 Hevesi a04li Hikind aWl Hinchey a 103 Hoblock aOO4 Hochbrue:ckner al44 Hoyt a042 Jacobs a029 Jenkins 3145 Keane .1100 Kelleher a080 Koppell a020 Kremer 0\127 Kuh] aOJ4laCayc:ne 3102 Lane: 3095 larkin 3046 Lasher 3090 Leibe:ll a050 Le:ntol ..093 Lev)' aO]) Lipschutz al25 MacNeil aOn Madison aOli2 Marchise:lli a035 Marshall 30027 Mayersohn al2J McCabe al[1 ....1cCann <1106 MC.".julty .1094 McPhillips .112] Miller, H-.\1. 3044 .\1ll1er, M,H. alJ9 Murphy 3072 Munaugh .1067 ~adle:r alJ5 ~agle .1016 ~e....burger .1074 a04J ,'I.lorman aI14.'l,jorll al=8 ~Ol1otio all=O''-leil aOl50raZlo alSO Parmenl aOl4 ParoJa a061 Passanname aOl8 Panon 3147 Paxon a085 Perone: 3138 Pillittere a 146 Pordum 31J] Proud al:!2 Rappleye:a aO[O Rettaliata .1077 Ri\'era alJ4 Roba.ch a053 Robles 3116 Ruggiero allO Rya.n,A.W a091 Ryan. W.J. 3097 Saland .1063 Sanders aDO! Sawicki .1140 Schimminger a03l:i Schmidt al15 Sears a031 St'mine:rio a07J Serrano 3105' 3142 Shetrer II aOMSiege:1 :i062 Silver al30 Slaughter aOID Spano a026 Sla,'isky a060 Slra.niere .106.... Sulli\an. E.C. aO!'!7 Sullivan, P..\1, al=4 Tallon al29 Talom\e: .1107 To:disco .1056 Vann 3059 Vil<lliano aOJ) Waldon al49 Walsh atmwarren 01041 Weln)(e:in au24 We:pnn aOO6 Werll aiJ6We:sley .1037 Wll)on 31=:6 Winner .1013 ye:....oll al20Zimme:r 12.Jj . . -. -2- 09333-01-3 1 Section 1. Chapter six hundred fifteen of the laws of eighteen hundred 2 ninety-three, relating to creating the board of trustees of the town of 3 Southold and empowering said board to manage and dispose of the common 4 lands under water, belonging to said town, is amended by adding a new 5 section one-a to read as follows: 6 3 I-a. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, or any other 7 general or special law, at least one hundred fifty days prior to any 8 biennial town election, the town board of the town of Southold may adopt 9 a resolution to provide that the term or office of trustees of the town 10 of Southold shall be four years. Such resolution shall be submitted to 11 the qualified electors of the town for their approval or disapproval at 12 the next biennial town election. If such resolution is approved by the 13 affirmative vote of a maiority of said electors at such election, the 14 resolution shall become and be effective immediately. If such resolution 15 is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of said electors at 16 such election, three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years 17 and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every 18 second biennial town election held thereafter, and two trustees shall be 19 elected for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a 20 term of four years at every second biennial town election held 21 thereafter. 22 S 2. This act shall take effect immediately. , . . , . . S. A. by by Senator LaValle Assemblyman Sawicki / MEHORANDUM In support of AN ACT to amend Chapter 615 of the Laws of 1983 in regard ,to the term of office of the trust~es of the To,'ll of Southold , SL'l-INARY To provide for a change in the terms of office of the Trustees of Southold from 2 to 4 years upon resolution adopted by the Southold Town Board and approved by referendum of the voters. PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION The Southold Town Board of Trustees were created in 1893 by a special act of the State Legislature. This Board has the management and supervision of the underwater lands acquired by the Town of Southold under its colonial patent. The special act creating this board provides for a five-man board with a term of two years. The Town Board of the Town of Southold as well as the Board of Trustees wish to change the term of otfice of the trustees from two years to four years. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS None EFFECTIVE DATE Immediate . . JUDITH T. TFRRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01- VITAL S-I\TIST!CS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 10, 1983 Honorable Kenneth P. LaValle New York State Senator 1779 Middle Country Road Centereach, New York 11720 Dear Ken: I am in receipt of your letter of March 7th relative to the Southold Town Trustees. I believe there has been a misunderstanding as to the proposed legislation. We now have a Board of Trustees which was created in 1893. What is proposed is to change their terms from two years to four years. This cannot be done by a Local Law. Hope this will clarify the Town Board's request. Very truly yours, jJ:'1 dy--- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . . KENNETH P. LAVALLE THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK 1779 MIDDLE: COUNTRY ROAD CENTEREACH, NEW YORK 11720 1ST DISTRICT CHAIRMAN COMMlrTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION March 7, 1983 RECEIVED Ms. Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Box 72 8 Southold, New York 11971 MAR 1 0 1983 ft.::~ Ccr:, ~c:~~o!d Dear Judy: This will acknowledge receipt of proposed legislation to create a Board of Trustees to manage and dispose of the common lands under water. I will be happy to have the legislation drafted and will send you a copy as soon as it is in print. Thank you for making me aware of the need for this board in the town of Southold. incerely yours, . . :\ ! Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 , ", J JUDITII 1. TERRY Tow", CLERK RFCISTR..\R or VITAL S 1.\ rlSTles OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 18, 1983 Honorable Kenneth P. LaValle New York State Senator Senate Chambers, The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Ken: Enclosed herewith is proposed legislation, approved and recommended by resolution of the Southold Town Board, in relation to the term of office of the Southold Town Trustees. Please prepare and submit the aforesaid proposed legislation to the New York State Senate at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, ~'?/:r- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure . . " .;;'~ ~, ! 0 : Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK RECISTRAR OF VITAL 51.\ r[STleS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 18, 1983 Honorable Joseph Sawicki, Jr. New York State Assemblyman Room 921, Legislative Office Bldg. Albany, New York 12248 Dear Joe: Enclosed herewith is proposed legislation, approved and recommended by resolution of the Southold Town Board, in relation to the term of office of the Southold Town Trustees. Please prepare and submit the aforesaid proposed legislation to the New York State Assembly at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, ~yr- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure . . TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 RECEIVED BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 February 24, 1983 ---82' . "'0 '"t> '" \"".: ! ~ - ,.;... I,." Town Clerk Southold Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy, The proposed legislation, approved and recommended by resolution of the Southold Town Board, in relation to the term of office of the Southold Town Trustees, has met with the approval of the Trustees. Please prepare and submit the aforesaid proposed legislation to the New York State Senate at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, ~CV-J- (11). Paul Stoutenburgh, Pres. Board of Town Trustees ip Copies to Trustees . . Jl:llITII T TERRY r()W~ CU-RJ...: Rl-(;]STR-\R or VrL\L Sf \ lIsncs Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 16, 1983 Mr. Paul Stoutenburgh, President Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Paul: Attached hereto is proposed legislation to be submitted to the New York State Senate and Assembly concerning the terms of office of the Trustees. Please review this proposal, and advise me as soon as possible whether this is what the Trustees had in mind when they made their request of February 2nd to the Town Board. There is a resolution on the minutes of the Town Board February 15th meeting authorizing me to forward this to the State Legislature if it meets with your approval. Very truly yours, A-<-d~- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment . . An Act to amend chapter six hundred fifteen of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-three, entitled "A n Act to create the board of trusteeS of the town of Southold and empower said board to manage and dispose of the common lands under water, belonging to said town", in relation to the term of office of trustees in the town of Southold. The People of the State of New :York, represented in Senate and , Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Chapter six hundred fifteen of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-three, entitled "An Act to create the board of trustees of t.l1e town of Southold and empower said board to manage and dispose of the common lands under water, belonging to said town" is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto, to be section one-a, to read as follows: ~l-a. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Chapter, or any other general or special law, at least one hundred fifty days prior to any biennial town election, the town board of the town of Southold may adopt a resolution to provide that the term of office of trustees of the town of Southold shall be four years. Such resolution shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the town for their approval or disapproval at the next biennial town election. If such resolution is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of said electors at such election, the resolution shall become and be effective immediately. If such resolution is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of said electors at such election, three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years and three trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial town election held there- after, and two trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and two trustees shall be elected for a term of four years at every second biennial town election held thereafter. ~2. This act shall take effect immediately.