HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-25.-2-20.18 577 LOCATION :;� IASR>4M not to � � ol � SITE FLAN lily, 5I7U?(7r : CRI NT 'OWN O7- SOLT#�OLLi 5U7-7-OLK COUNTY, NEW YORK MAIN ROAD S.R. :25 � />� 3 I A ` _ f SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER '• r, 1000-02500-0200-020018 S 1 TC / 'NOTES .a ° I �� < �/ ��� II SURVEYED: 7-18-97 Ira d = ti• r I ��� AMENDED: 10-14-97, 10-20-97 WELL D O 7 - Eta NOW on FORMERLY LOT FALLS IN ZONE B GENERAL BUSINESS LU m U h ' OAVID M. LATHAM AND OTHERS > V. ,to Irr0. (BARN NO WELL as SEPTIC)lcl N ■= CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUNO 0 7- ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO NGVD29 3: NOW OR FORMERLY Q Q BUILDING AREA EXISTING= 0 S. F. FREDERICK C TABOR s PROPOSED= 2980 S. F f ^r JANET TABOR BARN IS R� JyH pi \ (DWELLING) I AREA = 1 . 00 ACRES x , \ n s 4 Y ( q3r t s ` / "Unauthaietl alteration or addition to a suWey e« y map bearing a licensed land sUryeyor'5 seal is a '^e � S r�)+.my \ violation of section 7209,, sub-division 2, of the am r;r A a New York State Education Law. " M s s Yr AI DIR7 p �m Fq \ EL=16 , '788 °2� r 40 „ E 218 . 32 pIRIII EL=16 7 'Only copies from the biz grana] of this survey Bra e ip 4 g!q marked with an original o the land surveyor's EL=16. 6 stamped Seal shall be considered to be valid true eE ep et`�ss L1 cop 1es.. TEST TT(�LE DETAIL 2 "Certif scat ions Intl Scetetl hereon signify that tha9 c e It1 t�' . '1Ot1. L survey was prepared in accordance with the ex- _ € f{ I LO ecole UTIL fisting Code of practice for Land SUrveys, adopteo 26a by the New York State Association of Professional POLE =E a isn^ O Land Surveyors Said cart (cat cons shall rum only to the person for whom the survey is or Egan ad, +ag m and an his behalf to the title company, governmen- c 5 ,a \J ark, r:� tal agency and lending institution ltsted hereon, and I x~ " g to the assignees of the lending anstitutie n. Certifica- Eaa E9 � So m c ra�`11 f tions are not transferable to additional institutions Or subsegV ant owners F'S e m � � r A'�d BROWN SILTY RAM OL PROPOSED STONE DRIVEWAY' g 59 s H r ; TYPICAL WELL – – – \ ��of NEW a 1.1 �E - -, 124 ,1, ` BROWN LOAMY b" \ y�P 0.EF1A�sR,f e Er n e 6 rot t0 5rsole SILT ML - -� 1 'pN`� �tr § q g $ W � �m � . 3 0`. ab RD ) F.` *. S.�. R F3 'ua 3a 5 . = AI , � f BROWN D s1LTY _ _ _ _ _ - �; r'I !4 yu fru i� FINISNEO 6FIOE SAND 5M � � 32 . 0 �- � -f � °sra'aNK c" s p ZCD O C r7 12dL `y . Y ,S . LIC . NO. 50202 ¢ R L',r 's• QU=7 JD .N RS LAND SURVEYOR BROWN FINE i.JJ. ,>_ ay f7] CD � - O" TO COARSE SANG oc� z 6 EAST MAIN STREET " aaoumo xlrEx WITH 10% GRAVEL } RI VERHEAR, N. Y. 11901 p 'f* suetyp avE SW ¢-i a RD QO . O 10 , cj '� ry 3E9-8288 Fax 369-B287 , ' Y `A a 8aK �¢ -1 O sen Nr Nu,c O THREE BAY � � LiJ a rr N N GARAGE_ 3LO — � I o O WATER IN " • — — — 1 40 . 0 O 3 BROWN FINE O RD 5000 SUFFOLK COURfY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHSERVICES TO COARSE \ / PI APPROVED FORCONSTRUCTIDNONLV O m 32 . 0 ' aq SAND WITH _ �RD1 A - , Q37 1 10% GRAVEL Gw \ � _ test hole �1 H.S.REF.NO. C/U - G D w r, W /� e l = 16 . 0 O '�` TYPE a 35 Ply '. 0 L S! TEST HOLE BY • J" This approval Is granted for t e construction of the sanitary Mc DONALD GEOSCIENCE disposal and watAr supply facilities pursuant to Adkles VB and B-15-97 O ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW (DENSITY) ` 7 0l the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and is not an expressed O L.P 1 (E fi � ALLOWABLE FLOW FOR SITE: , C,.;) r e from ar occupy the I to discharge � (300 GPD/ACRE) X (1 ACRE) = 300 GPD �I�"1 ova nm Implied r 9 Z 'i, n, p p nr eepp M. EXPIRES THREE (3) slNcture(s)) shown. THIS APPROVAL YEARS F910M THE D�^T§^BELOW. F T 4 Ci 211997 C— L ` I 150 + ; DATE SIGNATURE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS: v.Y„N NO FINAL APPROVAL WITHOUT APPROVAL BY WATER QUALIIYUNIT CRY RETAIL: (2960) x (2 X (0 , 041 =2 S. F . � � 5920 S. F . X (0 . 04) =237 GPD , "4 7 � Water lines tTly t.be inspected by the I sEPrlc TAN Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services, RRL . PROVIDED: 237 GPD x 2 = 474 GPD wEL PROVIDED: (1) 1000 GPD MONO . TANK Call g52.21U0, 24 hours in advance, L _ BUILDING ENVELOPE — — — ,, f to Schedule inspection(s). — — — — LEACHING Poo B: u,, REQUIRED 237 GPO / 1 . 5 GPD 356 S. F . rTG SYSTEM DETAIL R) J PROVIDED: (2)' 8 ' CIA x B ' DEEP = 402 ,S. F n NOT TO SCALE I EL-i5 1 ROOF DRAIN CALCULATIONS 1 . r4 �] EL=15 6 1=L=1? ns+ 'bSV NFALL = 03 CAST IRONFRAMEs S876 J0 rW 218 . 37 z46D8s F .DIAMEOERXX0417DEEPIPOOLS = SBQOCCFF OF. STORAGE R pUIRE PROPOSED STRUCTURE AND COVERS TO GRADE ORALE PRY.'7VII-JE©`` PINI5HED FIRST FLOOR Sty' ELEVATION = MIS OAST IRON FRAME AND 'so FlweNep COVER TO TRADE NOW OR FORMERLY �P,VE Ore NEW pO' 'YI' aR,we /' J Piwewm RICHARD J GILLOOLY - r (VACANT) �Ila, 3P¢ M/,AOMIN OXIM 6 P a I 4A y} I”MIN MASONRY -� C CONCRETE iaa I/4" �o" cel�'r lm t W i a ii FOUNDATION MINRwj R FOOT INv. 1 INJ a MAN, SHALLOW my v • f ( n' M PITON Isis +" u MIN. 4" DI INV, PERF DOME I Up0 032P61-1 SAV r , ,'� ! hf eE= A. PIPE L MINIMUM PITH i�Ya rx' P9pfE5g10NPI t: „ MIN 4" DIA PIPP _ =' 4"M,N •m�� � tyr �h,86 IOoo'sALLON ., °e®® ` GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "= 20 Q '� �� N. Y. S. LSC . N.O. 322 . ' n MONourwc �, > --' LAWRENCE M. TUTH ILL 519ll TANK , "!2 Soo S.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER G MINIMUM 0 20 40 60 GREENPORT, N Y . SIDE „ - r pe, � WhLL �' I L REMOVE IMPERVIOUS-SOIL WITHIN E ARCA y * ..ti� 9' HORIZONTI iI AND 6' VERTICALLY. 5ACKFILL WITH CLEAN MATERIAL. + m r ,2' MINIMUM SEPARATION PKOM'SEASONAL OhISH SM: UD WATER - C, p - �4t'I•'. II Ili °I 1 FS ro SEASONAL 6R0 ND WATER p EIJ 12 2 !997 ELEV I./- A - M 1 It Ir l '-, v, +, ryt;vy M z n x PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS o v Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. o - Chairman :, y 2 P.O. Box 1179 �v T Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L.EDWARDS y� Q��^' Fax(516) 765-3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. �'a,�l ��yi� Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 5, 1997 Robert W. Sorenson P.O. Box 253 Orient, NY 11957 RE: Proposed site plan for Sorenson Carpentry SCTM# 1000-25-2-20.18 Dear Mr. Sorenson: The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, November 3, 1997: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, do an uncoordinated review of this unlisted action. The Planning Board establishes itself as lead agency, and as lead agency makes a determination of non-significance, and grants a Negative Declaration. The final public hearing which was held at 7:35 p.m. was closed. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Robert and Rachel Sorenson are the owners of the property known and designated as SCTM# 1000-25-2-20.18, located at Tabor Rd. in Orient; and WHEREAS, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on October 22, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8), Part 617, declared itself lead agency and issued a Negative Declaration on November 3, 1997; and Page 2 Proposed site plan for Sorenson November 5, 1997 WHEREAS, this site plan was certified by Gary Fish, Building Inspector, on November 3, 1997; and WHEREAS, the applicant agrees to install buffer plantings along the rear property line. This condition must be accomplished and approved by the Planning Board before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Department; and WHEREAS, any change of use from a carpentry shop and storage will require a review by the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board approve grant final approval on the surveys dated October 20, 1997 and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys subject to a one year review from date of building permit. Enclosed please find 2 copies of the approved site plan; one for your records and one to be submitted to the Building Department when you apply for your building permit. Enclosed also is a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. cc: Building Dept. SITG PLAN Presubmission conference (within 30 days of written request) Complete application received (within 4 months of presub. conference) Application reviewed at work session inro.] CK (within 10 days of receipt) utnj oK Applicant advised of necessary revisions (within 30 days of review) — D Revised SUbluiSSion receivedZ-F OK nro� 0% I Lead Agency Coordination SEQRA determination o ° REFERRED TO: 0 u Zoning Board of Appeals q zo � l eJ vsr (written comments within 60 days of request) 7� Q Board of Trustees �E57 OK Nl O F zuilding Department (certification) dr, �o-as•Y7 oK w Suffolk County Department of Planning H;f c&R Department of a a Transportation -State N� z oK Dep rtment of Transportation - County/Yff �j� R nro� OK uffolk County Dept. of Ilealth N-qS nro. OK re Commissioners Sent: Received• F RECEIVED: Draft Covenants and Restrictions Piled Covenants and Restrictions ro.` oK Landscape plan aK Lighting pian iLr OK Curb Cut approval inm.r [1K Health ❑pprovn( �, l Dr 'nay e plan "w, OK Reviewed by EngineerS'7 not El Approval of site plan -with conditions _ Endorsement of site plan Certificate of Occupancv inspection ^ "� OK dne year review wnr nn 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBEIP 5 Ff 40 �' Town Hall,53095 Main Road RICHARD G.WARD i�,r �G P.O. Box 1179 Chairman = y< Southold,New York 11971 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. k y Z p" Fax(516) 765-3136 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. %. n� WILLIAM J. CREMERS O • 1 Telephone(516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS y�J01 �aO „r✓ Date Received Date Completed PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Filing Fee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN New _Change of Use Re-use _Extension Revision of Approved Site Plan Name of Business or Site: 50yr_ ►So/1 cgroev,�vu. .1 WIC Location: V65 Ta (* ko 1 238' 510 MAIN 0 Address: Tom& ED, 0 IENT Name of Applicant: LbPA W. Sorwsoy1 Address of Applicant: pO-B- 2J3, DYWA OV I Iq`j1 Telephone: 323- 3552 Owner of Land: R& + Radyl 70V-e'VBC)4 Agent or Person responsible for application: koLxA VJ• spyemso-n Address: PO K. 253 BV-14&A ,, L iq C1g57 Telephone: 37-3- 3552 Site plans prepared by: 0p m C. EhVv5 License No.: A502�1 "" c n I ` �`' Address: tp r�eLL IVU1 -A Sl C�N/e✓jAwA 1jq IIgOI Telephone: 3� - Rat 1 Off 2I `i, Page 2 Planning Board Site Plan Application APPLICANTS AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF,SUFFOLK W. Rof)e 50&rlS-o✓1 being duly sworn, deposes and says that he rpsides at 370 0r4avd 5L dl-luA. Mq 11951- 0253 in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of the above property, or that he is the Piresrdeot of the 50ll-evi,56A CB..-Re,n�y�l, Zvlc. (Title) (Specify whether Part hip or Corp.) which is hereby making application; that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. Signed IYlt- (Owner) Signed (Partner or Corporate Officer and Title) Sworn to me this-21 day of 19 7 L /1M111Mk Page 3 Planning Board Site Plan Application Cl CA-r— Total Land Area of Site (acres or square feet) t3uscyw>s Zoning District Ucaccunt Existing Use of Site Proposed Uses on Site. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more than one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area that will be reserved per use. ('nrnnuf-�ru Slip i Gross Floor Area of Existing Structure(s) _YT7 0 Gross Floor Area of Proposed Structure(s) Percent of Lot Coverage by Building(s) .44 Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable) Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by Board of Appeals- Case # & date Board of Trustees- Case # & date NY State Department of Environmental Conservation - Case # & date Suffolk County Department Health Services - Case # & date Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date Other C) Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? If so, have proper permits been obtained? Name of issuing agency Number and date of permit issued. NO ACTION(EXCAVAT/ON OR CONSTRUCT/ON)MAY BE UNDERTAKEN UNT/L APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BV PLANNING BOARD. VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. 1416.412/87)—Text 12 • - PROJECT LD. NUMBER 617.21 SEOR Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. AZICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME �.�^^ but W. D✓w 1 ?NI ts✓1 J { — 0. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality C)vl w County 4. PRECISE LOCATION(Street address aroad Intersections,prominent landmarks, etc.,or provide map) WF5T 510E of T"Cl 4., 2,3%f 5oLm+ oI-- Maul Roo 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: 14 New ❑Expansion ❑Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: 32-K b0_ 9ar✓I wA atf(JLdAeA 2(,' x4-O' 3 bey 9&ray- 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially 1,4 C/1.0 acres Ultimately acres S. W L PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? as ❑No If No,describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? Residentlal ❑Industrial qU Commercial El Agriculture ❑Park/Forest/Open space C]Other ascribe: / ` 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL,OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? 13 Yes ❑No If yes, list agency(s) and permitlapprovals s. c-, 0 , 1.5 , 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ❑Yes 71 No If yes, list agency name and permitlapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? ❑Yes ❑No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE yi1X � Applicanusponsor name: �, Dale: _Lot 15q-:rP- Signature: If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, completif the - Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 PART II—ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES*T (To be completed by Agency) A. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR, PART 677.72? If yes, coordinate the review process and use the FULL EAF. • ❑Yes ❑No B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR,PART 617.67 If No,a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency. ❑Yes ❑No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING:(Answers may be handwritten, if legible) Cl. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion,drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: C2. Aesthetic,agricultural, archaeological,historic, or other natural or cultural resources:or community or neighborhood character-7 Explain briefly: C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish,shellfish or wildlife species,significant habitats,or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted,or a change in use or Intensity of use of land or other natural resources?Explain briefly. CS. Growth, subsequent development,or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action?Explain briefly, C6. Long term, short term,cumulative,or other effects not identified in Cl-CS? Explain briefly. C7. Other impacts(including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly. D. IS THERE,OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE,CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? ❑Yes ❑No If Yes,explain briefly PART 111—DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect Identified above,determine whether it is substantial,large,important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) Irreversibility;(e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse Impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. ❑ Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ❑ Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental Impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the-reasons supporting this determination: Name or Lead Agency Print or Type Name or Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(it different from responsible officer) Date 2 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS o Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. o Chairman NZ P.O. Box 1179 1 + PrySouthold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J.CREMERS 't O • v Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. �Vl # �`ai.'� Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 7, 1997 Sorenson Carpentry Tabor Road Orient, NY 11957 RE: Architectural and drainage recommendations Proposed Building Tabor Road, Orient SCTM# 1000-25-2-20.8 Dear Mr. Sorenson, The enclosed documents are sent to you for your use. If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office. ce ' /lf' R rt G/'�Ka(ssner Site Plan Reviewer Incl. • . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS � BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. : Town Hall, 53096 Main Road - Chairman k ti = P.O. Box 1179 T " Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS 'y y • ���; Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS WSJ O GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. �! �a Telephone (516) 765-1935 RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significant November 3, 1997 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Proposed site plan for Robert & Rachel Sorenson SCTM#: 1000-25-2-20.18 Location: SEQR Status: Type I ( ) Unlisted ( X ) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X ) Description of Action: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 2,960 square foot carpentry workshop and storage building. Page 2 SEQR Negative Declaration-Proposed site plan for Sorenson November 3, 1997 Reasons Supporting This Determination: This project involves The construction of a 2,960 square foot carpentry workshop and storage building in Orient. A carpentry and storage building is a permitted use in this General Business (B) zone, thus the proposed action is consistent with zoning. An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed, and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. There has not been any correspondence received from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the allotted time. Therefore, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. The applicant will have to comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSC) and all relevant standards of water supply and sewage disposal systems. Design and flow specification, subsurface soil conditions and site plan details will have to be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). This impact is not considered significant due to the anticipated project compliance with established requirements of the SCSC and the SCDHS and the required relevant permits. For Further Information: Contact Person: Robert G. Kassner Address: Planning Board Telephone Number: (516) 765-1938 cc: John P. Cahill, DEC Albany Suffolk County Dept. of Health Suffolk County Water Authority Judith Terry, Town Clerk Southold Town Building Dept. Applicant LEGAE NOTICE- Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law,and Article XXV of the code of the Town of Southold,a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, of the Town Hall, Main Road, STATE OF NEW S K) Southold,New York in said Town on the ) $S: 3rd day of November,1997 on the ques- tion of the following: QQQ��AUNTY OF SUFFpp L 7:30tlin Public hearing for the ells I ' \�� (� nd posedamline change for Sry allie W f, in LIA 1 tLJ �� of Mattituek, in and James Town ofaSouthold,County of said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she SuffolkCounty state o New York Suffolk3-13- is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a County Tex Map Number 1(100-113-13- I&2. Weekly Newspaper, published at Mattituck, in The property is bordered on the north by Westphalia Rd.;on the east by land the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and now or formerly of James F. Reeve& State of New York, and that the Notice of which others, by land now or fomruly of Arthur L Baldwin,by land now or for- the annexed is a printed copy, has been regular- merly of Frederick Cavaliere, by land now or formerly of Howard &Judith ly published in said Newspaper once each week Koehl,by land now or formerly of Alex for weeks s cc ss vely, ommencing on Zaneski Jr.&wife,by land now or for- , an and of John T.&Kathleen M.Rave, the day of 9 � and by Bennet's Pond Lane; on the south by land now or formerly of the (amity of George H. Horton, and by land now or(ormelry of Pimra;and on the west by land now or formerly of George, by land now or formerly of Fowler, by land now or formerly of Principal Clerk Husak, by land now or formerly of Giannone,and by land now or formerly of Kellner. 7:35 PM.Public hearing for the pro- t./... posed site plan for Robert W.Sorenson, Sworn to before me this in Orient,Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk - day of 19 7 County Tax Map Number 1000-25-2- 20.18. The property is bordered on the north by land now or formerly of Frederick C. Tabor and Janet Tabor and by land now of formerly of David M. Latham and l� o hers; on the eau by Tabor Road;on the south by land now or formerly of Richard J.Gillooly;and on The west by land now or formerly of Richard J. Gillooly. Dated:October 27,1997 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOL.D TOWN PLANNNING BOARD Bennett Orlowski,Jr. Chairman 1186-1TO30 i o- ENDER: $ •compete Rama 1 andfor 2 for additional ENDER: n aComplete Rams 3,4a,and 4b. 'B -Complete items 1 andfor 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the 4 •Print your name and address on the revs p •Complete items 3,4a,and 4b. fo]Wng services(for an L card to you. $ sprint your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): 88 •Attach this form to the morn of tt»ma Upi; cam to you. w t, ❑ Addressee's Address pemm. -Attach this torn to the nom of the ma 1p ace,or on the beck R ace epee not d4 p aWrite'Retum Receipt Requested'on the permit. •The Return Receipt will show to wham th p •Write'Refvm Receipt Requested'on the meilptece below dre article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery delivered. •The Return Receipt wis show to whom the&#We was delivered and the date 0 3.Article Addressed to: o delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3.Article Addressed to: 4a.Article Number F U Iw/�U�IV.W/l� g 3 `nv/q'�� °• �/j�,(�" 4b. erviceTp a jp3 [3 Registered 29.Cerfifted a ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured ❑ RetualRecelpt for rchandise ❑ COD 7.Date e ry 0 5.R c ive : Print a c' IVAI ( 5. v (Print N S.Addressee Address(Only f/requested rq In and fee is paid) i a 6.SXrLeture: (A resse T g a°. h77//��A_N-Y�lr/ 6.Si atytp, t p X /ll� Ps Form 3811, December 1994 PS Form 3 1, Decemberlgb4 Domestic Return Receipt ENDER: v_ .Complete Rema t andior 2 for additional services. p •Complete items 3,4a,and 4b. ish to receive the I lalso sofolowV w a •Prim your name and address on the reverse of this lomr ac that we can return this g services(for an m card to you. extra fee): ` Attach this form to the nom of the mailpiece, does 1 Of on the bade if space dnot 8 permit. . ❑ Addressee's Address "delivered. Return Receipt wsu show to whom the ed-on the andee mbelow deliverred and the the da a 2• ❑ Restricted Delivery ill delivered. o Consult Postmaster for fee. v S.Article Adddrr�essedtto: +wI 4a.A 'de N mbar 4b. ervicf Type E a V6 & Z ❑ Registered ,Certified II x ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured £ ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD 7.Date of D@livgp�. 5. e'ved eyi(Print Name !r5 ,5 7 6.Addressee's Address(Only if requested 'r 4 h dry / ;z e and fee is paid) C 6. nature: Addressee orA ant) p X Form 3811, Decemb a Domestic Return Receipt AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as 3 oo Tc Imo,v- fid by placing the Town's official poster notices(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has reMained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on IJpuQ�Ml�✓ �, 1997. I have sent notices, by certified mail, the receipts of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the above mentioned property on 1997. Your name (print) 1414 l--� Signature Address Date Not Public C►►a��n10ei/WEanLTOVWIBM L /FbOnMft.8 ��mok"FOb4I-K- OtMONOWYNk 00 PLEASE RETURN THISAFFIDA WTAND CERT/FIED MAIL RECEIPTS ON THE DAY OF, OR AT THE PUBLIC HEARING Re:- Sorcn6on SCTM#: (0oo- 25 -2-2o . 18 Date of Hearing:_ 11/3/q7 .+RCaIT'c_:JRAL RS/l E-/ CJMMI �QSkif�0�� RK Town Hall, 53095 'lain Road ?aCC!- �. irowrt :a rmt-. ia.[.cng Yvj `�` P.O. Box 1179 Z Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 1 ,i Telephone (516) 765-1938 22Yna1C5 �4[a n[. :f. O\ _LR'3CeG8 lVil3n � �O� Jne[xi ss: Nanan/Cfe-scar. �' ' �:iana '/an iunn Soua:oa/?xnic PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 4oware 'neinke :aarlu,c['t.[ure, November 3 , 1997 rave i[urrioio 2aoer X<rth Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer 4l Planning Board Office qI Town of Southold 3 � Main Road 19 Southold, New York 11971 ��. _- SOU( �0�D Tu':PN PLANh.tiG�:U.:�D RE : Architectural Review Committee Meeting L_r_-- 9 : 00 A.M. , Monday November 3 , 1997 Dear Bob; The Architectural Review Committee held a meeting as indicated above and submits the following report of it' s findings : Sorenson Carpentry Tabor Road, Orient, New York Tax Map # 1000-25-02-20 . 18 The committee was unanimous in it' s opinion that the applicant, Mr. Sorenson be highly commended for his efforts to develop an extremely attractive building. The proposed structure is totally in keeping with the character of the area and serves as an example of the quality of design which will no doubt prove to be an asset to not only the hamlet of. Orient but also the Town of Southold. Accordingly, this application is approved as submitted with the following conditions : * Submittal for approval of the window muntin detail if other than an "Authantic Divided Light" detail is proposed. * Submittal for approval of the proposed stain or paint colors to be used on the siding and roofing if they are not to be left uncolored or "natural" . * Submittal for approval of the proposed exterior lighting fixtures style, material and color prior to ordering. r Page Two Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer Novenber 3 , 1997 * Submittal for approval of the proposed leaders ("downspouts") including size, quantity, material, color and locations on the building. In addition we made the following observations; * The overall building height may exceed Southold Town Zoning requirements when the cupolas, which are an important element in the design, are considered. * The proposed wood stove appears to be in direct conflict with the required egress stairs from the second floor. * The drawings do not indicate they have been prepared by a design professional, licensed to practice in the State of New York. Please advise this committee upon receipt of the above at which time we will re-convene and respond to the Board with our final comments . Very truly yours, Garrett A. Strang, Architect Co-Chairman ARC i 0 • REQUIREMENT'$ FOR SITE PLAN- ELIy .FW17S & CERTIFICA'T'ION % SECTION-BLOCK-LOT TAX MAP NUMBERS a NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OF RECORD % NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON PREPARING MAP % DATE, NORTH POINT AND WRITTEN & GRAPHIC SCALE % DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY & INFORMATION TO DEFINE BOUNDARIES % LOCATIONS , NAMES & EXISTING WIDTHS OF ADJACENT STREETS & CURDS % LOCATION & OWNERS OF ALL ADJOINING LANDS , AS SHOWN ON. TAX RECORDS LOCATION & PURPOSE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS COMPLETE OUTLI14E OF EXISTING DEED RESTRIC'PIONS APPLYING TO PRGPERTY % EXISTING ZONING AREAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING Oil STORM WATER OVERFLOWS WATER COURSES , MARS11rS , WOODED AREAS , TREES B" ICJ DIAMLTER Oil MORE % ANY BUILDING WITHIN 100 ' OF PROPERTY % PAVED AREAS , SIDEWALKS, VEHICULAR ACCESS TO PUULIC STREETS EXISTING SEWERS , CULVERTS , WATERLINES WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO PROPERTY — FENCING LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING % PROPOSED BUILDINGS OR sTRUC'CURAI. IMPIIOVI,MENTS % OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS OUTDOOR LIGATING OR PUIlLiC ADDRESS SYSIT MS OUTDOOR SIGNS • 239K SIDEWALKS LOCATIONS WIDTHS : SIZE OF WATER AND SEWER LINES Off street parking by authority of the Southold Town Planning Board. Lighting & signage to comply with all requirements of Town Code. All fencing, screening & landscaping to comply with Planning Board requirements. Curb cut access as required by N. Y. S. D. 0. T. Health Department approval Ref #C10-97-009 Pursuant to Article VI 100-91A(13&14), the proposed workshop is a permitted use in a (B) District. This site plan Ta Map #1000-02500-020018 dated 10/20/97 is hereby certified G � sh Building Insp4ctor P DRIENT \ FARE D1111 •' ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957 516-323-2445 • Fax 516-323-9706 October 30, 1997 Chairman Bennett Orlowski Southold Town Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Sorenson Carpentry Dear Chairman: This letter is to notify you that we have reviewed the site plan for the above mentioned and at this time will not require any firewells be placed on the property. There is adequate fire protection in this area. Our recommendation will expire one year from the date of this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, Cl�l-i�lp Cynthia Caprise Caprise Fire District Secretary-Treasurer i NOV yi FFO(,�co 6 Kc RAYMOND L. JACOB• C* J•ES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERINTENDENT p ENGINEER SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax. (516)-765- 1750 Tel.(516)-765-3070 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 28, 1997 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sorenson Carpentry - Tabor Road, Orient SCTM #: 1000-25-02-20.18 Dear Mr. Orlowski : As per your request, I have reviewed the drainage calculations for the above referenced development. Roof drain calculations were provided on the site plan and these calculations meet the minimum requirements of the Town Code but they should have also included calculations for additional run-off that would be generated by the stone driveway. Run-off coefficients for blue stone blend surfaces should be 0.6. If Oil & Stone or Asphalt is used the run-off coefficient should be 1. Calculations for run-off and the drainage design should be modified accordingly to include this area. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact my office. Sin ly, mes A. Richter, R.A. cc: Raymond L. Jacobs (Superintendent of Highways) 7ri " L,iE; OCT 2 9 ,, 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSti��� �Gy� d p k, Town all, 53095 Main Road < H BENNET hORLOWSKI,JR. w aiman 2 P.O. Box 1179 W ^� Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y • !� Fax(516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS4J O GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G.WARD == PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 22, 1997 Garrett A Strang 1230 Travelers Street Southold, NY 11971 RE: Review of Sorenson Carpentry Tabor Road, Orient SCTM# 1000-25-2-20.18 Dear Mr. Strang, Elevation drawings for your committee's review are in the ARC's box at the Planning Board office. The Board is trying to expedite this site plan and give possible final approval on November 3, 1997. The Board would appreciate an early review. Call me if you have any questions. Soe el .� Site Plan Reviewer • S4r fC • PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS yYy�� OG y�� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. '� o J P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. � 1 �aO,, Telephone (516) 765-1938 Jf K,- RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOliTHOLD TO: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE : Sorenson Carpentry Tabor Road, Orient SCTM# 1000-25-2-20 . 18 DATE: October 22 , 1997 Please review the attached for certification. The Planning Board would appreciate an expedited review as it plans to give possible final review on November 3, 1997 . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 7 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSHI,JR. i Co - P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS 'S • �'y KENNETH L.EDWARDS ~�y�01 aO�G Telephone (516)Fax(516) 765-3136 -3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. 7 ( 33 j% RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 22, 1997 Cynthis Caprise, Secretary Orient Fire District 23300 Main Rd. Orient, NY_ 11944 Dear Ms. Caprise: Enclosed please find one (1) survey dated —1997, for Soren e SCTM, 1000- 2-5- 2-20 18 0 The enclosed site plan is being referred to you for fire access review and for your recommendations as to whether any fire- wells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. ❑ The enclosed subdivision is being referred to ,you for your : cr;;orr;- mendation at to whether any firewells are needed. Please whether firewells are shallow or electric. Please reply by e=+ 12) 1997. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, This is an expedited request a, 1w 1,oard plans to give possible final approval on ;4ovu;ihej. 1997. Please call if this is a problem— Bob Kassner at above number. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. o - v P.O. Box 1179 N 2 Y Chairman y T ; Southold,New York 11971 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Fax (516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Telephone(516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. `3- J11 RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: James Richter, Town Engineer FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Review of drainage for Sorenson Carpentry Tabor Road, Orient SCTM# 1000-25-2-20 . 18 Please review the attached for drainage . The Board would appreciate an expedited review as it plans to give possible final approval on November 3, 1997 . cc: Raymond L. Jacobs , Superintendent of Highways �gUffO(K PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSy�� �OGy p 4 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. p :� Chairman P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS p • Southold, New York 11971 y KENNETH L.EDWARDS Fax:(516) 765-3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. — l�o Telephone (516) 765-1938 RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 22, 1997 Robert W. Sorenson P.O. Box 253 Orient, NY 11957 RE: Proposed site plan for Sorenson Carpentry SCTM# 1000-25-2-20.18 Dear Mr. Sorenson: The final public hearing for the above mentioned site plan, is set for Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:35 p.m, on the plans dated October 20, 1997. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The sign and notification form are enclosed for your use. Please return the endorsed Affidavit of Posting and the signed green return receipts from the certified mailings on the day of, or at the public hearing. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, a .� Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. Notice of Hearing A public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property: O"ER(S) OF RECORD: Robert & Rachel Sorenson NAME OF APPLICATION: Site plan for Robert Sorenson REFERENCE/TAX MAP #: 1000-25-2-20. 18 SUBJECT OF HEARING: To construct a 2,960 square foot building on a 1 acre site. TIME & DATE HEARING: November 3, 1997 at 7:35 p.m. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. PLANNING BOARD — TOWN OF SOUTHOLD — (516) 765-1938 Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Proposed site plan for Robert W. Sorenson, SCTM#100025-2-20.18, located on Tabor Road, in Orient. 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the General Business (B) zone. 4. That the application is to construct a 2,960 square foot building on a 1 acre site. (See enclosed map.) 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and .4 p.m. Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board office at (516) 765-1938. 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:35 p.m, in the meeting hall at Soutnold Town Hall, Main Rd., Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owners Name(s): Date: Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: H(s• So(enso, Subject: SOf (Mn Carptntn, SCTjl#: 1000- ZS Z- ZU' Date: )OIZ2-I q 1 Comments: ( I p10.n5 j'_i ; OCT 2 2 1�` P� Subneissiou Without a Cover Letter Seeder: �J r • Sorenson Subject: So(en5on Ca(Pe'OtrI � C hem SCTM#: 1000-25-2-2-6- 18 Date: I o k-1191 Comments: — $ 2-2-4-Q) - s�4-- plan app . OCT z I ii LL? t 4 '5177- L..G aA71 ON AC RAi yl - not to Scale 517E! PLAN 5ITUATF_ : ORIENT T®WN OF 5®U7H®LD �U��OLK COUNTY NSW Y®RK MAIN ROAD S.R. 25 ' i -02500-0200-020018 000OLK COUNTY TAX MAF NUMBER 1000SUFFOLK I 7E NOTES: SURVEYED: 7-18-97 � I WELL _TI AMENDED: 10-14-97, 10-20-97 6 - NOW OR FORMERLY A/ DAVID M, LATHAM AND OTHERS aJ LOT FALLS IN ZONE B GENERAL BUSINESS /• I j (BARN No well OR SEPTIC) ■ = CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO NGVD ' 29 \ NOW OR FORMERLY FREDERICK C TABOR s BARNOSED=BUILDING AREA EXISTING= 0 S . F . JANET TABOR BARN PROP2960 S . F � \ (SWELLING) I AREA = 1 00 ACRES \ \ / Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey map bearing a licensed land surveyor s seal is a violation of section 7209, sub-division 2, of the New York State Education Law EL= 16 z ° ' " DIRT DRI � L= 16 . \ N S$ 2� 4� E 2 1 8 . 3 2 Only copies from the or ythe of this survey EL= 16 , 5 smarkedtamps with an or igloo] of the Lantl surveyor 's stamps seal shall be consa tered to be vslid true TEST HOLE DE7AILcop1P5' rat t0 5G0 le 1 c r Certifications indicated nereon signify that this UT _Isurvey was prepared in accordance with the ex- - csting Code of Practice for Land Surveys adopted O PC by the New York State As sac cation of Professional Land Surveyors Said certifications shall run only Q) to the person for whom the survey is prepared. and On his behalf to the title company, governmen- _ tai agency antl lending institution listed hereon, and LOAM DL PROPOSED STONE DRIVEWAY or su to the assignees of the lerding institution CertificinstitutionsBROWN SILTY tions are not transferable to additional institutions TYPICALpseauent owners WELL " ' — — — \ m I s BROWN LOAMY of NEW y . . . Y10t t0 5'G¢� esilt ML \ a _ --- p- � �ir ! '� ,c o vaNeeryev w"ot BROWN SILTY SAND BY RD T - - - 1 y 32 . 0 a2 PL LCH' U' e apI. o a p ° 20ry o N v , s LIC No. 50202 r k Z O a P�o 8 �o _ ft7z tD CC _ N Q LO JOHN S LANG SURVEYOR BROWN FINE w� TO COARSE SAND acs m U CF) 5 EAST MAIN STREET 00.04 ""!a" aue"anareta WITH 10% GRAVEL \ �RD } H o CF) RIVERHEAD, N. Y . 11901 EAir ire SW o¢ >_ R..1 40 D ' LE1' — 110 . 5 a71 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 ICE o THREE BAYC Do I LU at \ CO GARAGE o 3 30 O _ _ � WATER IN o — = I RD 1 \ 40 . D CD LL1� BROWN FINE Q 50 ' TO COARSE O 16 32 . 0 ' 00 Ifln� SAND WITH Wk= 10% GRAVEL SW PDJ test hole 00 y/L , P 5 J e1 = 16 . 0 TEST HOLE 9Y m 35 •\ Q 4 MCDONALD GEOSCIENCE co ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW (DENSITY) e-15-s7 I /L.RE RlI Z E / ALLOWABLE FLOW FOR SITE. (300 GPO/ACRE) X ( 1 ACRE) = 300 GPD SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS DRY RETAIL: (2960) X (2 FURS) =5920 S . F 7 , 1 5920 S . F X (0 04) =237 GPD SEPTIC TANK, PRD REQUIRED: 237 GPD X 2 = 474 GPD WEL PROVIDED ( 1) 1000 GPD MONO TANK L _ — BUILDING ENVELOPE — — — — — — — LEaGHINr, Pools: REQUIRED237 GPD / 1 5 GPD = 356 5 F , SEPTIC 5Y5TEM DETAIL ru - PROVIDED: (2) B ' SIA . X 8 ' DEEP = 402 5 F . n NOT TO 5GALE EL-15 . 1 EL 15 6 EL=1r J, ROOF DRAIN CALCULATIONS PRCIII STRUCTURE, AND r OVAONERI TO SKAVe S87 -47 ' 30 " W 218 . 37 ' 2560 S F BLDG X 0 . 1" RAINFALL = 503 C . F . OF STORAGE REQUIRED rINI3HGD FIRST FLOOR X4) 8 DIAMETER X 4 ' DEEP POOLS = 800 C OF STORAGE PROVIDED E EVATIoN - IMS IDDHNI CAST IRON FRAME AND r rlMeNev COVER TO bRADE NOW OR FORMERLY r atice � RICHARD J GILLOOLv ZE BF NEW Y - a4 unix MAkoMar CNI s (VACANT) yl Q�NGE ' TL *'f _ L MABONIIr _ rt ,y S Gry MIN, GNIMNCY r Q a f G UNGRETE ie o I/4" FER F a u° I'MIN n 1 FOUNDATION - MINIMUM Pp�GH Ie I y MAx 5HALLOW y v� t 'NEIN. 4" DIA, PIPE Ian 1e39 I/8" PAR FOOT is DDMe 'hp0 037959-1 aV\ 1- MINIMUM PITC N I°I° a^ MIN 4" DIA. PIPe - p9pFESS10NP� I l 4'MIN RMIEIIII� r 401 ooDOIC MONOLITHIC ® r GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "= 20 ' Q "i SEPTIC TANK �'� d N. Y S . LIC, No 32-z5'176 . sod sF, WRENCE M. TUTHILL G MINIMUM 0 20 40 60 PROFESSIONAL N. ENGINEER SIDE wqu g' j }" REMOVdf IMPCRNIOUS SOIL WITHIN S AKA Y Em HORIZONTALLY AND 0' VERTICALLY. 'EAOKFILL WITH CLEAN MATERIAL "F W 9' MINIMUM SEFAMTION FROM 5MASONAL HIOH BROOD HATER l i� OMAI$ONAL HIGHe��ty� - - bROUND WATER ; off2 2 ��I d "Y' I+/- G